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Tiptoq'0 Dljotogitopfjic View?


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Tipton's Photographic Views




Other Photographs of General Interest.

W. H. Tipton,

No. 3 Main Street, .-. Gettysburg, Pa.


J. E. WIBLE, STEAM PRINTER, CARLISLE STREET, (SECOND SQUARE). 1894. Prices and Instructions for Ordering.

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Photographic Views oi the Battlefield of Gettysburg,


The following subjects are kept in stock mounted, unmounted or "sheet" pictures are printed up to order. When ordering please state the number of the subject,- size, and style of mounting desired. The sizes in this list are Extra, Large, Medium, Cabinet and Stereoscopic which are mounted in a variety of styles, hence purchasers ordering by mail should consult page opposite

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rt 4; M Cemetery and Cemetery Hill. J 2

713 713 7'3 Gateway to Soldiers' National Cemetery. 599 Gateway " " " 711 711 711 603 Statue of Gen'l Reynolds—Soldiers' Nat. Cemetery. 315 967 Superintendent's Lodge—Soldiers' Nat. Cemetery. 534 Soldiers' National Cemetery—General View from Lodge 821 821 " " « " " " " " 7*4 7M 7 r 4 59i Monument—Soldiers' Nat. Cemetery. 743 743 " National Cemetery—General View. 505 *Gateway of Nat. Cemetery—Orphans' Home and . 508 *ln Soldiers' Nat. Cemetery—Graves and Gateway.: 518 In " " " —Looking to Round Top. SiQ SiQ 519 In " " " —The Rostrum. 068 968 In " " " —Sec. of Unknown Graves and Mon't. 833 833 833 In « « _ « « « 544 *In " " " — " " " 838 *In " " " —Flower Urn. 856 In " '* " —View from Monument. 901 In " " " —View from Rostrum. 820 *In « " " — 966 In " " " —The Summer House. 405 fin " " " —From Rostrum looking toward R. Top 3" In " " " —Frost effects. ^12 In " " " — Frost effects. 59° 59° S90 In " " " — Minnesota Section of Graves. 606 In " " " —Indiana " " 607 In " " " —New York " " 7°5 In f " " —Penn'a " " 55°- In " " " —New Hamp. " " 575 In " " —Delaware " " 576 In " " " —Rhode Island " "

562^ In " 1 " " —Maine " " 5b4 5^4 In " " " —Michigan " '* 6i5 In " " " —Vermont " " 616 In " ,...« " —Mass. " " " 617 In " '• " —Connecticut " 618 In " " " —New Jersey " "

*In Stereo size only. fin Cabinet size only. Tipton's Gettysburg Photographs.

V <% s a •B V Cemetery and Cemetery Hill, (continued.) w — 2 Dai

619 In Soldiers' Nat. Cemetery —Maryland Section of Uraves. 620 In " " " —W. Virginia " " 621 In " " " —Ohio " 622 In " " — Illinois " " 623 In " " " — Wisconsin " *In Sol. Nat. Cem.—Sem Ridge from Nat. Mon. occupied by Pick- 595 ett's and Anderson's Div. on the 3rd, also the field across which | they made their desperate charge leaving 1500 dead. 513 513 513 Monument of Gen. Jas. Gettys— Founder Gettysburg—Everg. Cem. 5 17 517 View in Evergreen Cemetery. 327 568 Gateway of Evergreen Cemetery, (327 taken 1863). 718 718 Gateway of Evergreen Cemetery and Portion of Nat. Cem. 729 *Sunshine and Shadow, Evergreen Cemetery. S66 566 The Grave of John Burns, " " 614 614 The Grave of Jennie Wade, " " 745 745 , showing batteries and works. 4°3 501 Earthworks and Cannon, East Cemetery Hill. 715 Redans on East Cem. Hill, Culp's Hill in background. 720 From Observatory, showing Orph'ns Home, Sem. and Sem. Ridge. 721 721 721 721 From " " Gettysburg, Reservoir, Rifle Pits, &c. 722 722 From " Looking to Round Top. " 7 2 3 *From Culp's Hill. 724 *From " G. A. R. Camp, 1878. 735 From " G. A. R. Camp, 1880. 725 From " Looking Northeast. 737 *From " Weccaco Legion Band and Group. From " East Cemetery Hill in foreground, showing stone 2015 2015 wall and batteries looking over Gettysburg to Seminary Ridge, Reynolds' Grove, etc. 596 Rifle Pits on East Cemetery Hill. 601 601 601 Inside View of Union line from Cemetery to Round Top, Showing Meade's Headquarters and Round Top. 600 Southwest portion of National Cemetery from which Union guns had a raking fire on confederates in their charge July 3rd, 1863. 717 717 Battlefield Observatory, East Cemetery Hill. 738 East Cemetery Hill and G. A. R. Camp, from Stevens' Knoll. 739 Scene during G. A. R. Camp, July, '80. 740 Observatory taken during Camp, '80. 744 744 Gettysburg, from East Cemetery Hill. 851 851 »5i 851 Culp's Hill, from East Cemetery Hill. 852 East Cemetery Hill and Gateway of Evergreen Cemetery. 213 fCamp U. S. Grant, G. A. R., '85, from Evergreen Cemetery. 214 fCamp " " from Observatory looking towards Culp's Hill.

215 fCamp ' " " from Observatory, looking South. 216 (Camp " " from Observatory, looking toward Gettysburg. 300 Culp's Hill, from East Cemetery Hill, showing Stevens' Knoll and Bloody lane. 301 Stone Wall at base of East Cemetery Hill, along Bloody lane. 3°5 From East Cemetery Hill looking North-east. 353 Soldiers' National Monument, in course of erection showing derrick. 358 From Stevens' Knoll, showing position of one of 5th Maine guns, and looking over ground occupied by Louisiana Tigers. 357 Cemetery Hill from Stevens' Knoll, the point charged by Louisiana Tigers, Bloody lane and a portion of Gettysburg. 404 404 404 East Cemetery Hill from Stevens' Knoll. 2005 726 Soldiers' National Cemetery from Battlefield Observatory. 736 73<> 736 736 Soldiers' National Cemetery from Battlefield Observatory. 719 Soldiers' National Cemetery from Battlefield Observatory. 836 In Statue of War on Monument. 8.37 In Statue of War and History on Monum't. 8,SS 855 In Statue of Plenty and Peace on " 218 2lb 218 fin Statues of War on Monument. 219 219 219 fin History on Monument. 220 220 220 tin Plenty, on Monument. 221 221 221 tin Peace, on Monument. 592 In Seminary Ridge from National Monum't, position left of 1st Corps, July 1. Confed. Artillery 2nd and 3rd.

In Stereo size only. tin Cabinet size only. Part First.

Cemetery and Cemetery Hill. (Concluded)

593 *In Soldiers' National Cemetery —Seminary Ridge from National Monument, position of left of 1st Corps, July 1st — Hill's Corps, 2nd and 3rd. *In Soldiers' National Cemetery—Seminary Ridge from National Monument—Confed. position 2, and 3, left of Pickett's charge. 1231 1231 1231 1231 New York State Monument in National Cemetery 1236 1236 1236 1236 New York State Mon. and Unknown graves from near Nat. Mon. 2071 2071 Gettysburg, from top of New York State Monument. 2072 2072 East Cemetery Hill, from top of New York State Monument. 2073 2073 Culp's Hill, Stevens' Knoll and Wolf Hill from top of New York State Monument. 2074 2074 Soldiers' National Cemetery from top of N. Y. State Monument. 2075 2075 Looking to where Pickett's forces formed and showing ground over which they charged July 3rd, 1863, from top of N. Y. State Mon. 2076 2076 Looking to Seminary Ridge and showing Theological Seminary and Grove where Gen. Reynolds was killed July 1st 1863, from top of New York State Monument. 2077 2077 View of Soldiers' National Cemetery, from top of N. Y. State Mon 2078 2078 View of Culp's Hill, Stevens' Knoll and Wolf Hill, from top of New York State Monument. Round Tops and Devil's Den 555 555 Big and Little Round Tops. 2004 2004 Big and Little Round Tops, Valley of Death in foreground. 503 At the Round Tops. The Valley of Death. 553 Natural Fortifications on . 708 870 704 Round Top from the Devil's Den. 747 Looking from Devil's Den to Round Top. mo 1110 Looking from Devil's Den to Round Top. 2036 2036 2036 I 10 From Little Round Top looking to Wheat field, &c, and showing Warren Statue. 374 From Little Round Top looking to Devil's Den. From Little Round Top looking over Valley of Death to Wheat Field.

From 1 .ittle Round Top looking over Valley of Death to Wheat Field. Where Col. Fred. Taylor fell. *Artillery opposite Round Top. *Artillery rear Devil's Den. Rock where Gen. Weed and Lieut. Hazlett were killed. L. R. T. *The Summit of Little Round Top. . From where Col. Fred. Taylor was killed. Looking across the swale from Devil's Den to Little Round Top. 359 936 View from little Round Top showing 155th Penn'a Monument. 1 109 1 109 1 109 nog Looking over boulders of Devil's Den to Little Round Top. 584 *Glen on Plum Run. 826 *Path to Observatory—Big Round Top. 830 Observatory— Big Round Top. 357 View on Big Round Top. 2006 2006 From Observatory on Big Round Top, looking South-east. 2020 2020 From Observatory on Big Round Top, looking over L. R. Top. 2021 2021 From Observatory on Big Round Top, looking South over ground occupied by reserve forces, wagon trains, hospitals, &c, joins 2020 on right. From Observatory on Big Round Top looking South-west joins 2021 on right. *From Big Round Top looking to Cemetery Hill. The Spynx—Big Round Top. fThe Valley of Death—looking North-east from ne.ir Devil's Den. Round Top from the West. Round Top, taken in 1863. Little Round Top, taken in 1863. View on slope of Little Round Top, Vincent's position. Round Top from . From Little Round Top (A) showing Big Round top. From Little Round Top (B) looking to Devil's Den and Confed. position.

Notk : — For regimental monuments in National Cemetery, see part II. *In Stereo size only. fin Cabinet size only. Tipton's Gettysburg Photographs.


365 From Little Round Top (C) looking over Valley of Death to Wheat Field, &c. 366 From Little Round Top (D) looking toward Gettysburg and over ground of Pickett's charge. 378 Signal Rock on 1 ittle Round Top. 38l Fortification on Little Round Top, looking towards Devil's Den. 382 On Little Round Top, showing Gibb's battery Monument. 383 Fortifications on Little Round Top, looking towards Cemetery Hill. 2007 From Little Ronnd Top, looking towards Gettysburg, showing from Little Round Top to Gulp's Hill and Cemetery, Trostle's, Wei- kert's, Codori's, Roger's, Houses, &c. 2009 Looking to Devil's Den from Little Round Top. 2010 Looking to Round Top from Little Round Top. 2012 2013 2OI3 From Summit of Little Round Top showing 91st Pa. Mon. Cannon. Wheat Field, Peach Orchard, &c. 2016 From Little Round Top, showing Signal Rock, and looking over Union line of battle to Gulp's Hill and Cemetery Hill. 2017 From same point and joins 2016 on left showing Wheat Field, &c. 2018 From same point and joins 2017 on left showing Devil's Den. 2019 From same point and joins 2018 on left showing Round Top. ( 2044 From Little Round Top, showing 155th Monument looking towards Gettysburg and Bloody Angle 2046 From Big Round Top, showing the ground over which Law's Ala- bama Brigade advanced from Seminary to Round Top. 2047 Big Round Top. The point charged over by Law's Ala. Brigade. 204S View between the Round Tops—showing Vincent Statue. 201 fThe Round Tops from Zook Monument 224 {Summit of Little and Big Round Tops. 227 j-Guns and Monument. Summit of Little Round Top. 232 fView From Little Round Top. 233 f View on Little Round Top. 234 f View on Little Round Top. 235 {View in Woods on Little Round Top, position of 121st N. Y. 396 Little Round Top. 397 397 397 The Round Tops from Emmittsburg road. 853 853 853 853 Devil's Den. Front view. 854 854 854 854 Devil's Den. Rear view. 542 Devil's Den. Rear view. 539 Devil's Den. East view. 537 Devil's Den. Interior. 585 View of Devil's Den—(1863.) 587 View of Devil's Den— (1863). 562 562 The Spring at Devil's Den. 55° Large Rocks at Devil's Den. 54° Granite Boulders at Devil's Den. 538 Table Rock, or overhanging boulder of Devil's Den. 376 238 fPlum Run and Devil's Den. 586 Near Devil's Den. Position occupied by Confed. Sharpshooters. 2045 2045 From Devil's Den to Little Round Top. Ground over which Robert- son's Texas Brigade charged. 1229 1229 1229 1229 Devil's lien— Profile. 1230 1230 1230 1230 Devil's Den—Side view. 2061 2061 View from Little Round Top, showing Summit, 91st Penn'a Monu- ment, Big Round Top in background. 2062 2062 View trom Little Round Top (joining 2061 on right), showing Forti- fications, Valley of Death, Devil's Den and numerous monuments. 2063 2063 View from Little Round Top (joining 2062 on right) showing War- ren Statue and numerous monuments looking over Valley of Death to Wheat field, Peach Orchard, etc. 2064 2064 View from Little Round Top (joining 2063 on right) showing 155th Penn'a and other monuments and looking to copse and angle and .

Culp's Hill and Vicinity. 851 851 851 851 Gulp's Hill from East Cemetery Hill. 512 Culp's Hill from Evergreen Cemetery. 521 On Culp's Hill— Breast works occupied by Confederates July 2/63.

In Stereo size only. fin Cabinet size only. Part First.

6 <*Jg Culp'S Hill and Vicinity. (Concluded).

522 *On Gulp's Hill—Effects of musketry. 523 *On " " Effects of musketry on trees. 533 *On " " Effects of Union Shot and shell. 536 *On *' " Fortifications in front of Green's Brigade 580 *On " " Trenches in which Confederate dead were buried. 732 On " " Wadsworth's field works. 37° 865 865 On " " Breastworks, showing Gettysburg in distance. 1 100 *On '' " Boulder in front of position of Green's Brig. not On " " Tree showing effect of musketry. 1 102 On " " Tree showing effect of shell. 1 103 1 103 On " " Veterans of '63 — (Bullet Scarred Trees). 212 fOn " " Showing Knap's Battery Monument. 385 On " " View front of position of Green's Brigade. 386 On " " Along Works of Green's Brigade. S5i 55i 55i 55i Spangler's Spring. 733 *Stevens' Knoll looking to Cemetery Hill. 1104 1 104 Stevens' Knoll and Earthworks from Gulp's Hill. 1 105 1 105 Earthworks from Stevens' Knoll to Gulp's Hill. 362^ 567 Along the line of Union works on Gulp's Hill, looking North-west from Confederate Monument. 2003 Breastworks on Gulp's Hill. 514 *The woods from which 2nd Mass. and 27th Ind. charged July 3, '63. 515 *Meadow over which 2nd Mass and 27th Ind. charged July 3, '63. 516 *The woods to right from which 2nd Mass and 27th Ind. issued, when they charged across the swale against Johnston's Div. who occupied grove to left, 3rd Wis. 13th New Jersey and 107th N. Y. occupied works to right and 150th New York open ground behind Stone wall 37 1 On Gulp's Hill, works of Green's Brigade. 372 On Gulp's Hill, works of Green's Brigade, joins 371. 373 On Culp's Hill, works of Green's Brigade, joins 372. 633 Looking from Culp's Hill to Round Top. The meadow over which the 2nd Mass. and 27th Ind. charged on 2056 2056 morning of July 3rd, showing woods to left from which they emerged—woods to right occupied by Confederates of Johnston's Division, Ewell's Corps, 3rd Wis , 13th N. J., and 107th N. Y. in woods to left 150th N. Y., behind second stone wall in picture. Rock Creek. 1136 1 136 McAllister's Dam. Rock Creek. 387 Old Grist Mill. Rock Creek. 388 Rock Creek, the fording at McAllister's. 588 *Rock Creek. 502 *Rock Creek, below Culp's Hill. 504 *Rock Creek, Johnston's position, July 2nd, 1863. 53i *Rock Creek at base of Culp's Hill. 858 *From Rock Creek looking to Culp's and East Gem. Hills. Gettysburg- -Views of and in the Town. 500 *House of Gen. James Gettys, founder of Gettysburg. 509 509 509 Pennsylvania College, (1878), used as Hospital. 641 641 " " Penn'a Hall as remodeled 1890. "' 610 610 ' " Preparatory Department. 1 '" 612 612 " 1 Astronomical Observatory. 831 " " *lnterior view of old Linnsan Hall, east side

1 and cases. 832 " " *Interior view of old Linnaean Hall, west side and cases. .> 313 . !' " Old College -Building. 624 624 624 624 >-'' " New Building, (main). 624^ 624% - " " New Building, the Museum. 625 625 " " Gymnasium Building. 625% 625K " : " Gymnasium, interior. 626 6z6: " " Laboratory Building. " 626% " . Laboratory, Interior.

*In Stereo size only. fin Cabinet size only. Tipton's Gettysburg- Photographs.

0) *s S txo

CS Ji - Gettysburg- -Views of and in the Town.

627 627 Pennsylvania College, Brua Memorial Chapel. " 627^ 627J4 *' Brua Memorial Chapel , Interior. 628 628 " " Phi Kappa Psi Chapter House. 629 629 " " Sigma Chi Chapter House. 630 63O " " Phi Gamma Delta Chapter House. 1801 1801 " " Interior Phrenakosmian Hall. 1802 1802 " " Interior Philomathean Hall. 648 648 " " General view of Grounds and Buildings. 649 649 " " Library. 650 650 " " Steam Heat Plant. 57° *Stratton street looking South from York street (1863). 11 14 Main street from centre square. i"5 Carlisle street from centre square. 1116 York street from centre square 1117 1117 1117 Baltimore street, from centre square. 5IO 5io House in which Jennie Wade was killed. 559 Residence of John L. Burns, the old Hero. 565 *The National Homestead for Soldiers' Orphans, 1868. 611 *The National Homestead for Soldiers' Orphans, children at play.

73i Gettysburg and Harrisburg R. R , Depot.

506 Western Maryland R. R , Depot* 306 631 Eagle Hotel. The old building burned Jan. 12th, 1894. 5" *McClellan House—old building. 632 632 632 McClellan House remodeled. 640 640 City Hotel. 574 Theological Seminary, (Lutheran). 7°3 7°3 7°3 Theological Seminary, (Lutheran). 822 *Gettysburg from Oak Hill. 3°7 823 Gettysburg from 12th Mass. Monument. 827 *From tower of old Penn'a College Building, looking S. W. showing Seminary and Reynolds' Grove. 828 *From tower of old Penn'a College Building, looking south-west. 829 *From tower of old Penn'a College Building, looking south. 898 Old Stone House on Emmitsburg road into which General Reynolds' body was taken. 204 fGettysburg from East Cemetery Hill 204^ t Christ Lutheran Church, used as Hospital and where Chaplain Howell was killed. 222 fMasonic Hall. 700 *From Cupola of Theological Seminary, looking north-east. 7011 701 701 701 From Cupola Theological Seminary, looking east over Gettysburg. 702 702 From Cupola Theological Seminary looking south-east to Nat. Cem. 318 Residence of John L. Burns, with old Hero on Porch, taken 1863. 319 View of Gettysburg, taken 1863. 320 View of Gettysburg, taken 1863. 328 Looking from Main street to old R. R. cut, taken in 1863. 32 9 Lutheran Theological Seminary, taken 1863. 57i Court House. 577 Catholic Church, used as a hospital. 578 German Reformed Church used as a hospital. 579 579 United Presbyterian Church, used as a hospital. 581 Christ Lutheran Church, used as a hospital. 582 St. James Lutheran Church, old building, used as a hospital. 583 St. James Lutheran Church, as remodeled in 1888. 1223 1223 Post 9, G. A. R. Hall—East Middle Street. 647 647 Power House Gettysburg Electric Railway. Miscellaneous Views. 1039 546 Where Gen. Hancock was wounded. 3°4 547 On Hancock avenue. The Copse and Monuments. 200 f On Hancock avenue showing copse and Monuments. 402 Hancock avenue showing Stannard Monument, where Hancock was wounded, and the copse and angle. 543 *Entrance to Hancock avenue and Ziegler's Grove. 528 *The copse or high water mark of the Rebellion. 236 fPosition of 126th New York, Ziegler's Grove. 2023 2023 2023 The copse and Bloody angle.

*In Stereo size only. fin Cabinet size only. Part First.

Miscellaneous Views. (Continued).

367 The copse and Stone Wall 2041 Bloody angle and copse, Round Top in distance. The scene of Pickett's charge, showing angle, copse and Stone Wall, Codori buildings and Monuments, Grove where Pickett's forces formed, ground over which they advanced, &c. 360 549 The Peach Orchard. 53° Sherfy's House. 742 Sherfy's House. 524 *Ground over which Longstreet charged July 2nd 1863.

525 Sickle's position at time of Longstreet's attack. , 526 *Hancock's position at time of Longstreet's attack. 527 Grove in which Longstreet's forces formed. 557 General Meade's Headquarters. 573 General Lee's Headquarters. General Pleasonton's Headquarters. Tree where General Reynolds was killed. 716 716 Where General Reynolds was killed. 589 *Katalysine Springs Hotel. 706 706 70S Katalysine Springs Hotel. 554 View on £hambersburg pike where battle opened. 597 Looking west from where first shot was fired. 1113 On Willoughby's Run. 563 *0n Willoughby's Run. mi The Loop from the Rose house. 1112 Shell in old cherry tree at Sherfy's. 824 Positinn of right of Robinson's Div. where Paul was wounded. 825 *Oak Hill. 548 Adams county Almshouse, Gettysburg. 572 Old R. R. Cut in which 2nd Miss, was captured. 613 *Emmitsburg road from Codori house looking South-west. 598 Emmitsburg road from Rogers' House looking to Cemetery Hill. 707 Implements of Modern Warfare. Shot and Shell used in battle. 709 Looking North-east from observatory of Springs Hotel. 710 Looking South from observatory of Springs Hotel. 712 Powers' Hill—Gen. Slocum's Headquarters. 746 Zook Monument and Wheat Field— Little Round Top in background. 972 Balance Rock, Wolf Hill. 202 t Willoughby's Run—Showing 19th Ind. Monument. 205 Jto 211 1 inclusive—seven views from cupola of Theological Semi- nary showing complete circle of country from that point. 2014 Looking from Gregg Calvary shaft over Rummel farm to grove oc- cupied by Confederates. 2024 to 2029—six views from rear of Alms House, showing all of first day's ground except west of Seminary ridge. 2030 From position of 26th Penn'a showing Rogers house and looking to- ward Confederate position. 2032 From Powers' Hill, looking over Slocum's Headquarters and Balti- more pike to Cemetery and Culp's Hills. 2033 From Powers' Hill—joins 2032 on right showing from Culp's Hill to McAllister's. 2034 From Mummasburg road looking over Gettysburg, showing Culp's and East Cemetery Hills, Nat. Cem. Ziegler's Grove, R. T. &c. 2035 View of Gettysburg and battle ground from Wolf Hill. 2049 2049 View from Herr's Tavern, where Pegram's Battalion opened fire, looking East toward Gettysburg— Brockenbrough's Va. Brigade down the fields on South of road. 2060 2060 Ground over which McGowan's Brigade advanced toward the Sem. 401 The Spangler farm Buildings used as nth Corps Hospital. 2043 In Wheat Field, showing positions and Monuments of 62nd Pa. 17th Maine, 115th Pa., 4th Mich, and 8th New Jersey. The G. Bushman farm Buildings— (the barn was used as 12th corps Hospital, and Hospital tents covered the field in its rear). A quarter of a century after— (Pastoral Scene, '88). Haymaking on the Battlefield (East Cemetery Hill). Bream's, Marsh Creek, Old Black Horse Tavern. 369 From Oak Hill, looking toward Gettysburg. Cemetery Hill from Benner's Hill.

In Stereo size only. {In Cabinet size only. 1

10 Tipton's Gettysburg Photographs.

V 0 a S X Miscellaneous Views. (Concluded). w 3 uo3

380 Gettysburg from Benner's Hill. 389 On Wolf Hill, showing 49th New York Monument. 39° Looking across Sedgwick ave. to Little Round Top. 2042 2042 Sedgwick ave. showing Jersey Brigade Monument and R. Tops. 377 From Oak Hill, showing red barn and nth Corps line of battle. 314 The Wheat Field. 309 The Wheat Field, position of 17th Maine. 316 General Meade's Headquarters, taken in 1863. 317 Barn at General Meade's Headquarters, taken in 1863. 324 View at general Hospital, taken in 1863. 32S View at general Hospital, taken in 1863—U. S. Christian Com. 326 View at general Hospital, taken in 1863—U. S. Sanitary Com. 1118 The McPherson Farm Buildings. 203 View below Peach Orchard, looking to Rose House. 226 ;:Army Forge. 228 Moving 1st Mass. Mon. from cars to site on S. G. Co. heavy truck. 229 Moving 1st Mass. Mon. from cars to site on S. G. Co. heavy truck. 230 1st Mass. Monument Immediately after erection. 231 Artillery awaiting orders. 237 IPlum Run. 302 View from below Peach Orchard, showing ground between Peach Orchard and Wheat Field. 3°3 Looking from position in front of Robinson's right to Conf. position. 308 Panoramic view from Gettysburg looking North-west showing from old R. R. Cut around to red barn. 356 The Rose Farm from pth Mass. Battery Monument. 361 View from the Loop, looking into woods. 362 View from the Loop, looking to Rose Buildings. 8 so 850 850 *N. G. Encampment, Aug. '84, from Division Headquarters. «5oy2 850K N. G. Encampment, Aug. '84, from rear of 1st Brigade. 634 The "Copse" High water mark of the Rebellion 635 *Reynolds ave. looking N. E. from 16th Maine Monument. 636 *On Hancock ave., showing old Walnut tree, Hancock marker and Stannard and 82nd N. Y. Monuments. 637 J From Codori Farm looking North-east, showing from Emmitsburg road to Bloody angle. 6,8 6,8 638 I From same point showing angle and copse. °39 639 639 tFrom same point showing from angle to Round Top. 2050 2050 Emmitsburg road, line of Carr's Brigade 3rd corps, July 2nd, and showing 2nd corps line July 3rd. 2051 2051 Foot of Big Round Top. Fortifications and 10th Penn'a Reserve Monument. 2052 Lower Marsh Creek Presbyterian Church. 2053 Lower Marsh Creek Presbyterian Church—Interior decorations at Centennial Anniversary. 1220 1220 1220 1220 The "Copse" and High water mark Tablet. 1221 122 122 1 122 1 Hancock ave. looking south from angle, showing "copse" and Mon- uments, Round Top in distance. 2052 2052 Looking over Cashtown to Rock Top. Confederate Signal Station. 2053 2053 69th Pa. Monument front view, showing copse and Monuments, 2054 2054 view of angle, copse and Monuments, showing Emmitsburg road. 2055 2055 View from corner of angle looking along line of battle to Round Top, showing copse and Monuments. 2057 2057 View from East of angle, showing Round Top, Copse, High Water Mark and other Monum'ts, the Codori House and Emmitsb'g road. 2058 2058 View from East of angle (joining 2057 on right) looking across angle and ground over which Longstreet's forces charged to grove from which they came, and showing Stone Wall, 6gth, 71st and 72nd Pa. and other Monuments. 2059 2059 View from East of angle (joining 2058 on right) showing north wall of angle. 2065 2065 2065 View of the Culp farm from Hanover road, showing Stevens' Knoll, East Cemetery and Cemetery Hills. 2066 2066 2066 Seminary Ridge, looking across R. R. cut and Chambersburg pike to Reynold's Grove and showing McPherson farm, Herr's Tavern 150th, 143rd, 149th Pa., Hall's 2nd Maine battery, 12th IH. Cav. 6th Wis. 95th and 84th N. Y., 3rd lnd. Cav. Monuments.

*In Stereo size only. Jin Cabinet size only. Part Second. 11

a 6 *j § -0 s Miscellaneous Views. (Concxudrd).

2067 3067 2067 Seminary ridge—looking across R. R. cut and Chambersburg pike to Reynolds' Grove, showing McPherson farm, Battery L 1st N. Y. 8th 111. Cav. 150th, 143rd, 149th Pa., Hall's 2nd Me., and 12th 111. Cav. Monuments. 1158 Reynolds' ave looking North from Chambersburg pike. I7°5 From Peach Orchard looking to 2nd Corps line, showing Cordori's, Trostle's, angle and numerous Monuments.

;6®=The set of 10 views from which Phillipateaux painted the Gettysburg cycloramas (taking a complete circle from elevation immediately in rear of angle) will be mailed to any address upon receipt of #3.00



Monuments on tlie Battlefield of Gettysburg,


The following subjects are kept in stock mounted only, but can be furnished unmounted on short notice. In most cases plates of front and rear perspective views of these monuments have been

made, hence views showing all four sides of a monument can be supplied. Special Photographs, or the detail of any particular monument, will be made at a rea- sonable price. In ordering from Part Second give number of pictures and state siae and style of mount-

ing desired. Plates have been made to suit all sizes given in list on page 2.

Maine Monuments.

1 164 1164 1st -Maine Cavalry Monument, Hanover road. 1165 1165 "65 2nd Maine Battery Monument, (Hall's) Chambersburg Pike. 1 166 1 106 1 166 5th (Stevens') West Culp's Hill io37 1037 io37 6th (Dow's) Sedgwick avenue. 1167 1 167 1167 3rd " Infantry " Peach Orchard. 1047 1047 1047 4th " " " Devil's Den, Crawford avenue. " 1 168 116" 1 168 5th Little Round Top. 1169 116 1 169 6th " Wright avenue. 1 170 n 70 1170 7th " " " Wolf Hill. 1171 1171 1171 10th " " " Baltimore Pike. " 1172 1 172 1172 16th North Reynolds avenue. 1040 1040 1040 17th " " " Wheat Field. "73 "73 "73 19th " " " Hancock avenue south of copse. " 923 92 3 923 20th " " Little Round Top. 1174 1 174 "74 20th " " " Big Round Top. "75 "75 "75 2nd U. S. S. Maine Co D, West of Round Top. Also all Maine markers in Med. size. —

12 Tipton's Gettysburg Photographs.

New Hampshire.

917 2nd N. H. Infantry Monument, Peach Orchard. 918 5th N. H. Infantry Monument, Wheat Field Grove. 964 12th N. H. Infantry Monument, Emmitsburg road. 924 N. H. Sharpshooters, Cos E 1st Regt and F and G 2nd Regt. Edgell's 1st N. H. Battery. (Not erected). [Hancock ave. Vermont Monuments. 1176 1176 1st Vermont Cavalry Monument, Kilpatrick ave. 1177 1177 1st Vermont Brigade Monument, (Lion)Wright ave. (The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Vermont Regiments composed this Brig. Vermont State Monument (Corinthian column,surmounted by colossal statue of Gen. Stannard), Hancock avenue. 1178 1 178 1178 Vermont Co's E and H, (2nd U. S. S. S. West of R. T) "S3 ii53 "53 Vermont Co F (1st U. S. S. S. Sherfy's Woods). 1226 1226 1226 16th Vermont Infantry Monument, Codori farm. Note—The 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th Regiments have no separate monuments, but have tablets on Vermont State Monument. Massachusetts Monuments. 1st Mass. Cavalry Monument, Sedgwick avenue. 867 867 Battery National Cemetery. North of Valley of Death. Road near Peach Orchard. Road near Peach Orchard, (limber chest) Trostle's barn, (haversack) Ziegler's Grove. 1st Co. Mass. Sharpshooters, Hancock avenue. 2nd Co. Mass. Sharpshooters, the Loop. 9*5 9i5 9 J S 9*5 1st Mass. Infantry Monument, Emmitsburg road. 73° 73° 73° 2nd Slocum ave. below Spangler's 859 859 859 7th Sedgwick ave. [Spring. 860 860 9th foot of Big Round Top. 886 886 10th Sedgwick avenue. 871 871 871 nth Emmitsburg road. 874 874 874 874 12th Reynolds avenue, north. 875 875 87S 13th Mummasburg road, P.&R.R.R. 876 876 876 15th Hancock avenue. 912 912 912 16th Emmitsburg road. 866 866 18th the Loop. 877 877 877 19th Hancock ave. 920 920 920 20th (pudding stone) Hancock ave. 879 879 879 22nd The Loop. 925 925 92S 925 28th The Loop. 878 32nd The Loop. 33rd South of East Cemetery Hill. 37th Sedgwick avenue. Col. Geo. H. Ward monument 15th Mass. Codori Farm. Rhode Island Monuments. 911 911 Arnold's Battery A 1st R. 1. Artillery Monument, Hancock ave. 914 914 914 Brown's Battery B 1st R. I. Artillery Monument, Hancock ave. 910 910 910 Randolph's Bat'y E 1st R.I. Art. Monument, Emmitsb'g road. 922 922 922 2nd Rhode Island Infantry Monument, Sedgwick avenue. Connecticut Monuments. 1082 1082 1082 2nd Conn Battery Monument, Hancock avenue. 937 937 937 5nd " Infantry " Culp's Hill. 843 843 843 14th " " " Hancock avenue. 899 14th " " Marker, site of Bliss buildings. 841 17th " " Monument, Barlow's Knoll. " 1182 1 182 17th " " foot of East Cemetery Hill. 862 862 20th " " " Slocum avenue, Culp's Hill. 890 890 890 27th " " *' Wheat Field. 1183 1183 1183 27th " " " Brook's avenue. 900 900 27th " " advanced marker, Wible's Woods. 529 Small markers where Col. Merwin and Capt. Chapman fell Wheat Field. 1 1

Part Second. 13

New York Monuments.

1231 1231 1231 1231 New York State Monument in Soldiers' National Cemetery. 1155 "55 "55 "55 15th and 50th N. V. Engineers' Monument, Pleasonton avenue. Oneida Cavalry—No appropriation for monument. 1007 1007 2nd New York Cavalry Monument. 1008 1008 4th N. Y. Cavalry Monument, near Pleasonton's headquarters. 1009 1009 1009 5th N. Y. Cavalry Monument West of Big Round Top. 1 130 1130 1130 6th N. Y. Cavalry Monument, Buford ave., front and rear views. 1132 1132 1132 8th N. Y. Cavalry Monument, Seminary Ridge. 990 990 990 9th N. Y. Cavalry Monument, Buford avenue. 991 991 991 10th N. Y. Cavalry Monument, Hanover road. 992 992 992 Rorty's Battery B 1st N. Y. Artillery monument, Hancock ave. 1027 1027 1027 Barnes' Battery C 1st N„Y. Artillery monument, Sedgwick ave. 993 993 993 Winslow's Battery D 1st N. Y. Artillery monument, Wheat Field. "34 "34 "34 . Ames' Battery G 1st N. Y. Artillery monument, Peach Orchard. 1125 1125 1125 Weiderick's Battery I 1st N. Artillery mon. E. Cem. Hill. "37 "37 "37 Winegar's Battery M 1st N. Y. Artillery mon. Powers' Hill. "33 "33 1133 Reynolds' Battery L 1st N. Y. Artillery mon. Reynolds' Grove. 1150 1150 1150 Fitzhugh's Battery K ist N. Y. Artillery mon , Hancock ave. 12 10 1210 1210 Battery E 1st N. Y. Artillery mon., East Cemetery Hill. 938 93^ 938 Cowan's 1st N. Y. Battery monument, at copse. 1024 1024 1024 Harn's 3rd N. Y. Battery monument, Taneytown road. 995 995 995 Smith's 4th N. Y. Battery monument, above Devil's Den. 994 994 994 Taft's 5th N. Y. Battery monument, National Cemetery 1211 1211 i2ri Martin's 6th N. Y. Battery monument, Taneytown road. "87 1187 1 187 10th N. Y. Battery Tablet. 12 12 12 12 1212 nth N. Y. Battery monument. 1025 1025 1025 Wheeler's 13th N. Y. Battery monument, Howard avenue. 14th N. Y. Battery, Tablet on Irish Brigade mon. Has no mon. 1026 1026 1026 Hart's 15th N. Y. Battery monument, Excelsior avenue. 8th N. Y. Infantry (one company engaged) no appropriation. 1148 1148 1148 10th N. Y. Infantry monument, Meade avenue. 1235 1235 1235 12th and 44th N. Y. Infantry mon., Little Round Top. 987 987 987 39th N. Y. Infantry monument, Cor. Meade and Hancock avenues. 1019 1019 1019 40th N. Y. Infantry monument, (Mozart's) Crawford ave. Valley of 10 10 1010 1010 41st N. Y. Infantry monument, Base of East Cem. Hill. [Death. 12 18 1218 1218 42nd N. Y. Infantry mon. (Tammany regt.) Hancock avenue. 1055 i°55 1055 43rd N. Y. Infantry monument, Wolf Hill. 1235 x 235 1235 44th and 12th N. Y. Infantry mon.. Little Round Top. ion ion ion 45th N. Y. Infantry monument, Howard avenue. 1052 1052 1052 49th N. Y. Infantry monument, Wolf Hill. 1012 1012 1012 52nd N. Y. Infantry monument, Sickles avenue grove. 1013 1013 1013 54th N. Y. Infantry monument, base of East Cemetery Hill. 105 1051 1051 57th N. Y. Infantry monument, Wheat Field. 1203 1203 1:203 58th N. Y. Infantry monument, Howard avenue. 1129 "29 1129 59th N. Y. Infantry monument, Bloody Angle, front and rear views. 982 982 982 60th N. Y. Infantry monument, Culp's Hill. 1005 1005 1005 61st N. Y. Infantry monument, Wheat Field. 99" 996 62nd N. Y. Infantry monument, east ot Valley of Death. 1003 !oo3 Irish Brigade monument, 63rd, 69th and 88th N. Y. regiments and 14th New York Bat^ry, in grove, Wheat Field. 1151 1151 1151 64th N. Y. Infantry nSnument, Brooks ave. 1034 1034 1034 65th N. Y. Infantry monument, Slocum avenue, Culp's Hill. 1160 1160 u6o 66th N. Y. Infantry monument, Wheat Field Grove. 983 983 67th N. Y. Infantry monument, Slocum avenue, Culp's Hill. 988 988 68th N. Y. Infantry monument, East Cemetery Hill. 1004 1004 Excelsior Brigade mon., (70th, 71st, 72nd, 73rd and 74th N. Y. regts. Excelsior ave. In ordering photographs of this mon., state which Regimental front is desired. 980 76th N. Y. Infantry monument, Reynolds' avenue. 1002 I002 1002 77th N. Y. Infantry monument, Power's Hill. 1017 IOI7 1017 78th and 102nd N. Y. Infantry monument, Culp's Hill. 1049 IO49 1049 80th N. Y. Infantry mon. (20th Militia) South Reynolds avenue. 1204 I204 1204 82nd N. Y. Infantry monument, Hancock avenue. io2 i I02 I I02 1021 83rd N Y. Infantry monument (9th Militia,) Reynolds avenue. 962 962 962 962 84th N. Y. Inf. mon., (14th Brooklyn,) R. R. cut Reynolds' ave. I208 I208 1208 84th N. Y. Tablet, 14th Brooklyn, Culp's Hill. 12 14 12 14 84th N. Y. Infantry Tablet, 14th Brooklyn, Reynolds' avenue. 985 86th N. Y. Infantry monument, Sickles avenue. 1144 1144 1144 cj-jrd N. Y. Infantry monument, Meade's headquarters. 1022 1022 1022 94th N. Y. Infantry monument, North Reynolds avenue. 1 1

14 Tipton's Gettysburg Photographs.

T3 #8 " is New York Monuments. (Concluded). 2! U(fl

,1205 1205 1205 95th N. Y. Infantry monument, R. R. cut, Reynolds' avenue. 979 979 979 97th N. Y. Infantry monument, North Reynolds' avenue. 1017 1017 1017 02nd and 78th N. Y. Infantry monument, Gulp's Hill. 1046 1046 1046 04th N. Y. Inf. mon., North Reynolds' avenue. |i°53 i°53 1053 07th " Inf. mon., Slocum ave., near Spangler's Spring 1016 1016 08th " Inf. Mon., Hancock avenue. 1 1 1147 1 147 ! 147 147 nth " Inf. mon., Hancock avenue. I1023 1023 1023 19th " Inf. mon., Howard avenue. II28|lI28 1128 1128 20th " Inf. mon., Excelsior avenue. 1146 114611146 21st " Inf. mon , Sykes avenue, Little Round Top.

103 103 1 ! 103 22nd " Inf. mon., Slocum avenue.

1 1050 1050 1050 I 1050 23rd " Inf. mon., Slocum avenue

842 ' 842 1 842 842 24th " Inf. mon., Ellis Statue, above Devil's Den.

1074 1074 j 1074 25th " Inf. mon., Hancock avenue. 1075 1075 1075 26th " Inf. mon. , Hancock avenue. 34th " Inf. mon., East Cemetery Hill. 1077 1077 1077 36th *' Inf. mon., Taneytown road. 981 981 37th " Inf. mon., Slocum avenue, Gulp's Hill. 1038:1038 _ 40th " Inf. mon., Sykes avenue, Little Round Top. 1006 1006 ' 1006 45th " Inf. mon., Slocum avenue, Gulp's Hill. 46th " Inf mon., Little Round Top. 47th " Inf. mon., near R. R. Gut—Reynolds's avenue. 1020 Iu2G 1020; 1020 49th " Inf. mon., Slocum avenue, Culp's Hill. ii45 1 145 1145 1145 50th " Inf. mon., Slocum avenue, Gulp's Hill. 1 189 1 189 50th " Inf. marker—Trostle's farm. 1207' 1207 1207 54th " Inf. mon., Kuhn's meadow.

932 932 932 57th " Inf. mon , Howard ave., near Mummasburg road. 1206 1206 1206 57th " Inf. mon., near Garlisle road. 1 143 1 143 1 143 N. Y. Co's A, B, D and H 1st U. S. S. mon., Sherfy's woods. 399 399 Bronze Plate of CavaLty charge on front of 6th N. Y. Gav. mon. 400 400 Bronze Plate of Gen. Deven on reverse of 6th N. Y. Gav. mon. 2031 Bronze Plate, double canister at ten yards, on Cowan's 1st New York Battery monument. Bronze Medallion of Col. Wm. Sackett on 9th New York Cav. mon. 1220 1228 Willard Brigade marker, Excelsior ave. 1234 1234 Col. G. L. Willard marker, Codori Thicket, f Mending the colors under fire, Bronze relief on 149th New York Infantry monument. 1700 Bronze Trophy on front of New York State monument. 1701 The Death of Gen. Reynolds— Bronze relief on N. Y. State mon. 1702 The wounding of Gen. Hancock— Bronze relief on N. Y. State mon. 1703 Gen. Slocum and Staff in council—Bronze relief on N. Y. State mon. 1704 The wounding of Gen. Sickles—Bronze relief on N. Y. State mon. Bronze relief on 6th New York Battery monument. Bronze relief on 9th N. Y. Cavalry monument. New Jersey Monuments. 976 1st New Jersey Cavalry monument, Rummell's farm.

970 Clark's Battery B mon , Excelsior avenue. 977 Hexamer's Battery ^mon., Hancock avenue. 978 978 1st New Jersey BrigaBe mon., east of Sedgwick ave. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 15th N. J. Regiments composed this Brigade. 974 974 5th N. J. Inf mon., Emmitsburg road. 96g 969 6th " Inf. mon., Crawford ave.

97 971 7th " Inf. mon , Excelsior ave. 973 973 ! 973 8th " Inf. mon., Wheat Field. , 102 8 1028 J1028 nth " Inf. mon., Emmitsburg road. 907, 9°7 907 907 12th " Inf. mon., Hancock ave. 975 975 975 12th " Inf. marker, site of Bliss buildings. 041 94i 941 13th " Inf. mon. , Slocum ave., near Rock Creek. 1185 1185 4th " Inf. marker, Train guard, South of Round Top. * 39 Bronze Medallion of Gen. Kearney on 1st N. J. Brigade mon. 2 39 Bronze Medallion of Gen. Torbert on 1st N. J. Brigade mon. Pennsylvania Monuments. 1 loo 1 190 1st Penn'a Cavalry mon., Hancock ave. 1121 II2I 2nd Penn'a Cavalry mon., Meade ave. IIuI 1191 [191 3rd Penn'a Cavalry mon., Cavalry battlefield.

fin Cabinet size only. 1 1 1

Part Second. 15

Pennsylvania Monuments. (Continued.)

1072 1072 1072 4th Penn'a Cavalry mon., Hancock ave. 1076 1076 1076 6th Penn'a Cavalry mon., Emmitsburg road. 1225 1225 6th Penn'a Cav. companies E and I mon., at Meade's Hdqrs. 1 192 92 1192 8th Penn'a Cavalry mon., Pleasonton ave. 1042 1042 1042 16th Penn'a Cav. mon., Deardorf s farm. 1015 1015 1015 17th Penn'a Cavalry mon., Buford ave., and Mummasburg road. 1141 1 14 1141 18th Penn'a Cavalry mon., Kilpatrick ave. 109 109 1091 Cooper's Battery B 1st Penn'a Art. mon., East Cemetery Hill. 535 535 Cooper's Battery B 1st Penn'a Art. marker, E. Cem. Hill. "93 r93 "93 Rickett's Battery F and G 1st Penn'a Art. mon., E. Cem. Hill. 897 897 897 Batteries C and F Penn'a Art. mon., Hancock avenue. 1224 1224 1224 Hampton's Battery monument, Peach Orchard. 1209 1209 1209 Thompson's Battery C Penn'a Art. mon., Peach Orchard. 884 884 Knap's Battery E Penn'a Art. mon., Gulp's Hill. 1131 1131 Knap's Battery E Penn'a Art. mon., Powers' Hill. 106 106 Eakin's Battery H 3rd Penn'a Heavy Art. mon., Hanover road. 194 1 1 1st Penn'a Reserves mon., 30th Vol. Inf., Wheat Field. 194 194 " 195 1 195 "95 2nd " " 31st Vol. Inf., Wheat Field. 196 1 196 1 196 5th " '*' " 34th Vol. Inf., Big Round Top. " " 1 1 "97 6th " 35th Vol. Inf , E. of Wheat Field. 197 197 " 1123 1123 1123 gth " " 38th Vol. Inf. , between the R. Tops. " 1 198 198 1 198 10th " " 39th Vol. Inf. , between the R. Tops, " 1 199 199 "99 nth " " 40th Vol. Inf., Wheat Field. 1200 1200 1200 12th " " " 41st Vol. Inf., Big Round Top. 1201 1201 1201 13th " " " 42nd Vol. Inf., 1st Rifles in grove be- tween Devil's Den and Wheat Field. 1202 1202 1202 nth " Infantry " North Reynolds' avenue. 930 93° 930 33rd " " " Slocum avenue, Culp's Hill. 1085 1085 1085 26th " " " Emmitsburg road. 1227 1227 1227 26th " " " (Emergency regiment) Main St., and Chambersburg Pike. 844}4 844^ 844^ 27th " *' " Stratton street. 27th " " " East Cemetery Hill. 28th " " " Slocum avenue, Culp's Hill. 29th " '* " Slocum avenue, Culp's Hill. " " " Hill. 1083 1 1083 29th Slocum avenue, Culp's 1098 46th " " " Slocum avenue, Culp's Hill. in 20 1 120 1 120 49th, " " " Wright avenue. 1048 1048 1048 53rd " " " Brooks avenue 1092 1092 1092 56th " " " ' Reynolds' avenue, near R. R. Cut. 1084 1084 57th " " " Emmitsburg road. 1032 1032 1032 61st " " " Wolf Hill. 1086 1086 62nd " " " Wheat Field. 11S0 1 180 1 180 63rd " " " Emmitsburg road. J 926 926 68th " " " Peach Orchard. 1079 1079 1079 68th " " " opposite Peach Orchard. " 939 939 939 69th " *' Bloody Angle. 940 940 940 71st " " " Bloody Angle. 1215 1215 1215 72nd " •' " Bloody Angle. 835 835 835 72nd " " " Bloody Angle. "57 "57 "57 73rd " " " East Cemetery Hill. 1039 1039 1039 74th " " " Howard avenue. 921 921 921 75th " " " National Cemetery. 1080 1080 1080 75th " " " Howard avenue. 1163 1 163 1 163 81st " " " Wheat Field. 1030 1030 1030 82nd " " " Slocum avenue. 1 138 113B 1 138 83rd " " " Vincent Statue, Little Round Top. 1 127 1 127 1127 84th " " " Pleasonton avenue. 1156 1 156 1156 88th " " " North Reynolds' avenue. 847 847 88th " " marker, Hancock avenue. 1044 1044 1044 90th " " monument, Tree, N. Reynolds' avenue. " i°45 i°45 104 s goth " " Eagle, Hancock avenue. 1161 1161 1161 90th " " ' Boulder, Hancock avenue. 834 834 834 91st " " " Small, Little Round Top. 1126 1126 1 126 gist " " " Large, Little Round Top. 93rd " " " Sedgwick avenue. 1054 1054 1054 93rd " " " East of Little Round Top. 1043 1043 1043 95th " " " East of Little Round Top. 1 1 1

16 Tipton's Gettysburg- Photographs. #2 u •3 rt 2 Pennsylvania (Concluded). CJcO Monuments.

1033 i°33 i°33 1033 96th Penn'a Infantry mon., East of Valley of Death. 863 863 863 98th " " " Sykes avenue, Little Round Top. "35 "35 "35 98th " " " East of Little Round Top. 919 919 919 99th " " " Hancock avenue. i°73 1073 i°73 99th " " " above Devil's Den. 1088 1088 1088 102nd " " " East of Little Round Top. 1087 1087 1087 105th " " *' Emmitsbarg road. 1162 1 162 1 162 106th " " " Hancock avenue. 873 873 873 106th " " " Emmitsburg road. 749 749 749 106th " " Tablet, East Cemetery Hill. I095 I095 1095 107th " " mon., North Reynolds avenue. 1 140 1 140 1 140 109th " " " Slocum avenue, Ravine, Culp's Hill. 1099 1099 1099 110th " " " Wheat Field 1096 109G 1096 111th " " " Slocum avenue, Ravine, Culp's Hill. 929 929 929 114th " " " Emmitsburg road. 108 108 1081 115th " " " Wheat Field. 1078 1078 1078 116th " " " Loop. 928 928 928 118th " " " Loop. 846 846 846 " " 118th " Big Round Top. . 1018 1018 118th " " marker, Trostle's farm. 885 88s 885 119th " " mon., Big Round Top. 885% 885^ 885^ 119th " " " Wright avenue. 927 927 927 121st " " " Hancock avenue. S 9 2 7'-2 92 7^ 927 A 121st " " " South Reynolds avenue. 1142 1 142 1 142 139th " " " East of Little Round Top. 933 933 933 139th " " " Excelsior avenue. 872 872 872 140th " " " Grove near Loop. "39 "39 "39 140th " " " Loop. 1181 1181 1181 141st " " " Peach Orchard. "54 "54 "54 142nd " " " South Reynolds avenue. 1 124 1 124 1124 143rd " *' " Chambersburg Pike. 1097 1097 1097 145th " " " Brooks avenue. 1 184 1184 1184 147th " " " West of Spangler's Spring. 883 883 883 147th " '* " Sykes avenue. 1 122 1122 1 122 148th " " " Wheat Field. 934 934 934 149th " " " Hancock avenue. 1089 1089 1089 149th " " " Chambersburg Pike 1093 1093 1093 150th " " " West Reynolds avenue. 1094 1094 1094 150th " '* " Hancock avenue. 1041 104 1041 104 151st " " " Reynolde Grove. 1119 1119 1119 153rd " " " Howard avenue. 845 845 845 153rd " " " Foot East Cemetery Hill. 93 931 93i 155th " " " Little Round Top. 1222 1222 Adams county Soldiers' mon., Post Hall, Middle street. Bronze Equestrian Statue of Gen. Meade—not erected. Bronze Equestrian Statue of Gen. Reynolds—not erected. Bronze Equestrian Statue of Gen. Hancock—not erected. Delaware Monuments.

9°5 9<>5 905 1st Delaware Infantry monument, Hancock avenue. 906 906 906 2nd Delaware Infantry monument, Wheat Field. Maryland Monuments. 1060 1060 1060 1st Maryland Cavalry monument, Cavalry battlefield. 1186 1186 1186 Purnell Legion Md. Cav. mon., Cav. battlefield. 1059 1059 i°59 Rigby's Battery A Md. Art. mon., Powers' Hill. i°57 1057 1057 jst Md. Inf. mon., Potomac Home Brigade, Slocum avenue. 1056 1056 1056 1st Md. Inf. mon., Eastern Shore, Slocum avenue. 1058 1058 1058 3rd Md. Inf. mon., Slocum avenue. 935 935 935 2nd Md. Inf. mon., 1st Battalion Confed., Slocum avenue. West Virginia Monuments.

1st W. Va., Cavalry. "1 These four W.Va. organizations 3rd W. Va. Cavalry. were engaged in battle of Gettys- Bat. C 3rd W.Va., Vol. Art. vburg, but no monuments are erec- 7th W. Va. Inf. ted, or no appropriation made for J purpose up to this date, (1894).

1 71 1 1

Part Second. 17

rt <*) •6 8 13$ Ohio Monuments. Ut/l

947 947 947 ist Ohio Cavalry mon., Taneytown road. 948 948 948 6th Ohio Cavalry mon , Taneytown road. ist 943 943 943 Huntington's Battery H mon , Ohio L. A., Nat. Cem. ist ave, 944 944 744 Dilger's Battery I mon , Ohio L. A., Howard 945 945 945 Heckman's Battery K mon , ist Ohio L. A., Carlisle street.

946 946 946 Gibb's Battery L mon , ist Ohio L. A , Little Round Top. Inf. 949^ 949/^ Mon. of Co's 1 and G, 4th Ohio Emmitsburg road. 949 949 949 4th Ohio Inf. mon., East Cemetery Hill. 95° 95° 9 so 5th Ohio Inf. mon , Spangler's Meadow, West of Spring. 9Si 95i 95i 7th Ohio Inf. mon., Slocum avenue. Gulp's Hill. 952 952 952 8th Ohio Inf. mon.. Emmitsburg road. 953 953 953 25th and 75th Ohio Inf. mon., Howard ave. 954 954 954 29th Ohio Inf. mon., Slocum avenue, Culp's Hill. 95< 955 955 55th Ohio Inf. mon , cor. Emmitsburg and Taneytown roads. 956 956 956 6 ist Ohio Inf mon , Howard avenue. 957 957 957 66th Ohio Inf. mon., Slocum avenue, Culp's Hill. 958 958 958 73rd Ohio Inf. mon., Taneytown road. Inf. 959 959 959 75th and 25th Ohio mon , East Cemetery Hill. 960 960 960 82nd Ohio Inf. mon , Howard avenue. 961 961 961 107th Ohio Inf. mon., Howard avenue. Michigan Monuments. 1070 1070 1070 1070 Custer's Mich Cav. Brig, mon., ist, 5th, 6th and 7th regts. Rummel farm 1069 1069 1069 9th Mich. Battery mon., Hancock avenue. 1062 1062 1062 ist Mich. Inf. mon., Loop. 1063 1063 1063 3rd Mich Inf. mon., Peach Orchard 1064 1064 1064 4th Mich. Inf. mon., Wheat Field. 1065 1065 1065 5th Mich. Inf mon.. Wheat Field Grove. 1066 1066 1066 7th Mich. Inf. mon., Hancock avenue. 1067 1067 1067 16th Mich. Inf, mon., Little Round Top. 1068 1068 1068 24th Mich. Inf. mon., Reynolds Grove.

1071 107 107 Mich Sharpshooters' mon , Little Round Top. Indiana Monuments.

ist Ind. Cavalry Co's I and K. Not erected. 891 891 891 3rd Ind. Cavalry mon., Reynolds avenue. 881 881 881 7th Ind Inf. mon., Culp's Hill. 892 892 892 14th Ind. Inf. mon., foot of East Cemetery Hill. 894 894 894 19th Ind. Inf. mon., Reynolds Grove 893 893 893 20th Ind. Inf. mon., between Devil's Den and Wheat Field. 895 895 895 27th Ind Inf. mon., Slocum avenue, near Spangler's Spring.

Illinois Monuments.

logo 1090 Co E 8th 111. Cavalry, Chambersburg Pike. 1216 12 16 12 16 8th 111. Cav. Reynolds avenue. III. Reynolds avenue. 12 1 1217 1217 12th Cav. 1213 1213 1213 82nd 111. Cav., Howard avenue Wisconsin Monuments. 997 997 997 2nd Wis. Inf. mon., Reynolds avenue. 998 998 998 3rd Wis. Inf. mon., Slocum avenue' 999 999 999 5th Wis. Inf. mon., Wright avenue. i°35 1035 i°35 6th Wis. Inf. mon., R. R. Cut, Reynolds avenue. 1036 1036 1036 7th Wis. Inf. mon., Reynolds Grove. 1000 1000 1000 26th Wis. Inf. mon., Howard avenue.

100 IOOI IOOI Wis. Co G ist U. S. Berdan Sharpshooters' mon , Emmitsb'g road. Minnesota Monuments. 590 59° 59° ist Minn. Inf. mon., and Minn. Sec. of Graves in Sol. Nat. Cem. 1232 1232 1232 1232 ist Minn Inf. mon,, (with Bronze figure,) Hancock avenue, 1233 I2 33 1233 ist Minn. Inf. mon., (Shaft,) Hancock avenne. Miscellaneous Monuments. 7H 714 7M 7 J 4 Soldiers' Monument, Soldiers' National Cemetery. 711 711 711 711 Statue of Gen. John F. Reynolds, Soldiers' National Cemetery. 1014 10 14 1014 1014 Statue of Gen. G. K. Warren—Little Round Top. 746 746 746 Monument where Gen. S. K. Zook fell—Wheat Field. 18 Tipton's Gettysburg1 Photographs.

Gregg Cavalry Shaft—Cavalry battlefield. 916 916 i Monument where Gen John K. Reynolds fell—July 1st, 1863. 520 Marker where Col. Fred. Taylor lell—Valley of Death. 728 728 Marker where Gen. Strong Vincent tell— Little Round Top 942 942 Marker where Lt. Cushing fell — Bloody Angle. 965 965 96S Marker where Gen. Armistead, Confederate, fell— Bloody Angle. I IO29 IO29 ! Marker where Gen. Hancock was wounded, July 3d, 1863. IO9O IO9O Marker where first shot was fired. 604 604 Marker where Gen. Weed and Lt. HazUtt were killed— Little R. Top. 513 513 Mon., of Gen. James Gettys—founder of Gettysb'g, Evergreen Cem. 836 Statue of War on Soldiers' National Monument 12 Iy I2I9 The High Water Mark Tablet at Copse of Trees— Bloody Angle. Gen. Buford monument—not erected I 1122 lAdams county Soldiers' mon., Post 9 Hall, Fast Middle St. 837 Statues of War and History on Soldiers' National Monument. 855 855 Statues of Plenty and Peace on Soldiers' National Monument. 218 fStatue of War on Soldiers' National Monument. 219 fStatue of History on Soldiers' National Monument. 220 fStatue of Plenty on Soldiers' National Monument. 221 •(Statue of Peace on Soldiers' National Monument.

United States Monuments.

Monuments for U. S. Troops have not been erected. The following organizations were at Gettysburg. Engineers and 8th Infantry were not engaged.

U. S. Cavalry— ist, 2nd, 5th, and 6th Regiments. U. S. Artillery— ist U. S. Artillery—Batteries E, G, K, H and I. —2nd U. S. Artillery— Batteries A, B, L, M, D, G.

—3rd U. S. Artillery— Batteries, C, F, K. , —4th U. S. Artillery— Batteries A, B, C, E, V, G, K. —5th U. S. Artillery— Batteries C, D, I, F, K. U. S. Sharpshooters— ist and 2nd Regiments. Z7. S. Engineers— (see N. Y. No. 1155 page 13). 17. S. Infantry—2nd, 3d, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, nth, 12th, 14th, 17th Regiments.

fin Cabinet size only. 1



Groups taken on the Battlefield of Gettysburg,

By W. H. TIPTON, Gettysburg, Pa.

The following groups (except those having a steady sale) are not kept in stock, but printed up to order only, orders can be filled in a few days after received. When ordering, give number of subject and style of mounting desired, and, as numbers are duplicated in the different series in some instances, mention Part Third, or state that it is group that you want.

When the number is omitted in size column, the group is not made in the size under which the blank occurs. For styles of mounting and prices consult price list on page 2.

94 Governor Bodwell and Maine monumental commission at Devil's Den. 53« 538 General Group at dedication of 17th Maine Inf. mon., Hats on, Oct. 10, '88. 539 539 General Group at dedication of 17th Maine Inf. mon., Hats off, Oct. 10, '88. 54° Survivors Group at dedication of 17th Maine Inf. mon., Oct. 10th, 1888. 54i Group at dedication of 4th Maine Inf. monument, Uct. 10th, 1888. 804 804 General Group at Dedication of 1st Maine Cavalry mon., Oct. 3d, 1889. 807 807. Survivors Group at Dedication of 1st Maine Cavalry mon., Oct. 3d, 1889. 805 805 Group at Dedication of 3d Maine Infantry monument, Oct. 3d, 1889. 806 806 Group of Maine party at Warren Statue, Oct. 3d, 1889. 808 Group at Dedication of 20th Maine Infantry mon., Oct. 3d, 1889. 809 General Seldon Conner and Henry Knight at 7th Maine mon., Oct. 4, 1889. 810 810 Sergeant Chase and other Survivors of Stevens' 5th Maine battery, at mon., Uct. 4th, 1889, looking to East Cemetery Hill. 811 811 Sergeant Chase and other Survivors of Stevens' 5th Maine battery, at mon., Oct. 4th, 1889, showing positions of guns. 1338 1338 16th Maine party at 16th Maine monument, Sept. 1892. *339 1339 16th Maine Veterans at 16th Maine monument, Sept. 1892. New Hampshire Croups. 108 Group at Dedication of 2nd N. H. Monument, July, 1886. 109 Group at Dedication of 5th N. H. Monument, July, 1886. no Survivors of 5th N. H. at monument, July, 1886. in General Berdan and others at N. H. Sharpshooters monument, July, 1886. 5i7 517 12th N. H. party at Devil's Den, Sept. 29th, 1888. 5i8 5i8 Group at Dedication of 12th N. H monument, Sept. 29th, 1888. 527 D 527 D New Hampshire party at Devil's. Den, Sept. 17th, 1892. Vermont Croups.

85 Governor Ormsbee and Vt. Monumental Com., at Devil's Den, Apr. 20, '87. ' 86 (iovernc Ormsbee and Vt. Monumental Com , at Lunch, April 20th, 1S87. 777 777 Group at Dedication of Stannard brigade mon., Oct. 9th, 1889. 778 778 Group at Dedication of Grant brigade mon., (Lion) Uct. 9th, 1889. 779 779 Group at Dedication of 1st Vt. Cavalry mon , Oct. 9th, 1889. 780 Group at Dedication of Vt. S. S. mon., 2nd Berdan, Oct. gth, 1S89. 781 Group at Dedication of Vt. S. S. mon., 1st Berdan, Oct. 9th, 1889. 782 Group of 13th and 16th Vt. party at Stannard Column, Oct. 10th 1889. 783 Group ol Boston party at Stannard Column, Oct. 10th, 1889. 1351 135 Group at Dedication of 16th Vt. monument, Sept. 1892. F

20 Tipton'8 Gettysburg- Photographs.

Massachusetts Croups.

xF Mass. Excursion in Nat. Cemetery, Oct. 1883. 2F Oroup at Dedication 9th Mass. Infantry monument 3F Group at Dedication nth Mass. Infantry monument, Oct. 1885. 4F Group at Dedication 13th Mass. Infantry monument, Sept. 1885. SF Group of Survivors at 13th Mass. Infantry monument, Sept. 1885. 6E Group of 13th Mass. party at Mass. Sec. of graves in Nat. Cem. Sept. 25/85. 7 E Group of 1st Mass. Cavalry party at monument, Oct. 1885. 8E Group of Survivors of 12th Mass. .it Dedication, Oct. 1885. Group of Committee of 19th Mass. Regt. at monument, Oct. 1885. 10E Group of 19th Mass. party at monument, Oct. 1885. 11E Group of Monumental excursion party at Mass Section of graves in Soldiers' National Cemetery, Oct. 9th, 1885. 12E Group of 5th Mass. Battery party at monument, Oct. 9th, 1885. 13E Group of 13th Mass. Inf. Committee at location of site for mon., Oct. 1883. 77E 77 F General group taken at dedicaiion of 1st Mass monument, July ist, 1886. 78 F 78F Survivors of ist Mass taken at monument, July 3d, 1886. 79 F 79F Survivors of ist Mass. taken at monument (during rain), July 2nd, 1886. 80F 80F ist Mass. party with ladies at monument, July 3d, 1886. 81F 81 Post 15 (Boston) excursion party on East Cemetery Hill, Oct. 1886. Also in medium size, No. 8iJ4e. 82 F 82 F ist Mass. Drum, Fife and Bugle Corps at ist Mass. mon., Oct. 1886. 83E Mrs. Josephine Miller Slyder and the old ten-pl.ite stove taken with ist Mass. monument. 84E Survivors of 16th Mass. at dedication of monument, July ist, 1886. 85E 15th Mass. party on East Cemetery Hill, June 2nd, 1886. 86E Survivors of 15th Mass. Regiment, taken at dedication of mon., June 2, '86. 87E General group taken at dedication of 15th Mass. mon., June 2nd, 1886. 88E Group taken at dedication of Col. Ward mon., June 2nd, 1886.

89E Group of nth Mass. party and Josephine Miller Slyder, at nth Mass. mon , 1885 90E Survivors of 7th Mass. Regiment at mon., Oct. 1886. 91E General group at 7th Mass. mon., Oct. 1886. 92E Group at 10th Mass. mon., (group 1) (Jet. 1886. 9 2 >2E Group at 10th Mass. mon., (group 2) Oct. 1886. 93E General group at 37th Mass. mon., (group 1) Oct. 1886. 94E Survivors at 37th Mass mon., (group 2) Oct. 1886.

95E Group on East Cemetery Hill, 1 ct. 6th 1886. 3* 2 16th Mass. party at mon., July 2nd, 1888. Med.

95^e Group on East Cemetery H ill, Oct. 6th, 1886 9 7 e Group at 2nd Mass. mon., Oct. 6th 1886. 1345 Andrew and Eaton posts, of Mass., and Wilson and Dushane posts, of Md., and guests, on Little Round Top, Sept. 19th, 1892. New York Croups. 67E Group at Dedication of 124th N. Y. mon.-, July, 1884. " 6 7 ^E taken at 124th N. Y. mon., July, 1886. 78F 68F " of inth and 126th N. Y party taken at Hay's Hdqrs., June 11, 1886. 68y2 E " of inthand 126th N. Y. party taken on Little Round Top, June 11/86. 71F 7 iy2 E " of Survivors of 157th N. Y. mon., at dedication, 1886. 72 F 7 2 /'2E General group at 157th N. Y. mon., at dedication, 1886. 73^ Group of Survivors of 40th N. Y (Mozart's) at position near Devil's Den, July, 1886. 74E Group of Survivors of 76th N. Y. at their position on Seminary Ridge, 1886. *33 Cowan's battery mon., and group, July 2d, 1887. 288 Group at dedication of 14th Brooklyn, 84th N. Y., Oct. 19th, 1887. 31S 318 Headquarters party at dedication of 65th N. Y. mon., June 13th. 1888. 320 Group at dedication of 122nd N. Y. mon., June 13th, 1888. 340 Green's brigade group, Gulp's Hill, July 2nd, 1888. 341 78th and 102nd N. Y. groups at dedication of mon., July 2nd, 1888.

348 Group of Survivors of 40th N. Y., Mozart, at mon , July 3d, 1888. 349 General group at 40th N. Y., Mozart, at mon., July 3rd, 1888. 350 Group at 40th N. Y., Mozart, mon., July 4th, 1888.

35i at dedication of 97th N. Y. mon , July 4th, 1888. 356 at laying of corner stone of Sickles' Excelsior Brig, mon., July 2, '88. 357 at dedication of 15th N. Y. Battery mon., July 3d, 1888. 358 at dedication of 86th N. Y. Infantry mon., July 3d, 1888. 359 at dedication of 147th N. Y. Infantry mon., July, 1888. Part Third. 21

rt bo X rt York Croups. (Continued) a J New

360 360 Group at dedication of llattery B 1st N. Y. Artillery mon., July, 1888. 363 363 " of participants in battle of 76th N. Y. at mon., July 1st, 1888. 364 364 " of Survivors of 76th N. Y. at mon., July 1st, 1888. 6 General at 76th N. Y. mon 1st, 1888. 365 3 5 group , July SgF 69 K Group ol Gen's Sickles, Graham, Carr and others at N. Y. section of graves in National Cemetery. 70 E Surae party where General Sickles was wounded. 366 366 Alexander Hamilton Post 182 G. A. R., July ist, 1888. 367 367 Group of 45th N. Y. in Camp lrsch, July 3d, 1888. 36b 368 " of 45th N. Y. in Camp lrsch, (Broken ranks). 370 37° " of Co H 83rd N. Y., (9th Militia) party at mon., July ist, 1888. " 371 37i at dedication of 83rd N. Y , (gth Militia) July ist, 1888. 374 374 " of gth N. Y. Cavalry party at mon., July 3rd, 1888. 375 " of 134th N. Y. party in camp, July 4th, 1888. 383 " at 83rd N. Y., (9th Militia) mon., — Regt. on dress parade, July 4, '88. 398 398 " at ded., of Warren Statue Aug 8, '88, survivors of Duryea's Zouaves. " 399 399% at dedication of Warren Statue, Aug. 8th, 1888, general group. 420 " at 40th N Y., (Mozart) mon., July 4th, 1888, (special group). 480 480 " at dedication of 108th N Y. mon., Sept. 4th, 1888, survivors. 481 481 " at dedication of 108th N. Y. mon., Sept. 4th, 1888, general group. 482 482 " at dedication of 104th N. Y. mon., Sept. 4th, 1888, Survivors. 484 484 " at dedication of 123rd N. Y. mon., Sept. 4th, 1888, general group. 485 485 " at dedication of 123rd N. Y. party at Devil's Den, Sept. 5th, 1888. 495 495 " at dedication of 107th N. Y. mon., Sept. 17th, 1888. 496 " of 23rd N. Y. party at 107th N. Y. mon., Sept. 17th, 1888. 527 527 " at dedication of 125th N. Y. mon., Oct. 3rd, 1888—Survivors. 524 " of 125th and 126th N. Y. party at Devil's Den, Sept. 2nd, 1888. " '88, 529 529 at dedication of 80th N. Y , 20th Militia mon., Oct. 4, survivors. '88 53° 53° " at dedication of 80th N. Y., (20th Militia) Oct. 4, —Gen. group. 535 535 " at dedication of 10th N. Y. Cavalry mon., Oct. gth, 1888—Survivors. " 536 536 at dedication of 45th N. Y. mon., Oct. 10th 1888—general group. 537 537 " at dedication of 45th N. Y. mon., Oct. 10th, 1888—Survivors group. 18"" 559 559 " at dedication of 136th N. Y. mon., Oct. ioth -General group. 560 560 " at dedication of 136th N. Y. mon., Oct. ioth, ii 8—Survivors group. 561 561 " of 136th N. Y. party at Devil's Den, Oct. 1888. 586 586 " at dedication of Weiderick's battery I 1st N. Y A., May 20th, 1889, General group. 087 587 " at dedication of Weiderick's battery I ist N. Y. A., May 20th, 1889, Survivors group. 608 608 " at dedication of Winegar's battery M ist N. Y. A., June 18th, 1889. 607 " of Winegar's battery M party in National Cemetery, June 18th, 1889. 609 609 " of 120th N. Y. party at Devil's Den, June 25th, 1889, hats on. 610 610 " of 120th N. Y. party at Devil's Den, June 25th, 1889, hats off. 615 615 " at dedication of 61st N. Y. mon., June 30th, 1889. 616 616 " of 61st N. Y. at Devil's Den, June 30th, 1889. 617 617 " of 61st N. Y. party at Warren Statue, June 30th, 1889. 618 618 " of 6th N. Y. Javalry Survivors at mon., July 2d, 1889. 619 619 '* at dedication of mon., of N. Y. Co's A, B, D, and H ist U. S., Sharp- shooters, July 2nd, 1889. 620 620 " at dedication of 59th N. Y. mon., July 3rd, 1889. 7H 7H " at dedication of ioth N. Y. mon., Sept. 2nd, 1889, immediately after unveiling. 716 716 " at dedication of ioth N. Y. mon., Sept. 2nd, 18 -Survivors. 722 722 " at dedication of 4th N. Y. Cavalry mon., Sept. :88g —Survivors. 758 758 " at dedication of Reynolds N. Y. battery mon., L, Sept. 17, 18 9 —Sur- vivors. " at dedication 150th Sept. 17th 759 759 of N. Y. mon , 1889. 766 " at dedication of 43rd N. Y. mon., Sept. 17th, 1889, hats on. 767 " at dedication of 43rd N. Y. mon., Sept. 17th, 1889, hats off. 768 '• at dedication of 149th N. Y. mon., Sept. 17th, 1889—Survivors. 769 " at dedication of 140th N Y. mon., Sept. 17th, i88g —General group. 770 " at dedication of 140th N. Y. mon., Sept. 17th, i88g—General group. 776 776 " at dedication of 57th N. Y. mon., Oct. 6th, 1889. 784 784 " at dedication of 121st N Y. mon., Oct. 10, 1889—general group, hatson. 785 785 " at dedication of 121st N. Y. mon., Oct. 10, 1889—general groug, hats off. 786 786 " at dedication of 121st N. Y. mon., Oct. ioth, 1889—Survivors group. " 794 794 at dedication of 121st N. Y. mon., (Jet. 10th, 1889 —G. A. R. Band of Gettysburg. 789 789 " at dedication of 77th N. Y. mon., Oct. 16th, i88g —general group. 790 790 " at dedication of 77th N. Y. mon., Oct. 16th, 1889 —Survivors group. 791 791 " of 77th N. Y party at Devil's Den, Oct. 16th, 1889. A

22 Tiptor's Gettysburg Photographs.

£ 60 d New York Croups. (Continued). W -4 s

S42 842 1 Group at dedication of 154th N. Y. mon., July 1st, 1890. 343 843 " at dedication of 64th N. Y. mon., July 2d, 1890, hats on. 845 845 " at dedication of 64th N. Y. mon., July 2nd, 1890, hats off. 844 " at 64th N. Y. mon., July 1st, 1889. 846 " at dedication of 82nd N. Y. mon., July 2nd, 1890—Survivors. 847 " at dedication of 82nd N. Y. mon July 2, '90 general group, 847 , — hats on 848 848 " at dedication of 82nd N. Y. mon., July 2, '90—general group, hats off. 849 " at dedication of 745th N. Y. mon., July 3rd, 1890—Survivors. " '90 850 at dedication of 145th N. Y. mon., July 3, —general group. 851 " of Ross, young ladies and others at 82c! N.Y mon., July 3/90. 852 " of young ladies who unveiled 82d N.Y. mon., with flag—July 3d, 1890. 853 Members of Lo I, 82nd N. Y. with flag at mon., July 3rd, 1890. 854A 854A Group at mon., of 54th N. Y. July 5th, 1890—participants in battle. 8S4B 854B " at mon., of 54th N. Y. July 5th, 1890—participants in battle. 8S5A 855A " at mon., of 54th N. Y. July 5th, 1890—General group. 85S« 855B " at mon., of 54th N. Y. July 5th, 1890—General group. 857 857 " of 54th N. Y. party and others at Warren Statue, July 5, '90. 876 S76 " of Devon Post and 14th Brooklyn party at 6th N. Y. Cavalry mon., Aug. 31st, 1890. 880 880 " at dedication of 14th Brooklyn Tablet, Culp's Hill, Sept. 1st, 1890. 907 907 " at dedication of 15th and 50th N. Y. Engineers mon., Sept. 18, ibpo. 75e 83rd N. Y. party, 9th Militia, taken at position of regt. in battle, taken 1886. j6e 124th N. Y. party on Little Round Top, July 1st, 1886. 342 149th N. Y. party at position of regiment in battle, taken July 2/88. 343 137th N. Y. party at dedication of mon., July 2nd, 1888. 344 60th N. Y. party at dedication of mon., July 2nd, 1888. 379 John A. Dix, Post G. A. R., at 83rd N. Y. mon., July 1st, 1888. 382 Group at 146th N. Y. mon., July 3rd, 1888. 398J4 Gen. Warren's family and others at Warren Statue, Aug. 8th, 1888. 622 623, 624, 625 —Special groups at 59th N. Y. mon., morning after ded- ication, July 4th, 1889. 710 Groups of Townsend, Hackett and others at 54th N. Y. mon., Sept. 2nd, 1889. 7i5 Group at dedication of 10th N. Y. mon., Sept. 2d, 1889, immediately before unveiling. 717 " at dedication of 10th N. Y. mon., Sept. 2d, 1889, —Veterans and ladies. 718 " at dedication of 10th N. Y. mon., Sept. 2d, 1889—ladies only. " 719 at dedication of 10th N. Y. mon., Sept. 2nd, 1889—Winches- ter Post, G. A. R. 721 " at dedication of 10th N. Y. mon., Sept. 2nd, 1889—participants in battle. 856 A " of ladies of 54th N. Y. party at mon., July 5th, 1890. 856 B " of ladies of 54th N. Y. party at mon., July 5th, 1890. 957 957 Riker Post 62, G. A. R., N. Y., in National Cemetery, May 31, '91. 957^ Special party of Riker Post, at Warren Statue, May 31st, 1891. 1002 A 1002 A Dedication mth N. Y. Inf mon., June 26th, 1891 —general group. 1002 B 1002 B " " " " —general group. 1003 1003 " " " " —survivors. 1006 " " " " —Company group. 1007 " " " " —Company group. 1008 " " " " —Company group. 1023 A 1023 A 6th N. Y. Battery mon., July 4th, 189 1—Survivors. 1023 B 1023 B 6th N. Y. Battery mon., July 4th, 1891—Survivors. 1067 A 1067 A 150th N. Y. party at Devil's Den, Aug 19th, 1891. 1067 B 1067 B 150th N. Y. party at Devil's Den, Aug. 19th, 1891. 1068 150th N. Y. party at Devil's Den, Aug. 19th, 1891. 1070 A 1070 B 150th N. Y. party at mon., Aug. 20th, 1891, general group. 107 1 107 1 B 150th N. Y. party at mon., Aug. 20th, 1891, Survivors group. 1090 1090 Devin Post, party at Devil's Den, Sept. 6th 1891. 1 103 1 103 108th N. Y. party at mon., Sept. 15th. 1891. 1 104 1 104 108th N. Y. party at Devil's Den, Sept. 15th, 1891. 1 109 1109 108th N. Y. party at mon., Sept. 16th, 1891. 1 126 1126 Group at dedication 42nd N. Y., (Tammany) inon., Sept. 23d, 1891. 1127 " 1 Group at dedication 42nd N. Y. mon., Sept. 23d, 1891. 1 1 1

Part Third. 23

u d V (Concluded). Ed New York Coups.

1 128 Group at dedication 42nd N. Y., (Tammany) mon., Sept. 23, 1891 1 129 " " " " " Sept. 23, 1891 1 130 1130 " " " " " Sept. 23, i8g; 1131 1131 Group at dedication 42nd N. Y., (Tammany) mon., Sept. 23, 1891 1132 1132 15th Assembly District.

"33 Group at dedication 42nd N. Y. , (Tammany) mon., Sept. 23, 1891 "33/-2 10th Assembly District. Group at dedication 42nd N. Y., (Tammany) mon.. Sept. 23, 1891 " " '* " " Sept. 23, 1891 1 134 " " " " " Sept. 23, 1891 "35 " " " " " Sept. 23, 1891 1 136 " " " " " Sept. 23, 1891 "37 "37 Group at dedication 42nd N. Y., (Tammany) mon., Sept. 23, 1891, Reporters group. 1138 Group at dedication 42nd N. Y., '* " Sept. 23, 1891 "39 "39 Group at dedication 42nd N. Y., (Tammany) mon., Sept. 23, 1891 19th Assembly District. 1 140 Group at dedication 42nd N. Y., " " Sept. 23, 189 23rd Assembly District. 1 141 Group at dedication 42nd N. Y., " " Sept. 23,1891 21st Assembly District. 2601 2601 Group at dedication 42nd N. Y., " " Sept. 23, 1891 1142 Group at dedication 42nd N. Y., " " Sept. 23, 1891, 6th Assembly District. 1 143 Group at dedication 42nd N. Y., " " Sept. 23, 189 1, 8th Assembly District. "44 Group at dedication 42nd N. Y., " " Sept. 23, 1891, 4th Assembly District. 2600 Group at dedication 42nd N. Y., " " Sept. 23, 1891 1145 "45 Group at dedication 42nd N. Y., " " Sept. 23, 1891 Survivors. 1 146 1 146 Group at dedication 42nd N. Y., " " Sept. 23, 1891 Croker, Gilroy, Ladies and others. 2516 2516 20th N. Y. Inf. party at Devil's Den, Sept. 1891. J 336 1336 Group at 9th N. Y. M. Mon., (83rd N. Y. Vol.) Sept. 15th, 1892. 779 D 779 D Group at Devil's Den of 9th N. Y. M., party. 1341 1341 Group at dedication of 149th N. Y. mon., Gulp's Hill, Sept. 18, '93 I34Z J342 Cavalry Brig, group at 6th N. Y. Cav. mon., Sept. 19th, 1892. 1343 1343 Cavalry Brig, group at 9th N. Y. Cav. mon., Sept. 19th 1892. 1344 1344 Cavalry Brig, group at 17th Pa. Cav. mon., Sept. 19th 1892. 1409 Group at 14th Brooklyn mon., July 1st, 1893. 1410 Group at 150th N. Y. mon., Gulp's Hfll, July 1st, 1893. 1411 Group at 6pth N. Y. mon., Culp's Hill, July 1st, 1893. 14 12 14 12 136th N. Y., group at mon., July 1st, 1893. 14 14 13 13 76th N. Y. group at mon., July 1st, 1893. 1414 1414 108th N. Y. group at mon., July 1st, 1893. 1415 1415 126th N. Y. group at mon., July 1st, 1893. 1416 14 16 15th and 150th N. Y. Engineers at mon., July 1st, 1893. 1417 14 17 147th N. Y. group at mon., July 1st, 1893. 14 18 1418 95th N. Y. group at mon., July 1st, 1893. 14 19 14 19 Battery G, 1st N. Y. A., group at mon., July 2nd, 1893. 1420 1420 150th N. Y. group at mon., July 2nd, 1893. 142 142 59th N. Y. Group at mon., July 2nd, 1893. 1422 1 nth N. Y. group at mon., July 2nd, 1893. 1423 1423 86th N. Y. group at mon., July 2nd, 1893. 1424 1424 1425 40th N. Y. group at mon., July 2nd, 1893. 1426 1433 Group at dedication N. Y. State mon., July 2nd, 1893.

1428 1428 Group at Cowan's battery mon , July 2nd, 1893. 1429 1429 93rd N. Y. group at mon., July 2nd, 1893. 143° 143° 121st N. Y., group at mon., July 3d, 1893. I43 1 H3 62nd N. Y., group at mon., July 3rd, 1893. *432 I432 82nd N. Y., group at mon., July 3rd, 1893. 1444 Group at Ex. Brig, mon., July 3d, 1893. 103 Group at 5th N. Y. Cavalry mon., July 1893. 117 Group at 49th " Infantry mon., July 1893. 118 Group at 43rd " Infantry mon., July 1893. E

24 Tipton's Gettysburg Photographs.

Pennsylvania Croups. w J

27 E Group of Penn'a Editorial Association on Little Round Top. 28 T " of Penn'a Editorial Ass'n at Penn'a Section of graves, in Nat. Cem. " 2 9 29 at dedication of 118th Penn'a mon., Aug. 1884. 3° " at dedication of 93rd Penn'a mon., Oct. 1S84—General group. •' 3 1 at dedication of 93rd Penn'a mon., Oct. 1884, Survivors group. 32 T Battery A, N. G. P. in Centre Square, Gettysburg, 1884, two views. 33 F 33 F Group of Nat. Com., Burdette, Dept. Com. Curtin and Staff at Headquarters, Camp U. S. Grant, Gettysburg, Aug. 1885. '" 34 F 34 F at dedication of 140th Penn'a mon., Aug. 1885. 37 F 37 F " of 98th Penn'a mon., Aug. 1885. 38 F 38 F " at dedication of 119th Penn'a mon., Round Top, 1885, general group. " 39 F 39 F at dedication of 119th Penn'a mon , Round Top, 1885, survivors group. 40 E " at Knap's Penn'a battery mon., 1885. 41 E " at 28th Penn'a mon., 1885. 42 E " at 147th Penn'a mon., 1885. 55 E " at 72nd Penn'a mon., 1885, morning of dedication. 57 T " of Penn'a State Teachers' excursion party at National Cemetery Mon- ument, July 10th. 1885. 116 F 116 F " of Survivors of 107th Penn'a regiment at their position on Sem. Ridge, July 1st, 1886 i45 " of Survivors of 107th Penn'a regiment at their position on Sem. Ridge, July 12th, 1889. 117 F 117 F " at dedication of 155th Penn'a mon., Sept. 17th, 1886, Survivors. 118 F 118 F " at dedication of 155th Penn'a mon., Sept. 17th, 1886, General group. 119 F 121 " at dedication of 23rd Penn'a mon., Aug. 5th, 1886. 120 F 122 E " at dedication of 23rd Penn'a mon., Aug 5th, 1886. 123 F 123 F " at dedication of 139th Penn'a mon., 1886. general group. 124 F 124 F " at dedication of 139th Penn'a mon., 1886, Survivors. 125 E " Special group of Harper, Armstrong and others at 139th Penn'a mon. •126 F 126 F " at dedication of 149th Penn'a mon., Oct. 20th, 1886, Survivors. 127 F 127 F " at dedication of 149th Penn'a mon., Oct. 20th 1886, general group. 128 E " at dedication of 121st Penn'a mon., July, 1886 130 E " at dedication of 99th Penn'a mon., July 2nd, 1886, before unveiling. 131 E " at dedication of 114th Penn'a mon., Collis Zouaves, July 2nd, 1884 132 E " at dedication of 118th Penn'a marker, July 1886, general group. i33 E '' at dedication of 118th Penn'a marker, July, 1886, Survivors. i34 E " of 84th Penn'a regiment reunion, taken in front of Court House, July 7th, 1886. 88 " of Penn'a Senators and Representatives, East Cem. Hill, April 21, '87. 130 130 " at dedication of 69th Penn'a mon., July 3d, 1887, survivors and escort. 132 132 " at dedication of 71st Penn'a mon 3d, Survivors. , July 1887, i43 " of 87th Penn'a regiment taken at G. A. R. Hall, July 12th 1887. 144 " of 56th Penn'a regiment taken at G. A. R. Hall, July 12th, 1887. 146 " of 53rd Penn'a regiment taken in Wheat Field, July 12th, 1887. 148 " of Sunflowers at Devil's Den, July 12, '87. No. 149 med. sizeof same. 150 " of 8th Penn'a Cavalry at Rostrum in National Cemetery, July 13, '87. 168 " of 96th Penn'a mon., Committee at site for mon., taken July 25th, '87. 169 " of 96th Penn'a mon., Committee at site for mon., taken July 25th, 'S-/. " 3i5 at 82nd Penn'a mon , June 12th, 1888. 3 J9 " at 82nd Penn'a mon.. dedication, June 13th, 1888. 316 316 " at rededication of 23rd Penn'a mon., June 13th, 1888, Survivors. 317 317 " at rededication of 23rd Penn'a mon., June 13th, 1888, General group. 321 " at rededication of 23rd Penn'a mon, June 13th 1888, Ladies. 327 " of 96th Penn'a party at Spangler's Spring, June 20th, 1888, and No. 326 med. size the same party at Devil's Den. 328 " at dedication of 96th Penn'a mon., June 21st, 1888. 353 " at dedication of 121st Penn'a mon., July 4th, 1888, Survivors. 354 354 " at dedication of 121st Penn'a mon., July 4th, 1888, General group. 355 " at dedication of 57th Penn'a mon., July 3rd, 1888. 377 " at dedication of 68th Penn'a mon., July 3rd, 1888. Also No. 377^

med. size of Committee and mon , 378A " at dedication of 151st Penn'a mon., July 3d, 1888 378 B " at dedication of 151st Penn'a mon., July 3d, 1888. 389 61st Penn'a party at Spangler's Spring, July, 1888.

477 477 Group at dedication of 90th Penn'a (Tree) mon , Sept. 3rd, 1888, Survivors. " '88, 478 478 at dedication of 90th Penn'a (Tree) mon , Sept. 3, General group. 479 479 " at dedication of 90th Penn'a (Eagle) mon., Sept. 3d, 1888. " 720 720 at dedication of 90th Penn'a (Boulder) mon , Sept. 2nd, 1889. 522 " of 188th Penn'a and 3d Heavy Art., party at Devil's Den, Sept. 1888. 523 523 " of 188th Penn'a party at Devil's Den. Sept. 1888. 52 5 525 " at dedication of 93d Penn'a mon., Oct., 3d, 1888, general group. Part Third. 25

Pennsylvania Croups. (Continued).

Croup at dedication of 93rd Penn'a mon., Oct 3d, 1888, Survivors group. " at dedication of 75th Penn'a mon., Oct. 1888. '•' of 3d Penn'a Cavalry at reunion, Sept. 12th, 1889 '"' at dedication of 28th Penn'a mon., Sept. 12th, 1889. ' at dedication of 147th Penn'a mon., Sept. 12th, 1889. " at dedication of 149th Penn'a mon., Sept. 12th, 1889. :< at dedication of 17th Penn'a Cavalry mon., Sept. nth, 1889. " at dedication of 46th Penn'a mon., Sept. 12th, 1889. ' at dedication of 84th Penn'a mon., Sept. 12th, 1889. : ' at dedication of 83rd Penn'a mon., Sept. 12th, 1889. '' at dedication of 107th Penn'a mon., Sept. nth, 1889. ' at dedication of 56th Penn'a mon., Sept. nth. 1889. :< at dedication of 143rd Penn'a mon., Sept. nth, 1889. ' at dedication of 102nd Penn'a mon., Sept. nth, 1889. ' at dedication of 155th Penn'a mon., Sept. 12th, 1889. General. ' at dedication of 155th Penn'a mon., Sept. 12th, 1889. Regimental. • at dedication of 2nd Penn'a Cavalry mon., Sept. nth, 1889. Hats on. ' at dedication of 2nd Penn'a Cavalry mon., Sept. nth, 1889. Hats off. ' at dedication of 9th Penn'a Reserve mon., Sept. nth, 1889. N. G. Encampment, Aug. 1884. Forming for review. N. G. Encampment, Aug 1884. The Sheridan Troop. Group of 87th regiment, taken at reunion at York, Pa., Sept. 24th, 1889. '' of Gov. Beaver and party at 148th Penn'a mon., Oct. 31, '89. 7Q3/-2- '•' of Reno Post Guard, of Williamsport, Pa., taken at Gettysburg Sept. nth, 1889. No. 803 Medium size of same. 795 '' at dedication of 119th Penn'a mon., Wright ave., 1888, 796 ' of 119th Penn'a party at Devil's Den, 1888. '•' of 10th Penn'a Reserve party at mon., Sept. 1st, 1890. 884 A '' at dedication of 10th Penn'a Reserve mon., Sept. 2nd, 1890. 884 B ' at dedication of 10th Penn'a Reserves mon., Sept. 2nd, 1890. " at dedication of 8th Cavalry mon., Sept. 1st, 1890. General. " at dedication of 8th Penn'a Cavalry mon , Sept. 1st, 1890. Survivors. '' at dedication of 1st Penn'a Cavalry mon., Sept. 2nd, 1890.

: ' at dedication of 6th Penn'a Reserves mon , Sept. 2d, 1890. " at Rostrum during Penn'a Reserves Exercises, Sept. 2d, 1890. ; ' at dedication of 1st Penn'a Reserves mon., Sept. 3d, 1890. " at dedication of nth Penn'a Vol. mon., Sept. 3d, 1890. Survivors, Hats off. " at dedication of nth Penn'a Vol. mon., Sept. 3rd, 1890. Survivors, Hats on. " of Col. Dick Coulter and others locating site for nth Penn'a Vol. mon., Nov. 17th, 1887. " of 3d Penn'a Cavalry party at Dr. Tate's, Sept. 4th, 1890. " at dedication of 3d Penn'a Cavalry mon., Sept. 4th, 1890. Survivors. " at dedication of 3d Penn'a Cavalry mon., Sept. 4th, 1890. General. St. John's Commandery No. 8, K. T., of Carlisle, Pa., in Nat. Cem.-, Nov. 27th, 1890.

St. John's Commandery No. 8, K. T. , of Carlisle, Pa., with ladies and others at Devil's Den, Nov. 27th, 1890.

Group at dedication of 140th Penn'a mon., 1885. General. " at dedication of 140th Penn'a mon., 1885. Survivors. " at Knap's Battery mon., 1885. * " at 28th Penn'a mon., 1885. '• at 147th Penn'a mon., 1885. " of 'Razors' and 'Lambs' at Devil's Den, Aug. 1885. " of Gen. Burdette and Com. Curtin and staff at Camp U. S. Grant. Aug. 1885. " at dedication of 121st Penn'a mon., July, 1886. " at 23rd Penn'a mon., Aug. 4th, 1886, before mon., was unveiled. " of 23d Penn'a party at Manayunk headquarters, Aug. 5th, 1886. " of 155th Penn'a party, on East Cem. Hill, Sept. 17th, 1886. " of 149th Penn'a Co. D party at mon., after dedication. " at 149th Penn'a party on East Cemetery Hill. " at 17th Penn'a Cavalry party on East Cemetery Hill. " at 17th Penn'a Cavalry party on East Cemetery Hill. " of nth Penn'a Reserves Committee locating position for monument. Nov. 29th, 1887. Col. R. Penn Smith, and others at 69th Penn'a mon., July 4th, 1887. and 330 original Monument Committee at 96th Penn'a mon., June 21st, iSSS. 1 1

26 Tipton's Gettysburg Photographs.

01 u bJO T3 V c3 Pennsylvania Croups. (Continurd) w J s

73 Group at Cooper's Battery B mon., Sept. nth, 1889. 732 of 12th Regt. N. G. P., at Camp, Sept. nth, 1889. 897 Group of 87th Regt. Co. F party at Lodge Nat. Cem. Sept. 21, 1890. 964 A 964 A at dedication of mon., of Co's E and I, 6th Penn a Cavalry at Meade's Headquarters, June 8th, 1891

964 B 964 B Group at dedication of mon. , of Co's E and 1, 6th Penn'a Cavalry at Meade's Headquarters, June 8th, 1891. 972 972 Gov. Patterson and others at Devil's Den, June 12th, 1891.. 1009 A 1009 A Dedication of 72nd Penn'a Inf. mon., July 4, '91. Survivors group. 1009 B 1009 B 1016 IOIO IOIO " " " " " Ladies Aid group. IOII Dedication of 72d Penn'a Inf. mon., July 4th, 1891. Survivors of Cushing's Battery. IO 12 Dedication of 72d Penn'a Inf. mon., July 4th, '91. Original Ladies' Aid 1014 Dedication of 72d Penn'a Inf. mon., July 4th, 189 1. Mother Lee

1017 IOI7 Dedication of 72d Penn'a Inf. mon , July 4th, 2891. South Penn'a Hose Co. 1013 A 1013 A 72d Penn'a party at Devil's Den. July 4th, 1891. 1013B 1013 B 72d Penn'a party at Devil's Den. July 4th, 1891.

1015 Co. F group at mon , July 5th 1891. 1018 1018 Co. K. group at mon., July 5th, 1891. 1019 1019 Co. R group at mon., July 5th, 1891. 1022 1022 Special party at mon., July 5th, 1891. 737 737 Group at dedication of 151st Penn'a mon., Sept nth, 1889. 1028 1028 Group at 96th Penn'a mon., July nth, 1891. 1029 Group at 3d Penn'a Cavalry mon., July nth, 1891.

1078 188th P. V. 1., and 3d H. A , party at Devil's Den, Sept. 3d, 1891. 1081 108 188th P. V. I., and 3d H. A., party on East Cem. Hill, Sept. 3, '91. 1152 1 152 6th Penn'a Cavalry party on East Cem. Hill, Sept. nth, 1891. "S3 A 1153A 6th Penn'a Cavalry party at mon., Emmitsburg road. 1153B "53B 6th Penu'a Cavalry at mon., Emmitsburg road.

"57 "57 Penn'a State College Cadets at 90th Penn'a mon , Oct. 26th, 1891. 1158 1158 Penn'a State College Cadets at Devil's Den, Oct. 27th, 1891. "58^ "58^ Penn'a State College Cadets at Devil's Den, (Jet. 27th, 1891. "59 "59 Penn'a State College Cadets, Bat. Drill, Centre Square, Oct. 29, '91. 1161 1161 Group at dedication of Adams County Soldiers' mon., Gettysburg, Feb. 22d, 1892. 1 162 1 162 Post q, Group at dedication of Adams County Soldiers' monument, Gettysburg, Feb. 22d, 1892. 58 D 58 D Phila. Grocer's Exchange group at Devil's Den, May 1892. 173D 173 D Chester party at Devil's Den, June 6th, 1892 1 194 "94 82d Penn'a party at 82d Penn'a mon , Culp's Hill, June 20th, 1892. 1 198 1 198 82d Penn'a party at National Mon., in Cemetery, June 20th, 1892. 1 199 "99 Wholesale Grocers' Exchange of Phila., E. Cem. Hill, June 24, '92 1200 1200 Wholesale Grocers' Exchange of Phila., E. Cem. Hill, June 24, '92 265 D 265D Wholesale Grocers' Exchange of Phila., at Devil's Den, June 25' 92

266 D 266 D Wholesale Grocers' Exchange of Phila , at Devil's Den, June 25/92 1212 1212 73d Penn'a Association at 73d Penn'a mon., E. Cem. Hill, July 4/92 12 13 12 13 73d Penn'a Association at 73d Penn'a mon., E. Cem. Hill, July 4/92 1215 12 is Battery Guard and G. A. R. men at High Water Mark mon., July 4th, 1892. 1218 1218 Battery Guard and G. A. K men at High Water Mark mon., July 4th, 1892. 1217 12 17 12 16 Battery, Dep't Officers and others at High Water Mark mon., July 4th, 1892. 123O The "Goats" at Camp McClelland, July 4th, 1892. 1231 I23I Ass't Quartermaster Gen. Levering's Tent and group, July 4, 1892. 1232 I232 Dep't Com., Taylor and others at Hdqrs tent, July 4th, 1892. 1234 1234 Dep't Com., Taylor and Staff, at Hdqrs tent, July 4th, 1892. 1235 1235 General group at Camp, July 4th, 1892. 1236 I236 Gen. Wagner and others at Ass't Quartermaster Gen's tent. J 333 J333 Group at dedication 26th Penn'a Emergency mon., Sept. 1st, 1892, Hats off. J 334 1334 Group at dedication 26th Penn'a Emergency mon., Sept. 1st, 1892, Hats on.

1344 1344 Cavalry Brig, group at 17th Penn'a Cavalry mon , Sept. 9th, 1892. *3i6 1346 150th Penn'a group at Pitzer House, Sept. 1892. 1361 1361 Apollinarus Club of Phila., at 118th Penn'a mon., Oct. 2d, 1892. 1362 1362 Apollinarus Club of Phila., on Little Round Top, Oct. 2d, 1892. 1 D D

Part Third. 27

rt V s? d rt 1 Pennsylvania Croups. (Concluded.)

1253 D I253 D 6th Penn'a Cavalry group at Devil's Den, Oct. gth, D 1892. 1333 1333 D John Russell Young's Phila. , party at Devil's Den, Oct. 29th, 1892. 1446 1446 Group at 8th Penn'a Cavalry mon., July 19th, 1893. 1457 1457 Phila., Lumbermen's Exchange at 13th Mass. mon., Sept. 27th, 1893. 1459 "459 M. 0. Loyal Legion U. S. Commandery of Penn'a at Meade's Head- quarters, Oct. 5th, 1893. 1458 1458 21st Penn'a Cavalry Veterans at dedication of site for Sandoe mon., Oct. sth, 1893. 146 146 1 Pen and Pencil Club of Phila., East Cem. Hill, Oct. 1893. 2043 D 2043 D The same at Devil's Den. 1440 D 1440 D Chris. Magee and State Senate party at Devil's Den, May, 1893. 1470D 1470D Union League party of Phila., at Devil's Den, May 28th, 1893. !993 D 1993 D 6th Penn'a Cavalry party at Devil's Den. 2031 2031 Reading (Pa.) Press Club at Devil's Den. Michigan Croups.

600 Group at dedication of 1st Michigan mon., June 12th, 1889. 601 601 at dedication of 4th Michigan mon., June 12th, 1889. 602 602 at dedication of 5th Michigan mon., June 12th, 1889. 603 at dedication of 16th Michigan mon., June 12th, 1889. 604 604 at dedication of 1st Michigan Cav. Brig, mon., June 12, 1889. 605 605 of Gov. Luce and Staff at Mich. Cav. Brig, mon., June 12, '89. 666 at 5th Michigan mon., June 14th, 1889. Wisconsin Croups. 95g Gov. Rusk, Ex-Gov. Fairchild, and members of Wisconsin Monu- mental Commission on Little Round Top. 369 3 69 Group at 7th Wisconsin mon., July ist, 1888. 37 6 at 6th Wisconsin mon., July 3d, 1888. Rhode Island Croups.

98 F 98 F Group at dedication of 2nd R. I. mon., Oct. 1886, General group, 99 F 99 F at dedication of 2nd R. I. mon., Oct. 1886, Survivors group, 100 F 100 F at dedication of Arnold's Battery A ist R. I. A. mon., Oct. 1886, Survivors group,

iwF 101F at dedication of Brown's Battery B ist R. 1. A. mon. , Oct. 1888, Survivors group, 102 F 102 F of R. I. Monumental exc. party at Devil's Den, Oct. 14, '86. 98^e General group at dedication of 2nd R. t. mon., Oct. 1886. 99^e Group taken during exercises at 2d R. 1. mon., dedication, Oct. '86. Connecticut Croups.

Group at dedication of 17th Conu mon., 1884. < 14 E July, 14% E " of Gen. Noble, Col. Allen and others at 17th Conn, mon., July, 1885. 15 F 15 F " at dedication of 20th Conn, mon., July 3rd, 1885. 16 F 16 F " at dedication of 14th Conn, mon., July, 1884. Survivors. 17 F 17 F " at dedication of 27th Conn, mon., Oct. 22nd, 1885. 18 F t8F " at dedication of 27th Conn, mon., Oct. 22, '85. Participants in battle. " 19 F i9 F at dedication of 27th Conn, mon., Oct. 22, '85. Gen. group. ig'AF 19^ F " of 27th Conn, party, at Conn. Section of Graves in Nat. Cem., Oct. 22nd, 1885. 182 182 '* at dedication of 5th Conn, mon., Aug. 9th, 1887. Gen. group. 183 183 " at dedication of 5th Conn, mon., Aug. 9th, 1887. Survivors. 621 621 " at dedication of 2nd Conn. Battery mon., July 3d, 1889. " 749 749 of 16th Conn. exc. party in Nat. Cem. Sept. 16th, 18S9. 813 813 " at dedication of 17th Conn, mon., Oct. 22, 18S9. General. 814 814 " at dedication of 17th Conn, mon., Oct. 22, 1889. Survivors. " 815 Si5 at dedication of 27th Conn, mon , Oct. 22, 1889. General. 816 816 " dedication of 27th Conn, mon., Oct. 22nd, 1889. Survivors. 817 817 " of 27th Conn, mon., Committee at mon., Oct. 22nd, 18S9. 1099 1099 14th Conn, party at 17th Conn, mon., Sept. 15th, 1891. 1 100 1 100 14th Conn, party on East Cemetery Hill, Sept. 15th, 1891. 28 Tipton's Gettysburg1 Photographs.


CS "- Connecticut Croups. if 1

IIOI IIOI 14th Conn, party at 14th Conn mon. , Sept. 15th, 1891. 1 102 II02 14th Conn, party at Marker, site of Bliss Buildings, Sept. 15, 1891. IIII A 1111A 14th Conn, party at mon., Sept. 16th, 1891. IIII H 1111B 14th Conn, party at mon., Sept. 16th, 189 1. 1 1 12 1 1 12 14th Conn. Co. F, group at mon., Sept. 16th, 189 1. I34O 1340 Meriden Conn. Posts, on Little Round Top, Sept. 17th, 1892. Group of 5th Conn, party on East Cem. Hill, Aug. 9th, 1887. Croup of 5th Conn, party on Little Round Top, Aug. 9th, 1887. Ohio Croups.

54 E Ohio Monumental Committee at Gettysburg, Aug. 14th, 1885. 247 247 Group of Survivors of 4th Ohio at mon., Sept. 14th, 1887. " 248 of Survivors of 5th Ohio at site of mon , Sept. 14th, 1887. 250 249 " of Gov. Foraker, Staff and Monumental Commission in hollow square formed around Ohio Section of Graves in Nat. Cem by 14th regt. N. G. O., Sept. 14th, 1887. 251 " at dedication of 107th Ohio mon., Sept. 14, 1887. Survivors. 252 " at dedication of 107th Ohio mon., Sept. 14th, 1887. General. 254 255 " at site of 66th Ohio mon., Sept. 15th, 1887. " of 5th Ohio party at rock, Sept. nth, 1889. Special group of 4th Ohio party at mon., Sept. 15th, 1887. 800 D Fred. C. Jones Post of Cincinnati, at Devil's Den, Sept. 16, 1892. Indiana Croups. 20 E Group at dedication of 3d Ind. Cavalry mon. 21E " at dedication of 7th Ind Infantry mon. 22 E " Group at dedication of 19th Ind. Infantry mon. 23 E " at dedication of 20th Ind. Infantry mon Cab 24c " at dedication of 14th Ind. Infantry mon. New Jersey Croups. 103 F 103 F Group at dedication of 12th N. J. mon., May 26th, '86. General. " 104 F 104 F at dedication of 12th N. J. mon., May 26, '86. Survivors. 121 121 New Jersey Editorial Association, E. Cem. Hill, June 28th, 1887. 122 New Jersey Editorial Association, Springs Hotel, June 28, 1887. 124 124 Group at dedication of 13th N. J. mon., July 1st, 1887. General. " 125 at dedication of 13th N. J. mon., July 1st, 1887. General. " 126 126 at dedication of 13th N. J. mon., July 1st, 1887. Survivors. 12- " at 13th 1st, dedication of N. J. mon , July 1887. Survivors. 12S Gov. Green and Staff at Jed. of 13th N. J. mon., July 1st, 1887. 335 Group in N. J. Camp, June 29, '88, dress parade, parade rest. " 336 in N. J. Camp, June 29, '88, open order, showing Band. " 361 361 at dedication of N. J. Brig, mon., June 30th, 1888. 362 362 " of Gov. Green's Staff. June 30th, 1888. " 372 MED at dedication of 5th N. J. mon., June 30th, 1888. " 373 at dedication of Clark's N. J. Bat. B, June 30th, 1888. 4OI Gen McAllister and others at nth N. J. mon., June 29th, 1888. 402 Capt. Bird and others in N. J. Camp, June 29th, 1888. 4°3 The Orange Boys in N. J. Camp, June 29th, 1888. 404 The Orange Boys in N. J. Camp, June 29th, 1888. 405 Co. C Group in N. J. Camp, June 29th, 1888. 333 Group in N. J. Camp, June 29th, 1888. Cab 334 Group in N. J. Camp, June 29th, 1888.

Officers of 6th Regt. N G. N. J., at Devil's Den, June 19th, 1891. 969 Officers 6th Regt N. G. N. J., and others at Devil's Den, June 19, '91. 109 5 A 1095 A Lincoln Post n, G. A R. N. J., and Guests, E. Cem. Hill, Sept. 8/91. 1095 B 1095 B Lincoln Post 11, G. A. R. N. J., and Guests, East Cem. Hill, Sept. 8th, 1891. 1097 Lincoln Post n, G. A. R., N. J., on Church steps, Sept. 10, 1891. Lincoln Post n, G. A. R., N. J., and Guests on Church steps, Sept. 10th, 1891. 1156 1156 6th N. J. party at Devil's Den, Oct. 23d, 1891. 1451 1451 Lincoln Post n, G. A. R., Newark on E. Cem. Hill, Sept. 5, 1893. 1455 1455 13th N. J. party at mon., Sept. 19th, 1893. 1455A same. 1456 1456 13th N. J. Veterans at mon., Sept. 19th, 1893. 1911D 1911D Lincoln Post n of Newark, at Devil's Den, Sept. 1893. Part Third. 29

V bjo -0 8 Illinois Croups.

1085 1085 Gov. Fifer and Staff at Devil's Den, Sept 4th, 1891. 1084 1084 Gov. Fifer and Staff and 111. Monumental Commission at Devil's Den, Sept. 4th, 1891. ' 1083 1083 Gov. Fifer and Staff and Ex-Gov. Beveridge and others, at 82d 111., mon., Sept. 3d; 2891. 1082 1082 General group at dedication of 82d. 111. Inf. mon., Sept. 3d, 1891. 1080 1080 Illinois party on East Cemetery Hill, Sept. 3d, 1891. 1079 Group at 82d 111. mon., Sept. 4th, 1891. Maryland Croups.

105 F 105 F Group at dedication of 2d Md. Confed. mon., Nov. 19, '86, general, io5^F 105 yj " at dedication of 2d Md. Confed. mon.. Nov. 19, '86. Survivors. 3 2 5 " of Md. mon. Com., on Gulp's Hill, June 15th, 1888. 386 386 " of Md mon. Com., on Little Round Top, July 22d, 1888. S69 569 " of Md. mon. Com., and others, at 1st E. S. mon., Oct. 25, '88. 57°^ 57°^ Gov. Jackson and Staff at 1st P. H. B. mon., Oct. 25th, 1888.

839 838 Group of Md. mon. Com , at 1st E. S., June 16th, 1890. 916 916 " of Purnell Legion party at mon., Oct. 23d, 1890. 57° Md. mon. Com., and others at 1st E. S. mon., Oct. 25th, 1888. 564 Co. C 1st Regt. N. G. Md., Linganore Guards, Oct. 25th, 1888.

565 Co. F 1st Regt. N. G. Md , Bond Guards, Oct. 25th, 1888. 567 Monumental City Guard of Baltimore, Oct. 25th, 1888. 568 Baltimore City Rifles, Oct. 25th, 1888. 1345 1345 Wilson and Dushane Posts of Baltimore, and Andrew and Eaton Posts of Mass. on Little Round Top, Sept. 19th, 1892. Delaware Croups. 106 E Group at dedication of 1st Del. mon., June 10th, 1886. 107 E Group of 1st and 2d Del. party taken E. Cem. Hill, June 9, 1886. Miscellaneous Croups. 25 F 25 F Group at dedication of Gregg Cav. Shaft, Oct. 1884, General. 26 F 26 F " at dedication of Gregg Cav. Shaft, Oct. 1884, Survivors. 47 F 47 F Group of Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians and others at Devil's Den, Nov. 28th, 1884. 48 F 48 F Driving the golden spike, G. & H R. R., Feb. 27th, 1884. 49 F 50 E Gen. Hancock and others at copse, Nov. 19th, 1885. 52 E 52 E Altoona Fire Co. in Centre Square, Gettysburg, 1884. 53 F 53 F Lutheran Gen. Synod party at Devil's Den, 1884. 60 E 60 E Tongawa Tribe of Red men of Phila. at Globe Hotel, May, 1884. 61 Georgia Press Association on Little Round Top, 1884. 62 F 62 F President Cleveland, V. Pres. Hendricks, Gov. Pattison and Guide taken in National Cemetery, May 4th, 1885. 64c Gen's Grant, Crawford, Geary, Porter and others at Orphans' Home, 58 T N. Phila. Bapt. Ass'n E. Cem. Hill, Oct. "85. [Gettysburg, 1867. 2176 2176 Gen's Sickles, Carr and Graham taken on spot where Gen. Sickles lost his leg, 1886. 2177 2177 General Berdan at Devil's Den, 1886. 96 E 96 ^e Raymond and Whitecomb party on E. Cem. Hill, Sept. 29th, 1886. ii2e Gen. Wade Hampton and Maj. McClellan in carriage July 7th, 1886. "3e Gen's Gregg, Mcintosh, Deems, Hampton and other Cav. Officers, July 7th, 1886. 114 Same party at lunch 115 F 115 v Group at dedication of mon., where Gen. Reynolds fell, July 1, '86. 87g 87g Gov's Beaver, Pa., Ormsbee, Vt., members of Staff and Pa. Legis- lature, East Eemetery Hill, April 21st 1887. 9'g Gov's Beaver, Pa., Ormsbee, Vt., members of Staff and Pa. Legis- lature, East Cemetery Hill, April 21st, 1887. 92§ Gov. Beaver and others on Little Round Top, April 21st, 1887. 107 107 108 Phila. Brewers' Association, East Cemetery Hill, May 28th, 1S87. 109 109 no Phila Brewers' Association at Devil's Den, May 28th, 1887. in Phila Brewers' Association on Little Round Top, May 28th, 1887. 112 Phila. Brewers' Association, Band, May 2Sth, 1887. 135 135 Pickett's men and Phila. Brigade clasping hands over stone wall. July 4th, 1887. *47 J 47 Board of Directors of Battlefield Memorial Association, July 12, '87. 215 Arlington Lodge K.. of H. at Springs' Hotel, Aug. 29th, 1S87. 216 Arlington Lodge K. of H. at Devil's Den, Aug. 29th, 1887. 30 Tipton's Gettysburg1 Photographs.

u OS & X (Continued). W J % Miscellaneous Croups.

222 to 229 inclusive, eight groups of K.. D. S. A., on Little Round Top, Aug. 31st. 1887. 279 279 Raymond and Whitcomb party in Nat. Cem., Oct. 12th, 1887. 240 Raymond and Whitecomb party on Little Round Top, Oct. 12, '87, During lecture. 286^ 286^ State Association Directors of Poor and others, on East Cem. Hill, Oct. 19th, 1887. 308 308 Ancient and Honorable Artillery Co. of London, Eng., and Boston, Mass., at Devil's iten, May 31st, 1888. "g "g Grand Chapter Officers at Devil's Den, (Masonic) March 3d, 1886. n8g Undertaker's party on East Cem. Hill, June 17th, 1887. 322 322 Group of Shaler's Brig, party at Devil's Den, June 12th, 1888. 332 332 Group at Laying of Corner Stone of New Penn'a College Building, June 27th, 1888. 384 4th U. S. Artillery in Camp, July 4th, 1888. 394 Peninsular Press Association, East Cem. Hill, Aug. 1st, 1888. 406 Gen. Longstreet, Ex-Go v. Smyth, N. H., Col. Bachelder and others on Little Round Top, July, 1888 438 Juniata Valley Editorial Association, East Cem Hill, Aug. 29, 1888, Hats on. 439 same, hats off. 440 Juniata Valley Editorial Association, East Cem. Hill, Aug 29, 1888, and other parties 442 441 Juniata Valley Editorial Association, Little Round Top, Aug. 29th, 1888 447 Group of Balto., Brewers at Devil's Den, Aug. 30th, 1888. 47i Group of Whitehead, Draper and other Grangers, Aug. 31st, 188S. 472 Group of Whitehead, Draper and other Grangers, Aug. 31st, 1888. 506 Balto. Druggists' party on Kast Cem. Hill, Sept 20th, 1888 178 2178 Gen. Longstreet (Confed.) Gen's Butterfield, Hon. Warner Miller, and others, July 3d, 1888

179 2179 Gen. Longstreet (Confed ) Gen. Butterfield, Hon. Warner Miller, and others, July 3d, 1888.

180 2180 2180^ Gen. Longstreet (Confed ) Gen's Butterfield, Sickles, Carr, Cham- berlain, Hartranft and others, July 3d, 1888. 2181 The same with General Slocum. 5i6 Raymond and Whitcomb exc. party, E. Cem. Hill, Sept. 26, 1888 521 521 Penn'a R. R. exc. from Boston, E. Cem, Hill, Sept. 27th, 1888. 542 542 Gettysburg Pilgrim Club of Boston, at Devil's Den, Oct. 10th, 1888. 549 Jewel Lodge party at Springs Hotel, Oct. 1888. 557 557 U. S. Fire Co. No. 1, of Atlantic City, at Devil's Den, Oct. 1888, Hats on. 558 558 U. S. Fire Co. No. 1, of Atlantic City, at Devil's Den, Oct. 1888. Caps on. 562 562 W. R. G Master Eichbaum and officers of Masonic Grand Lodge of Penn'a, Oct. 20th. 1888. 566 Veteran Fire Co. of Baltimore, Oct. 25th, 1888. 575 575 Penn'a Senatorial party at Devil's Den, March 22d, 1889. 577 Golden Eagle party at Devil's Den, Ap il 3d, 1889. 584 584 Dedication of Brua Memorial Chapel, Penn'a College, May 16, '89. 589 590 Apolinaris Club of Phila. at 118th Penn'a mon., May 22d, 1889. 588 588 Apolinaris Club of Phila. on E Cem. Hill, May 22d, 1889. 627 Christian Endeavor party, East Cem. Hill, July 13th, 1889. 628 Christian Endeavor party at Devil's Den, July 13th, 1889. 629 630 Jr. O. U. A. M., group on East Cemetery Hill, July 17th, 1889. 647 to 652 inclusive, six groups of Balto. Brewers' party at Warren Statue, Aug. 1st, 1884. 653 Group of Balto. Brewers' party at Nat. Men., Aug. 1st, 1889. 660 Allentown party in National Cemetery, Aug. 7th, 1889. 661 Allentown party on East Cemetery Hill, Aug. 7th, 1889. 662 Allentown party on Little Round Top, Aug. 7th, 1889. 664 Golden Eagle party at Devil's Den, Aug. 12th, 1889. 665 Golden Eagle party at Warren Statue, Aug. 12th, 1889. 666 Group of Sixteeners, East Cemetery Hill, Aug. 23d, 1889. 687 ' Group of Sixteeners at Warren Rock, Aug. 23d, 1889 771 Boston party, East Cemetery Hill, Sept 25th, 1889. 772 772 Penn'a R. R. exc. party in National Cemetery, Sept. 27th, 1889. 773 773 Penn'a R. R. exc. party at Devil's Den, Sept. 27th, 1880. 775 775 Group of Knight's Templar, Little Round Top, Oct. 5th, 1892. 787 787 " of P. R. R. exc. and K. T. party on E. Cem. Hill, Oct. 11/89. 788 788 " of P. R. R. exc. and K.. T. party on Little Round Top, Oct. 1 1, 1 .

Part Third. 31

•6 s° Miscellaneous Croups. 1 2 1

79 2 Group of Mr. Frank Thompson (P. R. R.) Col. Fuller and others at Devil's Den, Oct. 1884. 798 799 Beaver Coaching Party on East Cem. Hill, Z889. 820 Loyal Legion party at Devil's Den, April 18th, 1890. 821 Loyal Legion party at Devil's Den, April 19th, 1890. 822 Irving College group at Devil's Den, May 10th, 1890. 827 Group of Congressional exc. party on 1st day's field, May 30, 1890. 828 of Congressional exc party on Little Round Top, May 30/90 829 of Congressional exc. party at Blue Mt. House, May 31, '90. 834 Wilson College girls at Devil's Den, June, 1890. 83s Wilson College girls at Warren Statue, June, 1890. 836 Druggists party on East Cemetery Hill, June 12th, 1890. 894 Gen. Smith (B. & O. R. R.) and others, E. Cem Hill, Sept. 20, '90. 898 Raymond and Whitcomb party at 14th Brooklyn mon., Sept. 24/90. 899 Raymond and Whitcomb party at Devil's Den, Sept. 24th, 1890. 908 Raymond and Whitcomb party on E. Cem. Hill, Oct 2d, 1890. 909 Raymond and Whitcomb party at Devil's Den, Oct. 2d, 1890. 915 P. R. R personally conducted exc party, Little R. T. Oct. 10, '90. 910 Comte de Paris party—Comte de Paris and suite and American Gen- erals at Reynolds' Statue, Oct. 15th, i8go. 9 ii Comte de Paris and suite on Little Round Top, Oct. 15th, 1890. 912 Comte de Paris and suite and American Generals at Gregg Cavalry Shaft, Oct 15th, 1890. 9*3 Comte de Paris. 919 Lower Marsh Creek Pres. Church and group, Centennial Anniver- sary, 1890. 920 Lunch Table and group at Lower Marsh Creek Presbyterian Church at Centennial Anniversary, 1890. 921 Group of 6th U S. Cav. party at Swope house, Fairfield, July 4/88. 922 of 6th U. S. Cav. party at Marshall house, Fairfield, July 4/88. 928 Royal Arcanum party on Little Round Top, May 15th, 1891. 934 Shield of Honor party at Warren Statue, May 18th, 1891. 942 A New York Coal Exchange party at Devil's Den, May 27th, 1891. 942 B New Y<:rk Coal Exchange party at Devil's Den, May 27th, 1891. 966 Penn'a State Board ot Agriculture. E. Cem. Hill, June 12th 1891. 994 . Phila. Coal Exchange at Devil's Den, June 20th, 1891. 995 Phila. Coal Exchange at Devil's Den, June 20th, 1891. 999 Phila. Coal Exchange at Devil's Den, June 20th 189 1. 1000 Delta, group at Chapter House, Penn'a Col. June 17th, 1891. 100 Sigma Chi group at Chapter House, Penn'a Col., June 17th, 1891. 1043 A Phila Delegation C. T. A. U. of A,, East Cem. Hill, Aug. 2, 1891. 1043 B Phila. Delegation C. T. A. U. of A., East Cem. Hill, Aug. 2, 1891. 1 149 Raymond and Whitcomb exc. party, E. Cem. Hill, Oct. 1st, 1891. 1150 Raymond and Whitcomb exc. party, at Devil's Den, Oct. 1st, 1891. 1151A P. R. R. personally conducted party, E. Cem. Hill, Oct. 2d, 1891. 1151B P. R. R. personally conducted party, E. Cem. Hill, Oct. 2d, 1891. 1154A P. R. R. personally conducted party, E. Cem. Hill, Oct. 16th, 1891. 1154B P. R R. personally conducted party, E. Cem. Hill, Oct. 16, 189 1.

914 914 B Montgomery S F. E. & Hose Co., Norristown, Pa , at Devil's Den, 914 A The same. [Oct. 22d, 1890. 2701 5th Regt. N. G. Md., party on Little Round Top. 2701% The same. 54 D N. Y. and Phila. Newspaper party at Devil's Den, May 18, 1892. 1 170 N. Y. and Phila. Newspaper party on L. Round Top, May 18, '92. 204 D Congressional party at Devil's Den, Belknap, Lapham, Newberry, Rockwell, Gen. Heth, Col. Bachelder and others. !393 D Congressional party at Devil's Den, Belknap, Hull, McNulty, Sharp, Gen. Wheeler, Col. Bachelder and others.

1304 Gen. Gibbons, Gen. Heth and others at H. W. M. mon. , Sept. 9/92. i3°5 Gen. Gibbons, Gen. Heth and others at H. W. M. Mon., Sept. 9,' 92. !337 Ransom Post, St. Louis, East Cemetery Hill, Sept. 1892. 799 D Ransom Post, St. Louis. Devil's Den, Sept. 1892. J349 Morrell, Fremont and Vosburg Posts on E. Cem. Hill, Sept. 1892. *393 Group on E. Cem. Hill, April 29, 1893, Gov. Pattison, Gens. How- } ard, Sickles, I.ongstreet, Alexander and others. '393A \ Gregg, Mahone, 1396 Wilson College Girls on E. Cem. Hill, May 15th, 1893. miu Wilson College girls at Devil's Den, May 15th, 1893. 1445 Lancaster's Battery, July 3d, 1893, (C. 3d U. S). 1460 Lancaster's Battery at Meade's Headquarters, Oct. 5th, 1893, (C. 3d U. S. Artillery).

1 1

32 Tipton's Gettysburg Photographs.

Miscellaneous Croups.

146 1461 Pen and Pencil Club of Phila., East Cem. Hill, Oct. 21st, 1893. 1474 1474 U. S. Naval Engineers (Commodore Melville and others), Seminary Ridge, May 8th, 1894. 1475 1475 The same. 1476 1476 The same at High Water Mark. 1477 1477 Union League of Phila., on Little Round Top, May 20th, 1894. 1478 1478 jKadosh Commandery No. 29, K. T., of Phila., at Devil's Den, May 24th, 1894. 1479 1479 Mary Commandery No. 36, K. T., of Phila., at Devil's Den, May 24th, 1894. 1480 1480 jjohn Russell Young's party on East Cemetery Hill, May 29th, 1894.


As a souvenir of a visit to the field of Gettysburg, nothing more desirable can be secured than a photograph of yourself or party at some historic spot.

I have made thousands of such plates every season since 1863, and am always prepared to go out at a moment's notice. 1


Portraits and Reproductions.

The following subjects are kept in stock mounted only, but can be furnished unmounted on short notice. In ordering from Part Fourth give number of subject, and state size and style of mount- ing desired. •

When number is omitted in size column the photograph is not made in the size under which the blank occurs.

For styles of finishing and mounting consult price list on page 2.

Those marked * can be furnished in Stereo size only, and those marked f in Cabinet size only.

6 Us Portraits and Reproductions. 'Jul

734 734 John L. Burns, the Old Hero. 90a 908 Jennie Wade, killed at Gettysburg. 909 909 The Humiston Children. 560 *Mary Tebe—Vivandere at Gettysburg (Collis Zouaves). 56i *A Battlefield Vulture. 9°3 *Gen. Hancock and others at copse. 9°4 *Gen. Hancock and others where Hancock was wounded. 1 goo 1900 1900 1900 Major-General Geo. G. Meade. 1901 1901 190 1901 Major-General W. S. Hancock. 1902 f Major-General Dan. E. Sickles. '9°3 (Major-General H. W. Slocum. 1904 {Major-General . 1905 {Major-General Alex. S. Webb. 1906 fMajor-General Dan. Butterfield. 1907 Major-Gene.ral G. K. Warren, 1908 f Major- General Geo. E. Pickett, Confederate. 449 449 449 449 Major-General Joe Hooker on horse. 1912 *Major-General John Sedgwick. '9*3 *Major-General G. A. Custer. lyl4 Gen. Robt. E. Lee. 19*5 Gen. Robt. E. Lee, Gen. G. W. Lee and Col. Walter Taylor. 1916 *Gen. G. R. Paul, Shot through both eyes at Gettysburg. 19 17 *President Lincoln and Gen. McClellan, Oct, 4th, 1862. 19 18 *Gen. W. T. Sherman and Horse. 474 *Dead soldier near Emmitsburg road. 475 *Dead Soldiers near Devil's Den. 484 *Battle of July 3d, 1863. 485 *Hancock at Gettysburg, during Pickett's charge. 486 *Hancock wounded. 487 *Battle of July 1st, 1863. 488 * Convalescents at Gen. Hospital. 489 ^Charge of the Penn'a Reserves. 490 Battle of July 3d, 1863—Pickett's charge. 491 Battle of July 2nd, 1863. 492 Harvest of Death. 493 Amputation Scene, general Hospital. 494 Confederate Shot lodged in Union gun at Gettysburg. 495 Confederate Soldiers and Breastworks. 496 Dead Soldiers at Devil's Den. 497 Dead Soldiers near Little Round Top. 498 Dead Soldiers near Little Round Top.

*In Stereo size only. fin Cabinet size only. 34 Tipton's Gettysburg Photographs.

rt 6 #8 s Portraits and Reproductions. M Urn

498^ Dead Soldiers on first day's field. 499 Dead Soldiers, Union Centre. 499/4 Dead Soldiers on first day's field. - 476 The battle between Cem. and Round Top—during Pickett's charge. 477 477 477 General Hancock and staff. 478 Penn'a Brigades in action during Pickett's charge. 479 View to right of angle along Stone Wall. 480 Death of Lt. Cushing. 481 Union Batteries going into action. 482 Taking Prisoners. 483 Union Infantry fighting during final charge. 470 470 *From Cyclorama Painting, Artillery coming into action, Hancock and Staff. 47i 471 *From Cyclorama Painting, Phila. Brigade in action. * 472 472 *From Cyclorama Painting, Hospital Scene. 473 473 473 473 From Cyclorama Painting, Pickett's charge. 469 *Group of Union Dead, on 1st day's field. 468 *Dead Union Soldier, arm torn off and disemboweled. 467 *Bullet scarred trees, Culp's Hill. 466 466 Trostle's Barnyard, group of dead horses from Bigelow's 9th Mass. Battery who lost 80 out of 88 horses. 465 Breastworks on right wing, Culp's Hill. 464 Dead Sharpshooter killed by concussion of shell at boulder above Devil's Den. 19 19 *Major General S. Wiley Crawford. 2186 2186 Major General S. W. Crawford at Devil's Den, Dec. 15th, 1891. 2187 2187 Major General John Gibbon at Devil's Den, Sept. 4th, 1892.

*In Stereo size only. fin Cabinet size only.


Medium size on 11x14 White Mounts. From the Gettysburg Paintings by Frank D. Briscoe. 50 cents per copy or $5. 00 for full set of fourteen subjects.

These Views are kept in stock, and are furnished in this size and style only —and cannot be furnished unmounted. No. 01 Death of General Reynolds.. 02 Retreat of the 1st and nth army corps. 03 Gen. Hancock assuming command, East Cemetery Hill. 04 Terrific fighting in the Peach Orchard. 05 The Whirlpool in the Wheat Field. 06 At the Devil's Den. 07 Terrible encounter on Little Round Top. 08 Brilliant charge of Penn'a Reserves over Valley of Death. 09 Charge of Louisiana Tigers. 010 Recapture of the Federal works on Culp's Hill, on Artillery Duel—Hancock's ride along the line. 012 Pickett's charge—scene at angle. ' 013 Cavalry fight, along right of Union line. 014 Diagram of

Fac simile of Lincoln's address at consecration of Soldiers' National Cemetery at Get- tysburg, Nov. 19th, 1863. Three plates (one of each page) mailed to any address for $1 .50, either mounted or in sheet. Part Fourth. 36


-O g! Antietam, U 'Ji

A i Ai Monument in Soldiers' National Cemetery, Sharpsburg. A2 A2 The Rostrum in Soldiers' National Cemetery, Sharpsburg. A3 A3 20th N. Y. Vol. mon., and Soldiers' mon., in Nat. Cem., Sharpsburg. A 4 A 4 20th N. Y. Vol. mon., in Soldiers' Nat. Cemetery, Sharpsburg. A 5 View of Cemetery looking up avenue from gateway. A6 A6 Superintendent's Lodge and gateway. A 7 View in Cemetery, showing graves and Rostrum. A8 A8 General view of Cem. from tower of Lodge, South Mountain in distance. Aq A 9 The Burnside Bridge and Antietam Creek. A 787 The Burnside Bridge and Antietam Creek. A 10 A 10 Old "Dunkard" Church, (Tunker). A 786 Old "Dunkard" Church, (Tunker). An View from Tower of Cemetery Lodge, looking to Dunkard Church, Roulette House, &c A 788 Sharpsburg from Cemetery Lodge. A 789 Lodge, Soldiers National Cemetery. A 790 Gateway and avenue, Soldiers' Cemetery. A791 View in Soldiers' Cemetery. 13c Dead on Battlefield of Antietam. 14c Dead on Battlefield of Antietam. ISC Burying the dead, Antietam. 16c Old "Dunkard" Church, 1862, (Tunker). 17c Roulette House.

792 ( Confederate dead in the sunken road. 793 Confederate dead and the Dunkard Church. 794 Dead on Hagerstown road. The Roulette House and Spring House. The Roulette House, Barn and Spring House. The Roulette Spring House. 5th Md. monument, Antietam. The oldest house in Sharpsburg. The Shay House, Sharpsburg. The Burnside Bridge. 51st Penn'a monument at Burnside Bridge. Large On Hagerstown road—position of 15th N. J. Volunteers. A 923 Group of 20th N. Y. Vol. Regt., at dedication of their Monument in Antietam Cemetery, Sept. 17th, 1888. Hats on. A 924 The same, Hats off. A925 The same, rear view of Monument. A 926 Gen. group at dedication of 20th N. Y. monument, Antietam. M Group at F. Delaney House, Sharpsburg, Sept. 18th, X J. 1891. Group at Roulette Spring House, Sept. 17th, 1891 p Group at Shay House, Sept. 17th, 1891. Group at 5th Md. monument, Sept. 1891. ii 19 1 1 19 General group of 14th Conn, party at Roulette House, Sept. 17th, 1891. 1 120. 1 120 Group of Veterans of 14th Conn., at Roulette House, Sept. 17th, 1891. Group at Shay House, Sept. 18th, 1891.

The Battlefields of Virginia. View from Taylor house, looking over and including the Crater, Peters- burg. View from Taylor house, joining v 1 on right, Petersburg. View from Taylor house, looking toward Petersburg over Norfolk R. R. cut. The Crater. Gen. Mahone, and 57th and 59th Mass. excursionists in crater. Fort Steadman. From Fort Steadman looking towards Petersburg. Group of 57th and 59th Mass. party at Fort Steadman. Negroes and Cabin, Petersburg, Va. Ox Cart and Negroes. Confederate Arch in Cemetery, Petersburg. View of City of Petersburg, from State Normal School. Court House and Group of Mass. party, Spottsylvania, Va. Mary Waller and Jennie Boggs—behind the bars of Spottsylvania jail. Sedgwick Monument, Spottsylvania. View of Bloody Angle, Spottsylvania. 36 Tipton's Gettysburg Photographs.

0) (an The Battlefields of Virginia. § 03

V17 The Gale house from Ny River bridge on Fredericksburg and Spottsyl- vania road. vi8 Ny River looking towards Spottsylvania Court House. V19 Crossing of Orange Plank road and Brock road, looking S. W., where 9th Corps reported to Gen Hancock, May 6th, 1864. V20 Chancellorsville House. V2I Group of members of 57t'i Regt on steps, Chancellorsville House. V22 Fredericksburg, from Mirye's Heights. V23 Battle of Chancellorsville, from Painting. $1.00 per copy. 761 Jefferson Rock, Harper's Ferry. 762 762 John Brown's Fort, Harper's Ferry. 7 63 Harper's Ferry from Maryland side. 764 Harper's Ferry, Shenandoah Street. 76S Harper's Ferry, Street scene and Loudon Heights. 766 766 Potomac River and R. R. Bridge from Camp Hill. 767 Shenandoah from Jefferson Rock. 768 Camp Hill and Bolivar from Maryland side. 769 Maryland Heights. 770 Chesapeake and Ghio Canal. IOS Tunnel and C- & O. Canal, Point of Rocks, Md. 45° Natural Bridge. 45i Cabin Home, Petersburg. 452 Appomatox, place where Gen. Lee surrendered. 453 Castle Thunder, Richmond. 454 Libby Prison. 455 Tomb of Washington, Mount Vernon. 456 View in Soldiers' Cemetery, Arlington. 457 Slave Pen, Alexandria, Va. 458 Slave Pen, Alexandria, Va. 778 Doubleday Magazine, Williamsport, Md. 779 Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, Williamsport, Md. 780 Ford where Lee's Army crossed the Potomac, Williamsport, Md. 781 Potomac River, W. M. R. R. and C. & O. Canal, Williamsport. Md. 782 Old Guard house, Williamsport, Md. 767^ The Shenandoah River, looking toward Harper's Ferry. 769/^ Maryland Heights, Potomac River, C & O. Canal, &c. V2S Gen. David A. Russell monument, Winchester. V26 Lodge and Gateway, Soldiers' Nat. Cem., Winchester. V27 8th Vt. monument, in Soldiers' National Cemetery, Winchester. V24 3d Mass. Cav. mon., in Soldiers' National Cemetery, Winchester. W X Croups. f3 ioq3 Group at John Brown's Fort, Harper's Ferry, Sept. 17th, 1891. [O94 1094 Group of B. & O. exc. party at John Brown's Fort Harper's Ferry, Sept. 17th, 1891. [Il6 1 1 16 Color Guard group, 6th Corps, Winchester, Sept. 19th, 1891. [117 1117 General group at dedication of Gen. Russell monument, (6th Corps) Winchester, Sept. 19th, 1891. 11S 1118 Survivors group at dedication of Gen. Russell Mon., (6th Corps) Win- chester, Sept. 19th, 1891.

LAUREL—AFTER FLOODS AND BREAKING OF DAM, 1889. 10 Views on 11x14 mounts, per set #5 00. AMONG THE RESORTS OF THE BLUE RIDGE. The Hotels, Chapels and Moun- tain views. Various sizes Colliers' Huts, Charcoal Burning, Old Nunnery, &c, &c. GETTYSBURG & HARR1SBURG R. R. VIEWS. Mt. Holly, the Gap, Holly Inn, the Paper Mills and other views along the road. Large size. WESTERN MARYLAND R. R. VIEWS. Views along the road—various sizes.

•Of In addition to the views I have included by number in this catalogue I have several thousands of plates from which I can furnish stereoscopic views as follows : Niagara, Yoseinite Valley, White Mountains, Watkin's Glen, Washington, D. C, Philadelphia, New York and Boston. Statuary and Portraits of Celebrated People. Rome, Paris, Palestine, China and Switzerland.

Selections will be carefully made for parties ordering by mail. Souvenir Albums, Guide-Books, k.

Souvenir Albums. I am headquarters for all desirable goods in this line, and furnish any Souvenir as soon as published.

The best and most complete work is


of Gettysburg Battlefield Views, containg 400 views of every point of interest, and all Monuments on the field, systematically arranged in States, with title and location of each, and Official Map of the field—over 20 feet long when opened out, awl the biggest thing for a dollar ever published. Mailed anywhere for $1.00.

Also Tipton's popular "Little Fellow," 96 views, 25c.

Guides and Histories of the Field. Comte de Paris' Battle —of Gettysburg, cloth—by mail, .... $1.66 Bachelder's Gettysburg "What to See and How to See It—cloth, 1.00 " " " *' " " —paper, .50 Minnigh's Gettysburg—What They Did Here—by mail—cloth, .50 " " " " " " " —paper, .35 Long's Gettysburg—How the Battle Was Fought, 25 Gen. Doubleday's Gettysburg Made Plain, 25

TIPTON is headquarters not only for

Battlefield Photographs and Groups, but Engravings, Tourists' Novelties, &c, &c.

Address all orders io W. H. Tipton,


3 9088 00673 4172

A M°del Btisirtess place.

Tipton's Complete Photographic Establishment at Gettysburg

While in Gettysburg, not long since, we had the pleasure of being shown through the large and lately remodeled photographic estab- lishment by Mr. Tipton. This fine gallery is located on Main street, third door from the Centre Square. The work of remodeling, which has enlarged it to more than three times its former size, is now com- plete. The salesroom contains the largest plate glass window in the town, and its numerous cabinets and cases are filled with etchings, engravings, battlefield views, frames, easels, albums, etc. Every room in the house is connected with the office by speaking tubes, and the whole building is heated from the basement. Gas and water is also introduced in every room ; the second floor is devoted to oper-

ating, finishing and the chemical manipulation ; the skylight, recep- tion and toilet rooms are on the front of this floor ; while the finishing room, mailing and packing department, negative dark room and lab- oratory are in the back. The third story is devoted exclusively to printing, washing and toning operations, and the manufacture of magic lantern slides. The printing light runs the whole length of the building and is one of the largest in the United States. This floor, like the second, has every convenience of heat, gas, water, speaking tubes, and is fitted up with ingenious water tanks and every other ap- pliance necessary for conducting the business on a large scale. Mr. Tipton started in the business when but twelve years of age, and has been photographing in Gettysburg for thirty odd years. He has been the battlefield photographer ever since the , and has retained and now has in his establishment many thousand

negatives of the field in all sizes, and during this time one hundred thousand portrait negatives have accumulated. These negatives are all so systematically arranged that any of them can be found in less than five minutes. Besides doing the largest business in local por- traiture and field views, this establishment has a large run on copy- ing and enlarging, the mail trade, in consequence, being very large.

Mr. Tipton is paying Uncle Sam more for postage than any other

man or firm in the county. His work is not only sent into every State in the Union and Canada, but he makes frequent shipments to England, Russia, Australia, India and other points in the world. In- dependent.