Your Community. Your Backyard. Your Newspaper

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Your Community. Your Backyard. Your Newspaper 1 A FREE PUBLICATION FOR THE COMMUNITIES OF CLARENCE AND SORELL NOVEMBER 2018 Your community. Your backyard. Your newspaper. CLARENCE’S NEW COUNCIL DOUG CHIPMAN RE-ELECTED MAYOR IN LOCAL COUNCIL ELECTION Re-elected Mayor Doug Chipman out the front of the Clarence City Council offi ces. FULL STORY PAGE 8 Discover our November HUGE range of gardening tips on page 4 landscape products: ► PINEBARKS ► LOAMS BELLERIVE DENTURE CLINIC ► DECORATIVE GRAVELS ► AGGREGATES Stephen Hassett ► MANURES Dental Prosthetist ► LIMES SPECIAL ► PLANTS Over 33 years experience DELIVERIES TO ALL AREAS ► FIRE WOOD TOMATO PLANTS ► BAG PRODUCTS Phone: 6248 4994 ► AND MUCH MORE! $3.50 EACH 6244 6564 Monday - Friday: 8am - 4.30pm [email protected] 131 PITTWATER ROAD SPRING OPENING Saturday: 9am - 4.30pm, Sunday: 9am - 3pm 9 Clarence Street Bellerive 7018 CAMBRIDGE HOURS Closed Public Holidays 2 2 Eastern Shore Sun November 2018 Community News Council News Clarence Plains celebrates ParksFire Management and Reserves Council Meetings Events Drainage• OngoingMaintenance parks of maintenance. walking tracks in natural • Ongoingareas and cleaning Tangara of Trail. open drains. KeyKey issues issues at at the the Council Council meeting meeting of 23 of May • OvalsFESTIVAL pesticide program. OF VOICES KeyClarence issuesissues Cityat at the Councilthe Council Council Aldermen: meeting meeting of of • MinorMaintenance drainage of worksnatural as areas required. as per the and17 October6 June 2016 2016 included: included: • Ovals herbicide program 2615Following AugustSeptember local and government 5 2016September elections,included: 2016 the included:new aldermen various Natural Area Management Plans. community contributions • Adopted the 2016/2017 Budget and Capital Expenditure •for AdoAdoptedClarencepted a Strategicdraftare: Strategic Plan forPlan 2016-2026. 2016-2026 as a basis for • Commencement of firebreak clearing on Program. ParksFire Management and Reserves • communityAgreedMayor to to consult initiateconsultation.– Alderman the an community amendment Doug Chipman on the to Lauderdalethe Planning Urban Council property. • Agreed to undertake community consultation on the Draft •• ElevatedMaintenance platform ofEvents natural tree work. areas as per the • PindosAdoptedExpansionSchemeDeputy Park theto Feasibility Managementincorporate AnnualMayor Plan –Study. Alderman 2016/17.Plan.a new Bellerive Heather Bluff Chong Specific • Alderman Brendan Blomeley, Alderman Luke • Ongoingvarious Naturalpark maintenance Area Management as per Plans. • AdoptedAgreedArea Plan. to an consult amended the communityPindos Park on Management a Draft Community Plan. Events Edmunds, Alderman Dean Ewington, Alderman • establishedCommencementExhibition: maintenance of Housematesfirebreak schedules. clearing on • AcceptedSafety PlanWorks a fortender 2016-2021. for– June/Julythe provision of2016 the Annual Hard • AgreedRichard to undertake James, communityAlderman consultationWendy Kennedy, on a draft Exhibition:Council24 property. September The Eastern– 9 October Shore • AgreedAlderman to consult Tony the Mulder,community Alderman on a draft John Kangaroo Peers, Bay – 1 - 9 July 2016 RoadsbushfireWaste Collection management Service. strategy. CommunityRosny Cottage, Photography Rosny Farm RosnyAlderman Park Cultural/Creative Sharyn von Bertouch, Precinct - Development Alderman James Policy Fire ManagementThe Barn, Rosny Farm • Pothole repairs: Richmond, Cambridge, Dulcot and Rokeby. Exhibition Framework.Walker and Alderman Beth Warren. • Maintenance of Eventswalking tracks in natural • Gravel road grading: as required based on inspections. Exhibition:14 October Poochibald – 6 November Art 2016 Prize Works – September/OctoberOctober/November 2016 areas and Tangara Trail. ••Future Guide Accepted post Council a replacement tender for Meeting the continues: construction various dates: of the locations. Kangaroo Bay Exhibition:SchoolhouseEXHIBITIONS1-9 October Gallery,A Stitch 2016 ATRosny in THE Time:Farm Pavilion at Kangaroo Bay. • Maintenance and management of natural Roads•Monday Concreting 3 December of gravel paths: 2018 Opossum (AGM at Bay 7.00pm). Park. Meetings SCHOOLHOUSEBiennialSchoolhouse Textile Gallery, GALLERY andRosny FibreFarm AND areasFestival: as per the ExhibitionSeafarer’s various natural Festival area ••start PotholeConstruction Accepted at 7.30pm repairs: a tenderof gravelandOtagoRose for are Bay, access:Bay,the held Lindisfarneannual Rosny from at council andreseal Bastick andBellerive. and offices,GeilstonStreet micro-surfacing to Bay.Kangaroo 38 Bligh BARN management11Festival: November23 plans. October Dog’s – 4 December 2016 Day Out2016 •Street, GravelBayprogram Skate Rosny road forPark. grading Park.2016-17. as required based on inspections. • Gravel road grading as required based on inspections. • CommencementSchoolhouseBellerive2 October ofGallery, Council’sBoardwalk 2016 Rosny annual Farm • GuideReconstruction post replacement of retaining continues wall: Elwood at various Drive. locations. Workshop: Reed Pen and Black • Guide post replacement continues at various locations. firebreak managementRosny Farm program. •New ConstructionWorks website: – of November/DecemberRosny Hill Road shared path. 2016 Exhibition:Ink Artists Drawing with Conviction • Preparation for resealing in Spinifex Road and Fuchsia Road in Exhibition: Still Wild, Still Clarence City Council has launched a new website to 24 October13 – July 13 November 2016 2016 • RisdonConstruction Vale. of DDA crossings in Spinifex Road. Exhibition:Threatened The Eastern Shore Roadsimprove the delivery of a wide range of information on SchoolThe House Barn, Gallery, Rosny Rosny Farm Farm • PreparationReconstruction for ofresealing shared pathin Dover near Court Rosny and Treatment Pindari Plant.Street in Events •services, PreparationPothole repairs:news for and resealingBellerive, events inTranmere, –Dover Court Howrah, and Pindari Seven MileStreet in 9Community December 2016 Photography – 8 January 2017 DrainageHowrah.Beach. Exhibition:ExSchoolhousehibition:DanceExhibition AnimalGallery,A Hall Stitch Days Rosny Madness in Time:Farm Biennial14 October Textile – 6 November and 2016Fibre •Council’s PreparationGravelOngoing road cleaning community gradingfor resealing of asopen required in centresdrains. Avoca based Street and on in hallsinspections. Lindisfarne. for hire: 189 –June 24 –November 10 July 2016 Concert:Schoolhouse ClarenceExhibition Gallery, RosnyCarols Farm and •F orGuideConstructionMinor more postdrainage information replacement of new works concrete as continuesvisit required. at at various Wentworth locations. Sports SchoolVarious House Gallery, locations Rosny Farm • Construction of footpath on Rosny Hill Road near Rose Bay. 11 November – 4 December 2016 • Ground.Construction of stormwater line: corner of Esplanade and Lewis Christmas Concert • ConstructionPreparation forof roadsideresealing verge in Spinifex maintenance. Road and Fuchsia Road in Exhibition:Festival:Schoolhouse11 GettingSeafarer’sDecember Gallery, 2016Rosny There:Festival Farm Jess • ConstructionAvenue, Seven of Milefootpath Beach. on Rosny Hill Road near Rose Bay Exhibition: City of Clarence Open RisdonWorks: Vale. November - December 2018 BelleriveMcCaughey23 October Boardwalk 2016 High School. Art Exhibition ParksDrainage• Preparation and for Reserves resealing in Dover Court in Howrah. Co15mmonwealth NovemberBellerive – 9 BoardwalkBank December Test Match2018 – AustraliaSchoolhouse23 July v South– 21 AugustGallery Australia – •DrainageRoads OvalsOngoingPreparation irrigation cleaning for maintenanceresealing of open indrains. Avoca continues. Street in Lindisfarne. Australia Day Breakfast TheSecond Barn, Rosny Test Farm ••• ConstructionElevatedOngoingFootpath workcleaning replacement, of platform stormwater of open treeStage drains.line work. 1 onSimmons the corner Park of to Esplanade ANZAC Park. and Contact Sarah26 January Bishop 2017 6217 9625 • Construction of footpath on Rosny Hill Road near Rose Bay Exhibition:12 November Collecting – 16 November Women: 2016 • ParkLewis maintenance. Avenue, Seven Mile Beach. Contact BelleriveSarah Bishop Boardwalk 6217 9625 •• HighConstructionPothole School. repairs of stormwater in Lindisfarne, line Geilstonon the corner Bay and of EsplanadeRisdon Vale. and ChantaleBellerive Oval, Delrue Bellerive •Fire• ConstructionLewisConstruction Management Avenue, of of Seven roadside walkways Mile verge Beach.within maintenance. the Clarendon Vale Green Belt. 16 November – 9 December 2018 Rosny Cottage •Parks• FireGravel reduction and road grading Reservespreparation as required for controlled based onburns: inspections. Waver- DrainageParks and Reserves Contact Council •• leyOngoingGuide Flora post parksPark replacement and maintenance. Pilchers continues Hill. at various locations. Exhibition: Textile and Fibre •• OngoingPlayground cleaning upgrade of open Shoreline drains. Park, Howrah. •• MaintenancePlaygroundOngoing footpath upgrade of walking replacement Shoreline tracks. Park,program. Howrah. FindFind nearby nearby parksExhibition: parks and and events, events, report reportMade an an byissue, issue, Hand receive receive •• ConstructionRehabilitation of ofstormwater ovals from line winter on the to summercorner of sport. •• PaintingRehabilitationReseal preparation of Tangara of ovals Trailat variousfrom post winter and sites. rail to summerfences. sport. wastewaste collection collection16
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