This will be the fastest four You have more power to change the world than you think. - Adam Funck ’18 Every piece of your Berea experience is years of your life. Live it to your preparing you for your future — Academics, fullest. There are lots of folks out there who Labor, and Convocations. Be an active will help you succeed. All you need to do is participant in all! Strive for greatness! ask. -Jackie Collier `80 86 Alumni Tips to My time at Berea was hard but amazing! You can do it! - April Rena Mullins-Datko ’02 Make the best of these 4 years. Berea College is a very special place. The Embrace the Berea experience and the people. friendships you make are genuine & lasting! Your friendships and relationships with faculty Work hard & play hard! Take advantage of and staff will be priceless for years to come. what’s offered & try to give back. Berea - Bryant Keith Fair ’97 paved the way for me to a life-long service Living to others! - Mona Bayyuk ’94 Berea was the first educational institution I These are among the most felt at home at. It was in inspiring and most fun days large part due to the people of your life! Jump in! I met and became friends - Sandi Happy Sparks ’79 Your Bestwith during classes, labor, and the limited extracurriculars I took part Every experience is part of in. It’s a beautiful location with your education, even the bumps. many beautiful souls. Own your Learn from them all. Take the experience, never give up, reach time to meet lots of different out for help when you need it, people. Take all the extra and make Berea a part of classes you can. Enjoy your your story. - Trey Collins ’19 labor assignment. Keep a journal filled with stories of yourBerea experiences Get involved, BE YOU, do an internship and those you meet ... and lots of pictures! and study abroad. - Corey Wise ’17 - Becky Williamson Holloway ’80 The world is yours Absorb every moment of your Berea experience, Congratulations on becoming a Berean! As — don’t let anyone change your view because these years will you walk the campus and halls for the first be among your most time, know that thousands have walked but YOU. - Jeff Doane ’00 treasured memories in before you, in your same steps. You have the [email protected] | ext. 3104 the future and will shape support of so many Bereans and I know youLife What everyone who you become as an will be successful. Walk proud and tall and You can do this. You can do anything. You will be unstoppable adult. Welcome to the know that you have many people rooting for else said but also after you receive a Berea College education. - Brea Tessa Bailey ’14 get up at the Berea family! you always! Best wishes! - Amy Harmon ’99 - Tony Wright ’88 Make chapel participation a Welcome to the experience ridiculous hour and Take advantage of Welcome! Study hard, priority. It will ground you in of a lifetime. BEREA College go to sunrise on Take advantage of extra programs such as play hard. Connect on a a sustaining way when things will offer you opportunities to Mountain Day. It’s every opportunity to study abroad, personal level with as become difficult. That, and be a lifelong learner; not only worth it. Take a do or learn something internships, speech and many people as you can. don’t spend all your money about yourself; but of a world class just because different. No learning is debate, presenting your Berea is diverse! at Papaleno’s, but be sure to that will need your it sounds fun. Join ever wasted! Remember, paper/research at a Study abroad and treat yourself occasionally to intelligence, your spirituality, a club. Make a club. these years will go by conference, volunteer. explore the world. its gastronomic treasures! and your imagination. Just have fun. astonishingly fast! Go that extra mile and - Chinwe Kpaduwa ’01 -Rev. Lisa Wilson Martin ’86 - Iverson Warinner ’66 -Brandi Lemon ’11 - June Tompkins ’72 I promise you will reap Don’t walk across campus staring at your phone those benefits far after Make your time at Berea College epic. Fill it with great memories and relationships that will last you the rest of your life. There will be things that you take for granted between classes! Start up friendly conversations, you earn that degree. get to know your peers, have walking conver- Don’t be afraid to live, and won’t appreciate until you are far removed from your college youth, so try to value every experience, every friendship, and every opportunity. Listen to what you sations! Enrich your life through connecting to to say yes, to venture learn on this campus and take it out into the world. Welcome to Berea ... you are now people and not a screen! - Jeffrey Carpenter ’87 into the unknown be- a Berean, which means you are a part of a family like no other! – Joe Saleem ’08 cause there is no better Brace yourself because more greatness is way to find yourself. Take in as much of it as possible, Don’t procrastinate. As soon as those research coming your way! – Robert Fox ’08 - Erica Cook ’13 because it’ll go by so fast and then you’re papers are assigned get started on them. At times, it’s going to be If you are feeling done! Invest in a study buddy/mentor. Then you won’t be stressing as their due date lonely, homesick, Enjoy the bubble while Don’t be afraid to ask for help and take a tough road. But, stick you can. The real world approaches (like yours truly did!). sad, or over- advantage of professors’ office hours -Myrna Murray ’75 with it!! You’ll establish is no fun. Don’t spend all friendships that’ll last whelmed, take ad- if you’re struggling. They’re there for a vantage of the free your Berea bucks at once. reason and many colleges don’t have Make friends with those who are different from a lifetime. The payoff – Shaina Nicole Neal ’07 you. Friends don’t have to agree on everything. of graduating is greater counseling available the luxury we do (something I wish I did at health services. You get out of it what more often). You got this! :) A diverse group of friends will expand your view than you’ll ever know. of the world. -Angela Hunt ’04 – Sean Owsley ’11 Pretty much every- you put into it. Be open - Kelly Korb ’13 one at Berea could to new possibilities! benefit by going. -Hillary Fredrick ’15 Take time to meet and make new friends! Take advantage of what all Berea has to offer such as the intern- ship and careers office and study abroad! I studied abroad, and it was the highlight of my undergrad! Have You don’t need to be really sick or messed Take advantage of as an open mind and be ready for everything! Be prepared to work hard. It’s going to be challenging, but it’s going to pay off in the end! You’ll find that what you learn comes handy in life. Enjoy your work assign- up. Anyone can go. many opportunities And if you do that presented to you as you ments. Take the time to network and make connections. Most importantly, do not forget to take care of you. You need to have a balance between studying and a social life. Having free time is just as important as type of work early it can. Berea College is a could both put you life-changing experi- completing your work. LASTLY, enjoy it all, participate in Mountain Day and have a great time! I wish you all the best and I truly hope you enjoy your four years at Berea. - Ashley Alvey ’16 on a better path in ence, in so many ways. college and save you Enjoy them all. No Make an effort to meet new Best wishes for the BEREA The best four years lay ahead of you. Take time to love, a bunch of money matter how difficult it friends as early as possible! Experience. Enjoy your grow, and learn. Lean on your professors and fellow long term. Counsel- may appear, take a deep Friends keep you going time, strive to succeed, students. Take every chance to experience new things. ing is expensive in breath and jump. You when few other things can. travel if possible, learn Study hard, work hard, play hard. Enjoy every day. Leave for the real world. will never regret trying - Duncan Blount ’14 from your mistakes, accept class early so you can take time to really enjoy the campus - Lydia Pope but you will always challenges. You will be and so you don’t miss anything. - Jennifer Strong ’09 Clark ’13 regret not taking up Success looks different amazed how quickly the the challenge. Best of for everyone. Don’t get years will pass even though Stay focused. – Faith Calhoun-Louden ’03 You will grow in ways you luck and prayers for the caught in the trap of it may seem like forever never thought possible and great future ahead. comparing your success, when you are burning the My only regret was not taking every the lessons you learned will – Dana Woodson ’93 or even your failures, to midnight oil. opportunity to travel internationally. Go carry you through whatever others. Everyone walks - Ruth Rogers Hawkins ’72 abroad! Go far! Just go! - Ricky Kirk ’98 comes even after you gradu- Remember people’s a different path and ate. The things that challenge names. Berea has a fun- everyone’s destination Find “your people”! And by “people” I mean those folks Try new things you most you will stretch ny way of doing a 360 is not the same. Life is who are going to love you, correct you and hold you and go to office you and help you do things with everyone you meet. a journey not a race. accountable. The ones that will dance the night away hours. Your you never imagined possible. -Elizabeth Heller ’18 Enjoy your years in with you and also study with you till the sun comes up. professors are Treasure your time, your new the Berea bubble and These “people” will most likely be unexpected but may so cool! – Emily friends and your professors. Don’t take a moment of be the most valuable contributor of your development Masters ’19 This is a great adventure. it for granted. Connect allow yourself time to grow and evolve. Travel. and growth as a young adult. However, never room with - April Miller ’99 with people you might these people hahahahah everyone needs some space. not have otherwise; Make memories. Find Study Abroad! Take ad- Take time to savor the your forever friends! Also, I would say travel as much as you can, within the join groups that expand USA and outside of the USA. Encourage your “people” to vantage of everything treasures of Hutchins your thinking outward Shout out to Angel L Berea has to offer! Library, not just for class Todd (besties est. Aug. go with you. Those experiences together will be some of from where you started. the best. High school friends are cool, but college friends Cherish all of the new assignments but just a - Stephanie Kendrick 2000)! -Leah Johnson friendships you’ll form! sweet meander through its Thompson ’04 are life-long friends. (Leah Thompson est. 2000) Hancock ’96 - Angel Todd ’04 – Neia Nicole ’07 stacks. - Barbara Baker ’72 Enjoy those convocations. Looking back, I had Take lots of pictures. Travel as much as you can while you Learn to manage your money. Don’t be afraid to incredible opportunities to see speakers and Your memories are in school. - Lisa Anderson ’96 ask for help. Learn more about your advisor/pro- artists I wouldn’t have otherwise been exposed will be your most Please understand that this is a fessors as you never know when you might need to. Love one another. Always and without them for a letter of recommendation or reference. valuable posses- gift, and despite the recent tobac- exception. - Tiffany NiCoe Halfacre ’10 sions decades from Get out of the dorm and enjoy the nice days as now. – Christopher co ban, this college, if it is any- much as you can! - Jessica Blankenship Bray ’02 Find something you are passionate about and Walbrown ’04 thing when I attended make friends who share in that passion! They in the 80s, will open a world of PLEASE do not be afraid to ask for help! You will Career Development learn very quickly that Berea is full of wonderful will be with you for the rest of your life. Try insight, acceptance, opportunity, something new and stick with it even if you’re should be your best professors and staff members who genuinely want friend. - Belinda and sense of purpose. Live long to help you and make sure you are successful. Also, terrible in the beginning! Learn about new and prosper! – Jack Gill ’86 cultures and make friends who seem complete- Wamala ’16 get in the habit of trying to stay on top of your ly different than you. Make healthy habits of The friends you make at Berea will be the friends you have homework/papers and turning stuff in a few days to studying and socializing and avoid unhealthy for life, no matter where life’s different roads may take you. a week early. You CAN do it! (And not kill yourself by habits that keep you isolated. Adventure abroad You all began your adulthood journey together and because staying up all night! :)) College is stressful enough, and across the US when you can and bring your of that you’ll forever be connected ... near or far! You’ll be don’t add to the stress by procrastinating. friends to make it even better! I’m so excited for there for each other’s weddings, the birth of your children, And HAVE FUN!! They say college is the best years of you! - Kayla Grayce ’11 in sickness and in health, life changing moments, and even your life — it all goes by so fast, so soak it in and just have fun! -Holly Rabnott (Korb) ’12 Be thankful every family deaths. My friends are my family! We may be in other Don’t get discouraged day for the quality states or even other countries, but we’ve never lost touch Travel abroad! Take advantage of the opportu- when filling out your education you are and are still together 30+ years later! - Lucha Ramey ’92 nities that Berea encourages and experience class schedule and a receiving and the Be sure to keep an open line of Don’t beat yourself up the world. It will grow you so much. Really class you need is full. new friendships you observe within the different responsibilities Then you have to start communication with your pro- if you get homesick. will take with you fessors. It not only helps you to Acknowledge the emotion, what you enjoy. Experience is the best teacher all over. You will always for life. - Mary Jo as far as career goes. Pursue internships and remember your days at better understand your course be kind to yourself, and Denton ’67 material, but you never know push forward. There are apply for positions on campus within areas Berea and the lifelong you think you are interested in. One more: friends you will make. Stay plugged in! I who will be willing to vouch for great memories to be had, you when you look for a job! if you let yourself take at least one Intro to Business course, no – Victor Stone ’84 know it’s tempting matter what field you think you might go into. to run home every - Christian Gentzel ’19 experience them. The hardest thing for - Dakota Caudill ’18 I wish I had SO many times after I graduated! weekend if you live There are few places - Rachel (Morgan) Windley ’11 me was not signing up close, but participate in the world as accept- Your future begins here. Take Don’t let that first month send It’s ok to be for everything. After in CAB events (is ing, encouraging, and advantage of learning not only the first week, sam- it even still called from your classes, but also from you home! Dig in and stay homesick. Peyton positively challenging focused...go ahead and start Manning had his pling all the activities CAB?), watch the as Berea. Its impact your peers. Go out of your way to you could ever hope being grateful. The words “Berea bag packed his movies, hang out can improve your befriend international students, entire first year for, pick ONE thing with your friends. you will learn so much from them. College Graduate” carry clout whole life from here for the rest of your life. You can of college because related to your major, The more you invest on out. Don’t take that Learn from your labor assignments, he was homesick. ONE thing related to in Berea the more it may not seem like it, but you are do this!! But he stuck it out. for granted. Make - Ada Shannon ’87 your spirit, ONE thing impactful this time friends, have fun, getting invaluable work skills. Stay Even if Berea isn’t related to your body, will be for you! and work hard! - Jodi on top of your coursework. And If you can’t handle the your favorite place in the world, if you and ONE thing you - Chelsea Bentley ’15 Donohue Santora ’09 have fun. - Halima Mohidin ’79 freedom of life on your own never tried before you that first year, go home until stick it out, work came to campus. Even Live and take in everything that Berea has to offer. You never Get to know your hard, and grad- professors. They you can! Enjoy, take advan- uate, I guarantee better if you find one realize how much it will mean to you until it is over. Go to class tage, and do ALL you can at thing that satisfies ... those grades won’t earn themselves. Go to sporting events truly want you to there will be things succeed! – Teresa Berea... it will change your you miss when two. You have four ... they like the show of Berea pride. Take in all of the different life for the better! musical ensembles that the College has to offer. I found out that Kash Davis ’84 you leave. years to try all the - Brittany Sandlin ’06 – Jenn Money ’99 different things Berea bluegrass is pretty amazing. Watch out for the squirrels. They College offers; set move for no one. Lastly, find a group of friends who will be with Enjoy the ride! Make it special and you will be even more special! Berea your study schedule you through thick and thin. - Calvin Maddox ’05 is a unique opportunity few get the chance to experience. Make the most so you can be there to My husband and I just attended our 50-year reunion on campus this summer and of it! -Shawn Anderson ’86 the end! And don’t be deeply revere our four years at Berea. The friends we made while there are lifetime Take advan- Open your mind, listen a lot, afraid to change ma- friends so get to know your classmates. The same is true of faculty! Savor the total tage of all question a lot, make friends from jors senior year like experience as you delve into your coursework! - Carol Garrison ’69 that Berea backgrounds different than yours, I did, lol. - Matthew Immerse yourself in the “Berea experience.” Use your time has to offer! study abroad, be involved outside Perkins Coppola ’97/8 No matter how hard it at Berea to reach out to all of your classmates. Cement a Go to class, the classroom. Enjoy this unique gets, keep believing in few friendships - you will be surprised that most of those study hard, time in your life and the amazing You’ll learn just as much yourself and remem- from your classmates as friendships will last a lifetime! “Mother Berea” will now be a but don’t place Berea College is! ber what an amazing part of you for the rest of your life. Study hard but take time forget to play - Oana Harrison ’01 your classes. Open minds opportunity your to enjoy all that Berea College has to offer. In our first orien- hard as well! Make connections, learn all never stop growing. education is. You can tation assembly we were told to look to our right and then to - Chris Connelly ’04 conquer anything with Make lasting you can, make the most of look to our left. The Dean then stated, “...only one of you will friendships! – the tools you receive make it to graduation!” Let’s disprove that prediction and opportunities, and cherish every Perform at your best, from Berea College, just make sure you graduate. - Ronald Dockery ’70 Barb single moment. These people seek information and put in the work now, VanWinkle will be your friends for life. - guidance when in doubt. and everything will fall Take advantage of seemingly insignificant opportunities, Mills ’80 Rhonda Gillespie Rule ’91 – Yannick Thristand ’17 into place! like volunteering in something outside of your major - Megan Ruhl ’08 (YAY Habitat for Humanity). I did and I still look back on it Enjoy all of the crazy, chaotic, and especially being a wonderful experience. Make sure you know how to the calm moments. This time will be what you The Berea years will be wonderful. There will make of it and you’ll never get it back. Take be people there to help you with any problem. properly cite sources. And most of all, realize you are in a unique environment, and you are a student of Berea. Not full advantage of everything Berea has to Do not hesitate to ask for help or advice. offer. The memories will last much longer than Participate and enjoy! – Sally Azbill ’63 everyone will get this opportunity. They chose you. Make it count. And uh, binge on cookie dough at 3 a.m. and sleep the 4 short years. - Anna Marie ’10 Berea is a special opportunity few get the chance next to a vending machine cramming with your friends for Make the most of every opportunity - life is to experience. Make the most of the relationships Biology. Make a midnight walk to Walmart and support too short to live otherwise! Academics come you will make, go to your classes, enjoy Mountain the unique and creative businesses in that community. Get first - get to know your professors! You will Day, Homecoming & dorm life. The work labor your butt out of bed and do the sunrise hike on Mountain make friends that will be a part of the rest assignment is work experience that will start your Day. Eat kettle corn till you explode. Be weird and be damn of your life - treasure every moment with career! Be kind. - Tana Brown McCraw ’80 them! Don’t treat your labor assignment proud of it. - Angela Edwards ’14 as something you “have” to do - it too is Do what you can and learn to be satisfied, you’re not a I did not realize how wonderful it was until the an opportunity to grow and learn and robot. Also, if you have any mental health issues whatso- connect with others! In everything you do, ever (or any issues for that matter), talk to your professors. end. Enjoy your experience, learn about others and make good choices - and when you make a Talk to the chaplains, they’re awesome people and always allow them to learn about you. Most importantly... mistake, learn from it. You’ve got this - and willing to listen. You have to go to convos, but try to go to don’t let registration make you crazy. God bless you Berea’s got you! - Randy Hays ’86 the music, dance, and theater ones if you can. Also, regard- and your efforts. Welcome to the best place ever. - Kesha M. Richardson ’95 Make the most of your time at Berea. ing convos, get them in early, just in case. Don’t believe all Make new, long-lasting friendships, the horror stories you might hear about certain professors. Go to convocations, plays, musi- The person standing study abroad, do internships, get fund- If you’re a person of faith, go to God on the Quad and find cal events, etc. It may feel like next to you in line ing for anything you can (especially if a group that best fits you. Professors are human too, and “just one more thing” you are or sitting beside you it’s something that’s important to you). they don’t know everything, so don’t feel that just because required to do, but you absolute- in class is nicer than Study hard, but don’t forget to take some they say something, that they’re right. Go hiking and enjoy ly will miss the opportunity to you think. Go ahead “you time” to relax and make memories the nature that’s around you. Above all, sleep is your friend, have such beautiful experiences and talk to them! with your friends. Some of my best mem- so be sure to get plenty of it. Just don’t nap during convo. after you graduate. Even if you Don’t be shy! :-) I ories are from times with my friends, and Berea certainly has its faults, and you won’t like everything are an introvert, participate in think I missed out study sessions with classmates. Don’t be you experience here, but find the good, enjoy every minute as much as possible that this on meeting a lot of afraid to be yourself. It’s okay to change of it, and don’t waste your opportunity here. I wish you the beautiful Berea community has sweet and interesting majors, a lot of people do! (I did!) Enjoy best in your next 4 (ish) years here. If I made it, so can you. to offer! There’s something for people. – Melanie your time at Berea. You’ll miss it when Good luck! :) – Thomas Owens ’19 everyone! - Kate Elsaharty ’11 Baker Blair ’90 it’s over. - Adara Scott ’19