Congressional Record—House H3332
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H3332 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 16, 2018 Congratulations to Coach Irlbeck on Growing up in Whitesboro, Officer tance to ensure that these historic, leg- a much-deserved honor in the Texas Crossley knew almost everyone in the endary, and necessary agencies move High School Basketball Hall of Fame. village. The community loved and forward more respected and effective God bless the Irlbeck family. trusted him. His whole life’s dream was than ever before. Go Bulldogs, and go west Texas. to protect and serve the community Tonight I am joined by my colleagues f and its residents. He arrived at work from across this country, and we will every day with a smile on his face and hear from each and every one of them. RECOGNIZING THE LIFE AND a positive attitude. Following these speakers, I will be WORK OF LOU VOLPE Through numerous local and county going into much greater detail on the (Mr. FITZPATRICK asked and was police salutes, community processions, many specifics on why the Attorney given permission to address the House and testimonials from friends and fam- General must immediately appoint a for 1 minute and to revise and extend ily, it is clear how much Officer second special counsel to conduct a his remarks.) Crossley was beloved by his colleagues thorough and independent investiga- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I and our entire community. Officer tion of our significant concerns. rise today to recognize a pillar of our Crossley’s service, dedication, and love Without any further ado, I yield to community who has had a profound in- for our community was unparalleled, the gentleman from Florida (Mr. fluence on the lives of so many stu- and we cannot thank him enough for GAETZ) who has been a leader in this dents in our community in Bucks his honorable service. cause to fight for justice and equality County and beyond. Law enforcement officers put their under the law. Lou Volpe, who dedicated 44 years of lives on the line every day to ensure Mr. GAETZ. Mr. Speaker, I thank the service to the students of Harry S. Tru- the safety of our families and our com- gentleman from New York for yielding, man High School in my hometown of munities. We are eternally grateful for and also for leading on the great ques- Levittown, retired in 2013 as its long- their dedication and service to our Na- tion of whether or not we should have time theater director. tion. a second special counsel to evaluate Recently, Lou was inducted into the Officer Kevin Crossley is a hero, and the misconduct of the FBI and the De- Bucks County Playhouse Hall of Fame, the village of Whitesboro and all of us partment of Justice in pursuing un- an event I was honored to attend, join- were blessed by his honorable service founded and inappropriate warrants to ing the likes of Oscar Hammerstein and to us. We offer our deepest condolences spy on a member of the Trump transi- Angela Lansbury, among others. to his family and friends and col- tion team without due process and Throughout his esteemed career, Lou leagues on the loss of a dear friend and without proper protocol. One of the reasons I join the gen- has left an indelible mark on the thou- a wonderful community servant. sands of students he taught. Under his tleman from New York in this call is f leadership, Truman regularly partici- that, currently, the person making pated in the Student Theater Festival APPOINTMENT OF SECOND critical decisions regarding Hillary at the Bucks County Playhouse. SPECIAL COUNSEL NEEDED Clinton and Donald Trump and this A pinnacle of his career included a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under narrative regarding Russia is Rod coveted invitation to the Thespian Fes- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- Rosenstein; and I believe Mr. Rosen- tival at the University of Nebraska for uary 3, 2017, the gentleman from New stein has a series of conflicts of inter- est, each of which would independently his production of ‘‘Good Boys and York (Mr. ZELDIN) is recognized for 60 True.’’ minutes as the designee of the major- disqualify him from overseeing this re- view; and yet, he continues. That is Mr. Speaker, fortunately for us, ity leader. troubling to me, and it is one of the Lou’s legacy will live on with the new GENERAL LEAVE NBC TV series ‘‘Rise,’’ of which his reasons why we need to have a second Mr. ZELDIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask special counsel. tenure at Truman served as an inspira- unanimous consent that all Members tion. In fact, it was Mr. Rosenstein who may have 5 legislative days in which to signed a FISA warrant renewal to spy It is comforting to know that this revise and extend their remarks and in- theatrical brilliance of Lou’s will live on Carter Page. He did this, even clude extraneous material on the topic though the FBI and Department of Jus- on in our community and in our Nation of this Special Order. for decades, and I ask all of my col- tice knew that Christopher Steele, the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there author of the dossier that was the prin- leagues in this House of Representa- objection to the request of the gen- tives, Democrat and Republican, to cipal basis for that warrant had been tleman from New York? deemed uncredible and had said things honor Lou for his incredible service to There was no objection. our community and to our country. that were not true to the FBI. Mr. ZELDIN. Mr. Speaker, I am here Mr. Rosenstein also signed pleadings f tonight to speak out on the urgent seeking to silence a witness who may b 1930 need for the appointment of a second have had information regarding the special counsel in light of evidence sale of uranium to Russians. Mr. HONORING THE LIFE OF OFFICER that raises serious concerns about deci- Rosenstein took no real action against KEVIN CROSSLEY sions, activities, and inherent bias dis- Bruce Ohr, a senior official at the De- (Ms. TENNEY asked and was given played at the highest levels of the De- partment of Justice, even though Mr. permission to address the House for 1 partment of Justice and Federal Bu- Ohr failed to report the facts that his minute and to revise and extend her re- reau of Investigation with regard to wife was moonlighting as a researcher marks.) FISA abuse, how and why the Hillary to dig up dirt on Donald Trump and Ms. TENNEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise Clinton email probe ended, and how then commingle that dirt with lies told today to honor Whitesboro Police Offi- and why the Donald Trump Russia by Russians and folks from Hillary cer Kevin Crossley. Officer Crossley probe began. Clinton’s campaign and the DNC. tragically lost his life on Wednesday The concerns of the American public Mr. Rosenstein allowed Bob Mueller night in a car accident while on patrol are serious, and the issues requiring an to pick a biased team, people who had in his hometown in the village of immediate, unbiased, independent, and gone to Hillary Clinton’s election night Whitesboro in Oneida County, New thorough investigation are broad. party, people who had represented the York. Mr. Speaker, the DOJ and FBI can- Clinton Foundation when they had He was a 7-year member of the not be expected to investigate them- been accused of not producing public Whitesboro Police Department, after selves. I acknowledge, with immense documents. Mr. Rosenstein could have being hired full time in 2011, while first gratitude, that nearly every single man stepped in. He could have demanded a serving there as an intern. He also and woman in the DOJ and FBI con- higher standard in the assembly of that worked part time as an officer for the ducts themselves daily with integrity, team, but he didn’t. Whitestown Police Department, and independence, patriotism, objectivity, Mr. Rosenstein wrote a secret memo previously served in the Whitestown and commitment to the rule of law. A to expand the scope of the Russia in- Fire Department. special counsel is of the utmost impor- vestigation. He approved the raid on VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:17 Apr 17, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K16AP7.034 H16APPT1 April 16, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3333 Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer. He took I keep saying FISA, but for everyone, Mr. Speaker, I thank all of my distin- no action on criminal referrals well so they should know, it is the Foreign guished colleagues who we have heard laid out by Senators GRASSLEY and Intelligence Surveillance Act, and it is from, and additional colleagues who GRAHAM, Mr. DESANTIS and others, in- why the Clinton probe ended and why will be out here shortly. We are laying dicating that Christopher Steele and the Trump Russia probe began. It ap- out the very important case here to- Glenn Simpson had lied to the FBI and pears that, for political gain, key Fed- night why a second special counsel is potentially had failed to register as eral employees at the FBI and the De- needed with regard to misconduct at agents of a foreign government as they partment of Justice deliberately mis- the highest levels of the DOJ and FBI were seeking to lobby for changes to led our FISA courts and pursued a par- related to FISA abuse; how and why the Magnitsky Act. tisan political agenda. the Hillary Clinton email probe ended; But when Mr.