Zawacki Chosen Second Rhodes Scholar in College's History Swem

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Zawacki Chosen Second Rhodes Scholar in College's History Swem Non-profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid at Williamsburg, VA Permit No. 26 WILLIAM (^MARY A NEWSPAPER FOR FACULTY, STUDENTS AND STAFF NEWS VOLUME XXIII, NUMBER 10 • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1993 NOTES Zawacki Chosen Second Rhodes Scholar In College's History By Peggy Shaw ' ^^ ' ' Va. Symphony and Chorus Perform "Messiah" At PBK After being told on Dec. 4 that he had been chosen for a Rhodes Scholarship, William and Mary senior Andrew Zawacki felt relieved The Virginia Symphony and Vir¬ that the intensive competition was over. But attention from members ginia Symphony Chorus will perform of the media, and others, was just beginning. Handel's "Messiah" at 8 p.m. Thurs¬ A friend from Notre Dame called to tell Zawacki that his name was day, Dec. 16, in Phi Beta Kappa Me¬ in The New York Times. Zawacki's telephone voice-mail quickly filled up morial Hall. Four world-class soloists with messages from friends, family and newspaper reporters on dead¬ will be featured during this traditional line. And former U.S. Poet Laureate Mark Strand, with whom Zawacki piece conducted by Chorus Master studied last summer, sent the young scholar a signed copy of rare Donald McCullough. early poems by Strand that Zawacki had been wanting for his collec¬ Special ticket rates are available for tion. the William and Mary community: "President Clinton could call and I wouldn't think it was as big a $10 for staff and faculty; $5 for stu¬ deal as this," said Zawacki, gingerly handling the Strand packet. dents. Tickets are available from any Zawacki is the second student in William and Mary's history to win Ticketmaster location and at the door. one of the prestigious scholarships to study at Oxford University in England. He and 31 others were selected for the honor from a field of Retirement Seminar Jan. 13 1,200 applicants on qualifications that include academic excellence, integrity, leadership ability and athletic prowess. Wayne Miller from John Hancock The scholarship will provide Zawacki with tuition, room and board will conduct a one-hour retirement at Oxford for two years. He will use the plum academic prize to seminar on Thursday, Jan. 13, in the pursue a master's degree in the field of English literature from 1880 Campus Center. Sessions will be held to 1980, concentrating on T.S. Eliot and the relationship between at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. in rooms A and B. poetry and prayer. For more information, contact Rita "I hope to look at how 20th-century British and American poets Metcalfe at ext. 13158 or BrendaJohn¬ Andrew Zawacki son at ext. 13151 in the benefits office. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2. Law Library Tours Reference librarians will conduct Swem Library tours of the Marshall-Wythe Law Li¬ brary collection to help non-law fac¬ Plans Addition ulty become acquainted with the in¬ formation and services that are avail¬ And Renovation able. Just Say The program will be held 2 to 4 Preliminary plans for a major addi¬ 'Ho' p.m., Thursday, Jan. 13. All College tion to, and renovation of, Earl Gregg faculty are invited to attend. Call Swem Library have been prepared and Santa Claus, Martha Rush at ext. 13253 for more are currently under review by the state. a.k.a. President information. The plans call for a two-phase project Timothy J. which would include a 98,600-square-foot Sullivan, was dressed for the addition and renovation of about 35 per¬ Ash Lawn-Highland season at the Wins Preservation Award cent of the current 166,700 square feet annual Yule Log in the library in Phase I. Ceremony Dec. Ash Lawn-Highland is the winner Total cost of Phase I is estimated at 11. Despite of the Historic Preservation Award, $18 million and Phase II at $8.7 million. blustery given by the Thomas Jefferson Branch The project has already been reviewed conditions, a of the Association for the Preserva¬ by the State Council of Higher Educa¬ good crowd tion of Virginia Antiquities. tion for Virginia, said Nancy H. Mar¬ gathered at the The award recognizes the achieve¬ shall, dean of university libraries. holiday event, sponsored by ments of the property, which is lo¬ "SCHEV said the project is 100 percent Mortar Board justified," she said. cated near Charlottesville and was and Omicron given to the College in 1974 by Jay The need for the addition and reno¬ Delta Kappa. Winston Johns. The property was the vation became apparent to both library home of U.S. President James Mon¬ administrators and users in recent years roe, an alumnus of the College. as the library's collection and services Over the last 18 years, attention have grown. has been focused on the restoration The library now houses 982,125 books of the historic house and grounds, and bound periodicals; another 5,576 reconstruction of outbuildings and periodical and serial subscriptions; more interpretation of early 19th-century than 1 million units of microforms like plantation life in Central Virginia. microfiche and microfilm; 530,924 gov¬ We both wish for each of you a joyous and peaceful holiday season. Again ernment documents; 32,300 rare books this year, instead of sending season's greetings to members of the College News Publication Schedule and more than 1 million manuscripts. Community, we will make a donation to the Gore Child Care Center. The next issue of the William & All of these documents, plus com¬ puter-use spaces, all library services and Mary News will be published Jan. 12. Tim and Anne Sullivan Deadline for submission of mate¬ rial is 5 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 7. CONTINUED ON PAGE 3. Harvey Langholtz Edwards Gets State Award HACE Helps Receives U.N. Green & Gold Committee Appointment December 15, 1993 NEWSMAKERS Langholtz Named Director Of U.N. Program Harvey Langholtz, assistant profes¬ what resources will be needed," sor of psychology, has been appointed Langholtz said, "but this program is Bill McGough director of a committee at the United likely to grow and many different Nations' Institute for Training and talents will be required." Bill McGough, ajunior stu¬ Research. Langholtz will direct the Langholtz' appointment as direc¬ dent in history, died Dec. 1 at Programme of Correspondence In¬ tor of the Programme of Correspon¬ his home in Newport News struction in Peace-Keeping Opera¬ dence Instruction carries with it the after a two-and-a-half year tions. title of Special Fellow of the United battle with cancer. The U.N. program will coordinate Nations Institute for Training and McGough was a member the writing and distribution of train¬ Research. Langholtz has served as a of Sigma Phi Epsilon Frater¬ ing manuals for 75,000 U.N. peace¬ member of the U.S. delegation to nity and the Reserve Officers keepers representing 72 nations as¬ the United Nations specializing in Training Corps, the Surfing signed to 17 missions around the peacekeeping issues, and previously Club, the Catholic Students world. Course materials are designed was the commanding officer of the Association, and Intervarsity. to be used in training U.N. peace¬ U.S. Coast Guard Institute, which is The family has asked that keepers, military observers, U.N. Po¬ responsible for the development of expressions of sympathy be lice and diplomats. self-paced training manuals for U.S. sent to either the Peninsula Experts in the field of peacekeep¬ Coast Guard personnel. Catholic High School Build¬ ing will draft course materials on top¬ Harvey Langholtz and Margaret "Happy" Rockefeller During his U.N. appointment, ing Fund at 332 34th Street, ics such as the history and manage¬ at the United Nations. Langholtz will continue his teaching Newport News, VA 23607; or ment of peacekeeping, the legal as¬ responsibilities at William and Mary. Camp Fantastic at 117 Youth pects of peacekeeping, rules of engage¬ communications. Langholtz also hopes His area of specialty is decision theory, Development Court, Win¬ ment, maintaining a cease-fire, front-line to involve members of the William and which he teaches in both the Depart¬ chester, VA 22602. negotiations, security, refugee opera¬ Mary community in the process. ment of Psychology and the School of tions, humanitarian issues, logistics and "It is too early to determine exactly Business. Search Begins For New Vice President For Advancement An 11-member committee has been libraries; Clifford Mayhall, executive di¬ keen, and Steven T. Ast of the university advancement came open after appointed to search for a new vice presi¬ rector of the Student Advancement As¬ national firm of Ast/Bryant has been Edward Allenby left at the end of Octo¬ dent for university advancement. sociation; Teresa L. Munford, director selected as a search consultant. ber to take a similar post at the Univer¬ President Timothy J. Sullivan, in ap¬ of advancement systems;James B. Murray The position of vice president for sity of Connecticut. pointing the search committee, asked Jr., secretary of the Board of Visitors; that the committee send him the names James M. Patton, associate dean of the of three unranked candidates by March School of Education; Spencer L. Timm, 31, so that he can make a recommenda¬ president of the Endowment Association; tion at the spring Board of Visitors meet¬ and F. Roger Thaler, vice president and ing, now set for April 28-29. associate counsel, External Affairs Divi¬ W. Samuel Sadler, vice president for sion of the Colonial Williamsburg Foun¬ student affairs, will chair the committee. dation. In addition to Sadler, committee mem¬ In appointing the committee, Sulli¬ bers are W. Barry Adams, executive vice van noted that—like all public institu¬ president of the Society of the Alumni; tions—the College faces reduced sup¬ James C.
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