Work Begins on Self-Study, Strategic Plan

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Work Begins on Self-Study, Strategic Plan Non-profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid at Williamsburg, VA Permit No. 26 WILLIAM 6f MARY A WEEKI.Y NEWSPAPER FOR FACULTY, STUDENTS AND STAFF NEWS VOLUME XXIII, NUMBER 7 • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 101993 Authors Will Work Begins On Self-Study, Strategic Plan Sign History Faculty, staff and students are involved College's future needs to be guided by a "When both are complete, the Self- If you would like to have your copy in two comprehensive and cooperative strategic plan so as to assure that the Study and strategic plan together will of The College of William and Mary: A planning efforts, which, when taken to¬ institution makes the best possible use provide a comprehensive view of the History signed by the authors, you gether, will help chart the future of the of its resources was intensified after the College's hopes for the future, tempered may leave it in the Tercentenary Of¬ College. state secretary of education warned that by an understanding of the fiscal reali¬ fice, James Blair 112, during the week The 1994 Self-Study is being con¬ additional cuts of 10 to 15 percent were ties," the provost said. of Nov. 15-19. Authors have con¬ ducted through a Steering Committee possible The Strategic Planning Committee sented to come to the office during and the work of 14 committees. Their "The strategic plan will provide a set will have a draft document by the late the week and sign copies. recommendations will become a report of recommendations and decisions that spring. The draft will be widely discussed The two-volume, 1,046-page his¬ to be reviewed by the Southern Associa¬ build upon the distinctive character and with the College community and revised tory is again available at both the tion of Colleges and Schools, the strengths of William and Mary, position in light of those discussions, Cell said. William and Mary Bookstore and College's accrediting agency. the College competitively and set priori¬ from the Society of the Alumni. Writ¬ "While the Self-Study necessarily in¬ ties for the future," said Cell. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2. ten by four members of the faculty— cludes evaluation of our efforts during Thaddeus W. Tate Jr., editor; Ludwell the past 10 years, probably more impor¬ H. Johnson III, Helen Cam Walker tantly it provides an opportunity to co¬ and Richard Sherman—and a local herently plan for the next 10," said historian, Susan H. Godson, the his¬ Lawrence Wiseman, former biology de¬ tory tells the story of William and partment chair and director of the Self- Mary from its founding through the Study. Verkuil Administration. The initial "The more important question is not shipment sold out during Homecom¬ 'What are we?' but "What do we want to ing Weekend, but additional copies become?' " Wiseman said. arrived last week. The Self-Study is a comprehensive ef¬ fort that will produce its first draft in the summer of 1994 and a final report by Italian Ambassador To the spring of 1995. Speak At Town & Gown At the same time, a Strategic Plan¬ ning Committee, chaired by Provost Boris Bianchieri, ambassador of Italy Gillian T Cell, has been established by to the United States, will discuss "Italy President Timothy J. Sullivan. and the European Community in a The president's conviction that the Changing World" at the Town and Gown luncheon, Thursday, Nov. 11. Five Finalists BFSF Meeting Nov. 17 Picked For Law A general meeting of the Black Fac¬ ulty and Staff Forum (BFSF) will be held School Dean Wednesday, Nov. 17 in rooms A and B of the Campus Center, from noon to 1 p.m. Five finalists have been selected as part For additional information, call ext. of the second search for a new dean at Truman Scholar, Finalist (Photo by Viscom/Gleason) 13116 the Marshall-Wythe School of Law. The finalists are being invited to cam¬ Kris Loerzel is the 1993 Truman Scholar from the College, and Katherine H. Koestner is a Friends Of The Library pus for interviews starting this week. A Truman Scholarship Finalist. The scholarship recognizes academic achievement, contribu¬ tions to public service and leadership potential. Shown during a presentation ceremony are complete schedule will be published Book Sale President Timothy J. Sullivan, Koestner, Loerzal, and William Morrow, government professor when it becomes available. and Truman Faculty Representative. The Friends of the Libary will hold The finalists are: their annual book sale at Swem Library • Michael H. Hoeflich, dean of the from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. Syracuse University College of Law. Thanksgiving Holiday 13, and on Sunday, Nov. 14, from 1 to 5 • Thomas G. Krattenmaker, a profes¬ p.m. sor of law and former associate dean at The College will observe the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday and Friday, On Saturday from 9 to 11 a.m., the Georgetown University Law Center. Nov. 25 and 26. sale is open to members of Friends only. • Daniel J. Lathrope, a professor of Most of the administrative offices and the plant department (except for those Membership may be purchased at the law and former associate, academic and employees required to maintain essential services as determined by manage¬ door. acting dean at the University of Califor¬ ment), will be closed. The decision to require employees to work should be made Hard cover books will be $3, paper¬ nia, Hastings, College of Law. by the dean, director, or department head, as appropriate, and should be com¬ backs 50 cents. All books will be half • Harry N. Scheiber, the Stephen municated to the employees as soon as possible. The Campus Police Department price during the last two hours on Sun¬ Riesenfeld Professor of Law, and former will maintain its regular schedule. day. associate dean at the University of Cali¬ The names of permanent classified employees who are required to work must fornia, Berkeley, College of Law. be reported in writing to the Office of Personnel Services by Dec. 10 in order that William and Mary News • Richard A. Williamson, chancellor these employees may be credited with compensatory leave. Hourly employees professor of law and former associate, who are required to work during the holiday will be paid their regular hourly Publication Schedule vice and acting dean at the Marshall- rates. With the approval of management, compensatory leave should be taken as Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, Wythe School of Law. soon as possible after the holiday on which it was earned. Compensatory time not the William and Mary News will be pub¬ The law dean's position became open taken within 12 months will be lost. lished Nov. 17 and again on Dec. 1. in the summer of 1992, when Timothy On behalf of the administration of the university, I wish each member of the Deadline for submission of items is Sullivan left the post to become College College community a safe and enjoyable holiday. 5 p.m. on Friday preceding publica¬ president. The first search for a new dean tion. ended unsuccessfully last spring. Gillian T. Cell, Provost Henry Cisneros, 'Night Sky' Opens Nov. 18 HACE Plans HUD Secretary, Christmas Projects To Speak Nov. 30 November 10, 1993 1994 Self-Study Principals Institutional Purpose Sharon Zuber (Grad, Amer. Studies) 642- Rick Gates (Undergraduate) 15035 Joe Montgomery, liaison (Pres/Alumni) 229- 2969 Chas Matthews (Education) 12340 7833 Ed Crapol, Chair (History) 13740 Jim Olver (Business) 12861 Bob Archibald (Economics) 12366 Larry Wiseman, liaison (Biology) 12205 Faculty Joan Casey (Grad, Education) 244-0342 Jim Beers (Education) 12324 Will Hausman, Chair (Economics) 12381 Intercollegiate Athletics JudyEwell (History) 13725 Kristin Brustad (Modern Languages) Kitty Preston, liaison (Music) 11075 Lynda Butler, Chair (Law) 13843 Brooke Garnett (Undergraduate) 14882 13639 Peter Alces (Law) 13842 Larry Wiseman, liaison (Biology) 12205 Sam Jones (V.P. Budget) 12565 Geoff Eaton (Undergraduate) 229-8088 John Boschen (Business) 12886 Zach Brittle (Undergraduate) 220-1396 Charles Koch (Law) 13835 John Graves (Marine Science) 642-7352 Susan Donaldson (English) 13917 John Charles (Kinesiology) 12773 Don Leypoldt (Undergraduate) 15146 Franz Gross (Physics) 13516 Lisa Hamman (Grad, Education) 253- John Conlee (English) 13945 Nancy Marshall (Dean/Library) 13055 Jennifer Sharp (Undergraduate) 14198 8174 (12420) Anna Finley (Undergraduate) 14148 Ron Sims (Business) 12855 Rebecca Helms (Undergraduate) 15727 Physical Resources Andrew Richardson (Grad, Law) 565- Kate Slevin (Sociology) 12601 Satoshi Ito (Sociology) 12594 0467 Howard Kator, Chair /liaison (VIMS) 642- Rod Smolla (Law) 13808 Jen Paige (Undergraduate) 14237 Lance Rounds (Undergraduate) 220- 7341 Mark Washko (Grad, Public Policy) 220- Laurie Sanderson (Biology) 12123 8910 Bill Hawthorne (Business) 12853 4919 James Stronge (Education) 1233 Millie West (Athletics) 13331 Chris Ibsen (Undergraduate) 253-6416 Institutional Effectiveness Don Wright (Marine Science) 642-7267 Organization and Administration Gerry Johnson (Geology) 12445 Library Carmen Lynch (Undergraduate) 14327 Wanda WaUace, Chair (Business) 12907 Roger Baldwin, Chair (Education) 12322 Ed Pease (Art) 12532 Audrey Harris, liaison (Board) 225-2189 Gary Rice, Chair (Chemistry) 12554 Bill Merck, liaison (V.P. Admin) 12742 Martha Sheets (Facilities Management) Chris Abelt (Chemistry) 12551 Michael Cox (Grad, Law) 253-8601 Jayne Barnard (Law) 13849 11216 Jim McCord (History) 13757 Jim Deffenbaugh (Library) 13057 Heather Cameron (Undergraduate) Externally Funded Grants Amanda Seidler (Undergraduate) 220- Hank Mallue (Business) 12925 14895 8353 and Contracts Cliff Mayhall (Undergraduate) 16247 Dan Jenkins (Grad, Business) 253-8865 Bob Smith (Grad, Psychology) 253-7950 (12926) Terry Meyers (English) 13932 Charlie Johnson, Chair (Mathematics) Jean Scott (Associate Provost) 11284 Cheryl Jennings (Undergraduate) 14805 12014 Sam Ozeck(Undergraduate) 14652 Kelly Shaver (Psychology) 13885 Gary Kreps (Sociology) 12597 Rosa Queman (Dir, Lrng Ctr, Education) Ron Rosenberg, liaison (IMW) 13840 Rob Uhlfelder (Undergraduate) 15911 12311 Dennis Taylor (Dean, Marine Sci) 642- Bob Byrne (Marine Science) 642-7108 7103 Undergraduate Program Instructional Support/ David Finberg (Undergraduate) 14206 Sandy Wilms (Staff, President's Office) Roy Champion (Physics) 13510 MarthaHioule, Chair (Mod.
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