
"Best Winter Sports in "

Realizzata per : Cityseeker

4 Posizioni indicati

Monte Grouse "Year-Round Alpine Fun"

Towering at 1,250 meters (4,100 feet), 's ethereal peaks bear testament to the unspoiled beauty of . Named after the native dusky grouse that inhabits the alpine reaches of the province, this soaring attraction forms part of the of . The mountain's all-year-round access means that life's by jameswheeler luxuries don't escape even this great natural landmark. Grouse Mountain is home to a stunning mountaintop cinema, a chalet and lodge built along its base, and a nifty that allows for sweeping panoramic views of the soul-stirring scenery of the region. There is also a wildlife refuge and a ski area that occupy the mountain's alpine corners.

+1 604 980 9311 www.grousemountain.co [email protected] 6400 Nancy Greene Way, m/ North Vancouver BC

Monte Cypress

"Un campo giochi per tutto l'anno"

A 30 minuti dal Downtown di Vancouver, questa maestosa e bellissima montagna si trova immersa nel parco provinciale Cypress. La montagna è sede di diverse attività durante tutto l'anno, con discese di sci alpino, sci di fondo, , e tobogan. Dopo una attiva giornata sportiva si può fare un salto agli alberghi Black Mountain o Hollyburn per bere by Loriane, Zachary, Agnès & qualcosa. In estate non ci si può perdere una passeggiata lungo il Nicolas percorso del lago Yew. Si può scrivere per ricevere informazioni generali o sui costi di pass e tessere. È uno dei punti principali dei Giochi olimpici invernali del 2010.

+1 604 926 5612 www.cypressmountain.co [email protected] 6000 Cypress Bowl Road, m/ m , BC

Cypress Provincial Park "A Provincial Park"

This beautiful provincial park called the Cypress Provincial Park is an amazing park surrounded by natural beauty. It offers activities like hiking, snowshoeing, skiing, tobogganing, snow tubing and so forth.

+1 604 926 5612 www.env.gov.bc.ca/bcpar [email protected] Cypress Bowl Road, Bowen by Andrew Plowright ks/explore/parkpgs/cypres Island, Vancouver BC s/ by jhm_ "Discover Skiing and Snowboarding"

Discover the joys of skiing and snowboarding on Mount Seymour. First- time lessons are a bargain compared to big resorts, and you can rent the equipments from the on-site shop. There is also tobogganing and snow- tubing along the Enquist Snow Tube Park. A sure fun option to get together with friends and family out in the snow.

+1 604 986 2261 www.mountseymour.com/ [email protected] 1700 Mount Seymour Road, North Vancouver BC

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