I.... TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1984 The Tech PAGE 7 _ I _~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~----- ARTS ARTS ARTS ARTS , Chicago, it's Useful formulae for freshman quiz your kind of musical See page 9 for questions Chicago, Musical Theatre Guild, further '86) unfortunately cannot be good to performances on September 7, 8, 9, 13, Mama, and we soon realize that their rela- 14,and 15 at 8 pm; free performance for tionship will be short. freshmen at 3:30 pm September 9; admis- Students planning to take classes from sion $3 MIT students, $6 others. Professor of Chemical Engineering Mark An animated matron emerged from the Kramer had better be ready with the cor- h/p = c/v = hc/E = X auditorium and exclaimed to her consort, rect bribe: as the lawyer he's "It's terrific." A lucky scoop for this re- effective in court for those who can pay v = v0/V(1_-) 2 porter; a happy result for Chicago, an act the price; Kramer provided an absorbing for which the media run the show. Chica- character study of someone whom the sys- 2 2 2 go, brilliantly conceived, slickly conduct- tem does not allow to be quite human. a2F/ax = -(8r M)/h X [E - V(x)]F ed, wonderfully entertaining, was terrific. Every inch of Jeffrey Moore '85's poise told us that Amos Hart's a wimp. A shame tan[V(2mE)/tr x L/2] = N/[(Vo - E)/E] the spritely Roxie didn't do him in instead. T = exp{-21RRt,/i(2m[V(R) - El) /'r dR}

2 2 a2,(z,t)/Ct = T0 /Po x da2(z,t)/az

c2k'/w2 = 1 + (4irNq 2)/M x 1/(coo2 _ 2)

o'r/2(sin x)(log sin x)dx = log 2 - 1

Jo' dx/(1 + x)/x = r

Boltzmann constant: k = 1.3805 x 10-"' erg/°K

Wien Displacement Law constant: C = 0.289780 cm-deg We're in 1920s Chicago and, if you're a It's the orchestra that binds a musical was on lady inclined to do away with your lover, together, and the band for Chicago -° you can save your neck by hiring $5000 top form. While the audience focused on Wavelength associated with one electron volt: 12379.7 x 10 cm lawyer Billy Flynn; there are plenty of the action, the orchestra provided much of publicly-defended criminals (or innocents) the suspense, and stylishly too. While Radiation pressure constant: a = 7.5641 x 10-T erg/(cm3'deg4) to hang instead. many members of the cast were not MIT- The two most intriguing murderesses to related, the orchestra was made up largely hit the jailhouse are Velma Kelly and of MIT students (or ex-students) and Length of tropical year: 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, 9.54 seconds . Acted by Karen Ann Kovacs proved that we have an enormous amount and Mary Athanis, they could not fail to of talent on our doorstep. Solar luminosity: L = 3.90 x 1033 erg/sec charm. Velma initially comes across as Daniel Rosenblatt's direction was magni- many clever touches quite a sleazebag, but as the plot develops, ficent: to tell of the Units of animal fur insulation value: m 2 0 C/W Roxie, more of a cool calculator, turns out would only be to spoil your fun. The way to be nastier. to find out is to go and enjoy this inspired Ruth Ferrara made a wickedly funny show, probably the best the Musical The- prison "matron." Her Act I number When atre Guild has ever done. You're Good to Manma was hilarious. Jonathan Richmond ·I ------_. --- h -- I -I- I -I--·------·I --F I Hunyak (depicted vividly by Rina Cerulli I_ ~

Iallmqlt:~:~ ~4'-;a ~ .....I ,- . __

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