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This announcement is made by LT Commercial Real Estate Limited (the ‘‘Company’’ together with its subsidiaries, the ‘‘Group’’) pursuant to Rule 13.09(2)(a) of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (‘‘Listing Rules’’) and the Inside Information Provisions (as defined in the Listing Rules) under Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong).

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council recently announced that the Xiongan New Area would be established in province. The scope of planning involves Hebei Xiongxian county, , Anxin county and the surrounding part of the region. It is of great practical national significance to advance the integrated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and to cultivate a new engine for the innovation and development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei clusters of cities. Hebei Provincial Party Committee, the provincial government has to set up a working committee in this respect.

Since 2014, the Group has been actively developing large-scale regional urban complexes in Hebei Province, including commercial and residential real estate businesses. Up till now, the Group has invested in two large scale projects in Hebei province, including Lerthai City, City, Hebei province and Lerthai City, City, Hebei province, with aggregate of approximately 16,800,000 square feet under construction. These projects integrated residential, shopping, leisure, entertainment, culture, living under one roof of a city complex with commercial and residential components. The Group confirmed that it has not yet invested in Anxin, Xiongxian and Rongcheng areas in Hebei province, nor has yet had any land and property invested in those areas. The Group welcomes the major development decisions of the Central Committee to set up the Xiongan new district to deepen the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration policy. The Group believes that the establishment of Hebei Xiongan new district will bring long-term positive and huge strategic significance to the integration of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, expanding the development of multi-dimensional market in Hebei province and accelerating the new urban agglomeration of Hebei province, through construction, to play a greater enterprise economic efficiency and social benefits in the long run. By order of the Board LT Commercial Real Estate Limited Yang Longfei Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Hong Kong, 5 April 2017

As at the date of this announcement, the executive Directors are Mr. Yang Longfei and Mr. Yang Shao Xing Max, the non-executive Directors are Mr. Lee Vincent Marshall Kwan Ho, Mr. Hung Ka Hai Clement and Ms. Dai Hui and the independent non-executive Directors are Mr. Fan Ren Da Anthony, Mr. Lo Wai Hung and Ms. Shek Pui Michelle. Website of the Company: http://www.lth.com.hk