Declaration of Interests, Dispensations, Predetermination or Lobbying: Members are required to declare any interests, dispensations, predetermination or lobbying on items on this agenda. Members are reminded that changes to the Register of Interests should be notified to the Clerk.

Present: Cllr. Bunyan (in the Chair), Cllrs. Fermor, Gilbert, Hatcher, Kings, Smith

The Chairman advised she would rearrange the order of the agenda to discuss the item under correspondence as so many members of the public had attended to hear this item being discussed.

PLANNING APPLICATIONS: 19/02380/FULL & 19/02381/LBC Saunders Farm Camden Hill Sissinghurst TN17 2AR Change of use and redevelopment of a small outbuilding to form a residential annexe.

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL, on condition that this remains ancillary to the main accommodation. Proposed by Cllr. Bunyan, seconded by Cllr. Hatcher and agreed

19/01766/FULL Camden Villa, Wilsley Pound, Sissinghurst, Cranbrook, TN17 2HR Single-storey extension to existing outbuilding and change of use to create beauty salon.

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL, subject to KCC Highway views. Proposed by Cllr. Bunyan, seconded by Cllr. Hatcher and agreed.

19/02547/FULL Farm, Road, Cranbrook, TN17 2LJ The permanent siting of three caravans for use as agricultural workers’ units.

The Parish Council recommended REFUSAL for the following reason: • Justification for permanent siting of mobile homes has not been proven.

Proposed by Cllr. Bunyan, seconded by Cllr. Smith and agreed.

19/02181/FULL Hayselden Manor, The Common, Sissinghurst TN17 2AE Extension and change of use of the existing barn from agricultural to ancillary residential use and incorporation of emergency escape stairwell enclosure from underground car park.

The Parish Council made a NEUTRAL recommendation, referring the decision to the Conservation Architect.

19/02344/FULL Innisfallen, The Common, Sissinghurst, Kent TN17 2AF Erection of single storey rear extension.

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL. Proposed by Cllr. Smith, seconded by Cllr. King and agreed.

19/02385/FULL Hartley Mount, Hartley Road, Cranbrook, TN17 3QX Conversion of existing building and new build at Hartley Mount to form apartments (9 apartments in total), alterations to access and parking, creation of bin and bike stores.

The Parish Council recommended REFUSAL for the following reason: • The site could accommodate more dwellings. • Parking provision inadequate

Proposed by Cllr. Kings, seconded by Cllr. Smith and agreed.

19/02277/FULL Land Rear of Deacons, High Street, Cranbrook, Kent Provision of a wildlife pond.

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL. Proposed by Cllr. Bunyan, seconded by Cllr. Fermor and agreed

19/00363/LBC Mill Cottage, The Hill, Cranbrook, TN17 3AH Listed Building Consent: Replacement of wooden double glazed Georgian style cottage windows and rear stable door.

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL, subject to the views of the Conservation Architect. Proposed by Cllr. Hatcher, seconded by Cllr. Bunyan and agreed.

19/02538/FULL Albion Cottage, The Hill, Cranbrook, TN17 3HP Demolition of garage and erection of detached carport, with associated storage.

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL, subject to views of neighbours being taken into account. Proposed by Cllr. Bunyan, seconded by Cllr. Smith and agreed.

19/02685/FULL & 19/02686/LBC Cranbrook Bakery, The Bakery, High Street, Cranbrook, TN17 3EJ Internal and external alterations and repairs; provision of a new awning; change of use of first floor from a C3 redundant residential flat to a tea-room (A3 use); continued use of the second floor as a staff room and office in association with the bakery.

The Parish Council recommended APPROVAL. Proposed by Cllr. Gilbert, seconded by Cllr. Smith and approved.

TREES: 19/02539/TPO 1 Hendley Terrace, Hendley Drive, Cranbrook, TN17 3DX TREES: OAK (T1) – Reduce to monolith stump approximately by 6 metres above ground level.

The Parish Council deferred this decision to TWBC Tree Officer.

CONSULTATIONS: NDP Regulation 14. Cllr. Hatcher had agreed to collate the responses received commenting only on content that affects the parish of Cranbrook and Sissinghurst such as access and movement i.e. extra traffic.

BRICK KILN ADVISORY GROUP: Nothing to report however, Cllr. Kings asked to be a representative on the newly formed Hartley Cluster Advisory Group. The Clerk would forward this request to Cllr. Pethurst.

TURNDEN ADVISORY GROUP: Nothing to report.

TRAINING: Cllrs. Fermor and Gilbert offered to present an application at the next meeting.

DECISIONS: Cllr. Bunyan read out the decisions received from the Borough Council.

ITEMS FOR INFORMATION: When circulating the agenda to the Committee, the Clerk would request that Members look at all the applications being considered on the TWBC website prior to attending the meeting.

Tunbridge Wells Draft Local Plan is now out for consultation. Responses needed to be received by 1st November.