East Lansing Gets Hannibalized
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•••• ' ••• ' J'. • • I• .: :: .: .: :: SPECIAL ALL-ENTERTAINMENT ISSUE! .: .: .: .: .: 25 WHAT'S UP: October JUST SAY YES TO 1989 THESE FELLAHS Just Say No rejects E.L. bar scene.. p. 3 @ -T/Je Provoc gets off... p. 7 @ Sniff around Dog Boy... p. 8 Volume I Numbers @ Classff leds••• p.8 MSU's alternative @ Out & about••• p.9 ai1dtruly independent @ Reviews ... p.10 voice East Lansing gets Hannibalized by JOE SCHMIDT uR-1 MJSlc Corrnpondent \t's a little after 7:30 p.m on Oct. 29 and the MSU Auditorium is rum bling with applause as local quartet the Hannibals. exit stage left to make room for an onslaught of •ciassic• rock acts that includes the Byrd•, Rare Earth and headliners Leo_n Russell and Edgar Winter. The hundreds of bell-bottomed, classic rock-heads who sit making this noise shake their heads In disbelief at the seemingly Impossible. It can't be true, but it is! Four guys, none of them within even ten years of middle age have just.rocked the house. Backstage the bewilderment continues. Late-late-sorta-great Leon Russell turns to his equally 111- groomed co-star, Edgar Winter, who · stands nearby In a drunken swoon plucking the notes to "Frankenstein• and says, •Shit , man, I can't believe it I These young turds can play. AlrlghU- Edgar perks up, "Yeah, I think I caught these cats opening for Her man• Hermb, or was it Hendrix? Yeah man.they're not half bad.· Is this the starry-eyed dream of one of the Hannlbels? No. Is It a premonition or a prediction?. Well, no not exactly, (it's not ev~n that good of a lead In). But If you're like me and you've seen the Hannlbals In the last few months or so you probably will agree that they're just good enough for it to go down uR-1 phc>t<>mARBRA CHEIMAN something like that Because the Hannibals are In fact Hannlbals fans and faithful, this Is drummer at Rick's and says he's m~et Edgar and Leon we'll probably going to open b' the over-the-hlll your week. Christmas In Odober. promoting this show and that he wants get along with 'em. OUr hair Is almost gangs mentioned above. Just see the So how did this all come to pass? us to play It. I guess he'd heard us as long as theirs.• ridiculously-styled 60's handbHls How, for Instance, did the Hannlbels and liked us. For the first week after It seems that just a few days ago plastered all over town b' details. wrangle their way Into such a big and that, It didn't .look like it was really the Hannlbals enjoyed their first Not only that , they are going to unlikely gig and just how do they feel going to happen, we were all pretty anniversary. Knowing these guys to appear at Rick'• on Friday. about the chance to rub elbows with skeptical: But It Is.· have a great deal of affection for each And that's not all. Edgar and Leori? Dave a.rtatle, the Hannibals , other, I Inquired how they might have Today or tomorrow, the group a.rta Johnston, lead aooner eccentric and ftamboyant bassist, celebrated the occassion. plans to relef.ise their brand new tape and rhythm guitarist explains, 'Well, It adds, •rm still skeptical about playing "Me, Chris, our other guitarist, and of brand spanktn• new material. Yes, was kind of strange actuaJly. This guy It. Who knows if we'll get to meet any See HANNIBALIZED,p.2 comes over to me and Matt, our of the other bands. Hwe do happen to 2 •Reporter-Intelligencer 25 October, 1989 Matt ail went to different cities,· says these fellas. They're serious about Johnston. ·1 think Dave stayed home their music but are still In It f.or the /\SMSU PROGR/\MMING BO/\RD. POP ENT &MMl/\H rROO. and watched T. V. • fun of it. Warms your heart, doesn't It? As Dave says, ·vou can expect All kidding aside, though it's the same madcap zaniness from us.· obvious these guys are dose friends and the strength of this relationship PR[SENT shows up In the music, which by the ... talkin~ T way has gotten consistently better and better. With their first, self-titled tape, the FromT,p.12 Hannibals captured their attempt to Bunches. Over and Out!• come together as a group and create "Christ, I didn't know Shirley their own sound. Originally not TIMBUK3 Madaine·had a price on her bubbly · intended for general release, it sold heed!• surprisingly well (it sold out.). It also Mr. T shoved his M-16 under my generated some radio play on nose. WDBM with the cut 'Wandering.Eye.· "Look, fool, if hippies are comin' The new tape, called "Hammer of back, then so's Black Power!• Rain,· seems a natural progression He powered over tables and from the first effort. One can immedi chairs, scattering terrified customers ately tell the m·usic is more comple)C like ninepins as he went, and ven and that the Hannibals are con- tured outside where a~ black . sciously pushing themselves into helicopter awaited him. Mr. Tturned new territory. around and hurled a shiny object •This one is more refined and throught the broken windows as the focused than the first, which was chopper ascended. more eclectic,· suggests Chris. "It I picked up a quartz crystal shows where we are now. The songs marked: "To Shirley ... From Mr. T ·rhe future's so bright, I gotta wear shades" flow better together. More continuity. - With Love: Will there be a song on this one witli very specia[ guest: 7~ -----~V to match the popularity of 'Wander- . .·.·.· .·.· .. ·. ·.·.·.·.· ... ······· ·.·.·.·.·.·....· .·.·.·.·.. ·.·.·.·.·. ·.· ....· .·. .. .. iO.mi=i ingEye?" · "I think the first song on the tape, •little heads· will,· Chris said. "Right now my favorite song is •A Wish for li·SUJ UJNJl(])N BAlL~R(])CDNl Distance.• it's really got a good feel to it: Yes, kids, like the famous HALLOWEEN NIGHT beke.ls on sale al: general they take their moniker from, OCTOBtR 31, 1989 Wherehouse Records,FOC the Hannlbals move.fast and furious. S:OOPM A new tape, a gig at Rick's and an ·opening slot at the Auditorium all ~~~w1~lL~ \ within the space of a few days. But ~ y; all this upward mobility hasn't spoiled producHons COUPON SPECIAL COUPON SPECIAL 2CCopySaJe Self-serve, B~xll, up to 25 copies ·. If~ ·? ~ print & copy 619 E. 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I I Fri ...... 9 am-1 am Sat .. 11 am - 1 am - : 1 pound of coffee from the .. : Sun .. 11 am- 11 pm : Coffee Beaneryat CROSSROADS ·: Table rates: $2. 75 table/hr : (not to be used with other coupons or specials) : Uideo & I I Pinball 25¢ or 5oct L----~----~~J~~~~---------J Info: 355- 3358 the University Reporter-Intelligencer Page Three The Second Front Pa e Just because EL bars Say No to these guys doesn't mean you should, too ~ F.RED BELDIN prison and finally achieved a llfelOng UR-I MJalcC011npondent dream of being in a band together? Believe what you want, but It is true Just Say No... what a bunch of that the band consists of Miller and horny, drunk dangerous ex-kids · Potter on guitars, Ken Knott on wearing black and cutting their hair vocals, bassist Ilk• Achlenburg and short and.being all scary like ... · drummer R•ndY "'Get off my 1anct• They doni scare me, and they HuiKene. don't want to scare you.away, so Their mouths are too filthy for what's your hangup?,JSN has been B'Zar, and they're too loud for Rick'•. doing loud performance art 1or nearly •House shows are definitely more two years now, what have you been dangerous,· said .Knott. 1 guess that's doing? They have a reputation as why we do more of them around darkslders, and no bar In East Lansing here.· has the guts to touch them. So why do Indeed, JSN have ample opportu they draw hundreds of people to the nity to see the world. The band has promise to play scary music . Knott listened to In once. 1 liked It when I heard It,• he said. house shows they gig at? Because, numerous out-of:..town gigs under-their JSN took a bold step this year and aca>rdlng to JSN guitarist Steve · belts (and God knows what else) plus released a 12-inch EP on their own Hulskens added, Tm not really Miier, "SOmethlng might happen!· an agency In Cinclnnattl is booking .Go Ahead label, the dandy "Girls Say Interested In that type of music: •No matter how lame people are, and East Coast 1hing• for early Yes To Boys Who Say No· and It But straight man Miller holds up they always like danger,• guitarist December. But JSN get their best continues to sell well and get local his band's quality, and derisively Tom Poller explained. 1t's like a car reaction at home, and are looking airplay.