Donald Bunnell
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F' O. Box 474 Phone(B0B) 637-3073 l-laleiwa,Hawaii Fax(808) 637-3073 967 12-0474 Cell(808) 4Bs-7772 [email protected] Donald Bunnell motor,or auxiliarysail Summary of Currentlylicensed to serveas Masterof steam, morethan 100 gross registered tons upon near coastal qualifications vesselsof not watersand FirstClass Pilot, steam or motorvessels of anygross tons uponPearl Harbor Expiratron date: December 18,2018' I am in my eighthfive-year term as MasterCommercial Marine and Ham radio operatorlicensed until 2020. Education 1998-2004, Universityof Hawaiiat Manoa Masterof ArtsDegree, Pacific lsland studies.12l1912004 1973- 1995,University of Hawaii,at West Oahu and Leeward GommunityCollege. PearlCity, Hawaii. Associatein ScienceDegree, Major; Marine Technology 1212211977 Associatern Arts Degree, Major; Liberal Arts. 05111/1990 Bachelorof ArtsDegree, concentration: Humanities, Specialization; PacificStudies 05/1 3/1 995 Work experience 03/20/05to Present. HawaiiHarbor Pilots Association. P.O. Box721 Honolulu,Hawaii, 96808 ReliefCaptain Operatepilot boats from Honolulu and Kalaeloaharbors. Assist pilots and vesseloperators with ship movements into and out of Honolulu Harbor,Kalaeloa Harbor, and the Honoluluoff-port anchorage. 03/31/1999-Present. Sea Engineering Inc. Pier 21. Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 ReliefCaptain Operateand maintainmarine construction and commercialdiving and salvagevessels. Conduct port and offshore construction and salvage operationsand insurevessel compliance with state and federalmarine regulations.Worked on projectssuch as waveenergy electricity generationsystems, hazardous WW2 ammunitionrecovery and disposal,offShore pipeline construction, movie set construction and salvageand cameraboat ops amongothers. 01t21/2005to 4t2010, Marimed Foundation. 45-021 Likeke Pl. Kaneohe,Hawaii, 96744 ReliefCaptain Captainof the ninety-sixfoot sail training staysail schooner Makani Olu' Overallresponsibility fordirection ofthe crew, auxiliary Foundation Staff, and cadets.Also responsible for the safenavigation, operation, and maintenanceof theship, its equipment and systems' 2006SEG Survivor 14Fiia MarineTeam 05/10/1982- 03/31/1999,Pearl Harbor Naval Station, Waterfront Support,Pearl Harbor Hawaii. Vesseloperator pilotedvessels in thevicinity of PearlHarbor and surroundingareas. Moved fuel barges,derrick cranes, and other harborassets with displacementof 1300 tons or more and lengthsof up to 200 feet, alongsideships, submarines,and intograving docks. Responsible for the schedulingof major vesselrepairs, and overseeingwork accomplishedby outsideshops and contractors.Demonstrated ability to work without supervisionwhile completingcomplex written or oralinstructions. Submitted reports regarding vessel operationand condition.Originated charge sheets and overtime reports.Demonstrated ability to communicateeffectively and to write and analyzedata into reporlform. Responsiblefor the unit budgetand supply funciion.Tracked maintenanceand performancedata for naval station vessels. Collateralduty E.E.O. counselorfor naval station requiring investigatrvereport preparation, interviewing and communicationskills, and the abitityto work with others in stressfulsituations. Used Word Perfect, MicrosoftWord, Excel, and otheroffice programs. Accepted early retirement '1999. rncentiveMarch 03/15/1988-12120t1989, Anela catamarans Honolulu. VesselOperator Operated40-foot Passenger beach catamarans off the beachat Waikikias reliefskipper. Approximately 20 hoursweekly. O7tO3l1gB1-OSl1Ot1982, Huta Kai Catamaran, Pier 8 upper level, Honolulu,Hawaii Vessel Operator ' Operated149 passenger,and sixty-fivefoot, sailingcatamaran on cruisesfrom HonoluluHarbor Responsiblefor day to day operationof vesselincluding; ships maintenance, ordering supplies, keeping required records,crew training,and schedulingof major repairsand overhaul periods.Made determination of coursebased upon weather observations and reports.Used standard piloting procedures to safelynavigate vessel. 01t0111979-07/03/1981. C, Borretaand Sons, PO Box 1319'Wahiawa, Hawaii FieldSuperuisor Managedoutside work groups (carpenters,plumbers, electricians and painteis) to complete preventivebuilding maintenance contract at Fort bhufter and schofield Barracksfamily housing (3000 housing units). lnterpretedand negotiatedcontract terms based upon blueprints and in situ rnspectionsof housingunits. Produced work schedules, billing cycle reports, time and expendedmaterial records, payroll and trainingrecords. Acted as liaisonbetween military housing occupants, government inspectors, and work crews. Responsiblefor personnelactions, performance reports, and qualityassurance. Developed standard operating procedures for workcrews. 02t03t1976-01 l}lt 1981,Windiammer Gruises 1085Ala MoanaBlvd. Honolulu,Hawaii. Vesseloperator Operated149 passenger,auxiliary sailing vessels,65 to 125 feet in length,on dinnercruises and overnight interisland routes between Oahu, Lanai,Maui, and Molokai.Responsible for safeoperation and dayto day managementof vesseland crew. Orderedsupplies made passenger berthingand crew arrangements,and kept vesselsin compliancewith U.S.C.G.regulations. Directed regular maintenance and overhaulof vessel,which entailed R&R of majorsystems including hull framing and platingand engineering space equipment. 05/10/1976-06111t',978, Presidential Charters Inc. Kewalo Basin, HonoluluHawaii. Vesseloperator Operated65 foot motor yacht Vida Mia, on weekend,three-island dive charters. 01t1511973-02t03t1976, University of Hawaii, Leeward Community College 96-045Ala lki St. PearlCity, Hawaii 96782 MarineTechnology Instructor Workedto establishan academicprogram designed to introducenew studentsinto the marinefield. Used classroom time aboard ship to teach principlesof MarineTechnology. Instructed classes in celesttalnavigation, piloting,practical shipboard operation, shipboard maintenance, chart navigation,basic and advanced seamanship, mariner's weather, safety at sea,beginning and advanced scuba diving. 0211111973-01/0111976, Aikane Catamarans 404 Piikoi St. Honolulu, Hawaii Vessel Operator Operatedseveral 149 passengerAuxiliary sail catamarans,40 to over 85 feet in length.Worked full and part time as work schedulepermitted, approximately32 hours weekly. Sailed dinner cruises,coastal tour cruises,and interislandcruises. worked as crew and was promotedto captainin '1975 ' Owned and operatedtwo 40 foot commercialauxiliary sail catamarans Professional and currentlyown "Valhalla"a cheoy Lee offshore40 auxiliarysail experience vessel.I havedelivered power and sailvessels across the Pacificto and from Hawaii,and currentlyconsult on marine logisticsand vessel operationin the Pacificbasin. I haveoperated many vessels in supportof filmindustry work including Tora Tora, Hawaii, Watenruorld, 50 FirstDates, Lost,Survivor, and others I am a memberof the Local665 L A.T.S.E. AnnuityTrust Fund. .