
Medicina Cutánea Ibero-Latino-Americana

Localizador 16041 Oral supplementation of orthosilicic acid and its impact on hair quality

Suplemento oral de ácido ortosilícico y su impacto en la calidad del cabello

Luciana Nakanishi,* Bruna Bombonatti,* Letícia Sabo Muller,‡ Ricardo Tadeu Villa,§ Maria Valéria Robles Velasco,|| Valcinir Bedin,¶ Ana Carolina Fortes Braga Brederodes Villa§

Key words: Orthosilicic acid, ABSTRACT RESUMEN hair growth, resistance. Objectives: We evaluated the correlation between metric Objetivos: Evaluar la correlación entre los parámetros métricos parameters and laboratory assessments of hair taken from y las valoraciones de laboratorio, de pelo extraído de pacientes Palabras clave: patients undergoing oral supplementation of orthosilicic acid. sometidos a suplementación oral de ácido ortosilícico. Material Ácido ortosilícico, Material and methods: 34 women aged between 17 and y métodos: 34 mujeres de entre 17 y 57 años recibieron una crecimiento del cabello, 57 years received an oral dose of 30 mg of orthosilicic acid dosis oral de 30 mg de ácido ortosilícico durante cinco meses. resistencia. for five months. Hair samples (pre and post-treatment) were Se obtuvieron muestras de pelo (pre- y postratamiento) de un obtained from an area of 1 cm² on the occipital protuberance área de 1 cm² sobre la protuberancia occipital y se sometieron and submitted to ultrasound bath in a distilled water solution. a un baño de ultrasonido en una solución de agua destilada. After that, we tested this water using spectrophotometric Después de eso, analizamos el agua mediante la técnica espec- technique for measuring the hair ability to preserve proteins trofotométrica para medir la capacidad del cabello para preservar during physical stress. Hair growth was also assessed every las proteínas durante el estrés físico. El crecimiento del cabello month, before treatment and during treatment. We applied a también se evaluó cada mes, antes y durante el tratamiento. Se questionnaire addressing the perception of patients about their aplicó un cuestionario dirigido a la percepción de los pacientes hair. Results: 83% of patients believed that there was overall sobre su cabello. Resultados: 83% de los pacientes conside- improvement of hair quality after treatment. 79.41% of patients raron que hubo una mejoría general de la calidad del cabello exhibited increasing in hair growth rate and this increase was después del tratamiento. El 79.41% de los pacientes mostró of 37.6%. Protein loss analysis showed a improvement in hair un aumento en la tasa de crecimiento capilar y este aumento quality. Conclusion: We suggest that orthosilicic acid has a fue del 37.6%. El análisis de pérdida de proteínas mostró una beneficial role in the hair, leading to a faster growth rate and mejora en la calidad del cabello. Conclusión: Se sugiere que el * Dermatologist. an increase in resistance to aggression. ácido ortosilícico tiene un papel beneficioso en el cabello, que ‡ MD. conduce a una tasa de crecimiento más rápido y a un aumento § Professor UFMA. de la resistencia a la agresión. || Professor USP. ¶ PhD UNICAMP.

Abbreviations: Si = . INTRODUCTION intake of oligoelements and vitamins and OSA = Orthosilicic acid. 5 ppm = part(s) per million. environmental aggression. These deleterious air is unquestionably one of the most effects are manifested in the form of difficult Confl icto de intereses: Ninguno. Himportant personal attributes in all combing, brittleness and dryness. cultures, and, therefore, its characteristics are In its turn, silicon (Si) is a well known and of great psychological importance, justifying ubiquitous component present in several Received: 6 19/September/2016. all the studies focusing on how to conserve tissues of human body and is found at 1-10 Accepted: and promote hair quality. In this particular, is ppm in hair7 and nails.8 Additionally, silicon 02/March/2017. fundamentalwww.medigraphic.org.mx to consider that human hair has an accumulates in the stratum corneum of outer protective layer, which surrounds the cells epidermis and in hair cuticle.9 Recently, it was of the highly keratinized cortex and a structural confirmed that the phanars, hair and nails are hierarchy of disulfide bonds that has influence more rich in silicon10 than the remaining parts on the mechanical properties of hair.1-4 of the skin and this element accumulates more Changes in growth and hair quality can intensely in the outer layer of the epidermis be induced by protein malnutrition or low and in the cuticule of hair (Table 1), wich

Med Cutan Iber Lat Am 2017; 45 (1): 29-35 www.medigraphic.com/medicinacutanea Nakanishi L et al. Oral supplementation of orthosilicic acid and its impact on hair quality ORIGINAL

explains the usage of silicon in the treatment of alopecia The silicon absorption is considerably higher in the form since the middle of last century. Further, from his results,11 of silanol as shown by a silicon study and osteogenesis.15 Fregert raised the question that silicon levels strongly Furthermore, toxicological studies referred to the soluble contributes to the solidity and the high resistance of silicon derivative as safe, with no genotoxic for use in keratinous tissues and plays a role as a barrier. Indeed, it living beings.16,17 has been shown that silicon can improve the skin barrier of normal skin and prevents premature skin aging and Objective of the study psoriasis progression.12 In animals, deficit of bioavailable silicon can be Our primary objective of this study was to evaluate the bound to severe diseases (arteriosclerosis, osteoarthritis, correlation between metric parameters and laboratory hypertension and aging processes).8,13 Beyond that, silicon assessments of patients undergoing oral supplementation deficiency in human body has been connected to many of silicon. degenerative diseases (e.g., Alzheimer’s) and tissue aging Our secondary objective was to describe the subjective processes, and that the normal silicon blood plasma results of the hair quality after oral supplementation of concentration varies from 5 to 20 micromoles,14 we silicon. propose that silicon supplementation could be considered. MATERIAL AND METHODS

Table 1. Silicon content of the skin, hair and nails in man We conducted an uncontrolled longitudinal study in wich (μg silicon/g of dry tissue). our intervention was the supplementation of silicon for Abdominal epidermis 106 Entire skin 23 women/18 men five months. Dermsi with light 19 Nails 56 All of our 34 patients were women aged between 17 covering of hair and 57 years, as displayed in figure 1. Dermis with strong 25 Hair 90 At day zero, we shaved the hair of an area equivalent covering of hair Plantar dermis 13 to 1 cm² on the occipital protuberance of each patient. After this procedure, we measured three times at each

34 31 28 25 22 19 16 Patients 13 10 7 www.medigraphic.org.mx 4 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Years Figure 1. Patients age.

Med Cutan Iber Lat Am 2017; 45 (1): 29-35 30 www.medigraphic.com/medicinacutanea Nakanishi L et al. Oral supplementation of orthosilicic acid and its impact on hair quality ORIGINAL

moment (in order to validate the data) the hair length at growth after treatment has increased (we rejected H0 = intervals of 30 days for 3 months and obtained medium H1 and accepted H0 ≠ H1). growth rate for each participant before the treatment was In the same way, our absorbance data of hair samples started. After these first three months, every patient was exhibited significative improvement in hair resistance after submitted to a new trichotomy and we re-started monthly treatment, with a p < 0.00283598, we assumed that hair measures, but, from this moment on, they were receiving resistance after treatment has increased (we rejected H0 the dose of 30 mg of orthosilicic acid in the form of OSA = H1 and accepted H0 ≠ H1). (orthosilicic acid) stabilized in marine collagen at a dose of 600 mg over five months. This dosage was divided in RESULTS two capsules of 300 mg taken twice a day, at least two hours after meals for better absorption of orthosilicic acid. Our subjective data are as follows (Table 2): Patients participating in the study answered a subjective As we can see, features related to hair texture received questionnaire about their hair focusing the following the highest score, and, in total, 83% of the volunteers parameters: smoothness, shine, growth, and fall. They reported a general improvement in the hair quality during were instructed not to change the diet, daily activities treatment. Although growth was not the highest score, it and medications. Women who used any medication that was a feature with a very good response to treatment, as could alter the variables addressed in the study, such as we can see below in our objective data (Table 2). vitamins and other supplements were excluded. If they In (Figure 2), we display the average rate of hair growth were using contraceptives, they had to continue and, if (cm/month). In blue, before treatment and, in red, during they didn’t, they couldn’t start until the end of the research. treatment. This chart exposes precisely our results: They attributed the following score, taking into account the grade of improvement of each parameter: significant • In 79.4% of subjects (27/34), hair growth has improvement (2), moderate improvement (1) and no increased (as mentioned above, with significance improvement (0). Medium scores were calculated and as described in statistical analysis). are displayed in the next section. • Comparing medium growth rate before and during When exposition to physical or chemical treatments treatment, there was an increase of 37.6%. occurs, hair strand may exhibit damage in its structure, and therefore, a change occurs in the protein composition Protein loss and resistance.18,19 In order to evaluate hair resistance, we used a validated assay that consists in submitted When we compared protein loss of samples obtained hair sample to a physical aggression (ultrasonic wave) before and after treatment, we revealed that hair was in a tube with water and assess how much protein that more resistant after treatment and lost 84.2% less protein hair sample looses to the water. The whole process is as when submitted to ultrasound bath. follows: to accomplish the quantification of protein loss were diluted 100 mg of hair in 15 mL of distilled water in DISCUSSION a test tube. This sample was subjected to ultrasonic bath for 40 minutes. After this protein extraction procedure, the There is a correlation between the data found in animals suspension obtained was filtered and an aliquot of 2.0 mL regarding the diffusion of silicon to the target organs. In of the filtrate of each sample was removed and subjected the blood and extra-vascular liquid, silicon is present to protein quantification assay. physiologically in the hydrated orthosilicic acid form and Spectrophotometry was the technique we have chosen to evaluate protein concentration in each sample. Our results of absorbance readings were plotted in the Table 2. Subjective data. calibration curve. This curve useswww.medigraphic.org.mx albumin as a standard.20 Category Score

Statistical analysis Combimg 1.8 Softness 1.76 Our data concerning to hair growth were submitted to Brightness 1.73 Growth 1.54 t-test, since our study were an uncontrolled longitudinal Fall 0.9 one and, with p < 0.000208438, we assumed that hair

Med Cutan Iber Lat Am 2017; 45 (1): 29-35 31 www.medigraphic.com/medicinacutanea Nakanishi L et al. Oral supplementation of orthosilicic acid and its impact on hair quality ORIGINAL

non disassociated by the pH of the organism. In a mostly of silicon per gram of hyaluronic acid, chondroitines free form (> 98%), silicon of biological liquids, unbound sulfates, dextranes-sulfates and purified heparin is to protein, is easily diffusible which allows for an even reported.21 distribution in the blood between the plasma and the With embryonic bone or cartilage in culture, one erythrocytes in the range of 265 μg/L. Literature indicates observes growth which is a lot more rapid in a silicon that, following administration of silicon derivatives, silicon enriched medium in comparison to that of a medium poor blood level rises, which bears witness to the possibility in silicon. The difference growth rate is correlated to the of absorption. In man and superior animals, the major strong increase in the collagenic content and even more path of elimination of silicon is the renal path with a to those contents of polysaccharides of proteoglycans of clearance in man of 90 mL/min and a fractional excretion the fundamental substance.22 of the order of 90%. The resorption of filtered silicon is In this way, isolated chondrocytes confirms the minimum.21 stimulating effect of silicon on collagen synthesis without The skin, mucous membranes and the connective associated cellular proliferation, indicating that the site of tissue are the most rich in silicon. High concentrations action of silicon is on the synthesis of collagen and on the (12-16 mg/kg) are also recovered in the aorta, trachea prolylhydroxylase intracellular. So, it was demonstrated, and the tendons. However, the parenchymal tissue shows both in vitro and in vivo that the prolylhydroxylase, weaker levels (2-10 mg/kg) with an exception for the lungs, associated to collagenic synthesis, only reaches its which as a result of the constant exposure by inhalation optimal activity in the presence of sufficient silicon of dusty , contains quantities of silicon often very concentration.22 important. As the major excretion organ, the kidney is also Silicon, besides its role in the organic matrix of very rich in silicon.21 connective tissue,9,23-25 seems to play an equally important In the last 30 years, one of the most remarkable role in their structure, providing connecting links of contributions to silicon knowlodge was the different polysaccharide and polyuronic hydrogen chains demonstration of the implication of silicon in bone between them or with proteins (Figure 1).25,26 growth and in the development of cartilage, articulation Silicon is found in skin at a rate of 18 to 23 μg per and other connective tissue, skin included. Specifically, gram and, since collagen is the most abundant protein Esteit was documento shown that es elaboradosilicon intervenes por Medigraphic in the synthesis of in the skin (making up 75 percent of its mass) silicon collagen and proteoglycans, as well as, in the early stage plays an important role stabilizing skin main components of bone mineralisation. The important silicon content and prolylhydroxylase.27 Particularly, collagen type 1 of these tissues is linked to the silicon-polysaccharide contributes to skin integrity, including those sheets interaction which makes silicon a compound of involving and protecting the follicle. glycosaminoglycans and polyuronides. For example, Hair, for its turn, contains 90 μg of silicon in each gram in the umbilical cord the presence of 330 to 554 μg (as mentioned in our introduction) and, probably, this

Global average growth 2



cm/month 0.5 0 www.medigraphic.org.mxwww.medigraphic.org.mx 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Patients Before treatment During treatment Figure 2. Average rate of hair growth.

Med Cutan Iber Lat Am 2017; 45 (1): 29-35 32 www.medigraphic.com/medicinacutanea Nakanishi L et al. Oral supplementation of orthosilicic acid and its impact on hair quality ORIGINAL

element helps to keep its structure made of amino acids, confidence and, though our sample was small, our named keratin, tight. data, when submitted to statistical analysis, did prove Silicon bioavailability in food is very low and that its beneficial role. Second, our laboratory assay was a silicon decreases with aging and ongoing menopause validated one and unquestionably addressed the potential process.22,28 In this particular, very few foods contains of silicon as a resource of strength to hair. Finally, none expressive amounts of silicon, such as grains, especially of our patients complained of side effects due to silicon oats, barley, rice brain, wheat bran, cereal products, administration, confirming available data on safeness and and plant-based foods,29,30 and it makes very difficult security of silanol.16,17 to obtain the minimum dosage of 2 to 5 mg/day. These effects we observed could be linked to the However, these grain products use the edible caryopsis strengthening of hair sheets and strand, since both of them of the cereal, whereas Si (phytolithic Si) is found have a high level of silicon and its role as factor contributing almost solely in the husk. Hence, the Si content of to skin resistance is well established. cereal-based foods is mainly attributable to cross- This work focus was aimed at female patients, due contamination or to the purposeful addition of husk to convenience for the metric monitoring during the during processing. One cereal product, however, uses eight months of study, insofar as hair has been shaved the macerated husk during its manufacture, namely at baseline, at the end of third month, and at the end beer. Not surprisingly, therefore, the Si content of beer of the fifth month again. Therefore, we have chosen appears to be high.31 occipital protuberance area for tricotomy (a hidden Silicon levels tend to be higher in foods derived from one), and corresponding hair strand could not be cut plants than foods from animal sources.32,33 Asians and during the study to not interfere with the analysis of Indians have much higher silicon intakes than do Western capillary growth. populations as a result of their higher intakes of plant- Ultimately, our suggestion to researchers concerned based foods.34 with hair quality and its relation to silicon would be Our study contributes to the established data to add new variables to the equation, such as silicon mentioned above, focusing on effects of silicon in human serum levels before and after treatment and, of course, body, particularly, in hair. First, we could appreciate an enlarge the sample, giving even more reliability to increase in hair growth rate with a high level of statistical future studies.

Plasmatic membrane

S S Transmembrane proteins S S Silicon Si Proteoglycans Fibronectin Si Si

Si www.medigraphic.org.mxwww.medigrSiaphic.org.mx

Collagen in the extracellular matrix

Figure 3. Silicon linked to proteins stabilizing them.

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CONCLUSION Correspondence: Ricardo Tadeu Villa Our results allow to consider that silicon represents an Av. dos Holandeses, 11 important option concerning to hair treatment, leading both Torre 10, Ap 51 to increasing in hair growth and a more resistant strand, Ponta da Areia, confirming silicon role as an effective therapy. Further studies São Luis must be conducted ir order to adress the exact relation Maranhão, Brasil between other relevant aspects, such as dose, therapeutic E-mail: [email protected] results, age of patients and serum levels of silicon.


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