1967 Vol. 1 January
Thefollouirg aas published. as a seri,es i.nthe Fassai,e Herald-News" It was preparedfot CongressrnanCltailes S. Joelson by James J. DeMa.ri,o, & rneynbeT of th.e Passaic County Histotri,cal Society. Congressmq.n ,Ioetson made the hi.stwy a part of the Congvessional Recotrd FIRS? SHHfLEX.---frtRs:#t# PirRCHasE r}I hToRrHr the papermills in Delawanna. This was Passaic History also the ste*ge coach days. lfhen carn€ Due to ttre area being so full of early the Morris Canal which skirted Passaic EXTENSION OF R,E$IAF,KS setbler and Revol*tionarT history, X &rn and pennitted more commeree with OF proud to g'iVe herein sorne brief hieh- otkrer areas. Merctrants and travelers lights on bottr, plus its most unusus,l ln- stopped at and went through Acquack- FISN.CFSARLES S"S*HtS*rq dustial and commerciai develop::nent. anonk Landing where there were tav- OF' NE.w .IERSEY tseing at the head of rlver navigation sur- eilIs, small hotels, or roorning houses. rN TI{E FIOUSE OF R,EPRESENTATI\rES round.ed with forested roilins hills for TETE RAILE.OAD ERA 'was Tuesriav, JarLu.ary tr7, i9E7 hunting, fistring, and farsning, it With the railroad era starting in the quickly inhabited by the ear'ly llutch at Mr. JOELSON. Mr. Speaker, members 1S30's, the commerciai business traders, farmers, and explarers frorn New awalr 8,s of the Passaic County Historical Society Acguackanonk Landing dropped *&rrrsterdarn and C omnnunipaw-now Jer- being made the suggestion of including his- the stagecoaches and boats were the sey Clty-seeicing to extend their fur Acquack- tory of the lower part of Passaic County fcrced to -d.isccnfinue, although trading or f;nding better far,mlands.
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