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10-1-1981 The thI acan, 1981-10-01 The thI acan

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~- ~J_\~ -_ - . _ - QC1 o2 1S81 A Weekly New,spaper. Published Independently by the Students ofJth(!C,'! College

•\ ~ »

.. ! ~ .:-; I l'o • ~: -., ,... '•' Vol51/No. 5 October 1, 1981 Fire' Laws-· Limit Tavern Turnouts by Judy Green Dwindling weekend crowds in downtown Ithaca bars· seem to be the result of continued enforcement· of tavern and restaurant occupancy limits by the Ithaca fire department. "The fire department has intimidated the bar goers," according to Dugout owner Thomas Kheel, "they've disrupted the entire pattern and people think they're going to get in trouble if they come down here." Sjnce the return of college students to Ithaca about one month ago, fire officials have made the enforcement ·or oc­ cupancy limits in downtown bars a top priority. Summons were originally issued to the owners of The Dugout, The Pine Tavern, McCawbers and Ragmann's to · appear in front of city court on Septemqer 8 for being in Occupancy limits- of downtown bars-are enforced by fire of­ viola_tion of the fire code by ficials having too many customers in their.bars at one time. The occupancy limit for The Pine Tavern, The Dugout & make the decision whether or raised. by Kerrigan at the "It doesn't phase the fire is to "bring all bars and McCawbers is 50. Ragmann's not to dismiss the case, but the hearing, according to Kheel. department that I am a rc5taurants into· compliance . limit is 64. clerk said she has no idea when · "Everyone is willing to business man and m·ust make with the code,'' said Fire Chief • During the hearing, which that decision will be reached. compromise except the fire money during the peak ho.urs. Charles Tuckerman. was delayed until Sept. 23, "Mr. Kerrigan made a good departme_nt," said Vericchio. If I thought I .was creating a Kheel and Vericchio both James Kerrigan, defense at­ presentation," said Kheel. An example he gave for com­ hazard I wouldn't allow it to daim they are losing business torney for Pines owner Jim Questions regar.ding the promise would be for the fire be crowded -- but I'm not," due to the.enforcement of the· Vericchio motioned to dismiss methods fire officials used to department to up the oc­ Vericchio said. code. "If they continue en­ the case. "count heads" and selective cupancy limits to what he ter­ The fire department's goal forcement, it will shatter. us." _ Now, according t_o an Ithaca enforcement of the occupancy med "a realistic level." Then ,rcgardine the occupancy _issue said Kheel. Court Clerk, the judge must limits were two of the issues I'd enforce them,' 1 he said. I',

• "• I " -. "'' • rl •• '.>.., •J..r: "1• _• ; I •'' •"' ,,, •"

Procedure Reviewed

by Liz Costopoulos Campus Life by December firk -Ithaca College is currently Among other things, the evalu~ting the room assign- Task Force wi11 be exploring ment process for the 82-83 the .use of • computers ' in school year. A committee, the assigning lottery numbers. Room Assignment Task For- Perkins said this will help in ce, has been formed to· analyze eliminating the length of lines -~ the system. 'that students must wait in to The Task.Force is composed choose their numbers. ·Perkins . -of Bill Perkins, assistant direc- added that much of the J!JL Uf'ls - .,. 1:or of residential life, Frank problems·with lines last year Ef:i Lamas, · assistant to vice .was because so many students president in-charge of judicial did not pay their deposits on .affairs,- Tim Faughnan, head time. This meant that 2400 • resiqent of Landon, Nancy students_ had to be checked Gillilend,, stu~ent government before they could choose their representative,' Ned Water- lottery number. . The extra berry, upper terrace resident time faken to check names is director, Carol Dewald, what really -slowed down the fac· iti s coordinator for process. Union a_pd a student .Another problem- the Task was done to ,better integrate The Room Assignment Task epresentative- that has not yer, Force will be dealing with is : the freshmen into the campus Force .will be meeting on a · been chosen. · possible alternatives to triples. community. He also stated weekly basis. Perkins stressed Perkins said the major pur- The .Task Force has been in that although there have been that the committee is ' pose ·or the Task· Force is to contact with· other colleges problems posed by fewer-up­ welcoming and encouraging -.make a total 'c 'top to bottom" about their ... 'housing . policies per classman choosing to live student ideas ·about the im­ rev~~w of th~ ro.om assignment · for possible answers. .Perkins off campus, the number of in­ provement of the residential ~ PJ'OCCSS, Ii_~ said t~ey ~Ope to , sai~ ~he tr~p}es this.xeaF are !!1 coming freshmen--and triples. life system at Ithaca,College. A have a proposal snbirutt¢ t9 _ - a number of locat1ons.- Ttits has remained consistent. -- ' . . ' .

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Pagel THE ITHACAN October l, 1981 .:I1'11ACAN\ : , .

_ The ~thacan received a letter this week and .altJtough it is INQUIRE!{: not being printed d·ue to its libelous nature, its topic is of ex­ ·. ~... .-.,,~---~ treme importance and interest to the IC campus. The letter was from a female IC student who alleged that the diagnostic tests for her pregnancy last year were not ad­ ministered accurately at the Health Center. The student further stated that she chose to get a second opinion from a local gynecologist due to her dissatisfaction on campus. Upon being tested downtown, the trast came out positive. - In regard to the letter, Dr. John David Hammond, health center director, gave an explanation of routine pregnancy testing and counseling and the birth control programs offered at the Health Center • .In these confidential services which began in 1968 the Health Center has developed what Hammond terms, "a good working situation." The Health Center has developed birth control teaching programs by both peer and professional counselors. They are part of a program that exists in an attempt to deal with pregnancy before it is a problem. There are several methods of pregnancy testging in the Cen­ george Aziz '83 Exploratory 'i Andy Green '84 Phys Edlf ter once it does become a problem. think any interest group there's a big enough demand, Somethimes pregnancies can be determined as early as two should have their own parents they should have them. weeks and other times it can go as long as eight or nine weeks weekend. before a test comes out positive. · That appears to be the case concerning the anonymous - author of the letter. She was two months pregnant when her test registered positive. Hammond and the Center's licensed laboratory technician explained that there are a number of variables which can affect testi!)g. With these variables, .,,.:, .. however, are not due to the testing methods, but are based on )~,/;.; *Due to the sensitive nature of the letter, it is understandable that the name we withheld in printing. Names will be held confidential upon request but some source is necessary to deal responsibly with letters.

Kevin Rose '83 Eco.Why can't they participate in our parents Pat Cahill '84 TVRAs Fran weekend - why do they need would say, "I don't care." Editor-"1·Chier: Monaginf! Editor: News Editor: Sports Editor: their own? ' Dianne William, Jud.v Green Joe Halpern Howard Altman "-, Buoiness Manager: South Hill E:dhor: Photography Editor: Barry Silverman [)pf,/,jp ·(;,Pell Eric Plickeri

Soles Manager: Advertising Manager: Production Manef!er: Rich Oreni Kip Haggeu Dave Isaacs

·Office Manager: Billin~ Mtmager: Financial Manager: Amy Kirson Scorr Halm Rhona Giruberg

.. Secretory: Copy Editor: A8lli.etent Sports Editor: -- Doug Clauson Patti Bennelt Heidi.Kopen ·,, ' Advertising Staff : Assistant South Hill Editor : Katie O'Reilly Donna Hoffman TVR '841 Bill Hall , 84 Cine,mal think Us· Meredith Hall never thought about it. nice - 'i think it's a.good idea. Leslie May Heidi-Kopen · Photo Staff: Mike Rubin, -Jock Bradley, Sue Littwalk. Jamie Alexa!Jder October 1, 1981 - Ithacan Page3

o o oOn Separa~e Parents Weekend§ To The Editor: that the organization was held a separate week.end. kind of track record that can input in the planning of Paren­ I would like to commenton again unable to schedule After Parents' Weekend be used to supplant hignly suc­ - -the issue raised in last weeks facilities and was holding its ts' Weekend is simply not true. · 1980, the Parents' Weekend cessful and popular Parents' There have been written in­ Ithacan regarding the separate second Parents' Weekend. Planning Committee held two Weekend activities in the Parents Weekend to be held by Since the above approach vit<1tions · for input that have meetings to rev~ the limited number of facilities been ignored. Laying the ALS. There i~ a considerable was not successful, it was weekend just passed and to that are available. amount of misunderstanding decided to organize a Parents' problem at the feet of "the begin planning for Parents' A related problem is the fact administration," whomever about the issue, and I would Weekend Planning Committee Weekend '81. Again, ALS that ALS centers its weekend like to provide, some infor­ in the spring of 1980 to plan that is, is ludicrous and totally was invited to send represen­ around the KUUMBA produc­ unwarranted. The· answer is mation which might serve to for Parents' Weekend the tatives to both of those tion. In our discussions about clarify it. As the member of following fall. The Commit­ not in trying to make the ad­ meetings, and again no facilities in the past, every ministration the scapegoat for the administration who · has tee was organized solely to ac­ representatives appeared. ALS activity except the been most closely associated commodate the needs of ALS. their irresponsibility and lack The problem of ALS not KUUMBA production could of organization; it is in accep­ with the issiie and worked The spokesperson of ALS sending representatives to the be scheduled in the facility of closely with ALS in an attempt received a written notice. to ting the invitations to par­ Parents' Weekend Planning first , choice on Parents' ticipate and in meeting respon .. to rectify it, I believ_e I am in a send representatives to the Committee meetings is only Weekend and the 'KUUMBA good position to do that. . initial meeting in February. sibilitic:, in the same way a·· part of a larger problem. production could be other st udcnt organization, The first ALS Parents No ALS representatives atten­ KUUMBA has not had its act scheduled, although not Weekend, in 1978, was plan­ ded. Early in March I sent the I stand ready to meet 1th together either. Productions necessarily in the location of /\LS and work with , he ned and conducted without the Spokesperson a memo em­ have been irregular and at first choice. It seems to me knowledge of the ad- phasizing the importance of organi1.ation on this, or a11, times not well organized. Last that by focusing the ALS other problem or activit,. l! ministration. President appointing representativ~s to spring, after attempting to Parents' Weekend on Whalen and I learned of the the Committee and again at the organization·~ willingne~~ schedule an on-campus facility KUUMBA, ALS deprives to reciprocate docs not imply weekend, after the fact, at and subsequent sec~nd and third in January (scheduling for the manv· of its own parents of EOP/HEOP meeting we at­ meetings, no representatives at· over what it has been in the academic year must be done in seeing their students in musical past, we will make little tended that fall. Upon lear­ tended. The planning for the'· previous spring)' the productions .and on the ning of the weekend, and the Parents'· Weekend 1980 oc­ progress. l f increased work, organization made athletic fields, as well as organization and participation ·reasons expressed for holding curred at tho·se three two-hour arrangements to rent a facility eliminating the opportunity to it, the President requested that meetings which were attended occur, we can go far. I hope at Cornell. Part way through me and talk with professors. for the latter. I meet with the leadership of by approximately 20 others the rehearsals, internal · Although time and space ALS to learn the .circumstan­ from organizations and offices Sincerely, problems arose within the case considerations have been a mchard J. Corren ti ces of the denial of facilities across the campus who felt the and the production was can­ factor in this on-going and to assist the organization meetings were important Vice President, Student Af­ celled. At other times, scripts probl~m. they have been only fairs in scheduling facilities in the enough to attend. have been chosen 'late and a small part of the problem. future. After obtaining some Despite the lack of ALS productions put together at The allegation that ALS has of the specifics of the representation at the planning the last minute. This is not the not had the opport1.rmry fo, problem, I agreed to meet with sessions, individuals within the representatives of ALS early in group attempted to be con­ the spring semester to identify scious of keepinK some their needs and be in a position facilities free so that ALS Musical Trends to speak on their behalf in the might still be accommodated allocation of facilities for in the fall. Later in the spring, · to mainstream America and its the true punks may continue Parents Weekend '79: No at; my . initiation, I met "'(ith. To the Editor: subsequent death. When large for a number of years, and member of ALS approached representatives of KUl!MBA · It was not without ... little groups of people conform may become quite popular, 1 me that spring _about to discuss their facility needs sadness that I watched people together and deliberately try to think that they will eventually scheduling facilities. In fact, I for Parents' Weekend. After exiting from this Friday look the same, even if it is in realize that their new audien­ had a standing weekly appoin­ much discussion and attempts night's "punk party." It's not the name of punk, they arc ce, while they may be bopping tment 'throughout the spting· to meet their needs, the reason that I'm a particularly great standing against . everything to the sound, are not in tune semester with the Spokesper­ ultimately given for non­ fan of punk music, but punk was the "newest" and freshest the real punks every stood for. with the message that a lot of son of ALS and not once did participation was that Parents' form of rock to hit us in the And the fact that this party the punks are trying to convey. . he show for those appoin­ Weekend was too early and ·70's. What the people leaving was held in a college dining Anti-conformism being one tments. I learned about the KUUMBA could not prepare couldn't hear was the faint hall and was (pre5umably) very ~trong id~a of punk -ALS Parents' Weekend '79 in its production in time for the tolling bell, indicating the im­ sponsored by that college. is music, I think we can look for the fall when I was informed weekend. Thus, ALS again minen: absorption o,f punk in- even more ludicrom. While \ l, c;mtinued to Page-5 What's so Funny about Student Humor by Larry Yuhasz - harness, grinning from the Petri, "don't let· any pinko you warn me?'' The night air .had a brisk side of his mouth. freak get by. We're not "It an-- happened so fast, Petri screeched the survf'• !I,",­ bite. A nearby sewer-grating Three more sewer lids slid dealing with an ordinary Vader, I couldn't ev-" · ce truck to a halt and j, J was· gently, stealthily moved onto the concrete above. The enemy, we're· dealing with our "Unexcusable," groaned from the back. off it's mooring from under­ refuge truck pulled' out from salari~s." Petri. A sniper wheeled "Alright scum," squelcted neath. The sound of rustling behind Napoli's pizzeria and "Quadrant 3 reporting." around und sent a bullet into a Petri at the student. "What's bushes pervaded tlie evening quickly parked in front of '~What have you got?" an­ nearby mailbox. A scream this you got here? A Malatoff. silence at_ an increased rate. Hal's Deli. In the truck the swered Petri. burst through the radio, then Cocktail?" He jammed the With eyes strained, one could monitors blinked in concentric "2 Fircbirds, l Ramcharger, stopped. barrel of a magnum up the see mysterious silhouettes circles of red and yellow, 1 '70 Buick, and a VW Rab­ "Let that be a lesson to the . student's left nostril. "Or is it sliding from roof-top to roof­ slowly focusing on their bit." . rest of you," warned Petri. an opened beer bottle? You top. Off in the distance, the target. At first blurred, then . "Quick," commanded "Quadrant 4, cover at cultist freak weirdo!!" Petri faint rumblings of helicopters clear, moniter one rested on Petri, "prepare for a possible - Simeons." kneed him in the stomach. grew noticeable. It _was 8:30 Ragman's, two took Pines, Ra'gman's invasion." 20 minutes passe~ as the ·"It's just my Chlora­ p.m. on a Friday in downtown Sfmeons', three took Mc­ Eight snipers took positions bars were hoppin'. septic," grunted the student Ithaca. Cawbers', 4 took the Pines, on -the roof of Kelly's, three "Capacity check on the keeled over holding his Inside an undercover refuse five .took the Dugout, six took mailboxes turned 45 degrees to Dugout!" barked Petri. .stomach in pain. "I got a soar truck a series of moniters, Kelly's, and seven took the the right, and petri focused his "Clear, Vader," returned throat." screens, and scopes kept a ~. aerial shot from a nearby cameras on the -people leaving the radio. "Enough of this bullshit," muffled watch over the quiet helicopter. · - the parking ramp. "Shit," moaned Petri, yelled Petri. "Take it to the streets. With the reflection of Saliva slowly dripped from Inside he was cool. Petri "something's bound to hap­ lab and test for hallucinogenic the machinery dancing off his Petri's mouth. Tonight would realized that the Mayor didn't . pen soon - a brawl, some dope drugs. And take this cretin to corneas, Officer Petri mutely be his night. . order the new crowd sur~ peddling, coupla' murders-" the station." awaited his prey. "Yellow Jacket - move into veillance truck for any schlock Suddenly, a radar scan The student was crammed "Break five-niner-" quadrant 3," commanded to run. He pulled out his beeped by the Arcade. The into a squad car as petri sent crackled the two-way radio. · - Petri. wallet and kissed a picture of cameras zoomed to cover the his men back into the field. "Two for ones start in fifteen "Roger, ·sir," returned the John Wayne. The founding area. He walked ahead looking minutes." radio. Fathers would. have been "Quadrant 8! Activate!!" satisfied. Petri lifted his recel:ver to his ''Don't call me sir," siiarled­ proud. screamed Petri. Back in his truck, Petri .mouth and responded. Petri, "call me 'Vader'!'' ''Quadrant 5 reporting." Five helicopters, two squad leaned back in his chair and "Roger, Wilfred. Checks A, "Roger, Vader!" returned Petri paniced. "What is cars, 6 from men, and 14 put on his favorite album, B, and C all clear. We're· the radio. Suddenly, five men­ it!?" - Doberman pinehers in- "Battle Hyr'nn of the moving into the front." His adorned in black from suits "The 9: 10 bus, Vader, it . stataneously surrounded a 19. Republic." What storie" he lips taught and -eyes strained, jumped from the sewers and just let out!" year old Chemistry student would tell his grandchil~ren. Petri affectionately patted the headed into the parking ramp. "Damnit, you moron!" from Cornell, frisked him and t .... .g;esfM!ISSfMiWWMW4@tM4S · .. : l tool strapped in his shoulder "Remember," ordered screamed Petri. "Why didn't had him in cuffs at gunpoint'. Page 4, THE ITHACAN October 1;1981. .MelVin: Field

By Keith Styrcula Pass Restored I "Melvin" as a tradition at the The Ithaca College Bom­ games. Melvin-- a character bers' unofficial mascot best described as a Mortimer "Melvin" had his "on-the­ Snerd-type superfan in a foot­ field" pass restored in time for ball jersey, mask and pajama last week's St. Lawrence game bottoms-- had not missed a after a 14-day freeze by the ho~e game since his creation school. September, 1980. "Obviously, I'm very happy Said one irate student who about it," said Hank »'as close to .,the ' Co,leman, '82, who has , negotiations, "Hank was the dressed as Melvin since the original mascot of the Bom­ 1980 season's first home game bers.Somebody steals the idea until the suspension. Coleman buys a Bomber outfit that falls also added, "I want to thank apart and suddenly the ad­ Mr. Deming for understan­ ministration · decides 'No ding Melvin enough to give me . Melvin!' You can't tell me back the pass." Hank wasn't getting the shaft The suspension was in­ there." · stituted on Friday, September The main problem, it 11 by a recently-formed seemed, was a presumptiou's "Mascot Committee" which proclamation on Melvin's jer­ determined Coleman (as sey that said, "Bomber Melvin) was upstaging the Mascot". Although he has new, officia~y sanctioned always had the. support of Bombadier mascot. The Deming, Coleman's Melvin Bombadier mascot's outfit is a was never "officially" the mas custom-designed $500 gift of cot of the born bers. _ the Class of '81 and has ap­ Coleman agreed to change pearetl at all three home games the words to "Class of '82 this season. Bomber Mascot" and the pass The school, apparently at­ was restored. tempting to build a long­ However, before the standing tradition, informed negotiations last Friday after­ Coleman that his privileges to noon, close sources felt certain clown around on the field with that Coleman would not the referees and players were receive an on-the- field pass - no longer valid. coleman then again as it was feared that his resorted to performing his ,outgoing antics would steal Melvin antics before the senior thunder from the recently section near the press box for initiated mascot. the Albany game. As Deming stated to the' The news of this, and its Ithacan, "We wanted the subsequent misinterpretation, image directed 10 the new _'inspired a wave of heated talk Bomber mascot and we felt ii · and underground outrage was important that the BQm- among the community who had s.omewhat adopted I ' Continued to page 5


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Imported by Centu.-y lmp9rlers. ·1nc .. Baltimore, Maryland October 1, 1981 THE ITHACAN Pages ' .. Big Brother Lends Helping Hand

. I

by Joe Halpern "bur program actually star­ part of the kids lives, as well as The staff (at One to One) is no problem along the sidelines _ The two straggled along the ted . : as . several different the students that work with well trained and conscious of last Saturday. Another Bom­ them." sidelines last Saturday. As the program,s five years ago," ex­ our needs. They are ready to ber touchdown and more ap­ Bomber football team put plained Alice Walsh, Director Jeannie Kunz, an IC student deal with any problems that plause from Timmy. more points on the of One't.o'.One. "We now of­ and Big Sister since last Oc­ might arise." "What are we doing next scoreboard, Timmy applauded fer as~istance to age groups 3 tober, makes the point that," However there seemed to be week Chris?" Timmy asked. louder. through 19." "How's school ·going Tim­ _ Alice .said at this time over •MEL VIN'S BACK from page 4 my?" asked Chris. · 90 percent of their volunteers ber (mascot) be the ·center of while completely ignoring many people felt. In fact, it "I got a 100 on "a math are colleg·e students, which in­ attention." Coleman's presence as Melvin. was D~ming who was respon­ test." cludes ~5._IC students. Student government Although the latter reflected sible for Coleman's trip on the . A satisfying grin overcame "The. enthusiasm for this Chris. . - program' has been -trei:nen­ president Jim Leech,'82 who a snafu in --communications team pl~ne to last year's Stagg among the Mascot Commit­ Bowl, where Melvin cheered It has been over a year and dou~. Qut'we still have =JO kids was also close to the situation, a tee(made up of Deming, the Bombers on. half since Chris Rutken, a that ." are : in need of our said, "I applaud the school's Student Activities Director "I'd like to thank all the senior at Ithaca College, has assista_nce and we just cannot attempt to establish tradition a Matt Connell and a student) , Melvin supporters, which in­ . volunteered to act as Timmy's proviqe for them at this time.'.' nd raise school spmt, cludes coaches, players, Big Brother. Although such a IC· ~tµdents usually break however, by revoking Melvin's it allowed sev~ral rumors to develop on the campus. referees and all the fans who commitment .only lasts for a into .downtown volunteer field pass, it had just the op­ Among these: · the admin­ think I look silly,"chu,'-decl year, Chris still stays in close programs, 'like Big Brother" - posite effect."· stration was not pleased with Coleman. "And all I'd Ii,: to contact-with Timmy. Big ·.Sister, thro·ugh Elaine Indeed, several senior class s_ay is -- look what happened "I enjoy doing it,"· Chris Leeder; · Community .Service supporters and others were in the overall image Melvin was that one home game when explains. "Timmy has been Requiter on campus. She will the midst of organizing an ex­ giving the school, Coleman great, and I really believe he interview rougly 120 students tensive intercampus mail-in was being unfairly pressured Melvin wasn't on the field." to become ··the Bomber feels better about himself. At per y¢ar; and then filter out 40 campaign and the drafting of a That home game the Bom­ mascot(thereby giving up least a lot surer." After a or '50 that she considers petition to be circulated at the bers lost 10 Albany, 17-7. slight pause, Chris added, "I "resp.o~sible and worthy" of ST. Lawrence game if the pass Melvin) and the ad- learned a lot from him too'." such a.commitment. had not been restored by game ministratiion was jealous of Big Brother - Big Sister of "I am ver.y impressed with time. the following Coleman has •PUNK PARTY from page 3 In fact.student comtempt already built. Ithaca is actually two separate the One to One program, and an exploration of rock to bring for the Bomber mascot began Said Coleman himself, programs downtown; that is why I recommend it us a new "revolution" within developing-first, when "The whole thing was blown Economic Opportunity Cor­ highly for students intt:rested the next two to three years. Of Coleman was not given an op­ out of proportion. I think bet­ poration (EOP) and One to in working with younger kids course, I may be -dead wrong portunity to make the proper ter communications certainly One, which is affiliated with closely,'' Elaine said. and punk may become the adjustments in the Melvin our­ would'.ve made things a lot the Youth Bureau. "It is definitely an_ integral greatest force in music since fit before his pass was lifted. easier on everybody in­ the Beatles, but I doubt it. As There was no warning that it volved." disco_ gave way to punk (or was coming, and took The Mascot Committee's "New Wave", for purists) so Coleman by surprise. decision, however, has either will punk give way to Secondly, an announcement proven tt->e rumors false or in­ something new (and maybe at the Albany game inden­ dicated a change of heart even wonderful) tified the bomber mascot as among those involved. And do it goest, the "official mascot of the Athletic Director Deming is Chl!ck Siegfried Ithaca . College Bomber!;" certainly not anti-Melvin as

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.:,· '·: -~ • ~ • - ' ,_ A Page6 • THE ITHACAN -- , _(Jctobe~ t', 1981

\ about the problem. While the arms talks will be long and, at N~-· first unproductive, both sides must go into the meeting with around to tan Leonid Atlantic nations · have in­ nothing substantial has yet the idea.. of success in their Brezhnev's aqd Ronald tteased their defense spen­ come out of the talks. mind. Couldn't you just pic­ When you were little and Reagan's hyde to end the game ding.) Although, this has been a first ture Mr. Haig and Mr. playing king of the hill and either. The big question lies on who meeting of the Reagan Ad­ Gromyko sitting in a room in were defeated, you would We haven't got the battling will make the first move for ministration and Soviet their heavily starched shirts come back with new tactics. for the position of king of the the top. The Soviet Union has­ leaders on arms talks. They and skinny ties gripping their Maybe, sneak up behind or hill yet, but both sides are already challenged the United have decided for a meeting in chairs waiting for the other to throw a snowball at your ad­ gathering their artillery at the States with their intervention Geneva on November 30 for give in a little? It's time to versary. It wasn't so much the bottom of the hill ready to in Afghanastan. By making a talks of reducing medium loosen their ties and get down --... fun of getting to the top but sprint to the top. We are in an move to expand their com­ range nuclear missiles in to some serious business. First the feeling of power once you arms race with each other in­ munist power they are adding Europe. of all, talks of reducing arms got there that was so ap­ venting new weapons to over another toy to their pile -- im­ While the meetings thus far in Europe is not enough. They pealing. So, you come back power the other. Since the perialism. Of course, the have not put a dent in the must shoot for reducing the with an arsenal of snowballs Reagan Administration came Soviets accuse the United problem, they are at least a whole pile, in time, although and kicked your opponent in into office they have S,tates of having this weapon start. Mr. Gromyko made it Europe's build up is a good the shin. While this may have developed the MX intercon­ as well as with our in­ clear last week in his speech to place to start cutting back. gotten you to the top, your foe tinental ballistic missile, the volvement in El Salvador. the United Nations that the It's very important that these · would surely come back with a submarine Trident, and The problem has gotten to Soviet Union was interested in talks don't become very casual better weapon, maybe a han­ proposed new strategic B-1 the point where almost words dealing with the nuclear arms and business-like only dful of densely packed iceballs bomber, just to name a few. alone could set off the feud. race. President Reagan has eliminating one or two missiles powerful enough to knock Of course Leonid Brezhnev Where is it going to end? The also expressed an interest in just to please the public. They over a barn. The battle con­ deserves some credit for the answer lies in the Haig-. dealing with the problem, .by must take the problem, tinues until someone either collection of his toys. He has Gromyko talks. This week sending a letter to Leonid seriously. They are on the gets hurt, or your mother been ahead of the United - Secretary of State Alexander Brezchnev concerning his in­ right track now and can't af­ comes out and scolds you. States for some time, the M. Haig Jr. and · Soviet terest for peace. Now that ford to blow it. Look at it this It's amazing that the sam.e Reagan Administration is just Foreign Minister Andrei A. they have gone through the way: when you've got the problem exists now that you're now catching up t_o Brezhnev's Gromyko met for the second monkey-see-m6nkey-do power to destroy the hill, the ' grown up, except now the arsenal. Leonid's latest ad­ time in Jess than seven days. process it is time to get seroius. game has gone too far! game is between countries. dition to his pile has been the They have discussed a wide ''I ,i"'•'i,:,:.- Thb time the game doesn't puild up of soviet SS-20 range of problems concerning end when some one gets hurt, missiles in Europe (which was the severe strains in Soviet- and there isn't a big mom the chief reason why the North American relations, but .

I !9 f. HLI FFAlO ST· FOR YOUR NEXT HEAD TRIP, (nc.\T ro Dcwirr MJll) TRY HAIRY CANARY. WE SPECIALIZE- IN NATURAL Tucsd.1-y- Fi-id.1y 10-6. S.1turd.1y w-s · 173· ! 3.!5 CUTS, HENNAS AND PERMS Books blJ and for womcrL. ' FOR BO'(H OF YOU. :Fcn11·nJ5t mufpolirical thcor!J AIRYC.GlnARY Non-scxisr childrcns hooks. '116 N.-CAYUGA STREET (Inside the Clinton House) -··4'rt hooks Records L~' cards 273-2221

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' ·'~ ', The lthocan'~ Guide to Arts and EntertOi!:\ment

, •• , • •r'.-; ••• r.: J • ~4/.. , • • ,::,,0 J • •• .. • ..,. • 1. • ;., ' ' ,- ' .~,' • ... • • ,...... , ·~., •• ' ' ·~· <•',,.)•:. ;, -•• , ,;. • J • • • •. • • • ti'. • ' •• J' ., , •.• ' •• •• . •",'\' .. , .. ·,. . . , ... ,,• ' '' ·- Back To Basics With Bromberg

by Sandy Broverman Fed up with the hustle- on guitar, fiddle, and man- quick-paced lead lines, Cooper bustle downtown nightlife? dolin; J~ff Wisor on fiddle, ·frenzied his listeners. Sick of spending your friday and mandolin; Gene Johnson After Mooney's last song, in and saturday nights in beer- on mandolin, and fiddle, and which he stunned the crowd drenched, smoke-filled bars? Bromberg's wife, Nancy on with a handflip, neck­ Tired of squirming through acoustic bass. The_ band fondling, under-hand, over- mounds of wall-to-wall played exclusively with hand, slide guitar piece, he people just to hear some good stringed instruments, creating was met with a stan'ding ,music? Well then I ·certainly a one-of-a-kind, acoustic at- ovation. Apparently, a very hope you dropped by the mosphere. special guest had been Strand last friday night to hear One major downfall to replaced with ... a very special David Bromberg and his friday night's show, however, guest. band! was that it did not meet the Following a short break at David· Bromberg puts on a claims of its billing. Accor- about midnight, David Brom­ wholesome, all-acoustic, ding to all advertisements, berg and his band strolled on good-time folk show. In fact, former Byrds member, Roger to the stage and started the last friday night even the McGuinn was supposed to night up with "Don't Let refreshment stands were con- open the show for Bromberg. Your Deal Go Down". The · verted from beer and candy So where was Roger band began this traditional bars to the honey dew sodas McGuinn? · folk song wfth guitar, fiddle, and sesame crunches. According to the Strand mandoli'n, and bass, and con- Excluding the artificial management, McGuinn can- eluded it with a teasing man- lighting, and sound projection celled at the last minute. Due dolin trio. equipment (which is necessary, tO'the unexpected notice, the After a nice version of for any show of that size),_ Strand moved quickly and was "Dark Hollow", Bromberg Bromberg simply presents able to get local blues commanded the stage and natural, home-style music. ·In musician, John Mooney to played several songs solo. his endeavor for natural open up the show. Although by himself, Brom­ sound, Bromberg even tones Fortunately for both the berg's deep resonating voice, .down the use of his sound Strand and the audience, this and astounding guitar picking equipment. was a very wise choice. John filled the theater. For example, he only uses Mooney and his piano player Some other highlights of the two vocal microphones for all Bob Cooper were so enter- show were, a sentimental waltz' four of his musicians. Often tain_ing, that the crowd almost which Bromberg joked, three of the band's members, forgot about the mi_ssing Roger "you'd ne.ver hear on ~­ and sometimes all four, crown McGuinn. Poised on his stool, Haw," and a trid'. fiddle around a single microphone to with his. left foot stomping the medley which almost sounded share their vocal harmonies beat of the blues, Mooney like bagpipes. Commencing with the audience. picked and strummed his the exhibition was Bromberg's Jamie Alexander Bromberg's music consists -guitar and sang into the heart . hilarious version of Bromberg Combines Music With Comedy of almost purely folk and of the audience. "Travelling Man. bl~es. He is not a stagnant Accompanying Mooney on After a 'Standing ovation returned to the stage and little skit, and picked up his musician as he has performed the piano,. Bob Cooper and one encore, the crowd began fiddling µ tune, but con­ guitar to finish the show. You ,;;vith many different com- amazed the audience with his pleaded for more. Suspense trary to what the audience ex­ had to see it to believe it. binations of both musicians, incredible ability to master the filled the stage. Would Brom­ pected, Bromberg and the rest Bromberg's final enwrc wa, and instruments. Friday keys. Managing to berg con1e back and play of his band did not join him. a combination of con1 '· 111d night, Bromberg's band con- simultaneously play both the more? In~tead, they began to pack music. In fact, the enti, L ' ,OW sisted of---David Bromberg, bass undertones and chilling, Eventually, Jeff Wisor away their instruments to was a blend of humor and leave. As the -fiddler con­ music. The result? . A lot of tinued to fiddle, Bromberg ~miling faces! Hope you acutally began to sweep the caught the ,how. ~tage around him with an old bear up broom, before he •finally gave up his humorous LOCAL Bl lLITV.lE

11.C, IIBuireau of ·

\The Pat Metbeny group\ §aturday9 October 10 7:30' and 11.0:00 PM

Att One

Jamie Alexanaer Creators Of Pure Folk And Blues Pa~e8 THEITHACAN ,Octobtr 1, 1981 . \ Buffalo Gets -Stoned, GratefullY

by Debbie Green Buffalo, New York was the place to be for excitement last weekend; and Rock and Rollers from all over the east coast and Canada trucked up there to 'get in on it. Where else could one find the Gratef'-cll Dead and the Rolling Stones playing in the same city on the same weekend? That's. a classic opportunity that no music-lover should have passed up. The· festivities began Satur­ day night at the Buffalo Auditorium where the Grateful Dead played a strong -~-:-. ,; three hour show. They opened .:. . ~ ~ 1!' up with "Shakedown Street", : ·~. . which got the crowd going on ·;_·;···\ their feet, and kept them going .''

with: "Estimated Profit", . _,'\:__ "C.C. Rider", "Ramble On .:•,,, Rose", "Looks Like Rain", ''Cassidy", and '-'Don't Ease 7 Me In" to name a few. .{i;/ ,:, ,'. After a short break the <• Dead reappeared on stage with "Playin' In The Band", "Bir­ t ha", "Goin' Down The Road", and "Not Fade Away" (out of a drum solo). The band freaked out more than one "Deadhead" when they played "Morning Dew". They closed the second set ap­ propriately with "One More Saturday Night", and came back to play "Johnnie B. Goode" for an-encore. The Dead seemed excep­ tionally enthused Saturday night. Bob Weir was really hot and even the on-stage in­ travert, Jerry Garcia, was bopping to his music. They were probably influenced, like everyone else in town, by the current of excitement and an­ ticipation that flowed through the streets of Buffalo that night. Sunday proved to be a day that will linger indefinately in the memories of over eighty­ thousand people. The Bills· Rich Stadium was the site for a phenomenal concert, and the making of these memories. The stadium gates were opened at 8:00 am and by Chri!> Gaccione noon the field and stands were Jagger Lets Go At Rich Stadium filled with anxious Rolling Stones fans. About an hour after the in- "When The Whip Comes Despite the pouring rain and suited Journey left the stage, Down", and as a closing tune, heavy winds, . George the people got what they came "J um pin Jack Flash". Thorogo.od and the Destroyers to see Mick Jagger and the . Before he left the stage, .LOCAL· & LIVE opened up the three-band con­ Rolling Stones. The three year Jagger threw many dozens of cert on schedual. The crowd lapse since their last tour did roses into the audience. The warmly welcomed Thorogood, not hinder the quality of their Stones couldn't resist the en­ who put on a rowdie get­ performance in the least. · core screaming fans and came If.Co -Theater Presents psyched show. During his They were as hot as ever. back to play "Street Fightin' hour and a half performance Jagger was strutting all over Man". After that there was a the rain let up, skies gradually the stage and up the scaffolds release of hundreds of helium cleared, and by the time of the in his baby blue·football pan. baloons fro,h behind the stage .... JE. L. Doctorow's Play encore, there was pure blue ts; and stripping down to a and a five minute array of sky and lots of sunshine. This bare chest, seemed to really get fireworks .. burst of good weather put the off on the show -- to say the It was an incredible perfor­ crowd into an ecstatic frenzy; least, so did his enormous mance: no one could have and the first band ended on a audience. asked for more. And all in all, Drinks Before Dinner really good note. The Stones opened with the crowd was quite orderly Unfortunately, the second '"Under My Thumb", and and non-violent _---just out for band was unable to keep up played a gciod two hour show a good time and a gqod glim­ Diliingham. ~enter with the high spirits without ever losing the en- pse of the living Rock and Roll Thorogood and the sun had thusiasm with which the crowd legend of Mick Jagger and his September 30 i.:reated. Journey did not go reacted to this first tune. They Rolling Stones. tl\ l'r well at Rich Stadium. fit in twenty-six songs, old and · ·Through - They played roughly nine new from their vast repetoir songs ("roughly" - may be including: ·~Let Me Go", OctoberJ· taken both wa"ys), and were "Brown Sugar''',. "Satisfac;- 1hm booed off the stage. No tion", "Miss You", "Honkey cni.:tlrc for Journey. "Stones, Tonk Woman", "Start Me Stonl's. Stones!" is what the Up", "Hang Five"; "Shat- ·8:15 · i.:wwd chanted. te_red", "Beast of Burden", October 1, i981 Ithacan Pa~c9 8:00 Down to Earth '>:00 Sports Week WolL


. . , " . . . . "'..

' • I

"...... ·p AT METHENY_ GROUP

~ . . . . ~ . . ' . . . . .

, . . . SATURDAY .. OCTOBER 10. 1981 7:30 and 10:00 ~TTHESTRANDTHEATRE

- . ·, • • • ~ M . .

$7:50 FOR I.C. STUDENTS $8:5~ FOR THE GENERAL PUBtI<.; $8:50 AT THE DAY OF THE SI-JO\V October 1, 1981 Ithacan Page 10 ,College 'ConttJrols Studerits Social Lives

LYNCHBURG, VA (CPS) -- Jerry Falwell's electronic in September, 1971 as an students to.a 24-building·cam- December by the Southern · Ricky Johnson, a sweet-faced ministry. Falwell, who is best academic antidote to "the pus on a mountain outside Association of Colleges and and good-natured · student, know as the president of the dark spiritual condition of the town. Schools. ·was attracted to a woman he Moral Majority, feels students world." He strongly disap- While the campus isn't Ivy Falwell rwants to take it' saw on campus one day. Like need administration consent proves of t~e e~olution~ry · League· -- the buildings are higher. His goal ~~ "putting any other student, Johnson before going on a date, which theories and s1tuat1onal ethics prefabricated and students the school on the level of Har­ figured the logical move would must then be spent in a of other colleges, so Li?erty sleep four to a room -- Falwell vard.,, be to ask her for a date. But designated dating area. - Baptist promotes . high_er regar

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, ;, ' - ·•;- · 1:HINKING ABOUT .LAW SCHOOL? If so, why not stop b~· ,the Career Development Office on Monday morninJ!, Oct. S? A represenlative from NEW ENGLAND SCHOOi. OF LAW will be there all morning to answer 30)" and all of your (!Uestions about a leJ!al educalion.

I, Stuffed Animals

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.§_k/0.,~, Wine Country · Restaurant Phone 607.:'272-6484 ... ..,, · Enjoy Our Harvest of Fine Local Wines in New York.Slate's ,. >.\'i. ?,\ :~-;>., '!:z;,. Most Beautiful Setting. l WEEKDAYS.Dinner is served from 5 - 10 PM. ·. WEEKENDS until 1r PM. Party arrangement on. request. · SUNDAY A"FTERNOON -Dinner begins at 2 PM.· • (Senior Citiz~ns 10% Dis~ount), ~ DIRECTIONS: Located on Route 13, 3 miles· ~ south of downtown . Ithaca •. Only 30 minutes-from Elmira· ~~- --or 1 hour from Syracuse ...__ \,\ . 1 ';f.'" SEAGRAM· DISTILLERS CO .• Ny C. AMERICAN YMISKEY--A BLEND. • 80 PROOF ·sEvE•• ·uP AND· rnP ARE TF'AOWARKS o, rnEscyEN. uP COMPASYCt96 -~,~~

'·, _,, ·-· .. October 1, 1981 THE ITHACAN Page II ,

_RECORD - LemEJFJLlECirTICO>W~ 9 by Rob Cushing Chrissie s Seductive· Soliloquh~§ .-SCALE ' n•••-Excellcnt Lillie Ponds would be a con­ Neck" are the kind of tunes means of Thomas' produc~ twice already. But They're •-•••.-Very Good tender. of The ••• -Good you'd expect -only from well­ tion·, is his ability to be great songs anyway and _you Pretenders is by far the most seasoned pop bands (and technically creative while· can't fit it all on a 45-minute H-fair physically striking and the . •~Poor without the obvious event of producing a unique formula side of a tape. In the words of most seductive singer in recent trying to fron a "female"). for the band. The Pretenders Dave Edmunds, "Get It" and memory. In comparison, Pat Chrissie Hynde turns. out not will have no problems pulling '' Repeat When Necessary.'' Benatar is dog meat. But only to be a fem ale, but a well­ this stuff off live, because of ~ forget about the cheap-shots. seasoned one at that. Thom~s· brilliant su?tletie~. At Q)mell- ·, Let your ears do the talking._ Pretenders But The Pretenders sound is He will add . a tambourme Chrissie ,and The Chrissie's success with The also unique, brash, and totally here, some sleigh bells there, ~ -·. Pretenders began with their convincing. And, unlike most but it's Chrissie's voice that Prete~ders will be ap~ debut album of early last year. opera flunkies, Chrissie can will win you over. If you've peatjng thif{ Saturday in In my book, it's one of the pen a tune. Go ahead and ever had · fantasies about a Bar.ton Hall at Cornell. most impressive debuts of all­ check out the hypnotic affect turn-on turn-off teasing bitch, The, show starts at 8:00 time. Only Greetings From of ~•Jealous Dogs"; the wit Asbury Park, N.J. and My you'll like it. . . p.m. ·and promises to ~ and charm of "Waste Not The album as a whole 1s ex- , h Pretenders Il **** 1/2 Aim Is True can be mentioned Want Not";· and the beauty, cellent·. as usual (even with out-00 any past tour T e There are a number of fac­ in the same breath. , style and grace of "Birds of "Bad Boys Get Spanked") Pretenders , hav~ em­ tors to consider when deciding The Pretenders- create a Paradise". There's much to and rates as one of the best of barked on ·in the U.S. what makes a ·great female tremendously appealing sound admire here, and Chris the year. It is puzzling though The response to their rock n roll singer. And ·reminiscent of early Kinks (no Thomas' production is once that Thomas included dates thus far has been probably least. important is surprise either due to again a perfect blend of "" and· · f bl · d ' technical merits of the vocal Chrissie's remarks about Ray technical sparseness. "Talk Of The Town" on this very avora e, so ''Il l chords. If that were the case, Davies). "Kid" and "Up The · Of\.e of the most effective album; they've been released miss out on a ~re;1t i;;hrw

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Tweed & Striped CLOSEST LIQUOR STORE Jerga Shirt TOlC. CAMPUS 100% Cotton s14es 2 I 8 ON TI-IE COrvtMONS "Featurin~ the Finesl Selection of N.Y. Slate Wines" House of Shalimar On the Commons 273-7339 I Pyramid Mall 257-2222 · Afternoon DELIVERIES 272-2111

/· Reach Nirvana Lately? Let YOGA enlighten--you! Xn addition, Extrm Univer~nty

brings you other mini-courseso O 0 The sche·dule is as follows: YOGA: lP'OlrTIERY: . Tuesdays, 8: 30 pm ·1 ·uesdays, I 'ot t cry roon1 -­ Friends 308, starts ()ct. 13, hascrnen t of l.andon, $14.00, 6 \Vet'k, qarts Oct. I 3, $40.00, 8 weeks AEROBICS: IBAJR.TlENJDHNG: Tuesdays and Thursdays, Mon., Tues., \\1ed., Thurs., Top of West Terrace Dining l I all, .~:00-4:JO. qart~ Oct. 26.27,28,29, 6:30- 7:30 starts Oct. 1J&-15, -Tnwc1 C'lub. $27 .00, 4 weeks $23 .00, 7 \veeks RELAXATION & §i~111-ups start Ol·t~ n .-MASSAGE: on.the ·SoA.Be office Wednesdays, .8:.00- 10:00. on the-lJ i1BOIJ1l P. T. Clinic, starts Oct. 14, - · ~ $17 .00, 3 weeks *Sponsored by So.AJffi., . _ _;, /'

Page 12 'Ithacan October i, i981

Ive got to Le.arn hous to t"al. a.ill

i"A\.\l.lN. . 6- 0\)TASS!. Or __ 't'c:.\l _ 12.. STARS- .


It's not to your advantage to come on too strong. Scorpio(October 24-November 21) Financial difficulties loom. Don't ex­ pect help from relatives. Be indepen- dent. · Don' Sagilarius (November 22 • December 21')Live up to commitments. Bepen­ ability is a must. Be faithful to mate. apricorn(December 22 • January

limax. Don't blow it. quarius(January 20 - February 8)Altcred sta.te~ of. mind can pc azardous. Take caution ingesting oreign substances.

ACROSS 5 Lulec1um 1 Pronoun symbol 4 Assumod 6 Federal agcy. name 7 P11as1er 9 High moun- 8 Smnn CROSS lain 9 Everyone 12 Maham- 10 Robert E - WORD rnodan namo 11 Cushion 13 Scorched 16 Time periods· 14 Moadow 18 llallan !;Qin . PUZZLE 15 Roscuos 20 Clcatrtces 17 au,oted 22 Conductor's '-'19War god stick 21 Southern 23 Mako FROM COLLEGE blackbird amends PRESS SERVICE 22 Polao 24 Growing our . - 25 Embreco ol 29 N001 26 Man·a name u..------...g / 30 Maager 27 Israeli dosort 44 Lounges ' 52 Man's n,ck- 32 A continent 28 Fright about namo 33 Small child 31 Oospo1s 46 AbOunds 53 Rlvor: Sp. 35 Wipe out 34 Haul 48 TranSBCtlon 55 Speck 37 Girl'a namo 36 Misalons 50 Chitl830 56 Declare 38 Siberian river 39 Bird's homo - pagoda 59 Ice hockey 40 Begin 41 Story 51 Grain beard pos. 42 Th1'8&-loed sloth 43 Stair post 45 Unpredlela- l>le 47 Turi 5CIENCE 49 Vond11ion 50 Gossip 54 Wants CLi~ 57Rovoronco 58Scott1Sh landowner 60 Extinct bird 61 ConJunctJon 62 Retards 63 Pigpen DOWN 1Po- 2 Guido's high note 3 Compoti1or 4 Lack

P~zzle Answer



J ---,, ...... -... ~ ...... ·- ..... - ...... _, _,_._,., ___ ,..!,,..,______. ------' ------~-- Octo~er 1! ,1981 THE ITHACAN Page IJ

Business office on the 14th floor of the onNov. 13-14. Check the GMAT Majors with 'demonstrable financial West Tower. The deadline for com­ ' Seniors Registration Packet, available at need arc invited to apply for a Venetos pleted nominat;on forms is September .Career Plans, for more information. Foundation Scholarship. Academic 25, 1981. 'All student~ from the The University of the Slate of New A $1,000 grand prize will be awar­ performance and college or com­ School of Bu~incs~ office on the 14th York announces Regents Scholarships ded in the upcoming poetry com· floor - West Tower - on either Oct<'hcr ' munity activities will be considered. Reminder to Seniors' for Professional Education in· petition sponsored by World of Applications may be obtained from !st or 2nd. If you have not stopped by the Medicine, Dcniistry, Optometry, or Poetry, a quarterly newsletter for Mr~. Dec Floros in Jhc School of Registrar's Office to file for Veterinary Medicine for 1,982; The poets. Busines~ office on the 14th floor of the graduation for December 1981 or May Bulletin of Information is available in Poem, of all styles and on any sub· West Tower. The deadline for the 1982, plel!se do so as soon as possible. tlie Career Planning Library· Testing ject arc eligible lo compete for the receipt of completed applicatiom is Foreign Study If you do not file for graduation you, information box. Application grand prile of for 99 other cash or O~tohcr 9, I 98 I. arc taking a chance that a diploma will deadline is Feb. J 2. 19R? merchandise awards. totaling over ' London Study not be ordered for you. Speak to $10,000. f'orsler 1-·oundation Scholarship: Ac­ Student, interested in \tudying a1 the either Chris Knauer or Dave Bennett. Says Contest Chairman, Jo~cph counting major, with dcmon,trablc London Center during the Sprin.~ '82 Art Exhibits Mellon. "We arc cm:ourag1ng poctk financial need arc invited to apply for semester mu~t complete their ap· talent of every I.ind and expert our a Forster Foundation Scholarship. plications and schedule an intervic" contest to produce c,ci1ing Exhibition~ Academic performance and college or by October 23. For further infor· Student Government discovcrie~." Anne Ryan: Collages and Prints: community activities will be con­ mation plca~c contact the Office of In­ Ruic, and official entry form, arc Through Oct. 20. Many small i:ollage, sidered. Applkation, may be ob­ ternational Program,, Mullc•r 218, Arc you riled by regist!a.tion? Bar­ available from the World of Poetry, made of fabric and handmade paper, tained from Mr,. Dec Floro, in the x3306. ned by the Bursar? Hassled by 2431 Stockton Blvd.. Dept. D. with cmpha,i, on color, texture, and School of Bu,ine,s office on the 14th , housing? ~onfued by the Co~e Sacramento. California, 95817. geometric shape,. noor of the Wc,1 Tower. The machine which took your money· The lnten111tional Youth Study & Ari Department: 1-·acuUy Exhibition: ilcadlinc for the receipt of completed Otherwise wrapped up in red tape? , Trnvel Institute is currently accep1in~ Through Oct. 25. An annual selection applicatiom i~ Oc1ob<;r 9, 1981. If so, or if you have any other of new work by Cornell Univer,ity art applications from students int ere· i ~d 'J."""1 problem that you don't know how to facuhy--pairitings. drawings, in "'orking on 11 part-time commi,~ in solve, ARTIC is here to help. ARTIC only basis as Regional Administrator\. pho1ographs, sculpture. School of Busine\~ seeks students for (Alleviate Red Tape at Ithaca C.ol\egc) The pos111on of Regional ,\d­ Lesson~ in Print ,Collection: Through Hillside Waldorf Kindergarten will Dean's Student Ad,isory Council: is a service of Student Government ministrator involves the promo1i,,, of Nov. I. An expo,i1ory cxhihition pre~ent "The Legend of St. George," The Sd1ool of Bu,ine" invite, studen­ that was set up last spring in order to an educational study/travel pre,~, am covering a~pect, and proce,scs ol print a marionette show, on Sat., Oct. IO, al t, 10 apply tor mcmbcr,hip on the help students get through red tape to focu~ing on the motion picture and collcc1111g. I :30 p.m. The show i~ open to the Dean's Student Advi\ory Council. solve their problems. television industry. Regional Ad­ r'erform:.mce Art Fe~tival: Oct. 9-13. public for a donation of 75 cent~ and TH~ Council will con,i,t of ap­ Th~ wayARTIC works i~ that_ a mini\trators arc respomihlc for A wrie, of event, funded in parl by a will be held at the former Cayuga proximall:ly twelve srndcnt, and will , student picks up an ARTIC form, fills marketing thi, program to high ,chool · grant lro111 the National Endowmcn\ Heights Schook, 110 E. Upland Road. meet twice each ,cme\tcr. l\kmber, it out, and returns it to the Student and junior college level teacher, in for the Art, and featuring ~ix evening For more information, plca~e call will be M:lccted by random draw to Government Office. Forms a_rc their area. performance, · by major arr i,ts, 257-1751 days, or 564-7098 weekend, rcprc,i:lll all four major programs and available from RA'~, Rd'~. Student lnterc,ted ,rndents may rcquc,1 daytime work ,hop,, acl 1v111c, fot and evenings. four cla" levels (Fro,h through Congress Reps, the Egbert Union lob­ more information on the po,ition and public partic1pation. and a conducting Seniors). Additional member, will be by and 'the Student Government Of­ an application form by writing or colloqui111 !schedule miached). appointed by the Bu,incs~ School fic~. Next, the ARTIC staff will verify callinis: Program Coordinator, Inter­ Aclivilics ,1udcn1 organizations. Application, the problem with the student and work Business natio~al Youth Srndy & Tra\cl In- Printmaking: Lecture~ and Oemon­ may be obtained from Mrs. Dec with him/her to solve the problem. , . ,1i1111e, 6605 Hollywood Boulevar~. ~lr:ilions. In conjunction with 2. Floro, in the Bu,inc,, School office on The ARTIC staff will pre~ervc con­ Suite 213, Lo, Ang~le,, Ca\ilor111a exhibition,. l.cs~ons in Print Collec­ the 141h floor of the West Tower. The The Ithaca College School of Busines~ 90028. (213) 465-6665 fidentiality. ting and Prints for Purcha~c. Sun., deadline for the receipt of application, All students are cncollraged to use in accepting applications for tran~fer, Oct. 18. 2:00-4:00 p.m. At the is October 2, 1981. ARTIC, a Student Government s~r­ museum. Free for everyone. Fro,h may not apply until their-second vicc to help you. Any student in­ Selections form the Permanent Collec­ scme,tcr. While each ca,e i, con­ terested in joining the ARTIC ~l~ff tion sidered on an individual ba,is, ap­ School of Business Seeks Junior or should contact Steve Hanslcr or Lisa American Art: Por1raits: twcntielh plicants who have: I) a cumulative Senior students for tenure and November in the Student Government century paining,: Native American average of 2.5 or above, and 2) have promotion committee: Two (2) Junior Office or call 274-3377. art. completed math co:Jrses (13-105. 108), or Senior Busine~, student, arc needed Mixed Media: Collage, by Kurl Sch­ economics courses (06-121,122) a to serve on the 1981-82 School of There will be no ve,irhook ... "it hout a willcr,, Rohen Rauschenberg, others writing course (77- ), natural or ap­ Bu~incss Tenure and Promotion ,1arr. Senior, marl.ct your ,kill, wi1h Career Planning Museum Hours: IO u.m.-5 p.m. Tues­ plied science couVic(s) will receive the Committee.· The work will be accom­ 1hc Cayugan. Corne get c~pcncnc·c in Sund strongest consideration. Applic;itions plished primarily during the month of Iav out. copy writing. cdi1i11g. t,·pc· Pre-Law student~ and students in­ arc available in the School of Business October 1981. Studerii, may self sc11111g and pho1ography. Ciel 111- lcrested in pursuing :m MBA degree office on the 14th floor of the West nominate or nominate other, for the will be interested in the two program~ Tower. Deadline for completed tran­ rnl\'CU in the.fun and crca11011 of lhi, oost by completing approp1 iate fnrm~ ,·car', vcarhooJ..! Mal.cit the bc,1 and ~cheduled for late October. On sfer applications is November 3, 1981. which arc available from Mr,. Dec Tuc"lay, Oct. 27, 7:00-8:30 p.m. in ihc m~morics will be on 1hc p;ige, Floros in the School of Bu,ine" office forc,cr. all now for more info. P,1ula Ganncll HI. Career Planning will on the 14th floor of the ~Vc~t Tower. ,pon,or the program "MBA Degree: The Psychology Club will hold an GiQhinano or ~top by Alumni Fact and Fiction". featuring guc,t, organizational meeting Thurs., Oct. I Venetos Foundation Scholarships: Election date for' the two student, WIit Relation, and \cave y<11ir name and from Cornell's Graduate Bu,inc,, at 7 p.m. in Friends 306. All arc Management, Personnel and In­ be October I ~l and 2nd, 1981. The numhcr. P .S Fro,h. ,oph,. and School Admi,~ion, Office. On the welcome. dust rial Relations, and Finance election wifl be held in the School of junior, arc wckon1e, to ioin 1hc ~t.ift'! following night, Wcdnc,day. Oct. 28, . 7:00-8:30 p.m.. we will hold the program "Law School: Myths and Realities" with guc,1~ from 1he ,Cor­ nell L·aw School Admis,ion~ Office. St"udcnt, arc a~hed to sign up in ad­ vance for both of thc~e program,. a These events arc open to the entire F .• Ford Audltorluci campu, co111munity. Chee!,. "Career Music Theatre/Films Lectures/~eminars Meetings Sports Etcetera News" for detail,! N • Sabenh,1Ucr R11um A representative from New England Oct_q_b_,•r.. ?. 1l_l_t~b_t.:r __2 th.._t}1_lu.•i:_ _2_ -_ 4 lh.._t_o_hl·r_ 2 ll_,_l!~t:_r_]. 9ctob~ School of Law in Boston, MA. be will ~bnfe.~.• 8:IS pm(;>,;) s.,1.11. rttm - ,\l_t.!'~·~ ,\_l_l C_,1_ml'.!-1.~ '-:.c_,1_d_l'_r_:,_l,!.l_p I hL" ~.J':_l.&t~!)_r_... 1 l.JL,m11t t C J\' ~1111tb,11l, v~. C:nrm.•11, Fal 1 Convo1.:at •.. Hclll171, l'nio11, 7: JO pm -j p,;-(,\y-- visiting the Office of Career· Planning St.Jtcs. Tcxt11r I Ol, 7 & ~o_r__k_~l':!.'.£. l..1\'11~,1 --;;fih Keith Fu! le,, on Mon., Oct. 5. All students and OctoJ1..,,!... J 9":JO-prn. ,\dml'>'i11111· ~.1tun.• rc•nt C"r Tt.•nnl·~. ,it ~-,\IA\..' Associated Press, faculty interested in the 9-10 a.m. ~·har>!,cd. , u ..._t_u_b;_r_5 v;;JJ~,""..:b,111, ,it t:niv. of Ford Auditoriu;:l, Octu'bafest, tl: 15 pm (}:) ~1.1·,~. 1 n-.· 1 t .1l 1,•n,1 l seminar or 10:30-1:00 p.m. il)dividual ll;_"!_0~.!.1 ll~! ~~l~b, ~1ul lcr Ch.1pcl, 11 am Drtnk~ Herorc Dinn~r, appointments arc a~kcd to sign up in Junior Voice. J. HcWnc, lli~... 1-.~.~ g,~1_t)!~l 8 to JO PM October j Gar.-.::ia Delta Pi ArcM ~c·:s:·is rrn­ Field 110;:I.;-.;,-!Clnvtta­ advance. 1:00 p,o (F) . -- Stud~nt TcJcl,cr Scmlnar. ~ Party - Admtsston ch~r~cd. Crossro~d~, 9 - J:JO ,\SPA,' UL"r1ottc Hoom, Union, -t~JJ;-ro-ar:i (11) The Morehead Fellowships in I.aw, Oct~ 9{lr,- Hen'<; Soccer, vs. ,\l I red, October 4 for st udcnts of superior academic Q~ -tT°';;1:1C,\J- Q_c_t~ Social fraternity/ achievement attending the University Senior Clor inet, D. ~~ West African Dance Forms rootba11, vs. Alfred, 2 pm {fl - ~ter Cl~s, D.l.nc_e __ 1 Ill' ;":R,\ ~u ...... ton.In -i':"30 p:n (A) ~icy oilencc of at Chapel Hill, ·Pro I;;ct ,---;,,·1-t·h--Rob In UCF - l.uti1eran St,Jdent begino, 11:59 pm ~llii'..!>... '!l!., at Univ. of -reports an application deadline of Ja. Circle, 3:30 p~. Spon­ Fi&her Ctsnc, Muller ~!':.owship, Demott~ J~nior Euphonium, §.. f.!!.!.!, sored by Thc;,trc Arts, ?'!ass. Invltatiooal 3 pci {N) Chapel, 1: 30 p:n Poc....tl, Union, 6 pm October 5 15, 1982. Further inqujrie.s_JTiaY b'e Anthropology _& Soc.lology Tennis, at E.AIA~ _ addressed to: The Dean, School of Fal!Golf, at Buffalo Profeooionnl soror- October 9 g. ~ ~~- Ucmotte Clas~ Law, Univcr~ity of North Carolina, S.A.B. Film ... Altered Octolrer 6 Roon.• Un ion, 9 pm 1ty/frotern1ty States Texto~7 & ellence begins, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514. _ · Senior Voice, ~- !<"".~: I Creating~ Credential Marketing..~. Job Room, October 4 6:15 pill {F) 9: 30 pm. Adoission Field Hockey, IC lnvlta- II :59 pci Visiting graduate school recruiters charged. File, Gannett l 14, l pm Union, 7 pm this fall include: Pace· University Sign up at CJrcer Plans tlonal, II an (H) Fall Baseball, vs. October Gra-duate Business School; University Drinks Before Dinner, History Tutoring f.!_ogram, !i;;rr~ I pm (A) Soclnl sorority/ ~e pm. Recruiting, Pace • r..mnett 107/8, 7 - 9 pm of Richmond Law School; Adelphi ~ ~ University. Si~n up at ~. at EAIAII ~rnity Adcii_sslon chJrged. University School c:-' Social Work; Career Plannln~. Student Government, October 5 re(!poneeo University of Rochester, School of October 4 ~Dining Hall, 8 pm Management; and California Western Oct~ Tennis, vs. Cornell, October 9 West Afrlcan Dance Fonns J:JOpm (If) HoW to Write a Reso~e Octob1·.r :!. Profeoeional (rot­ School of Law. Individual appoin­ ~onstrat ion, Arc;;;-­ thatwil! QE£!!. Doors, October 6 ernity/sorortty tmenls are available and encouraged! Theatre, l:30 & 4:00 pm Coalitian ,it :-;tudcnt Gannett pm. Fall Baseball, vs. lllng­ 115, 2 Ac;r;r;t!J ,-(,.)O-l;ett114 I re.aponoeo Rutgers University Graduate School T,;;;c~l pm (11) Sign up at career Pl.ins, 6 to 7:30 pm of Management's Black MBA ~e~ Tcnnl9, vs. 11ell9, 3:30pm October 10 Association is sponsoring a, weekend S.~.B. Film ... ~llestones (l!l October 9 B.o.c. Concert, or activities for minority students and rar Animation, lcxtor Ken's Soccer, vs. LeMoync. Orlent..itlon co Rccrult- ~ Metheny, 102, 8 pm. Mmission The X,,vjQt.£!;!, Dcmot tc 4 pm (A)- professionals in careers in Marketing, .!!!Ii/l!!_t..£,!_vl;.;;I~ Strand Theater, chari,:ed, Ro,,M, Union, 7: 30 pn y ~ ~ .!:.!£.!J! llock.£l'., vs, Finance, Accounting and lnformatiOlr-· Gann~tt 115, 2 p~. I ,•rn.:l I, 7: l S pm (A) · 7:30 & 10 pc,. Systems. The conference will be hctd Sl~n up Jt C~rc~r l'l.1ns. Adci1oe1on charged. October 7 Fri., Oct. 9, 6-10 p.m., and Satr, O~t. ~ Cuu11t,ii, \'S. IO, 9 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Those in­ Mansfield, J:30 pm (A) terested in attending should contact ~om~n', S~c~cr, vs. Waller Hansome, Graduate School of c,,cipl t,,d by the c.;;;;;;i1-:-i:' -p"j;; (A) Office of C,1mpus Managcment,"92 New Street, Newark, \1.,lh•vb.111,. v-.. Co1J,.:,.1te/ Act1Vitle6 - ~lz Onc~~6 pn (A) N.J, 07101. ' lll 11,hcr 9 1981 MBA Forums, which include Jro:L•n'.., ..;,,\ .~."r, \,. Cl.1rk-,on representatives from· more than SO ' ·1,- ,-., l • ,)\ I u.•t.11,d 1, V!.o Cultt.1.tc I graduate programs will be held in New · · 1 rrnr ·rn; - York City on Oct. 2-3 and in Boston ~~m~.c~="i- ~*-~~~~~~~=!t'<-~~~~®'t:=h.~.~~1:i:~~~~®~~~'1:'1UP·~1-t~-=::~:-~~~~:&:2;.~~~;:::¾.;;{;~,;; , I ~·, I 1 ..... :, .. ~, r ... --- Page 14 THE ITHACAN Octob~r 1, 1981

8 pm. A reception will follow. Some of which are animal needs College's Theatre's 198.1-82 season. Tama, who will begin a writing equipment; Dog Houses, cat carriers, The play will run Sept. 30-0ct, fellowship at the Provincetown Fine leashes, office equipment, antiques, with performances beginning at 8:1.:i Arts Center, Provincetown, Mass., in etc. pm in the Dillinghaln Center for the Barham Smith will give a public Residential Life October of 'this year, has published Also featured will be tours of the Performing Arts. Tickets ($3.50 reading sponsored by The Women's I. Alcoholr Awareness Task Force short stories in the Paris Review, Agni facility as well as open inspection of general admission, $2 senior citizens Writer's Center on Thursday, October meeting l'uesday, Oct.' 6 4 pm Job Review, Intro 8, Mississippi Review, our new van. and non-Ithaca College students, I, 1981 at F:00 pm in Coleman Room. Anyone interested in assisting and the Yale Quarterly, and is a for­ Feed & equipment distributors will $1.50 Ithaca students) go on sale one Lounge, Cazenovia College, can joih the force. mer guest editor of Mademoiselle be on hand: as well as refreshments, week prior to' curtain call in the Cazenovia, New York_ magazine. 2. Triple rebate chcckcs will be mailed T-shirts, bumper stickers, note cards, Barbara Smith's work has appeared in Dillingham' Box Office (607-274- Interview magazine, in this month's to eligible freshpcr;ons by November & poster. 3224). . variou5 feminist periodicals, as well as I, 1981. All proceeds from this Shetter Sale issue, terms Tama "A CREATIVE A superb novelist, Doctorow is the in This Bridge Called My Back: 3. Fall Break Oct. 16-23. Resident BUNDLE OF ENERGY READY TO & Open House will ' benefit our author of such best-sellers as Writings by Radical Women of Color, Halls will remain open. Dining halls EXPLODE." Humane Education Program in Tom­ "Ragtime," "The. Book of Daniel" and Lesbian Poetry: An Anthology; Her reading is sponsored by the will be open on a reduced schedale. pkins County. she ~o-edited Conditions Five: The and "Welcome to Hard Times." l1haca Community Poets, with the So support Humane Education in Drinks Defore DiJJner is his first Block Women's Js~ue, and is the . a;sistancc of the Tompkins County Tompkins County and help us ro author of Toward A Blnck J,"emini\t produced play and premiered Novem­ Arts Council and the Creative Writing change the fact that 17 million cats & ber 22, 1978 at the Newman Theater Criticism. Committee of Cornell Universirv. dogs are turned into the Nation·~ M;. Smith i~ the fir;t of six· visiting of Joseph· Pappi's Public Theater . Skate-A-Thon to benefit the Mus"ular Animal Shelters every year. Complex of the New York faculty to teach at the Women's For more information, or if you Dystrophy Association. Skate at the Shakespeare Festival. It was staged by , Writer's Center during the 1981-82 would like to contribute items for sale, Roler World, Ithaca from 9:00 um to Mike Nichols and starred Christopher academic year. Other visiting faculty contact Mr. Don Lowe at 257-1822, or 3:00 pm on October 12th·(Columbus Plummer as "Edgar". who will teach and give public · On October 4, 1981 ut 7:30 in the Lynn Shreve at 539-7314. readings dl!ring ~he year include: Day). PfrlCs to be awarded include a The setting is a chic metropolitan Chapel, Robin Fisher Cisne will pair of indoor/ outdoor rollar skate,, penthomc owned by a successful doc­ Michelle Cliff, Olga Broumas, Judy discus~ her experiences u~ port of the Grahn, Rhoda Lerman, and Susan cassette recorder, and a Jerry Lewis tor and his wife who arc giving a din­ "ERA Missionary Project" this past watch. You can pick up your form at Entertainment ner party for like-succes~ful, like­ Griffin. This reading is spomorcd in summer. Ms. Cisne spent two week, part by Poets & Writers, Inc. the Roller World or at Burger King. professional couples where the guest in a house-to-house canvassing cam­ Sec you there. of honor is the Nobel-Peace-Prize­ paign in Utah providing information winning 5Ccretary of state. Tuma Junowitz, novelist, whose about the ERA to Mormon families. book American Dad was published by The llhaca Opera Associalion, Inc. One of the guests, a middle-aged The di;cu~sion/dialoguc is part of the Presents man named Edgar is gripped by Putnam'~ in April this year, will read "Food for Thought" program of the some of her work at the Temple of DIE FLE:DERMAUS despair and a racial anxiety that makes UCF/Protcstanl Chaplain's Office. by Johunn Strauss, Jr. him see the end of the world. He Zeu;, Goldwin Smith Hall, Cornell Cross Country Skiing All arc welcome. at the Strand Theutre pours out his visitio to the other University, on Thursday, Sept. 24, at We need students to act as a contact Friday, Oct. 16 at 8:15 pm-Sunday, guests--a vision of moral erosion, person for dorms, frats, campus ' ' .... . PREPARE FOR' . .,.;, Oct. 18, at 2:00 pm technological excess, the decline qf groups, for evening programs: Bus Public Ticket Sales Open Fri, Oct. 2 passion, the dehumanization of self in transportation equipment, instruction (Senior Citizens and Students deduct a world where "celebrities hold the 0 0 lighted trails. Interested call Country ·· ·NICAT LSAT GMAT Bil••• $1.00) proxies for our identity" and even the Hills collect 315-696-8774 General Admission: $5.00 at Hickey's fad of running indicates the uncon­ Music Store, Rothchild's, and Finger scious training of people for the

' . ' DAT•.GRE' . . . ' • . 1.-SAT.,,:;: .. . ~ . •ACT• . . . ·-.. .. ' :CPA:'. ·'.' . :· Lakes Music (Pyramid Mall), and the corning apocalypse. • Permanent Centers open days, • Opportunity to make up missed Strand Box Office (I I :00 am-5:00 pm, The other guests arc taken aback by evenings and weekends. lessons. Tue. thru Sat.) Edgar's spiel but are entertained by his • Low hourly cost. Dedicated full· • Voluminous home-study materials time stall constantly updated by research· Dog \Va~h at Cornell Benefits Pre Reserved seats in limited number: eloquence, even agree with rnuch_of it. • Complete TEST-n·TAPf v1ac1llt1es ers expert in their t,~ld. Veterinary Society Sat., Oct. 3 9-3 pm $7 .00 Strand Box Office only or by When he pr..oduces a gun, bringing for review of class lessons and • Opportunity lo transfer to and at the Live Stock Pavillion across phone: 272-7174 ' a1focalypse into the party, the terrified supplementary materials. continue study at any of our from the Dairy Bar on the corner of (Phoned orders may be picked up not guests become hostages to his • Classes taught by skilled over 85 centers. later than 24 hours before performan­ desperate attempt to find some instructors. Judd Falls Road and Tower Road. Rcscrvat ion.s arc necessary. Call ce). resolution to his unbearable agony. '- OTHER COURSES AVAILABLE· ' Kevin Jay Lipsitz, 277-4711 7 am-II As the hostess puts it, "You've . GR£ PSYCH & BIO• MAT• PCAT • OCAT •VAT• TOEFL pm hijacked the living room." . MSKP • NMB • VOE• ECFMG • FLEX • NDB • NLE . The Tompkins Cou,ilry S.P.C.A. You've beard .of people hijacking r r,. r. Shelter Sale & Open House airplanes, trucks -41nd trains--but II . - October 4, 1981-Sunday 10:00 a.m.- dinner party? C~-H *305VineSI. 3:00 p.m. At the Shelter-16440 Han­ Well, that's precisely what happens Liverpool,N. \'. 13088 shaw Rd., Ithaca, N.Y. · in E.L. Doctorow's Drinks Before Dinner. t~e first production in Ithaca ~~! eel. 315-051·1'11 There will be many items for sale. TEST PREPARATION I S~'ECtALISTS SINCE !938 CALL TOLL FREE 800-223-1782 DEWITTMALL

Corner Seneca E# Cayuga Streets Downtown A. Mall for All Seasons_

OPEN HOUSE Thursday, Oct. 1 5:00 - 8:00

Join us for an U ncoi:nmo!1 Shopping Experience _

Discover /, Gallery 121 Tussy Mussy Crabtree & Evelyn Moosewood Etcetera N.ippenose Cat's Pajamas ' •' Ithaca Guitar Works Sweef Dreams Bookery Pastimes Antiques Goose dance People's Pottery .· Sola Prints Somadhara Bakery Ca(e' Dewitt Benson's Coin & Stamp Shop

. . • Discounts offtred in pa;ticipating stores with studrot J-. D. -....

i >. • ., .c., "* • e> o. V 41:_ •

TandC Heenie Beenie Space Puppy, To Ca and gag, To the Returning Passengers of "Nov Ames, The Stables wa, great, let's so it again. Hows living with Eeyore? Keep the Get psyched for Canada! Should be a 18"- You drive me crazy when you ignore C when I don't have an 8:00 exam the tigers out of your tank maybe thats wasted time. ZAP! Damn balloons, high B/P in me like you did Saturday night. You next morning! Ted says high! Come why the toilet overflowed. Do bunny -LSG our hands, fog, nonsense conver­ can't deny the facr that there', a ,park visit! cars! sations. Remember: Keep Hoking for , between us. You're electrifying. Be Love, ex-roomic MUTS- those cells we lost this weekend! my "current" girlfriend. Qs Thanx for the talk? Am I really a Singed- Love, 5quirrcl? Fireball Face the light Hey Blondie, Pres. Mrs. Borrower,' _ Where ya been all my life? To the 1058 Rcsident- I lost my sock. Arc you using it for a. Long time no Boogie. To the twin daughters of different Hullo. Hullo. Hullo. 45 minute,, To my freshper,on year roomie! couch? huh? What else could relieve two giggling, !LY, -Jack Str~w mothers- "Is that the way you look" ts alright, but I'd rather sing it at Another silly girl in IOI B neurotic senior women than an ov-cr- Say Cheese P.S. Let's win at the races do,e of beer. It seemed our confiden- Road Runner, "open mike night!" -The girl with harmony ======cc built a~ our kidney, expanded. We Even though an EF is not a fair trade mu,t have another CR ses5ion soon! for RR, I'm still corisidcring the J.R., Hornblower- -one oft he angels memorable (?) moments in Quaker- negotiations. You'll know your an­ Gold1c~- What a weekend!! Po"ible funpack swer tomorrow. town .. D0n't buy me an oil, let's ju,t sqcak located in Syracu,e?? Elmer Fudd 3rd floor Clarke. WLYm the night away!! A.G. Reunion soon? Maybe the Rongp? The other car signed, -your cx-R.A. "your man,, To the cast and er.cw of "Drinkgs"­ p.,. We'll kick the wench out! Marci and Evelyn, Cindles, Brcak a leg! Especially Mr. Good Thanx for the lessons on how to be Rushec number 2, Hope today wasiJettcr than Tuesday! Hugs (The Black Prince) and all the Vogue. Maybe youd like to give some Let's have another rush party real You make me laugh-We're 2 of a folks in Susannah B's Scene Study (in­ Honey Bunch- exhibitions ,ome time to the campu, kind! soon cluding the nicest Jap from Longa G. M. sure beats an afternoon with communi(y! The other pub klutz Rushee number one Island). pansy hands!! Your Naabors Y.W.R. West Tower 11th floor­ To lonesome senior: Dick Great party Sat. mght ! Hawaiian To the grape soda garnisher, I am a lonesome new Mudenr who likes JB and Amy, Arc ~e going to. watch tl1c ,unrisc this Qucludes, be'!r and the 12th floor Your brownie's were good, too! burritos, guacamole, and quc,adilla,. It's getting brighter everyday, let the weekend?? Ju,t make sure that the men- How could we miss! 'ILY Want to talk? light shine on through! company', as good a, last weekend',. witness numberone Love the wcnche~ ok?? Gallari, Blockus I a~ked you last week and I 'II tell you To Hilliard Friend,- again, turn that God Damn contour ( like Car Stevens, but 16 consecutive To the 4 man woman, down. To the blue car driver, playings of Greatest Hits i, enough! you arc a fox, Keep bre:1king tho~e Roomies- Its hard to drive when everyone in yon (Please) records. A little ATO action?? After all, we Steve you corporate cog, get that red is intoxicated, huh? Love, have to keep ,urpising the a,,ociatc,! ! bandana on! · your roomie ILY My fellow blood sister- the black car driver Thanh for helping with my big stab P-boo . wound! I wouldn't have made it •Tiny. Amy, Deb, Le,lie, Grapefruits with ,wect-n-low leads to Who~c clothe, arc you wearing today? K.K. without you! I'm glad you got to Villanova! Stop more strawbcrrie~. whipped cream p.s·. You didn't have to. Mab yourself. by sometime. ILY, I miss you alot. Lets play tennis soon. and ice-that's nice! Wardrobe I07B Love, though! S.W.B. Your "d" partner B-Map Handloomed, handprinted cotton bedspreads, rugs, and tablecloths -:- from India Make your roonm au Oasi.~o, • Don't just put them on 0 Tropical Plants and L_ush Hanging Plants your bed... you can h·ang °෰4 Fresh. Silk. and Dried Flowers them on the wall, use them on your table, for a sofa PLUS: Bamboo. wicker and rattan chairs. cover, how about curtains? tables. hampers. baskets. blinds. mirrors Use ~our imagination. Decorating accessories. Sproods Imm $4.95 Dmnerware. mugs Rugs c1nd r:nany exciting gifts' from

'EHJE . PLANTATION House of Shalimar 0 Commons Pyramid ~1 114 IthacaCommons 273-7::l31 0 273-7939 or 257-2222 - Thurs., Fri. till 9 p.m. Sunday 11-4



, Saturdays Tai Midnight • Sundays 8 am • 6 pm FOOD STORES 742 .s •. ·Meadow St., -Ith~ca \.,..

Page 16 THE ITHACAN October 1, 1981 The Race Goes-On . . ... · by Barry Silverman Q: Mr. Chairman, wha~ can't imagine there being any "S" turn !hat leads into a tun-... A: Mr. s,.the ra~~-is ~he fir. The United States Grand exactly is the GPIA? possibility of running a· Grand nel followed by the newest ··st weekend "in October. :cars Prix will not be held at A: Well Mr. S. the GPIA is -Prix Race in Ithaca. · · thing in racing, flex-a-track. ·. are available·at toy. and· »o~- Watkins Glen this year. made up of 3 committees, the A: Mr. S, I am afraid that That Mr.Sis the kind of track by .Shops· .'a:t . Iocaf ~l]..opP.ing Because of financial trouble Steering committee, the at this time I am not at the that fits in a kitchen or den. ma:lls;· . -A nominai ·°fee,: :con­ and tra~k conditions, USAC Executive committee, and liberty_ to make the official an- Q: What type of cars can be sidering · -ti:,ie .-:·enj~yme~t · one· () Financial committee. nouncement. I will how-eyer, raced on this track, Mr.·. receives froin ·i;ounds · pf.' the which ,sanctioned the U.S. Q: You are not going to tell go off the record and say that Chairman? engine; i~ irdhe 5 fo 10·doilar·, Grand Prix withdrew the me that the_ Steering commit­ the Executive committee has'."':.. A: I personally will_ be -range per car. . ' ·: · . I famous October Grand Prix. tee is going to help you drive narrowed the choice to two driving the 6 wheel Renault Elf The lthactm· and· its readers The Ithacan is proud to the car. locations. I will make the. of- but I am sure the field will b~ . thank you very qnich'· for this have an exclusive interview A: You are not far off ficial statement next week .. ·It represented by BMW, Par- ex.clusiv_e :'~'Pit'. $~op;),:.ah~ing with the present chairman of track. The Steering committee is a tough decision chasing sche, Ferrari, and other high_ your hccth:·.·schedule: ·. : Are the Gran Prix of Ithaca · is made up of four individuals between the kitchen or the performance. . there· any last .stateme,nts yoµ' Association (GPIA), who from as far away as Chicago, den. . Q: This souncls very in-· w·ould.like to make? .: · : · ·. · wishes to remain anonymo'.ls Florida, Long Island, and Q: What kind of race track viting, when docs the Grand · A: . Just "thank·· yoi(' ~n~ for this interview. The New Jersey. The committee is can fit in a kitchen or den? Prix of Ithaca take place, ."The Race G·oes .On"! : , : .. following are excerpts from an in charge of selecting the A: It's the kind of track where can I purchase a car, · · · · : Ithacan interview with the racers for the big event. that has a left turn that goes and approximately what present chairman of the · Q: Mr. Chairman, where in into a fast straightaway over a would the financial investment ~· GPIA. Ithaca is the race to be held? I bridge that drops into a quick be?

,, \••,'i-S•• ... ,,. ., J ~ -·-·------. HICKEY'S A~iA·Tl-C·· ._:·_ .. \:

:201 S TIOGA ST ITHACA, N.Y G.4ftDEN , :272-8262 .Dewitt Mall .273-96!0 'THE .ethnic night . fresh Qsh on [~~STAYRANI] · on Sunday weekends Chine,·e- -Ami·rican- Food Music Store .daily specials' .gourm,'t 18 W. State Slrf't'I 2 7-2- 7.150 fine international and original cuisine ~....-,.,lllr - -,_,,.~_.....,,.,_...... ,,_ -n- -- .a:....._.._

EVERYONE'S COMING ANDRETTI - AL & BOBBY-UNSER . I• MEARS - RUTHERFORD - JOHNCOCK BOOKWORMS OF ALL PERSUASIONS WILL APPReCDATE GARZA -·SNEVA - CARTER - ETC. WATKINS GLEN TRIANGLE-'s ' - . WAREHOUSE BOOK SALE. GRAND PRIX 200 THE STARS AND CARS OF INDY TODAY THRU SATURDAY~ ON THE 3.3 MILE ROAD CIRCUIT (tO to 5 each day!) Over 10,000 hardcover and paperback books, SUNDAY, OCTo 4 covering all subjects . . .. now marked PRACTICE & QUALIFYING •. OCT. 2.:3 ~ = - A FULL 3-DAY ~ACE WEEKEND --PLUS __ THE FUN AND· ENJOYMENT OF° AS . -- .:: ILOW OKTOBERFEST '81 AS F~_oos- • BEER .. DANC..ING - CRAFTS -- nc·. PLUS: AFFA PRO-FORMULA·FORD RACE AND THREE HIS­ TORIC & VINTAGE SPORTS CAR RACES. SCHEDULE: Friday &, Saturday; practice & qualifying .. for all cars 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday. Oct: 4: Three vintage & historic races starting at 11 a.m.; Ford ~ace at_ 1:05; PPG Indy Car Ghampionship Race at· 2:15. Oktoberfest: all three days. · · TICKETS•DETAILS: Tickets available at all Ticketron out1'ets or through Watkins Glen Grand PriY.. P.O. Box 187, Watkins"· Glen. N.Y. 14891. Visa & Mastercard accepted. Phone:. 607- 535-4500 or 607-535-7-145. Weekend tickets only:$22.00 ad­ ·vance sale; race. day only $15.00. '(Both tickets $2.00 addition­ al at gate). Tickets inciu~ general admission Pl,US unreserv­ The Book Shop of Collegetown ed seat Hundreds-of acres for camping. Gates 'open Thurs­ day, Oct. 1. Paddock Passes at $10.j)O and Pit Roof Seati(lg' / ,,. ~ 403 College Ave. · . (rese-rved) at $30.00 available through Grand Prix Office or at 272-7111 Circ1,1it Aa~e We~kend.~·

. ' . . < ,.,. ' 1. ~-~ ... :..-•,"",.; ..... A,.,.._.._.,._ , . :,,. , ·" _,, ~-·· ·-•, ,' .}.; . .._,, ,,:J.l'...::,) ,

j -- r' ·-· ··ocfober'l, 1981 Ithacan Page 17

------In the second week of prognosticative action, a recent streak by /CB FM's Caplan (9-5) pushed him 2 up on Altman overall (5-9) last week. Their futile forecasts this time: - - - I .. THE AP LINE LOU CAPLAN HOW ARD ALTMAN (WICB Sports Director) (ITHACAN Sports Editor) fAVORITE POINTS UNDERDOG . '" .. SUNDAY ' ,·GIANIS 3 OwlBly GIANlS GIANTS ~ MIAMI 6 Jes Jes Jes I B.JFFALO 7 1Mirme BUFFAI.D IUFFAI.D MINNE3JfA MINNNJfA 5 ~/ MINNE3JfA Ok 51/2 Sf.l.OU1S ' Di.f; Dllbs* Karm;Gty N,w~ 6 Ka!NIS(]y Karm;Gty Wa,J::lington 1½ Smfrarriro WASHINGION Smfunrim 1-bmn 4 Cmnrnti HOlSIDN' Grmrnti 6 NEWORI.EA1'S ~ - ~ ~ I.IBANGEl.ES 2V2 Cbwnd ~* Cbwm .. - OAKIAND 4 Om\a" Urr.6- OAKLAND TAMPAM.Y 1 D3n:it Darcit TAMPAM.Y S<\.NDI8D I SANDI8X) 9/2 ~ ~llfw I MONDAY ' I --- I PI-Ill.ADElPHIA LPHIIAD~ l½ Athnta PHll.ADElPHIA - Home Team- In Caps *Bes( Bet . ODDCOUPl,E WOMENS TENNIS. SPLITS 1---STANDINGS --, W L GB PLT !Jy Jim Scova winners for the Bombers were "We played a very strong all­ five years has been Syracuse, Last week, the Ithaca top-seeded Kathy McGuire, around match." The victory and we almost did beat them." CAPLAN 17 ll . . 607 College womens varsity tennis Priscilla Davis, Jeanne Dunn, gave the squad a 1-0 record. .Pam Grayboff and Jo Byr­ team rolled over Rochester and Donna Bailenson in In the Bombers second mat­ ne; and Lisa Brown and Belin­ ALTMAN /5 13 2 .536 and lost an exciting match to singles. Allison Abrams and ch, state powerhouse St. da Fitzsimmons were vic­ state powerhouse St. Lawren- Della Schmidt, Pam Grayboff Lawrence edged out a 4-3 vic­ torious in their doubles mat­ cc. and Jo Byrne, and Lisa Brown tory. Carnell said "St. ches while Jeanne Dunn was BEST BETS The Bombers did not los~ a and Belinda Fitzsimmons were Lawrence is very strong in the successful in her singles mat­ Caplan, 1-J,· Altman, 0-2 match as they • defeated ·an victorious in their doubles state. The only team in the ch. Rochester 7-0. Am·ong -the matches. Coach·Carnell said, state to beat them in the last ~- .. __ , . _ SKIERS! :·, .... - ' ~--~--,~~'.,· ....,,l.,,. ,. ~-- //.~ .• ,' ·' i1 - • ". . . . . ••.. ~-· -r::/,',:... , .< /,·-~- , ; ;-----,# _,,..,,.; ~w"- . . ,.~. 7.'. ~ .,,. ___~ . ~~-~, -~..:-· - GlRlElElK PEAK SKIERS SlK]JED Sp~cia~ offering _for STUD JENT§ 117 IDA Y'S LAST SEASONo


purchased' by NANCY FELDMA'.'j lDCTO BER l Cl 198-1 RM. 611 EAST TOWER (()()7) 273-3531 or /~r Oct.· I AJier_Oct. I Cl;l11 bi 11,t't ion SCOTT WELl.l'.'IGTO'\ Da\' Night 295.00 330.00 (607) 277-0480 or l)a\..,. Onh . 2n5.oo 290.00 SEND NAME WITH CHECK TO: Midweek Days and Nights ·240.00 265.00 I STUDENT SKI PASS 'GREEK PEAK R.D.2' CORTLAND. N.Y. 13045 PHONE: (607) 835-6111

SKI-RESORT R.D. ·2, CORTLAND, NY 13045 / (607) 835-6111 Page 18_ Ithacan ~ctober 1, 1981 " George Valesente Fo:r All ReaSons

It is obvious that Valesentebaseball ranks as a winner By David Fischer captured the NCAA Division only into a good baseball cares about his players as N~w. as head coach, Valesen~~ According to George III title. After winning the player, but also into an in­ dividual who is conscientious, people. When an athlete has maintained that level of Valesente, a baseball coach championship, Valesente told leaves Ithaca, Valesente wants excellence. If it is true that a must--devote many long hours his team that they "had neat, prompt, and curtious. We want aggressive players, his "players to leave knowing teilm reflects its coach Ithaca to his team. After only three provided me with the most ex­ that they've . enjoyed their baseball will be on top'as long . season, Valesente has com- . citing sports-related moment but also want them to under­ baseball expenence .. and have _ as George Valesente is their piled a 84-20-1 record, which .of my life. I was prou·d to be a_ stand there's more to life then just a baseball game." been treated fairly and leader. is proof that hard work pay~ member of that group--not honestly and driven to their off. their coach--but just as a part In his teachings, Valesente promotes desire. "A players maximum potential. Most of A 1966 Ithaca College of the group." all, that they can walk into my graduate, Valesente lettered in Winning is not new to _who has some ability and a lot office and sit down as a friend, three sports. He co-captained Valesente. He played on of desire will probably go fur­ ther at the college level, than rather than as a coach-player and led the 1965-66 basketball Bucky Freeman's I 964 NCAA relationship." team in scoring and led the tournament team and expects the player with alot of abilit) and no desire at all. When the Ithaca's reputationas a 1966 baseball team in home to carry on the winning baseball powerhouse is not runs and runs batted in as a tradition. "Every time put game is tight in a clutch I without reason. Valesente first baseman-pitcher. that uniform on and walk out situation, the player with the came up through the Ithaca After college, Valesente there, I have one thing in desire will come through.'' "realized a dream by signing a mind ... and that's to win that pro contract" in the ballgame." Washington Senators Last year Valesente guided organization as a pitcher. He Ithaca to a 29-7-1 mark and hurled four years, reaching the placed 'second in the World AAA level with the Buffalo Series. Ithaca is now the team ( Bisons of the International to· beat in their division, and WIN GIFf CERTIFICATE FOR AN IC T-SHIRT! League. Valesente is aware of it. Valesente began hb "Every team that comes here collegiate coaching career · in to play us will most definitely, 1972 when he became the head play up to their mental poten­ THIS WEEK'S QUESTION: Name the 3 catchers on the 1961 baseball coach at SUNY tial. .they will play as hard a~ Yankees who had 20 or more home runs for that season. Brockport. Two years later, they possibly can with the idea he assumed the top spot at, that they will have so much to SUNY New Paltz. In I 976, he 1rnin hv hPMinP I.C:." accepted the head baseball and One of. the hardest jobs a soccer job at N. y. Maritime coach has is preparing his . Every _week, J. Gould's (at the foot of the hill on Aurora Street) will spon~or the "Quickie Quiz". Readers are invited to College before returning to his players for the years after alma mater in 1978. athletics. Valesente not only answer the ques11on and submit it to The Ithacan c/o Basement Replacing hi~ former coach teaches his players skills they of Lan~on H~ll ...or bring it in person_by 5:00 p.m. Moooay. "Carp" Wood, Valesente need on the playing field, but A_ drnwmg of the correct submissions will determine thc·week's winner. took Ithaca to a 22-9 record in also off the field. "We (me his rookie year. The next and my coaches) try very hard season, Ithaca was 33-4 and to mold the individual, not


Halfback Gerry Co.oper rushed for 157 yards to lead Ithaca over St. Lawrence 41-6. Cooper scored · two first half touchdowns to help the Bombers pull away from .the Saints. For a fine performance, The Ithacan honors Gerry Cooper as Athlete of the Week.


~ .... __ Page 19. October 1,. J981 Let Me Outta This Thin~

J'he turbo-charged AMX think about it. - real fun came on the curves. and thanked Mears. I also pulled into Pit 1. ''You wanna "How fast does this thing The g force knocked me again­ thankea the man upstairs. be first?", one of the go, I asked him. 0 0h, about st the side window as the mike ' Looking back at the car, I mechanics asked me. Looking 140, but I'm gonna take it banl!;ed against_Mear's jaw noticed smoke was pouring around and finding no other easy, the brakes aren't Every time I would get up, out from behind the wheel volunteers, I decided that this working too well." another curve knocked me wells. I was informed that it was as good a time as any. Great, that's all I needed to down. was nothing serious, just the Jock Bradley, my hear. The waiver form we had All of a sudden, Mears brakes. photographer and I climbed to till out ment1onee1 screeched to a halt. "What's After we got out, Mario into the sleek racing machine, something about next of kin wrong?" I asked. "Oh Andretti climbed in to give a one of the official pace cars and benificiaries, but that was nothing, just gotta spit out few guys from NBC a spin. for the Watkins Glen Grand just fine print, until now. some chaw.'' That was all the poor car could Prix. It was a thing of beauty I was thrown against the Just when my stomach had handle, because when Mario really, decked out in red, white back seat as Mears left the pit caught up with me, Mears tore brought the car back, things and blue. area and headed for the track. down the track. I watched the were falling off of it and liquid "God, this would look nice That little item about next of speedometer climb past 110 was dripping from the bottom. in my driveway, "I told Jock. kin stuck in my mind as Mears until- another quick turn The guy from NBC was white "Imagine if we could take this eased the AMX into the 90 flatened me out. Jock was too · as a ghost, all he could say was thing back to Ithaca," he·an- degree turn, through the esscs busy snapping pictures to let "Oh my god." __ swered. and roared down the anything bother him, besides, The ·_AMX was mercifully As I climbed into the back straightaway the way he drove out to -the given a rest as the mechanics seat, I noticed that the driver Mears was totally calm for a Glen, I'm surprised he wasn't brought it back to the garage. was. , 1981 guy cruising down a race track entered in the race. Luckily no one had to notify CART/PPG Champion. Not with some jerk sticking a When we finally pulled into my next of kin. a bad chauffer,, when you microphone in his face. The the pit, we got out of the car

The Pits

Oy Vay second CART championship average speed for the course finishing position points earned in three years. will be closer to 120 to 135 20 . l There is a three way battle miies per hour, depending on 2 16 for the runner up slot. Pancho tli'e weather and track con­ 3 14 Carter is currently second in ditions at the time of the race. 4 12 the standings with 148 points, Sunday's Grand Prix is the 5 IO followed by with eighth in a series of 10 races 6 8 138 and - designed to determine the 7 6 with 108. After Sundays race, CART/PPG indy car world 8 5 there are two left. The Copa campionship .. PPG industries, 9 4 Mexico 150 in Mexico City a major producer of flat glass, 10 3 and the Miller High Life 150 in paint, chemicals and 11 2 Phoenix, Arizona. fiberglass, has set up a $1 12-20 I million point fund, which, ac­ · one point to the fastest cording to CART Chariman Mario's Machine John_Frascq, "is a great vote qualifier ~rruisin' .. .. , ;- - . - - -· - - . of coilfidence in CART and one point to the driver who Indy car racing." leads the most laps ~ ,· . '. ' PPG's million dollar fund Points are then multiplied by ,_, ' '.,\7;::~.~?·:, ... ,:~ ::·: ·'1:;:( ;, includes $750,000· to be the appropriate race length divided equally between cars factor: . qualifying for each of the 10 scheduled length factor' races. The remammg (miles) $250,000 goes into the PPG point fund that - will be 100-199 l distributed to the 10 point 200-299 2 leaders 'at the end of the 300-399· 3 400-499 4 season. The champion will s· receive $75,000, second 500 ,, ,, $50,000, third $30,000, fourth $25,000, fifth-··$20,000, sixth­ Rick Mears clinched the $15,000,. seventh $12,000 1981 championship by driving eighth $10,000, ninth ·$7,00 his Gould Charge Penske PC- and tenth $6,000. . . 9b Cosworth to a vict_ory in the The championship is awar­ Detroit New Grand Prix on ded· to the driver'who picks up September 20. The win, the most points during the Mears' fourth on ,the season seasori, · Points are awarded as gives· him 239 points · and follows: . .,tssures him of winning his ' Itbacan October l, 1981 \ - ......

Bombers Run Wild Trounce Lawrence 41 ... 6-

· by Doug C!auson Butterfield's strategy- game. '_'We played a very Ithaca College used 479 worked as Davies hit Duncan ·aggressive game _on Saturday, · yards on the ground along with touchdown passes of 13 and -I feel the officials were with fine passing from Cory and 28 yards. Duncan caught watching us more closely than Davies to defeat St. Lawerence 6 passes on the day, to pass St. Lawerence. My game films 41-6 this past Saturday at Jim Myer for the number two' show that St. Lawerence committed many . similar .. South Hill Field. · spot on the all-time Bomber .. "The offensive line did an pass-reception list. . penalties as the ones we were .~~ :.. ,.' excellent job for me and the Behind the· running of called for, but were not rest of the guys," said Gerry Cooper, and the connection of penalized "ror them.'' , Cooper who rnshed for 157. Davies to Duncan, Ithaca had The Bombers go on the road yards and 2 touchdowns. the game well out of reach at this weekend to face Alfred IC was trailing 3-0 early in halftime 27-3. University. "We have the first quarter, when Cooper Cooper took a rest in the developed a strong rivalry with scored on runs of 28 and I second half, and was replaced Alfred, and-I feel they will be yard. "We really wanted to by Kevin Didio. Didio took ready for us because we're the win this game, and get back on over where Cooper left off in bigg~st game on their the winning track," remarked the first half, scoring 2 touch­ schedule," remarked Butter­ Cooper after the win. downs and rushing · for 154 field. The Bombers suffered what yards. In the fourth quarter, could have been a serious loss. Didio took a. pitch from when starting quarterback Davies and went 74 yards into Bomber Blasts - Halfback Doug DeCarr was taken to the the end zone for the game's Rick Koob was dressed for final score. Sat~rday's _game ·but did not locker room in the second quarter with an injured knee. The Bomber defense caused play. Koob is still recovering The injury was diagnosed "as trouble all afternoon for St. from an injured shoulder. only a bruise" and Decarr will Lawerence quarterback Joe Ithaca totaled 580 yards on the be back for Saturday's game Sandora. Sandora, who was afternoon. Sophomores Brian against Alfred. under pressure all day from Bernstein and Ed Borreli both noseguard Bill Sherrin ancl picked off their second pass of DeCarr's backup Cory th Davies, came into the game in linebackers Dan Lanior and e year· the second quarter and com­ Mark Seaman completed only Alfred · is currently · un- pleted 10 of 13 passes for 109 7 of 21 passes.' . -· defeate~ and. is coming off a Ithaca _was penalized on the !3-8 wm aga!nst Hofstra last ·'· yards and 2 touchdowns. :oach Butterfield used a lot of day 18 umes for 152 yards. -0at~rday.. K~ckoff for Satur- ;hifting on offense to set up Coach Jim -Butterfield day s game will be) :30 p.m. ;ingle coverage on Jim Dun­ however feels his team was· .:an. just playing an aggressive b_all Ithaca 7 20 7 7 41 Decarr Cranks One Up St. Lawr. 3 0 3 O - 6 SL-Vesling 18 FG - IC-Cooper 28 run(Kracke GREEN LIGHT kick) IC-Cooper I run (Kracke kick) IC:,Didio 1 run (kick bloc!(ed) IC-Duncan 13 pass from Davies (Kracke kick) _ NSIDE AT Ir-Duncan 26 pass from Davies (Kracke kick) SL-Vesling 47 FG IC-Didio 74 run (Kracke kick) Athlete of the Weel1 GRAND PRIX A-3,000 SL IC by Howard Altman The 59 lap event, · which To paraphrase Mark Twain, takes place on the full 3.377 · First downs 6 27 Any guesses? The an- the de~th of Grand Prix racing mile grand prix circuit, has at­ Rushes-yards 79 479 at. Watkins- Glen has been tracted leading racers from all Passing-yards 125 146 swers on ... p. 18 greatly exagerated. over the world. Among them Return-yar~s 150 50 "The judge gave us the go are 1978 World Driving Passes 9-27-215-24-0 ahead, said Glen spokesman Champion Mario __ Andretti, Punts 12-34 i6-35 Bruce Czaja," so the race is 1981 PPG Indy Car World Fumbles-lost 2-2 .11-5 Grand Prix Pies on. Czaja was refering to the Series Champ Rick Mears, Al Penalties-yards 6-37. 18-152 September 14th ruling by and , 3 time -.Ody Individual Leaders, Federal _Court Judge Edward 500 champ Johnny Ruther­ Rushing-IC, Cooper 17-157 D. Hayes, approving the run- ford, just to name a few. Didio 11-154, SL, Vomacka 5~ Glen photos by Jock .13. .. ning of the championship auto , The 24· qualifiers for Sun­ . - racing teams 200 mile Indy days race will be competing Passing-IC, DeC~rr 4-7- 35 .. Bradley .... _. ._p. 19 race on Sunday October 4. for nearly $200,000 -in prize Davies. 10-13-109. SL, Sandora The approval came following money, :with the winner taking 7-21-92. . ======a hearing for creditors in the home over $25,000. The Receiving- IC, Duoc~n 6-77, federal - bankruptcy court in qualifiers will be driving Lacey 3-28. SL, Gleason 4-59. Rochester on the proposed single seat, open-w.heel cars GPIA plan between the ~orporation, powered for the most part gy which filed for reorganization tur)?o-charged Ctisworth and Grand -Prix in " in August,.. and the race san- , Offenhauser engines. These .. ,, ctioning group. According to· en·gines. ·~e · capable;: of ob­ lthoca ?? ...... p. 16 Czaja, "There is life in chap- taining speeds in excess ol 200 0 ; ter 11 (the federal bankruptcy miles per. hour, although the = Jaw)." - · continued on page·'.19 :.- -.,