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WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, • • 1280 The Weather FA(}E TWENIY-FOUR Averaige Daily Net Press Run lJJattrl|p0tpr lEoptiittg l^pralir For the Week Ended Forecast of V. 8. Weather Bnreaa J- Jan. 16, I960 Partly cloudy^ scattered aaow ¥ . 13,067 flurries' tbnlghT"and Friday. Ix»w About Town Meniber of the Audit tonight 20-25. High Friday 90-80. JW.IULC Bureau of Circulation. Manchester— A City of V illage Charm •nie p fofru n on dolls ortguatUy •phedulad lu t Wednesday at Uita Junior Museum will be held to­ PRICE FIVE CENTO . MANCHESTER^ CONN.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1960 (Classified Advertising on Page 14) night at the Cedar St. building VOL. LXXIX,'n O. 94 (SIXTEEN PAGES) Miss Helena Booth wfll Ulk on DOUBLE k iiH . foreign doUs and antique dolls from her own collection a t‘7;30. Museum members and their guests, adults aa well as children, are In­ On Jamaica Airport Sen. K enn edy vited to attend, 1 Says Johnson American L,eglon auxiliaries - of key_ Makes Space the First District will meet Sun­ day at 2:45 p.m, at the Town Hall GREEN STAMPS 37 on Airliner PrincipalFoe In West Hartford. Chairmen of the local unit have been reminded to WITKALL tqnd In their reports. Milwaukee, Jan. 21 {/P}— THURSDAY, JAN. 21$t SALES... SHOP THURSDAY 9:00 A M. to 9:00 P.M. Sen. .John F. Kennedy ID- Our Lady of Hope Mothers' Mass) elected today to slug it Circle will meet this evening at Killed in Crash B o’clock at the home of Mrs. John j CLOSEOUT TABLE OF out with Sen. Hubert Humph­ tronaut Cleary, at -11 Overland St. Mrs. i SPORTSWEAI^ DEPARTMENT— Soeand Hdor rey (D-Minn) in the strategic John Burnett and Mrs. Steven i| Kingston, Jamaica, Jan. 2 1 f Bemoval of the bodies began in Wisconsin presidential prefer­ Button will be co-hostesses. JANUARY midmorning. (JP)— A Colombian airliner The plane captain, J. Duque. was ence primarj’ April 5. But, bound from New York to Co­ among the survivors. None of thos^ Kennedy told newsmen, he The Second Yesr Great Books ,| LADIES’ DRESSES LINGERIE lombia buckled its landing who got out appeared to be seri­ insiders his “ principal ad­ Croup will discuss “Confessions of BROKEN SIZER IN gear and exploded in setting ously injured. versary” for the Democratic Bt. Augustine” at Its meeting to- , ' Sizes 10. to 20, 1 2 ’/j to 2 2 '/j» SLIPS, GOWNS, SHORT1E GOWNS, This was the fourth fatal crash Miss Sam night tonight at 8:15 at Whlton Li­ down at the Montego Bay Air­ nomm^tion to be Sen. Lyndon Missile Claim ^ A/OU/a/fa^ S/U/S. FABRIC of a commercial airliner in 1960 brary. The next meeting will be 1 PAJAMAS aiMl CHILDREN'S FLANNEL port early today, killing 37 of and raised the alrlinei- death toll Johnsohv^f Texas. held on Feb. 3 at which Descartes' | VALUES TO $8.98 ... .NOW PAJAMAS. Nof all stylM or tin*, the dG-^persons aboard. for the first three weeks of the "At thlaxmoment." ho a a 1 d, Zooms 9 "Discourse of Method" will be dis- ; SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF 59c Seventeen of the dead were new year to 163. At least 16 others' "Sen. Joh n*^ has the most dele­ cussed. 1 CONE MULTI-STRIPES and CHECKS R«8. VoIuos $1.98 to $4.50— NOW Americans, aunoiig them a eon and have died in the United State* in gates.” \ , daughter-in-law of Sen. Homer E. private plane crashes since Jan. However. Kenitady declared, he, Soviet Reportsl All womrt of North Methodist | SALE consider* the Wisconsin primary 1 Milos Up TERRY KITCHEN TOWELS Cepehart (R-Ind). The latter w«re Church are Invited to attend a food i Thomas C. Capehart and hi* wife. Some of the passenger* aboard ; will have "a decisiv^xeffect,' and demonstration, to be sponsored by j | Limited quantity while they last! Heavy quality; ^ REG. 59e and 69c Nancy, both 36, of Indianapolis, ------^ J the winner will have amcxtreniely Pacific Rocketl Brewster Circle, at the Hartford i $1.00 Wallops Island, V r., Jan. 21 dries more dlahee and dries them faster! . .Each on a 'buaineea trip to Bogota. Co­ ('Continued on Page Five) [ strong position at the cohvention, Electric Ught Co., 146 Hartford FINE COTTON PRINTS lombia. —, - ■ I and deservedly BO.” {fP)—A little monkey named Rd.. .Friday at 7:80 p.m. Two Dutch and two Australian Kennedy, who Dew from VV' In Target .4rea “Miss Sam” today survived a SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF 19e ABC, quadriga and drip passengers and five’’ member* of ! I V o S e C r C f i r T f i u l l y ^ , ington with his wife for the 48,900 foot rocket flight in Manchester Grange will meet to- SEE OUR TABLE OP • Yard 47c the 7-member Colomblari crew lived * c i ing new* conference at the Pfi*- MORGAN JONES HEAVY WAFFLE WEAVE dry prints...... W’ashington, Jan. 21 (/P)— rehearsal for human space Slght at 8 at Orange Hall. ^ through the crash and the '■*"ip| c| r| p 1 .ai|g|K S s i C l V ter Hotel, *aid he anticipates "a ■uUant Are that r a y ^ «l ^the^^2 __ ^ ^ ^ very tough fight" with Humphrey, Pentagon said today that travel. ' St. Gerard's Mothers’ Circle will ] DISH CLOTHS READY-TO-WEAR DEPT.— Socond Floor EXTRA SPECIAL—CLOSEOUT! million Superconstellatfori for two , R « a r c l : ''He'said'he^flnds” hTmVeTm“the ' “ f r d ^ at hand. *The animal, •.female, rode more (neet tomorrow at 8:18 pjn. at the than nine miles up in a. replica o f 1 hv the Avi ! ’ ’ **■* same situcUon as would Hum -] the R ^ian rocket apparently home of Mrs. Edward Ward. 144 . Will ontlaat knitled Hotha 2 or 8 tfmea. ODDS 'N ENDS REG. $1.29, 36" pUlLTED the chamber that will carry tha Greenwood Dr. Mrs.. James Walsh || Two color comblnatlona...... 6 For 88c anl^VoterSblM m ^ ^ — 7“ „ „ . Phrey if the Minnesota Senator did fa lL ^ ith in the impact first Mercury Astronaut. will be co-hostess. ODDS N ENDS TABLE INCLUDES . DRESSES PRINTED COTTONS stop Kansas City Jan^ '''I".'*'’ area” the % 8sia ifs defined in The capsule was separated from “Latitle Joe” booster rookat by HALE'S CHARMHOU5E BLOUSES, SWEATERS, Etc. Be here'early for this value. ^mri/wV,^"o‘ hou» r “hire'’^ d I o ' n ? S a c t t t e « Jheir ?«>vanc^^otice of >^s- Outstanding GlrL Scout campers j a rcfiched Monteeo Bay a popular day after circuling^ thia aie3 for vvisebn^in does Minnesota. terday S test into the means- of an escape mechanism de­ of the 1959 season at Camp Mer- | Colorful floral prints...... Yard 67c signed to save the astronaut if TOWEL ENSEMBLE 6 R 0 U P 1 CwibbSan resort on^’ Jamaica's j more than two hours because of a IsTiarmAHx* htntffil ■frnn^lv .Central Pai rie-Wpod .udll meet tomorrow at J VALUES TO $8.98....NOW Reg. Vohies to something goes wrong at the B. 30 p.m. In the Bobbins room at,i Made for us by one of the country’s largest mllla. ' $ •• : ' • SaSCr. j;.','' ‘ launching. Center Church to form a junior | $22.98— NOW Jan. 21 (M ^T h e With its 71,4-pound passenger in ^ camp committee, ■ ' jflegular $1.19, 22 x 4 4 hath size...... ea. 8 8 ^ At 77c Yard announced todayi a special compartment, the sule i^as parachuted to the surface ' Regular .“iDCi Hand size...... ea, 4 9 c . . . they fired a rocket 7.760 miles , Cecil A. Fenn and son. David, j plane headed in for. a landing. CS^ rov'6^1 his' o VV n 'P i ft n s for , , i ■ /? of the sea, 12 miles off this Vir­ $1.29 $t.99 Reg. 99c— 45" MaBiiKon'f Acetate Tweed . Witnesses said the left landing There was no foam on the i^n- the Nebraska primary, reserving i into the Central Pacific w hich ginia Eastern Shore island. 896 Woodland St., are gruesta this | Regular 29c. Face cloth*. .e*- 25C gear collapsed as the plarie hit the: way and ob.«ervers s»ld the plane xveek of Mr. Fenn’s sister. Mrs, F. j Reg. 99c—45" Acetate Candy Drop it for another news conference fell less tlian 1.24 miles from Then the capsule was recovered runwayand therewasa terrific ex- , rolled to a s^ scheduled in Omaha later today, jits calculated target, C. Bulllngton, Cordele, Ga. Day in and day out for eight years our most popular 6 R 0 U P 2 Reg. 99c— 45" TIaid Taffeta by helicopter. seller! Daeron reinforced selvages In eight colors. plosion. _followed , J. runways were He will ciunt it as a victory, j ,The captain of an Australian Officials of the National Aero- , Reg. Values to blast*. The plane skidded into a a year ago A semi-monthly, meeting' of | ALL SALES FINAL Reg. 89e—45" Crystalette lathered vitti foam to prevent ?nv [Kennedy sa:d. if he obUins 51 per 1 jet "airliner renorled from Sydney j nautics and Space Administration MATES iMena' Assodatlqn to En­ SI 2.98— NOW Reg. 99c— 26" Don River Gingham Ploidt sheet of swamp water,th Z • S i b ^ fi’ e When the plane hit ^ of Uie Democrats vote in the . |,.at the Soviet rocket exploded at < said the animal appeared to be in MORE and MORE OF THOSE FAVORITE! eight Inches, deep, north good condition on the basis of pre- joy Slimming) will be held tonight runway. 'Two of the four enginesenedne* the he ground,cround j U lEconsin primary. Wi.sconsm has , jeast 200 mile.* from its designated 1 delegate votes at the conven- target area, Capt. R. A, Gray said ; A- liminaiy examination made by re­ at 7:.30 at the home of Donald REG. $1.19 HEAVY FLANNEL BACK DRILL were ripped loose and landed 100' REG. $1.29 COHAMA ARNEL and COHON j lion. Humph'-ey has aaid he might he saw a "huge bright orange ; mote control While the animal was Kuehl. 16 N. Elm St. All over-i| GIRLS’ DEPARTMENT ■ -SseoRd FiMf All terrific b«ya— mlaaea’ and women’s al*e*. Good as­ yards from the fuselage. (Conlln'ifd on Page Eight) weight men are Invited. IN1NG BOARD COVERS j withdraw "If soundly beaten.” but flashbulb going off" at 3:05 a.m. f still Inside the one-top capsule. sortment of style*. WOOL LYKECHECKS 87c ______—------^------I Kennedy brushed him off by say-, ■^ugiraiian'’ time — 12:05 p.m.. EST :' They said that it would be about BuVtwo or three while on sale. Fits any board “ P Q Y g . GIRLS' COATS _ rwx-1 A I ‘"S: "I don’t want to engage in that [ Wednesday; This wa.s the same j tvyo or three hours, however, be­ toilie extra length 60” slae...... ,. „ Each O # W fore they could open the capsule Music Group Not ail sizes. Values to $21.98. I llfliy T C E i ^ H A T O REG. $1.M A. 0. C. "PMSAY" D 0III 0S T l l 0 f t ' refused to estimate bis dele-1 {;'?ded''\n^“‘'mav* hal^e ^been°‘'the ' and the 125 pouiid chamber in AAt.x_/L.:7 ' gate strength at the moment but I to which Ta.ss said which the monkey rode. DOWNfROOF "WAMSUTTA" 33% WOOL CREPE said that ' I feel very strone in , disintegrated upon , enicring the Space Agency officials disclosed Changes Nami *10.00 And*12.00 I Wmltll tU/115 Ohio Massachu-selts and Now, atmosphere: later that two of the Mercury As­ ZIPPERED PILLOW TICKS R£G. VALUES TO $45.00 Six colors. Beautifully England. That.s the reason the 1 ' -j .. u j v ' tronauts witnessed the test in tke $1.17 Of |4.8 Million Bonds ; VV'lrconsin primary is so decisive.; radar control tower on the island. soft nuiterial...... Yard Kennedy gieeted the news con- by Qantas Airline to fly his . A change of name and affiliation Regular 81.19. Recover your old pillows now ^ NOW The two were LL Cm dr. Alan B. has been announced by tl^ C ivic GIRLS' d r e s s e s ferenee with a statement that be-I Boeing 70< jetliner east of his noi^ , Shepard and Lt. Col. Joto H. or protect j your new ones. Blue, green, rose *floral 87c Montreal, Jan. 21 r;Pt-^Wealthyf LiCbrus of Paris, R. Van Hyden of , _ ,.j ^mn in the-Wisconsin 1 mal Honoliilu-Canton rou e. and Music Association of Marluiester. Values to $8.98, , REG. $1.98 WESCO ACETATE and RAYON Glenn Jr. It will now be the .Manchester I stripe Ucka .merican financier John O. Doyle, j ' prw $|o $12 *15 He pleaded Innocent to charges their . tirhe in the kitchen, I height of 36,500 feet. At that th# Indlangpolls Symphony, the 11 I.arge 21 x 27 finished slr.e...... F . F W WOOL and NYLON TWEED of theft, conspiracy and friud in York City and has it* hekd of­ Avalkmg. stirring or just Seavily Insured Pla^^ l a smaller rocket mounted abova eavers, and the hiaband and wife j connection with use of 1,3.50.000 fice at St. Johns, Nfld. watching, a specialist In large- Yard $ 2 4 7 scale food service said today. the capsule was fired. The latter tegm of pianist Eugene List and ' PRErTEEN DRESSES VALUES TO $35.00 ■hares of common stock in Cana­ On the American Stock Ex- To Expiaind His rocket poosted the capsule to its violinist Carroll Glenn, for next HALE'S STURDYWEAR dian Javelin Ltd. as collateral for [ change in New York j'eslerday Arthur C. Avery, director of u ltim ^ height of 48,800 feet. season..A fourth concert will bej. NOW BOX-STITCHED 9UII-TED / Values 40^118.98. a 84.800,000 loan -from a Swiss I Canadian Jave.lln fell from a high the U.S, Navy’s Feeding Re­ “The second rocket was part of poulble. If Ihe membership ca m -11 bank. ef 810.75 and closed' at 89.25. Far East Trip search Laboratories in Bay­ Found Alive in Arizona Bdotel paign slat'd for Feb. 15-20 Is Sue-1 REG. $3.98 100% WOOL the device intended to free an Attorney* for the 44-year-pld Doyle was picked up at Dorval onne. advised a Rutgers Uni- . . ------:------J , Astronaut from the main vehlcla cessful.. MATTRESS PADS NOW $2 9 9 ^ $4 9 9 ■yersity class . that food could WITH CORNER ELASTIC Javelin . president - called the Airport Tuesday night Wljen he Washington." Jan. 21 (g*)—Pres!- Phoenix, Ariz.. Jan. 21 aign The stocky, white-haired Spears Conviot who turned up alive after . ministrator. will discuss the plan HEIRLOOM BEDSPREADS ♦7". Regular *14.95. $ * 1 .4 9 hower would lengthen his tour, lest to save. Africa for ChrlstlS'nity— \vas more interested in his an- he had perinisSion to drive it only is no stranger to trouble with the In general; Mrs. Doroth.v Dowdlng. Regular $3.98...... NOW $2.98 he Injure, the feelings of sortie ^IE\»’ers to these questiensi from .Tampa to Dallas. having been listed as dead In a Special ...... $10.95 \ Special friendly governments. South Ko-* no., segregated meetings. law. He calmly admitted as much nayAtailou* airliner crash. Dr. chief dietitian, will show slides and jcnifand twin bed slee. $10 98 Castro Orders .Ouster __iVbat. was the 65-year-old na­ ■Testimony at a CAB hearing Regular $5.98...... ,.;.N O W $4.59 'rea’s Ambitesador You (Jlian Yang Proposal -to-impose 810.090 lim.--. showed Taylor, 60, a Tampa tire at his arralghmeh't. Robert 'Vernon Spears of Dallaa, talk on the plan aa It affects her AnHqne white or bleached white . ^ It on Individual campaign contrib­ turopath up to when.,he took out department. T. V. LAMPS quickly predicted Elsenhower salesman, served lime wrtth Spears 'The record- shows that since whose name w-as on the pasaea- would visit his country. Othei’wise, utions stirs' fresh round of Senate 8100,000 in travel Insurance? Why 1927. Spears has been convlpted ger list of a National Airline* Both women will be heard in a Buy for your own use and for ififts. Truly a wonderful Indire<'t light. Rcautitul figurine on each,' Sizes: Small, medium aifd large. Colon,; Black, Red and vi-as -he listed fas ^ passenger on in 193'6. •’ITie two were said to have program following a p o 11 u c k \-alue! , ___ " Of Envoy Jrom Spain he said, SouUi Koreans “ will feel controversy over' bill to regulate talked in Tampa before th» Gulf of of mall fraud, forgery, larceny’, plane which fell into the Gulf pf SLACK SETS ond SKIRTS Modern *tyllng. Limited number. Royal, ver.v much slighted." . spending in federal elections . . . the ill-fated fligh t" „ , „ j- scheduled for 6:30. \ , Did he prevail upon Vyilliam Al-1 Mexico crash. Only 10 bodies— false pretenses, violation of im­ .V^exloo. Nov. 16. waa azyest^ Regular *6.9*. Special ...... "Thus far. h'oweverj the White No Immediate warming appears migration law's,' false personation By Big Top. Corduroy sI/^ to 11; Blnshtone and Relghtone. broadcast. Castro had sa)d the em­ tial reaction.. day night. •T doubt if I could make it if you you can, get as much mileage out FHJOBID*.ATiON STARTS Off white, metal slats, all 64’’ long. 24", 21” , 20’’, 18” , 25” . retirement age, say two doctors Now ...... *8.98 T. *12.98 bassy was, "In contact ivUb wax. • Eisenhower was last in Hawaii, Three national television- net­ w'ho deal with the problems of ag­ of your body as possible,’ forget Hartford, Jan. 21 (/P)— Fluori­ , 28” . Your choice. While they last. J Q criminals and he s ties with toem.” then a terrltcryj in 1952 when he works agree to carry, cultural and talk about slowing down, because dation of the Metropolitan Dis­ . .Each ing, . - LADY PEPPERELL TYPE 144 Regular *4.25. Special Closeout He accused the U.S. embassy of was pre.sident-clecl. • He stopped educational piograms on a regular British Bank Rate The senior citizen should live it inactivity means atrophy, or wast­ trict water supplies started to­ .similar activity aga'nst hla re­ there en route back from Korea. basis during, prime dvenlng hours ing away, of both mind and body." day. District filahager WlUlam SUPERFINE MUSLIN DIAPERS gime. . With Congress Vnoving into its at urging of Chairman of Federal C.r.f- r»F ^ moderately at least, and forget (FINEST M l’RlJN 5I.ADE) AIJ. FIRST QUALITY! LIBBEY SAFEDGE GLASSWARE Special ijC *- H i 1 C l v j d l l ’ -about taking it easy, they added. Dr. Klumpp told of a Dane Who A. D. Wurto has announoed. The SALE o The bearded prime minister tow­ final weeks as the political conven­ Communications Commission profession did very well by himself for ntote- MetropoUtan District Commis­ Guaranteed against chipping. Decorated pattern. Ifl oz. pair Coroner Louis W'. 'ipchaefer holds And the medical R E G i'L A R *2.99— 72x10* ...... *2.19 ered over the clean-shaven, aristo­ tions approach, Eisenhow'er may than 1’40 years. - sion supplies w ater ' to 315,000 WATKINS- I: "Prefolded. Begular $3.98...... NOW $2.79 size. Boxed. cratic diplom t aa he refused the feel he cannot spare from his du- friaries L. Raymond Jr. of 691. London, Jan. 21 (^i — Britain might justifiably s p ^ up REGULAR *8.29—*1x108 , ...... ------. j X2..89 Chix. Regular $3.75...... N O W Regular 89c net of 6. hiked its official bank Interost rate the application of some ,of its new This fellow, h’e said, was Chris­ persons in Hartford, '. East ' $2.59 ambassador’s demands to be heard ties the added tlir.e an' extended Prospect St.. Torrtnglon, crimi? Hartford. West Hartfo-rd, ..r ' REGUI-AR *3.69— 90x10* .7'. ------. . *2'.69 .Special . .Set of 6 HOSIERY DEPARTMENT—Main Floor. and shouted angrily: "You are not 'Asian tour would take. j nally responsible for fatal hlt-and- from 4 to 6 per pent today in a drugs and techniques to benefit tian Jacobsen Dragenberg, who 49c was born in 1626 and died in 1772. Bloomfield, Windsor, Newing­ . WEST REGULAR «RC— 42\S6 CASES ...... ;...... each .79c in Spain now'. You are In Cuba.” Tlie President; who Is known to l run accident tliat killed Mrs. Ruth move to check an outflow ,pf invest­ oldsters now, -ra’.lier than waiting for. some degree of perfection At the age of 70 he>.waa taken ton, Wethersfield, Iteeky HUI. REG! LAR *2.99—FITTED TW I N ____I ...... *2.19 After the ambassador was ta.^.be in a traveling nibod, an F. Pierce, 67, o f' 112 Rcbin Rd., ment money. ' Tuneral Servlea •WE GIVE Ample Free Parking Rear Of Our Store whisked aw'Sy to safety Trom the West Hartford on Dec, 12. The increase was prompted by which might take years or genera­ prisoner by "Algerian pirates. He Glastonbury, and sectiona ot REGULAR *3.29— FITTED FULL ...... *2-79, DIAPER SITS noiinced his visit to Tokyo ye.ster- ihenacing crowd, Castro brought day AS the climax to conferences pressit-re on the aterllng area’s tions! one of them said. greved as a- slave for, 15 years, South W’ind.*M>r. ORMO.VD J.-WEST. Director GREEN $TAMP$ 'These ideas w'ere pul before a 'then escaped, and participated in fjamous Wiake. Sizes 6 months, .1 year. $ 1 O Q , cheers from the studte audience with visiting Japanese Prbmier MESIAL TAKES /CUT gold and hard currency reserves, wtiicji fell $238 million in Droem- regional conference on aging and a War agains.t Sweden, ' W'ELF,VRB DEFICIT SEEN , ,142 EAST CENTER 8T. LADY PEPPERELL COMBED PERCALE years. Regular *8.ifM). ;Nbw ..... I • We neldome charge account*! •, with t^e assertion: Nobusuke KIshi. St.- Louts, Jan. 21 (/Pi — ‘Start Mitchell B-7196 Green Trading gtara|)», are “I will give the Spanish am­ Accepting a formal invitation, MusiaJ, slgoed Uta Iflth St. Louis ber and 833,200,000 for th'e whole in ’ a news conference yesterday At the agemf 111 the Dane mar­ Hartpfrd. Jaa: 31 (M—Deaptta . / TYPE 186 given with cash sales and also lo bassador 24 hours to get out of Eisenholver agreed to visit Japan 'Cardinal contract, today, 'ad­ of 1^9* ' ' ’by Dr.' TTieodore G. Klumpp W ried a woman of 60 and outlived econoiuies placed fii '^ d e t , .th# ■ -SALii' customers who pay their 'charge Cuba." about ,Jitne'?0. one day after end­ mittedly for a . cut from ithe Most of this, decline 'was attrib­ New York Ci:y and Dr. Alfred her. At 130 he proposed to several big Stete Welfare Departaient to REGULAR *8.19— 72x108 ...... /.vv,...... *2.29 Auerbaok of San Francisco. The women but was rejected. He livefi likely to end the S-yeaa flwnd pe­ account* within fifteen (15) days President -Oavaldo Dorticoa, who Juan Pablo de Lojendio, Mar­ ing! hla scheduled 10-day tour of $100,000 he was ^ Id the last utable to nonrepetitlv'e internation­ Slanchester’s Oldest REGULAR *3.39—4UxI08 ...... ’. *2:49 after hilling date. . , ' jm m iA . was in the audience, jumped' to two seasons.. Indications werq al loan repayments. Part of- it, conferance was ^sponsored by the another 16 years, during which hla riod with n deficit .of $S mfllkm. Russia as guest of Premier Nikita BOUCLESETS quis of Vellisca and Spanish American Medical Assn, and 'the. conduct-was -"far from blameless,” 'Thnt vrnii seen todtfy tp a E- with Finest Facilities. REGULAR *3.8»-r90xin* ...... f - - the microphone and shouted; ' ambassador to Cuba, speaks Khrushchev. that.the lact called for $80,000- however/ was caused by ipvcstofs OR-Street Parking searching for better interest yields Medical Aasociatlons pf Washing­ but he simmered down at the age month linnacto) repart tarSIstP ['■ REGULAR 79r-^2x88i, CASES ...... each 69c By McKern. 2 piece while shirt with aayy or red OPEN 6 DAYS M.ANCHESTER CPNN* “There la' no other course! This just Ijefore he is ousted from At the same time, Eisenhower $<85,000, The Alan’s Inttlng aver­ ■ Established 1674 to an official decision of our gpv- age dipped to .255 .liast year as aboard, particularly in the United ton, Oregon and. California.' of 1'41 and died at 146. I ConaptroUer Baymeed fc t ta lu lt e , REGULAR *3.19—TWIN F IT TE D ...... *3.29 Pm U. Size* 2, 8, 4 year*. $ 0 - 7 Q - THURSDAYS TILL 9 P/My a Havana TV studio where he Invited Japan’s Croivn Prince ."If one' man can live a 1if« a$ er,- cehptod toUB S g e * aNt tNER MAIN and OAK STREETS •mment.’’ protested statements by Prime Akihlto and hla young wife, Prlh- the Redbirds finished seventh- Rtates. Dr. Klumpp, a member of the RipGULAR *3.89— FULL FFTTED...... 8S-49 Regular *8.98.''Now ...... A - * ' ^ He had' never been under JIIO - ?AMA, Cat Committee on Aging, aaid OOnillM^wG ' Minister Fidel Castro. (AP (.CopUnoed on Page Six Stoner Oearra Mi (OuDUni^ OB Page Two) Photofax). ^Coatlna I oa Pagq.Eigbt) before. (Contliined oa Page 8 ^ ) . that i^m edical science has dt'^K* A \.'. I - > . ■ r -.1 V- ’Au ■ - ; ;v PAGE THREE /. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN..’mURSDAY, JANU^ltY 21, i960 __ -- ...... - I ■„ 1.1. 11-. I ■ i4ii ...... Tolhnd Courtly Rockville X M HS Juni&Ks MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN;, THURSDAY. JANUARY 21, 1960 Instruction Set Woman Injured RECORD HOF PAGE TWO From Your Neighbor’s Kitchen Test Effect^ On Water Cbloi Jn Driveway Fall FRIDAY. JAN. 22 Wrangle Before TV Audience By MARGE FLYNN 7:80 P.M. to 11:80 PJ«. South Windsor Bolton Mrs. -Beatrice Dumah, 36, 42 Sheinwold on Bridge TV Education Ha^S^i.fOUr 50th and newest A demonstration of watej/colora state, has a pot pourrl of na­ ■will be given at a meeting of the Prospect St., Rockville, waa ad­ Motenie Tomplo HoH tionality strains and a cosmopo­ Tolland County Art ^ a n . Feb. mitted to Mancheater Memorial PBC Drafts Mancheater High School stu- Castro Orders Ouster litan cuisine. 2 at 8 p.m. at School/Building B. Hospital this morning for treat­ Council-Manager BRIDGE FISHING ' South dealer deniUi will help in an experiment Park St., Rockville. SfUSlO BY THE Neither tide vuloerabla Mrs. Fumlko Shlipoda, wife of ment of her left ankle, broken in IS FINE SPORTS to tent, the effectiveness of educa­ the Rev. Robert Shlmoda, pastor William Thomsop'"of Briatol wil Its Own Law NORTH tional television. a fall in Rockville about 10:30. "STRATATONfS" ' Of Envoy from m By Alfred Shplnwold A 10 3 qf the Talcotlvllle Congreigatlofial demonstrate thg--^ use of watar Form Recommended U.S. Masters Team Champion Two junior history classes, one Church, is Hawaiian-born of Ja­ colors in painttrfg. He has stuped Mrs. Duman aaid ahe was walk­ ¥ Q 8 hi Wie college prepartory course ♦ A743 panese descent. Two of her favor­ at the Meriden Trade Scho^and ing up the driveway of the Muni­ For Approval Fishing at the bridge table calUs and one in the general course, will the Paier Art Scliool in HtW Hav­ (Continued from Page One) Louis, who is among a group of pb't only for the right bait but also « i 10 8 4 3 - ite recipes are Tempura, a Ja))a7 cipal Parking lot oa School Sti. The Charier Commission-W. Stone, Atty. Edwin l>assman. Americans Invited to Havana by EAST watch and hear lectures by top en, Hla palritinga have b e ^ exhib­ across from th« Palace Theater A .proposed ordinance just for the right fish. A minnow gives WEST ne.se shrimp and vegetable din­ will recommend n‘ rouncll-managei' R, Chase Lasbury, Gaylord L., "W e are going to recall our am­ the Casfiro government to help rill 4 K J 8 7 3 4 Q9643 New England college economists ited in toe American lA^ter Colour when the mishap occurred. She r.iii you no fiin; a shark breaks your ner; and Spareribs with Pineapple. Show, in which he wbj>4he Roths^ government for South Windsor. R. Paine. William Coughlin Jr., t-e- drafted by the Publfc Building bassador Immediately, there is no prompte the l«,»’ ring tourist in­ ¥16 3. ¥ K 10 7 3 on the economic facts of life in was taken to the Manchester hos­ line and hands ybu a fishy laugh. -a Chinese dish. child, Purchase Prize/at the New Chase Lasbury told the Republican roy Leonard and John Bancroft. Commission outlines in detail'Its other remedy,” declared Castro. dustry, was called to the micro­ ♦ Q ♦ 10 9 America since the Civil War. The pital by the Rockville City Hos­ The right combination of bait and Shrimp and Vegetable Tempura H^ven Festival O f^ e Arts. Eaat- Notice Town Committee last night. Heads PTA t'diincU "W e are not going to lose much.” phone and said: « KQ72 ♦ A6 16-weeks series starts Feb. 8. pital ambulance. powers and duties as well as pointa fish gives you a pleasant meal. Shell one pound of shrimps, erh States E xp^tlon , and the He said a 9-membei- council is Glenn Roberts of Kelly Rd, was " I congratulate the prime min­ • SOUTH -Two other classes, set up as of organization and qualification He added sarcastically: "I hope West opened the seven of spades, leaving the tail on. Slit the back Springfield A c ^ m y . Springfield. planned, with the minority party elected president of the new PTA ister and the rebel army fbr th'e A A "cowtrols," will be taught the same of ex-officio members. ... they don't send the Spanish fleet and Albert Morehead, declarer,' but do not cut all the way through Mass. He is a ^em b er of The Con­ WE HAVE DAILY holding ht least three, posts on the Council'at a meeting.at the Wap- protection they gave’ to the Spanish ¥ A 9 4 2 material without television. Both '12 Die o f .Asian Flu to invade the island.’’ won with the ace. Morehead, a 4 KJ 8632 to prepare the shrimp butterfly necticut So^ty of Watercolora Engaged rouncil. This group would elect itsj Sehbol Tuesday itfght. Other The ordinance will be submitted Cuba was under Spanish rule ambassador.” groups wtli be glvgn the same bridge authority for the past 30 4> 9 3 tests. From the results, the school style, aean out intestines. Flatten Connecticut Fine Arts Acade: The engagement of JJiss Eliza­ DELIVERY TO THE own leader and would be respon- officers are Jo.seph Mile.s, first to a special town meeting for ap­ for centuries -until It gained Inde­ During the uproar the TV picture Lois Angeles, 'Jan. 21 (/P)— Aslan years, saw no legitimate play for So«lh West Norih East hopes to be able, to evaluate the shrimp with the flat side of a the Sprlngffleld ( Maas.) Acad^'mir beth Loillae Wilkeyson of South’- flu has been listed as the primary i alble foi' selecting a town manager vice preside'nt: Howard Stetson, proval by the voters, according to pendence with the help of the was blacked out but the sound •lilt his contract so reached into his 1 4 .Double 2 4 3 4l effectiveness of tileviaion as a knife and salt lightly. Hold shrimp, Artists /Assn., the Ne\^ Haven ington- to Louia J. Gagnon Jr. of cause of 12 deaths in Ls)a Angeles Unlike Glaslonburj' the council second vice pfesifilenl'. Mrs. Louis present plans of the Board, of Se­ United States in 1898. It became kept going and the shbuting we'tlt bait box and got his line ready. 4 4 4 4 Fast Pus by tail and dip into batter and Paint Clay, and Allied Artists Manchester is announced by her County since an outbreak of the here would also hold the pur.se^ Cersosinio, recording . secretary; lectmen. a republic in 1902. out over the air. teaching medium. BOLTON He led a low club from his hand 3 4 Pass Pass Double Lewis Piper, head ot the MHS fry in deep fat. of Apierica. - / parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burton E, disease 12 days ago. strings over the town budget, re Mrs. Alien Brown, cbn'e.yionding . The powe’rs and duties of the While Castro was speaking, a Castro denounced the Spanish envoy as a "holdover of fascism, " and played a low club from dum­ All Pass history department, and Theodore Batter recipe; has won nay^rnl prizes and Wilkeyson of Southington. placing the present Board of I*''-1 5ei.'retai y; and Mr.sH.. Russell PBC as defined by the ordinance crowd of about 1,000 gathered out­ Opening lead — 47 Forty-nine pneumonia deatjwi in my, allowing East to win with thie Martin, a st'aff member, are mak­ 1 cup flour hvf" work hiia reviewed in the Her fiance is the son of Mr. and nance. . la-vacU, treasurer. are broken into six area.s. The side the TV studio shouting "Out and declared: the same period are nearly double "The diplomats attitude was • II' ■ I M . • .six of clubs. That was just the ing arrangementa for local pafticl- 1 egg rench art-'"magazine, "Modern Mrs. Louis J. Gagnon, 50 West- AREA Effective July .SI. IStH a uni-. Members adopted bv-law.Xand first slates that “ the commission with the Spanish ambassador.” itmuiUiMi the total to date last year, city .shameful and surprising, as If he iimtHM ih| hook; the line arid sinker were to hearts in hU hand and only two pation in the aeries. A special 1 teaspoon salt Flcview.” / wood St. form fiscal year would be adopted' ^^ppoinicd Miles as .chairman of a ahall be generally responsible for The middle-aged marquis wa.s MM H4M t Mil health officer George M. Uhl an­ had established -new diplomatic .. • > If III t I! l( follow. trumps in the dummy. No matter training program for teachers in­ ti teaspoon baking powder The,jrfeeting is open to the pul)- The Dride-elect is a graduate of ending on the Iasi day of ; naison committee between the planning and construction of .such taken away under the protective iiMimiiiir nounced yesterday. Inasmuch as this means a cliange | goard of Education and the Publfc rules here. The only thing he IflMMUUtt . East returned . a spade, and how South struggled he would volved in the experiment Is now 44 cup water or milk llc. / Southington High School, class of PINE LENOX public buildings as may be speci­ cu.stody of Cuba's army chief, Maj. Ml i <re- acquisition of land. Morehead had been w aiting. for. is certainly not worth 2 points, as small sums. p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Verne OIseii;;.g ernment. tro regime Is not creating the pare* similarly dipped and fried Plans call for increasing the Subject to approve of the Board Asked if he thought the develop- He let the heart ride 'aroupd to a queen and anothef 2 points as a teacher at the school, will be in" climate to induce American tavest- dummy’s queen. Then he took the vegetables. Sweet ^tatoes may number of members on the Board charge of the arfair. oL. Selectmen, the PBC would be mentfe-jmeant a break in diplomatic Singleton. ments in Cuba. The U.S. embassy ace of hearts and ruffed two hearts (('4>pyright 1960, General Driver in Cra.sli be peeled and slired into I-4-inch of Education from to-“8. Briefs empiiwered to sell, demolish . or relations between the two coun­ delivered a sharp protest against thickness, dipped- in 'batter and The charier .drafted by the local with dummy's two remaining Features fVirp.) Cubs Scout Pack 226 will meet otherwfis,lervvtia dispose of hiiildings on tries, he )!«plied: "W e must wait the mariner in which LT.S.-owned fried. String beans are slit and cut Charter-Study Commission will be trumps. Suffers Fracture Friday, Jan^ 22 at 7 p.m. at the sites acquiL«4.^or new building. and see.” " , property in Cuba is being seized. into 3-inch lengths, carrol.s sliced X unveiled at a public hearing Feb. fill, .Shark Might Bite 24,000 R.ARLY BIRDS Wappin*/School. It may also pi;epare plans, em­ , The envoy said he was listening Castro also charged that U.S.- into thin slivers about J-4-inch 'a at 8 p.m. at the W applng to Castro’s broadcast and "I heard You might hook a shark in this ■ Hartford, -Jan. 21 If you C^ief/Warrant Officer Kenneth ploy architects, sl^rvlsors. engi­ based planes made recent fire raids sm iM. r> ‘ John J. Za'.vislowskl. 60, of 33 thick, and onions rut into rings School. This week the commission with t r « surprise hli calumnious situation, but ypu wouldn’t keep haven’t filed your federal income Mather St., suffered a possible Wllliapis will be in charge of the neers and professional assistants, on Cuban sugar cane fields. snd all dipped in batter and fried. (Herald Photo by Saternls) !l completed the work of drafting statements which affected me! him hooked.,.,He would take your tax return yet, you’re still in the fractured breast bone yezterday in science film and discuaaion. procure bids, enter into contracts He la.shed back at calls in the bait and then makfe off -with 'it. majority, • '^ e Internal Rwenue Sparerib* %!ith Pineapple the 30-page document. A ll parents 6nd friends are In­ Therefore I went with my press a 2-car crash at N. Main St. and and, within limits of appropria­ United States for an end to the Deaths Last Night A sharky East would return.a Service said ye.sterday thajr-^4,000 2 lbs. fresh apareiibs. cut'in 2- The group has until Feb. 13 vited to attend. adviser to the television studios Tolland Tpke.' a pastorate in Northbridge. Ma.sa., among her friends in Talcottville. tions made, execute plans ^Mor (Premium prices the United States spade on being hooked with the earlje birds have alreSay filed Inch pieces. to submit, the charter to the Board pub Scout, committee members for the purpose of asking the mod- He was x-rayed last night at the Shimoda.* came to Talr^ts'llle Her "Yarriree” children, • however, building. pays for Cuban sugar above the Centre Island, N.Y.— Wolfgang second round of clubs. U would not theirs. The remainder of -the 960i-' '2 tablespoons salad oil. of Selectmen; A fter another pub;^, have, completed, plans for. the Gol­ erator of this station to authorize Iklahchester Memorial'Hospital and two years ago. prefer hamburgers and apaghetti! It is charged with supervision world price.- von Gerloff. 34, advertising man help South to ruff in his hand and 000 stale taxpayers are expected a; CUB pineapple juice, lie hearing it wiiL.be submitted to den Jubilee banquet to be "held F ri­ me to immediately deny before the hi.* condition today la good, hos­ of construction and the duty to ."They call' the difference in and husband of a shipping heiress, discard a heart from dummy. This to .cotrie thniugh". by April 15; the 3 tablespoons brown sugar ■ Mrs. Shlmoda. who /Conned a voters for final approval at either day, Feb. 19 in connection with the people pf Cuba those • calumnies.'' pital authorities saj’. He w’as ad­ carry out a common and suitable Joe Louis, former World heavy price . . . a subsidy,” he said. "'It’s was found shot fo death Wednes­ would "leave him with' three low deadline. 5 to^snoons cider yinegar. b(»utiful Japanese kimpha for the Got First License a regular or special election. '■ SOthhanniveraary of Boy Scouting, mitted to the hospital. photographer, u.*es, Mopslicka as archfteclural design. It shall co; weight boxing ■ champion, was in a system to protect American day. Police said he apparently 2 W»!poons soya sauce. - John M a d d e 'm CSC chairman, The''American Legion Auxiliary ' Zawlstowski’i passenger, Mrs. tongs for dipping the Shrimp into ordinate the functions of "various the audience oiiriiig the fracas, cane interests.” commited suicide. His wife, Min­ ’ 7 tablespoon fresh or dried First driver’s license to a wonian •aid .his group held 28 meetings met Wednesday night at the Com- Armlnda Frazao of I ’’ Kerry _^t, the batter-and als^for eating the town agencies relating, to con­ erva Oelsner von Gerloff, is the gineer root soaked In waa on March 22. 1900. Mrs. W al­ and spent 500 man hours In draft­ ‘ munity H all on Main St. suffered injuries to her head; neck fried shrimp. / ter Bush ( then Mias Anne French 1 WORLD struction, cooperate with state and daughter of riiipping magnate Ed­ 1 tabiMipoon water, ing the document. wuch other timea as 'r^uested by and knees. She was treated at the got a steam engineer’s permit, the federal agencies in the name of ward C. W. Oel.sner. arid Mrs. BURN'SIUI-I] Mrs. Shim ows Far Eastern Among officials and boards in­ - Manchester B v e n i n'g Herald the Selectmen. ' EflSTUIOOD-AISVfMIff » 4 AM HAIfTfOWn hospiUI and discharged. cup water. first driving license granted to a: and with the approval of the Se­ Oelsner. The Von Gerloffs had BDPNHOI AVI I All KAi-IJOwl 4 slice.* pineapple. dishes are in /opuiar demand for (MANCHESTER MILLS) terviewed were, the Board of Ed­ South Windsor eerrespohdent El­ A provision on bidding requires Skating Zawistowski was arrested after woman. lectmen, eujter Into agreements to 1 been separated for the last 2 'j RROAHHAVN MI'HICAL SMAKR... Roll lightlv salted pieces of, social's and/company occasions ucation, Board of Finance, Board more Burnham, telephone Mitchell at leaqt three bids be obtained for the crash and was charged with take advantage of subsidies or months. ___ >OW THK PKRKKCrr FFN sparerib.* in. flour and brown in 1 MANCHESTER GREEN SHOPPING^CENTER— EAST MIDDLE TPKE. of Selectmen, constables, Indus-;^ 4-0674. each building,project. The PBC is Report • -fla m . AM) MISUAL MOVIE failure, to grant the right of way. grants. empowered to award' contracts at • Kansa.s City — C. G. (Pete) According to police, he turned in hot fat. Drain off all but tw o ! trial Development Commission, Wellington.. 69. executive editor of "LI'L ABNER" T Except a; btherwiiie provided iiv its discretion and in accordance front of an oncoming car driven b y tablespoons of fat and add the ■ Public Building Commission, in­ PLANNING ORANtU.^ the Kansas City Star since 19,5^ In I'nUr - VUta^UlnB OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. t o lo' P.M. • FREE PARKING the ordinance, the commission with its best judgment for the r^t#r Pnlmer Parrith M errill T. Salmon. 36. of 34 pineapple juice, sugar, gin ger. surance Commission. Planning and Hartford. Jan. 21 ''.'The and with the newspaper since 1916, would have exclusive authority and benefit of the town. Ekich award • Ice akaling conditions at both Helalne Rd. Both cars were heavily- juice, vinegar, soya sauce and Zoning Commission. Public Stale .Development Commiasnan died Wednesday of.;R heart attack Pill* /direction over public building prot must be limited by the appropria­ Charter Oak Park and Oeriter damaged and had to be to-x-ed wafer. Cover and almmer for 45 2!oning Commission. Public Health yesterday granted allocations aboard a ship on a vacation cruise . Hrratlri^RK KEril^nirnt ^gt;ams other - than normal main- tion set for the project. Harry Hriafonir <• Bab^rl R y u awav. minutes or until pork is tender. Nursing A»an. tax collector, totaling 175.000 for redevelopment Springa Annex were reported good in the Caribbean. He had served We believe Kirsch Vertical tertance' nee wol-k,w( minor alterations or "ODDS AGAINST Zawistowski was driving east on ' Stir occasionallv during cooking. FINEST INDIES'SKIRTS teer Fire Department, and Zoning planning to three Connecticut The BBC would be reepcmsible / LAMES' today. Public auperviaed ekating .as chairrhan of the Associated ,S:I« «:S010 N. Main St., police said, and Sal­ Add more water if necessarv. Add Board of Appeals. cities. The grants were $40,650 to repaihe; for supervision o f each project at each area wiH be held uniil 10 Pre.ss Managing Editors’ A.san. in Metal-Slat Blinds as we make them are the finest. Tweed*. *olld*. quilted, plaid*. 14)0% opoaal chargee the PBC TOMORROW mon was driv.ng west Zawistow- extra xdnezar or .suear to sui .50 Commission, members in addi­ New Britain. $16,050 to New Lon­ - The ^ o while in progress and could em­ o'clock tonight. 1940 and was a former director of .wool doe*kin fiannel. Size* 33-88. Re|f. to marks k yeport annually and at ski started to make a left turn into taste. Add wedoe-shaned pieces of tion to Madden include: George don, and $18,300 to Norwalk. ploy approprias.6 persons to super­ Coasting is f^m itted daily until the -American Society of Newspa­ Hun.. *'Srd Man On The MiiunUlii" ««n. *‘Srd Man Oa Tk^ Mnanlala** We'll jfladly show you why. Call MI 3-4865. 87.99. . ' for vise construcUon. )Lt is required to Tolland Tpke. aero** ' the west­ pineapple to the pork' apd hrj/ne COATS 5 o’clock at Center Springa Park. per Editor.s. He was bom in f>sl- bound lane. Saln.on tried to -stop, * X, , Othars 2 for S3.S0 file a final report upon completion to boil and simmer for s copple Center Springa Pond remains ins. Kan., and his full name was 100% wool, 100% of each project and file appropriate police said, but crashed into the of minutes. Serve hoL ■ / closed. ^ . Clarence George Wellington. orlon pile lining. reports of progress when requested other car. Mrs Shitpoda met her h|4sband The accused, is due in court Jan. White, plaid*, b>- the Selectmen. at the "V ” in Honolulu "they $0. ■ , ' were married there L5 w ars ago. FINDELL MFC. CO. tweed*, nolld*. Sizes LADIES' POLOS Provisions for organization of Their,tw o oldest children, Mark! 8 to 44. Aa*oried style* white and color*, eottons, acetato the PBC require that itJMdialrman Heavily Insured Plane ^Victim’] SPECIAL 485 E. MIDDLE TPKE.. MANCHESTER and secretary be .elected irem Its Mexioan Quads H u p 12. and Robie, 11. -w ^e born in a*S. S24.TS and rayon. . i six members; that it hold^regular Hawaii. The Shimoda/came td the Venetian Bhnds, Repairs, Repair Parts S-M-L. REe. $1.00 'Tqeetings and.' keep a record of Found Alive in Arizona Motel Matamoroa Mexico, Jan. 21 !/P) United States s e v ^ years ago. .00 — A locji) -farmer's wife, already and their third child. Phvltis, 7. thkm; that a quorum shall be a the mother of seven, gave birth waa bom in Maaaachusetts. After majority of the members; and (Continued from Page.One) hands on him.” said Chief Investi- l that n^/more-lhan four members .gatpr JulianvR. Blodgett__ _— . ..— ; t.o - -quadruplets here... Tuesday LADIES' BLOUSES may be ntcmbeis of. one pblilical and robbery. He sehved prison Blodgetl/'flew to Phoenix last ■ night. “ 7 The births of three boys and a Cotton wash 'n wear, dre**y, tnilored. ■ parly. It aUSo, provides that sub­ terms in Leavenworth, Kan.; Mis­ night, ■ I 'White, colors, plaid*, print*. Sizes 83-40. for committees of "members or. other In another late development, the I girl at Civil Hospital are be­ souri: Ohio; Pennsylvania; Michi­ electors of the town' may ^ c * - car Speers is accused of bringing | lieved to be this border city’s first REG. $1.99 ated' to in tffiscforhiulation gan: Florida; Oklahoma and Mary­ to Arizona was found ’ last night ' FISITFRY quadruple^ births. of a program. land. abandoned riejir >New Pviver, about i Hospital, attendanta aaid the lA tl YOU CAN EAT) The proVisioriTbr ex'-officio mem­ He was free under a $2,500 bond 40 m’iles north oi'Phoenix. mother. Mrs. Francisco Rodriquez, GIRLS’ arid the quads were In fine condi­ bers states 'The Board of Fmepce, a California indictnrent for last chance before CIRLS’ SLIM JIM M .27 GIRLS' Board of Fxiucation., Board o f' ^ ' Frl«d Rsh Lemon Wedge tion late yesterday. She and. her lectmen and the Town Plannin, abortion when he disappeared. A Symphony Plalni^ m nclT Fried Potatoes , Cdeslow husband’s other children range In SNOW Importei! fabrie, wa*hable, 100% ray­ HOODED ■ age from 15 months to 16 years. Commission . . . only upon- requesL -defendant in that case said Freshly Bohed Roils and Buttor on. plaid*. Size* 7-14. Reg $1.90. . of the PBC) may appoim a mem­ Speaks told him he knevv New To Extend JPi4Ve The mother Is 44, the father 48. SUITS ber of their respective Boards to York Tawj’er Frink. Dr. Porfirio Guterrez, who was GAR become a nofi-voting member of SpeaiaS(^s a practicing naturo­ The annuaL-'$65,00<) fund drive ■ In attendance at the births, said the white pages of your Poplin. 100% ny­ the commi-ssion.” path in Dana."!. A naturopath for the,j«Upport of the Hartford Every Friday the quads weighed about four lon* with hood, GIRLS^ SLAX Grange to Meet claims the abfiHy to heal but uses Syjivpfiony Orchestra has'been ex­ pounds each. / quilt lined, insu­ GOATS A Neighbors’ Night will be ob- j neither drugs noiNmrgery. He tended until, the end of the 'morith, 5 P.M . to 9 P.M . lated with mira Corduroy a»*orted color*. Sizes 3-8. served at the .meeting of trie j lie.-, instead bn a sj^tem of physi- it was reported today by Mrs. B. r.loud. Size* 12-24 .Stripe*, check*. Reg. .41.39. Grange tomorrow at 8 p.rii. at the ! cal culture which. ” 'jinpposedly R. Bliss, chairman of the drive in telephone directory nio*. 4 to Ox. Community Hall. Hebron^ Andover ! .stimulates natural--Vecove>y from Manchester. ENJOY ONE OF OUR DaiClOUS Limited quantity. and Columbia Granges, the vis-illne.ss. ' The educational program alone THIRST Reg. $7.95. GIRLS’ itof's, and the lcx;al unit-will each ^ T h e -F fij declined to say h^ has been made available to more REG. $5.99 put on a 10 or 15 minutejprqgram. : learned Spears was in than .50,000 school children in the COCKTAILS SATISFYING Poplin, quUf On- Rag. %±.C0 Members of the^local Grange art j phoenix. The manager of the Bali including Manchester school DRESSES ed. .Solids, colors..' |l4 askedked to brinebring hand-madehand-madj -artdi- ■ gpea^. registered pupils, Mrs. Bliss pointed out. M in d ef? go to press ► . $ r.5 0 Sizes 7-14. Limit- ^ i cles and baked goods for'the auc­ as George Rhodes, obviously was Co-chairman of the fund cam­ Wa*h 'n near. Sollda, ~ ed qiigfittty. tion which will be cofiSucted by the in.V hurry when he checked but. paign here is Mrs. Arthur Stewart. -eheek*. plaid*, a**orted for men of the yvaji's arid means com- Solicitors in XtanoKester are Mrs. TSv'o FBI agents grabbed him ai .*tyle». Size* , 7-14. m ittee/ > ^ s. Warren Amundseri he wa.s climbing Into a- taxicab. S. Steven Suttoh>/Mr8. Waldo Du- Limited quantity. ,wHl kerve as chairman of the re­ Charme, Mrs. Emef^^owson, Mrs. 'VmdMark far Hnyry AaMrtceas” freshment commit te^ He tried to avoid photographers Edwin T. Leonard III>-Mrs. Jacque 4.V Years Wed by covering-his:face with-htyhanda STiavVHrs. B n n eT lb b b ih i^ s. G. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Lee of He­ at his various appearances in R. Miller. Mrs. Richard Hhb^rd, On Tolland Turnpike UTE I^OELS-ALl BOYS’ SLACKS Boys’ Sport SHIRTS bron Rd. celebrated their 45th PhoeniXi but appeared composed Mrs. G. Albert Pearson,' Mr.s/N^l hlAKESXGlIAT DUYSI BOYS’ POLOS at the arraignment. Mile Off Oaklahd Street wedding anniversary at.their home den Grant. Mrs. Edgar Wasilie: Corduroy, stripe*. Size* 4-12, Wash 'n . wear. Long sleeves, "That's all right, sir,” he told '59 OLDB. SUPER 88 100% cotton. Guaranteed washable. 5uhday„.The surprise open house, Mrs. Roger Macomber, Mrs. W ar­ Sizes 4-8. Solid*, rhe«'k<, plaid*. given by their daughter. Mrs. Bart the commKsion^r when told he ren Thurnauer, Mrs. E. Paul Abert, 2-Door Hardtop Miniter, wa.s attended by 75 rela­ would be held for federal court act­ Mrs. Harold Phillips, Mrs. John REG. $1.99 REG. $2.,59 tives and friends from Rhode Is­ ion. ’ ■ Chamberlain, Mrs, James McGov­ •69 OLDS. SUPPR 88 ^ _4-Door Hardtop , land, Norwich. Rockville. Hart­ - In Dallas. Spe^ar.s' attractive ern, Mrs. Jacqueline Spencer of JesMt H«y« a# Mr fmik Brsf OWee asd (niMl $tr*M tl am" ford. Manchester and Bolton. Mrs. wife, Francis^ 36, sobbed at the Bolton, and Miss Jtfne . Radding 2 r , * 3 0 0 F w i*HlM Avenue OfBeu, rotve a problum fw Scrun'i len. and Miss Mary Ann Garavepta, ’59 OLDS. 88 Howard C, Chase and Mrs. Eliot news. - ' ' 4-Door Hardtop Adams, neighbor."! of the couple, "1 don’t know whgt to say — both membo"-"! of the Junior Sym- OTHER SIZES S.to po\ired. for for ' there’s not an.vthing I can say." phiwiy auxiliary. '58 PONTIAC? BOXXE.VILU: Playing ’’Mr. Fixit” is a .Dimes Drive Last Sunday, she had . loyally 2-Door Hardtop 2 *2.25 Mrs. Leslie Bolton, trezauier of told reporters'that If her husband STATE INCLUDING the, local March - of Dimes- cam­ were alive,_” he’d here with me and —x ’ 68 fO R D ,CUSTOM 8 - . M EN’S , , - role our people enjoy paign, announces that .to date 116 the-babies.” ’ . . Local Stocks TODAY •.^2-DoPr Hardtop cards have been returned making She said • .sh.e didn’t get any MANCHESTER • ROCKVILLE MEN'S CONTINUOUS the total collection $216.35. This money from the ift-siirancc. '57 OLDS.’ 98 SUBURBAN GOATS year. 900 cards were , , ,mailed to ,resi- I She cut the interview and pic- ^ Quotattena F«irnl8hed by ; FROM 5:00 2-Door Hardtop .' MEN’S PAj^MAS dents by Mr. and Mrs. Milton Jen- | ture-taking short with the plea she Cpbum ft Mlddlehrook, Inc. I ’ COVENTRY EXCHANGES Wool and cAshmere. 100%, wool, ,Afi active citizens of their communities, our people share Bank Stock* Thft CamsMit sen. Last year mail returns care,for. •87 OLDS SUPER 88 . grays, twacd*. ■ ''* • Wash 'ri wear cottonsi flannels. Bid Asked HffvkwHVlie 4-Door Hardtop ; ... and, therefore, appreciate . . . the needs and respon- brought m $410.75. , , Washington. Oscar Bakke, 'Sizes A-B-C-D. TEE SHIRTS , Culinary Show j head of the CAB safely' section, Conn. Bank and Trust K a p J k n f BbflitiM of others. Tliey understand the pr^ures, of Mrs. Riith Mount, Mrs. Ruth jaid Navv search teams have » Conn...... 45. 47 '57 OLIXS-. 88' : 4-Drtor. Hardtop REG. $2.99 modem living and.know what it can mean to be relieved Shedd, Mrs, Alice.Balch end Mrs. folind what might be wreckage of Hartford National ' MoTlMi ' Kva Morra, hot liindh perponnel of the plane in 246 feet of water 70 Bank and Trust Go 39 Vi World... 100% cotton. 8- of a financial worry . . . or be given'a financial lift. i^re Insurance Compariles '67BUiCK-X There’s still time to arrange for a new, changed, or addi- 36-46 th'e Elementary School, , attended miles south of Biloxi, Miss. . 2-Door Hardtop M-I» As bankers, our people can be helpful in a hundred, the second annual Hotel and Res­ Aetna F’ire ...... 68;l2 . -71'v lirlng Aa C taurant Show and CuUnaty Arts In Miami; Fla., CAB inve."!tiga- Hartford Fire .....7190 200 different ways. Consequently, they regard their work as tor Charles S. Collar said the Navy ‘ ’67 CADILLAC tional listing in the White Pages of the phone book. Order Rag. ■x Exhibit at the Hotel Statler In National Fire ...*..140 1.50 . Cyp«y-— t 2-Door Hanltop REG. 69e^ a eervii^ to their friends and neighbors .not “just Hartford Monday evening as salvage ship ’ USS Penguin will Phoenix Fire ...... 78'i 8IV2 $19.95 leave Key West Monday for the Stnoorrr' N^. a listing for your son, daughter, mother-in-law, father-in- a job.” guests of B. Golden and Sons, Inc.', U fe and .Indemnity ln% Coa. '58 OLDS. 88 of Hartford. • ' . scene. AnpUjer Navy craft, the Aetna 'Casualty ... ,211 221 ' DOBCor>'J' X 4-Door Hardtop You’ll ifind it a pleasure to do business with people A total of. $145,27 was deposited Cigor, will" leave Pa.nama C ity td Aetna Life 84 ' 81 law, parent or grandparent. An additional listing makes it mark out trie area for the Penguin, ....AND B ECA U SE OF *66 OLDS. SUPER 88 who think and feel this Way about their work. You also In the school savings system this Conn. General Universal Immersible Coffematic: Sunbeam Hnllow-Oroun'di week by 110 students. Five pupils he said. Hftd. Steam Boiler .. 85 90 4-Door Hardtop . ■ • DOMINION FULLY * win be pleased with the full range of banking services IH E M lllM L E easy for people to call any member of your household. It’s Shavemaater. Reg. $24.95. 12.00 purchased U.'S. Savings . Stamps Collar, who brought Spe'ars' Travelers I ...’ ...... 82 . .85 * '68 OLDS, 98 Seup. $14 00 AUTOMATIC POPCORN Rollmaater. valued at $3 .00. name into the Inv’estigation, said Public Ltllltiee SHE CAME BACK-TO Reg. $20.9.5. ^ I ^ . V V ti^y have to offer. So drop, in soon and make yourself 4.-Door 'Hardtop Reg. $’29.95. . . *16.00 Parent.*’ 'Night it was "quite a surprise” to U#.rn Conn. Light & powe)* 22 24 bargain ip convenience only~ 5’0< a month. .Presto Automatic Siibrneralble. POPPER and UTILITY COOKER “BCOMEAmjHYY a New .Sclliek S-apeed Elec- C l Q | \ A knowi^ at any ope of our 28 offices. The annual Parents’ Night of Spears had -been located. Spears' Hftd. Electric Light 62 65 '66 OLDS. SUPER ^8 . 9 cup in Stainless nteel. New ultra modern styling. trie razor. Beg. $28.50. . . I O - W V - Troop'No. 73 will be held at the presence on the pl’a'ne. "was ques­ Hartford Gas Co. .'. 41- , 44 4-Door Hardtop "‘1. Reg. $29.95...... $ 1 2 . 0 0 Rejf. $12.9.5, $ r ‘ ~ Community Hall thls'^ evening at tioned after i.t was learned a Southern New England We«HnRhoii*e Automatic. .Auto-Home Power Shaver. C ^ f t A A T:30’b’clock. Tampa , friend had vaniiWed just Telephone ...... 44VS 46Vi 9 ’65 OLDS. 98 Just call the telephone business office.. 8' Clip. Reg. $’24.9.5...... ni.oo SOD Reg. 48S..5lf...... » 2 Q . U U before the airjiner took off from Manufacturing Companies 4-Door H ar^pp • , s M^rhenter Kveniiig Herald Bol­ Tahipa for New Orleans. Arroty, Hart. Heg. ..64 - ' 68 nneetieut Bank Dainty Maid. Oven proof cov-'|t4J ton . cnrreapondsqji, Silr*. Louis Both Bakke and Sen. A. Si Associated Spring .. 21'.j 23 -'• -V.'' EMPREX AUTOMATIC . FAMOUS SHEFHaD OtOWN Dlmiu'k Jr., telephone MItrhell (Mike) . Monroney tD-OklalV sub- Bristol Brass llVp 13 CREST StAINLESS STEEL prod. Reg. $4b99. „ . .o.. d i A M y . NP TRUST COMPANV 9-98’2S. comi'nlltee chgirman,_ Said they D.unharii Bush * ...... 9 10 ELECTRIC SKIjLtr' . 2 j 4)t. Utility,’ Dish, with 8M MAIN .IT., MA.VCHESTER Oldamobllea for O.ver o Immersible.' Blg,fiamUy size I,n Los Angeles, three abortion Landers Fr’sry Clark l9Vi . ’21 CuroliBAKEIvRifirMOORC Set of 6. Guaranteed. atand. Glnahake. NORTH BRA.VCHt -15 N. MA|N ST. Cape Town -The South African counts dgaintt Speai’s were filed N. B.Machlne ------:./22 24 2.5 Year*;’ Only $ left. WaittrSlEZAK • Yittorio^SSMAN R A Y DWYER— Used Car Mgr. The Southern New England TELEPHONE Company Resr. $24.96...... *3 0 0 Reg. $4.09. $ 2 . 0 0 Reserve bank has sold 13>2 tons pf by the district attorney's officoi North ahd Judd .... "37' i 40 Reg. $10.05. 1 ^ 6 5 0 gold', worth about $14,000,000. to The office sked $105,000 bond op Rogers Corp. (B)' - • ■ PLUS 512 WEST CENTER ST. ■private interests sjnee list April Spears on one count of conspiracy Stanley Works New/21 • 23 Griat Human Aivinturti Ml 8-15tl OPEN iyT‘S •the gdld can be .bought by private to commit abortion and two counts TPrry Steam ,38 42 DOG’S BEST’FRIEND" Torrington ...... 32 V4 34 . t . t m n m EEDERAL DSPOaiT INStnUHCX COREORATIpN. indivifiuala and organlzationjs (non' o f abortion. . /'• "We want to be »ur« th*t If fed­ ■Veeder Root 50 Vi 53 STARTflaWEDNESDAYT CARY ORANT-TONT CUR'IIB ta UEMIEB PBOEEAL U;SERVE ST8TBU reatdents-of the sterling ares) in .1' r>. - quanlitiee o f not leas than 25,000 eral charges are not filed agzinei The above quotatlona .are not to | ______“OPERATION PETTIOOAr' be conatnied aa actual marketa / ouncea him wa will bt able to lay our : V

■V"-' ,1, ■

« L i l .JU. t l

PAGE FIVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.; THURSDAY. JANUARY 21, 1960 HAITCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1960 F O t m Andrew Gasper have aaalated regu­ AM*craft’s Union a« looal school authortUes ndver to notice, throughout the session, Andover Patrolman Saves OPEN DAILY Howroyd Answers Col& ivas that he could take It, that he larly in transporting the money, 37 on Airliner |Raiul?fatpr wouW have either time'br will. 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. State Man Denies Theft Will Meet Sunday was unbelievably resilient, that he but Occasionally, a aubatltute may Drowning Child '■‘Our present haphaaard ap­ Connecticut kept boring in, almoat as If he Mrs» Hess Head^ be needed. SUNDAY^ 8 A.M -8 P.M. £tipnin0 If^rald proach to curriculum Improvemant didn't know what a licking he was Killed in Crash Members of the machinist union East Hartfopd, Jan. 21 UP)—A Committee Not ‘Used,’ representing United Aircraft Corp. rUBUSBKD BVBy ram is wasteful and cannot be tolerated Yankee taking. ' . Motkers’ Club ' PINE PHARMACY Of .$4.8 Million Bonds NEWS BSRLALDPRCfjriNi_70 00., me. After“the Session was over, with 3-year-old girl was snatched from 6M CENTCB 8T. (Contlnupd from Rage One) workers In Hartford Area plants U______J^MlI8 8Utr*et In this Urae of national emergen^' A Thought for, Today will meet Sunday- at union head­ ^ KmliebeM«r. CoBn.' By A. H. O. many a Republican mind forming Mrs. Wheeler Heaa of Pine Ridgi brook and revived by S' police­ (Cbatlnned from Page One) f§r the hard of hearhii tHOilAS F rtUROUSON cy,” the Commissioner sCateii. ' the opinion that the party neded ^ Sponsored by tho Manchester the Colombian pjane—Avlanca’s conspiracy and failure to file re-- quarters in East Hartford for a WALTER R. FERGUSON Rd. waa elected president of 'the man laat night. ' .> TowH^Democrats Told qulred securities and exchange The emerifsocy, we suppose, has Connell of Ohntcbea Teport on stalled negotiations. P u b lU tie r s new and- yet more experienced Mothers’ Club at a special tneetlng Flight 671—were booked for vaca­ When the judge refused to low­ Fouadtd October 1. ini When, the other day. Republican state chairman. May did soma- East Hartford Policeman Willi­ tions or busihess pursuits In Ja­ commission reports. The meeting waa announced to­ nothing io do with the kind of peo­ State Chairman Edwin H. May, Tlieaday night In the elementary am A. Debaatiani saw the girl, er the bond. Doyle signed a check The government also rested thlng better than grouse or/^ues- In George Bernard Shaw's play, The town building committee hase''travesty'' of a building, "an In-- maica, popular with winter fun- day by Da'iild Fraser, president of PubUttaad Every Bvenlnt Except ple who are coming out of our edu­ Jr., volunteered the information achool. The m ee^ ^ was held in Cheryl Carlson, floating in the BUY TEXACO suit to the Intelligence of every on a Nassau bank. A Montreal against co-defendants Robert J. I/odge 1746,\Inlernatlnnal Associa­ liuidAye AM HoUoeya Entered at the tion h 1 m a e 1 f or let hlMaelf be place of the rqgtilar meeting which Joan of LorriJne," the country not meddled In educational policy. seekers. Others were heading on to bank ca.shed it after the Naasiw •Mtomce at Uaocbeiter Conn, ae cational system, but with the fact that he had decided not to be a paralx?ed into waiting ta lee what water near a sewer culvert on GASOLINE t^payer 1ft this community” and Soutli America. Eveleigh and two Guterma-con- tion of Macninists, which is seek­ leooAd Claaa Mall Matter, candidate for his former seat in was cancelled Jan. 13 due to a maid la told there are no voices. Yale Dr. It has not been ”uaed.”. And It la bank said by telephone thiit trolled companies, Comfleor, Inc., that the world's first sputnik didn't the part.V thought of hlfh. He went After all, such a "bumpkin’' could WHOLESALE a structure which another com­ Nell Williams, -n American who ing a new ckintract. Congress from Hartford County, anowstorifi. He jumped Into the waist-high - not afraid of the tax rate. mittee. member told him "needs a lives near the airport, ( said he Doyle’s account ' could cover thje and Chatham Corp. StmSCRlFTION RATES come out of it.. on minding 'the store; rearranging Other officers for the 1960 term not poaalbly have acceaa to heaven­ pump and Tank loaned to Fraser said he will report details C R U l Payable in Advance that had all atmosphere of a per­ the shelves,'moblMzlng new sales water, pulled the unconscious girl These are Chairman Harry How- match,” not renovation. heard the plane come In from thO sum. ' i The trial resumes today. Year But later on Commissioner Sand­ sonal decision will be Mrs. John Parker, vice- ly viaiona ' and messagea. Though out, and gave artificial respiration. Users of Over 2,000 GalltniB Doyle in a statement charged of unity program of the lAM and HEAR! methods and personnel, and ap­ royd's answers to -questions raised But a School Board member, north and believed it had landed T?ie, defense immediately moved the-United 'Auto Worker.a Union Six MoirUie ... ers reveals himself to be interested It also, obviously, had to be at pj- ea I d e n i; Mrs. Albert Patch, we do not know from whence her He later gave her oxygen from a Annually. (For Commercial stockholders responsible for' brin^ to have the entire Indictment Three Uontht plying himaejr just as enthuaiSs- secretary; and Mrs. Edward Y6o- voice came, her words do have a Users Only). by committee member Gllmoure Howroyd saldv recently told him correctly, but a big explosion rock­ which repreaenfs some UAC cm- One Month ... in,something beyond sputniks. least an informal decision on the tically as it he rated himself a dy­ 'Supply In his police cruiser, and the annex could not .be abandoned. ed the area. Two smaller blasts fol­ ing the complaint. were "direct against all defehdantn dismissed tveeUy ...... part of the Republican, party of mani, treasurer. meaning. "They come to you but took her to Hartford hospital. Cole, a Republican, last week. rivals for control” of the company. on the ground It was too vague ploye.s, With PHONE NIAGNET ‘Tt Is in the public interest,” he namic auo^ss. RACKLIFFE OIL Howroyd credited, to. Director lowed. 'The huge plane waa over­ At the meeting, the union will Elntle Copy .. Connecticut. Running foF Congress Mrs. Lnrs Unden will be chair­ you do n ot' listen. You hav* not The girl, daughter df Mr. and He said the charges' were the lat!- and hence violated their wnetitu- Tm I Hi* Cnnedtr. New says, “that the quality of educa­ -This kind of behavior, especially COMPANY Howroyd, a Democrat, aald In a Erancla Mahoney an enquiry that turned. ' elect committeemen in represent MEMBER OF again Would have been the grace­ man of the program committee sat in the field in the evening and Mrs. Warren R. Carlson, revived . talk to the Democratic Town Com: est in a long aeries of attacks de^ Uonal rights.- n»fw Mognel sialiM when it comes fi om a young man Hartford—JAckson 7-tlH he said resulted In a committee A big fire’ started and I could all three shifts and will name dele­ t•l•phon• eonverMlIasi ) l A C - THE AESOCUTED PRESS tion throughout the.country Im­ ful out for May if the party had, which Includes Mrs. Walter Weir, considered their measage.” Perhaps on the way to the hospital. She mittee last night that a 8426.050 signed ” to smear me for purposeii Federal Judge Lloyd F. Mac The Aeeociated Prese u excluiively who obviously learns fast as he Mrs. Howard Phaneuf and Mrs. that la partly our trouble. There decision that new stairs were un­ see some people running from the gates to the Connecticut State clearer Nion ever. entitled to the use ol republlcatlon of prove for all; that no chlld.be pe- by this time, crystallized any In­ goes along, who may have been was listed In satisfactory condi­ cut vvaa sffected In a 81 million necessary — an 8in,)— Urslnus College wanU to know York CSty. jhe Manchester Women's Club Classified deadline; 10;80 a.m each ] Conformity, with Commissioner triumph for the Democrats, but oh PrlnclpAl Mrs. Doris E. Cham­ MILLER gestion hi* unit was "uaed” was year what he said the Republicans All 42 persona a'ooard died when dropped from listing on the Mont­ day ol oubUcatiOB excent Saturday— i Wilbur M,. Gardner. 36, has admit- berlain has _ announced that asaiS' why they sing. ”ridlculouB, purely transparent/ ’ failed to do In 11 years -bring the a Scandinavian jet liner erashed real Stock Exchange in. October onday at 8 p.m. at Second Con- » a. m. Sanders, is Jlhus the way to prog­ various aspects of May's personal ted to pdlice he's been dDYing an ^^e banking program IS ht9fl leadcrahip. JHe had been inexperi ’ Dr. Stein soon will have three PHARMACY The unit comprises "nine Very hon- older schools up to date. on a hill near Ankara, Turkey, on and daughter-in-law) are,'among 1953 after the exchange said egational CburCh. SALE! 4 •Thursday, January 21 ress, to change, to swift, continual enced and naive: he had miacalcu automobile for 20 years •without a | needed. Specifically, someone la years and a 850,000 grant from the eat people,” he said, who deserve A town wide bond referendum Tuesday. the dead. I may fly down there, Javelin failed to supply requested The speaker will relate anec- improvement, which brings the license. needed to take the fuhda Info Wll- National Science Foundation to i*!i!i (,i!i;rN i{(i.\i) Now Available At credit for their work. with school renovations as its ma Last Monday, a Capital Airlines but I haven’t derided yet. ‘ ‘ financial information "deemed to es from his experience as an lated his own position and hia own He explained that every time he best/of everything everywhere at votes; he had rashly challenged the limantlc each Monday and to bring find* the answer to this question I ’liMMc M l •! ll:!t Better Paint Dealers He added the school program jor Item Is expected to be held In plane crashed near Holdrroft, .Va., 'They were supposed to take a be In the public Interest.” aiictioneer, author and newspa­ takes the oral examination for a the bankbooks back on Friday. and others about birds. He will was not cut because of fears about killing .50 persons. Brsniff Airways plane. I don't A March That Marches ante, with no delaye. enemy on the enemy’s own battle­ the spring. Last April, the company was perman, and will auction off ar­ driver’a license he gets so ner­ Mrs. Whitney Merritt and Mrs study at Cornell University. taxes. In some areas such aa heal­ Howroyd called upon the Demo­ . 'On Jan. 6, a National Airlines know how they got on Avibnea.” fined 81.000 for failure to submit ticles donated by the executive The argunient is enticing. Why field, and lost; when, on‘ the other It .Is nice to see some life in a lo­ hand, he made s'wift, firm, and vous he flunks. ing, the committee hiked Board of crats to support that referendum plane exploded fn the air near Bo­ information to the Quebec Securi­ board of the club. Items to be' cal fund-raising- campaign, shouldn't our educsition have as right decisions he outraged the A district court judge filed- an Education ealimatea, he said. And and said by June 20, If the vole is livia, N.C., killing 34 persons. ties Commission. auctioned will include a lamp, gold When those who are conducting Uniform a quality as our auto­ traditional instincts of the more unlicensed driving charge against final approval of the program was favorable,-bids will have been tak Major military air crashes have eagle, furniture, knick-knacks, Gardner yesterday on his promise claimed 29 lives — 2J American Save $3.05 on this Quilt Robe a drive act as If they bellgyed In mobiles? Why shouldn’t a college, moronic m e m b e r a of his own iihanimoua and bipartisan, he said. en, bonds advertised, and steps Public Records Greenwich. Jan. 21 (/P)- John C. vases and toys. Bean la the author party. he’ll try the test again next Tues- "And since when,” Hbwroyd will start toward' giving eight old a'nd two Canadian -this year. The Doyle. the wealthy ^hanciet o f'’'Yankee Auctioneer.” It enthusiasticaUy enough to work getting a student from Podunk or lale»t was tho crash Tuesday of a What outside observers did have dayr added, "has saving' on taxes be­ er elementary scliools and Barn Warrantee Deeds charged in Montreal with'a 84,80p;. The meeting will be open to and scheme and plaii/ltor It, the from Oshkosh, be guaranteed that come a criminal offenae?" ard new paint jobs, better floors U.S. Navy plane on snow-capped 000 bond theft, has a lavish .estate merrfbers and- their gue.<*ts. Mrs. giving public itself begins getting each has had exactly the same kind and. ceilings, good lighting, Karanfll Dag—Pink Mountain—15 Jean B. M. Pitkin to Seymour Don Gulnan is program chairman Did Not Interfere B. and Constance El. Kaplan, prop on Winding Lane here. rwiOess. Maybe it ought to ^ve of preparation ? W hy' ahouldn't ' Continuing,-he aaid the conimit- many bther improvements. mile.a northwc.Nt of Adana, Turkey. Doyle and his wife, Jermaine, for the evening, and Mrs.'Charles All 16 aboard perished. erty on Adelaide Rd. after all. / - American life, welcoming the prod­ fee- did not Interfere In education­ Jean B. M. Pitkin to Madeline F. moved into town in 1954 and Packard and Mrs. Edward Fitz­ gerald will be co-hostesses. This yearl# March of Dljnes, In ucts of its system of public educa­ al policy; He said the unit limited Baldwin, property on Adelaide Rd. bought the'large home for ,8125,- (No Connecticut residents, have 000. The estate now is assessed at Itself to its technical function of been reported in the Jamaica.air QiiiteJaim Deeds K an ch es^ , acta as if it really in tion, be sure that each o f them has Studying building requirements Bowles Blasts nr ore than that. tended to do some m ^ h in g . - had. precisely the srlght dash of crash.) , ' Andrew Ansaldi to Ansaldi Mrs. Doyla apparently maintains Doll Ha» ‘Measlra’ and made savings in these areas Heights, land in Apsaidi Heights, Ppbple and dimes and dollars this, precisely the right amount of her home at the estate while .her, • alone. - , Indianapojis, Jan. 21 (/D - Tw o Addition 2., In a talk before town Repub- GOP Record husband commutes-back and forth New York — One of the new- may catch the rhythm, too. exposure to thatr.-and precisely, Indiana businessmen snd the ■wife James E. Sumrners to John Sum­ model dolls on the toy counters Ilciyis: laat fall, Board of Educa­ to Canada. They have a- servant / There ia still polio work to be the same grounding in the rules of one of them were among 37 mers, property on Elro St. comes with a complete supply of tion member Frank' Sheldon said ■Washington, Jan, 21 Rep. staff to attend the place. done. There Is great Jiumane new by which the battle of life is to be person.s killed in an Avianca air­ Tax Uen bandages, a cast. for arm „pr leg tie community stepped out of its Cheater Bowles (D-Conn) said to­ lines plane crash In Jamaica to­ . U.S. Government against Ken­ fractures, crutches, and ' even work for dimes and dollars to fought? authority by recommending that neth A. Miller, 70 Foley Sl„ with OUTERMA TRIAL RESUMES the Lincoln School and a track- day ’’The 'present Republican ad­ day. New York, Jan. 21 (/P) — The "atick-on” red spoils to simulate help. Or, to go back to the President They were Thomas C.- Capehort, holding and FICA taxes for pe measles. Somewhere, too. there used to be and his desire for uniform curricu­ removal plan in Barnard Junior ministration has made its bed, and riod ending June 30, 81.061.27. government rested Us case yester­ 36, Indianapolis, son of U.S. Sen. day In the trial of financier Alex­ a great giving heart In Manches lum for oii'r war colleges, why can't High be abandoned. Richard Nixon will have to lie on Homer E. Capehartr Mrs. Nancy Marriage License Howroyd said the Lincoln School, Lawrence Brogan, 54 High St ander L. Guterma. on charges of ter., we Jeam to fight a war as affl- recommendation was hla. hot the It/-*.. Capeharl, 36, and John H. Mar- Perhaps, with a ‘little Impetus, Bowles, In a speech prepared ' hoefer, 56. -Muncie. and Judith Ann Beer, Bolton, South cleiitly aa the GermanV did? committee’s. It was based, he said Capehart and Marhoefer were on Methodist fThurrh, .Ian, 23. people, dimes, dollars, and hearts We suspect our attempted Irony on a Board of Education sugges­ for the Women’s National Demo­ cratic Club, delivered thia fullacale a business trip to Bogota. Colom­ CORRECTION will come alive, and show what has been showing lA'e might as tion fl?at stated 8 to 10 years ago bia. They planned to investigate S' that the building be given up for attack on the Republican record of TV Helps Niiraea INVENTORY kind of .a place Manchester really well state the truth. JVe prefer the past seven years: cattle feeding and slaughtering,op­ SUNCREST school use and used for municipal eration there with the expectation f*- some seemingly almleas inefficien­ offices. "During this period they have Michigan City, Ind. — Closed- For a atari, head down to the cy and even waste to any rigid, too spent a total of 8300 billion on de­ of investing In it. / circuit television is helping ease PEACHES MONDAY As to the track, he said the The three had boarijed the plane a shortage nurses in a Michigan Pancake Festival at the State Ar well organized and too well regu­ fense, only to be • surpassed in 'at ''Slices or Halves building committee came up with many fields of-military technology at Miami. City hospital. One nurse can moni­ mory, open until. 8 o’clock tonight lated conformity. We regret the a plan for providing the same Capehart wa5. '|iresident of the WE WILL CLOSE by the Soviet Union. tor ail "critical” patients by watch­ 16 Oz. $ 1 Ask for crepes suzettes. presence of some valleys in our physical education program the "Our economy has suffered two Packard Mapufacturing Corp. of ing a TV screen connected to cam­ educational standards; but we also School Board had wanted, but for full-grown recessions which have Indianapolis,' a firm In which hlS eras in the pa,tlents' rooms. The Cans I AT 1:00 ■far less cost. father been associated. 5 want to be sure that any poaaible reduced our annual rate of growth TV-monitbr system also ia used to Not 7 as sdvertl.sed in our ad A Common Curriculum The question, of any committee Marhoefer was president of the keep infants under close watch. last night. peaks are not shaved off when it to less'than half that of Russia. ^ fh o e fe r Peeking Co., a meat- By Popular Demand interference into "educational re­ "Conflicts ,have steadily In­ Thank You President BUsenhower, to the ex comes to the business of putting WE REPEAT THIS OFFER quirements” has prompted con-1 ■packing firm with plants at Mun­ , Mexico la made up of 20 stales, \ creased between labor and majK cie, Irld., and Ottawa, 111. He' still treme dlepleasvure of our armed everybody everywhere on exactly THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ONLY fusion. agement-and racial ten.sion h ^ m - two territories and a federal , dis­ IE. JW.HAMcmi JAN. 21-22-2S Cole had told the Republicans maintainea a home in CThlcago, trict—the equivalent of the Dis­ M M W M B frai COMH- services, is pressing upon them the same level. ,Ws know the Ger­ creased ^thout effective getion. where he li.ved before taking over, man army was the beat l,hs world • last Week that, at a guess, some "Our leaders have -fmmd no trict of Columbia In the U.S. Burton's recommendation that they take the THISOOUPON 8.300,000 nW^h of educational pro­ the Muncie firm- about 15 years apecidl war colleger each of them ever saw. but we also like to win pra'ctical answer to o«t farm prob­ grams were’ sliced from the S.cho«*l lem. no adequatq.xf'esponse to the .age.. - maintains; the Army at Waahlng' wara; ■We“iiO“Rot-want--the—Anserl ------Board's jilan. .ThS'Capeharta wen* the parents tS won™ - problems of reaburce development. of four children. Thomas Jr., Mary ton and at Carlisle, Pa., the Navy can aysiem of education to be­ TRIPLE TRACK “ AT ifiswer to the dan-- rector Gilbert Barnes wanted to Apii. Lucy an d-John ;- tile—oklest- at Newport and the Air Force at come a system In fact. We want it ger of Inflation has been an inef­ nine years' old, to treasure its diversities aa ALUM. COMB. WINDOW know What educational require­ fective program of high Interest Maxwell Field, Ala., and join them ments had -to do with the school Capehart is survived also by his in one merjied institution with a though they' were life itself, which !s that has slowed down pro- parents; a brother, H. Earl Cape­ board's desire to extend the life of tion and added over four billion hart Jr.. Indianapolis lawyer, and a common curriculum. This would we think they are. WITH the schools frorri 30 to 40 years-^^ REG. THIS rto the annual cost of carrying oursister, Mrs. James C. Pearson Jr. theoretically,, end "parochiallam COUPON a needles."! aim, thought B^n^s. national debt.” of Arlington, a. $19.95 Leeway in judgment trfl(>’ed as and a uaeleas sense of individual Bowles, sometimes mentioned as Mrs. Capehart is survived by her big a part in the schi^ '^oard's re­ identities among the services, and, The Neglected Solution? a darkhorse possibility for the mother, .Mrs. , Harry Sohn of »9.95 novation, progranu-JiC Indicated, as INSTALLATION OPTIONAL by , giving all our war planners and Farm aUUatlca of a familiar type Democratic presidential nomina­ Indianapolis;- a brother. John Sohn LIMIT 1 TO A CUSTOMER adherence to ^r(y formal educa- tion, urged DemocraLs to work exacutlvei exactly the same train­ Have finally got through to us with of Columbu.s, Ind.. and a sister, tional- requjrements. hard to get the party's message to Mrs. Austin Gardner of Indiana- ing, produce more efficient opera­ a whimsical kind of message. The HOME SPECIALTIES CO. poth Figures Correct - voters by election time. He recom­ polia.- tion of the n « t war. solution to the farm problem, they Ajid''Mayor Eugene T. Kelly last mended ” a massive, natibnvide Marhoefer Is-survived by the SB PURN^ELL PLACE—MI 8-2856 It is opposed bitterly, among the say, la to borrow John L. Le^vla ^11 saw both the school board program of pre-convention, pre- widow and two sons. One son, aervipea themsel- ea, on the ground from hla retirement, and let hlift ^ and committee -figures as correct, campaign, house-to-house convass- John, is vlc^president of the pack­ tk differing only in proposed amounts that this country has always Ing-" , ing company. spend a few years organizing a of. work. "The question is,” said He said the party should boil ■ in Wa.shlngton.^S^n. Capehart learned and grown by the diversi­ new union on the aoil. the mayor then, ''hdw much do w-e down a series of reports by its ad- said he had no. ofllciar'nptiflijation LAST fied approach to its problems;'that T h e atatlatlca In question ahow ___(the Board of Directors) want to ''iDfiDL-.fP’y’ci' "simple, con­ of the accident; It is better to have aeveral schools that the output per man-hour on .dor-how much can be done?” cise, persuasive' pamphlets,” and Capehart, obviously, stricken ..by DAYS of thought or systems competing the f^ m has been increasing since THE In other remarks, Howroyd last get them before the electorate by the news, added; night termed the Keeney Annex W determined doorbell-pushing. ''But I’m afraid they (hvs eon to see which can be bettcf than to 1947 at a rate of 6 per cent a year, have one pre-selected school of aa compared ^with an annual rate i<^>vn <( r/e.y HOTEL thought or system prescribed for of Output per-man hour increase in everybody. non fajw. Induatrlea at only 2.4 PALM BEACl-l SHO R ES, L IO R ID A It Is. In 'short, the' old war per‘ oeni. between conformity, with its During the same period, the num­ Whtteeer y v tf i4tt of * perfectiioutSeni yacatloe, it'i 'weitHii ter pee et aw etrengths and Its perils; and diver- ber T f jobs oh our farms has de­ Celenmeet - il nirsdileilr^WMCMblt retM. If roe lilt to Se Hiliiir . . Bity, with its virtues and Its faults. creased from 8,300,000 to only ttbra't a ceewlete eetertpteswet sregraw. H lem list te ralee, awre’t ewr fit 5,800,000 In 1959. SOS >Ml oi See ecewi StKh. saertwMti ■NtS.toeUa* itclllUet er sir Nsdi- There was a time when any naiwe room, free |e^ifl( istco. Ple> — • Olrwplcwtaa seel aeS eMMrta'e American verdict on thia conflict it is this unparalleled record, of seal . Sneck in -;'" eiolai recw anS eeckitli lomct * Suit- Strum SiMiif, was almost automatic. Too much more and more production efficien­ jmcktiiie I’aelllUOt. Opee Dec. I I to Map 1. Writ# tor color foWor. OUR BEST SELLING $8.99 cotton quilt robe mi a conformity was totalitarian. For all cy, requiring fewer and fewer men magnificent flora! print now on sale at this low^ . its presumed efficiency, it, had to produce larger and larger quan low price! Wh.v? . . . Our last reorder for Christy . fatal flaws because It killed off the titles, which has created the great map. came in too late and the manufacturer gave initiative and the discovery that farm problem nobody can solve. -US a very spe^l-price.gather than.have us return might come from adless well organ- We have tried all kinds of. solu this shipment. W'e pass this saving on to you. A -Izad diveraity of effort. Diversity. t-ions, except one. full, fresh shipment in all sizes and colors. Ckime . on the other hand, always looked We' haven’t put, down on. the &• in today! . . Incapable and weAk and wasteful, farms, any good organized resist­ yet always managed to win the big ance to increased mechanization or A) battles. This was no lucky accident, automation. M-4S TH£ COLONNADES HOTEL buf the typical result when the vlf- We haven',t eatablished, down on P.O MX S7« . SIVIESA lEACH. FU., TEL PALM tEACa *1 4-11X1 tuea o f .freedom and dem^racy the farms, the technique of feather­ COBBIES confronted the ■virtues of the totali­ bedding, which requires- the con­ A 8TE-0 CWOSS SMCJt tarian way. ,, tinuance of a job whether It ia heeded or not.; But aver alBce we licked the to- SMILING SCRV talltarian enemiei- of World War We ha',''en’t eetablithed. down on SALE! n . we have been consumed w i^ an the farms, a daily itandard of ac­ urga to take their system- and ap­ complishment which no patriotic ply It to our own military aet-up. worker would ever exceed. Hurry in for btil (aUctlon. _ All these things,, as we have -It la quite a jump from the P r^ ' Extra Hours ' ChooJs from o variety of favorils ityles, i Idant's urge to have complete con-i them in industry, at least htjp famous mqk^r formity pf curriculum in the warjkoep^us from having our. potenUal- heel heights, colors, and materials. Every colleges of , the armed services | industrial producUve eapacitj’ run size but not In ev8'^ style or colo;r. All soles finol, down to this week's discussion of too,far ahead of our ability to con TODAY iume it. ■ ■ ' coming changes in the field ^ 'pub­ . 1 1 HOUlis OF UNINTERSUPTED SESVICE lic, education - by Slate Education •We have tried.every possible BRAS Commissioner William Jr Sanders. means of holding down Jarm pro­ duction except one. Perhaps it ia ■ but we s,U8pett the'^und.erlying issue 9 A.M.to8 PiA. ira.NTori'teB Oitebniinued Stylet. - ^ may still be the aame. now time to consider eomething One of 'Commissioner •Sanders' > 9*"'' and see if a good strong union , Regulariy 9 ’ 5 , J 4 « 5 stimulating p^lctiona for the fu- can t 'reduce farm produetion to j t SEE YOUR PLUMBER. U V E 8ETTEN IIICTNICAIIY proportions we can rnanalankge. .at ‘'Saving* and Loan** ~,ture of public education la that ■* . * . * ' DEALER OR ’’the goafs o f education, will be- NOW o q l o k Current Dividend Rate 3 >/}% Per Annum ;B3ooziozn.3r/ ,Convenl®*ioe THE HARTFORD $799 ^corns more..clear, and .specific apd "MUO” SjaOTS IN ONLY 0«ifL , ' R«.gul«r ■ta .$3v5& -- , > will be stated in state and national New'- HaVeii, Jap. 21 ELECTRIC ual offenders are having their po­ THE HARTFORD ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. i j t ' . tehns, resulting -to more uniform lice “rnug” ahota’.taken in-color aj LIGHT COMPANY 'A terrific group of special value cotton brto in nQ statewide and national curricula.” well as black-and-white. Charge it wanted styleiC and sizes. A big selection. . • Cbmmisaioner Sanders , argues . Police Chief Francis McManus, ^ Budget it Yes Indeed that national agencies have the in'hla annual report yeaterde.y,|aaid PRODUCT OF BOTTLING COMPANY Pkts. deee*l* "V the procedure should help In identi- C0CA~CQIA time and the will to develop wjiat fy ii^ the offenders in ease of later Mwild be sUndard oouraea, where- troufato. . . .;w„ , T nda Maik

\ PAGE SEVEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHES.TER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 196t> ------^ ------S------^------r - i — ------T ■ . . : slaw or buttered carroU, rye bread- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 21, 1960 and butter, pears, milk. PAGE SIX m R R Aides S ^ o r High Monday: Hamburg pattjj on roll, ‘Birdniaii’lx>8es potato chips.’ buttered green beans Asked About and milk. The Baby Has Tuasday: Turkey a la king -on Bid for Freedotti waffle, buttered jieas and carrots, *WeVe mighty proud of our famous first National TV-Radio^ Tjomgbt* ^ Qualification bread and biftter and milk. Topeka, Kali., JAit 21 Wednesday: Baked beans, frank- “Birdman” haa lost what may he • » s New 'York, Jan. 21 UP)—3be pro­ fort, garden salad, brown bread meat...allfine quality.• -that means ypui^geitinj Direct From Form to Yom! Been Named his filial bid' for freeAim. C h o fe*’ MMCtieut Poultry fessional qualifications of N • w and butter, milk. Robert F . Strouid killed tWo men, Haven . Rallrostd management haa TTiursday: Roast Jresh ham, the and at the thriftiest prices, top^ Television the firat when he was 18, and has dressing, mashed potato, buttered /\ IM C Vi t l'vi T.L Pf >>y ' V P A R " K A D E been questioned by the If u b 11 c •:00 J n>Mt«r (In progeu) -r$> Bat Masteraon 23. 80 been in federal prisons since 1900. bMts, bread and butter, milk. y It «ia* (to procress) M 8:30 The Real McCoy* , 8'63 me se(xmd. victim wee A federal SMODLL TUWNPlKf • • • N*ANCHISHP. Service commission. Friday: Baked haddock fillet, ■I* Show (to proKroM) 80 Staccato 10. » . SO ★ ’ThoipaaliomM Qeorge, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hebert, 2.7 Ray’- JUht TSohttr (to oroKTeu) M Citlien Soldier 18 prisfMi gua^ . PSC Counsel Joseph J. Donan, french fried' potatoes, stewed Johnny Rlngo 8. U A Ull, gaunt man of nearly. 70, mond Ro. He 'waewas bom,bom ^an. 7 at Hartford Hospital. His ma- tornktoes, bread and butter, milk. Hucldebcmr Round 8 FRYING CHICKEN temal at a hearing yesterday on the g jg o o y toyhouo. a* 9:00 Movie at Nine Stroud listened impassively yes­ GIZZARDS ygj^parents ar^/Hx. and Mrs. G. W. Larsen, New York Pat Boone Show City. paternal graindparehta are Mr. and Mrt. Edward Hebert, line’s request for a commuter fare Zane Grey Thekter terday to a verdict by U.S. Judge STOCK 8 P U T JOS ELECTIONS BILL •;|8 WohthfL Now^ and Sports | 63 (CLEANED) Hartford. He haa/ft brother, Joseph, 2; and two alatera, Susan, boost Feb. 4, brought up the ques­ 8:80 Phono Your faswer, 68 Douglaa Falrbank* Walter A. Huiunan denying'him LEGS tion 6t management qualifications. Waahington, Jan. 21 (J’)—Con- Wv^ SmrU. New* A Wosthor 8 Bachelor______...... rather 10, n 30 Cebnd Cathy, 4. '' 9:30 Tenn Kmie Ford (C) 10. M 80 a writ of habeas ootpue' . • • • Doran, asked George A 1 p e r t. necticut'a two Senators spilt yes­ c Brso* Bsxlo as Dntouchablea 8. 58. 40 terday as the Senate voted 53-37 to Skior* Cfunor* . 22 For 20 yearn Of hie long impris­ Jordan l f 4 , daughter of' Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Thorpe, 166 New' Haven “president and board 1:46 Douc'Sdwarda - 8 12 \ Playhouae 90 „ onment, birds were Stroud’s life. amend the electiona bill. John Dsloy 5® I0:0u Grouchp Marx 10. U . 30 Lydall St. / Sh e was bom Jan. 11 at St. Francis Hospital. Hart­ chairman, how' It was that the RantlOT-Brtokley 10. 82 10:30 Mike lYallace 18 At the Leavenworth (Kan.) Pwil- Ebcecutive Vice . President Charles Sen. ’Thomas Dodd, a Democrat, Death Valley Day* . . 3? ford. BHe has a brother, Richard F. Jr.. .5; and three sisters, voted for the measure. Sen. Pres­ 6 ;86 -Burke-Baront* ' 80 Tl^e a Good Look 8. 40. 63 tentia^f be had a laboratory and Roberta Wtarle, 16, Patricia. Anne, 14, and Michele Irene. 3. Shannon had been with the rail­ T:0O TBS „ 8 live birds. His “Stroud’s Digest of cott Bush, a Republican, voted Movie at Seven IJ Lawleaa' Y eara 30 road only two years. , against. CaiOe of Eddie Drake ^ 68 11:00 The Bis Newa , . 22 Disease of Birds" la regarded by volan n e LouTse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Krivlck, 90 Alpert said Shannon came New* and Weather 12 4C Feature 40 • . Lb. Under the amendment, state and READY-TO-EAT ThIa'Han Dawaon 8. 1C Newa Sporta * Weather 8. 8 18 exiperts as the best published work Ayers Rd.. Wapplng. She was bom JaO; 13 at St. Francis Hos­ "highly recommended” from the Barry Barenla 80 R. laMotto Bussell Or. Thomas M. Healy local communities, supporting can­ T:1B West Mae* Hlkhlllthta,, 2J on bird psjthology. pital, Hartford. ^Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. (Chicago and North Western Rail­ didates for federal office would LB Doar Edward* , 4( 11:15 .tack Paar 12 30 Stroud’s attorneys, retained by William J. Jurgslas. .391 Sullivan Ave., South Windsor. Hep pa- way. Shannon. In turn, brought HufiUerBrtnklev -» Startieht Movie 8 be required to make financial re- SHANK SECTION T:80 L.SW of The Platoanaa » "Wdrld'a Beat Movie* 8 adndrers, -argued that , his three LYMN'S BARBECUetLCHlCKENS temaL.grandfather is Charles Krivlekas, Oakland, Cjillf. She has with him from North Western A. ports-to the federaLgovernment. Shotcua SUde Z Night Spot 1| trials for kUling the guard consti­ a sister, Carol Lynn. 4. P. , Peagan, who/Is New Haven’s Pour Ju*l Men . „ ! 11:30 Jack Paar 22 Russell Life DirectbT ’They’re PeUcldH^ and Wrapped tn Aluminum ^11 FoMfour_ConvaalM '••••• , HAMS tuted double Jeo^iriy, He was sen- <3ale Storin 8, « . 6. Ted Steele Show IJ vice president of operati(ms„ Al­ 8:00 Donna Reed 8^ 40. 5. 12:60 New* & Weather 8 tended to hang after hla third trial Paul William, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Azinger, 9.1 Oak pert said, LB 1 rOO I.atP ^ BUTT SECTION LG 49< CENTER SLICES 89< Betty Hutton Show 2 i: New* Pruyer but the sentence was commuted to ridge St., Chicopee. Mass. He was bom Jsn . 6 at Holyoke Hos­ Alpert. named head of the New Oaaxervanser 1* Mymy Bustoes*dumuicbm .vv-v... - _ life. pital. Holyoke. Mass. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and SEE SATtrRDATrS TV WEEH FOR COMPLETE USWNO Of Savings Bank Board STEWING CHICKEN LEGS V I Q Haven four years ago, and who Mrs. William Stratton. 35 Garden St. His paternal grandmother was a lawyer with no previous . BILTSVILLI Cigar Sales Qimb Is Mrs. Paul Azinger, 48 Coburn Rd. He has two brothers, Je f­ railroad experience, commented; LB fery. 6, and Joey. 4. TO LBS - R. LaMotte Russell, former pres-^nital buiming fund drive, la a dip- Lb. 0 o 0 0 o "Some of the greatest execu­ TURKEYS 4 8 RIADY-TO-COOK Inmnfp nf th#> Amprirnn Rnnrd nf New York The nation’s dlgar STEWIND CHICKEN B IP ST S tives it) the country came from Radio ident, has been elected an honor­ lomate of the American Board of Patricia Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Deh- Surgeons, a Fellow of the Ameri­ makers sold 14-per cimt more c nel. 1081 Nobel Ave,’. Bridgeport. She Was bom Nov. 20 In the bar. I don’t say that Is the T ( n i s lUtlnK Ineltide* only those news broadcasts of 10 or 16-mlnnte ary life director of the Savings can College of Surgeons, and la on gars' during the first half of 1959 case In the New Haven.” V OUR RIG VALUl Bridgeport. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Frankfurts HNAtT 8KINLISS length. Some stations carry other short newscasts). Bank of Manchester. the surgical staff at the hospital. than In the lik e . period of 1968. BUY OUAUTY ★ B'^lT LYNN P O U L T ^ liam Stratton. .35 Garden St. Her paternal grandparents are'Mr. Doran also asked whether thr Smoked Butts WILL tRIMMID WDW-1S8C ^ 6 15 Weather SiKirt* Dr. ’Thomas M. Healy has been He and Mrs. Healy, the former And the Cigar Manufacturers and Mrs. E. Dehnel, Meriden. She has a brother. Tommie, 1’4, railroad might not fare better if 6:30 Album of the-Day Assn, expects cigar sales during RURI - 8KINLIU 12-OZ PKG «:U0 News, Satman 6 4b Three^Blar ISvtr* elected a corporator. Elizabeth Finnegan, and their six top Jobe went to veteran em­ Sausoge :16 Art Johnson 7:00 Dick Bertel children live at 77 Concord Rd. 1069 to total seven billion. W'llliam Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Modean. .’12 ployes. Silver Dust PLAIN er ,, seafood Vatu.! S:46 Lo«*U Thomas 7:30 News of the World. All bank officers and directors ■T’m trying that now,” ^ Id Al­ Cottage Cheese WITH CHIVIt *’* 7:00 Amos N' Andy were Teelected at the annual bank Bunce Dr. tte was born Jan. 6 at Hartford Hoapital. His ma­ 7:80 News, Comedy Tim# 7:45 Your Senator From Conn. ternal'grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Carroll J. Maddox. Hart­ pert. He added th at'h e couldn’t 8:00 Broadway. D.S.A. meeting Tuesday. ILUE DILICACY LI Fresh Sliced Cod lg 45< 7:45 Bob and Ray 8:30 What'f Your Opinion ford. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold O. give details, but "I’ll let you know Cream Cheese 8:0(1 World Tonight Judge William J. Shea was re­ when I decide.” 8:16 Music TUI Ons 10:00 Concert Hall elected chairman of the board; Modean. 11 Franklin St...... 12 00 News 11:00 News and Weather • * * • • Alpert reiterated,the railroad's 12:10 Music nil One 11:15 Sports Final Lynwood K. Elmore, president; LGE PKG 3 5 c 1:P0 Newa Sign Off 11:30 Living Should Be Fun C. Elmore Watkins, vice presi­ FOKMER CHENEY MILLS Fully Cooked Ready^Serve Denlsa Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MarsknII Stolitrom. contention that commuter service WHAT—810. 12:05 Midnight Moods J51 School St. She was born Jan. 15 at Manchester Memorial will be halted by June 30 unless 12:55 News. Sign Off dent; Frank J. Miller, secretary- ^ood of the lAJeeU 6:00 Big Show treasuljer; Elizabeth J. Deer, as­ Hortford Rd. and Pine St. Hospital.’ Her maternal grandparent* ire Mr, and Mrs. An­ the line receives the fare rise and 6:30 John Daly WINF—1280 thony Palozia, Warehouse Point. Her paternal grandparents Surf 6:46 Big Bhnw 6:00 Financtal New* sistant secretary; William R. John­ other finanthal aid. Mix or Match .7:00 Ed P Morgan 6:05 N*w* Roundup son, assistant treasurer; John F. M onchester, COnh. s u g a I ^ u r e d are Edwin Stolstrom. Bloomfield; and Mrs. Elliott Wallace, Nixon. The commission has not acted RICH M O N O • Special Low Pricel 7:16 Big Show . N .J. ' , DETERGENT 12 00 Newa Sign Off 6:15 Showcase-and New* Shea, auditor; James A. Murray, • « • • to suspend the Feb. 4 fare In­ WPOP—1410 , 7:00 Fullor Lewi* Parkade branch manager;, and SMOKED crease. However, it is empowered '7:15 Evening Devotion* Peter John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Nowak. Brown 3-Lt lAG 1.49 1-LB BAG 6:00 Newi Weather 7i2^ Showcaae. New* Bruce W. Noble, East branch man­ to do so. Yesterday’s hearing was LGE PKG FROZEI^ fOODS Bridge Rd.,Rockville, He was bom Jan. 15 at Manchester. Me­ 3 5 c 6:18 Ray Somera 7:30'Music ager. • Plenty of adjourned until March 3. 9:00 Lou Terry 8:00 SHANKS) morial Hoapital. His maternal grandmother is Mrs. Myrtle 11:00 Newa News Directors reelected are Edson M. • FREE PARKING The New Haven claims it loses 11:10 Lotir Terry 8:06 W^O Today Bailey, Fred T. Bllsh Jr.. Fred P. Dlflley. 'Mansflrid. His paternal grandmother M* Mrs. Sophie No­ £NDS 100 Del Raycee . 8:80 Showcase and New* . ■ wak. 12.3 Union S t , Rockville. He has a-brother, Dougla* An­ upward of *6 million annually on RfGULAIt - All Flavori w n o —10*0 11:05 Music Beyond the Star* and New* Carpenter. Edgar H. Clarke, Leon Breeze FULL SHANK HALF X FIlLL tUH HALF thony. 5. ■' passenger service into Grand Cen­ SATURDAY- 6:00 Nawa 12:05 New* RoOndup Dobkln. Elmore, Christopher Glen- tral Terminal. Alpert aays the line REG ney, Francis P. Handley, States’ could get out of the red with the DETERGENT Atty. John D. lABelle, Miller, Poreel Pickup Sttrylee Kerin l>ee. son of Mr. and Mrs. C, Raymond Gough, 94 School PKGS St. He w aajiom Jan. 14 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His fare boost plus a tax-relief or sub;- Roysl 4 Remember the Durable Dane? Matthew M. Moriarty. Atty. John To Your Cdr . sidy plan. • ’ FINAST - Turkey, Betf or R. Mrogek, Luigi Pola, Walter B. maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. E. Clyde Rosha. Spring- LGE PKG 3 4 c Quinn, Judge Shea, Leon '-A . field. Maas. Hla patemargrandmother Is Mrs, James D. Young. CHIF-BaY-AB-DII Thorp, and Watkins. ^PEN 10 A.M.-10 P.M. MONDAY Thni SATURDAY Worcester. Maas. His mstemal great-grandmother Is Mrs. .Tames Russell retired July 15, 1956, H Whaley. Springfield, Moss. He has a brother. Alan James. CHICKEN PIES 15'/* oz Formula for Oldsters: \ ' After serving the bank for more NO TOLL ON BPLKELEY OR FOPMPF»S WOPOES 23 months: and a sister, Diana Carroll. 4 ’2. School Menus Lux Liquid , CANS than .10 years. • •••*' Beefaroni Mirhael Joseph, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Michael Pianta- DETERGENT Real old-faihioned, homa-styl* Dr. Healy was bom In Yonkers, (NO CENTER SLICE REMOVED) The menus •for Jan. 25 through Live It Up-Moderately N. Y. He attended Yonkers pub O WEEKEND FOOD SPECIALS % ntda. 28 Dudley St. He was bom Jan. 14 at Manchester Memo­ 8 OZ; CHIF-BaY-AB-DII • MBAT BALLS and 11c schools, re<»ived his A.B. d« rial Hoapital. Hla maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ber­ 29 are as follows: quality •• you'll lov* the rich nard .)- Sullivan. 158 lAke St. Hla paternal grandparents are Elementary 12 OZ CAN 3 9 c PKG. gree from Columbia, and his Jrf.D. AT OUR U. S. GOVT. GRADED TOP CHO ICE REEF DEPT. f natural gravy *nd tondar vega- l15'/iOZ (OoBttaraed from Page One) Mr. and Mra. Alfonae Plantanlda. 38 Dudley St. He has a sister. Monday; Tomato soup, peanut British Bank Rate degp'ee from the (College HANDY'S LENOX BRAND butter, and Jelly sandwich, cheese , CANS 4 3 ‘ clans and Surgeons in New Y'ork. Jeannlne Marie. 21 months. tablai- and maal, lopped v^ilh 6 - 1 Spaghetti LEAN ALL BEEF ______\ I wedges, mixed fruit and milk, full as this,’’ said Dr. Klumpp, He interned at RocAevelt Hospi­ HICKORY SMOKED W i s k S A V i 3 4 c “there Is no reason why science Set at 5 Per Gent \ Donald JoHcph Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Joseph 13ier- I Tuesday: Swedish meat balls X* a nice (laky crust. tal, N. Y„ served^ A captain In rien\Sr., '24 Diane Dr.. Vernon. He was born Jan. 16 at Man- I and gravy, mashed potato, butter (RagulaWy 4 for 89c) . PINiAPPLe-GBAPiFRU cannot make It possible eventu­ the 9th Evacuation Hospital In 1-LB. detergent ally for many of us to marry at C THINLY c h e sty Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparenta are Mr. ' ed beans, bread, and butter, choco (Continued'from Page One) North A frioTand Europe during I late pudding, milk. ’ 441 46-OZ 111, propose And be accepted at Worid War II and spent his sur­ SLICED PKG. and M y TOny Vecl. East Hartford. His paternal grandparent.* are. Mr. y d Mrs. Rene O. TTierrien. Windsor. He has a brother. Wednesday: Meat and vegetable FOODS CAN 130 and Uve to 140," ‘ It ■was the first change in the gical residency a t Columbia Med- RACON 16-OZ CAN FAMOUS Mark Alam, l * i ; and two slaters,- C^hriatine M-uriel, 5, and Lou ■ pie with potato-topping, buttered^ 41 Dole Drink Dr. Auerback, a psychiatrist, Bank of England rate, which sets ica j-^ n ter In New York. He en- ■-■Ann. 2 'j. \ beets, bread and butter, gelatin Said senior citizens’ centers, dance the standard for sterling area :d practice in Manchester In ^ X t \ ...... with whipped cream, milk. 43 HaMILAND ckibo and hobby clubs are good lending Institutions, since Nov. 29 "1952. Thursday: . Frankfurt on roll, 12-01 places for lone oldsters to meet 1958, Then the rate was cut fi; ‘ Wendy J a n y (tygh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farrand. t.38 Gayia Soap Mixed Fruit PKG Dr. Healy Is a former president STATE OF MAINE -ni:iu:'s €'nn Ht:\ \i u s i i\hsi Henry St. She was bom Jah. 17 at Manchester Memorial Hos­ green salad, peanut butter cooklea CTN OF people. ' 41,4 to 4 per cent. of the Manchester Chamber of pital. Het^^matemql grandparents art Mr. and Mfs. John'Hutch­ milk. REGULAR 12-01 In many of those organizations, One effect of the new ^ crease Commerce, was chairman of the Friday: M-acaroni .and cheese, Crape Juice •CAN 48 BAGS is likely to be. .a slowing down of inson. AndoVy, Hhr paternal grandparents, are Mr. and Mrs. he said, the common Interest of recent Manchester Memorial Hos- U S. GOVT. INSPECTED GRADE A-A Vincent Farrand, ISO^-Woodbrldge St. .. She has two brothers, green salad, orange julrt, whole the clu'b overshadows age differ­ Britain’s industxiaj/boom. With 16-02 Robert, 6, and John. 3 H .\ \ wheat bread and butter, mixed KARS Sliced Strawberries PKG ences, BUid the oldster can meet money costing njore to borrow, • . . . fruit, milk. , . 2 r SAVi UP TO 17« young and old alike on an equal many expansion projects may be 10-02 Jeffrey Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kondra, 784 E. Junior High -Asparagus Spears / footlngr------— poaLpbned. ^ _ . ______-Middle Tpke;---He-wsai born.'^Ian:- 14--at Manchester ■-Memoriai • Monday : Chick«i rice soup, ham PKG m v in % iU C C i "Middle aged people should Eitpectation that" the rate would ^Personal Notices Frying CHICKEHS salad' sandwich, assorted fruit an4 pep^nt below the comparable relative* and co-workers at Cheney (BONE BLENDED JUICE 346 Keeney St. She was bom Jan. 16 at Manchester Memorial frost'with cream, milk. s^vi UP TO 16C 195S^^riod, those in parlor and concept, all-b»v whowiiii sentTj.-nt the beautiful floral HBNZ'TOlilATO Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Mackey. Minneapolis, Minn. She has a 4 short, jacket. Only Lower School tributes and loaned the use of cars. DCLICjOUS POT ROASTING 14 Oz. 10-Q2 declined 5.6 per cent. The decrease sister. Kathleen'Ann, 17 months. Raspberries PKG in all passenger-miles combined boys under 5 feet 4 'are obliged tp Mr. and Mr*. Jacob Rooney Bots. *****' O 'A N JO U - Ready to Eat wear that “uniform.” and family. 4 HEAVY WESTERN BEEF KETI^HUP William David, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M, Farmer Jr,.-;^ was 4.6 per cent. CONDENSED LEAN. TENDER. JUICY 47 Bunce Dr. He was bom Jan. 16 at Manchester Memorial Hos-, LBS GROWERS (GRIND ’TO SUIT) ■pital. Hla maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. A del^rt v 10-02 P o a r s 2 tears PKG HNE QUALITY 1-LB. “ Gagnon, 148 S. Main St. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and 24 OZ PKG JUICY EMFIROES X Mrs. Robert”^ ; Farmef- Sr„ Waterbiiry. Vt. He haS a brother, 3 9 < 10-02 BAG Michael, 5'-i; and two sisters. Susan. 4. and Judi. 21 months. SHORT STEAKS Cauliflower PKG LBS COFFEE M in d e d ? 10-02 Grapes DEUCATESSEN SPECIAL TOP QUALITY Dove Soap Whole Kernel Corn . PKG - FRESH CRISP FAT SALT PORK PINE CONE MEATS IN TOWN...! AMERICAN BOLOGNA REGULAR Pl^ot MEATY PORK FEET MORIARTY BROTHERS Corn on the Cob 2 EARS Carrots PKGS NECK BONES LUXURY LOAF m WAXBE«N9or B 8RINCH CUT «r 9- 02 TALL W r ’v r go t ’em! JUMRO FLORIDA • PASCAL PICKLE and PtMIENTO M- 2 KAR5 3 9 c b e a n s cur g rirn w a x PKG U. S. CHOICE BONELESS CHUCK CANS lATt MODEir -/It GREEN BEANS 10- 02 , BCHS-, lO AP _ FIRESTONE . MAl(l$-«liAT lUYSI Lima Beans rordhook PKG SAVE UP TO 23C OU- Celery PLAIN BAKED LOAF Lb. ’59 OLDS. SUPER 88 Handy Andy 10-02 SALAD FAVORITE (’THINLY SLICED M ixed Vegetables PKG POT ★ FROZEN FOOD VALUES ★ 2-Door Hardtop CLEANER OR BY ’THE PIECE) *02 CHICORY LBS — — MIX OR BIATCH — — TIRE SALE ’59 OLDS. SUPER 88 - Onion Rings PKG E s c a r o lO 4-Door Hardtop (REG. SIZE LOAF) DELUXE CHAMPIONS (BLEMISHED) \ 160Z ITl 3 9 c 10-02 RICH IN VITAMIN A Fresh Baked Daily ^ i6.OZ.CANS) ROAST STAFF ’.39 OLDS. 88 Succotash PKG ORANGE JUICE 4-Door Hardtop Spinach^ TUBELESS BLACK Praise Soap "FLAVOR QUEEN MINUET MAID '58 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE BlendedB I J J Juice GRARE8RUIT ORANGI G 6-02can GRAPEFRUIT. 7.50x14 SALE PRICE 81895 '' 2-poor Hardtop REGULAR WHITE I 2 < ORANGE-GRAPfiFRMIT FOR 10-02 •58 FORD CUSTOM S Green Peas PKG SLICED or TANGCRINE JUICE .. 2-Door Hardtop KARS 27c ! Special Jiow Salieri^ Priced! 8.00x14 8 8 • • • 8 . . . . SALE PRICE S1995 2 10-02 Peas and Carrots PKG ’67 OLDS. 98 for .REG PRICE ,5 5« - Topped with Rich Butter Streusier 6.70x15 88*«8888«'*88 SALE PRICE $18*95 2-Door Hardtop 9-02 FRESH NATIVE Praise Soap French Fried Potatoes PKG •57 OLDS s u p e r : iW , CAL FAiftL 46 Oz. CANS 4-Door' Hardtop 9ATH 9- 02- ROASTING CHICKENS 7.10x15 . . ... SALE PRICE SlO.95 Potato Puffs PKG, SAVE UP TO 17« Dutch Apple Pie 39* J57 OLDS. 88 10- 02 REG. PRICE 2 9 c - Made with Fresh Orangesjex ^ " V ^ : 4 9 c m s a 7.60x15 ..... SALE PRICE $20.95 H^Djoor Hardtop GARS 39< Leaf Spinach PKG CANS ’57 BUICK 6 02 PKG SWEET. JUICY TROPICAL PUNCH or ORANU WHITEWALLS ------2-poor Hardtop Grape Juice 'CAN OF :12 MORREU PURE PORK FLORIDA 25* , ’57 CADHXAC Florient Doz. 2-Door Hardtop ’ 7.50x14 . S A U raiC E S2C.9S DEODORANT 6-02 REG. PRICE 3 9 c - - Iced Fresh ORANGES CAN SAUSAOEMEAT PINE-GRAPEFRUIT DRINK '56 OLDS. 88 , •» Grapefruit Juice FREE PACKAGE B&M FROZEN 4-Door Hardlo;Hop . 7 9 c ro-02 EACH FANCY t.0Qx14 , ...... SALE PRICE $22.95 9'A OZ- CAN Chopped Broccoli PKG for a p p l e s a u c e •56 OLDS. SUP‘E^ 88 Banana Bar .2 1 Lb. Pkgs. 5 4-Door Hardtop 10-02 W EST! RN • AT o u k DAIRY DEPT • # AT OUR BUSY PRODUCE DEPT. • 6.79x15 ...... SALE PRICE $29.95 Chopped Spinach PKG REG. PRICE 12 5 c - A Tasty Variety Bread NEW COOKIES BY NABISCO ’56 OLDS. 98 A I a X fiA A D E " A " JUMBO LARGE MEDIUM HRM RIPE 4-Door Hardtop . 1602 SAVE UP TO 37C OLD FASHION OATMEAL c Cooked Squash PK.3 7.10x15 ...... SALE PRICE $21415 FOAMING CLEANSER V HONEY OATMEAL LOAF OLD FASHION LEMON CHIP CARROTS 1 9 i ’55 OLDS. SUPER 88 • 4-Ddor Hardtop Bread OLD FASHION CHOCOLATE CHIP BOX TOMATOEiS • 2 ?><«*• 29* EGGS 5’< «c 2 140Z CANS FANCY Ail Tires Plus fnx and Reeappahte Tire ’■ ’55 OLDS. 98 FANCY WESTERN 2 9 c ■P ■ ' — FROZEN FOQDS — LARGE For 4-Door Hardtop REG RIPPLE BROOK ’ P’lalmolive Soap » golar bars 2 9 c Cashmere Bouquet BARS 2 9 C 0 _ BIRDSEYE Fir m 3 C A R R O T S _ce]|p pkg. |jj^< -T'-'l X] CHIWEN NOOIHI r CUCUMBERS MARGARINE <| FLORIDA SEEDLESS ManehjNtBr Motors SOAP POWDER Cashmere Bouquef 2 K ; S 2 7 c DINNER FOR TWO (In V4 Lb. Sticks) “ Selling iuid Servlciilg New P a l m o l i v e S o a p ^ATtr^ 2 *ARi 2 7 c OldamobUee for Over LGE PKG 3 3 c SMOOTH and TASTY «^2 2 < s . ft \V\r »'S '“V' r'

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY' 21, 1960 PAGE NINB Hogpij:al Notes^ayor Backs Stand Sen. Kennedy•> SdysJohnson Visiting hoursi Adults X to 8 Pre-Revolutionary Pulpit p.m. Maternity 2 to 5 and 6:80 to r/- 8 p.m. Chlldrfen’s Ward 2 to 7'. On West End Sewer PrincipalFoe -Mayor Eugene T. Kelly last night, Found Way Back to Church ' Patients Today: 217 told the Democratic Town Com­ ADMITTED YESTERDAY: mittee his views about the West (Continued from Page One) Williairi Kieman, 68 West Ave., The Rev. Gordon W. Weegian, Obituary Side sewer. .... Another intereJstinR letter from’'' Willimantic; Robert 'Mason, 540 He struck down argumenle which the Hebron Congregational News rector of St. Peter's' Episcopal Joining the home state of another Vernon St.; Mrs. Sophia McCorm­ Church, asks that any boys of the have been raised by his fellow Letter CommlUeo. comprising P. contender—including New Hamp­ ick, 130 Pine St.; Axel Hedstrom, Democratic Director John Hutchin­ John Perham. Waliace Brodeur, parish who are, confirmed or plan­ shire, which is next to my own ning for coiifirmation this year 17 Grandview St.; Mrs. Xnnette son and Republican Director Gil­ Ruth C*oolidge. Ruth Porter and atafe of Massachusetts. Johnston, Hillcrest Rd.; Vincent J. Death Claims bert Barnes in connection with the Dorothy Scranton, has been re­ and who want to become acolytes “Nevertheless, the people of give their names to Mrs. Robert Villa, 149 Loomis St.; Jeryl Vullo, controversial project. ceived by. parishioners and friends. Wisconsin ■ should rtofSi^'denied 541 Griswold 8t„ Glastonbury; -Kelly said Hutchinson’s stand Bartlett, Tlie time and day for the their right to help.select tnaJJemo- Atty. Manning In this Janu.ary letter a pleasing class of instruction, will be an­ Jackie and Joseph Stafford, Elling­ that it should be financed by a z Story is told of the pulpit now in cratic presidential nominee merely ton; Scott W. JllcHie, 12 Center Sewer Department Bond issue', nounced later. • *'• because their state happens to ad­ use ‘in the Hebron Congregational Flayers Cancel Show field St.; Mrs. Susan Colgrove. 13 Atty. Frederick Richard Man­ would mean its death oa the voting Church. This pulpit, it has been join Minnesota.” Lilac St.; Mrs. Frances Lincoln, 37 machines. Extra Bonus Blue The Podium Players have de­ 'The Republicans of Wisconsin ning. 74, died late lost night at conclusively 'preyen, is the one cided to cancel their plana for Middle Tpke.; Mrs. Georgina , And he branded Barnes argu­ used in pre-Revolutionary War Vaye frequently in the piast been Johnston, 93 Plymouth Lane; John his home, 130 Prospect St., after Premium producing a Gilbert and Sullivan V< ment—that only those who benefit rh J days in the second of -the Congre­ given a wide choice of presidential . Zawlstowskl, 33 Mather St.; an extended illness. from a .sewer should pay for it --- play this spring,, and instead will contenders. In 1960 they will not gational church edifices here, the Karen Badger, 47 Ferguson Rd.; He was bom in Manchester, as impracticable In the West Side first one having passed out of ex­ give a variety show and dance in have such a choice. The Democrats Mrs. Lena Griffin, RFD Rockville, April. The committee in charge is March 21, 1885, the son of the late and Illustrative of the "Republican istence. must. ADMITTED TODAY: Lesley made up of Mrs. Ralph Boylngton, Richard and Jane Ella Green philosophy" in past Manchester SfAMPS It was occupied at that time by "Even though my chief com­ Salmon, 34 Helalnfe Rd.; Mrs. Ger­ Mrs. John Sibun, Dwight Martin, Manning. He attended Manchester sewer assessing. the Rev. Benjamin Pomeroy, who. petitors in the convention remain aldine A. Alfonso, 16 Drescher Rd.; The project now planned will re­ IN ADDITION TO THE STAMPS was minister of the town of He­ Robert Funk, and William Lindsey. safely on the sidelines, hoping to Mrs. Gilda Cunes, 701 E. Middle schools arid was graduated from A - 4 John Sibun will be in charge of main "the only reasonable solu­ bron and of the First Ecclesiastical . yt gain, the nomination through mani­ Tpke. Yale University law school In the tion,” the mayor said, unless Gen- L O flg. YOU NORMALLY RECEIVE the-. w o n d ,„ annual.. foreign _ stm ^«Sorit|tV 'until'Thts death in-178+.- - ; xw*. pulation of the convention,-1 .caru- — MRTHS Y E S T EJl D.A Y|_A. class of 1906. He had practiced law sraL—Manager.__^^Rtcltard__M_artl.n . The’ pulpit was also presumably dents' weelrend, which the Podium ■ . t :-.V- npt follow the advice of tho.se daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard for 50 years'IrTTRis areSTthd had comes up with better engineering Players Foreign Exchange Stu­ used in the third church, which J / ■ urging me not to enter this or )erry. Vernon Trailer Court: a been awarded aJ50-year pin by the or financing plans in the months was built in i828, a beautiful edi­ dents is-again sponsoring. The stu­ other representative primaries. aughter to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas State Bar Association recently. ahead while West Siders' court ap­ dents will spend the week end in ■ t Gessay, 36 V4 Lawrence St., Rock­ Atty. Manning was a member peals are awaiting action. fice, now .remembered only by the Hebron vrith various • hospitable nr'-’y - >■ ■ Humphrey immediately wel­ older residents. It was replaced by ville. of the state and county bar assns., West , Siders appealed becaiisa families. t. comed Kennedy's entry into the sS newer style pulpit at a later Wisconsin primary and repeated DISCHARGED THESTERDAY: Manchester Lodge o f Masons, Or­ they feit the town should have date and the old colonial pulpit Mrs. Sibun, librarian of the RolHe Thompson, 915 Main St.; der of Eastern Star. Manchester financed the $97,455 force main and LOIN Players, asks that all copies ‘of his invitation to the Massachusetts was, given to the late Judson Senator "to meet me on the same Joseph Menard, S3 Ridge St.; Mrs. Grange and the Manchester Phila­ pump station in its entirely. FREE so ^o^^HTAMPS Stroiig. who .stored it for many the productions given by the Play Rosalea Berk, 13 Copgress St.; telic Society. He was an enthusias­ West Side homeowners were as­ END ers be returned, in order that the platform in a series of informal de­ years. Finally it found its way to bates to clarify our respective posi Arthur Kelly, ^13 (Charter Oak St.; tic amateur photographer, and had sessed for 40 per cent; West Side With This Coupon ond'Purchose of SIX BOTTLIS a shed ow*ned by the late Judge library can be brought up to date. Armand Adam, 137 Edgerton St. taken many movies during trips he acreage owners, 30 per cent; end /X END ROAST School Oiit Early tions." ■ Leon Rathlxme. In a stqitement issued from his DISCHARGED TODAY: Mrs. and the late Mrs." Manning made all town sewer users (the Sewer EPKMCUIN SODA The elementary school closed at iCatlileen Holt arid daughter, 138 It W'fls there that the pulpit was Palmer enters the front door of Tolland County Jail as High Wisconsin headquarters. Hum­ to the West Coast and to Mexico. Department) 30 per cent. ROAST "discovered" by Allan L. Carr, who noon today to allow't.eachers to at­ Center St.; Mrs. Vera. Silkowski, Mrs. Manning, who had been prom­ Kelly last night turned thumbs tend a workshop program which Sheriff Nicholas Pawluk holds, door open for him. Palmer was phrey said, "I am certain that Sen­ 2 qt. bots. 29c—plus deposit IsSfj was conducting services at St. taken to the jail on a coroner's warrant, pending a formal charge ator Kennedy and I share a com­ 203 Green Rd.; Mrs. Sheila Pianta- inent in local, state and national down on Hutchinson’s stand that a Peter's Episcopal Cmirph. He fell was held at the school from 1 to nida and son, 28 Dudley St.; Mrs. Sewer Department bond issue ft,4pir«s Wsd.i Jan. 2Tth in the .shotgun slaying of-twirin Hebron Tuesday. (Herald Photo mon desire for a constructive cam­ organizations, died Aug. 8, 1957. i■? /V In love with it at first sight and 4 :30 p.m. Fern Mackey, 346 Ki}eney St.; Mrs. Atty. Manning is survived by should pay for the project. asked for it. He had it ststival for the that of the West Siders. in pkfl. ot ‘ M forthcoming. to the troop, and a film on Alaska To Expand^His Hartford for 48 years. She was a lb. 'f"' Youth week is being observed in ognition of superior scientific at­ County Jail. benefit of the March of Dimes Barnes gave this argument at a lb. LOW PRICE Of a|yc churches across the land from Jan. tainment. entitled ‘The Big Country” was Palmer is being held at the jail started at la o'clock this morning member of the Woman’s Benefit Directors' meeting last Tuesday. Assn. 'jt VA Expire* Wed.. Jan. 37tP> 24 to Jan. 31. Special recognition shown. on a coroner's warrant, pending Far East Trip snd ends at 8 tonight. For a dol­ He said enlarging an existing S. will be given in area Congrega-. Manchester Evening Herald Awards presented were as fol­ a charge against him in the lar (children halt price), you can Surviving, besides her husband gravity sewer to handle sewage 1 ] tional churches Sunday regarding Hebron correspondent Miss Susan eat all the pancakes you want, plus, and son here, are three daughters, from other than West Side resi­ lows: "lover's triangle" slaying of John Mrs. Angelina .Guariiaccla, Miss the place of young people in the Pendleton, telephone ACademy Star Scout badges, Robert, Mid- FUgedi, 38, and Mrs. Helen Yous- (Continued from Page One) sausage, coffee, milk or soda, and dents rather than having it han­ 8-3454. Lucy Beil and Miss Yolanda Bell, SWFTS PR041UM* life and concern of the churches. wood, Paul Giglio and David Mor- man, 49, both of Willimantic Tues­ dessert. Each adult will receive a dled by the proposed project would SWIFT'S PREMIUM - BRfJWN’M SERVE J | A a rissette; Life Scout badge, Joseph cess Michiko, to come -to the package Of .Aunt Jemima pancake all of West Hartford: two other eliminate any justification for as­ day on Neill's Pond in Hebron. •sons, Anthony Beil of East Hart­ Schiebenpflug;" Second Class' State's Atty. Joel Reed informed United States. mix at the door. sessing other than West Side resi­ lUDSAUUH't* The timing of Eisenhower’s visit ford, and Louis A. Bell Jr., West SAHSA6E PHTIES FREE SO STAMPS Rockville badgesT' Robert Prentice, J^mes Lessner this afternoon he will mull More than 200 had dinner today dents for that project. With This Coupon ond Purchort of Newton, .William Murray, John to Japan .opened up the prospiect Hartford, arid two brothers. Albert As planned, however, the project REWJVTO COOK o a , j C i t A ’ over the request tonight and. give at the Armory and heard Aunt Crivellbne and Joseph Crivellone, SWIFT'S PREMIUM B A a Burke'Robert Post, John Atkin­ the President would fjy in his jet Jemima sing to thp accompani­ will take other residents’ sewage -V * an answer tomorrow morning. airliner across Siberia to, Russia both of Hartford, and seven grand­ FRESHBAKE FLOUR son, 'William Palmer, Roger Hub- Lessner said he hAi contacted ment of organist Fred Werner. up to* about 30 per cent of lU ba/d, Michael'. Kiddey, Bruce big Pacific ocean city of 'Vladl children. MlllMTFRUin''^9 9 * Olson Denies Promise Dr. George Tulin of Hartford, a Other organists who will play dur­ The funeral will be held Satur­ capacity. rs-1 Burke, Ricky Larson, James Bren­ v'ostok. From there it is only Used as Illustration LOW WHC?0f psychiatrist, to examine palmer. flight of a few hours to Tokyo. ing the day are Misi Diane Platt, day at 9:45 a.m. at'the D'Elsopo 10 79c nan and James Dowd. Bames, who voted approval of CxpirM Wad.) Jan. 37th Palmer was driven to the jail No American leader,^ ever has Mrs. Marion Moberg and Francis Funeral Chapel, 235 Wethersfield Merit badges in printing were last night by State Troopers from Aiken. the project along with most Dem­ On Rosenberg Taxes awarded to Robert Midwood, traveled atross thts newly devel Ave., Hartford, followed by a the Colchester Troop. On the back of every ticket solemn high Mass of requiem at ocrats last fall, did not advocate Top Oua/iiy Groceries ! John Lynch and Thomas Mozzer; oping Soviet industrial area, once enlarging the gravity sewer Tues­ He wets d(ie to appear in Hebron known mainly as the site of Rus­ turned in so far has been the name Oiir Lady of Sorrows Church, \ Famous Sv/ifi'S Premium Produefs citizenship in the home, David A t­ of a teenage girl. The girl who day but used this thought to il­ Former Republican Mayor Her­ buijd the. city an administration kinson, Steve Chapin and Robert Justice Court yesterday afternoon sia'!) dread forced labor camps Hartford, at. 10:30 a.m. Burial will DELICIOUSs , . _ but, because Hebron officials were Vice President Richard M. Nix has the mosfvotcs W'ill he crowned be in Mt, St. Benedict Cemetery, lustrate his argument. ■ ALLSWEET M gxlrsi man G. Olson today denied a claim building free of charge in ex- Midwood; citizenship in the nation, That argument was the "Repiib- 46-oz. by—the-buUder—of—Rockvillei»-Citw -ehangg^or-land-tahulld. the. Centro. not available and because the cor- on'visited a fringe of the area last "Teen Queen” of the festival at 7 Bloomfield. Friends mav call at the -Joseph—Sehiebenpflugi-hpme—re­ p*cTOck'-ton1ght 'by '^Mayor -Eugene Hcaij'"phtios6phyr’ KeHy-said—last cans- tiall that he was promised hfe Shopping Plaza pairs, Allan Morrison; camping, oner’s warrant empowers au­ July, but had to travel in a So funeral home tonight" from "6" to 9 ■ \ Viet TU104 commerciail aircraft in Kelly. . 'clock and tomorrow from 2 to 5 nighit, as exemplified in a Litch 0 with Thie Coupon and Purohaae of taxes w’ould not exceed $8,000. The property was i,ttached yes­ Paul Giglio; personal fitness, Paul thorities to hold Palmer until after 2 4 5 D L |n field St. pump statibn for which »rMftRGARINE « ^ Back from a trip to New York terday for about $15,000 by Paga­ Giglio, Richard Trotter and a coroner's finding, the local court stead of his special plane. and 7 to 9 p.m. FRESHBAKE City, Olson also blamed Abner L.. ni, who did n'Uch of the work on hearing was bypassed. Eisenhower probably can , win t)’0*’e who benefited paid the whole 6 Cans Homestead Dwight McCjuade; cooking. cost. Rosenberg of Woodbridge, the de­ the building,, and by Minneapolis- Tolland County Coroner Bernard Khrushchev's permission to fly Harry G. Bice Sr. Full CANNED VEGETABLES Nicholas Kiddey, William Staley, Harry Garden Rice Sr„ 49, of Kelly said enlarging the West veloper, for failing to give the city Honeywell Regulator Co., of New Steve Chapin, Robert Midfyood and J. 'Ackerman today, said no date in his White House jetliner, with Open Forum pound at Gr^nd Union Low Prices a deed on City Hall Rosenberg Haven. a Soviet navigator in the cockpit, Mathieson Dr., Andover, died yes­ Side gravity sewer would, be a Larry Maney; pioneering, Francis has been set for his formal hear­ terday at Hartford Hospital. limited and wasteful step by­ WHITE BREAD loaf built along with ‘the Centre Shop­ It was also learned today that Dixon, Steve Morrison and Phillip ing. Once State Police conclude from Moscow to Vladivostok. The Big Business find Edueatinn 3 44 C-piret Wed.. Jan*'37th ping Plaza. He was born in Newington, Dec. passing all We.st Side, problems " D O G FO O D * Centre Shopping'Plaza Inc. headed Morrissette; nature, Edward Diehl their’"investigation and line up wUt 4,400-mile trip could take about To the Editor, FRESHPAK Rosenberg has claimed some of­ by Rosenberg, will be billed for nine hours, leading to a prospect 11, 1910,-son of Edward T. and An­ that must be solved. The town ad­ ficials promised him his . taxes and Joseph Schlebenpflug. nesses, he said, *a hearing will be Dr. George B. Cooper of Trinity nie L. Rice, and ha-i lived in-Ando­ ministration feels the kame way. LU^lCHEON M ^ T - J i M l *1 town and city taxes on the City Service awards: 8-year, Joseph held. he would make at least a refuel College, speaking at the 13th an­ 16-oz would not exceed $8,000. He said ing stop and perhaps take a look ver for the past i ; years. He was One West Side problem the proj-' Hall, because it was listed in the Schiebenpflug; ' 5-year, Frank Earlier today 'the State's At­ nual “Courant Parade of Youth can he now understands his tax bill firm's name on tax books Oct. 1, at one of the industrial cities deep employed by Pratt A Whitney Air­ ect .would solve—the fact that will be about $18,000. Boyd, Donald Cprdner, Edward torney said a grand jury'.will prob­ Forum" set forth a plea to youth craft in East Hartford. He was.a small-capacity pipe causes the ex­ PINK SALMON 1959. Diehl, David Kelsey, Dwight Mc- in Siberia. p r e m 4 4 Rosenberg has insisted, however, ably be tailed to determine wheth­ to exert their individualism. In member of the Andover Congrega­ isting Parkade pump station to S W IF T ’S ' n il M i'.” ]!IjUlK Olson said today: “I'm sure the Qua^e and Charles Perkins; 4- er or not there will be an indict­ The President alredy is com part he,said, ‘!As society'gets big­ LIQUID BLEACH that he did not hold off conveying tax situation has nothing to do mitted to other foreign tours. He tional Church. '• overflow—was ignored by Repub­ With This Coupon atjrf^Purchose' of the city hall to the city because of year, Curtis Blake, Richard Cush­ ment against Palmer. A grand ger and bigger the individual may SWIFT'S ^ M A w'ith the fact that the city does is to fly to Brazil, Uruguay, A ■ Surviving, besides his parents, licans for years, Kelly said. V'l-gol. the tgx situation. He said he would ing, Richard Dixon and Richard jury must b^ called in cases of easily be crushed between big busi­ are his - wife. Mrs. Ruth Gerity Agreeing. Director Ted Gum- the. city is protected by a perfor­ gentina and Chile Feb. 25 for a give the city a deed for, the build­ Trotter. / capital crimes, Reed said, ness, big government and big Rice; two sons, Harry G. Rice Jr„ mihgs pointed 6ut what he hinted bot. WESSON ORL mance bond. Also, 3-year, David^ Morrissette, 10-day visit. And he has scheduled ing. Yesterday, however, the prop­ . Asked if charges will be filed labor. But bigger than all of these and William E. Rica, both of Ando- was another Republican shirking CLO R O X >LuoH . 'RH goll^''"con at ST 89 However, Building In.speclor Ro­ Steve . Morrison, Greg Bradshaw a trip to Paris May 16 to attend is the Big 1, of the Individual who 2 49 erty was attached, and the at­ ■veb; a daughter, Mrs. Ruth M. Uhl- of responsibilities in the fact, ac­ Meat:Babies »- ‘ LOW PRICE OF I fBpigJ land Usher said tod.ay the . perfor­ and Paul Giglio; 2-year,_David At-, against Palmer before the coroner's an East-West summit conference. tachments wdll prevent the trans­ is , strong,. enough to stand up man of Manchester; a sistet, Mrs. cording to Cummings, that tha , 13*ot. I mance bond, for.$6(),000, can be re­ .finding, Reed said he did not ^ McCdRMICK'S DLACK PEPPER ^ fer. / • kinson, Steve Chapin, Joseph a'gainst numbers in doing his,own Mary Connelly of West Hartford, GOP knew when it installed a sew­ SWIFY'S SANDWICH STEAKS can ' . Sbpirt* Wed.. Jan. 27th \!1BSJ leased as far- ks he is concerned, Know, since he has not received aiT Former Second Selectman Herb­ Dellaferra, Ronald Helm, Donald official report from the coroner, or thinking and in resisting the mass and four grandchildren In Man­ er in Center St. in 1955 that a ert I. Pagani first denied this claim because the City Hall meeLs struc­ Kelsey, Larry Maney. Robert Mel- pressure of public opinion polls chester. pump station and force main_ SWIFT'S HI-MEATS for BABIES 2 RONZONI SPAGHETTI ^ 2 tural requirements. The perfor­ State Police.- Nose Gear Faulty, J t r i yesterday. He w-as second select­ lo, Robert Midwood, Thomas Moz­ State Police Lt. Thomas M. and other mass sairiplings." Funeral services will be held to­ would be' needed sooner or later" man when negotiations 'were un- mance bond is held by the Security zer,- - Robert -Samuelson, Robert A stronger attack might well 8*01. O’Brien, coijimander of the Col­ morrow at 2 p.m. at the Andover and backed the idea. S W I F T 'S s a n d w i c h S T E A K S Frozen derw-ay-hi 1957 for Rosenberg to Insurance Co. of New Haven. Smith, William Staley, Fred Ted- Plane Lands Safely have beeri launched by Dr, Cooper Congregational Church, with the But sinog that year, that sewer pkff. 59c HEINZ TOMATO SeUH c chester Troop, said it was his urn ..... > ford Jr., Nicholas' Kiddey, John derstanding a -Superior Court against big business had time per pastor, the Rev.- Willard M. Thor has remained "a useless $30,000 Maiorc'a, and Phillip Morrissette; bench warrant wll! eventually- be With 34 on . Board mitted. , men officiating. Burial will be in hunk of iron in the ground.” Cum­ FREE SO ^^° $TAMPS 1-year, Kirk Bingham, David Hig­ Modern day big business has be Andover Cemetery. mings said, -without a pump sta­ With This Coupon ond PurcHWS® of Grand Monkey Makes Space Trip issued with Specific charges -£^nn Frozen FooM THREE PACKAGES OF 400 gins, Bryce Hunt, James Ling- against Palmer. ' (Continued from Page One). come selfish. It has taken the , Friends may call at the Wat­ tion and force main ti allpw it to ham. Michael Misseri; Allan Mor­ .finest .minds of youth te.sted and kins-West Funeral Home, 142 E. be put into use and serve homes. According to Lessner, Vho was FACIAL TISSUES In Astronaut Escape Test rison, Thomas, Miildoon, Dwight The plane, which had arrived- slotted’ them and in essence said", Center St., today from 2:30 to 4 Kelly then told the committee'of California Navel Phelps, Kenneth Richards, Larry retained as defense counsel by over St. Louis when the crew this is how we ..want to Indoctri­ and 7 to 9 p.m. plans he speculated about Tues­ - at LOW PRICE of r ^ l members, of the Palmer family, Smole, Robert Spicer, Terry Towle, noticed the nose gear not operat­ nate you so you can become a one day night. r UKHUIIIEITS " ,2.pkgs. of 400 39c . —— Palmer didn’t seem to" remember- tracTt' thinker. Might, they better Miss Esther I.«e' Under them, We.st Sider.s would (Continued from Page One) very clearly the events surround­ ing, 'was brought back to Kansas W ■ WITH THAT City, ’ - - say so , we ' can increase profite Miss Esther Pitkin Lee, 77,,. of get figures not only on the force ing the shotgun slaying of his com­ "HOMEMADE" GOODNESS at abotrt. 15.000 feet and carry S™a."ter. w.. „a H.roM Hub- It circled the city and then was through your talent? In return Talcottyille. . died yesterday at main and pump station but also panions. , individual street sewers to their the capsule to about seven miles. of smoke, from the rocket mark- bard. - flown o'ver, tlie suburban Naval Air they offer plush office buildings Rockville City Hospital. TV DINNERS This-and the fact that Palmer’s coffee breaks, ping pong and card homes. (The mayor saw the cost CHICKEN— BEEF—TURKEY ing the firing of the escape motor. Station where another TWA plane She was born In Ellington, Sept. There was no Immediate word as World War II record show him to rooms in a sterilized environment. of sewering the average West Side ORANGES made a b'elly landing a year ago 20, 1882. a daughter of the late APPLE PIE to whether there had. beeri a Cub Pack held its January meet­ have been wounded in the Pacific home at $1,000 with about $100 ing at South Methodist Church on with 33 persons;aboard. Even the dress of those working Albert B. 'and Sarah Pitkin Lee. change in the firing plan just be­ when he was a Marine sergeant Gapt. Chris Clark, the pilot, in the.se surroundings has become She was a member of Talcottville or more for the pump station and C FREE SO ASTAMPS Jan. 15. ' ^ force mam.T i c With This Coupon and Purchose of_Starkist, fore launching time. have prompted him to seek the brought the plane in from the adjusted to mass standards. Congregational Church and of the 11 :Oz About Towii Den 4 conducted the flag cere­ psychiatric exam,'"Lessner said. The residents would have ten 'THREE 7-OZ. CANS ' \ - mony, . directed by Mrs. George south emj of the field, -'e-brought Frequently future graduates are church’s Missionary Society; ONLY ea. pkq. Space Agency .officials said that Wounded In War interviewed for these, positions on years to pay their bills. Also, the on the basis of preliminary study Hahn, den mother. the,plane down on. the main-gear, She is survived b.v a brother. The French, Club wjll hold its Palmer was in a'hospital on the cut his engines and rolled about the campus by then who have been town eould arrange its street pay­ Large SOLRD WHITE TUNA It appeared the test '(vas com­ A skit, entitled "Outer Space," William A. Lee of Rockville: three election of officem tomorrow at-8 Island of Guam, Lessner said, after 300-yards before- bringing;Hhe nqse “ braimwashed." after-many-years ing prograSn to erase the costs o f_ at LOW PRICE of pletely successfiil. - was presented by ’Den 1, super­ being wounded one of two times riiSters, Mrs.—George Webster and paving from their b/fis. C R U M B B U N S ------^ 6 "S 3 9 C Size' S P I N A C H VaOoin 2 Pte^ ' 2 T c p.m. at Orange 'llall. of the ship down on the frdnt land­ of being with-"The Company.” Men IsJNii ' 7-O Z . can 39c ^ \uHSI The main object of today s tcs'.\ vised by Mrs. Wallace Geiger, deh during the war. He received a Pur­ Mrs. Alfred C. Pitkin, both of Tal­ This plan wiTl'^’ oe considered mother. The cubs wcij;e gold hel­ ing gear. It held and the plane who lack sincerity and are devoted cottville, and Mrs. James.Doggart Cx^>res^ Wed.. Jan. 2Tth -- was to test the escape mechanism ple Heart and a special citation oame to a smooth stop. tornothing more than their own ad while the court appeals are pend­ GOLDEN LOAF CAKES >4^ 53c FRENCH FRIES X‘rV 2 9 c under rigorous air load conditions. 'i’he ^ipscr club will hold a set­ mets 'rrfade at den meetings: from the Maripe Corps. of Lawrence, Mass.; and' severaj ing, the mayor said. Word of the recovery of the cap-' back party Saturday at 8 p.m. at Herbert Miller reported $90 was Crash crew and firemen we're Ort vancement and. monetary gain nieces'and nephews. In another action last night, the Crodm ChOoao Cnkour mi. 6 9 c eule cam e. through at 9:45 a.m., the cliibhnu.se. Brainard Pi., ■ for realized from the recent bottle Since the war Palmer has lived hand but their services were not Might'' I refer the reader to the Funeral services, will be held at ANGEL FOOD RING , 39c in Coventry and Willimantic. He needed. The plane carried 29 pas-" Democratic Town Committee about 25 rninutes after the launch­ members and friends. drive. book "Organization Man.” by 2 p.m. Friday at the White Funeral has been con'deted of charges of senger and a crew of five. White. These interviewers lure the named State Rep. Irving Aronson Plain or f is h St ic k s 2 5 9 c ing. New Bobcats were initialed dur­ Home, 65 Elm SL, Ivith the Rev. head of a committee to look into, DONUTS Sugartfjl- 1 2 pS 2 7 e DELICIOUS ing an Jn^ian ceremony-that-fea­ lascivious; carriage, breach of unexperienced with -expense ac­ Scientists wilt analyze data re­ Major E. Waller Lamie will con­ Robert K. Shlmoda, pastor of Tal- former-Director 'Walter,Mahoney's -lb. bonu^ tured Durwood Miller as Chief peace, non-support and damage to FIVE IN SAP-E LANDING counts, new cars, and "unending cottvHle, Congregational Church, FREESO STAMPS corded on board to determme the duct an informal Bible study and telephone company property on Itazuke Airbase, Japan, Jan. 21 request that the unit back lower­ With This Coupon ond Purchose Of 2 Cans War Cloud, John Turner as the training programs," which in final officiating. Burial will be in Mount BAG operation of the escape mechan- prayer service at' the Salvation separate occasions in the two (JP)—A U.S. Air Force flying Box­ analysis do nothing t.o develop the ing the social security age limit APPLES TWO 46-OZ. CANS Um. Army at 7:30 tonight. Medicine Man, Wallace A. Geiger towns.- car with five men aboard made a Hope Cemetery, Talcottville. for totkl disability cases. as AkelS, and Geiger’s sqn, Wal­ individual self. Often the enlight­ Friends may call at the funeral 'The capsule, in which the mon­ safe landing here today after cir­ enment comes to late when fl-“ Also! Director Francis Mahoney HAWAIIAM PUNCH lace M.,' as the Eagle. New' Bob­ Slate and Willimantic . Police home today from 7 to 9 'p:m. was elected chairman of voting » 2 9 c key rode in-ite own chamber, was Members .of Grace group of Cen­ said he was known to drink heavily cling the airfield for four hours nancial burdens prevent taking an PASCAL CELERY 2 ..,.. at LOW PRICE of ' ...... subjected to air lc»d prcs-surcs of cats are John Connor. Thomas district one. W ter Congregational Church have on occasion, He is a carpenter by with a missing wheel. other path. 4 6 -O Z . can 37c about i,000 pounds per -square Martens, Bruce Comiskey,. James The wheel broke loose as the big Hot Hoyto Rhubarb ib 25C Save 30% undertaken a project to .provide Reagan, John Shields, James Les- trade but Has been unemployed Recently the University of Hart . . Your Nsaiaat TrisIfS B'd motion CsnUr Cxp.r«t' W« 0 . Jan 37»h inch at the lime the escape rocket, gggri used clothing for a minister's since fall.'He. has two sons from a C119 took off. The plane which has ford held a "brainstorming,” pro First Server was detonat^, | family of seven children iii North sard, James Curtin. Mark Pelraski 1,500 gallons of fuel and 4,500 Funerals Diamond Walnuts . ib 49c AMERICAN FAMILY and Richard Brenn^. Transfe.r first marriage, but no children grarii at the Statler in Hartford Other monkeys have been .wck-1 Anyone who has collected pounds of cargo aboard, finally, Dolly Madison, who served the eted higher arid farther than to-. ^ Bobcats are Peter Robinson. Wil­ from the present one. His wife is Prominent business men met to SEVEN 10 Vi-or. cons KITCHEN SCALE the former Irene Jones of Willi­ made a smooth landing with Its discuss ways in which the Uni ' Mrs. Minnie P. Robinson strange,.frozen dessert'to guests MIXED FRUIT pi^g. 3 9 c days animal, but. this w ^ Uie|contributions in a box liam Hahn and Mark Herrick. lan'diiig gear down. Funeral .services-for Mr. Minnie (25-POUND CAPACITYI Transfer cubs who rec,fived golfi mantic. It is her second marriage. versity might be improved. In my at a dinner in the White House in In -recent months Palmer had The pilot was Lt. Ri'chard S. opinion if the reader will review Pohlmann’ Robinson. 29 Hudson 1809, is said to have been first to NOW ONLY ONE BOOK feathers and hea'dbands are Thom­ Hoskins, Edenton, N. C. His co-pir St., widow of Hug:h J'ohn Robin­ FRESHPAK maximum air load, conditions pre-1 «»t>on9 should be tagged from as Hahn, Roger Spencer and Kem been going out wit’’ Mrs. Helen the ideas set forth the central serve ice cream in the United of TRIPLE-S BLUE STAMPS FREE SO STAMPS lot was Capt. Johnny M , Hays of, theme seems to be; Not .ho-w can son were rield yesterday afternoon States. , , vailed. The escape mechanism is. Ifoup. Tyler. Yousmari, 49, of Willimantic, who, Jon. 2ls( thnj Feb. 18)1* 'With This Coupon and Purchase of Kitchen Garden with John Fugedi,'40, also o f Willi* Tacoma, Wash. 6ther men Aboard the university be improved- but at the Walter N. Leclerc Funeral Intended to., permit . a human; Denner stripes were awarded to 'were Maj. Anthofiy, A. Drago, New Home, 23 Main St. The Rev. Arrtold SOUP space: traveler to free himself;' ASKS HONEST HEARINGS Brent' Balmer, Michael Orfttelli mantle was shotgunned to death on rather how can the University be GOP PICKS MILLER Neill’s Pond-In HebrOn. London, Con.i., -and Staff Sgja. improved so that "Big Business" W. Tozer of Second Congrrigation- Washington, Jan. ’ '21 - (/P)-^ fop the regular low I FROZEN VRCET ABLIS from the booster rocket if some-'i Washington, Ju'n. 21 lA’)—Sen. and William Monk. Assistant dqn- John J. Baxter, White Pine, thing goes wrong m the launching, i . Everett M. Oirkaen (R-UI) to­ ■ Palmer w'as picked up after the •cam profitf' Very . little ’ ■«|-<3hurclr ■offlelated Bep. WilUam B.- Miller, Ne»- price of Six cane pkgs. of any voriety'^ot ner stripes were give to 'Steven and-Harry G. Dolley Bedford^^Va. Burial was in the, family plot in York, today was elected chair-, day ehallengeid the lmpr.e«sions Moore and John Bronder. shooting at his cousin's house was placed on the liberal aspects GRAND UNION LOW PRICU The Space Agency * said all | / ot'education and it’s importance In Buckland Cemetery. Bearers were man of the Republican Congres­ 5 stages of the rocket firing seemed j thp Bemoeratic-run .Senate In­ David BeoBLson received a silver where,police said, he said he just ’ 'v- ’( vestigation of drug ■ prlees is shot the-pair. Palmer said thd sp-lne Carhonaled Coffee ^fexl developing the individual mind Frederick Pohlmann, Joseph Pohl- sional Committee. His principal Expires Wed.v'Jan. 27th to have functioned normally. ' i arrow on Ijon -badge; David Spen­ rival, Rep. William M. McCul­ leaving as to inanufaetucers’ thing to. a couple who lived i)ear Might these prominent men have' mann,-Stephen Lucas Jr., William ^ 4.. • The rocket took off at about 9:23 ' cer and,Don Robinson received as­ O’Brien, Granville l> ln g ^ and loch, Ohio) \vlthdre\V to prevent g.m. and rose into a nearly cloud­ ! profits. He demanded hon'est sistant clubmaster badges. the pond. Bogota—A Colombian company first considered what the purpose of-any university Is in the com Walter Dent, / ■ a party split. Miller succeeds the less sky ieaving'a zigzagging trail hearings. "We’ve had Enough The attendance banner was won State Police found the murder pl^ns t'o produce carbonated cof­ late weapon, a 12-gauge pump action fee, bottling it for both home con­ munlty and developed from there' ,Rep. Richard M. Simpson, of smoke behind it; . rigging scandals," Oirksen, the by Den 1. • Sklndlvers- hava dlooovared 41 Fhnnaylvania, as head of ths Newsmen watched from s mile R^mbUcan floor leader, told The next day, the troop toured shot gun next to the two bodies. sumption and export. The firm sayi It may be that even they have lost the product will be all coffee' and sight of long standihjt goals desired sunken veosete, some ot tteui Baore ; MHhmltM whose function Is to I . swsy on a beach where the tem- Sen. EStes Kefauver .(D-Tenn). the headquarters of the Town Fire S(ate Police said Palm'erjbccame help d e n Re^ibUeon ritoM'EffMtlTa at Upper OooBaetleot Btorw ttuu Salv fu . Mrd. W* aeaerr* tha Right to UmU < angered when he saw Pugedi and n ot. just a coffee-flavored toft -from higher education. than eight canturlaa old,' off ^ r - n a r u c - s s t a m p r e d e m p t i o n o e n i ^u i — is o m a r k e t s q u a r e , n e w i n g t o n irature was In the 20s with a "I oertaliily don’t want .rigging Department, conducted by Qhlef k e /s ooaatlfaje on the^Aeg6iJKfle(t. ' for the house. ' ,, COng wind. They saw ths rock- to be implied l^re." W, CTIfford Maaon, the wom&n klaslng and pettbg. drink. ■ , William T. Strain / 1

. / ( 1. : . 'V , . \ X I tvr'


DAIIA CROSSVyOHD PUZZLE C o l u n \ h i a , W B A In s ta lls I —— I '' ' Burke-Conroy ?/■/>' '~~Z ' / / /MpPIN, Aniw>r toPrBvIpirtPurfB A t f Super Market In Manclntter-261 Broad St. ft 116 E. Center St. ’’l THiNk: H8'I^HE'6tHEl| HANEYOU P e t^ s G e ts Mrs. LaPalm e HJV.TAXlO / PUTTINGpu t t in g oON n ^EADDESTJ^LOUTSW EADDESTja lo u t s NOn o ■< S h ip A h o y ! t i ^ k MY SCOUTS AROUND T H tlC ^ g SYMPATHY^ SIGHT 5 lN C « SYMRLTHV H o u se Mrs. Irena LaPalme was inatall- nIm^ aS/S MACJ.!^?Pl^le,1lHJC^KEY;G g F O fL rH B DOWN White ed' aa prealdent of the Women’s FOR A RATION I COUSIN f AGONY OF « ACROSS Benefit Aaan. frr the second term OPEN TUES. THROUGH SAT. NIGHTS UNTIL 9 PROGRAM TODAY, e^K O F TOM A N I ^ LOST A ^ 1 A N O L D 1 Squire-rifCer ITree trunk at a dinner meeting a t MHlar’a THIS LOOKS l i k e T H E .3ERRV.' ps::V RACE TOXV SOLDIER ? 2 IHirnuU Confab Letjter ReataurantTueaday evening. MORNING-AFTER THE STowint vautl THE NIGHT > IS THE' < . 8 Levintln* 3 ‘,'Sail iwey to Other officera Installed art Mrs. DANCE PAR.TYAT THE, WATCHMAR'S W O U A LlT Y , a Pacific — r-" OLD. FOLKS' ketch A Columbia youftK man 1* " “P Aldea Gutzmer, at praaidant; ' 7>0&! - < 12 French river 4 Equipment Mrs. Rose Lovett, vice preeident; there on a pink cloud/, to use hla MERCY'S. 13 Note In 8 Indian tent Mrs. Basel Fahey, recording eecre- Guldo’r scale 8 Caucho expression. tary-, Mra. ..rent Vineek, traaaurer; 14 Auk smui 7 Apparel George B. Peters, Jonathan Mra. (^lore White, finanda) aecre 27 It leaves a 40 East (Fr.) 15 Feminine 8 Sanctified one Tnimbuit HiThway, called his home U ry; Mra. ‘Grace Grace Rowland,Rowlhnd, chap'cha^- appellation ., 9 Singing voice ship in danger 41 Main arteir lain; Mrs. Lillian Deinei'sey, lad] lOFroater of sinking 42 Natural fa| yesiarday 1 1 noon, aa is hia habit. of ceremonies. IS Through 43 Arrive 17 Ledger entrr 11 Eccentric 29 Gull In the. .cQUree of cobversation wtth Ateo. Mra. Mae Roiae, aergaant; Si({ie;rRu{lit Meoit *0r6 PiuceAd Adv&tliAed! __L wheeU"' SOHesvy blow 44 Grandparental BY, V. T. HAMLIN 18 Ziverlaating 48 Promontory Afrs. Peters he asked if he had' Mrs. Tina Crossway, Inner hostaas; A I.L E Y O O P 19"BJ»ft Eagle" 31 Stesmers (sb.) Mra. Aurora Goulet, outer hoateaa; HIMK/' TgW BOX^ GOT (poet) 47 Macaws any mall. She carually answered, 11 JUST-/ BUT VOAf Ji tXJNT • TVrK/f% NOWmw**/ )I • Tl »■»« W» 2Llmereat (ab.) 33 Stopped Mra. Ruth Staplea, junior auper- ODP...TAKE IT/, ID REALIZE THIS IS , / 20 Youthful ones 34Anlnwl loot 48 Pigeon "■yes, you have a letter from the AftP*! ttendard for "Super-Right” quality just can't be beat! It guep- 'V l «vy’ WHAT MAN? MOW RtGHaV S3 Sire White House.” He thought ahe was visor; Mrs. Grace Howland, welfare THE AGE OF THE /V 22 Be contrite 24 Tissue 39 Sampans------49 Theow •ntees you complete satisfaction - • or your money back without WHAT MADE A HAPPEMEO?/ THE I OtP* XNCW... MAOJIMCl /" ^ 24 Diadem seen in the 80 Arab ve«e] joking, but it developed that she supervlBor; lire. Bella sm ion, Check These Regular THAT HOLE IN '-*'WOF DO 1 25 Haro presa correapondant; Mrs. Della question. And because A&P prices its meats to deliver top value, you SRAVITY 28 Emmet 28 Handle Orient 83 Ohio vlllu * wasn't - he did have a letter from r 29 Dower the White House. A handsome Farring;ton, musician; Mra. Jhilia can actually qSt better for less! property formal envelope with "The White Rawson, officer of the day; Mrs. Lew Meet 1 z r r 1 r r • r IT r r Prices! 2 Giri'a name House” in gold letters in the up­ Betty Soblakl, captain of the A W11* — — guards;"'Mra,™ Schorr- and Mrs in b f IT" II u per left comer. Wside he found an SIrlala Steak — 9S‘ 34 Flat-bottomed invitation from President Dwight Gladys Gamble, ensigns, and Mrs. ilHE boat n r It IT D. E'senhower to attend the Pres­ Arlene Gaston and Mrs. Helen THil- Porttrhouse Steok u 99^ PATIENT , * 35 Misplaced ident’s Conference on Occupation­ ler,/color bearers. G e t s T H E ' 38 Legal point IT II al S!>fety. to be held in Washing­ Etech officer was preaented a red N E E D L E =1 V H t~^HAZEL 57 In the year St ' S4 mantic Plant. Last November he tric Light Co. manned jackham­ Salt Fat Bock Pork ib25^ mers today to open a trench A B O U T 58 Lohengrin't '. was appointed by Governor Rlbl- CaBMM D ik e CUT fbom tendeb j a c BRISKET s r 56 ti PRISCILLA bride coff aa a consbltant to the State across Main St. at Oak. •P ® rO n lO S YOUNG FOBKERS It 0 " FANCY-EXTRA CLOSE 89 Bengalese . Industrial Safety Commlasion rep­ Remodeling at the Top Notch > B" U Market, formerly the Popular timber tree JB resenting Public Utilities. He la Whole Cooked Ham ,one in 1159*= TRIM-EXCESS FAT 80 Meet diih also a member of the State Fire Market, prompts the project to i increase the power load capacity r e m o v e d - c o r n i d b e e f LB Safety Advisory. , of underground lines to 'th e busi­ Center Slicos of Horn Pomo.1.. Makes Pltaa BY FRANK O’NEAL ness on the west side of the SH O R T iU B S East Ceatn 1 Pomona Grange street. . Smoked Beef Tongue i . 55*= TWDS6 OOTLAVl^^ I'LL will meet in Columbia April 2, with HELCO officials estimate the Columbia Grange la i acting aa complete job •will take about 10 PIECE BACON FANCY TOP QUALITY LB Ai?£.«V£f?AL host. The meeting will open at 4 Sliced Bocor ,.35^ Boris-MIUon. Photo days, .but expect the work across MOORS AHEAD 'EM p.m. Dinner will be served by the traffic lanes on Main St. wlH be ALL BEEF E OF ME. THESE NETJ hoit grange. During' the evening M r s . JAMES COLEMAN BURKE completed In a day or two. Skinless Fronkforts „ 55" HAMBURG LB ■17 - ASttES ARE the fifth degree will .be conferred GROUND BEEF on candidates who may apply be­ Miss Theresa C. Conroy of Weat^cheater. cousin of the bridegroom, PBINGE IN NdBWAtK Link Sousoge «65" SMOKED J JC CCI.D! servedoAvvcrAcI asa a best.Kaa«t man.man UshersTTffhftrS were BY AL CAPP and BOB LUBBERS tween now and then. Somerville, Mass., become the Norwalki Jan . 21 WV-’The plant BONELESS LB LO N G SA M Raymond Lyman, master of Co­ Jere Lundholm, Cambridge, Mass., SHOULDER BUnS brldg of Jam es Coleman Burke of and Ronald Nadeau, Boston, Mass. of a cosmetics manufacturer here Sousope Meat i . 33" OH,NO—I ^ lTWAiS.-0*«i/-> lumbia Grange announced the sup­ rei*lved a royal visitor yesterday MvsNll- NICE Boston and Tolland Stage Route of Mrs. Conroy wote a J'rench blue LIVCAPO Or per committee a t last night’s meet­ —Prince Kralslrg; Vudhickay of HNOWIN’ VOO- cashmere dress wjth velvet bow Beef Kidnoys i , 23" ) 1200 MILES ing of the subordinate group, held Rockville, -t S t Clement’i Church Thailand.' The prince operates a FARM'FRESH AND THRIFTY! 'FURmfRWWN in Yeomana Han; They are; Mlw In West Somerville last Saturday. and a beaded prolfUfi hat. Mrs. school for fashion dealguers in the road . Burke wore a shantung print dress Wta Evans, Mrs. Dorothy Belli, 'hte nuptial-Maas, followed by Bangkok. Lamb Kidneys ^ 45" Mrs. tTrillp Isham, Mrs. Laura L. Pope John’s bleadng, was celebrat­ of pastel blue, green and. violet Squler, Mrs. Edward Rathbup, Mrs. shades with a side drape and a LARGE SIZE, SWEET AND JUICY / KAk\ ed by the Rev. Francis DSulllvan tlBl ^ jli' Pio Relli, Mra. Richard K. Davis of the Somerville Catholic Chari­ Juliet cap of pastel blue. AROIHER and Mrs. B-irton FUrkey. ties. A reception was held at the CAMPFIIJE! The local Grange will take In a The bride is the daughter of Mrs. MIT Faculty Chib at Cambridge, HEAT and SERVE TEMPLE ORANGES Doz 59^ ' 1 ^ class of candidates this winter. Ten Patrick H. Conroy of West Somer­ Mass, for 50 members of the im­ E . 1 have already put in their applica­ ville, and the bridegroom-is the son mediate families after'th e cere­ Fried Haddock t . 5 r tions for membership. of Mr. and Mrs. James D. Burke mony. For a wedding trip to GRAPEFRUIT OR YOUR CHOICE Mrs. Squier preaefited a program A’.jpiUM SIZE m Tolland Stage Route Rockville. Puerto Rico and the 'Virgin Is­ hC centered around music at last M io r fs d ? The bride, given in marriage by lands, Mrs. Burke wore an off- Shrimp t . 5 9 " ' T M O * ®**' night's meeting. Shi opened it with white raw sUk dress and tweed ba ■f-zt her brother, Joseph H. Conroy, 1 FLORIDA ORANGES 5 139 a short resume of the beginning of wore a classic, prlncesse silk satin coat with silver fox collar. Upon NO. < SIZE “Thfit Higgins! Aiways turning up with something new music and the various forrfts it gown with scalloped neckline, trim­ their return In mid-February,'the ■ WASHED I1 8 4 0Z 4 4 C BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD takes. . . . med with seed pearls, and a circu­ Burkes, win live at 109 Warren St.. Smelts t . 2 9 " Cello Spinach' BEADY.T04JSE CEllO FKG V # a # JU D D S A X O N to improve his gsm e^ to day it’s an irritating cough!" Mra. Marion Hurblutt read two you SHOULDN'T lar train. Apt. 6, in Watertown, Mass. Wo’vo got ’em I old poems to point out how music /The bride is a graduate of St. HAVE t o l d V t Is found In poetry; Mra. Squler Mrs. Frank Griffin. West Somer­ LATI MODEIS-AU LUSCIOUS DEEF SEA FAVi Green Beans FRESH FtOBlOA u l 9 ^ THAT, HONEy; ville, sister of the bride, was ma­ f/ement’s High School in West MAKES-GIEAT |UYU 19 5 9 " m THAT M AKES IT B Y RO USO N read the words of Largo as a hymn Somerville, M ass.,' and thd Burr VOU COULDN'T REAL BAD. REAL LITTLE SPORTS and then played it aa a piano Solo; tron of honor. She wore an empire PROVE YOU etc K x morn '^Gee" Fe**v*ea C* green silk orgamiu. gown with a MoSeling School'of Boston. She:ls *58 OLDS. SU FEB SS POUND THIS HERE, the Davis brothers, Tommy and A member of thf corps de baJtet ■ 2-Door Hardtop ...MORIBIGVAIUISATAOP! OP >C5Li....^ Freddy, harmonised and played crown of pink and red ^ m a tio n s SA« 3N , EVEN IF and carried r, matching'bouquet.. of the San Carlo Opera'Ca VOU P lC fe tJ their guiUrs'aa they sang modern Mr.Burke was graduated- from '89 OLDS. SUPER 88 c ns VCXJR HANDS ON music; Mrs. Clinton Ladd sang Miss Lindsey._Broderlck, niece MfCfir SPfCCB... Tomato Soup Touc"'. 10 °^ " ^ 99*= IT.' VOU COULDNT of the brl< was flower girl. She RockvIUe High School, and MIT ^-Door Hardtop CONVINCE THE COPS ] "The BelU of St. Mary” and "I Be­ in 1950. He earned his master’s de­ lieve”; after a musical gam! and wore a sheer white dress under­ Sparkle Puddings 8 pkgs40^ OP ANm tfM 9. scoredgcorea wwnwith pinnpink and anu withWIUI a bodiceUVUIVC gree therews«aa= ,asi in Aoas'Ki954 cuiuand served, eaoas ’59 OLDS. 88 M C ilY H m i yOUR WORD a cake walk Raymond Lyman sang 4-Door Hardtop W08THMORE t U A 6AINST MINE, »pihrnirt.»rpd i ■ nink rosebuds,i.Sl«L JtasUA -g .SUvr leutenantw waa-soeeasA essi Jn :the_Army, serv- « ^elljrlggs a bass- aolo, "Down in the jDeep-L_ A ViooVAt nt mmm r«/i)1fi‘And inp in nnrm«nv. Ha is fumnlnvAfl 2 L8 BAG 48i .AG 1 5 " Arthur Amo’.d, overwer of carried a basket of rose petals and ing in Germany. He is employed wore a rosebud crown. as an engineer for the Arthur D. ’88 PONTIAC BONNEVILVE MNCHOZI. Quinabaug Grange and Mra. Ar­ 2-Door Hardtop JANCPAMOR SQHASN or /- 7. I Atty. Thomas G. Bailey of Man Little Co., Cambridge, Mass. Ann Page Beans REDUCEDI nold were guests. 12 OZ a« m e Columbia Grangers will meet ’88 FORD CUSTOM 8 BY JOHNNY HART with Bolton Gruige Friday night, Warwick Thin Mints pkg w ® . B . C. keep communities good places In is president of the PTA; active in 2-Door Hardtop and will furnish part of the pro­ which to live. her church work and mother of Pum pkin Pip 49^ I tl 6 p’k^ 1 . 0 0 gram in a Neighbo-'s Night plan­ Welcome Wagon service meets a two sons in the U.S. Navy, Mal­ ’57 OLDS. 98 Nutley Margarine BY ROY CRANE present day need in the field of colm- and T e r r y , and a small Rie. sit BUZZ SAWYER ned. , 2-Door ICED WHITE-CHERRY er ORANGE C AC G.E. Welcome IVagon Hostess human relations. ;Mrs. Barstrom is daughter Aubyn, a pupil at Horace Electric Light Bulbs MOST s iz e s EA-dfcW ^ H A T , YOU HID rOR / n o t h in g ! had it b e e n war, THEN YOU COMPLETELV Mra. Knute A. Barstrom of Jona­ one, of approximately 5,000 hos­ W. Porter SchMi. *57 OLDS SUPER 88 Squoro Coke . JANE PARKER EACH 3 ' ' THRtE DAYS BESIDE I I COULD HAVE DEVASTATED OUTSMARTED THEIR than Trumbull Highway, has re^ . 4-Door Hardtop PRUNE TWIST REG. PRICE 45c O ffC NUMBER ONE ANTI-SUB i tesses who are making approxi­ Fresh Orange Juice _- 2 1 ?; a 9 ‘ THE WRECK Of THE I 20 OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ' WAS ■ cently returned from New mately a million calls annually on Manchester Evening Herald Co­ Coffeo Coke JANE BARKER SPECIAL "ANDREA OORIA" AND CITIES IN THE CENTRAL City where she completed S'2-week lumbia correspondent, Mra. Donald, ’57 OLDS. 88 i AND EASTERN STATES. J He r e families in continental United SUNSHINE THE YANKEES KNEW training course preparing her forr states, H a w a ii. Puerto Rico, 4-Door Hardtop Krispy .Crackers Of VOUR ADMIRAL. R . Tuttler telephone ACademy NOTHING the posiUon of Welcome Wagon Alaska and all Provinces of Cana­ 8-S4SS. HELP YOUR CHILD in SCHOOL with th* GOLDEN BOOK PRESENCE r I MADE UTTER ’57 BUICK Birdseye Frozen Peas 12 pk^^1.95 MONKCVS Hostess which, she now holds ^n da, embrating more than 2,000 2-Door Hardtop ■ OF t h e m ! this community. Her area will in­ cities. ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPEDIA FOR YOUNG PEOPLE 10 OZ clude Wllllmantlc. N o r t h and "■ Falls on Ice ’5'7 CADILLAC VOL, 1 on u l? only 49c • VOLS. 2 thru 16 only 99c on. A&P Fancy Peos FROZEN PKGS,1.00 South Wlndnams, Chaplin. Scot­ Mrs. John D. Clarke of Lake Rd.. State Man Killed 2-Doqr Hardtop land. Hampton and Columbia. This fell on the ice on her steps and ’58 OLDS. 88 A&P French Fries frozen 1.00 is the first Ume that Columbia has broke her left ankle.' She was In Navy Airplane SMMLY IUIM I...SUPBIIY MASUD... enjoyed the services of the Wel­ treated at Windham Community 4-Door Hardtop • MeSs «saSMA *■!w RaieWw * •»__ Rft come Wagon; On behalf of her Memorial Hospital. She is now at Danielson, Jan. 21 (/Pi— An Air ’56 OLDS. SUPER 88 A & P C o rn WHOLE KERNEL CAN sponsors she will take religious BY DICK CAVALLl . home, her leg in a cast, and as yet j^rree enlisted man from DanieU 4-Door Hardtop MORTY MEEKLE and civic information to the famil- unable to get around. son is' listed among those killed WEEK-END iona Lima Beans CAN . lea on whom ahe calls, and extend Secretary to Board Tuesddy in a Navy airplane crash •88 OLDS. 98 0Ur I READ THE to the people of the community, Mrs. Marita ’Merrick waS re- <-Door Hardtop BOOK, AND THEY IN THE in ’Turkey. Sweet Potatoes tn syrup can IGN'TTHIGA old fashioned hospitality. Calls, cgntiy re-appointed to the board BY LANK LEONARD DIDN'T FOLLOW ir BOOK HE He is Joseph Adelard Cote, 46, ’56 OLDS. SUPER 88 MICKEY FINN WONDERFUL will be where there may have been of. trustees of the Connecticut a veteran of 18 .years’ military MOVIE, v e r y M u c h - l ik e P06H66 4-Door Hardtop Larsen's Veg All Each m i s s m HIM a new baby, Where an engagement Child' SWdy and Treatmertt Home service. SPECIAL I THEN NOi AND I HOPE WINTHRQP? INTHI6%ENE,FDR haa been announced; or perhaps yOU'RE______NOT,._ H E IS sufficiently INSTANCE. INTO A "H igh' Meadows” in Hamden, by Cote's mother, Mrs. ' Melvina '55 OLDS. 98 aaTld a n d m e l l o w AND MANY OTHER GREAT lOc'vALUiSI GOIN_OIN TO . / INTELLIGENT TO CEMENT where a family has moved locally Gov: A. A- Rlbicoff. She has been Cote, a widow, lives here at 4-Door Hardtop you SHOULD HAVE ^ BUT, AAOTHER! 6 or a new family has arrived Into PfiUi Ulowa IR Dili >4 luarMlM thru Stt.F J#ti. 2) in Uili ewemwiltf 4 vHIHHv TOLD HIM VtXJ w e r e I'VE TRIED TO see HIM? y REALIZE WHY MIXER. pamed secretary to. the board.- Stearns Street. Four sisters live in EIGHT O'CLOCK NOT THAT SERIOUS / TELL YOU A ^-REGARDLESS OF WHAT town. The new residential treatment the D^ieison area. * THt GREAT ATLANTIC A PACIFK TSA COMfAHY, IWC What la the Welcome WogonT A N D - y DOZEN TIMES EXCUSES YOU AAAKE/ building a t the home is to be Cote is also survived by hjs I A M T H A T Thomas W. ^Nggs is Founder dedicated Mondgy. It will be open widow, Pauline, and their l2 - y e ^ SERiOUST and President of Welcome Wagon for inspection Suftday. Mrs. Mer­ old son. TTie family had beep-'^ln Manokftfliir Motors ■zf which is now In its ,32nd year. Spain since last July. , •' I Often referred to as a service rick has invited a nuniber^of peo­ “^lUng.and Servicing New which is “in the business of build­ ple in town who may be inte?Bste^ Oldainobilea for Over .'to attend both of these events. -^BlBICOrF ON VACATION - . 85 Years” ing friendships,” Welcome Wag­ Hartford, Jan. 21 (/P)—Gov. Abra­ RAY DWYER—Used Car Mgr. on’s basic policy Includes coopera­ Mrs. Barstrom Qualified Mrs. Barstrom .knows this com­ ham Ribieoff-js in Puerto Rico to­ 512 WEST CENTER ST. tion with aB religious faiths, wl.th day with his Urifftfor a 3-week NABISCO OLD FASHIONED worth while civic and recognised munity. She is interested in iU 5a 8*l6n OPEN EVES. welfare and progress, including vacation. 'The Coverinor, left the SUNNYBRGOK, GRADE A SILVERBROOK CHOCOLATE CHIP, social service groups; also partii state capital yesterday: ' LEMON CHIP OR OATMEAL BY L^iSLlE t u r n e r clpatioh in these activities which the “well being of its citizens. She CAPTAIN EASY STNJO BACk!i GTORK »NOOT! BUTTER ILL HAVE THE TBEAWKE AT FRESH EGGS COOKIES YOUR FEET 50 FAST UTIX MAKE FRESH «l LB BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY YOUR MOUOCLE rL 'F l Always Strictly tOE COME SEE - MR. ABERNATHY CREAMERY PRINT O # Special Frath DOZ YOUai SAVE W HY.’ DC?n Y y o u /"...BUT NOT THE ' 1 Your Choice-di. PKGS “ Tr eoSH-1 WISH HE WOULPNT AT AftPI . ALWAYS ENTERTAIN IN YLIKESA^S.’ v^NiDHEPLAY^ , I CITIES © SERVICE MR. ABERNATHY IS, THERE! WAITIN© fORYDU : ■ j IN THE now offers you IBTOIL CAT QR DOG FOOD “dhaxJh ^rfcihjL «AMB ROOAL U S S Toil" . CAIO MAMO H! i SCOTT.STAR SPECIAL 2 ipiaat caas ,2 f ' " 3 7 ' »^65‘ AF W a ld o rf TpunTmui o*?l[35" S x iB a i ;vK t V'.' i-ii SCOTT STAR SPECIAL , L Scotties 2o7^49" 4 f «( «) BY PETE HOFFMAN LUX T O lin SOAP CLM OX BLEACH SCOTT St a b s p e c ia l J E F F C O B B Gail out dirt tudi l*tv* in THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE BY WILSON SCRUGGS ^ S S ’ WHITE or FASTEl COIOBS if Scot TOOITTtttUI 4 ROUS 4 9 " r%c SOMCTHlUfi'S FISHY ABOUT THAT' MRS, THRCE THIU65 BU6 ME/ SHE LOCSKS A S ^ ) RUtAm29 QTi^y w «m 3 7 ‘ s c o n STAR SPECIAL HEAUHY AS A.BEAUTY COHTEST. WlHMK/ ■w/tyws. TTUIUK SHE^ A nAWT./ ’“ " A O ' SHE ASKS QUESTIOHS/ AMD MRS. LO«AW if. W a x P a p e r CUT RITE ^ ROUS » HAS n e v e r HEARD OF HER/ 2 SCOTT STAR SPECIAl

TIM' IVORY.LIQUIO ai Scot Towels ar scon STAR SPECIAL ’ - Any On# of Hit Above . wMi every »2.00 or ibere TIDC‘3 IN - DIRT'S OUT DETERGENT w iUNCHiON PKG I K C 4 5 Items - - • |7 piirebeKO ef UUFKS 33° if. O C O T K i n S NAPKINS OP80 I 5

YOUR COST, only 4 C IT IK SEillVICB preduen ,1 J 1


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY ^1, 1960 PAGE TWEL\rE N THE NBA Refuses to Sanctioi^ Jordan Title Defense Herald Angle S O lO t K N G —X By Viilanova Challenges JUNIOR OUB Wynn Signs Pact EARI. YOJsT Boxing Group Standings WOMEN’i U^AfllUE ^ COMMERCIAL TE N FIN Y W FRUIT LEAGUE FARKADE HGUSE 1£AGUE <8> Spores Editor on .... LEAGUE Standings standing* Staadiags Feels B asilio St. Joe as East’s Best Bbland New York, Jan. 21 • Another veUran, ai-year-old^aen, who was traded to Kansas W. L Pc W. U fe L Bixa ...... ♦ teresting. nounced the NBA would strip Jor­ the defense of his'version of the middleweight championship against home-grown now In his 16th season. "When which resulted In upsets. 3.18. An ex-Yenkee, pitcher Don Patio Drive-In .. they go out there they do all they the big guns for Fire A Police. 191-512, Mike Denhup 216, Ron Joe’s Barber Shop .20 24 .465 DlManno l8 l—563. Nibiioa ...... 6 1 .833 ♦ 4< 4i dan of his title if he goes through Paul Pender. Lightly-regarded Penn upsft Dave Fody (14), Tom Ruffinl <8) to Per O ut, Plus can with what they have. Bronzi 188, Tom Duff 194-180-518, Nelco Tool ...... 19 25 .432 Blasters ...... 5 1 J33 with a proposed title fight with Teniae, 50-47, in the second bfilf and Rich Dotchln (6) were high Ron Hampton 194. Hec Chavin ...... 3 3 JSOO Now, letls move along to the in x J u n k e d ^ the Palestra doiibleheader/that Red Ember Rest; .18 26 .409 MERCANTILE LEAGUE Cleeks Basilio. The fight was being pro­ "Their performances are tvip for the losers. 182, Phil Burges* 191-503, Frank .409 ...... 8 3 J500 lane. What's an accep­ Viilanova opened. Maryland -tidged Cupid Diaper .. 26 Braules Usually when a picture of an moted by Norman Rothrthild. more remarkable When you ^ op rio Personalised Floors fought from Marchess* l8 l. George Vallone ...... 1 8 .187 table shooting percentage from consider that many boyg,-«rlthout Navy In the la.st few seconds. 51- Caliber of NffA Officials BloBta Aceto A Sylvester .16 4 274 -327 w. L Pet. Spoons : athlete appears in print for the Sends Telegram behind in edging Norman's in what - - - — - . 11 1,.^ 191-501, and Hank Kraft 502...... 1 8 467 the 15-foot line? The pros register first time he is "jinxed” but this handicaps hesitate to^coins out for 50, while Memphis State rode over Garden '...... 30 15 .667 Drivers at least 70 per cent of their charity Rothschild then sent Maceroni turned out to be a doss and excit­ Resulta: Aceto 4, Ember 0; Bo­ Han. Auto Part* . ...2 7 18 .600 wasn't true in the^^case of Mike a telegram asking him to’ "recon­ Pender’s Advice to Youngsters; the team.” Tennessee Tech, 84-65. / , ing game. Jerry Williams was high tosses with the' Reardon.' His 'photo a^ppeared in Both boysjHffiersd accidents at In other games. Army Snded KofC 10-PIN hemian 4; Cupid 0; Roser’s No. 1 Frank'#...... 22 23 .489 Hesultj: Breseies 8. Bpoorii O; tops at .758. Only the Philadelphia sider your stand and gave Basilio for the winners with 11 points, get­ 3,.NeICb 1; Roser's No. 2 3. Bolton last Friday’s Herald in connec­ age Hi B o4w r Was struck on the Ithaca’s seven-game winning Los Angeles Seeks Fraiiejiise Standing* Herm’s ...... 22 20 .524 Biaeurs 2, Cieeits i: NlbUca 2, Warriors are under .700, their per­ the chance he so richly deserves." ting the winning basket with aee- W. L. Pc.t 1; Joe’s 3, Lesperance 1; Patio 3, R ainbow ...... 22 23 .489 Drivers 1. tion with the Indlan-Wethersfield Maceroni said he would stand slde,or^ he head with an arrow streak, 76-62; Manhattan beat onds left. Greg Ziemak and Tom centage being .664 at laat count. hoop game a-l the Arena. All Manchester Modes ..35.5 12.5 .739 Bergren 1; Auto Parts 3, Case 1. Jon-Di’* 1...... 22 23 .489 Bundl Tarca relied a 890 trl^e, pat. Keep Away from Fighting Game, whm playing cowboys, Kuntz lost Adelphl, 80-59; Louisville defeated McCarten contributed greatly to Turcotte’s Easo ....27.5 20.5 .572 Mike Unnell, 614, and Jack Lln- It will come a.s no surprise to young Reardon did.was to go out mis left arm In a fall under a rail­ Murray (Ky). .78-72, and Xavier .Aa,ls had taken away from them byAIt was admitted laat Septe Allied ______.. .22 23. .489 but had only ono single, 138, ever any follower of the NBA to know "We appreciate that; Carmen is the Floors' win. Dennis Downham Philacielphia, Jan. 21 (JP) grossly Incompetent officiating. Meanwhile, a Player*’ Pension Pagani's Caterers ..26.5 21.5 .552 nell, 620, with some good backing Mem. Corner ...... 20 22 .476 and score six baskets -matching road car. (Ohio) trimn)ed Western Ken­ the minimum. Mario Bocealatto that each of the eight teams are a great fighter and has been a paced Norman’s with nine points. The National Basketball Assn, We. hav'e been putting up with it Committee assembled to meet with Stevenson Ins...... -26 22 .542 up by Russ Aceto, 493, sparked Man. O p tica l...... 19 26 .422 had a 145 single, arid a 370 triple. his total output from the floor in al athlete enjoys hiS'-'^wk," Bowser spent nine years at the tucky, 76-66. ' Gary Sullivan played a sparkling the owners to iron out several pro­ Jack Lappen Ins. . .26 22 .542 AAS to take four points from Red averaging better than 100 points nine previous games . . . Pat Mis great champion in both the wel Boston, Jan. 21 ()P) — Paul dleweight crown, in a nation­ today called on Len Corboaiiro all year. In this league the officiala Marlow’* ...... 14 31 .311 John Chanda hit a 388 triple. he mused. ,"Evei^;th1ng is mors Western Pennsylvania School for Viilanova./ eighth-ranked, held floor game and hit for eigjjt poinU posals. The committee is made up Ember with Steve Simlc high with per game. Statistics often make tretta’s rebounding has been a big terweight and middleweight divi­ ally televised bout for a ver­ to preeent proposals for a call a foul on the player and not Hoipe Specialties ..23 25 .478 'Pender, who fights Sugar Ray of a chore. Jht''love of j«)ort the Blind and In his junior and sen­ Seton H al/ without, a in a losing ■ ause. of Tom Heinsohn of Boston, Doiph a 493 plnfall. John Dunyak was good reaaing, thus, we'll delve a factor in Manchester High's fine sions," Maceroni said, "but for the sion of the title recognized franchise for the Los An­ the play. There are four or five Mbriarty Bros...... 22 26 .458 Results: Garden 3 Marlow 0 GREEN JR. BOYS’ LBAOUS good of boxing, and in fairne.ss to Robinson for one version of only m Massachusetts and is replapetf by the love of ior years won the 133-pound East­ for the first six minutes of the (offlclais) who don’t belong in the Scheyea of Syracuae end Richie rilloramo Const. ...20 28 .417 next with a 479. Bohemian Club Frank’s 3, Jon-Di’s 0; Allied 2, little deeper. all around play on the basket-ball ern Association of the Blind wrest­ game, galrilng a J-O lead at th* geles Jets. If approved it Boston is averaging 122.5 points the rated challengers, we have to the middleweigOit champion­ New York. mormyr'It becomes just, a Job. . ..xa.i BUSINESSMEN'S IJEAGUE NBA." Guerin of New York. Shea'a Nutmeg* ...1 9 29 .396 also took four points froth Cjtpld. Auto Parts 1.; Optical 2, Rainbow Staadloga court in recent weeks. As said be­ ling championship. three Aimite mark and never 1ft- could, mean two NBA clubs for Bob Rataic was the big gun for W. t . Pet. ■per game, holding .down-the No. 1 stick with our. resolution. *. ship tomorrow night, says he Lflbd looking back ovep what Liberty Mutual downed South Wilson did not name any offi­ All-Ster Game Fogarty Bros. i... 14.6 33.5 .30! Herm’s-Msmorial (Postponed) fore, the big senior, if he plays up Robin-spn Is favored by Kuntz did not wrestle in high tlng/the Pirates get closer there- the West Coast since owner Bob the Bohemians with a 516,' while MoCartby Enterp. .... 8 ,1, .389 spot in point productfon. “ Our Executive Committee regreta a long-ago decision to about 4-1. ''I .should have done ts depress­ Methodist. 37-32, and B’nai B’rith cials or elsbo-ate any further. Therlt wilf b,e no games tonight Best results were picked up by to his potential, can be the differ­ become a professional fighter. ing." school. He learned the sport from B fw . Viilanova. now 11-1, was Short of the Minneapolis Lakers 420 posted by Neal Lawrence was Dickenson’* i..’...... 8 1 •836 ence between a fair and a good passed a re.solutlon Dec. 12 that won its first game, upending Rem­ Short faid Ws Lakers are draw­ as the league will play Ita 10th Results: Lappen 8, Mode* 1; Roy McGuire 136-369, Bill Simpson Stressing offense, as do all the Pender said he expect Pender's 10-y«ir qareer.has. his two cousins—Paul and Phil pMed by John Driscoll’s 24 points might attempt to move his fran- high for the losers. 358, and Pete Spetlas 360. Red Erffber...... 3 1 .88? Indian squad. ' '' ■Jordan must d.efend against one of "If 1 were 17, I’d be looking nants, 40-41. The first game saw ing only half k* many fans per annual All-SUr game In Phlladel Turcotte’s 4, Stevenson 0; Flllo- pro clubs, the Celts have given up win. but is sorry he bpeSme a been interrupied three times Powell. Paul Powell captured the d George Ravelfng’s srfhool rec- chiM to San Francisco or Loa An pbia'a Convention Hall Friday Fine scores included Wally North End Fharmscy. 3 J. .889 11,5.4 points to the opposition per ' * 4> . * ■ the four top rated welters. At that at the, glamor and the chal­ the insurancemen outscore ■ South geles if the club doesn’t come out game, about 2.500'. as sure needed to ramo 3. Shea* 1; Moriarty 3 professional boxepK-' by brittle^ hands,- but each 123-pound NCAA crown whlle^rd of 29 rebounds, night beginning at 9 p.m., (BST) Specialties 1;-Fogarty 2, Pagani’s Marsden. 202, Bob Day, 517, Bill Memorial Store ...... 7 3 .778 game. Trailing, Boston in team time Basilio was No. 3 in the mid lenge,” he said yesterday. "To­ Methodist in the last quarter to of the red financially. break even. He ha* rescheduled YW WIVES LEAGUE N e w S y ste m dies (and had no- ranking as i day, looking at, it from an ."TruthfnIly/1' got involved time he. has made a come­ performing, for Pitt In 1958. /I Penh held Temple’s -.gee. Bill win. Bruno Moske and Bud McKay three of his home games to Los The East ia a slight favoritis over 2. ' • , Gettsy, 212-671. Deb Schaeffer, 618, ■L T. W o o d ...... '. . . . . 7 3 .778 point scoring are Phila'delphia 119, before I what was hap- "Arnle and Paul have the deter-j (pjcgieg) Kennedy to Only seven At the tame tiriie league owners Standings Yankees ...... 6 4 .666 Effective next season, all assign­ welterweight). He has been out of adnlt point of view,'I say that back.. This, however, is - the led Liberty, while Elders Cash and Angelea. San Francisco and Wash the West. Top scores were rolled by: John Mowie Coro, 501. Dick Gworek. Syracuse and New York 116 each peiUpgrr"’^ he said. mlnation and ability to wr^tle i points while Bob Mlkvy and Dave St their annual meatlng prepared Senator* ...... 1... 4 5 .444 ments for college basketball games the welterweight divi.sion about advising anyone to be a fighter la.^'bne, he said. Miller did most of the scoring for to delve into the problems present­ Ington. I In other games last night, Hein Goiangoi 178-190-185-863. Stan 219^679, Helge Hendrickson, 204- Cincinnati-111, St. I>oula 110, De­ '^*This fight w;ith Robinson against „good — competition,-----,------” Adds Kwalt scored 17 and 17 reapective-respective­ Spatulas...... in New England will be made by two years. . ■ is the last thing I’d do.” not good for a family the losers.. ed by the admission of Chicago and In relation to other matters., Bohn pumped in 43 points and Bos­ Hlllnski 183-195-536. Pat Paradise 520, Phil Burges* 512, Bob' Rich­ Double Boilers Dart’s Dairy ...... 8 6 433 troit 109, Minneapolis 104. New is. what I've been holding on Coach Shaffer. "Fan*, coaches and ly. Temple lost It* fifth in 1.5 ton. put together a 45-point flrat ardson, '608. Rav Hanna. 662. Joe McBride’s ...... 8 6 .333 York is the "moat consistent" club Ining tSnuffy) Smith, as.sistant y ‘‘We set a Jan. 15 deadline for Pender, a 29-year-old fire- , ” man. He could get a perma­ Adler Dobkin sank - two (pul- to set up a 'playMft schedule and NBA President Maurice Podoloff 178-196-534. Aldo D’AppolloniO Rolling Pins .. -ifordan to defend, and on Jan. 14 man from Brookline, Mass.^dlT" nent injury—like going blind. for," he said. "I’ll ■ probably opponents are greatly amaz4>d at games as Penn evened its record said present plans are to staff'the period to eaally defeat New York 191, Paul Desjeunes 196-504, Jack M i*tretta"^7 and Wilter Suro- Red Sox ; ...... 1 3 . i n scoring 116.8 points While allowing commissioner of the Eastern Col, these fellows. Amle feels/hl* way shot* 'Vk'ith 13 seconds'to go to beat | leiect a date for the player draft. Flying Saucers Rothschild announces he wants to the 10th ranked ct^eriger. And don’t forget, I have two win the title an netary at 7-7, and avenged an earlier de­ Remnants. B’nai B’ritb trailed-: Also on the agenda is the Caliber Chicago team with player* from a 144-126. Lappen 502. A1 Bolis 181, Bill Gal­ wlec, 514. X Tiger* ...... 1 3 411 the foe 116.7 tallies per 48 minutes lege Athletic Conference. The Ndw around. Paul can use h)s legs as The victory enabled the Celtics Skllletts ...... England College Athletic C the rest of its personnel from the Blue Jeans . . . . 8 14 .364 n o . son 115. fouls as any two players in the The NBA extended its deadline major from Punxsutawney. Kuntz. Standing* points but high man waa Jack hM governed UConn, Yale, Bridge­ he made it. Both teams are 9-3. W L Pet. I ‘Don’t Belong' draft or on ita own. The new entry DOUBLE STRIKE LEAGL^ Hush Puppies .. 4 18 .182 NBA, is the free throw percentage for the Jordan defense when the Like Auto Needs Spare 27, is a business major from Lock Memphis State did a fine job of win be acUve in the 1980-61 aeaaon. Twvman of Cincinnati who had 37. b king, hitting at a .886 clip. port, New Haven and University Los Angeles fighter took a medical Lea's Market ____;5 1 .833 - "ThU i# another gem - the Roy- ire of Hartford for several years. Haven. Amie will student teach holding 6-foot-10 Jim Hagen .to Herm’s ...... 4 2 .668 i w. L. Pet. Unda Bellefleur rolled a new Taking scholastic sports writer examinayon early this month. The next semester and graduate next only 13 points before he fouled out high tingle 119. Other resulU Morris Simoncelli's stati>rics on NRA,,ls'now awaiting re.sults of House A H s ie ...... 3 3 .500.1 McrriH's Market ..42 15 .736 New York (NEA)— Red Auerbach readily admits that the August. Paul will teach next fall id the final six minutes. He was Neaalfr* ...... 0 6 .000 Mari. Engraving .3 4 28 .596 Kathy Campbell 100, Martllh Bon­ Manchester High, not-^counting lliaf'examination to determine its and graduate the following Jan­ averaging 23 per game until laat ham 96, Mary -Ann Zemaitis 85, Tuesday's win overyBrlstol East­ next step, Maceroni said. current Boston Celtics is the beat team he has ever drilleii and Denies Reports, Clark Motors .. . . .33 24 .579 W in n e r IajsI uary. ■ ■ night. Lpwry Kirk paced Mem­ Cheryl Beebe 86, Barbara May 91 ALL WEATHER ern, the Indiana^;Were shooting at I.«ading Challengers the dean of professional coaches has had some pippins in 13 Herms’ moved into second place, Headquarters, Bolt|m Correnti’s In*. .. ..28 29 .491 While mentioning ba.skelball of­ What does the future hold ? phis State with 19 points as the' last night defeating House A Hale.. Ramune Salcius 89, Nancy Mitch­ a 27.1 clip frojn" the floor. And the The top four challengers li.sted New Y’ork, Jan. * l IdP)—Carol Gus's Grinders .. ..21 36 .368 ell 98, Kathy Coleman 94, Judy ficiating, Fred Post of the Middle- years in the National Basketball Assn. Both Arnle and Paul "are anx­ winners effectively kept control of 38-31 and Lea’s M.arket took over I .328 foul line ^rSentage was 68.8 per by the NBA are Luis Rodriguez of Loscut-*------Helss, the queen of the world Ponticelll .A Sons . .18 45 Whitcomb 88, town Press displayed a clipping "But we do miss Jim ious to finish college and find- job* ^the backboaida to stifle th* fa­ the leSd dooming NassltTs. 31-23. cent, , Cuba, Rudy Stitch of Louisville, off’s beef In the comer defensive I can score 43 points," quipped teaching and coaching. vored Tennesseans. Notch Y Loop Vefrdicts figure skaters, today denied Bopr" Manchester field goal and from an Eastern Connecticut daily Frederlco -Thompson of Argentina job," said Auerbach, "Frank Ram; Mike Kusiak scored-In every] published reports she and Olym­ ResulU; Merrill’s 2, Engraving AUTOMOTIVE LEAGUE which reported a game which cr e ­ Russell, whose average this sea­ Lee Sager’s ' 21 ppinta and .Stu TIRE SALE quarter to lead Lea’s with 101 1; Clerk 2, Pontlcelli’s 1; Cor­ foiif figures are far below the pros, and Charlie Scott of Philadelphia. sey and Tom Heinsohn are a differ­ son is down to 16.7. Sherrard’s 20 were the big factors pic Champion Hayes Alan Jen- Standing# that can be expected. ated mc«:c than passing interest. Stitch is sidelined with an eye )x>lnts followed by Carl Hohen- i kins plan to announce their en- renti’s 2, Qua'* i. ent type of player." - "I’m not the muscle t.vpe of Scholaatic .Baakpiball. In Army’s victory as the Cadets STANDINGS steams entered the final period tied W. L. Pet. ^ 4>, ♦ 4> ■' At the final gun, Killingly and cataract. • The six-five, 220-po\md Loscut- that (9 1 and Jack Melesko (7i.: gngm ent__after__the Winter Swede Anderson'S 138 was the -Waterford—were-all—tied -up.--Al.so,. -playeF,"—added—Big —Bill------ilOaa.^ -hr4»lia-open.-*^-tlght-g*ma-midway- Johnny Egan -was high for. Naa-i W, at .23-each. in the iinal .period, Cunliffe Motor# 8 1 .889 — -In~bos"Angelea,—Jackle-MoCoy, 'dff,' 6uffbr' the campaign 'b’ecaTisa Olympics next niontlK " highest'8tngl*.:...... — — - - r “ 3 -.6 6 r at the end of the first overtime, man no longer can defend against | Norwich 81, Warren Harding 70 in the second half. Soph Jack aiff’s, getting mne of his 13 points Shy-Ann ...... S.. Frank Butkfls, Harold Brainard, Alcar Auto Paris' . 0ribhl<>fl and Picks Jordan’s manager, said the NBA of a slipped, disk operation, was s "This Is emberrasslng for the score was still de.adlocked. A threat may make the champion one man in pro basketball. It is Weavef .54, Hillhouse 43 Thobe scored.31 points in Xavier’s in the final period, to account for' Bolton Esso ...... 5 Bill Fortin, Lee Darling and Skip Hollywood Seruice $ 1 ^ 8 8 Before behind "held" to 30 points hatchet man. now strictly a team defense game. | St. Anthony’s 94, LaSalette 23 victory to help the Musketeers to Mikoleit all scored while Telso waa both of us," said the lovely- JAYCEE8 MIDGET LEAGUE DeCormier Motor# by New York Tuesday night. Wilt second extra, period was played. paSs up the fight but observed it But Vince Boryla, like every­ all of Nassiff’s scoring in that: Headquarters ...... Standings Waterford controlled the tap and "would be a good payday." Heiqpohn and Gene Conley helped i Berlin 80, Rocky Hill 48 an 11-.5 record. stanza. Jim Flannagan (4) also | Personalized Floors held to a lonely field goal which blonde New York U. co-ed who Man. Auto Parts . Chamberlain scored 40 or more body elke in basketball, can’t .see turned 20 yesterday. “I don’t W L. Pet- 6.70x15 one of its players scored. In.stead Basilio and Rothschild vowed ttf me a lot dropping off-their defen-1 played well in a losing cause. Nike accounted for the Eisao victory. Man. Radiator .... points in 14 consecutive games. where the Celtics are shy in any have any plans just now.” Charter Oak . . . 0 1.000 BLACK of ending the game there, as .the continue with _plans for the June sive men toward the center and Herm's took a 24-9 lead at half-, Telso Rcadqurters

r- ^ PAGE^FITTEEN PAGE POURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN!. THURSDAY, J^jmARY 21^960 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1960 Apartments— FTbI#— Automobiles for Sals' 4 TRERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY and SHORTEN Household Goods ' SI . Tenements .6 3 Business Locations Houses fur Sale 72 Houses for Sale 72 Houses for Sale 72 Houses for Sale 72 STERILIZED used furniture. Most Rockville-V ernon Soviet Reports 1^962 FOUR DOOR Plymouth, good of it reflntshed. Appliances and f u r n is h e d 2^ room apartme''t, for Rfnt /FIVE ROOM ranch in Vernon with running, second fnmlly car, 1210. $14,600 BOLTON- Birch Mountain I—$12,000—SIX room Cape.. quiet WOODHILL HEIGHTS . space heaters. Thoroughly cleaned heat. Apply T, Morrow. 26 Birch Rd. Extefision. 6 room cape,. 4 fln- ctreet, aellUig under FHA apprais­ carport,. Ameaits drive, aluminum MT 9-8919. H ave vou ever m o t c e d i St. Ml 9-2286 after 6 p.m. AlB-CONDmONED 3-room oHlca. . IN : / storms, 313,900. J. D, Realty, Ml Pacific Rocket CLASSIFIED new mattress and furniture at 100% Main Street location. Park­ ishe<1. fireplace, large cabinet al. R. F, Dimock Co., Ml 9-5248 iT'5 .AUWAS? TUE guv WwO 40% discount. I.ieBlanc Furniture MANCHESTER ' - 3-5129. - 1 Hospital Nets $ 1 7 ,8 3 3 ^ 1953 WILLYS STATION wagon, ing. Marlow’s, 867 Mato St. kitchen, full basement, recreation or Barbara Woods, MI 9-7702, EATS Ml® ViiElGHT IM Hospital, 195 South Street. Rock­ TWO ROOM unfurnished apart­ overdrive.' excellent condition. TR ment, stove, refrigerator, neat room, iot 150x200. Marion E. A Location of Beauty and $13,900— IMMACULATE 6 room a r g e t A f e a 5-1819. sirloins ~ • ville. Open 9-8, Saturday till 5. TR l a r g e STORE at 26 Birch Street. Robertson,. Broker. Ml 3-5953. m —VERNON — 6-room ranch,^ 9 ADVERTISING Apply Marlow’s, 897 Main St fireplaces, 17x18 ft. living room, Distinction cape, new furnace, screened 5-2174, We buy entire house con­ Apply Marlow's, 867 Main St. Near 1953 STUDEBAKER pick-up with MANCHESTER • South Windsor built-in oven and stove. Garage. 1' ■) porch, garage, nice lot, trees, bus, Earlier Loss Offset tents.' PORTER STREET —Extra large Main St. Parking. school, shopMng. Carlton W. (Continued .P ace Ob«) or without utilitv box, excellent apartment, 3 bedrooms, oil fur­ Area—Customers wanted. We eell, %-acre plot. Near new elemtiptary Vi Acre Sites CLASSinED ADVERTISMENT DEPT. HOURS condition. MI 9-2271. MAIN STREET—Building for com­ buy, build, rent and trade resi­ school. R. F. Dimock Co. Ml Hutchins, MS 9-9132. s —— — — used nace $110. Ml 9-5226 till 6 p.m. Ranch and colonial styles featur­ the target area was wet 8:15 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. HOTPOINT electric stove, mercial business or office use. dential property. We have a fine 9-5245 or Barbara Woods, MI i% % —$99.40 PER month tncludea Rockville City HoeplUl eoeperi-^ment in Rockvllls and EUtogton. 'only 2 years. MI 3-7818>^^ Will subdivide. Ml 9-5229. 9-6. selection of old and new homes. 9-7702. ing fu ll. basements, hot water oil He sold he was flying at HEATED 6 room apartment, with all, small cash. Beautiful 8H enced a net gain of $17,835 for the Held for the first time lost year, feet and "we actually looked 1966 CHEVROLET, V-8 , dump garage and back yard. Bug and All Itatingis are very realistically heat G.E. equipped kitchens. Also COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. garage ana i V-M ANCHESTER-rWew 5% room room ranch, J>ullt-in . range, tirei it woe won by Dorothy Kington. on the explosion, which was at truck. 3 yard body. Call MI 3-1253. 'Cjilldren’s'Children’s schschool handy. Hot water priced. have many different available choice wodded building fiscal year ended Sept 30, 1958, In order to beat prepare Inter- MONOAT Thru FKIDAT 10:S0 A.M.—SATtTRDAT 9 A.M. ROPER GAS and gas combination ranch, built-in G.E. oven and lots for custom homes. Pick your place. Carlton W. Hutchins, Ml 2,000 feet." arT’'^gaq ' rangeran furnished, $120 Houses for Rent 65 methods ^ r financing. AH in­ 9-8132. offaetUng the net loss of $4,583 re­ eated achieverk as to proper salea stove, 840-, MI 3-4791. monthly>.^n— 9-10-"’ quiries are kept confidential. Try range, fireplace, 3 bedrooms, near iot now for spring construction. ("W e plotted the position of th« 1950 FORl^ custom 2-door ’ sedan, SIX ROOM ranch, attached garage bus, '.school. Priced to seli at Model Homes Open Daily 1-5 p.m. ported for the prevloua year. techniques and procedures, a local explosion and midp it out to he PLEASE READ YOUR AD Albert's^ defy iuiyone us, make that phone'call now. We BIRCH MOUNTAIN Extension — sales clinic will be conducted be­ radio and heater. BU 9-6003. THREE ROO^Nhjniished aj^art- in Green Manor. References re mav be able to solve your housing $15,600. Call Richard F. Dimock Saturday - and Sunday 10-5 p.m. The Improved financial sUtua of at least 200 mUOs northBreat Of thn to equal thlSvBuper, duper . Bolton. 6 room cape. 5% mort­ the privately-owned hoepltol woa ginning today at 6:30 p.m. at the or ‘'Want Ada" are taken over the phone aa a con­ ment convenlently'Socatad. • Call qulfed. $125 monthly. J. D. Realty problem. Phone Ml 3-4836. Wesley Co.., Ml 9-5245 or Barbara Woods DirecUona - - Enter Woodhlll gage may be assumed. 4 finished, target B.rea” -or about 100 miles sensatioimL value • M: 9-7702. disclosed today to the annual re­ B u B i h e 6 s Center at School and venience. The adverttaer ahould read hla ad the FIRST DAT IT LET’S «PL1T TUE CMECVTHREE Ml 3-8129^______MI 3-6129. Vancour, Broker-BUlIder. Heights opposite Manchester Shop­ one partially finished, one unfin­ from his plane. ■ WFUO.WaEM , WAVs f TOO M UCU TROUBLE ORIGINAL ^ 8 T ping Farkade off Middle Turnpike port on the Board of Truiteee. Pork Street*. AFFCAB^ and BEFOBT ERRORS In time 'for the next Inaer- Auto Drivinjc School 7-A VI—MANCHESTER. New listing.. ished room. Recreation room, full (American military authorities TUE TIME OF FIOURING OUT WUO $746.98 FOUR ROOM apartment, Including HOUSES FOR RENT MANCT-IESTER —6 room home. West at Tower Road. Model home The net gain enabled the hoipiUl John Harvey, assistant manager in Washington said earUer- they Oon. The Herald la reaponalble for only ONE Incorrect or omitted WORTH OF FURNITURE Six room cape. Immaculate con-' basement lot 150x200. $14,500. MORTLOCK’S Mancheater'a lead RECkOl^lSG OWES >A'UAT.'MERE'S heat, hot water gaa for cooking, Marge front porch, entrance hail on Woodhlll Road. Marion E? Robertson, Broker. MI to provide $9,694 to new equipment of White-Corbln Div„ U.S. Enve­ believed that the Rusaiona had tnaertion for any advertlaement and then only to the extent of a Ing driving school Three skill l AND APPUANCES electric refrigerator and gas Two choice 4 bedroom homes living room, dining room kitchen, diUon. Attached breezeway and and new and -xpanded service, the lope Oo., and a JA advisor, will “make rood” Insertion. Errors which do not lessen the value of COMES, MV THREE 3-5953. missed the target by se'veral hun­ courteous Instructors, Class rrfom BUCkS.' 8 ROOMS COMPLETE stove, $92 monthly. Call Ml 9-4071 available on rental basis. Both have on 1st floor, 3 rooms and bath on garage, amesite drive. Near Man­ r JARVIS REALTY CO. trustees stale. conduct the clinic, conaiattog of th^ advertisement will not be corrected by "make good' Insertion. SUaCrESTS chester Hospital, $13,700. R. F, dred miles)-. instructions for 16, ’ 7 year olds TUIS —' . . Sure some of It has a from 5-7 p.m. m ' baths. 2-car garages. For in­ 2nd floor. Large cloeets. Good con­ . Realtors — Insurers Services of the hospitsd cost three sessions. Harvey has had The multistage boUistlc. missUs Telephone Mr Mortlock, Director dition. One car garage. Excellent Dimock Co. MI 9-5245 or Barbara Lots for Sale 73 $380,182 for the recent fiscal year, few scratches and some FIVE ROOM duplex, hot water, formation'Call Woods. MI 9-7702. MI 3-4112 . MI 9-1200 many years of experience to the was the fir6t in the stfies of TOtJB COOFERATION WILL' of Driver Education Ml 9-7908. are last year models location one block off Main St. and patients were chuged $335,- ssdes field. -..... planned launchtngB" for prodiieiiu bath shower, yard, no heat. 1127 $15,900. ftoilbrick Agency, MI UNION 8TRBE7T, Manchester - 502. Endowment and miscellaneous BE AFPRECIATED Dial Ml 3-2711 LARSON'S Connecticut's first li­ BUT WHO CARES Sum Van Ave., Wapplng. Ml 4-1948. ■ JARVIS REALTY CO Df'^'TtASCTBSTBm SUBURB- 6 BUYER NEEDED Immediately — On completion of the clinic, each" rooketa to pot heavy Earth satel* 9-8464. Small cape almost on Bo^on line. B zone lots with city water. $2,500 Income- amounted to $62,515, pro­ censed driving school trained___ w h e n YOU CAN GETt room Cape. 1 year old. Immacu­ each. MI 9-6498. company will oelect three repre­ lites into orbit and for apace fllghta Certified and approved, is now of­ “t i m k i t i r I ^ V —E R -Y T—H -I —N—O FOUR ROOM tenement with all 9*3 K. c e n t e r ST. >H..3-4112 OAK ST.—6 room. 2-story alum late cotidition. Fireplace, aiumir I.^rge lot. 4 down, 2 unfinished up. viding a net gain of $17,835. sentatives to compete locally. toward other' planeta of the aolor AT V, PRICE Improvements Including automatic num combination doors and win­ Priced lor very fast sale. Jack J. In the previoui fiscal year hoe- The winner of the Rockville con­ system,'Toss news agency said. Lost and Found Xutomnbiles for Sale 4 fering classroom and behind p e n 3Hl/A\AKEfi, NEWLY DECORATED 6 room slrr- inum siding, copper plumbing, new LAKE ST., VERNON -Beautiful wheel Inatructlon for teenagers ONLY $373.49 hot water heater. Apply 50 Holl St. Wiring and G. E. furnace, autO' dows. Over 1 acre land. 8% mort­ Lappen Agency, Ml 9-4506. tots near school. 150x180. Manches­ pital costa amounted to $328,707, test will join a group of semi-final- The Teas announcement aold ths SU6NifX>TCH, PA. JUST $13.49 MONTH gle located in St. James' Parish, gage mav be assumed. R. F. patienU paid $255,322, other in­ point of fall of the rocket "con- LOST—White cat. vicinity Wood­ OLDElt CAItS, mechanica spe­ Ml 9-8075. near schools, stores *ud bus line. maire hot , water,' extra large MANCHESTER —Special.- Attrac ter. 4 B zone lota, priced to sell ists from the area surrounding cials, flxit ^ourself cars, alwa.vs 1, 2, OR 3 YEARS TO PAY NEW 3-room apartment, heat, hot Dimock Go., MI 9-524S or Bai;bara J D Realty Ml 3-5129, Ml 3-1837 come toUled $66,802. leaving the Hartford. The winner moves on to iigh t land St Blue aye and green eye. arage, Xn 8-8691. kitchen. diiUng and living room. live Cape Cord, all rooms finished a good selaetlcdi. Look beihind our PREPARE FOR driver's test: SEE IT DAY OR Nig h t water, stove, refrlgeratof, garage^ New pantry, 3-car garage, • with Woods. Ml .9-7702. net loss of $4,583. system of rocket control,” If seen call MI 9-0808. Reward. all PI nice recreation room, large national competition where the offlee. Dougtks Motors, SSS Main. Ages 16 to 60. Driving and class PHONE SAMUEL ALBERT no children, $75 monthly. Ca water and electricity, fireplace in Ye RNON—125 foot frontage to A total 01 1,991 persons received prize la a. $1,000 college scholar It landed at 8:05 p.m. Wednes­ room. Three instructors. No wait­ 2-8090. X—BOLTON—4 room ranch, en­ screened rear porch, aluminum newest community of fine nomea. personalized medical and surgical day. Moscow time (12:05 p.m. LOST—Multi-colored long haired Htfd. CH 7-0358 Suburban for Rent 66 back yard, city water and sewer. siding, bceezeway, garage, ame ship. cat. female, vicinity Park St. Ml NEED A CAR and had your credit ing. Manchester Driving Acade­ closed breezeway with jalousie City, water, natural gas, adja care in the past year, and 1,692 E1ST) at a point 12,500 kilometers Heating and Plumbing 17 Help Wanted-^Female 35 Articles For Sale 45 A— L— B— E— R— T—’ s FOUR ROOM duplex, hot water, Easily converted to ,two apart windowk, garage, awnings, com­ site drive, fenced lot. Well l^ d - Jayoeeo >'onie Judge* . 3-1715. ______turned down? Short on down pay­ my. PI 2-7249. ROCKVILLE—Psrk street. 4 room ments. J. D. Realty, Ml 3-5129. cent to elementary school and were treated as out-patients. The (7,760 miles) from the takeoff spot 43-4.5 ALLYN BT.. HARTFORD heal, screens, .storm windows, bination door* and windows, fi­ scaped, city utilities. Full price. Judges who will select the com ment? Had a repossession^- Don't PLUMBING AND heating ,.>^ re- REWARD — For answering this ad ONE PAIR of men's hockey skates, heated apartment. 175 monthly. churches. Only Sl.QOO down. Mr comparable figures for the previ­ —not named in the announcement FOUND-rLarge black and white grlve up! See Honest Douglas'ixget OPEN NIGHTS TILL 8 P.M. Venetian blinds, garage. After. 8 MANCHESTER-BeauUful 8 bed­ acre land.. Immaculate condition. $15,500. Over 80 more listings of | Brown. Ml 9-1489. munity's Outstanding Young —and traveled at a speed of 96,000 modeling, installations, ■ 'repalra is an exclusive territory where size 7, good condition, *4.50 MI p.m., MI 3-1358. Also 3 room apartment with heat ous year were 1,390 and 1,337. mongrel, male. Call Lee Fracchla. the lowdown on the lowest d w ^ SAT. 6 p.m. room ranch, garage, large lot $14,400. R. F. Dimock Co. Ml fit your needs like a glove. Call; Hospital activity Increased dur- Farmer were today announced by kilometers (16,150 miles) an hour, Garage— Service— Storage 10 All work guaranteed. 25 years ex­ you can earn $2-j3 an hour in your 9-2219. and hot water; $*5 monthly TR fit your neds like a glove. Cal] CHOICE BinLDINO lolSr-One on Dog Warden, MI 3-8594.______arid smallest payments anywhere. perience. 24-hour service. Call extras galore. Full price, $15,800 9-5245 or Barbara Woods, Ml ing 1959 in al’ phases except the Frank Forbes, • state chairman for .the announcement said. spare time selling Avon Cosme­ GENERAL RENTAL agency— W* , 8-5126. 9-7702. ■ the Ellsworth Mitten Agency, GsLTth Rd. in Rockledge and one the Jaycees QYF' project. The Not a small loan or Hnancs com­ Earl VanCamp, Ml 9-4749. tics, toiletries and fragrances. Call ipecfllallze in rentals of all kinds. Short wa, out—5 room expandable number of accidents handled and "At a height of about 80 to 90 FOUND by Herald newsboy, chUd's pany plan. Douglas Motors, 333 66 GALI/IN electric hot water TAPPAN GAS range, 30 ”, excellent home, $8,500. Many piore new and Realtors MI 3-6930,-MI 9-5524. on Robert Rd, T. J. Crockett, Rockville’ Jaycees are now midway kilometers |49 to .55 miles) the GARAGE FOR RENT. 139 E. Cen­ now to arrange Interview in your Call J. D. Realty, Ml 8-5129. eve­ LARGE, THREE bedrdom ranch Realtor. Ml 3-1577. the length ot the average confine­ wristwatch, vicinity Center St. and Main St. > . ter St,''MI 9-7177. home. Call CH 7-4137. tank. $40. Call MI 9-4695. condition, $100. ’MI 3-6996. Apartment-Bnitdingii used from $S,00q up. Call the Ells- through an area wide search for next to last stage Of the rOdfet West Midae Tpke. MI 9-3754. nings MI 3-1637. with attached garage and fuH GLASTONBURY—1578 Manchester ment Millinery Dressmaking 19 for Sale 69 worth Mitten Agency, Realtors, MI possible conlknders disintegrated and partly burned FOR SALEI—Attractive .two tone FOR SALE— One Aneta French 3-6930, MI 9-5524. baMment. located to beautlfui Rd. 5 rooms,' 3 bedrooms, one con­ , Activiliea for the fiscal year Termed top agricultural authori­ BEAGLE LOST, tag 25276. May be TELEPHONE canvassers. We are Tamarack Hills with, outstanding vertible- to dining, ceramic bath, WANTED TO BUY—A building lot ended Sept. 30. 1959. and the com­ out on entering the dense s ^ t a 1957 Ford 4-door sedan, radio, GARAGE FO> RENT. 182 Maple EXPERT t a il o r in g —On ladies' looking f6r ladies to assist us to fryer, rebuilt. like new, priced i redecorated, .central heating,, also THREE APARTMENT house with ties,-the judges Include: Injured or dazed. Answers to heater, automatic transmission right. Call MI 9-8068. TV. All in good condition. SWEEPING. VIEWS - 5>4~rTOm convenience to school, shopping • mahogany paneled fireplace wail, in town. MI 4-1098. parable figures for the previous of the atmosphere,” Taas said. St. MI 3-4751. and gentlemen's clothing. 139 our promotional and public rela­ I garage facilities. Centrally locat- excellent Income. J. D. Realty, MI CHorence Metcalf representing "The noan cone of the last stage Cleo, Manchester Green area. MI and other 'extras. Battery and 4 9-3841. ranch, baseboard heat, storms, and travel. Sales execuUve colored Youngstown kitchen, slid­ year, were reported as follows: Ellington, Joseph Jledwied . repre­ 9-0837. . . . Woodland St. Call anytime. MI tions department. Hourly wages ___I ed on bus line, $80 monthly. Con­ 3-6129. ______transferrins to Chicago. Estate- ing door closets, extra large guest of the rocket, adapted to. traverse white 'wall tires, one week old. The 3-2264. and bonus. We invite only those tact B. Cantor Realtor. TR 6-8498 garage, 150x296. $12,900. Carlton Wanted— Real Estate 77 Hospital days. 12,883. 10,561; senting Tolland, and Herbert Nie- beat buy. in town at' 11.146, Ml Business Services ^Dffered 13 GENERAL ELECTRIC freezer. LARGE 6 burner Magic Chef gas W. Hutchins, Ml 9-5132. like grounds in fine neighborhood. and linen cloeets. double insulat­ average slay to days. 6.4, 7.6: dense layer > of the atmosphere, hit WILL THE BOY. who took smother that can devote 3 hours a day to stove. Owner moving to a smsll or L, Goldfarb TR 5-7095. derwerfer representing Vernon. the water surface near the pre­ 9-8909. Easy mangle. MI 9-7758. Business Property for Sale 70 Custom-built in 1956. first quality ed, beautiful oak floors, plas­ F.ARMS, ACREVG'E and listings births, 249, 234; operations, 405. Basis for their' judging 'will be boy’s shoe at Charter' Oak Skat­ our office, from 6-9 p.m. to con­ house. Msy be seen at 70 Porter COtONIAL 4 bedroom, 2 baths, througherpt. Tastefully decorated tered, breezewsy, heated garage, determined point o f its fall. CONNIE'S TV and. Radio St^yice. Moving— Trucking— tact us''af Ml 3-0632. THREE ROOM unfurnished apart­ on ihea wanted. Call U D R .340; x-rays, 2,615, 1.783', labora­ nominations submitted by the pub­ ing pond bv mistake please call DE CORMIER MOTORS, available all hours. Sat'isfaetion TV, 21" CONSOLE with 3-speed St. between 6:30-8 p.m. older home, modem kitchen, dish- with Phi'ltoplue mahogany trim. city water, country club atmos­ Realty Co., Inc. Ml 4-8193. Eve­ "Special vessels of the Soirtet ■ MI 9-1704. Storage 20 record player. Call after 6 p.m. ment. all utilities excepting gas, tory teats, 14,796, 12,125; ac­ lic. Winner will be the young farm­ guaranteed. Call MI 9-1315. centrally located, $75. Ml 3-4524.. INVESTMENT PROPERTY ■ Washer. Manchester Green sec­ Sensibly priced at $17,900 making phere, acre lot. Occupancy on or nings BU 9-6736. cidents. 134, 154; and transfusions, Ns'vy aituated in the area o t the MI 9-8583. tion. $16,800. Owner Ml 9-9505. excellent financing available. For er—between the ages of 21 and 35 SAYS, MANCHESTER Package Delivery. WAITRESS ^WANTED.: Pleasit call before Mav 1st. Reduced from ____ 136, 127. The blood fot transfu­ —who has made the greatest prog­ expected fall of the rocket, have CRAIN SAW work — Trees cut. Have seyefai pieces of excellent details which app^” to you call Ml $18,900 to $17,509. J. D. Realty, Ml SEIXJNG—BUYING—Tradtog? We maftrvWuable telemett;lc measure­ Announcements Light trucking and package deliv­ MI 9-4706 between 7 a.m.-9 pjn. JANUARY CLEARANCE 1.59 HBaiRY STREET—Immaculate sions was obtatoed through the ress in his agricultural career, best "THEY THAT KNOW US; KNOW, Reasonable rat;s.‘’ Call PI 2-7568 FOUR ROOM flat for rent. Avery income property. For further to 9-1278, Russell F, Broderick, 3-5129. offer you free confidential to- ments of the doBrn-coming stretch ery.' Refrigerators, 'washers and 7 room home, 2V7 baths, hot water cooperation of the Red Cross Blood practiced soil gnd na.turol resource ELECTROLUX (R) Va c u-u-m .WHEN WE SAY A CAR IS SHARP. between 1:30-4-80 or any time Diamonds— Watches— St. MI 4-0604. Broker. epectione and arrange all' financ­ of the trajectory of the flight. SaPjrday or Sunday stove tp^oving speclaltv. Folding formation please call heat, recreation room, 6%' niort- Program and the individuals w’ho conservation, and played the 'most ClSanera—Special 169.76 complete IT'S SHARP. THESE ARE SHARP chairs for rent. MI ,9-0752. Help Wanted— Male 36 Jewelry 48 : Baby door swings, reg. $6.SO'now IS FINANCING ing from start to finieh. Mitten "The nose cone of t' -i last stage CARS PRICED TO SELL, BANK $4.50. THREE ROOM apartment, unfur­ gage may be assumed! Marion E. BOLTON—6 room oversized cape, will- work hand and glove with xionated their blood. responsible role In community af­ with all, tools- Also. fuUy guaran­ M A M RUBBISH removal features J. D. REALTY YOUR PROBLEM? “ of the rocket was tracked in TERMS OF COURSE." AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. Local- LEONARD W. TOST, Jeweler, re­ Folding training chairs, reg. nished Older working couple pre­ Robertson Broker. Ml 3-5953. fully plastered, possible 4 bedroom I you. Member Multiple ' Lieting "Xlere statistics cannot measure, fairs and betterment. teed. factory rebuilt cleaners. Call full-time commercial, industrial, IMMEDIATE opening in Rockville home, ceramic tile bath, fireplace. ' the value derived" the. trustees A nationwide project of the Jay­ flight in the atmosphere and its en­ moving, packing, storage. Low pairs. adjusts watches expertly $8.98 now $5.50. ferred.' MI 3-6246. Service. Call the Ellsworth Mitten try into toe water was. recorded MI 3-6306.______residential, service. Attics, cel and Tolland, $150 a week gross ML3-5129 Ml 3-1637 READY TO move In—6 room ranch convenient utility room. Priced is RANCH LIVING said of the blood program. cees in cooperation -with the Amer­ THIS WEEK’S s p e c i a l s rate on long distance moves to profit. No experience necessary. .Reasonable prices, Oper Tuesday Cribs from $26 Up, Agency, Realtors, Ml 3-8930. by toe Imlpa’ radar, optical and lars, yards, burning barrels, card­ thru Saturday Thursday evenings, ‘ 2 pc. turquoise living room set, THREE ROOM flat, first floor. in a better neighborhood, full ceU for immediate sale. S. A. Beech- YOUR DESIRE? Concluding the report, the trus­ ican Petroleum Institute, commit­ INCOME TAXES prepared in your board drur -, snow plowing (side 48 states. MI 3-5187>v Married man only. Car needed. lar, I’ j baths. Can be seen at 61 acoustic installations. home or by appointment. Exper­ 1968 Rambler Custom Cross 129 Spruce Street. Ml 9-4387 reg. $169. now $119. - Four room flat, second floor. Heat ler. Realtor. Ml 3-6969. MI 9-8952. WANTED—In B zone, one or two tees stated, "The data presented tee .on agricultural affairs, similar walks). MI 9-97.57. Plus extra benefits. Call Fuller Alice Drive. Call owner at MI See the following Jarvis Hetings lots, top dollar paid. J. D Realty, searches are now .underway, in "As a result of the meoaure- ienced tax work, 24 hour service. Countr.v Station Wagon. MANCHESTER Moving itad Truck­ Brush, AD 6-1929. 2 pc. tan sectional and chair, and hot water furnished. Sunny Houses for Sale 72 is but s record of past achieve­ ing Company. Local and ftjjjg dis­ rooms. Newly renovated. All 3-0095 MANCHESTER — Need more with 4>-j% mortgages that may be MT 3-5129. more than - 1,504)- American com­ menta it -was established that toe Ml 8-4723.______' Our original sale, fully equipped, reg, $144, now’ $99. assumed. Save thoueafids of dollars ments. The future holds the .pos­ tance moving, packing and^tor- Fuel and Feed 49-A Wringer: washers reg. $159, now utilities. Quiet neighborhood.. Near VERSION —6 room ranch, A-l con- /--ri\rs*ic'rpw space? See this charm packed 6 munities Including Haw’^ i and rocket fell leas than 2 kUonieters like new throughout. MORTENSEN TV. Specialized RCA MAN TO LEARN floor mainte­ Beautiful 4-room room home. Full basement. I-^arge in interest. sibilities of evei^greater achieve­ (1.24 miles) away from the pre-de> ^ FEDERAL INCOMB taxes pre- agc. Regular service througlibuf nance biisinMs rriornings. Car $99. sch ^ s, (Tiurches, buses. Extra dltion. iklth 3 acres of land that ranch, expandable, basement ga­ Legal Notice ments. The efloNp of all will be Alaska. Only $595 Down teievision, service. Ml 9-4641. SEASONED hardwood for salr-Cut la r^ yard. Immediate occupancy. could be used tor building. Priced lot. Convenient all schools and Local winner will be eligible to termTned point which confima toe paried with your savings in mind, New England States and Florida.' . necessary. Call MI 9-8926 after 6 for fireplace or furnace $10 load. Other numerous values. rage. lake privileges brand new, $16,900 S bedroom rancher with continued toward providing the ^asonable rates. Call MI 9-8246. RADIO-TV REPAIRS, any m ake- Ml 3-6563. Stop and Shop.' First floor $90 monthly, second for quick sale. J. D. Realty, MI bus. Price $15,600, . Madeline OBDEB o r JSOTICE compete in the state finals for high predaion of t!.e rocket's guid­ 1957 Rambler 4-Door Sedan, Ml 3-6183. $11,900. J. D. Realty, Ml 3-5129 Smith. Realtor: MI 9-1642. flill basement, tiled bath. Large lot. beitt personalized medical and sur­ cars. amplifiers, phonographs nd floor $85 monthly. Garage If de­ 3-5129. STATE OF CONNECTICUT. District free trip to the national awards ing system. mOOME TAX- returns prepared by .xn 3-1837. ____ (Carport. Off Vernon St. Selling be- of Andover. Probate Court, town of An- gical care to the most importsint Super changers. Over 47 years total ex­ MAKa QEMENT'trainee. Fine op­ SEASONED hardwood, cut any CHAmERS FURNI'TJRE sired $5 monthly Inquire -168 SEVEN ROOM rambling espe low replacement cost. I dover January 18, I960 persons in the world. ' our pa­ program and consideration os one "The rocket waa started sharply former Internal Revenue agent In Our original sale. Standard trans- Painting— Papering ,21 Woodland St. Ml'3-8474, FIVE ROOM ranches - 8 and 7 on. appointed time. The flight of perience. 90 days guarantee un cdl portunity exists for young man to length, $10 a load ' delivered. 50.3 E. Middle Tpke. SECLUDED, immaculate.6 room ranch, attached garage, allimlnum ' I Estate of John H. Massey, late of tients — on a friendly basis.” of America’s four Outstanding your home or by appointment. MI mlsalon. Like new. enftr consumer finance field. Ex­ room Colonials For further de­ ^ Boijpn. in *ald District^ deceased. toe rocket as a 'whole ahd the work. Potterton's. Ml 9-4,537. PAINTING AND paperhanging. Grantland Nursery and Land­ ranch,, built-in stove, garage, storm-, 2 rooms unfinished. J. D .' $18,200 ranch Young Farmers of the year. 9-8938. Only $395 Down panding company requires the FOR RENT—.Why look further? tails can Charles Lesperance MI many extras. '3 acres: trees. Only- •U6 fruit 's I Thf 'executor oti Said estate havini Tricariro Rood Foreman ^»dety Cancels Meeting functioning of all its stages cor­ Good ejean workmanship at rea­ scape. Ml 3-0669. We have new 3'-j room, heated 9-7690. Realty, Ml 3-5129. 346 fool wooded lot. 3 bedrooms, i ^ia final account with sai FLOOR SANDING and reflnishing. services of 'a man willing to work $15,900. Carlton W. Hutchiiu. Xfl 1' baths. Full basement. Screened 1 estate to this Court For approval, it is Andrew P. .Tricarico of Hwnet The Holy Nome Society of responded with the outlined pro­ sonable rates, 30 years in Man­ G.E. 4 BITRNER electric stove, apartments In residential area of 3! 1956 'Rambler Cross Country Specializing in old floors. MI hard and anxious to get ahead. DRY OAK WOOD -C ut fireplace: 9-5132. WEST CENTER STT^Three-fam- patio. ORDERED; That the 2«th day ot St., Vernon, hoa been hired by the Sacred Heart Church 'will not meet gram.” Personals 9-5750.. ■ chester. Raymond. Fiske. MI broiler and oven. $50. Kelrinator Rockville,' Just 15 minutes from SOUTH WINDSOR - 79 Laurel St .lanuary. 19Sp. at one o'clock in the Town of Vernon as roa'd forenjan Station Wagon 9-9237. This is a career opportunity with arld'-stove lengths. $10 per load de-' 8 room ranch, extra large kitch-. ilv. good investment. Will finance. efternron. at the. Probate Office in An­ today. Instead, a. riiort business The Russians on Jan. 7 an­ many company sponsored benefits. livere'd. PJ 2-78?5. refrigerator. $50. Both for $80. MI Hartford by Wilbur Cross High­ .NEW LISTINGS in South Windsor: beginning Fe'b. 1. VAOdOM . CLEANERS repaired to Our original sale, hilly equipped. SNOW PLOWING-Driveways, etc. 3-0703. en, buili-ln oven, screened poti'h •Ml 9-5229 till .5 p m. JARVIS REALTY CO. dover. in said District be. and the meeting will precede the Father- nounced they were'-'preparlng for a Preferred Finance, 983 Main St. way. Kitchen appliances furnished. 6 room ranch, in excellent condi­ , same Is. aseigned fqr a hearinc upon He was selected over the -only Son .Sports' Night scheduled for my own honie shop. Forty years Top flight condition. lop service. Sava your back and EXTERIOR AND Interior painting — i Ml 9-4824. TR 5-1166. half acre lot. Excellent. financing , , , „ „ Ithe seltlement and allowance of said aeries of rocket shoots into the factory experience. All makes, tion, 1*» baths. Well landscaped NORTH ELM street—6 room ex- other person who passed the ex­ Jan. 29 at 8 p,m. at the church Only $395 Down. heart. Manchester, Esso Service and paperhanging. Wallpaper WANTED - ■ Meat cutler, full or Garden— Farm— Dairy COMBINATION oil and gas range.: available. Marion E Robertson, MI .V1112 MI 9-1200 account with said eatafe and thia Court Central Pacific. They designated low rates, free estimates, free books. Guaranteed, workmanship. lot. Owner going West. 6 room split' psndable cape, 4 roonis finished direefs that all persona known In be in- amination given by the Slate Per­ hall. The Sports night wjll b« open Center. Ml 9-8198. part-time for service market. Ap­ Reasonable. MI 9-7855 or 'JI | FOUR ROOM furnished apartment Broker. Xn S-5958. level with finished recreation ' sonnel Department. Of the 13 ap­ an oblong target area 280 nhlea ptckiip and delivery. Mr. Miller, Reasonable rates. Fully Insured. Product.6 ' : 50. 3-7852 j with-gas, lights and heat, $100. down, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, living All 3 6766 ' to aaln estate be cited to ap- to ail men and boys of the parish 1957 Rambler 4-Door Custom ply Manchester Public Market, 805 MANCHESTER - Sturdy new 6 room. Painted recently, Other list­ room with fireplace and attractive PI 2-8311 ' I pear at said lim e and placs by cau«- plicants. 11 took the test; Tricarico long and 160' miles wide about JA 3-6409. COSMA REFRIGERATION Serv­ Fast and courteous service. Leo Main St. .» ------:------Call MI 9-6964. I ing a copy of this ordvr to br pub­ and' will be ftee of charges or do­ 1,000 miles southwest of Hawolj- V8 Sedan J. Pelletier. Ml 9-6326. USED REFRIGERATOR, ideal fori room Garrison Colonial 14 baths, ings available. Cape in Coventry. bay window, upstairs unfinished, lished once in aom* newspaper having was favored partly because he is a nations. , . ^ ice. Repairs all make refrigera­ GREEN MOUNTAIN potatoes. Mil­ $16,000 and a cape In Bolton on 36 FALKNOR DRlt^^ resident and the other person who Planeis and shlpa were aske^ WANTED—Ride to Pratt A Whit­ One owner. Low mileage. Fully tors. freezers, washing machines,, cottage, will sell very cheap. Ml'THREE ROOM heated apartment, hot water heat, full insulation, Gara.ge. nicel.v shaded lot. Bowers a rirculstioa in said Dtstrirt and Events Scheduled ney from South Manchester, equipped. EXTERIOR and Interior patotlng. ler. 150 Speneer St. MI 3-5564. almost three acres. Jack J,-Ijip- School district, high assumable 1 a i posted on the public sign post In the passed the teat la not. stay out of toe area betweeo^sn, dryers, ranges, nil and gas burn­ 3-6459. j stove, refrigerator, hot water. |A5. {Mastered wails, fireplace with Six lymm cape situated on a nice 1 Town of Bolton where deceased laH Kiowa Council, Degree of Poca­ 8-4:46. Call MI 8-0182. Ceilmgt refinishcd. Papernanglng paneled wall, knotty pine 'abi- pen Agency, XII 9-4506, H. E. and mortgage at 4 4 % . S. A. Beechler, Tricarico Is foreman for I. R. 15 and Feb. 15. .Only $395 Dgwn ers. Ml 9-0883. All work guaran­ BRIDGEPORT , FOR g r e e n Mountain potatoes ------— ------:—7-* — | Three room apartment. $55. MI lot, many extras vacant, sensibly. dwelt, and sent to the following named hontas. wUl meet tomorrow at 8 Wallpaper books. Estimates given. 9-5229 until 5. . ■ nets l:^rge shade trees. Owner J. .1 Lappen, After. 4:30 MI Realtor. XH 3-6969. .MI 9-8952. * — - * I perROfiF by certifi$*d mall. t>r#- Stich, West Hartford builder, and Tass said testa of "powerful bal­ WANTED—Rlde from Cedar Ridge teed, call Hathaway for delivery, MI 4-1894. .MI 4-0149. priced. Can be seen any time. ipaid* EUnwnrth A. MiUen. 5^ p.m, in Red Men's Hall with newly 1957 Rambler Custom VS Fully covered by Insurance. Call MILLING MACHINIST 9-6438. ■ ■■ ■ Musical Inatrumgntg^ 53 and builder,. Ml 8-4880 , has had 26 years of experience in listic multistage rockets will be Terrace, Glastonbury, to Pratt * Edward K. Price. Mi 9-1008. MANCHESTER—To settle estate, ; Center Mapchester. Connecticut. general construction, site develop­ installed officers in charge; continued in ordsL./to obtain fur­ Cross Country Station a n y s t y l e typwriters ^or rent EIGHT ROOM Dutch Colonial, T. J. CROCKETT. Realtor ■ and Vivia M. Maea^y. BoUon. ronnerti- Whttnev, North lot. second shift. Tj'pWriter Experienced, capable of set­ $10,500—Two bedroom ranch, large 6 room colonial in A-l condition, cut, all at 1ca»t five day« hpfnrc the ment and roads. The Mm ”* Union of Union Con ther experimentor data’* and th a t' Wagon I, ."P”.'!:! BERT PLANTE — Painting and HEAR THE Kinsman spinet-organ; I ^ ”9^229 until ’ steam heal, one-car. garage, near Call M i 9-0452. Service. MI 9-3477 ting up own Work.' Prefer appli­ Finest of home organs. iJfetIme ,MI 9 5229 until 5 p.m, kitchen, recreation room excel­ fireplace. 14 baths, recreation date 8F.t for said h.carinr The new foreman will replace gregationol Church will m (i e t toe miaailea would fall within toe paperhanging contractor. Work Household Goods 51 bus. shopping and Verplanek ' Ml 3-1577 CH ARLES H. NiCHOleSOK. .Tudrc- •One owne r , Fully equippetL^iulL cants with job shop or experi-, lent condition, central, assume room, convenient to shopping, George Schwarz. First Selectman Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. for designated wme. . pow^r and air conditioned. ri’xpPTtly; dnnw. No joh-too-smatlr mental -aircraft_hnrUgmimH enjoyment Diibaldo .Mumc Cen-; grx ROOM duplex with garage, esem mortgage, small cash. School, Excellent condition. schools and bus. Asking $18..'500: AutombM«i for Sale 4 -- NORMAL’S-- tor, 196 ..W—Middle Turnpike. Call ( heat and hot water furnished George Risley announced last Cornish Hen dinner followed by a ’.'The amcessfut launching o f a Only $595 Down Fully insured. Ml 9-6965. rlton-W. Hutchlnz, SB .9-5132----- $17.900. Philbrick Agency, XII Alice Clampet. Realtor. X41-9-4543. month that Schwartz would be tour of the Kingfisher - Bristol Household Services Apply MI 9-6205, bus line. MI 3-7668 9-8464. T powerful Soviet multistage ballis­ w a n t e d — Clean aa«j cars. We ORDERS TAKEN for interior and UNCLAIMED replaced" because the forcipaii. waB Flshltne 1958 Rambler 2-Door Sedan Offered 13-A 4 CAROL DRIVE—Rockville. $18,- McKEE STREET—3 bedroom C0‘ Coventry tic touet inaurea the further ad­ buy, trade down or trade-, fuiy- exterior painting at..,w.inter rates'. J. T. SLOCOMB CO. 650. S room ramch, large living ON 2 ACRES-$12.000. 6 room lonial. garage, on bus line, handy renting equipment to the town. The annual meeting of Union vance of Soviet science along toe thing. Douglas Motors, 888 RahL. American model. Cannot be, told Carpenter work. Free estimates. FURNITURE BALDWIN Acroeonic spinet grand cOZY FIVE room flat and garage room, cabinet kitchen, 3 bed- ranch, built 1956, garage. «,;ellar. to churches, schools. thODptog. Schwarz will continue the practice Congregational Church, will be from brand new. 6 Cyl.. standard HAROLD * SONS, Rubbish lemnv- ^piano.XMk "liTTMT O 9-0941. AAd 1 .. . . ___ — ® to of mastering cosmic epaee CH 9-3496. MATSON HILL RD. available now. 27 Elro St. ixioms, 1 4 % mortgage can be Carlton W Hutchins. Ml 9-5132, Owner. MI 3-7414 between 1-5 p.m. as a contractor, and in the future held today at 8 p.m. following -and'atudytng toe planeta of toe 1957 BUICK convertible super, full traiisinisslon. Radio and heater. al, cellars and attics cleaned. no town employe, noh'Jiis relatives, power. New snow tires, 11.476. Ml Ashes, papers, all rubbish. Harold To Be Sold At Just 50c On A. ACCORDION, new $825, assumed. Marion E. Robertson. dinner at 6:30 p.m. solar system,” toe .news agSney -Only $395 Down SOUTH GLASTONBURY. ROCKVILLE—Available now'. 6 XfANCHESTER 6 room split level, MANCHESTER-Today’s best buy. Loyzim Under Fire will be permitted, to rent equip­ First Congregational Chupdi of 9-4984.' Hoar. MI 9-4034. \ used V W little. Call BU> 9-2235, Flroker, Xn 3-5951 concluded. Bond.s— Stocks MortgaKes 31 The. Dollar room apartment unheated. Avail­ wooded .lot,, 1-5x22 recreation room, 4 finished expandable cape, over­ ment to the town. Vernon will hold its annual meet 1955 Rambler 4-Dbor- 6 Cyl. 7 a.m.-Cp.m. able about February 1, 5 room un- SIX KOOXt Cape, 14 baths” fuTl btijlt-in stove. 110' frontage. Only sized kitchen, nice living room, - Risley said toe practice oL Jtown TV SERVICE - Prtt^O T'i aU MORTGAGES---- Consolidate your ing Friday at 8 p.m ./’'Refresh­ Station Wagon , makes. Highest quality ^laranteed SALES CAREER ALL NEW, NEVER LEFT heated apartment. T R •5-2557. cellar, house and ground* to ex­ $17,500. Carlton W. Hutchins, MI fireplace, one or two bedrooms, employ'es renUng equipment toHjm ments will be eervesFA/ter the monthly payments into one lump cellent condition, well landscaped 9-5132. For IDC Critieism town had drawn crlUcism for sprrieV ^ . Columbus* Wife Fully equii||>ed. Just recondi­ wprk and parts, over 47 years' ex sum with a second mortgage. Pay- One of the World's Largest Life OUR STORE one car garage, amesite drive', ^ J^OTICE perienc^ Famous for service since WantedXrrf Buy 58 (ROCKVILLE — Available now. cornoc lot, Buckley School, Shown c _nice yard, excellent location. Onlv time. He Hopes to start adding tioned in our shop ment.s arranged to meet ,vour in­ Insurance. .Companies will hire and __I. Large 5 room apartment with sun-i - ' ------riTn7rt“.l ' fch of D I m e a . About 1479, Christopher Cohxm* Of PubtiC'-Hearing on Only $395 Down 1981. Phon*._Ml 9-4.537 for bes* train two men, age 2S'-40. Prefer­ Customer Cancellations by appointment. Philbrick Agency, M2.900. McCarthy Entemrises, MI come, Expedient rejrvice. Dial MI WE BU'if and sell antique and used porch including heat and hot Ml 9-8464. one-car garage, oil heat, alumi­ Harry A. Jackson of the Cit-S/sources, facilities and statistics of i u w-ill nnt h’avp to be ■ being JJj^nsored by the bus m'arried a Portiigues* lai^. Proposed Sanitaryi^ewer service. ably married with good education­ Manufacturer's closeouts 9-4576. - Robert D. Xfiirdpck, MI Felipa Pereslrello. They .lived in 3-.5129. J, D. Realty, 470 Main St. furniture, china, glass, aUver. pic­ water. TR 5-2.’557. num' .storm windows, screens and 3-6472. izens’ Committee has c h a r g e d ^ toe town. The Democrats said they rented. J,'’The , town owns only one one ' American ^ i o n Post in the Rock- 1955 Oldsmobile‘2-Door Hart-|(TLAT fin ish Hoiian^wtpdow al and sales background. Base in­ doors, all city utilities. Near bus Extension in Grant Rngd, Factory Canceled Orders ture frames, guns, attic ixjntenUi. SCHOOL STREET—64 rooms, new Democratic Rep. Stephen Loyzim learned this information after a truck. and two automatic sand villc-VenJdh area, will include the Madeiras, where Felipa died come plus comntiissions and FOUR ROOM furnished apartment, and school.'Lot 60x240. Full orice, Ball JafT 30, at the Legion Manchester.. Connecticut'’' - J op — I shades made to measure. ''Ail . Business Opport.unities 32 Unclaimed Factdry Shipments whole estates Furniture xefin heating system, new plumbing, i COVENTRY S8.900 check with the State Development' spreaders. shortly .after th.e.ir only child, Full power, full Equipment. Su- metal Venetian blinds at a ntw bonuses will pay $7,500-$10,n00 first ished and repaired Furniture K* block from Main, all utilities fur-, aluminum storms, -.easily convert­ $13..500. AliCe^ Qlampet, , Realtor. with riolating a trust and mak­ Commission. ’ Home, a festiVaj in the former Diego, was bom. and on year. Future management possi­ nished. MI 9-9428 between 5-9 p.m. XII 9-4543. ■ .I'i moms, new heating, wiring, Gill Heads Town Recreatloii-.,^ perfori'throughout; This Is a Joe low price. - Ke.va made white you TWO WEEKS ONLY pair Service and Sales, Talcotl ed to 2 apartments. Priced for plumbing, water system..basement, ing a "political football" of the Once this information is filed. John Gill,' formerly chairman of Woolworth Store on E. Main St Windemere Street, Sullivan special. -• wait Marlow's. “ d ISTRIRUTDiTWANTED ~ bilities, Retirement and group ben­ .ville. MI 3-7449, quick ..sale. J. D. Realty, XII i efits, Phone Mr. Van Deusen. Man­ 't h r e e ROGM apartment avail- SIX ROOM-Slngl# home priced at *vstem. Easy financing. committee's actiriti the state will print 600 copies o f ; Rockville Recreation Commit- Feb. 12 and 13. andta street can Manchester, Connecticut MAI.E OR FFJilALE 3-Pc. Modern Bedroom 3-5129. . I vass Jan. 29 and 30. 'D nly $395 Down ALL MAKES ot TV, radio and chester MI 9-4604, 9-10:30 a.m. daily aBiif Feb. .15; with heat, hot water, FHA appraisal. Excellent Man-Joccimancy. Jackson, prime mover of th e'", 8*'"" 1 tee, was appointed by the seleo',- GRANT ROAD home electronic equipment ex­ *» Self-Service Record Di8play», for appointment, and Andover, PI . Dresser, mirror, chest ahd bed. parking, shopping, bus line. MT Chester Green location. 3 extra Citizens' Committee, formed Dec. Coventry 250 copies, all free o f ! -Tuesday night to head the Hospital Note* IMPORT s p e c ia l s ; . * Eatablish_cd by us in high traffic 2-6|01, 5-8. p.m, daily. Rooms Without Board 59 3-14.55.^ LAWRENCE F. FIANO charge, the Democrats said. The A'dmitted Wednesday; Stephanie PhUlp E. Freedman and pertly repaired with a 90-day Reg. $159— $88 lots InclJfced in -this Ipw. low 2 to help the tow-n'i Industrial De­ town's recreation program. guarantee. Call Mr. Britney at the locations. Gaily Ruffled price. S A. Beechler, Realtor. Paul P, Fiano MI .3-04,'Wt velopment Commission (IDC), said other copie.s would be kept by the q ,]] ^^as named on a moUon by Futbma. 6 Ward St.; Phllombne Beverly-R. Freedman 1959 M.G.A. Sports Roadster IF YOU "ABE, looking.In this part ATTRACTIVELY furnished rooms 3>i R(5d m gitrden apartment, elec­ BROKERS MI 3-2766 State Development Commission for Pragluski, I t Ward St.’ Hazel Mil^ 62 Grant Road, Manchester Manchester TV; Ml 9-1046. •You own and operate tric stove.’ refrigerator and laun­ Xn 3-6969. MI 9-8952. in a letter to the Selectmen early Second Selectman, William R. Fulf wire w’heels and all other * Inventory inn% exchangeable of the paper, you must be broke i 3.p c. Maple Bedroom Complete, light housekeeping fa­ distribution to industries and Hahn. The chairman will, he asked Icr, Sadds Mill Rd., Ellington. accessories. A very low mileage but not lazy, Contact-me at MI' cilities availabie. Prices as low as dry facilities '.available. Near dBEEN'XIANOR—64 rooni ranch. this week, that Loyzim will not M i n t k i i ? Timothy Monarty and DICK S . WEATHERSTRIP Com­ Dresser, mirror, chest' and bed. be invited to attend any more busineases seeking to locate or re-1 assist in selecting two-^ o:her Discharged Wednesday: Mrs. car to top _ahape. pany doors and' windows, custom * Respected record producers and 3-2319^1 will consider yoii'for, a $W weekly Central Children ac Pai-kade. Call any'f4me, MI 3-01.39. 3 bedrooms, beautiful landscaoed. Margaret' M. Moriarty -manufacturers. attached garaee. fireplace, $15;200 Citizens' Committee meetings. locate in the state. persons to serve on the town rec­ Louise Miner, and daughter. 43 | B6 Grant Road, Manchester Only $495 Down work guaranteed. Call collect Wll- good position if you are alert, ag­ Reg. $169— $98 cepted. limited, 14 Arch St. Mrs Crocheted Matchmate's! Jackson .said this was the-; in­ High St.: Mrs.- Elizabeth Goodwin | * Dtsli'ibutors of major record Dorsey. FOUR ROOM duplexT^quire 96 Owner. MI 3-5314, The accusation by Jackson re­ reation . committee 'with him. llnjantic HA 3-1196: gressive and over 21 years of age. Summit St., town. Addita pre formation Talbot gave the Ch- The town has earmarked $2,- and son. 2^ Farmstead LS.. Elllng-* | Dotnenlc J. Ponticellt 1958 Fiat "Myltipla Wiigon brands. , sulted from a letter written last f u r n is h e d R(K)M-One minute ferred. HIGHLAND PARK near achool— 7 1 tizens' Committee when It met 000 for lecieation in its current ton. I Williams Road, Bolton • Fully- equipped and very clean. WEAVING of. bums, moth holes * No get rich quick scheme. FULLER BRUSH- full-time, part- 3 Pc Danish AV^InutHfidroom week by the Democratic T o w- n | 4. He adjnitted the Industrial time-openings for Manchest'er-Wil- from Main Street, light house room home, den, full dining room, budget, the first one to include any • Admitted yesterday: Lois Sen- ; and tom clothing,'hosiery runs, * Good profit Dresser, mirror, chest and bed Committee to toe-Selectmen urg- . Development ..Commission has not W e ’vA ’•m l . WBSJDEMERE STREET Only $295 Down handbags repaired, zipper re­ limantic area, married and car. keeping, women only Ml 9-7959 THREE ROOM apartment, unfil lltrge kitchen, living room 24x15, money for that purpose. The com- erto. 2534 Ellington Rd., Wapping. ( Howard F. Burgfr and . placement, umbrellas repaired, QUALIFICATIONS Only respon­ MI 9-0090 for interview. Reg. $319— $239 nished, older couple preferred, w.ith firenlace, huiU-ln bookcases ing them to prod the IDC into ( completed this” questionnaire and munttv basketball program in Discharged yesterday: Willisun lATt MODIU-^AU Sophie M. Burger 1957 P’iat 4-Door Sedan, Model men’s shirt collars reversed a .d sible, far .sighted individuals with LARGE ROOM in private home, parking, large garden. MI 3-7973. and desk, attached ope-car ga­ action.. They also accused the IDC 1 attributed its lack of progress to rural Vernon is being sponsored by | Burbank, Somers; Nelson Morrril, MAKI$-03$AT 3 1 ^ 87 Windemere Street, Manchester 1100 replaced. Marlow's Little Mend­ faith in the record business, seeking MAN WANTED for general all I» r> n 1 is 1 » j new furniture, near bus line, park­ rage, second floor 3 bedrooms and of not performing its duties of at- | the fact that two of the IDCs five the town, as well as an indoor Broad “ ’ ~Brook: • Maryann Konicki, 63 One owner—immaculate. A.fine ing Shop, a long .term connection will be con­ round work. Apply In person. 1 0 Rnck Maple Bedroom ing. Ml 9-1972. AVAII.ABLE Feb. lat, 3 rooms and bath, thermoses! combination win- trading industrj’, bus'mess and , original members are on the School sports program for men ov’er the Grand Avt. •89 OLDS. 8DFEB 88 ! You are hereby notified that the Import." sidered'. •Cat-. ‘ Spare or full-time, Hilliard— St., ■ “Town. ’ Dresser, mirror, chest and bed hath, heated, hot water, porch. d-w.s and screen.*! ihroiwhoiit. commerce to Coventry. | Building, Committee and one has age of 30. The latter prograi’n waa Birth today: . A ion to Mr. and 2-Door Hardtop ' n President and Directors of the NORTH END—One sin^e-8nd one Call after 4 p.m,, PI 2-7545. Extra lot goes with home. E. F. Only $295 Down- $1175 investment, depending on size Reg. 269— $168 double room, parking, board^f In his letter this week, Jackson ' moved to Manchester, suggested by Donald Berger and . Mrs. WilHam Robert, 19 Hammond EUghth School and Utilities DiS' BuildinR-CoritractinF 14 of territory desired. Swallow, M I 9-.698R, said Loyzim, the Democratic Par- i Robert Wilcox. IDC chairman, '59 OLDS. SUPER 88 sired. $8 weekly. MI 9-2469. is being carried out by him. : : St. 4-Door Hardtop trict of the' Town: of Manchester 7957 Metropolitan .2-Door Help Wanted— ty’s representative bn the Cit" and . Joseph Motyka. whose term Hahn commented that the; :— ----- propose to construct a main sani­ AN"? KIND of carpentry and cabi­ WRITE. WIRE OR CAIJ„ DUDLEY STREET—4 room single, Hardtop Male or Female 37 2-Pc. Modern Living Room * WELL-HEATED rooms. 1 and i 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, izens’ Committee had agreed not 1 «sp'red in September, 1959, are al­ growth of the tow’n msikes it ad-- Vegnon and "ralcottviUe new* 1* tary sewer to Grant Road and net'work done. Honest and relia­ room cabins, all furnished. Call to make aj.'political football” of |'»b SBC, members. Kenneto Down- •69 OLDS. 88 One owmer. Fully equipped, to top Sofa and chair, 12 year construc­ enclosed front porch, garage, deeo visable for the Selectmen to set | handled through The HeraM’s 4-Door Hs'rdtop ■ Windemere,Street in the Town of ble workmanship Call Roscoe BEST RECORD DIVISION RESPONSIBLE drivers to operate MI 9-0826 between 6-7 p.m. SEPTIC TANKS Ihe committee's actions. Loyzim ! ibg moved from tbwp, leaving only iip A recreation rommittfee. Town (Rockville Bt]rean« 5 W, Mfttii’ St.t condition. - AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL, tion guarantee lot, quiet desirable neig’iborbood. Manchester. ..Thompson, MI 3-1895 Jor esti­ school bpses, 7:30-8:.30 a.m 2:15- AND s' also a member of the Industrial Chaiiman Wilcox. Theodore Toedt. Counsel Robert F. Kahan is in- : telellhqne TBcmont ,5-3136. You are given this' notice as the. ' Onl.v $295 Down mates - , INDUSTRIES, INC. , . 3:.30 p.m. MI 3-2813, MI, 9-0552, MI ' Reg. $199— $119 p l e a s a n t HEATED room near S, A. Beechler, Realtor, XII 3-6969, '58 PONTIAC BONNlEVaXS MT 9-8952, Development CommiBSion. secretary, and Loyzim. vCatigating-the need for an ordi-. ------~ .owner or owners of land or build­ I-ewia-Tower Bldg., Phila, 2, Pa. 9-'i215, bath for gentleman. Free parking. 2- Door Hardtop Wf also have a good selection,'of BIDWELL HOME Improvemen ------a______PLUGGED SEWERS , , . , ■ . , 1. . ■ Tb their letter to the Selectman nance to authorize the action. ings upon yi’hlch tfie cost of' such KI 6-3737 54 High St, , BGLTON—5 room ranVh, high and J a y son s complaint ^was that the Democrats railed constniction may be assessed. Such lower pneed cars Ideal,for'second Co: Alterations, additions ’ ga 2-Pc. Early American Living the Democratic Town Committee Atty. Kahan is alSo checking on '58 FORD CUSTOM 8 cars. - • ’ . ragek. Roofing and siding expgrta. dry. large, wooded lot. Aluminum upon them to investigate the IDC's means other towns are us'ing to assessment may include a propor­ Situations Wanted— Male 39 Room Set FURNISHED ROOM, com pete: Machine Gleaned tried to lake credit for informa­ aclivities and replace the chairman Grange Notes 3- Door Hardtop Aluminum plaphoards a' specialty. housekeeping facilities, ' between storms. School bus, neighbors but compile and publiSh ' town or­ tionate share of the cost of pre­ Help Wanted— Female 35 Foam rubber, 12 year construc­ j Septic Tanks, Dry Wells, Sewer seclusion. Jack I.annen Agenev. tion the Citizens’ Committee or anyone else who does not accept liminary ’ studies and surveys, de­ DE CORMIER MOTOR Unexcelled workmanship. Easy CARPENTER, painter, paperhang- Center and Memorial Hospital, i Lines Installed—klellar Water­ learned at a meeting Jan. 4 with. dinances in one volume. This is '57 OLDS. fl8 budget terms. M3 9-6495 or TR er and mason desires work, $1.50 tion guarantee X4T 9-4.606 after 4:30 MI 4-0149 XH responsibilities on the IDC. TOis M'Sneheater Grange members at tailed working plans and speclflca-' SALES. INC. PROTESTANT lady would Ij^e a Wome^i only. Call Ml S-SSSr. , proofing Done. 4-1894. V Roscoe Talbot of the Slate Devel­ required of all towns by state • 2-Doer Hardtop MANCHESTER'S OWN RAMBI.ER 5-9109. hour. Write James Gardner’s An­ Reg. $269— $188 w’ss interpreted by many as.s .slam a meeting at .Orange Hall last tipns. cost of acquisition of'” any companion not over 68, Free room opment Commission. St Wilcox. He. and Loyzim have statute and must be completed by d e a l e r and board, good home, small tique Shop. 124 Hudson St., 'Hart­ ROOM IN PRIVATE home pearj the end of 1960. night were reminded to bring in '57 OLDS SUPER 88 land or properly necessary for the ALL -.t y p e s o f carpentry work Cheney's. Gentleman preferred.! 4-4 TWO-FAXULY, immediate oc­ In his letter Jackson said, "Nine been feuding for some time. construction, interest charges dur­ 24 Maple Street. Tel. Ml 3-0976' wages. Write Box K, Herald, ford. 2- P c.: Modern Living Room McK i n n e y b r o s . cupancy, seoarate besting -sys­ days lat,er., ( Jan. 13) one of his Selectman Risley reported that old eyeglasses for the annual col­ 4- Door Hardtop Manclxeiiter, Conn. done. Alterations dorrners, roof- 14 Beech St. Parking. j lection for the Eyes of the Needy ing construction, legal and other toX. porches; fipish upstairs, PART-TIJifE mornings — Inside SeL^ Seweraqe Disposal Co. tems, very centrsl location Priced (Loyztm's) counterparts, at a the town highway crew has used fees or any other expenses , inci­ CLERK right for promnt sale, John , H, all but six tons of the 30 tons of project. Members were also advised ^57 OLDS, 88 1951 MERCURY, new paint job. basements and garage, etc Cali work, fixperieoced, sales, account­ Nylon fabrics, . foam rubber. 12 ATTRACTIVELY furn.iehed room 130-182 Pearl St.—MI 8-5308 Sitet 2-4-6 Democratic Town.Committee.meet- . 4rDoer Ffiirdtop dental to the completion of the MI 9-.59SI. Interesting position for woman- with cooking privileges, private Lappen. Inc. MI 9-5261. ing, made a motion to the select­ New Couples Club sail bought for this winter. He to get started on ehtri'es for the Mav be seen at 347 Burnham SI. ings, parts inspector, work from year guar^tee national Grange crochet and sow­ work. Call MI 4-0390. with aptitude for figure work. Ex­ blueprints. Call -MI. 9-1245. entrance, parking. Inquire at 187 men about the matter" urging the ordered an additional 22 tons to '57 BiriCK A public hearmg concerning the perience on calculator 'preferred, Reg. $299— $197 THRER-FAMTI.Y house,' 5-5-4, ex carry the town through the „reet ing contest. • . ' Maple St. • cellent condition. In nice neigh Selectmen to’ prod the IDC into Forms at Temple 2-Door Hardtop propoeed construction and. the pro­ 1956 FORD 2-door sedan, 6 cyltn- Roofing—rSidinK Ifi but not necessary. action. of the winter. Past Master William Lines, posed assessments will be held at Poultry and Supplies 43 PLEASANT LARGE heated room, borhood.' first floor comnletely re chairman , of toe Grange youth *37 CADILLAC , deV, s'utomatir transmission, ex­ modeled, including wall to wall ’The counterpart .Jagk'son re­ A new Mr. and Mrs. CluBTTlmv Men’* Recreation Xleetlng 7.30 p.m. oh Feb 1st. 1980, at the COUGHLIN ROOFING Company. Company offers good wages, ex­ 3- Pc. Den Set-^ free parking, on bus line. 146 Cen­ The men's reci’catlon’/’'-’gi'Oup. committee, announced a card party 2-Doer Hardtop cellent .condition, private owner. Inc. Aluminum siding; asphalt- cellent benefit program, modem carpeting, second ahd third floor ferred to is Democratic Fiep. Eighth School and Utilities Dis- MI 9-9700. SCHAUB’S TUHKEY Farm. 188 Sofa. Sleeps two. rocker-chair ter St!, MI 3-5002. ' being organized al Temple . Beth sponsored’by the Board of .Select­ will be held Jan. 27 at 8 p.m. at asbestos roofing. Also aliimtoum. office. Apply Hillstowfi Rd. Fresh frozen turkey, needs som« renalr. 2-car garage Charles N. Harlow Jr. Jackson ■ '56 OLDS. 88 tricl; Fire House at Main and Hill­ F. J. BARRY said today: "Steve undoubtedly Sholom, will hold a square dance men, will meet tomorrow at 7:30 the Orange Hall for the benefit of iard Streets in the Toun ot Man­ 1951 CADILLAC convertible, good gaJvanized^ or copper gutters and 55c lb., oven ready. 6 room house Reg. $199— $119 PLEASANT ROOM at 144 Hack­ and shed, sia.lioo Caston Realty, the' building fund. /4-D oor Hardtop . n a t i o n a l matack Street. Gerttlemen. MI xn 9-.67.31 TR 5-6293. discussed it with- Harlow” before Feb. 6 at 8:30 p,m. at toe Temple p.m, at the" Vernon Elementary. chester, A copy has been filed- in condition throughout. Best oHer leaders. MI 3-7707. FIRST STORES for rent. Also Beagles. AND CO. 8310- Refreshments were eerved -with Park and Oakland Ave., 3-1616 Or OV 4-3680. MATCHING 14 the Democrats approved their let­ as its. first social event. School. This will be a spcciil meet- / '58 OLDS. SUPER 88 the dfflce o f the Clerk and may be over $400 takes it. Call MI 9 8963 5-Pc. Kitchen Set Contractor'-Wrecker I2W-24'A BOr.TON Past Master Beatrice Little - in after 6 p.m. . , ROOFING, SIDING, painting. Car­ East Hartford ' ■1>D0LL 0R€SS .8 ROOM CAPE ter to . the Selectmen. . Mr. ahd Mrs. Philip Freedman, ing. 4-Door Hardtop ’ inspected at the Fire J-louse. , pentry. Alterations and additions. Articles For Sale d Table—4 chairs Jackson's letter stated that This activi^'rfipen to all .men charge. . Objections to the proposed sewer 5 The softly, ruffled bodice and 62 Grant Rd., are chairmen pro Ceilings. Workmanship guaran­ CLERK TYPIST ^ Reg, $79— $48 1,800 sq-, feet of .living area. "with one Oxceiptloii” The Indus­ in the Town, of 'Vernon, is regular­ - i l ___ _ - — *------eL '58 OLDS. M construction will be heard b y the «NOW BLOWERS - Toro po'Ver flattering flair skirt combine to 5451 Plaster walls, 14 baths, fireplace, tern of the new organlution. Club 4-Door Hardtop teed. A. A. Dion. Inc., 299 Autumn trial Development Commission "is membership is open to all Jewish ly held on Monday evenings,except President and the Board of Direc­ St. MI S-4860 Opening for.an experienced clerk htandle, push or self-propellsd. • SEPTIC TANKS make this shirtwaist -thi season's Delight the litlle’ tass with this hot water heat, basement garage, tors of. the Eighth School and Utili­ Bolton Notice USED newest'charmer. lovely crocheted dress, for h’erseif 100x400 iot. More land available. composd of welt qiiaUfl^ men w^O- ‘married couples In the coipmunlty. for the third Monday when the '55 OLDS. SUPER 88 typi.st in small .department. 3ome Reo. Snowbird and Bolens. Capi Free Stbrage — Free Delivery CI.EANED and INSTALLED ara interested in Cbvimtry'and its Rural Vernon School Assn, iheeta. ties District at that time. , , RAY'S ROOFING CO., shingle and tol Equipment Co..' 38 -Main' St. Low Monthly Payments . No. 8310 with our Patt-O-Rama and a matching one for her 14 $19,000 or best offer. Those interested may contact BUCKLAND P.T.A. 4-Door Hardtop , The following is the schedule for facility iti shorthand helpful, but future. The .exception is Steve The program tor Friday includes Dated at MancJjEjter. CoipjectiJ hearings of the Bolton Board of built-in roofs, gutter and cnndiic Ml 3-7958. comes in sizes l'2_4. 144. 164. inch doll. . ' ^ the membertoip co-chairmen for not c.>!sential. Company offers ex­ • SEWERS o t s f a r m s a n d basketball from 7:30 ,to 8:30 p.m. '53 OLDS. M cut, this 18 day of January I960. Tax Review: lor wprk: roof, ■ chimney repairs. 184, 204, 224, 244; ^ 4 - Bust PaUein, No. 5451' has crochet di­ BUILDING L , Loyzim, who from his actions' evi­ furtlier information. They, are Dr. cellent benefit program. NORMAN’S m a c h in e c l e a n e d dently is' interested only in his with bpdmington and volley.ball NEIGHGORHOdll 4-Door Hardtop . THE PRESIDENT AND ^A R D Monday. Febnuarv 1, Rav Hagenow, MI 9-2214; Ray KTTCIjiEN TABLE. Fireplace and Materials 33 to 47. Si.ze 11'-j, bust 35, short rections -sizes 2, 4, 6 incl. ahd 14 ACREAGE and Mrs. Myron Schaffer, Nik* from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.-Men attend- ■ OF DIREGTORS DF THE 9 A.M. to 4 'P.Mi - Jackson. MI 3-8325. furnace wood delivered. Also trunk 443 riartford Rd. aleevc dress, 4Ts yds. 35-inch. in. doll; stitch illustrations. political future.” CJircle, and Xlr.- and Mr*. Ronald Apply loads. Cedar clothes line* poles in­ • INSTALLATION „L A W R E N fE F. FIANO Jackson also said Loyzim made Jacobs. Elsie Dr. ing are reminded to wear , sneakers .EIGHTH SCHOOL AND UTIU- Saturday, Februarv 8, - Manchester To order, send 35c in coins to: I To order, send 25c in coins to: — AUCTION . TTES DISTRICT 9 A.M. to' 4 P.M. stalled. Ml 9-1353. SPECIALIST ' Sue Burnett, The Manchester lAnne Cabot, The Manehesler Eve­ Paul P. Fiano xn , 3-0458 "a grandstand political maneuver," Co-chairmen of .lhe square dance or rubber-soled shoes. Roofing a.nd Ghimnieys 16-,A FIRST NATIONAL STORES BROKERS i MI 3-2766 ' ,« y Dayid -J, Marks, President Saturday. February 13 Ml 3-1524 Evening Herald, 1150 .W E. OF ning Herald: •* 1150 ’. AVE. OF and asserted toe Citizens' (3ommit- program will be Mr; .and Mrs. .The grqup will resume PARK An d OAKLAND AVE; FOR SALE tee’s purpose is to "help and en­ Fr«d Kaprove and Mr. and Mrs. activity oh Jan. 25 at 7:30 p:ra. MaAdiMtAr MatAii ^ , Arthur E Warrington, Di­ - ' 9 AM. to 4 P.M.' ROOFING — Spe'cializing repairing SIX PAD RELAX-CIZOR. Will hell AMERICAS, NEW FORK 36, N.Y. A.MERIOAS, NEW YORK! 36. N.Y. BliCKLAND SCHOOL rector EAST HARTFORD, CONN; Town and Country MANCHESTER — Six' room brick courage the official,-town-appoint­ Ely Segal. The clu1> will meet once with anyone interested invited to "SeUag ai 9eev$c4)if ■BOLTON BOARD OF TAX RE- roofs of all kinds. New roofs, feut- for half price. MI 3,0133 mornings. Before You Puy Purnllure , AT 1229 MAIN ST. '- For Ist-claas mailihg add 10c for ' For Jst-claas mailing add 10c for cape., all finished, onef^ar at­ E F. Monaritv, Director I VIEW ed group." f i t meant the IDC. a month at the Temple. attend. Approximately 25 men Oldemo ee M Over ter work, chimneys cleaned, re­ LADIES—Pleasant telephone work Anytvhere Shop at Normal's MANCHESTER each pattern. ■^Print Name, Address' each pattern. Frint Name. Ad-: tached garage, good location, nice TUESDAY, JAN. 26 23 Raymond Damato, Di-' , Charles T, Hathaway, Chair- paired. Aluminum siding; 30 soliciting' leads for our salesmen, HAND-BRAIDED rugs, reversible, Drainage Coc with Zone, Style No. and Size. - dress, w’ith Zone and Pattern Num The Democrats, in toelr letter have registered to date. rector . TEL. TR 5-7876 lot. no closing cost, $2,400,assumes Seek Best JA SeleMnaB RAV » I man ’ . ' ' years' experience. Free esti- 4 hours 'per day, guaranteed paid, of finest new wool. 4'x9' oval, OIL AKE) GAS combination stove, ;Send 35c today for your copy her. ' present ' mortgage. .Full price; last week said the IDC, formed in The 'first printing: of Charlee CERTIFIED BY Howard M. Kenneton piatea. Call-:Ho\vley, MI 3-5361, Ml nice voice ' essential. Call Ml shades of blue. S' round, black, Phllco refrigerator and double tub ' M I M 1 4 3 of the Fall A Winter iaeue of our Have j’ou- the Album containing September; 1958. haa not yet com- Darwlh'e controversial rO n toe 1 A pohtest will be held during the 512 .WBST CENTER CT. $14,p00. McCarthy Entcrbrises, MT iw*|*k of-iFeb. 14 to determine the FVBUO mVlTED J, A. Voli. n srk tteonardtoT L. OlgUo 3-0763. 3-2319 betweien 9-1, fdr Interview. white, gray. Ml 3-3507 eveninga, '' sink'. Ml 8-8727. eompicte pattern magazine Basic many lovely designs, frfce pat­ 4-4576. Robert D. Murdock, XK pleled or filed with the State a Ori^n of Speclee" aold out its 1,250 Ml 8-mi . . OPEJMfVRfc Faaltioh. terns? Only 26c a copy! 8-6472. __ ■ ■ ^ questionnaire covering the re- oopiee on -the first day. ' best salsoman In Junior Achieve- \ ' .... ■ . ■ \ / ./ ^ ....

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