■ f \ . • WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, • • 1280 The Weather FA(}E TWENIY-FOUR Averaige Daily Net Press Run lJJattrl|p0tpr lEoptiittg l^pralir For the Week Ended Forecast of V. 8. Weather Bnreaa J- Jan. 16, I960 Partly cloudy^ scattered aaow ¥ . 13,067 flurries' tbnlghT"and Friday. Ix»w About Town Meniber of the Audit tonight 20-25. High Friday 90-80. JW.IULC Bureau of Circulation. Manchester— A City of V illage Charm •nie p fofru n on dolls ortguatUy •phedulad lu t Wednesday at Uita Junior Museum will be held to­ PRICE FIVE CENTO . MANCHESTER^ CONN.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1960 (Classified Advertising on Page 14) night at the Cedar St. building VOL. LXXIX,'n O. 94 (SIXTEEN PAGES) Miss Helena Booth wfll Ulk on DOUBLE k iiH . foreign doUs and antique dolls from her own collection a t‘7;30. Museum members and their guests, adults aa well as children, are In­ On Jamaica Airport Sen. K enn edy vited to attend, 1 Says Johnson American L,eglon auxiliaries - of key_ Makes Space the First District will meet Sun­ day at 2:45 p.m, at the Town Hall GREEN STAMPS 37 on Airliner PrincipalFoe In West Hartford. Chairmen of the local unit have been reminded to WITKALL tqnd In their reports. Milwaukee, Jan. 21 {/P}— THURSDAY, JAN. 21$t SALES... SHOP THURSDAY 9:00 A M. to 9:00 P.M. Sen. .John F. Kennedy ID- Our Lady of Hope Mothers' Mass) elected today to slug it Circle will meet this evening at Killed in Crash B o’clock at the home of Mrs. John j CLOSEOUT TABLE OF out with Sen. Hubert Humph­ tronaut Cleary, at -11 Overland St. Mrs. i SPORTSWEAI^ DEPARTMENT— Soeand Hdor rey (D-Minn) in the strategic John Burnett and Mrs. Steven i| Kingston, Jamaica, Jan. 2 1 f Bemoval of the bodies began in Wisconsin presidential prefer­ Button will be co-hostesses. JANUARY midmorning. (JP)— A Colombian airliner The plane captain, J. Duque. was ence primarj’ April 5. But, bound from New York to Co­ among the survivors. None of thos^ Kennedy told newsmen, he The Second Yesr Great Books ,| LADIES’ DRESSES LINGERIE lombia buckled its landing who got out appeared to be seri­ insiders his “ principal ad­ Croup will discuss “Confessions of BROKEN SIZER IN gear and exploded in setting ously injured. versary” for the Democratic Bt. Augustine” at Its meeting to- , ' Sizes 10. to 20, 1 2 ’/j to 2 2 '/j» SLIPS, GOWNS, SHORT1E GOWNS, This was the fourth fatal crash Miss Sam night tonight at 8:15 at Whlton Li­ down at the Montego Bay Air­ nomm^tion to be Sen. Lyndon Missile Claim ^ A/OU/a/fa^ S/U/S. FABRIC of a commercial airliner in 1960 brary. The next meeting will be 1 PAJAMAS aiMl CHILDREN'S FLANNEL port early today, killing 37 of and raised the alrlinei- death toll Johnsohv^f Texas. held on Feb. 3 at which Descartes' | VALUES TO $8.98 ... .NOW PAJAMAS. Nof all stylM or tin*, the dG-^persons aboard. for the first three weeks of the "At thlaxmoment." ho a a 1 d, Zooms 9 "Discourse of Method" will be dis- ; SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF 59c Seventeen of the dead were new year to 163. At least 16 others' "Sen. Joh n*^ has the most dele­ cussed. 1 CONE MULTI-STRIPES and CHECKS R«8. VoIuos $1.98 to $4.50— NOW Americans, aunoiig them a eon and have died in the United State* in gates.” \ , daughter-in-law of Sen. Homer E. private plane crashes since Jan. However. Kenitady declared, he, Soviet Reportsl All womrt of North Methodist | SALE consider* the Wisconsin primary 1 Milos Up TERRY KITCHEN TOWELS Cepehart (R-Ind). The latter w«re Church are Invited to attend a food i Thomas C. Capehart and hi* wife. Some of the passenger* aboard ; will have "a decisiv^xeffect,' and demonstration, to be sponsored by j | Limited quantity while they last! Heavy quality; ^ REG. 59e and 69c Nancy, both 36, of Indianapolis, -------- ^ J the winner will have amcxtreniely Pacific Rocketl Brewster Circle, at the Hartford i $1.00 Wallops Island, V r., Jan. 21 dries more dlahee and dries them faster! . .Each on a 'buaineea trip to Bogota. Co­ ('Continued on Page Five) [ strong position at the cohvention, Electric Ught Co., 146 Hartford FINE COTTON PRINTS lombia. —, - ■ I and deservedly BO.” {fP)—A little monkey named Rd.. .Friday at 7:80 p.m. Two Dutch and two Australian Kennedy, who Dew from VV' In Target .4rea “Miss Sam” today survived a SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF 19e ABC, quadriga and drip passengers and five’’ member* of ! I V o S e C r C f i r T f i u l l y ^ , ington with his wife for the 48,900 foot rocket flight in Manchester Grange will meet to- SEE OUR TABLE OP • Yard 47c the 7-member Colomblari crew lived * c i ing new* conference at the Pfi*- MORGAN JONES HEAVY WAFFLE WEAVE dry prints............. .. W’ashington, Jan. 21 (/P)— rehearsal for human space Slght at 8 at Orange Hall. ^ through the crash and the '■*"ip| c| r| p 1 .ai|g|K S s i C l V ter Hotel, *aid he anticipates "a ■uUant Are that r a y ^ «l ^the^^2 __ ^ ^ ^ very tough fight" with Humphrey, Pentagon said today that travel. ' St. Gerard's Mothers’ Circle will ] DISH CLOTHS READY-TO-WEAR DEPT.— Socond Floor EXTRA SPECIAL—CLOSEOUT! million Superconstellatfori for two , R « a r c l : ''He'said'he^flnds” hTmVeTm“the ' “ f r d ^ at hand. *The animal, •.female, rode more (neet tomorrow at 8:18 pjn. at the than nine miles up in a. replica o f 1 hv the Avi ! ’ ’ **■* same situcUon as would Hum -] the R ^ian rocket apparently home of Mrs. Edward Ward. 144 . Will ontlaat knitled Hotha 2 or 8 tfmea. ODDS 'N ENDS REG. $1.29, 36" pUlLTED the chamber that will carry tha Greenwood Dr. Mrs.. James Walsh || Two color comblnatlona................... 6 For 88c anl^VoterSblM m ^ ^ — 7“ „ „ . Phrey if the Minnesota Senator did fa lL ^ ith in the impact first Mercury Astronaut. will be co-hostess. ODDS N ENDS TABLE INCLUDES . DRESSES PRINTED COTTONS stop Kansas City Jan^ '''I".'*'’ area” the % 8sia ifs defined in The capsule was separated from “Latitle Joe” booster rookat by HALE'S CHARMHOU5E BLOUSES, SWEATERS, Etc. Be here'early for this value. ^mri/wV,^"o‘ hou» r “hire'’^ d I o ' n ? S a c t t t e « Jheir ?«>vanc^^otice of >^s- Outstanding GlrL Scout campers j a rcfiched Monteeo Bay a popular day after circuling^ thia aie3 for vvisebn^in does Minnesota. terday S test into the means- of an escape mechanism de­ of the 1959 season at Camp Mer- | Colorful floral prints........... .Yard 67c signed to save the astronaut if TOWEL ENSEMBLE 6 R 0 U P 1 CwibbSan resort on^’ Jamaica's j more than two hours because of a IsTiarmAHx* htntffil ■frnn^lv .Central Pai rie-Wpod .udll meet tomorrow at J VALUES TO $8.98....NOW Reg. VoHies to something goes wrong at the B. 30 p.m. In the Bobbins room at,i Made for us by one of the country’s largest mllla. ' $ •• : ' • SaSCr. j;.','' ‘ launching. Center Church to form a junior | $22.98— NOW Jan. 21 (M ^T h e With its 71,4-pound passenger in ^ camp committee, ■ ' jflegular $1.19, 22 x 4 4 hath size............. .... .ea. 8 8 ^ At 77c Yard announced todayi a special compartment, the sule i^as parachuted to the surface ' Regular .“iDCi Hand size...................................... ea, 4 9 c . they fired a rocket 7.760 miles , Cecil A. Fenn and son. David, j plane headed in for. a landing. CS^ rov'6^1 his' o VV n 'P i ft n s for , , i ■ /? of the sea, 12 miles off this Vir­ $1.29 $t.99 Reg. 99c— 45" MaBiiKon'f Acetate Tweed . Witnesses said the left landing There was no foam on the i^n- the Nebraska primary, reserving i into the Central Pacific w hich ginia Eastern Shore island. 896 Woodland St., are gruesta this | Regular 29c. Face cloth*. .e*- 25C gear collapsed as the plarie hit the: way and ob.«ervers s»ld the plane xveek of Mr. Fenn’s sister. Mrs, F. j Reg. 99c—45" Acetate Candy Drop it for another news conference fell less tlian 1.24 miles from Then the capsule was recovered runwayand therewasa terrific ex- , rolled to a s^ scheduled in Omaha later today, jits calculated target, C. Bulllngton, Cordele, Ga. Day in and day out for eight years our most popular 6 R 0 U P 2 Reg. 99c— 45" TIaid Taffeta by helicopter. seller! Daeron reinforced selvages In eight colors. plosion. _followed , J. runways were He will ciunt it as a victory, j ,The captain of an Australian Officials of the National Aero- , Reg. Values to blast*. The plane skidded into a a year ago A semi-monthly, meeting' of | ALL SALES FINAL Reg. 89e—45" Crystalette lathered vitti foam to prevent ?nv [Kennedy sa:d. if he obUins 51 per 1 jet "airliner renorled from Sydney j nautics and Space Administration MATES iMena' Assodatlqn to En­ SI 2.98— NOW Reg. 99c— 26" Don River GingHam Ploidt sheet of swamp water,th Z • S i b ^ fi’ e When the plane hit ^ of Uie Democrats vote in the . |,.at the Soviet rocket exploded at < said the animal appeared to be in MORE and MORE OF THOSE FAVORITE! eight Inches, deep, north good condition on the basis of pre- joy Slimming) will be held tonight runway.
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