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T H E O B S E R V The O bserver VOL. XXV. NO. 43 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1992 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Character and domestic issues dominate debate By SANDY WIEGAND country that they’re doing Assistant News Editor something wrong than to follow it blindly.” Questions of character and at­ Boyle later repeated Vice tention to the domestic front President Dan Quayle’s ques­ figured prominently in a debate tion, “If there was an interna­ between the Notre Dame Col­ tional crisis tomorrow, who lege Democrats and College would you trust?” Republicans Wednesday, but policy issues also surfaced. Setti charged Bush with ig­ noring domestic issues, and Junior Jerry Boyle and Boyle answered that Bush’s sophomore Kevin Schmitt rep­ policies for the domestic front resented the student Republi­ have been undermined by can club, and sophomore Chris Congress. Setti and sophomore Andrew Later a member of the audi­ Holmgren represented the stu­ ence asked how Bush would dent Democrat club. Panelists work with a new Congress after were government professors the election if it were still Suzanne Marilley, John Roos predominantly Democratic. and Patty Davis. Moderator was Boyle said “gridlock would be professor Sharon O’Brien, gov­ better” than implementation of ' ernment chair. Clinton policies. Schmitt questioned Demo­ The students also discussed cratic nominee Bill Clinton’s the following: moral authority to lead the country through times of trial. •School choice: Holmgren TheObserver/T.J. Harris Setti responded by referring to asked, “Where does that leave Getting ready for the big game our public schools?..You’re rel- Clinton’s opposition to the Viet­ The student football managers paint football helmets in the varsity locker room in preparation for the game nam War, “Sometimes I think it see DEBATE/page 4 this weekend against.Navy. is more patriotic to tell your Power to shape judiciary ignored in campaign Rally to educate campus WASHINGTON (AP) — The Terry Eastland of the con­ next president could choose to ******** servative Ethics and Public Pol­ about Clinton-Gore ticket get a fast start on what may be­ icy Center noted that, histori­ come his longest-lasting legacy ELECTION '92 cally, an average of two By DANA ANDERSON The Democrats not only hope — shaping the federal courts Supreme Court vacancies occur News Writer to attract more people to the and, through them, molding during each four-year presi­ rally with the bands and get American law. None of the ■ Election/page 9_____________ dential term. But he said, “With The College Democrats are them interested in the Clinton- attempting to educate the cam­ Gore ticket, but also to pull to­ candidates has seemed to no­ the court so deeply split on the future of church-state pus about the Clinton-Gore gether all the Clinton people on tice. abortion and several other relations and police powers. ticket by holding a political rally campus for a “farewell to Ge­ About 100 of 828 federal “Whoever is president the significant issues, one ap­ today which will include several orge Bush party”, according to judgeships are waiting to be next four years will be able to pointment takes on greater im­ speakers and three bands, ac­ Holmgren. Campus bands filled, but three debates yielded change dramatically the dy­ portance.” cording to club president An­ Chisel, Grope for Luna, and not a single comment about namics of the federal courts, ” Abortion seems to be the only drew Holmgren. Dissfunktion will be performing how George Bush, Bill Clinton said Steven Shapiro of the legal issue mobilizing voters. The rally will feature the at the rally. or Ross Perot would use such American Civil Liberties Union. “The outcome of this election presidents of both the ND and Another goal of the rally is to appointments to affect a gener­ “This was much more of an will determine whether the SMC chapters of the College encourage people to vote and take an interest in public af­ ation of justice. election issue four years ago, court will allow states to outlaw Democrats as speakers. In fairs, whether they are Repub­ So w hat can be expected as but it retains enormous political abortion,” said Kate Michelman addition, incumbent Tim Roe- the winner names scores of of the National Abortion Rights mer, m em ber of the U.S. House lican or Democrat. “I feel that resonance.” there is not a lot of interest in trial and appellate judges, and Action League. “This is not just of Representatives, will Thomas dipping of the con­ probably participate as a public affairs and being active perhaps alters the Supreme a four-year change, but of servative Free Congress Foun­ speaker. about them here on campus, Court’s balance of power? dation agreed. “Federal courts critical importance to women Speakers will cover topics especially as compared to other Probably at stake: the con­ face a far different future if for 40 years to come, an oppor­ including Bill Clinton, George universities where these issues tinued legality of abortion and Clinton rather than Bush is tunity to secure the constitu­ Bush and 12 years of a Repub­ would stir up big campus de­ legitimacy of affirmative action. controlling judicial appoint­ tional protections recognized in lican executive branch, and the bates, said Holmgren. Possibly hanging in the balance: ments,” dipping said. Roe vs. W ade.” importance of voting. see RALLY/page 4 Sgt. Moon: Common sense neccessary to avoid confrontations with S.U.D.S. By COLLEEN KNIGHT largely in response to the prob­ Decisions to raid certain bars News Writer lem of drinking by high school or parties are based on the students, Moon said. It is com­ number of complaints and on Responsibility for actions and prised of members of the law suspicion of underage drinking basic common sense must be enforcement forces of South by members of S.U.D.S. This used if students wish to avoid Bend, Mishawaka, St. Joseph’s suspicion can come from per­ confrontations with S.U.D.S. County, and the Indiana State sonal observations or from re­ (Stop Underage Drinking and Excise Police. ports by undercover police, Sales) and the excise police, ac­ Moon said. cording to Sgt. James Moon of Members of S.U.D.S. raid bars It is up to the discretion of the the South Bend Police Depart­ and parties where there is officer whether or not breatha­ ment and Sara Bewley of the probable cause of underage lyzer tests will be offered. Un­ Indiana State Excise Police. drinking because they want to derage students who refuse to Moon and Bewley spoke last prevent drunk students from take the test receive tickets for night at a program titled “Get to putting themselves in poten­ consumption of alcohol by a Know the Law Before the Law tially dangerous situations, ac­ minor, according to Moon. Gets to Know You,” an open fo­ cording to Moon. Such situa­ rum presented by the Office of tions include traffic accidents, If it is their first offense, stu­ Drug and Alcohol Education as robbery, assault, and rape. dents get a pre-trial diversion a part of National Collegiate Al­ from the attorney’s office. They cohol Awareness Week. “S.U.D.S. is mainly a preven­ are then sentenced to a certain The Observer/T.J. Harris tative task force,” Bewley said. number of hours of community Sgt. James Moon, of the South Bend Police Department and Sara The S.U.D.S. task force was “We try to stop things before service and placed on probation Bewley, of the Indiana State Excise Police (left to right) discuss the created in 1984 and was estab­ they happen since we’re con­ S.U.D.S. task force and student responsibility in a program yesterday. lished in South Bend in 1986, cerned about the public.” s e e S.U.D.S. / p a g e 4 page 2 The Observer Thursday, October 29, 1992 INSIDE COLUMN WEATHER REPORT Forecarjt ,or noon’ Thursday. October 29 Cool today with Fulfillment is Lines separate high temperature zones for the day. highs in the low 5 0 s Cooler tonight with ultimate goal of low s in the middle 3 0 s. school...and life TEMPERATURES City H9 Anchorage 32 A tlanta 77 An interesting Bogota 64 Boston 63 phenomenon develops in C airo 88 the back of everyone’s Chicago 57 mind at certain times in Cleveland 59 Dallas 89 their life. Many people Detroit 57 will not acknowledge the Indianapolis 65 Jerusalem 79 validity and importance Michael Hobbes London 54 of this phenomenon. Advertising Manager Los Angeles 73 Others will dismiss it Madrid 73 Minneapolis 57 while saying that they ^ ______ Moscow 25 should not even worry about it. Still, others will Nashville 77 FRONTS. New York 63 ignore it wishing that everything will get better Paris 54 on its own. Unfortunately, the only real way to Philadelphia 67 deal with this phenomenon is to confront it head Rome 70 Seattle 57 on. COLD WARM STATIONARY © 1992 Accu-Weather, Inc South Bend 59 For ten years now, I have worked in many Tokyo 68 different corporations and organizations Washington, D C 68 Everywhere I go I see people who have this phenomenon in the back of their head. In some HIGH LOW SHOWERS RAIN T-STORMS FLURRIES SNOW ICE SUNNY PT. CLOUDY CLOUDY people it is very evident; for other people it is very subtle; for a fortunate few it does not cause problems because they have answered the dilemma. Unfortunately, there are just not enough individuals in this world who have arrived at the point where they can say they TODAY AT A GLANCE understand what the phenomenon means and how they should deal with it.
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