George Soros
t 1 ' RECEIVED BEFORE THE INS JAN 18 A ft 11 FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION J ' OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA In the Matter of: George Soros -:- *~ :jrn 3 -'~ni FentonCommunications /T/ // 4 ..r!< MUR^fcToC > ' ..J,S World Affiurs Council of Philadelphia ^ ^ H Columbus Metropolitan Club Complaint NATIONAL LEGAL AND POLICY CENTER, a corporation organized and existing under the District of Columbia Non-profit Corporation Act and having its offices and principal place of business at 107 Park Washington Court, Falls Church, V A 22046, files this complaint with the Federal Election Commission pursuant to 2 USC § 437g. The primary purpose of the National Legal and Policy Center, a charitable and educational organization described in section S0l(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, is to foster and promote ethics in government and public life. Respondents are individuals and corporations who have apparently knowingly and willfully violated federal law, specifically the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended, ("the Act" and "FECA") and/or the Internal Revenue Code of the United States, and/or have apparently made illegal corporate contributions to influence a federal election. Respondents GEORGE SOROS, ^ New York, N.Y. 10106, (hereinafter "Soros") is a wealthy investor who undertook an independent expenditure campaign beginning in September 2004 explicitly aimed at defeating President Bush hi the presidential election of 2004. j FENTON COMMUNICATIONS, 132018* Street. N.W., Fifth Floor, ] Washington, D.C. 20036 is a public relations firm which handled media relations for the j Sciosmdependentexpendtiire campaign to defeat President Bush in 2004. ; WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL OF PHILADELPHIA, One South Broad Street, 2 Mezz, Philadelphia, PA 19107 is a non-profit 501(cX3) public charity which sponsored and promoted a speaking cngagenra^ Union League of Philadelphia on October 6, 2004.
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