November 2014 Year 61 #11

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November 2014 Year 61 #11 November 2014 Year 61 #11 Ray and Julies’s ‘64 Studebaker Avanti R2 has been sold to someone in the state of Washington. The Greenias have had the Avanti for 20 years. This car has been such a big part of our club gatherings over the years, the blue beauty will be missed. Ray said he has had a hard time finding folks qualified to work on it and he is getting to the point he would rather not be climbing around the car any longer doing maintenance himself… so he decided to sell. Ray found it in a Hemmings ad in 1994 located in Queens, NY and brought it home to Burlington. Continued on page 6 The Official Monthly Publication of “Vermont Automobile Enthusiasts” by “The Vermont Antique Automobile Society” VAAS Directors VAE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Wendell Noble– Chairman Wheel Tracks Editor (Ex-Officio) Charlie Thompson– Secretary Gary Fiske Jim Sears – Chairman Dick Wheatley-Treasurer Home 802-933-7780 802-482-2698 Gael Boardman cell 802-363-1642 Robert Lalancette – President Tom McHugh 802-849-2692 David Sander 2503 Duffy Hill Road Dan Noyes - 1st vice & Activities Chair Bob Chase Enosburg Falls, Vermont 05450 802-730-7171 Dave Lamphere- 2nd. Vice & Assistant Activity Edi Fiske—Wheel Tracks proof-reader Chair 802-878-4020 MEMBERSHIP SUPPORT TEAM Clark & Isabelle Wright- Burma Shave editors Membership Secretary (Ex-Officio) Rachel Smith- Webmaster Dick Wheatley- Treasurer Christina McCaffrey 802-879-9455 89 Ledge Road Sunshine Chair Bill Sander,- Recording Secretary Burlington VT 05401-4140 Christina McCaffrey 802-862-3133 802-644-5487 Joanna Therren Conti 802-244-8375 Les Skinner Exp. 2014 802-485-8150 Welcoming Committee Ed Hilbert 802-453-3743 David Hillman VAE Show Chairs/Board Ex-Officio Antique and Classic Car Meet (Stowe) Auditors– Leo Laferriere, Doris Bailey, Bob Chase, Chair, 802-253-4897 L. Brown & Sons of Barre, VT- publisher Ray Tomlinson Duane Leach, Co-Chair, 802-849-6174 Your editor and other authors ***Contact Us At*** Mission Statement: are made aware of some new The Vermont Antique Wheel Tracks is a monthly products, services or or Automobile Society is a tax newsletter published in information that they feel may ***Our Website at*** free 501c3 organization have value to VAE’s print and electronically for membership. These products, dedicated to the the public, and for the preservation, protection, services or informationals are VAE/VAAS membership. not an endorsement by the VAE Membership promotion and unless otherwise noted. The appreciation of automotive Only $30 Monthly deadline opinions are solely those of the history and technology. 2 years The 10th particular article’s author. $50 EvEnts…. What’s nExt ? December November December 7th. at 1PM…... November 1st at 11:45AM….. The Annual Business Meeting will be held The December Christmas meet of the VAE will be held Saturday November 1st at the Holy Family Parish at The Steak House, 1239 US Route 302-Berlin, Barre, Hall in Essex Junction. The building is located on 802.479.9181 Route 2a. From the Five Corners, head about a ¼ We will start with a VAE Business Meeting that will mile toward Colchester, turn left up Lincoln Ter, and include updates on the Shelburne Museum Show, VAE then take a left on School St. toward the Hall parking Show at Stowe, and upcoming meets and tours for 2015. lot. We will be setting up at 11am and you should arrive at 11:45. Terry Riggs of Fletcher will tell us A lunch menu will be available on your own from about his experience in the Great Race road rally at the restaurant. We will then follow with a Yankee noon. At 12:35 our food arrives. By 1:15 we should Swap. To participate in this fun event bring a wrapped start the meeting with a 3pm scheduled conclusion. gift that you will exchange for an unknown gift or You will be getting an invitation in the mail. Please someone else’s. Afterward, some trading should be tear off the bottom of the page and select your meal expected and is perfectly acceptable so that, as much as choice. The cost of the meal is $15 each. Don’t possible, everyone goes home with a gift they are happy forget to put your names on the response and mail with. your check (made out to the VAE) to Jim Sears. There is a rumor that Elvis may be in attendance. For more information please contact Dan Noyes 730-7171 or WHEEL TRACKS… November 2014 PAGE 2 From thE PrEsidEnt… Bob Lalancette We get used to doing things in a certain way. It seems we are always looking backwards. Not looking forward to realize that a change would be good for us. Our actions become habit. We prepare equipment to do a job, plan on not doing something else because we don’t have the space to move another project along. I am at this stage in a lot of areas in my life. One of those areas has to do with the future weather and how to deal with it. The first year I moved to Fairfax, I did not snow plow. I did not have the means to deal with snow. I just packed it down with the four wheel drive truck. The major storms were plowed out by a neighbor. The next summer I bought an old tractor and put a plow on the back. It looks like it’s been around the field a few times. I fixed the ma- jor things that were worn and I’ve been looking backwards ever since. It sits waiting to attack the snow, staying at 35 degrees in the attached garage, taking up space. Things had to change. I found a plow to put on the truck. The tractor will be parked outside under a tarp. I’ll make sure the transmission does not have any water in it and that the antifreeze is good. The added room will allow me to work on a Ford body. I don’t know if I’ll miss freezing my butt off for an hour and a half or looking backwards for that time. The Massey has been a trouble free piece. I’m kinda looking forward to this change, hoping not to look backwards again. your Editor… Gary Fiske I will miss seeing Julie and Ray Greenia’s beautiful Avanti in our meets. I can understand Ray’s logic in finding a new home for the Studebaker but it must have been a sad day when it was loaded to head West to it’s new home. I had a car that made a lot of memories for me and that I sold a lot of years ago. I think if I wanted to I could take you to the spot I was standing in when the new owner drove it away. One positive came out of my transaction and I am sure it is the same for Ray and Julie….you know where it is going and you are fairly sure it will be taken care of. That is certainly true in my case. I happen to run across my old car a few summers ago; I could not have done a better job preserving it. VAE membership renewals are around the corner. You save us a lot of work when you renew your membership before the last day of the year. And….you save us a huge amount of work if you pay for more than one year. The board approved a deal in their last meeting where you can save $10.00 by booking 2 years with this great club……$30.00 for one year & $50.00 for two years. Really screw us up and send us $100.00 for four years then sit back and watch us do the math. I can’t speak for the board but I’ll bet it will fly! I will be sending reminder cards for you who needs reminding. I got a look from our proof reader this month. She thinks the issue is really “wordy” and long winded. I wonder what kind of comments will float my way. I think I might have just a little more than usual ‘man-stuff’ in this month but that is just me. This is the first month in memory that I used all of the material that you folks sent to Wheel Tracks and have nothing left over. So, please, help fill that file back up and send me some of your favorite articles. You don’t want a lot of my stuff in the coming months, I can be boring. I understand the Conti family have had a couple of birthdays lately. Happy birthday Ronnie and Conception! VAAS LISTENING POST... from Wendell Noble, Chairman One of the necessary tasks this time of the year, is proposing a budget for next year. To me, that’s not a very interesting subject. As soon as we put dollar signs on things, my eyes start to glaze over. However, the process does raise an interesting point. Balancing our budget proposal requires that we cut down on some things we’ve been doing . Specifically, we should rethink our policy of writing checks to other worthy nonprofits. In some cases it makes sense and is in keeping with our educational mission.
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