Article received 21.09.2017 р. H. T. Krynytskyi Article accepted 24.11.2017 р. [email protected] UDC 681.325

H. T. Krynytskyi 1, M. V. Chernyavskyi 2, O. H. Krynytska 1, A. M. Deineka 2, B. I. Kolisnyk 1, Ya. P. Tselen2 1Ukrainian National University, Lviv, Ukraine 2Lviv Region Administration of Forestry and Hunting Management, Lviv, Ukraine CLOSE-TO-NATURE FORESTRY AS THE BASIS FOR SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT IN UKRAINE Close-to-nature forestry is the system of that favours a continuous renewal and for- mation of stands which most similar in structure and genesis to natural ones. The methodological basis of it is 8 principles which cover the evaluation of the processes of reproduction and formation of stable, natural, all-aged with continuous , conservation, maintenance of the ecological functions of forests, an increase in the growing stock, harvesting of target , the greening of techniques and timber skidding. The existing set of pan-European criteria and indicators for sustainable fo- rest management according to the standards of FSC sertification provides a basis to implement in Ukraine the system of close-to-nature forestry that is most relevant to the nature of the forest and, therefore, is the most promising in terms of environmental, economic and social aspects of multifunctional Forestry. Keywords: multifunctional close-to-nature forestry; sustainable forest management Introduction criteria, indicators and practical recommendations for susta- Throughout the history of fo- inable forest management. Based on the decision adopted at restry production, the main idea the 7th conference of participating countries of the Conven- of its development has been to tion in Kuala Lumpur (CFCS 1002:2001, 2001), sustainable obtain an increasing number of forest management is the practical application of the products without depleting approach to forests (Cherniavskyi, Solovii & the available wood resources Henyk, 2011; Lialson unin Vieena, 2002). and reducing the productivity of The Protocol on sustainable forest management, prepa- the forest (Lytsur & Tsymbali- red to the Framework Convention on the protection and uk, 2012), as well as mainta- sustainable development of the Carpathians and signed on ining and strengthening stability 27 May 2011 in Bratislava (Verkhovna Rada Ukrainy, and multi-faceted social functi- 2012), implies, in particular, facilitating the close-to-nature ons of forests (Cherniavskyi, et regeneration of forests, as well as the use of practical expe- al., 2006; Cherniavskyi, Kryny- rience in their management. In addition, in 1998, the EU tskyi & Parpan, 2011). This adopted the Forestry Strategy, and in June 2006 the Europe- principle is essentially the idea an Commission initiated the development of the EU Forest- of sustainable forestry develop- Action Plan. These documents outlined a shared vision of ment. The concept of sustainable forestry, namely: forests for society – long-term multi- forest management and interna- functional forestry that meets present and future societal ne- tional commitments of Ukraine eds (Krynytskyi & Cherniavskyi, 2006). The basis of its are based on provisions of the implementation is the organization of forest management Convention on biodiversity on the principles of close-to-nature forestry. (1992) (Verkhovna Rada Ukra- Close-to-nature forestry is viewed as a system of forest iny, 1992), the resolution of Mi- management which ensures continuous reproduction and nisterial Conferences on forest formation of forest stands similar to natural ones in structu- protection in Europe (1992) (Re- re and genesis, and predetermines the constant presence of solution L2, 2014) which states forests in areas at different stages of development the general principles of susta- and at different levels of vertical and horizontal structures inable management in the forests (Cherniavskyi, et al., 2006; Krynytskyi & Cherniavskyi, of Europe and the pan-European 2016). ______

Цитування за ДСТУ: Krynytskyi H. T., Chernyavskyi M. V., Krynytska O. H., Deineka A. M., Kolisnyk B. I., Tselen Ya. P. Close-to-Nature Forestry as the Basis for Sustainable Forest Management in Ukraine. Науковий вісник НЛТУ України. 2017. Вип. 27(8). С. 26–31. Citation APA: Krynytskyi, H. T., Chernyavskyi, M. V., Krynytska, O. H., Deineka, A. M., Kolisnyk B. I., & Tselen, Ya. P. (2017). Close-to- Nature Forestry as the Basis for Sustainable Forest Management in Ukraine. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 27 (8), 26–31. 26 Науковий вісник НЛТУ України, 2017, т. 27, № 8 Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 2017, vol. 27, no 8 Close-to-natural- ● excessive use of clear-cutting. By using this system of fel- forest management maximally ling, 80 % of timber is harvested in the process of final cut- takes into account the site envi- ting; ronmental conditions and peculi- ● the presence of large areas of forest stands of vegetative ori- arities of the development of na- gin (coppice forest) and stands, particularly tural forest stands. It provides, spruce forests in the Carpathian region, which requires repla- on the basis of modelling of na- cement by primary forests in accordance with the forest tural processes, conducting a types ; system of activities which incre- ● reduced vitality and stability of forest stands, especially arti- ases the stability of forest stands ficial ones, caused by global climate change, environmental and their multifunctional role pollution, increasing anthropogenic load; with the minimum appropriate ● the prevalence of artificially created stands in the Forest and necessary intervention in the Fund (about 55 % by area) that have a simplified age, speci- forest. The technology of cre- es and spatial structure, require intensive care, and, compa- ating and forming forest stands red to the natural forests, are characterized by impoverished is based on the cultivation of tar- biodiversity, less biological resilience ; get stands depending on the ob- ● imperfection of current forest legislation and regulations on jectives of management, climatic tending and final felling in which there is no legal provision

and -hydrological conditions, for formation of uneven-aged stands ● the lack of a legally defined mechanism for involving the biology and ecology of the spe- public, in particular local communities, in forest manage- cies. In doing so, various, but as ment, both the forests of state and communal properties. The close as possible to the natural voluntary association of "Pro Silva" has not been forest, differentiated approaches set up in Ukraine whose purpose is to promote, protect and to forest management are used expand the idea of close-to-nature forestry . (Forest Stewardship Council, 2014). For the close-to-nature forest management in Ukraine, Close-to-nature forestry is the following principles are recognized as crucial: the con- multifunctional and based on (1) tinuous existence of forest cover; reproduction of the struc- understanding the forest as a na- ture of natural all-aged forests; constant stability of water- tural ecosystem, which, in use, protective, climate-regulating, sanitary-hygienic, recreati- retains its integrity and self-re- onal and other useful properties of forests; constant mainte- generation; (2) management of nance of the stability of forest stands; preservation of biotic forests and their use with the in- diversity; timber harvesting in volumes no more than the tensity that provides natural bi- annual increment; preservation of soil cover; environmen- odiversity, high viability and tally-friendly technologies of timber harvesting. productivity of forest stands and The continuous existence of forest cover according to their ability to regeneration; (3) the Ukrainian approach means continuity of forest-renewal performing by the forest of eco- processes. Forming and functioning of forests close to natu- logical, economic and social ral ones is supported by selection of individual trees or their functions at the local, national biogroups. Cutting trees cannot be a complete removal of and global levels both at present all trees from the entire area. The clear-cutting system, des- time and in the future . pite various modifications of its methods, does not ensure Close-to-nature forest management is effective not only the continuity of forest-renewal processes. The result of in social and environmental terms. It allows for sustained continuous renewal of forest cover in historical aspect are (permanent) yield even from a small area of mixed forests. forest land in the absence of clear cutting. Stability of the forest in a certain unit area is related to Close-to-nature forestry allows you to move from the the light requirements of different species of trees and, as a clear-cutting system, which is prevailing in Ukraine, to the consequence, the differentiation of the structure of the selection system – the cultivation of uneven-aged mixed fo- stand. The ecological potential of forests at a constant, opti- rest stands with a multistoreyed vertically and horizontally mally possible level can only be provided by uneven-aged closed structure based on natural seed regeneration – and stands which preserve the stability of the forest and are for- solve a range of topical problems. The main ones are as fol- med during a cleverly implemented system of selection fel- lows: ling using methods of close-to-nature forestry. ● insignificant share of uneven-aged stands area in the Forest Reproduction of the structure of natural uneven-aged Fund which is the basis of a selection management system. forests in Ukraine is aimed at the formation of the species, Over the past 100 years, forest management has been direc- spatial and age structure close to the primeval forest. In a ted, as a rule, to the cultivation of even-aged or arbitrary forest close to natural, individual trees or groups of trees are even-aged stands. mixed into uneven-aged parts of the stand, creating dis- ● aging and gradual degradation of the forests in which, according tinctly differentiated lower, middle and upper storeys for- to the current regulatory acts, the main felling is prohibited. In med as a result of gradual cutting down of individual matu- the Forest Fund of Ukraine, they occupy more than 40 % of the re trees. Multistoreyed structure of such forest is maintained area, and there is a steady tendency to its increasing; for an indefinitely long period of time through constant pe- Науковий вісник НЛТУ України, 2017, т. 27, № 8 Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 2017, vol. 27, no 8 27 riodic carrying out of certain forestry activities. These acti- phenomena on the cutover areas At the same time, measures vities include, first of all, the restoration of natural species should be taken to prevent damage to the remaining trees, composition and ensuring natural renewal over artificial. especially the so-called "target" trees, with the help of which Permanent stability of the water-conservation, protec- the improvement of the species structure, productivity and tive, climate-regulating, sanitary-hygienic, recreational biotic resilience of the stands should be achieved. and other useful properties of forests is determined prima- The mechanism of introduction of close-to-nature fo- rily by the balance of all components of the forest and most restry in Ukraine is based on: significantly manifested by the close-to-nature forest mana- ● the basic principles of the Forest Code of Ukraine of 8 Feb- gement. The activities of close-to-nature forestry can sup- ruary 2006; port and enhance the desired functions of forests depending ● "Rules for improving the qualitative composition of forests", on the target purpose of the forest stands and the category approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of of protectiveness of forests. Ukraine dated by 12 May 2007, No. 724. The Rules (Clause Constant maintenance of the resilience of forest stands 3) declare that "Formation and improvement fellings are car- according to the Ukrainian approach is conditioned by con- ried out in ways that… ensure the gradual reproduction and tinuous existence of the forest cover, as well as activities formation of forests close to natural, constant maintenance of that regulate and enhance it. The resilience of a forest stand the stability of forest stands, "which creates the basis for the is determined by its ability to withstand the adverse envi- practical implementation of the principles of close-to-nature ronmental factors (wind, changes in temperature, illumina- forestry; ● tion, etc.) and biotic influences (diseases, pests). "Rules for principal felling in the Carpathian mountain fo- rests", approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Minis- The maintenance or strengthening of the resilience of a ters of Ukraine dated by 22 October 2008, No. 929, which forest stand can be achieved by the appropriate formation of state that these are conducted on the basis of the ecosystem its structure, usually by growing woody species appropriate approach and principles of close-to-nature forestry; to the site conditions, introducing trees of windfirm species ● using domestic and international experience. The Swiss-Uk- into its composition, forming the horizontal and vertical rainian project FORZA for the development of forestry in closure of forest stands which is optimal for the consumpti- Transcarpathian region was implemented in Ukraine, within on of environmental factors (light, soil nutrient status and the framework of which the principles of the close-to-nature moisture, etc.). forestry were worked out, two textbooks were published – The principle of preserving biotic diversity is based on "Close-to-nature forestry in the Ukrainian Carpathians" continuous maintenance of the forest as an ecosystem. It (2006) and "Close-to-nature and multifunctional forest ma- ensures the preservation of continuity between the generati- nagement in the Carpathian region of Ukraine and Slovakia", ons of the forest, as well as adaptation to changes in the na- training trips of Ukrainian specialists to Switzerland were ta- tural environment. Only under the condition of continuous ken, 126 permanent experimental plots for stand conversion existence of the forest can be preserved the biodiversity of were established within 38 forest types of state forestry en- plant, animal and microbial components which are most terprises in Transcarpathian region, 12 – in the Carpathian fully adapted to each other in the long-term dynamics of the Biosphere Reserve. ecosystem. Within the framework of the project FORZA together The principle of cutting wood in the volume of annual with the Ukrderzhlisproekt were also developed two-level increment means the incremental growth of phytomass and plans for the organization of forest management based on the harvest must be brought into balance. This approach in- the principles of close-to-nature forestry at two pilot forest volves economical, not excessive felling of trees. In each districts – the Shchaulsk forest district (The Rakhiv State particular forest stand, the volume of timber to be harvested Forestry Enterprise) and the Nyzhniobystriv forest district in a single cut should not exceed the increment for the peri- (The Khust State Forestry Enterprise). Two training sessi- od between successive cuts. Realization of this principle in ons were given – training for the employees of the Ukrder- practice can only be achieved by increasing the growing zhlisproekt on conversion felling and the defining criteria stock of stands and harvesting target trees, rather than hap- for their assignment. hazard cutting down even of individual trees. In addition, within the framework of the German-Ukra- According to the approach adopted in Ukraine, to pre- inian project Dnister during the period 1998-2003, typolo- serve the soil cover , it is necessary that environmentally-fri- gical features, structure, productivity, methods of forest use endly technologies of timber harvesting should be applied. were investigated in 43 mixed spruce-, fir-, beech- and oak Preserving the soil cover is a necessary condition for the stands of Lviv region, and close-to-nature activities for the- continuous existence and full functioning of all living com- se forests were proposed. ponents of the forest. Its preservation is provided, first of all, In the 1980 s, the P. S. Pasternak Ukrainian Research by the use of forestry facilities and technologies that do not Institute of Mountain Forestry established research areas in- significantly disturb surface soil layers. It is advisable to volving combined felling in pure beech and coniferous- be- apply activities that improve the soil quality (nutrient status) ech stands in Transcarpathian and the Carpathian regions, and regulate its hydrological regime. Environmentally-fri- as well as conversion felling in the secondary spruce forests endly technologies for timber harvesting will minimize the of the Carpathian region. negative effects of felling and skidding of timber, as well as In 1962-1963, the Department of Forestry at the Ukra- skidding machinery on the forest environment. When orga- inian National Forestry University – (UNFU) conducted a nizing operations, it is necessary to ensure the maxi- unique stationary experiment on the regeneration of mum possible preservation of a viable young growth and complex hornbeam-oak-pine forest stands by natural se- ground vegetation that prevent the occurrence of erosion eding. In the course of conducting gradual felling of various 28 Науковий вісник НЛТУ України, 2017, т. 27, № 8 Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 2017, vol. 27, no 8 types, tending felling and other forestry activities, a young types for testing methods of close-to-nature forestry, conduc- target, of seedling origin, forest stand composed of pine, ting trainings for forestry specialists, heads of relevant struc- oak, hornbeam with mixture of maple, sycamore, lime, be- tural divisions, forest districts and forestry departments en- ech was formed in the permanent experimental plot. In gaged in forest management; 2003-2006, the Department of Forestry at UNFU and the ● conducting large-scale information and educational work Lviv Region Administration of Forestry and Hunting Mana- aimed at promoting the principles of close-to-nature forestry through: gement established 8 research-and-production centers in the ● scientific, scientific and technical, popular science publicati- hornbeam-pine, hornbeam-oak and beech forests of Lviv ons, as well as publications in the periodical press about the region, while the Department of Ecology of the same uni- purpose and tasks of close-to-nature forestry; versity created 22 research-and-production centers in flo- ● organization of conferences and seminars on the subject of odplain elm-ash-oak and beech-oak forests in Transcarpat- close-to-nature forestry; hian region to test conversion felling of different types. ● studying and application of the experience of introducing With the support of the FORZA project, the State Fo- close-to-nature forestry in the countries of Europe; restry Committee of Ukraine established the Carpathian Re- ● introduction of lecture courses and practical sessions on clo- gional Training Center for retraining of forestry specialists, se-to-nature forestry into the educational process at higher it provides the study of methods for forest management ba- educational institutions of forestry and ecological profile, sed on the principles of close-to-nature forestry. preparation and publication of appropriate textbooks and The introduction of close-to-nature forestry is imple- methodological manuals for students, teachers, practitioners; mented through: ● conducting certification of forests at state forestry enterprises as a market mechanism for introduction of environmentally- ● gradual and systematic transition from the prevailing clear- oriented forestry. cutting methods to the rational combination of selection and gradual methods of cutting with the formation of a complex Thus, the principles and mechanisms for the introducti- uneven-aged structure of stands and the transition in the fu- on of close-to-nature forestry determine the system of ma- ture mainly to the selection system of forest management in nagement, which, in its most general form, corresponds to the mountain forests of the Carpathians and the Crimea, as the following strategic priorities of forestry (Krynytskyi & well as an increase in the share of this management system Cherniavskyi, 2006; Verkhovna Rada Ukrainy, 2012): for the forests in the plains of Ukraine; ● extended reproduction of forest resources in quantitative and ● conducting conversion felling for gradual transformation of qualitative (value) form; even-aged pure and mixed stands into uneven-aged mixed ● preservation and restoration of biodiversity of forests, main- (pure – in separate forest sites), multi-storeyed forest stands, tenance of their stability and viability; and also transformation of coppice stands into uneven-aged ● stands. rational, integrated and sustained use of forest resources; ● ensuring the effective performance of protective and social In the Forest Fund of Ukraine, due to conducting clear functions by forest ecosystems; felling and the creation of forest , the number of ● improvement of economic efficiency of forest resources, ac- uneven-aged mixed forest stands is very small. Forests of hievement of profitability of forestry, provision of favorable Ukraine, as a rule, are intensively farmed, converted to conditions for the development of industry. even-aged, often single-species tree stands: Certain forest certification criteria can be used to some ● application in the practice of forest management of differen- extent as criteria for close-to-nature forest management. tiated types and methods of tending felling appropriate to the forest types and target forestry programmes for forest gro- They are based on the main principles governing the mana- wing; gement of forest stands, they provide an opportunity to as- ● reviewing and amending the current normative documents, sess the compliance of the forest management system with working out and adoption of new regulatory acts – Guideli- the established international requirements for the manage- nes or Rules of close-to-nature forestry in Ukraine and, as ment of forests and forest use on the basis of sustainable de- their derivative normative documents, approval of differenti- velopment and provide for economically, ecologically and ated systems of management in different categories of fo- socially balanced forest management. Forest certification is rests, development of instructions on methods for close-to- also one of the key tools for implementing the principles of nature forestry and conversion felling for plains- and moun- sustainable development in forestry (Cherniavskyi, et al., tain forests; ● introduction of appropriate changes to the forest manage- 2006; Verkhovna Rada Ukrainy, 2012). ment system of Ukraine, provision of appropriate professi- In Ukraine, as of today, about 2.7 million hectares, that onal training for forest managers through seminars, trainings, is, one quarter of the total forest area of the country, have establishment of stationary training trial areas, permanent re- been certified by the Forest Steward – ship Council (FSC) ference stand areas for studying resilience, stability and pro- certification system (Haida, 2015). It should be noted that ductivity; such FSC criteria as forest use, environmental impact, ma- ● creation of adequate forest infrastructure, including hydro- nagement plan, monitoring and evaluation, conservation of technical facilities and construction of an optimal network of especially valuable forests are most appropriate for the cre- forest roads as the basis for conducting an environmentally- ation and cultivation of forests close to natural ones. oriented forestry; ● application of nature-conservation technologies for forest Thus, the existing set of pan-European criteria and indi- use on the basis of modern systems of vehicle, reducing the cators for sustainable forest management provides the basis volumes of terrestrial primary transportation of timber and for implementing a system of close-to-nature forestry in extended application of cableway skidding systems; Ukraine that is more in line with the nature of the forest and ● establishment at the state-run forestry enterprises of perma- therefore is the most promising of the ecological, economic nent demonstration plots in virgin forests, prevailing forest and social components of multifunctional forestry.

Науковий вісник НЛТУ України, 2017, т. 27, № 8 Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 2017, vol. 27, no 8 29 Conclusions References Close-to-nature forestry is a system of forest manage- CFCS 1002:2001. (2001). Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Fo- ment in which the continuous renewal and formation of rest Management . Retrieved from: forest stands, maximally similar in structure and genesis ult.htm Cherniavskyi, M. V. (Ed.), Shvitter, R., Kovalyshyn, R. et al. (2006). to natural ones, is achieved. The principles of this system Close-to-nature forestry in the Ukrainian Carpathians . Lviv: Pira- are consistent with the strategic priorities of forestry in mida, 88 p. [in Ukrainian]. Ukraine. Cherniavskyi, M. V., Solovii, I. P., & Henyk, Ya. V. (2011). Problems Close-to-nature forestry provides for, on the basis of of local community access to forest resources and illegal cutting in modelling of natural processes, the implementation of such the forests of the Carpathians and west Polissia . 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Львів, Україна НАБЛИЖЕНЕ ДО ПРИРОДИ ЛІСІВНИЦТВО – ОСНОВА СТАЛОГО ВЕДЕННЯ ЛІСОВОГО ГОСПОДАРСТВА В УКРАЇНІ Наближене до природи лісівництво – система організації та ведення лісового господарства, за якої досягається безперер- вне відновлення і формування деревостанів, максимально близьких за структурою і генезисом до природних. Методологіч- ною основою його є 8 принципів, які оцінюють процеси відтворення і формування стійких природних різновікових лісів за безперервного лісового покриву, збереження біорізноманіття, підтримання екологічних функцій лісів, збільшення запасу на- саджень і заготовку цільових дерев, екологізацію способів заготовки та трелювання деревини. Наявний набір загальноєвро- пейських критеріїв та індикаторів сталого ведення лісового господарства за схемами сертифікації FSC дає підставу імпле- ментувати систему наближеного до природи лісівництва в Україні як таку, що найбільшою мірою відповідає природі лісу і тому є найперспективнішою з екологічної, економічної та соціальної компонент багатофункціонального лісівництва. Ключові слова: багатофункціональне наближене до природи лісівництво; стале ведення лісового господарства.

30 Науковий вісник НЛТУ України, 2017, т. 27, № 8 Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 2017, vol. 27, no 8 Г. Т. Криницкий1, Н. В. Чернявский1, О. Г. Криницкая1, А. М. Дейнека 2, Б. И. Колиснык 1, Я. П. Целень 2 1 Национальный лесотехнический университет Украины, г. Львов, Украина 2 Львовское областное управление лесного и охотничьего хозяйства, г. Львов, Украина ПРИБЛИЖЕННОЕ К ПРИРОДЕ ЛЕСОВОДСТВО – ОСНОВА УСТОЙЧИВОГО ВЕДЕНИЯ ЛЕСНОГО ХОЗЯЙСТВА В УКРАИНЕ Приближенное к природе лесоводство – система организации и ведения лесного хозяйства, при которой достигается непрерывное восстановление и формирование древостоев, максимально близких по структуре и генезису к естественным. Методологической основой его является 8 принципов, которые включают оценку процессов воспроизводства и формирова- ния устойчивых природных разновозрастных лесов при непрерывном лесном покрове, сохранение биоразнообразия, под- держание экологических функций лесов, увеличение запаса насаждений и заготовку целевых деревьев, экологизацию спосо- бов заготовки и трелевки древесины. Существующий набор общеевропейских критериев и индикаторов устойчивого веде- ния лесного хозяйства по схемам сертификации FSC дает основание имплементировать систему приближенного к природе лесоводства в Украине как таковую, что в наибольшей степени соответствует природе леса и потому является наиболее пер- спективной с экологической, экономической и социальной составляющих многофункционального лесоводства. Ключевые слова: многофункциональное приближeнное к природе лесоводство; устойчивое ведение лесного хозяйства.

Науковий вісник НЛТУ України, 2017, т. 27, № 8 Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 2017, vol. 27, no 8 31