(Iowa City, Iowa), 1949-06-25
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,. On the Inside , The Weather Carda Take Over Flnt PIac. ... Page. 2 I Occaionql _owen « IhUDdentorma Hollpltal.' Rooma Remod.led today cmd kImanow. HIQh today 90: ••• PQ9_ 3 owan low &5. YMl~'. ~ .: low 63. SUI Gets Grant for R.aearch at ... Pa~ 5 Eat. 1868 - AP IAaMd Wire, AP WirephofJ). UP Leased WIre - Five Cenla Iowa City. Iowa. Sanuday. June 25. 1949 - VoL 83, No. 176 Stale · Church FeudFI re·s Truman Asks $45-Million For InlSlovakia PRAGUE (JP) - The Communlst I nternational Economic Plan IOvernment announced yesterday • strong new police campaign is under way against Roman Catho He bishops and priests in Slovakia. Booked in Swindle, Suggests Private Investm~nts Church and diplomatic quarters already had reported the Com munists have been closing mona Promises R!payme~t As Step in 'Point 4' Progralll lteries and arresting priests for weeks in that southernmost pro WA HIN TON ( AP)-Pr ident Truman k d congrl' vince and stronghold Gf Catholl To Woman He Bilked y 1 rday for $4- ·m ill iun for 1Jis plan to help b kward 8re of eillm. CHICAGO If! - White haired the world build up thl'ir 011 mi . Archbishop Joeet Beran, ncnv Sigmund Eoeel. Identl!led by pO In a pt'eial m ge, hI' r'"'''''''''·''' beld Incommunicado, Is accused Hc os an Internailonal swindler. import bank be authori& d to guarant Am ri n priY8t.. fli . 01 ,be In, the leader 01 the tal invellted in prodll tiv enterpri abroad a~illii .. th 1'i la was captured ye!terday In a trsp derrY'S oppoeltJon to state et peeuliar to th inv tment ." foris to control or replace the t by a would-be woman victim ehurch. • and turned on the charm t ... evade The government announcement charge 01 taking $8,'700 from a Cl:::S $~;~!~~l:n hal~sk~ r:: \Split with Chambers said police action was taken Chicago widow. qUelled in the le50 budg t. It u 9 . against "reacti>cnary" clerics for Il"he widow was red-haIred Mrs. to cover Am rlcan partiCipation In 1 36 HISS Says' in the aid proarams ()f t!1e inter- , 7 "creating disturbances." R seda Corrigan, 39, She flew al Slovak provincial officials said him In fa rage whtn she tirst saw they acted under measures pre En,el, 7S, In the police station. nat~e I ~=~.' . pro,ram bu Denies Meeting Spy scribed by the central government but \IIh~n he a ~ ured her he would Men called "polat fonr" be- ., on Tuesday . give rhe mon~y back, she aid, eauu Mr. Tnuftan first ...... NEW YORK - AI,er Hiss The naiure IIf the polIce "I beUeve him, I really do." tC!5tlfled at his p. rJury tIl I y s tloned It UDder 'bat h din. In measures was noi dlsolo.sed by t rda,. that ht brok. ort hI. tw ~ A ~, man, wi~ because of Mrs. adaras &be governmeni. his to this conrre. a& year frlendtblp with Whitt kl'1' Corrigan's experience, led Enlel 01 t.hlt UUIOD In Communist Premier Antonin the openJ... Ch m~ra In 11138 b cau he was into a pOlice tr p when he pur .January. Zapctocky broadcast to the nation Beckwith Confesses convlncl!d Chamber. would n V( r sued hl'T In th same hi,h-blown The Pr Ident said LhaL "the pay his debts. Tuesday a statement that .. the manner he had couned the widow. law will take its course against "ll"lndln, pov rty and th lack of HI Id lie Dev« w Mrs. Corrigan was the la t of Slaying Young Wife economic opportunity fo:- many Clamben a,aln until the bou e saboteurs and provacateurs and about 50 women who have re all those fomenting disunity and mLUion ot people in the cono commJttf!e on un· Am riun c p rted 10 °es of money fter m et unrest." mlcally und rd velOPed p rt of U lU ~urbl thf"lll toa-r lh r Ina Eng \. In Morrison Tavern I t He specifically accused Arch Africa, the near and far e st. and at a beartn, year. At th31 a bishop Beran of trying to incite Some sources say he may have MORRISON (JP') - Edward J . c rtain re,lonl of Central and Ume m.. c1e1Crlbed blm ell .. uck r" an. hambers unrest and wreck Czechoslovak netted about $l-mlllion trom his (Buddy) Beckwith, 27. of Mor South America, constitut on 01 • dead beat" In IlOnD~ U .n economic planning. dealines. Capt. D n n I e 1 Gilbert, rl. on, ,)lest rtlay waived prelimIn the gr atest challen, of \h chief inv t1gntor for the ate'! mone Claambers allr ary hearing on chorge ot mur· world today." owed blm. CAl' WI"\lhOlo) attorn y's oWc , sold Engel hos der In conn ctlon with th brutal If the people of th e areaa b - T tlly!n, th econd day be n fie clng women for ffi< re mutUalion slay in, of a pretty 22- tor Premier Sophoulis come frustrated and disappoint d, In hll 18-dny trial, Hi Itl Florida ' Governor, California Socialite to Wed than 50 y ars, wing 32 different year-<·ld mother. names and operatlne In five he said, "they may turn to tau Chambers did not pay r nt on the The nearly-nud body of Mrs. oov. FULLER WARREN of Florida went wlfe-huntlna' in California. All smiles, he Is shown with his countries. Haid Engel had r doctrlnea which hold that the way apartm nt h luu-Iet [rom HI. Dead from Stroke Irma Jean Stahlhut was found • fiancee, Barbara MaDn in" Los Anceles socialite, ap olylllK rQr their marrla&,e license III Los An,eles yes police record in Canada, England . of pro,r 11 through tyr nny." In Wllhlniton. Wh( lie-V r he a k )2·01.l1li. ATHENS (JP) - Themistokles early Thursday In a walk-in re 'e.day. Warren, 43, and his 23-year-old fiancl'e will be married Sunday afternoon. France and Belgium as w 11 8~ He emphuJr.ed that th plan ed tor paymenl, Hiss said, Cham • •• TIN .... Sophoulis, the aged Greek premier frigerator of a lav rn she and her --------------~~---- in th UnIted Stat s. has two main points; bers told bim It would be forth supported by the western powers husband oper t d h reo comin, loon. 1. TeclmJcal .....~ee &0 be to head the fight against Com Mrs. Corrlean's warrant charged Stnte Agent Max Studer said him with bilklnll her on the pro provided throUlh the United Na R brand munist inroads fN m the north, Beckwith conf !.I'd th slayinr, ItOr")' that h mad a mise to marry her and give her tions or dJrecUy by th United died after a stroke yesterday at Senators Oppose China Recognition saying he had b n "crazy for" Chinatown de I to ,Iv t..oztl. a sinainl career she des(r d. Rep States. • J~ II' his summer home. : WASHING'J'ON (A» - Twenty- -------------......:...-- Mrs. Stahlhut. documtnll to mJ ItrlOUS Ru - le~nlative~ of the states at r 1:. to The durable old , Gree~ sch Uf, Beckwith told uthorltles in a Private InvHbJwnt tam ltall ..ent. I 16-0%. It pGlitician and revQlutlonary had one· smat<irs ~sterday signed a "Some or II belle e the iSsue I weI e Russ It (Oa.), 'McCarrett nay'S 6tfJ toolt him 8sld and underdevelopet1 8reas Into pro •• Z TINS letter to President Truman oppos- (Nev.). Magnu"on (Wash), Down- ~ianed stat.ement he killed Mrs. "There is not a word 01 ruth su~tered a stroke on his 88th ,~ of CommunIst reco,llrtion is a privately b gan takinr hu stat - ductn, lor the world economy. 151/r O%. .. ing· an)' r~qogl\it.."n of the Com- y (Calif), tinct Holland (FllI). Stahlhut in the r flgerator with a In that." h aid 01 mnly 1.> birthday last Nov. 2~ and dorctots ment. ••• TIN mu",istregime in China, under active study," one sena- paring knife, niter altemptilll to Mr. 'It'uman sald, "The country Whittaker Chambf' ' tale 01 ~n 4Ih·OZ. .... gave up hope tOI'" him then. But tor said. sexua\1y assault her, Studer said. recelvin, the b n fit of the aid undercover rend zvou with Col. he rallied back into aotive work .' TheJ eJIIPresaed ",reat con- • 3 GLASSES II' I cern'~ that _'he adomIDlstra'lon He added that th Nationalist Grundy 0\ \lnty Sheriff John A. will be requIred tp hAsr a sub Boris Bykov. and rode oul the persistent Greek 12.oZ, ... may be con.t"derln, luch a government is now blockading thl' Meyer said the knlf with whleh .tantial portion of the expense." It Will upon th t slimony ot political storms until his death, • •••rLl'" mONe. _ waters oC Communi~t China and Heavy ains Reporled in Siale Beckwith said he committed th Chamb rs that II fed Tal ,rancl 14-0Z. .... which came unexpectedly. "We fur,ther believe," the lelter some senators r at" the United laying, was found by sheriff" of lury Indicted 11 for perjury. •• ITt. W King Paul asked Constantin said, "that this government should States will not recognize this Last niltht'l; rainfall hprp totalled 1.75 inchf.'s by !'srly this (leers and Slate Agent Studer Y9- Tsaldaris, deputy premier and mOI'ning' ('Ai\ ofl"iriAI<; said, whilp temperatures hovered in the terday afternoon. foreign minister, to form a new make it clear that no recognition bLockade. Sluil Heads middle !!O's most of yestl'rday.