,. On the Inside , The Weather Carda Take Over Flnt PIac. ... Page. 2 I Occaionql _owen « IhUDdentorma Hollpltal.' Rooma Remod.led today cmd kImanow. HIQh today 90: ••• PQ9_ 3 owan low &5. YMl~'. ~ .: low 63. SUI Gets Grant for R.aearch at ... Pa~ 5 Eat. 1868 - AP IAaMd Wire, AP WirephofJ). UP Leased WIre - Five Cenla Iowa City. Iowa. Sanuday. June 25. 1949 - VoL 83, No. 176 Stale · Church FeudFI re·s Truman Asks $45-Million For InlSlovakia PRAGUE (JP) - The Communlst I nternational Economic Plan IOvernment announced yesterday • strong new police campaign is under way against Roman Catho­ He bishops and priests in Slovakia. Booked in Swindle, Suggests Private Investm~nts Church and diplomatic quarters already had reported the Com­ munists have been closing mona­ Promises R!payme~t As Step in 'Point 4' Progralll lteries and arresting priests for weeks in that southernmost pro­ WA HIN TON ( AP)-Pr ident Truman k d congrl' vince and stronghold Gf Catholl­ To Woman He Bilked y 1 rday for $4- ·m ill iun for 1Jis plan to help b kward 8re of eillm. CHICAGO If! - White haired the world build up thl'ir 011 mi . Archbishop Joeet Beran, ncnv Sigmund Eoeel. Identl!led by pO­ In a pt'eial m ge, hI' r'"'''''''''·''' beld Incommunicado, Is accused Hc os an Internailonal swindler. import bank be authori& d to guarant Am ri n priY8t.. fli . 01 ,be In, the leader 01 the tal invellted in prodll tiv enterpri abroad a~illii .. th 1'i la was captured ye!terday In a trsp derrY'S oppoeltJon to state et­ peeuliar to th inv tment ." foris to control or replace the t by a would-be woman victim ehurch. • and turned on the charm t ... evade The government announcement charge 01 taking $8,'700 from a Cl:::S $~;~!~~l:n hal~sk~ r:: \Split with Chambers said police action was taken Chicago widow. qUelled in the le50 budg t. It u 9 . against "reacti>cnary" clerics for Il"he widow was red-haIred Mrs. to cover Am rlcan partiCipation In 1 36 HISS Says' in the aid proarams ()f t!1e inter- , 7 "creating disturbances." R seda Corrigan, 39, She flew al Slovak provincial officials said him In fa rage whtn she tirst saw they acted under measures pre­ En,el, 7S, In the police station. nat~e I ~=~.' . pro,ram bu Denies Meeting Spy scribed by the central government but \IIh~n he a ~ ured her he would Men called "polat fonr" be- ., on Tuesday . give rhe mon~y back, she aid, eauu Mr. Tnuftan first ...... NEW YORK - AI,er Hiss The naiure IIf the polIce "I beUeve him, I really do." tC!5tlfled at his p. rJury tIl I y s­ tloned It UDder 'bat h din. In measures was noi dlsolo.sed by t rda,. that ht brok. ort hI. tw ~ ­ A ~, man, wi~ because of Mrs. adaras &be governmeni. his to this conrre. a& year frlendtblp with Whitt kl'1' Corrigan's experience, led Enlel 01 t.hlt UUIOD In Communist Premier Antonin the openJ... Ch m~ra In 11138 b cau he was into a pOlice tr p when he pur­ .January. Zapctocky broadcast to the nation Beckwith Confesses convlncl!d Chamber. would n V( r sued hl'T In th same hi,h-blown The Pr Ident said LhaL "the pay his debts. Tuesday a statement that .. the manner he had couned the widow. law will take its course against "ll"lndln, pov rty and th lack of HI Id lie Dev« w Mrs. Corrigan was the la t of Slaying Young Wife economic opportunity fo:- many Clamben a,aln until the bou e saboteurs and provacateurs and about 50 women who have re­ all those fomenting disunity and mLUion ot people in the cono­ commJttf!e on un· Am riun c­ p rted 10 °es of money fter m et­ unrest." mlcally und rd velOPed p rt of U lU ~urbl thf"lll toa-r lh r Ina Eng \. In Morrison Tavern I t He specifically accused Arch­ Africa, the near and far e st. and at a beartn, year. At th31 a bishop Beran of trying to incite Some sources say he may have MORRISON (JP') - Edward J . c rtain re,lonl of Central and Ume m.. c1e1Crlbed blm ell .. uck r" an. hambers unrest and wreck Czechoslovak netted about $l-mlllion trom his (Buddy) Beckwith, 27. of Mor­ South America, constitut on 01 • dead beat" In IlOnD~ U .n economic planning. dealines. Capt. D n n I e 1 Gilbert, rl. on, ,)lest rtlay waived prelimIn­ the gr atest challen, of \h chief inv t1gntor for the ate'! mone Claambers allr ary hearing on chorge ot mur· world today." owed blm. CAl' WI"\lhOlo) attorn y's oWc , sold Engel hos der In conn ctlon with th brutal If the people of th e areaa b - T tlly!n, th econd day be n fie clng women for ffi< re mutUalion slay in, of a pretty 22- tor Premier Sophoulis come frustrated and disappoint d, In hll 18-dny trial, Hi Itl Florida ' Governor, California Socialite to Wed than 50 y ars, wing 32 different year-<·ld mother. names and operatlne In five he said, "they may turn to tau Chambers did not pay r nt on the The nearly-nud body of Mrs. oov. FULLER WARREN of Florida went wlfe-huntlna' in California. All smiles, he Is shown with his countries. Haid Engel had r doctrlnea which hold that the way apartm nt h luu-Iet [rom HI. Dead from Stroke Irma Jean Stahlhut was found • fiancee, Barbara MaDn in" Los Anceles socialite, ap olylllK rQr their marrla&,e license III Los An,eles yes­ police record in Canada, England . of pro,r 11 through tyr nny." In Wllhlniton. Wh( lie-V r he a k­ )2·01.l1li. ATHENS (JP) - Themistokles early Thursday In a walk-in re­ 'e.day. Warren, 43, and his 23-year-old fiancl'e will be married Sunday afternoon. France and Belgium as w 11 8~ He emphuJr.ed that th plan ed tor paymenl, Hiss said, Cham­ • •• TIN .... Sophoulis, the aged Greek premier frigerator of a lav rn she and her --------------~~---- in th UnIted Stat s. has two main points; bers told bim It would be forth­ supported by the western powers husband oper t d h reo comin, loon. 1. TeclmJcal .....~ee &0 be to head the fight against Com­ Mrs. Corrlean's warrant charged Stnte Agent Max Studer said him with bilklnll her on the pro­ provided throUlh the United Na­ R brand munist inroads fN m the north, Beckwith conf !.I'd th slayinr, ItOr")' that h mad a mise to marry her and give her tions or dJrecUy by th United died after a stroke yesterday at Senators Oppose China Recognition saying he had b n "crazy for" Chinatown de I to ,Iv t..oztl. a sinainl career she des(r d. Rep­ States. • J~ II' his summer home. : WASHING'J'ON (A» - Twenty- -------------......:...-- Mrs. Stahlhut. documtnll to mJ ItrlOUS Ru - le~nlative~ of the states at r­ 1:. to The durable old , Gree~ sch Uf, Beckwith told uthorltles in a Private InvHbJwnt tam ltall ..ent. I 16-0%. It pGlitician and revQlutlonary had one· smat<irs ~sterday signed a "Some or II belle e the iSsue I weI e Russ It (Oa.), 'McCarrett nay'S 6tfJ toolt him 8sld and underdevelopet1 8reas Into pro­ •• Z TINS letter to President Truman oppos- (Nev.). Magnu"on (Wash), Down- ~ianed stat.ement he killed Mrs. "There is not a word 01 ruth su~tered a stroke on his 88th ,~ of CommunIst reco,llrtion is a privately b gan takinr hu stat - ductn, lor the world economy. 151/r O%. .. ing· an)' r~qogl\it.."n of the Com- y (Calif), tinct Holland (FllI). Stahlhut in the r flgerator with a In that." h aid 01 mnly 1.> birthday last Nov. 2~ and dorctots ment. ••• TIN mu",istregime in China, under active study," one sena- paring knife, niter altemptilll to Mr. 'It'uman sald, "The country Whittaker Chambf' ' tale 01 ~n 4Ih·OZ. .... gave up hope tOI'" him then. But tor said. sexua\1y assault her, Studer said. recelvin, the b n fit of the aid undercover rend zvou with Col. he rallied back into aotive work .' TheJ eJIIPresaed ",reat con- • 3 GLASSES II' I cern'~ that _'he adomIDlstra'lon He added that th Nationalist Grundy 0\ \lnty Sheriff John A. will be requIred tp hAsr a sub­ Boris Bykov. and rode oul the persistent Greek 12.oZ, ... may be con.t"derln, luch a government is now blockading thl' Meyer said the knlf with whleh .tantial portion of the expense." It Will upon th t slimony ot political storms until his death, • •••rLl'" mONe. _ waters oC Communi~t China and Heavy ains Reporled in Siale Beckwith said he committed th Chamb rs that II fed Tal ,rancl 14-0Z. .... which came unexpectedly. "We fur,ther believe," the lelter some senators r at" the United laying, was found by sheriff" of­ lury Indicted 11 for perjury. •• ITt. W King Paul asked Constantin said, "that this government should States will not recognize this Last niltht'l; rainfall hprp totalled 1.75 inchf.'s by !'srly this (leers and Slate Agent Studer Y9- Tsaldaris, deputy premier and mOI'ning' ('Ai\ ofl"iriAI<; said, whilp temperatures hovered in the terday afternoon. foreign minister, to form a new make it clear that no recognition bLockade. Sluil Heads middle !!O's most of yestl'rday.
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