Welcome To The 50th HPC User Forum Meeting September 2013 Thank You To Our Sponsors!

Gold AM Break - Cycle Computing . Intel Lunch - Cray . HP Silver PM Break - Bright Computing . Altair Tuesday Dinner - HP & Intel . Cray . IBM Wednesday Breakfast - IBM Bronze AM Break - Mellanox . Bright Computing . Cycle Computing Lunch - Altair . Mellanox PM Break - Parallel Scientific . Parallel Scientific Important Dates For Your Calendar


2013 Meetings: . October 1, 2013 in South Korea

2014 Meetings: . April 7 to 9, Santa Fe, New Mexico . Riken, Japan, Data TBD . September 15 to 17, Seattle, Washington . October 2014 in Europe

Monday Dinner Vendor Updates: 10 Minutes

• Mellanox • Cray • Cycle Computing • Mu Sigma • IBM • Parallel Scientific Labs • Altair • Xyratex Welcome To The 50th HPC User Forum Meeting September 2013 Thank You To Our Sponsors!

Gold AM Break - Cycle Computing . Intel Lunch - Cray . HP Silver PM Break - Bright Computing . Altair Tuesday Dinner - HP & Intel . Cray . IBM Wednesday Breakfast - IBM Bronze AM Break - Mellanox . Bright Computing . Cycle Computing Lunch - Altair . Mellanox PM Break - Parallel Scientific . Parallel Scientific

Introduction: Logistics

Ask Mary if you need a receipt

We have a very tight agenda (as usual) . Please help us keep on time!

Review handouts . Note: We will post most of the presentations on the web site . Please complete the evaluation form Important Dates For Your Calendar


2013 Meetings: . October 1, 2013 in South Korea

2014 Meetings: . April 7 to 9, Santa Fe, New Mexico . Riken, Japan, Date TBD . September 15 to 17, Seattle, Washington . October 2014 in Europe

www.hpcuserforum.com Agenda: Day One Morning

8:05am Meeting Welcome and Announcements • Welcome to Boston, IDC and the Fiftieth HPC User Forum, Vernon Turner • Chairman's and Co-chairman's Welcome, Jim Kasdorf and Rupak Biswas 8:15am HPC Market Update, Earl Joseph, Steve Conway and Chirag Dekate 8:45am Morning Session Chair: Jim Kasdorf Focus Area: HPC in the Life Sciences • Methods for Developing New Pharmaceuticals, Jerome Baudry, University of Tennessee • Public Health Applications of HPC, Shawn Brown, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center • From Personalized Medicine to Clean Energy Production: Accelerating Multicellular Biological System Simulation Using BioCellion, Seunghwa Kang, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 10:15am HPC Vendor Technology Update: HP 10:30am Break 11:00am Focus Area: HPC in the Life Sciences • The Translational Genomics Research Institute and Pediatric Cancer, Glen Otero, • HPC Applications for Biotechnology, Jaques Reifman, US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command 12:00pm State Of The Art Tools For Scientist And Analyst Productivity, Eng Lim Goh, SGI 12:15pm Networking Lunch


Jim Kasdorf HPC User Forum Chairman


Rupak Biswas HPC User Forum Vice Chairman HPC User Forum Mission

To Improve The Health Of The High Performance Computing Industry Through Open Discussions, Information- sharing And Initiatives Involving HPC Users In Industry, Government And Academia Along With HPC Vendors And Other Interested Parties Steering Committee Members

• James Kasdorf, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Chairman • Rupak Biswas, NASA Ames, Vice Chairman • Earl Joseph, IDC, Executive Director • Swamy Akasapu, General Motors • Vijay Agarwala, Penn State University • Alex Akkerman, Ford Motor Company • Doug Ball, The Boeing Company • Jeff Broughton. NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Lab • Paul Buerger, Avetec • Chris Catherasoo, Caltech • Jack Collins, National Cancer Institute • Steve Conway, IDC Research Vice President • Steve Finn, Cherokee Information Services • Merle Giles, NSCA/University of Illinois • Keith Gray, British Petroleum • Doug Kothe, Oak Ridge National Laboratory • Jysoo Lee, National Institute of Supercomputing and Networking • Paul Muzio, City University of New York • Michael Resch , HLRS, University of Stuttgart • Vince Scarafino, Industry Expert • Suzy Tichenor, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

IDC HPC Market Update 2013 New IDC HPC Research Areas

Special HPC Research Areas & Reports: . A new CIS – HPDA . A deeper investigation into the lower half of the HPC market, including SMBs and SMSs . The evolution of government HPC budgets . Emerging markets including China, Russia, etc. . The evolution of clouds in HPC and 5 year cloud forecasts . Scaling of software – issues and solutions Redefining and expanding our market tracking methods: . Supercomputers, big data, clouds, tracking accelerators, and the missing middle, etc. New And Potentially Disruptive Technologies: . Big data -- HPDA . Co-processors . All types of flash/SSDs . New software solutions . Government programs to help bring to market new capabilities The ROI With HPC S Top Trends in HPC

The global economy in HPC is growing again: . 2010 grew by 10%, to reach $9.5 billion . 2011 grew by 8.4% to reach $10.3 billion . HPC revenue for 2012 exceeded $11B . 1&2 Q13 -- The lower half of the market is growing again . We are forecasting ~7% growth over the next 5 years Major challenges for datacenters . Power, cooling, real estate, system management . Storage and data management continue to grow in importance Software hurdles continue to grow The worldwide Petascale Race is in full speed Big Data and accelerators are hot new technologies

IDC HPC Competitive Segments: 2012

HPC Servers $11B

Workgroup Supercomputers (under $100K) (Over $500K) $1.2B $5.6B

Divisional Departmental ($250K - $500K) ($250K - $100K) $1.2B $3.0B HPC WW Market Trends: By Competitive Segments

HPC WW Market Trends: By System Units Sold

HPC WW Market Trends: By Processors Sold

HPC WW Market Trends: By OEM

HPC WW Market Trends: A 17 Year Perspective

C HPC Forecasts: By Verticals/Application Areas

HPC Forecasts: By Competitive Segment

The HPC Market Beyond The Servers: The Broader HPC Market Some Interesting HPC Research Findings IDC HPC End-User MCS Study: Study Background

. Surveys were conducted from January to May 2013 . The sample represents 905 installed HPC servers across 139 sites around the world

Sector/Industry Percentage Government 7.9% Education/Academia 41.7% a. Energy, petroleum, oil and gas 2.9% b. Chemical 0.7% c. Pharmaceutical, life sciences, healthcare 2.2% d. Financial or economic modeling and BI 20.1% e. Manufacturing 10.8% f. IT, electronics and telecommunications 4.3% g. Transportation and logistics 2.9% h. Entertainment 2.2% i. Other 4.3% IDC HPC End-User MCS Study: Overall Plans For Purchasing Coprocessors

Q: What is your likely accelerator/co-processor purchase plans for your NEXT technical server purchase?

. 78.4% said YES – they plan to purchase coprocessors with their next HPC server

. This is more than double the 29.5% from our 2011 HPC End-User MCS study The Current HPC Situation with SMEs and SMBs: Budgets

The Current SMB HPC Situation: Application Scaling

What percentage of the applications on your HPC systems fit into each of these categories? The Current HPC SMB Situation: Interconnects

What is Your Primary Interconnect Type (IB, 1G-Ethernet, 10G-Ethernet, other)? The Current SMB HPC Situation: Retailer Of Storage System

From what vendor did you purchase your primary storage subsystem(s)? The Current SMB HPC Situation: What Is Wanted In Future HPC Systems

What are the top 3 attributes or features or key selection criteria that you will use in your next HPC/Technical server or cluster purchase? Barriers To Expanding The Use Of HPC (For SME/SMBs)

What do you see as the barriers to expanding your use of HPC/technical computing?: The Current SMB HPC Situation: What Is Wanted In Partners What are the key technical or business-partner-related attributes that would cause you to rank one vendor's product over another: The Current SMB HPC Situation: Potential of Public Clouds

What do you see as the greatest opportunities for running applications in public clouds? Questions?

Please email: [email protected]

Or check out: www.hpcuserforum.com Agenda: Day One Morning

8:05am Meeting Welcome and Announcements • Welcome to Boston, IDC and the Fiftieth HPC User Forum, Vernon Turner • Chairman's and Co-chairman's Welcome, Jim Kasdorf and Rupak Biswas 8:15am HPC Market Update, Earl Joseph, Steve Conway and Chirag Dekate 8:45am Morning Session Chair: Jim Kasdorf Focus Area: HPC in the Life Sciences • Big Data Methods for Developing New Pharmaceuticals, Jerome Baudry, University of Tennessee • Public Health Applications of HPC, Shawn Brown, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center • From Personalized Medicine to Clean Energy Production: Accelerating Multicellular Biological System Simulation Using BioCellion, Seunghwa Kang, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 10:15am HPC Vendor Technology Update: HP 10:30am Break 11:10am Focus Area: HPC in the Life Sciences • The Translational Genomics Research Institute and Pediatric Cancer, Glen Otero, Dell • HPC Software Applications for Biotechnology, Jaques Reifman, US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command 12:00pm State Of The Art Tools For Scientist And Analyst Productivity, Eng Lim Goh, SGI 12:15pm Networking Lunch

Lunch Thanks to: Cray

Please Return Promptly at 1:15pm Thank You To: Cray For Lunch Agenda: Day One Afternoon

1:15pm Afternoon Session Chair: Paul Buerger Focus Area: HPC in the Life Sciences • Bionformatics at GE Global Research, Chinnappa Kodira, GE • ORNL-NIH Collaboration Using Social Media for Epidemiological Research, Georgia Tourassi, Oak Ridge National Laboratory • Modeling Biological Systems and Analyzing Large-Scale Data Sets, Ilya Shmulevich, Institute for Systems Biology • Accelerating Life Sciences and Personalized Medicine, Paolo Narvaez 3:00pm Break 3:30pm Update on the NSF Cyberinfrastructure, Irene Qualters, National Science Foundation 4:00pm Industrial Partnerships at Livermore Lab, Jeff Wolf, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 4:30pm The HPC Community: Idealists, Pragmatists or Hypocrites? Andy Jones, Numerical Algorithms Group 5:00pm Research Report on Parallel Random Number Generators, Raj Boppana, University of Texas at San Antonio 5:30pm Networking Break and Time for 1-on-1 Meetings 6:30pm Special Dinner Event and quantum computing keynote presentation by Charles Bennett, IBM Watson Research Center Thank You To: Bright Computhing For The Break Dinner Logistics

. Special Dinner Event

. Sponsored by Intel and HP

Welcome To Day 2 Of The HPC User Forum Meeting Dinner Thanks to: Intel and HP

Breakfast Thanks to: IBM

Thank You To Our Sponsors!

Gold AM Break - Cycle Computing . Intel Lunch - Cray . HP Silver PM Break - Bright Computing . Altair Tuesday Dinner - HP & Intel . Cray . IBM Wednesday Breakfast - IBM Bronze AM Break - Mellanox . Bright Computing . Cycle Computing Lunch - Altair . Mellanox PM Break - Parallel Scientific . Parallel Scientific Agenda: Day Two Morning

8:00am Welcome and Introductions: Jim Kasdorf, Rupak Biswas, Earl Joseph and Steve Conway 8:05am Morning Session Chair: Paul Muzio Focus Area: Major Initiatives in Europe and Asia • HPC Plans in South Korea, Jysoo Lee, NISN (National Institute of Supercomputing and Networking) • EU Flagship Project: The EU Human Brain Project, Felix Schuermann, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne • Inspur and High Performance Computing in China, Leijun Hu, Inspur 9:30am Break 10:00am A New PayPal Initiative: Big Data, HPC and Machine Learning, Arno Kolster and Ryan Quick, PayPal, an eBay Company 10:30am Handling Large, Unsteady CFD Data, William Jones, NASA Langley Research Center 11:00am New Methods for Measuring and Calculating ROI in HPC, Earl Joseph, Steve Conway and Chirag Dekate 11:15pm HPC User Site Update, Wayne State University, Michael Thompson 11:35pm HPC Vendor Technology Update: Intel 12:00am Networking Lunch Lunch Thanks to: Altair Engineering

Please Return Promptly at 1:00pm Thank You To: Altair Engineering For Lunch Agenda: Day Two Afternoon

12:45pm Afternoon Session Chair: Rupak Biswas Disruptive Technologies Panel: Panelists will briefly present potentially disruptive technologies that could change the HPC market Panel Moderator: Earl Joseph • System vendors: Inspur, HP, IBM, Cray, SGI • New processor directions: Intel, Nvidia • Software providers: Altair, VMware • Storage vendors: Xyratex, EMC, NetApp 1:45pm Technology Focus Area: Quantum Computing • Brief Introduction – Rupak Biswas, NASA • Quantum Information Science and Technology, Isaac Chuang (MIT) • The Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab, Hartmut Neven, Google • Break at 2:30pm to 3:00pm • A New Computer for Quantum Computing, Geordie Rose, D-Wave Systems • Quantum Computing Research at , Dave Wecker, Microsoft • Quantum Computing Research at IBM, Jay Gambetta, IBM Watson Research Center • Discussion and Q&A on Quantum Computing 5:00pm Meeting Wrap-Up, Jim Kasdorf, Rupak Biswas, Earl Joseph and Steve Conway Agenda: Day Two Afternoon

Disruptive Technologies Panel Panelists will briefly (in 2-3 minutes) present potentially disruptive technologies:

• System vendors: Inspur, HP, IBM, Cray, SGI • New processor directions: Intel, Nvidia • Software providers: Altair, VMware • Storage vendors: Xyratex, EMC, NetApp Agenda: Day Two Afternoon

1:45pm Technology Focus Area: Quantum Computing • Brief Introduction – Rupak Biswas, NASA • Quantum Information Science and Technology, Isaac Chuang (MIT) • The Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab, Hartmut Neven, Google • Break at 2:30pm to 3:00pm • A New Computer for Quantum Computing, Geordie Rose, D-Wave Systems • Quantum Computing Research at Microsoft, Dave Wecker, Microsoft • Quantum Computing Research at IBM, Jay Gambetta, IBM Watson Research Center • Discussion and Q&A on Quantum Computing 5:00pm Meeting Wrap-Up, Jim Kasdorf, Rupak Biswas, Earl Joseph and Steve Conway Thank You To Our Sponsors!

Gold AM Break - Cycle Computing . Intel Lunch - Cray . HP Silver PM Break - Bright Computing . Altair Tuesday Dinner - HP & Intel . Cray . IBM Wednesday Breakfast - IBM Bronze AM Break - Mellanox . Bright Computing . Cycle Computing Lunch - Altair . Mellanox PM Break - Parallel Scientific . Parallel Scientific Important Dates For Your Calendar


2013 Meetings: . October 1, 2013 in South Korea

2014 Meetings: . April 7 to 9, Santa Fe, New Mexico . Riken, Japan, Date TBD . September 15 to 17, Seattle, Washington . October 2014 in Europe

Thank You For Attending The 50th HPC User Forum Meeting


Please email: [email protected]

Or check out: www.hpcuserforum.com Welcome To The HPC User Forum

The IDC HPC Innovation Award Program

59 HPC Award Program Goals

#1 Help to expand the use of HPC by showing real ROI examples: 1. Expand the “Missing Middle” – SMBs, SMEs, SMSs -- by providing examples of what can be done with HPC 2. Show mainstream and leading edge HPC success stories

#2 Create a large database of success stories across many industries/verticals/disciplines – To help justify investments and show non-users ideas on how to adopt HPC in their environment – Creating many examples for funding bodies and politicians to use and better understand the value of HPC  to help grow public interest in expanding HPC investments – For OEMs to demonstrate success stories using their products Users Have to Submit the Value of the Accomplishment

Users are required to submit the value achieved with their HPC system, in any of 3 broad categories: a) Dollar value of the HPC usage • e.g. made $$$ in new revenues, saved $$$ in costs, made $$$ in profits, etc. b) Scientific or engineering accomplishment • e.g. discovered how xyz really works, develop a new drug that does xyz, etc. c) Value to society as a whole • e.g. ended nuclear testing, made something safer, provided protection against xyz, etc.

… and the investment in HPC that was required (in order to calculate the ROI) The Judgment Process -- Clear, Fair And Transparent

The ranking of the accomplishments are done by only HPC USERS, following very specific rules. A three step process is proposed: 1. First the submission has to be complete with a clear “Value” shown • A number of the submissions were good, but needed a little more information – we have invited them to apply for the fall award 2. Secondly, an assessment is made to see that it is a realistic assessment of the value/returns • By the HPC User Forum Steering Committee 3. Then in cases where the value isn’t clear, or a deeper technical depth is required -- the final evaluation is by experts in the specific area/discipline The New Winners: At ISC’13 -- PART 1

We recognize these sites for their excellence in applying HPC to solve key business and scientific problems:

Site (Alpha Ordered) Person Success Area Org Size

Alenia Aermacchi Enrica Marentino ROI & Eng. Medium

High Performance GeoComputing LabUCSD YiFeng Cui Sci/Eng & Society Large

DOD HPC MOD Deborah Schwartz ROI & Eng. Large

DOD HPC MOD John West ROI & Eng. Large

ESTECO & Airworks Eng. Paolo Vercesi ROI & Eng. Medium

UCL, NAG HECTOR HECToR dCSE ROI Sci/Eng&Society Medium

U. Warwick NAG HECTOR dCSE HECToR dCSE ROI Sci/Eng&Society Medium

The New Winners: At ISC’13 -- PART 2

We recognize these sites for their excellence in applying HPC to solve key business and scientific problems:

Site (Alpha Ordered) Person Success Area Org Size

Bottero S.P.A Alberto Marino ROI & Eng. Medium

Polestar Racing Per Blomberg ROI & Eng. Medium

RENCI Phil Owen Sci/Eng & Society Medium

University of North Carolina/RENCI Rick Lutteich, Brian Blanton Sci/Eng & Society Medium

The Trophy For Winners