South Beach District 6 Democratic Club Election June 7, 2016 Candidate Endorsement Questionnaire Name: Zoe Dunning Address: City, State, Zip: San Francisco, CA 94104 Campaign contact: Shwetika Baijal Campaign Cell phone number: Email:
[email protected] I am a Democrat: Yes/No I’ve been a Democrat for 30 years and am committed to advancing the values of the Democratic Party in San Francisco. 1. What are the three civic or community accomplishments of which you are most proud? If an incumbent, draw from actions through your current office/position. (Max 300 words) As a proud Democrat, I am a steadfast advocate for social change. Our party’s core values resonate deeply with me, and I want to continue playing a leadership role in embedding those values throughout our city, our state, and our nation. Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: One of our values is equality and standing up and speaking out against injustice. I challenged the military’s policies prohibiting gays from serving, and publicly came out as a lesbian naval officer and took a leadership role in working to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. In 2010, I was recognized for this and given the honor of standing next to President Obama when he signed the repeal of DADT. In 2011, I was awarded Woman of the Year in Senate District 8 for my commitment to the LGBT, women’s, and veterans’ communities. Actions while CoChair of Alice: As a member of the LGBTQ community and a lifelong activist for social justice, I have worked for breaking down barriers impacting the transgender community.