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01-recorders-buyers-cover-2012.indd 1 21/11/2011 17:10 joecoAMfullpagead:Layout 1 23/09/2011 12:54 Page 1 MEET THE BLACKBOX FAMILY HIGH QUALITY SoLUTIoNS FoR LIVE MULTI-CHANNEL AUdIo CAPTURE ANd PLAYBACK WITHoUT A CoMPUTER


Designed for a range of applications requiring the capture of multiple channels of live audio material with minimum fuss, including Live Music, Broadcast, Film & TV Sound.

• 64 channels in one rack unit! • Audio recorded direct to external USB2 drive in BWAV format • USB drive plugs straight into workstation for instant editing, mixing and post production

BLACKBOX BBR-dANTE RECoRdER Designed for capturing multiple channels of live audio material via Dante network. Applications in Live Music, Broadcast, Film & TV Sound.

• 32 channels in one rack unit!

• Audio recorded direct to external USB2 drive in BWAV format

• USB drive plugs straight into workstation for instant editing, mixing and post production


Unique technology lets you capture live multi-channel audio without taking a computer or DAW to the 62 performance. Robust, rugged, rack-mounted and ready to record.

• 24 channels in one rack unit!

• Analogue and digital i/o options

• Audio recorded direct to external USB2 drive in BWAV format

• USB drive plugs straight into workstation for instant editing, mixing and post production


Dedicated multi-channel playback device specifically designed to replay backing tracks and multiple surround stems for live shows and themed entertainment.

• 24 channel playback in one rack unit! • Analogue and digital i/o options • Synchronous playback to timecode • Available as plug-in for BlackBox Recorder

tel: +44 (0) 1223 911 000 [email protected]

Multi-track technology for the 21st century

02-Recorders-2012-display-joe-co.indd 1 25/11/2011 08:43 Welcome to Recorders 2012, an international contents Buyer’s Guide. We’ve been busy rooting around the professional recorder ranges to bring you a 4 The Bluffer’s Guide to Location Sound ...... healthy stack of options in the recorder genre.

This publication is a collection of promotional articles looking at six of the world’s leading recorder manufacturers and their product ranges. Inside you’ll find the stories behind the gear – the ethos’ and design ethics that go into producing one of the key components in professional audio – and plenty 6 DM Professional Europe ...... of info on the products themselves. In addition we’ve collated a directory of professional recorder manufacturers and commissioned two articles around the subject of recorder technology and technique for the audio pro. Even through the rise of the DAW, the need for reliable, high quality, and feature-rich recording devices has never gone away – as confirmed by the recent peak in new models, 8 JoeCo ...... especially for the location recordist and audio journalist. New media types have accelerated development and now you can choose CD, hard disk, DVD, and solid state types to suit your needs and your budget. There’s also a vast array of audio file formats to handle, each one bringing the benefit of choice in data economy, audio quality, archive suitability, and more. Even newspapers and other print-based media are finding 10 Olympus ...... the need for suitable recording devices now that podcast and multimedia channels are becoming a necessary part of everyday content provision. Are you a Foley editor? Are you a production recordist? Are you a new media journalist? Are you a broadcast professional? Are you a sound designer? All of these roles and more require the best in recorder technology to make 12 Roland Systems Group ...... your job easier and your results better. Do you know what functions, facilities, and frills are available nowadays? Wouldn’t you like a large choice put right in front of you, rather than starting your hunt through the normal myriad of sales and dealer channels? This guide is the place to start your recorder shopping spree. This, and the other Buyers Guides in the series (Monitors, 63 14 Sadie ...... Microphones, Consoles, Live Sound Technology, Live Sound Applications, and DAWs) are Audio Media projects, designed to help you find your way though the information explosion and find the product that suits your needs. Audio Media is an internationally distributed magazine that deals with professional audio production in film, TV, radio, music, games, and on stage. It’s available in both print and digital editions. For more details, 16 Sound Devices ...... go to The NewBay Team

AUDIO MEDIA 18 VB Audio ...... (UK) Tel: +44 (0)1480 461555 - Fax: +44 (0)1480 461550 Sales Manager Editorial Manager (Europe) Graham Kirk Lanna Marshall [email protected] [email protected]

Editor In Chief Design & Production Manager Paul Mac John-Paul Shirreffs [email protected] [email protected]

20 Zaxcom ......

The contents of this publication are subject to worldwide copyright protection and reproduction in whole or in part, whether 22 Directory ...... mechanical or electronic, is expressly forbidden without the prior written consent of the Publishers. Great care is taken to ensure accuracy in the preparation of this publication but neither NewBay Media nor the Editor can be held responsible for its contents or any omissions. The views expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Publishers or Editor. The Publishers accept no responsibility for the return of unsolicited manuscripts, photographs, or artwork. © 2011 NewBay Media. All rights reserved.

03-recorders-contents-2012.indd 1 25/11/2011 16:11 The Bluffer’s Guide to Location Recording Ever wondered what it’s like to pocket your recorder and take your chances with the weather and general public in the great world outside the studio? JERRY IBBOTSON provides an insight…

Let’s take a little walk. Step out of the studio really impressed with these days are the new recording as well but outdoors there are so many for a moment and let the big heavy door generation of portable recorders, I have access other things that can throw you off balance. close behind you. Leave the comfort of the air to a Zoom H4 and have found it very useful in You need to know your recorder is capable conditioning and plentiful supply of coffee. guerilla recording, especially for Foley. I found to doing the job while you worry about the Move away from the big chair, shiny desk, and it invaluable myself on Quantum of Solace, as encroaching army of crabs, rioters, or aggrieved comforting glow of LEDs on the racks of gear. it meant I could sneak off to disused sets with looking police officers. Enter the often cold, wet, and unpredictable others to record gantry sounds and strange BBC Radio Journalist Huw Williams has been world of location recording. noises very quickly. I own a D50 myself using portable recorders for almost thirty years, Actually, let’s be devilish and call it and that is brilliant. I bought it in New York when from Uher reel-to-reel machines via Minidisc to something more general like “recording I was working there and recorded everywhere the Nagra Aries M. He makes a point of learning outdoors” because whether you’re working for I went, it was instant and inconspicuous so the his recorders inside out. a local radio station or a certain Mr. Spielberg, recordings were brilliant.” Huw said, “At the funeral for the animal you’re going to face challenges when rights activist Jill Phipps, who was killed by a recording outside. Higher Standards, But… lorry transporting veal calves to Europe, the Let’s start with kit. Without getting I’ve been lucky enough to test- sudden arrival of the former sex-kitten turned all Harold Macmillan-ish, there really drive a range of the latest campaigner Brigitte Bardot caused a huge stir. has never been a wider choice pocket-sized recorders She was instantly surrounded by film crews and of portable recorders on the for Audio Media photographers. But I knew I needed to get an market, from mega-bucks in the last couple interview with her. So I pushed my way towards 64 location machines to uber- of years and her, and ended up walking immediately behind portable pocket devices. standards seem to her, with my arm almost round her neck holding It’s a question of what’s be going up and up my microphone in front of her. She was giving needed for a specific job. with each new product. what seemed like an interminably long interview If you need full-blown location High sample rates and bit in French as she walked through the precincts of recorder and don’t already have one depths are now the norm and Coventry Cathedral. But eventually I interrupted, in your arsenal then a good bit of multi-channel recording is now and shouted “Et maintenant en anglais, s’ils advice is to hire for the day. becoming more and more vous plait.” From a business point of commonplace – great for “I’ve still got a copy of the Guardian from view you can at least getting ambient audio. the next day, February 15, 1995, which shows see what the kit is But one thing that me with a rather disturbing expression on my costing you, and from a most of these little face practically embracing the star. To be honest, technical perspective you machines suffer from the last thing you worry about in a situation like get access to something is handling noise; that is checking levels, or how much background you might never otherwise picking up the noise there is. You just have to know that your kit get to use. I’ve hired Sound sounds of your will work.” Devices recorders for location own fingers. jobs. I love them to bits and So a really top bit of advice An Open Mind For The Open Outside renting makes perfect sense for my would be to invest in a pistol grip. That’s not even scraped the surface of choosing business plan. Also, hiring lets you try Some manufacturers make their own but and using equipment on location but some of out new or different machines. I used you can also buy them from the likes of Rycote. the best advice is probably to keep an open a Tascam HS P82 eight-channel recorder They’re not necessarily cheap but the difference mind – not just about recorders but about for one recording session and am now a convert. they can make to a recording is huge. mics and other kit. Having a favourite piece of For jobs like recording ambient sound, Marry a recorder like the Olympus LS series to a hardware is good but being prepared to Foley, or radio material, a hand-held machine grip and you suddenly have a really powerful dig into the bottom of the kit box can may look a better option. Film Sound Designer recording tool. You don’t have to worry also pay dividends. A drum or vocal and Foley Recordist Alex Joseph often moves constantly about rattle and thumps mic pointed at a car exhaust? out of the studio to get the sounds he needs for from your own digits. That’ll never work, surely? movies like Quantum of Solace, Mamma Mia, Familiarity with your Actually, yes it might. and Harry Potter. equipment is also vital. Often the greatest He told Audio Media: “The things I’m Yes, this goes for studio challenge can be the


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location itself. Chris Munro is a Production away, ask if you can turn it off for the duration Hush… The Bluffer’s Guide to Location Recording Sound Mixer in the fi lm industry who credits of the recording. Fridges and overhead lights So another piece of advice would be to let the include numerous Bond outings, Tomb Raider, put out electrical noise as well as audible hum quiet stuff stay quiet. Wildlife Sound Recordist Sherlock Holmes and The Girl with the Dragon so switch them off. And look at the actual Chris Watson, whose work has been heard on Tattoo. On Quantum of Solace one of the place you’re in and check the acoustics. countless BBC natural history documentaries, locations was Panama, where the problem of High ceilings, wooden fl oor, large windows. relies on something very old fashioned when background noise reared its ugly head. They can all affect the sound you get. setting level – his ears. First he plays a piece “We were in a run down area and it was a BBC Scotland Reporter Huw Williams once of music that he knows well through his fairly diffi cult location with a lot of background took this to extremes: “My fi rst ever location machine and sets the headphone volume level noise. But although these situations might be recording was for a religious magazine to something he’s comfortable with. He then noisy, they would work well in the fi lm. So we programme on BBC Radio Leicester. I don’t takes the headphone knob off! He adjusts the looked at things like shooting the wide shots in remember anything about the training I’d had recording gain so that any source (like waves one location and going somewhere quieter to before being sent out, but it must have really crashing on a beach) sounds natural in his cans. shoot the dialogue in close ups.” stressed the importance of not having too Talking of ambient sound – try to grab As well as Panama, the fi lm was shot much intrusive background noise. some wildtrack whenever you can. This can be in the UK, Chile, Austria, and Italy. All of Because I made the poor interviewee join great for creating consistent background sound these provided different challenges when it me, sitting in a cupboard under the stairs at in a fi nal mix, whether it’s radio, fi lm or TV. came to isolating the actors’ voices from the the church hall where he’d been speaking. Conversely, you can use it in the noise reduction background noise. Chris said, “Another thing Goodness only knows what the acoustics process, giving your software or hardware more we might do, perhaps where we were working in sounded like. I don’t suppose the trainer to get its teeth into. an apartment, was to make the location better mentioned that technicality.” acoustically by putting in double glazing or by One of the traps you can fall into when There’s another element that can be utterly changing hard fl ooring to carpet. We looked at recording stand-alone audio (ambient sound unpredictable when you’re out and about all these aspects to make things better for us.” especially) is to crank up the levels. What you recording – people. Be prepared to explain to Those are the kind of lengths you can end up with, at best, is a recording that’s far passers-by what you’re doing (unless you’re probably only go to when working on a Bond louder than the actual sound. Birds in the tree- right in the middle of recording, in which case 65 budget. But it costs nothing to at least be tops, for example, don’t need to be peaking some polite sign language can be useful) and aware of the acoustics of the environment at -6db on your meter unless they happen to they might not make so much noise. around you and doing something about it be vultures playing in a brass band. You might Balance the technical with the personal. needn’t cost a penny either. If there’s a noisy also pick up sounds you don’t want or dreaded It’s pretty much what applies in a studio, computer in the corner, with its fan whirring pre-amp hiss. only with more chance of rain.


Marantz: A Rock Solid Pedigree When it comes to the world of portable recorders, you won’t go far wrong with a Marantz.

The brand Marantz has a rock-solid pedigree telephone interviews through an RJ-11 jack. offer over eight hours of use from four AA in the world of portable audio recorders, The 670 was upgraded to the 671, which batteries. Recording-wise, which of course is the particularly for the radio and newsgathering raised the top sample rate from 48kHz to most important bit, the 661 can record MP3 files markets. The company’s cassette machines won 96k 24-bit, and added extra features like a at a variety of bit rates (mono and stereo) as particular favour in independent radio stations in virtual third head, which allows for post-record well as uncompressed .wav files up to 96kHz/24- the UK (the BBC tending to lean more towards monitoring. It’s carried over-the-shoulder and bit. Its high quality pre-amps produce clear, reel to reel recorders). Anyone who has worked is a popular choice among radio producers, sharp audio of the highest quality. in an ILR newsroom in the 1970s, 80s, or 90s will continuing the Marantz tradition. That said, its be familiar with at least one model of Marantz. broad feature set and excellent record quality The original Superscope – a beast of a machine mean it’s also at home in the studio as a back- that began life as a domestic recorder – was up recorder. later superceded by the PMD430. Even today the 430 is held in high esteem, Up To Date: 661 even awe, by some. It’s been described Amongst Marantz’s as the best cassette machine ever current range is the made. 661, which packs Try searching for it on Youtube and many of the features All In Hand 66 you’ll find videos made by people of the 671 into Handheld recorders are more popular than ever, who’ve been lucky to find one at an a more compact not just with journalists but location recordists auction or car boot sale. chassis. It carries two and sound designers who want something they internal condenser can slip in a pocket and take with them on the Back To The Beginning microphones for one- off-chance of stumbling across a great sound. The company itself was founded handed point and The Marantz PMD 620 is a great example of by Saul Marantz in New York in shoot recording, but such a device. It really is little bigger than a 1958 who began by building a also has balanced cigarette packet yet manages to cram in a range pre-amp. It’s passed through XLR inputs as well as of features and a level of performance that various hands, including being line-in and unbalanced would put many bigger machines to shame. part-owned by Phillips, until line outs on RCA The 620 has a brushed metal fascia and today when it’s wholly owned connectors. rubberised buttons that reduce handling noise by D&M Professional, based in Given its relatively Japan. small size it’s still Like a number of a power house of a manufacturers Marantz launched a machine with a stack of professional Minidisc recorder in the design touches that a professional user will 1990s, in the form of the PMD 650. appreciate. There’s a chunky gain dial that This bore a certain similarity in its overall layout can easily be reached on the move for fast and design to the original 430 cassette recorder adjustment, a combination of both a backlight from a decade or so before. At a time when multi-function OLED display and a separate LED Minidisc was incredibly popular among radio level meter to assure the user that they’re hitting reporters and producers, this machine raised the mark. There are fewer hardware buttons the bar. than the 671, but that doesn’t mean the feature Then came its first solid state recorder; list has been cut – instead there’s a simple to the PMD 670, which borrowed the Minidisc follow menu system. machine’s chassis but recorded uncompressed The chassis itself feels a lot more rugged audio (along with MP3 files) to Compact than some of the 661’s competitors, adding to Flash cards. This had twin XLR inputs with 48V the confidence that a radio journalist or location phantom power, SPDIF input, pre-record buffer, recordist needs to have in their machine. manual and auto record levels, a limiter, and It records to SD cards, including the SDHC a host of other features. It could even record variety that go up to 32 gigabytes, and it can


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and increase the durability of the recorder. Adventures with a Marantz 620 The OLED display is clear and bright and can be Marantz: altered to suit the user. There is a simple menu A User’s Experience: Jerry Ibbotson, Media Mill interface and the buttons are clear laid out. I’ve been using a Marantz 620 since it was launched. The little machine changed how I think A Rock Solid Pedigree The 620 has two omni-directional microphone about pocket recorders. The last machine of that size that I’d used had been a domestic capsules along with external mic and line-in Minidisc recorder, with an external mic on an XLR to minijack lead. But once I’d started using inputs. It also has on-board non-destructive the 620 I realised that I had everything I needed in one hand. I’ve used it to record spot editing facilities, ideal for radio journalists effects, Foley, and ambient audio – even to capture the sound of a Chinook helicopter taking looking to edit their material on the move. off. I think I was won over the day I was sat on a railway station platform and a steam train When the 620 was first introduced, Marantz pulled up opposite. I had the 620 in my jacket pocket and was able to get some great audio believed that its user appeal would extend that I would otherwise have missed. The sound quality is fabulous, not just to a machine of beyond the company’s traditional customer that size, but full stop. base among the professional audio world. This has proved to be the case, with the high recording quality and ease of use of the baby machine introducing many people to the brand for the very first time.

Denon Pro Denon professional is Marantz Professional’s sister brand, and has historically been associated with playback (while Marantz has taken care of recording). However, in the Denon DN-F650R and DN-F450 the strengths of both are combined. These products are designed to replace DAT, Minidisc, and CDR 67 machines in a range of applications from with volume control are also included. rate selectivity as the 650R. Serial and contact studio recording and playout to acting as a Stereo and mono audio channels are closure remote controls are supported, and a backup machine. simultaneously available, and both WAV and headphone out with volume control is included. The 650R offers recording to and from SD/ MP3 file formats are supported, with sample Selectable playback modes, power on auto play, SDHC flash cards and USB external drives. rates from 44 to 96k, and 24- and 16-bit marking and mark search, audible quick search, It’s designed to fulfil the most demanding resolution. It can also record to MP3 at bit rates and easy jog-wheel file search are all featured. playback and recording applications in AV between 32 and 320kbps. It offers cascade Across the entire range of its products, installation, audio production, live sound, recording and file management between the Marantz carries some core values. All of the theatre, and broadcast. Balanced XLR analogue SD card and a connected USB drive, and can company’s machines share a professional audio audio and AES/EBU digital I/Os are featured, transfer files direct to PC via USB 2.0. pedigree born in the world of broadcasting. as well as unbalanced analogue and SPDIP The 650R is a full rack-sized machine, The highest recording quality married to great connectivity. Serial, parallel, and contact closure whereas its baby brother, the 450R is half-rack. design and outstanding build quality mean remote control are supported, and the unit can It offers a simplified, cost competitive solid state Marantz machines have a worldwide following. be operated with Denon’s latest RC-F400S recording and playback capability. The 450R ‘Hot Start’ serial remote controller. also records to SD and SDHC flash memory The OLED display and easy file search jog cards, with USB connectivity to PC. wheel enable simple front panel operation. Balanced analogue inputs on XLR are featured A USB keyboard input allows for simple file alongside unbalanced I/O. Stereo and mono name editing. A variety of playback modes audio channels are simultaneously available, includes single, repeat, random, continuous, and PCM WAV and MP3 file formats are and skip back play. Pitch control (between +20 supported, with the same sample rate and bit and –40%), tempo lock, and a headphone out

CONTACT DETAILS Denon Marantz Kingsbridge House, Padbury Oaks, Longford, Middlesex, UB7 0EW t +44 (0) 7824 900608 w w


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blackbox recorder – Making Every Track Count!

With the recent release of JoeCo’s BBR64-MADI and BBR-DANTE Recorders, developments in BlackBox technology have seen the audio capturing capabilities of the compact 1U, live multi-track recorder 68 increase from 24 channels to 64.

For JoeCo Managing Director and product Raising the Track Count with the BBR64-MADI It also caters for 56-channel legacy MADI and developer Joe Bull, the BlackBox concept evolved Like its BlackBox siblings, the new BBR64-MADI can record a further eight channels of balanced from years of talking to users across the industry was initially specified as a 24-channel recording analogue line level for capturing the audience who needed a compact, easy to use device for system, however it was obvious that requiring reaction or general ambience. capturing live audio to a universally readable file three systems to record the full 64 channels of The BBR64-MADI can lock to an incoming format. Among other things, it would simplify a MADI stream rather defeated the beauty of MADI data stream or separate word clock. and speed up the ingest of the audio material the recorder’s compact nature. Thus began a It can also generate word clock. The MADI input into workstations for mixing and re-purposing, development process that involved rewriting the can be echoed directly to the output to ease whilst simultaneously taking generic computer bespoke operating system in order to increase integration. Many standard BlackBox features operating systems out of the live recording the track count, while keeping the hardware are also included in the new version, such as the process. Originally designed as a dedicated interface as consistent as possible with that of Safe ‘n’ Sound Record Recovery that will recover 1U rack-mounted 24-channel solution, the other BlackBox models. files even if the power fails during recording. BLACKBOX RECORDER’s latest developments The release version of the BBR64-MADI Multiple units can also be stacked for even have now taken into account a growing demand can capture the full 64 channels of MADI data higher track counts. for these benefits to be more widely available at standard sample rates directly to mono “The BBR-MADI is already proving a huge on digitally connected systems, most notably Broadcast WAV files on an external USB2 drive, success,” says Joe Bull. “One system comprising for MADI data streams from existing equipment whilst double sample rate MADI recording, up to four MADI units is currently out on tour and Dante networking to take advantage of the 96kHz, is also accommodated at reduced track recording 256 channels of audio every night, forthcoming AVB protocols. count. The unit has both coaxial and optical so it’s really giving us an opportunity to seriously MADI connections for interfacing with any monitor this system in action!” MADI equipped console or other equipment.

The BBR-64 MADI rear panel.


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BlackBox Technology – What Users are Saying “The unit was recording for 24 hours a day over six weeks and remained solid throughout.” Stuart Bruce, Production Sound Mixer, SabSound Ltd.

“Brilliant piece of gear! Digico D5 to JoeCo BBR64-MADI– Magic” Bobby Tis, Monitor Engineer, Tedeschi Trucks Band

Involving the User via Dante network. Designed to support With JoeCo’s company philosophy built around standard network components and switches, “The things that I immediately liked were the meeting the needs of its user base, it’s hardly the BBR-DANTE system again records directly fact that the screen was so bright and simple surprising that potential users were involved to Broadcast WAV files on an external USB2 and the unit was so compact!” during the development of the BBR64-MADI, (FAT32 formatted) drive. It also accommodates Chris White, London Philharmonic Orchestra blackbox recorder – providing much valued input at significant higher sample rate recording (88.2kHZ and “Video Game Heroes” concert stages. “A good example of this was the way 96kHz) at a reduced track count. Additionally, it Making Every Track Count! that the BBR-MADI’s metering system evolved,” can similarly record eight channels of balanced “The attention to detail is remarkable and recalls Joe. “After painstaking optimisation we’d analogue at line level for capturing audience it’s got features we hadn’t even realised.” raised the track count to around 54 channels, and ambience. Dave Foister, Head of Audio-Visual, but this was still some way short of our goal. As with the BBR64-MADI system, Guildhall School of Music & Drama, Potential users reassured us that providing a individual channels or pairs of channels can be London Pre-Fade Listen (PFL) facility instead of a full monitored on an internal PFL bus to provide 69 headphone mix would be more than adequate, both hi-resolution metering and headphone given the number of tracks involved and the fact output. Standard BlackBox features such as that levels would always be set at the mic pre- the Safe’n’Sound Record Recovery are also amp stage on the console anyway. included. For synchronisation purposes, the This and other modifications enabled us to system can lock to and generate word clock, or break though the 64 channel barrier while lock to the incoming Dante audio steam. retaining the general look, feel, and most “We have been delighted to be able to importantly, the compact dimensions of combine an exciting technology such as Dante the unit”. with the BBR’s robust computer-free recording The metering section is one of the elements capability,” says Joe. “At the same time, with that give both the BBR64-MADI and the BBR- the BBR64-MADI we have succeeded in our DANTE their “visual identities”. Channel LEDs challenge to combine the capture of up to flash dull red when record enabled, glowing 64 channels of audio to a universal disk and solidly once in record. As signal is received on file format in one rack unit weighing less than a particular channel, the LED shows the level 2.5kg. I think it’s fair to say that 2011 has been CONTACT DETAILS varying from dull green through yellow to red, a good year!” JoeCo Limited whilst a peak signal turns the LED bright red. The BBR64-MADI and BBR-DANTE systems 135 Histon Road, Cottenham, Meanwhile, the PFL bus places the mono or are complemented by the original 24-channel Cambridge, CB24 8UQ, UK stereo bus signal onto a pair of 12 segment LED BlackBox Recorders that are available with t +44 (0) 1223 911000 meters as well as the headphone output for any unbalanced analogue, balanced analogue, e [email protected] channel requiring more detailed inspection. Lightpipe, or AES/EBU interfaces. All BlackBox w recorders capture audio to ubiquitous USB2 Networking with the BBR-DANTE drives, in standard mono broadcast WAV Distributed in the UK by: The new BBR-DANTE version of the recorder file format, for easy ingest into every post MSL Professional results from collaboration between JoeCo production system. In addition, existing users t +44 (0) 207 118 0133 and Audinate, creators of the award-winning benefit from the speed improvements that have e [email protected] Dante™ digital media networking solution. made the new systems possible – free! Designed for connection to any Dante-enabled Distributed in the USA by: network device from a range of console and Full Scale AV converter manufacturers, this BlackBox version t +1 615-833-1824 provides a dedicated solution for recording e [email protected]


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Professional Audio Recorders – Sound Studio in your Pocket

Olympus produces a range of high quality professional audio recorders developed for musicians, journalists, and anyone wanting to capture professional audio. The LS range captures

sound in linear PCM – better than CD quality, whilst offering a The Olympus portable solution for your ‘’. LS-11.

Olympus is a name that, until fairly recently, was logical manner, and there’s a backlit LCD display The most important thing with any recorder more synonymous with cameras than recording for the comprehensive menu system and system though is audio quality, and the Olympus LS-5 equipment. Granted, the company did produce information, including the audio level meters. shines through in this regard. The sound is the first microcassette dictation machine back The LS-5 can set its recording level clear and sharp thanks to the high grade noise- in 1969, but it was still better known for SLRs, automatically, which may well be of use to reducing microphones and sophisticated internal compacts, and even high-end journalists who need to electronics. Even when recording quiet sounds, 70 medical optics than audio kit. point-and-shoot. For press such as wildlife or birdsong, the audio is clean That all changed with conference situations it also and hiss-free. the launch of the first LS- has rubberised feet so it can The LS-5 is equally at home recording sound designated portable recorder be left on a table without effects or radio interviews and the audio can be a few years ago. There are picking up too much noise. edited on the machine itself – of great use to now several different models The real power of the journalists out in the field. in the range, including one machine comes through The LS-11 is also available at a premium. with a full High Definition when it’s set to manual. Silver in colour, it features 8GB of memory, video camera built in. They all There’s an easy to read an infa red have a range of professional level dial on the side, easily remote control, level features including within reach of the user’s and Cubase LE full manual controls, high thumb, and that clear, software included resolution recording, on-board backlit LCD level meter. in the box. editing facilities, and high There’s also a Limiter than quality build and finish. can be set in manual mode. The LS-3 When recording at 44k, The LS-3 recorder The LS-5 16-bit, the field of the takes many of The LS-5 is a mid-range model microphone capsules can the features of its but still packs quite a punch. even be adjusted to “zoom” bigger brothers This pocket-sized machine in on sources further away and sisters and fits can record .wav files as high (acting like a shotgun mic). them into a much as 96kHz 24-bit, as well as The feature count also smaller page. MP3 and WMA files in a range includes separate mic and line Then for good of bit rates. It comes with 2GB inputs on mini-jacks, a Low measure it adds of internal memory, which Cut rumble filter, and a switch some more of its can be expanded through the for two levels of microphone own. This is one use of SD cards, including the sensitivity. There’s also a of the smallest larger capacity SDHC variety. screw thread in the belly of machines to offer It’s ergonomically designed, with two stereo the recorder for use either with a stand or tripod high-grade 94kHz, microphone capsules set far away from the or with a pistol grip. Using a grip further isolates 24-bit recording user’s fingers (this is a handheld machine after the recorder from handling noise and turns the and is truly pocket all). The main controls are laid out in a clear, LS-5 into a powerful location recording tool. sized – less than


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high as 96 kHz, 28-bit. Sitting between the capsules Sound wise, there’s full It’s simplicity itself to is the lens for the video camera, manual control of audio (unlike use. On one side of that which has an electronic zoom. many small video cameras) and “rolled flat” body is The exposure can’t be set manu- a stack of features found on a slider switch than ally but there is an exposure other LS models including on- lets you choose compensation feature to alter board audio editing. between video and it incrementally up or down. Whether it’s being used to audio-only recording. As standard, the white balance capture a band playing live, On the top deck there’s is set automatically but you can interview mate- a small grey scale LCD screen, do this yourself or use a range of rial, discrete

The LS-20 which shows the menu and au- presets e.g., daylight, fluorescent newsgather- The LS-20 is a striking part of dio settings, and above that is a light, etc. There’s also the capa- ing, or as the Olympus line-up. Not just much more exciting colour one: bility of changing the exposure a video for its unusual looks – it’s much this shows what you’re filming. metering from a matrix to spot, “notebook”, flatter than most other handheld The buttons for Record, Play, allowing you expose for a key the LS-20 machines and looks decidedly and Stop are all right under part of a scene. is unique sci-fi – but for the addition of a your thumb, and in the base is The LS-20 will even let you in offering High Definition video camera, a panel for the USB connection hold it aloft (to shoot a live event both HD with its lens nestling between and mini HDMI output to show from the back of the crowd for video and the stereo microphone capsules. your movies on a larger screen. example) without tipping the high quality It’s capable of recording video at There’s also an SD card slot and picture on its head. Its reverse audio in such full HD strength – 1080p – with mini-jack sockets for external angle recording flicks the video a compact the accompanying PCM audio as microphone and headphones. and audio round to keep every- machine. 71 thing the right way up.

half the size and weight of the LS-5. at 100Hz and 300Hz. erased and moved or But it’s more than its size (or lack Besides the VCVA function, copied between the 4GB of it) that makes the LS-3 special. which enables automatic of internal memory and For starters, it has a pre-record commencement and microSD card. buffer, something normally only continuation of recordings in The sleek, aluminium-bodied Olympus LS-3 is found on much more expensive a single file when audio levels high on features, is attractive in price, and is the machines. When the recorder is in exceed a certain threshold, the most compact LS model ever. It adds another record-pause mode, it “captures” the LS-3 also incorporates Voice weapon to Olympus’s impressive, and growing, audio that is passing through the sync recording. This feature also arsenal of portable audio recorders. system and stores several seconds’ captures audio without silent worth in a buffer. When you hit the pauses, yet saves the recorded record button and set it running, sections in multiple files. that material is the first to be stored The intuitive operation of permanently. It means you need this model is supported by a never miss another key bit of audio clever Voice Guidance system. again, whether it’s a headline- It provides audio prompts on grabbing sound bite or the sound of features, which is especially useful CONTACT DETAILS a chirping bird. for visually challenged users. Olympus The LS-3 also has three built-in Recording and playback scene KeyMed House, Stock Road, Southend on Sea, microphones: joining its two angled setting functions can be defined Essex SS2 5QH condenser mic is an omni-directional according to the situation and t 01702 616333 one that stretches down to 20Hz saved for further recordings in w to improve the capture of low the same environment. frequencies for truly natural stereo File management is a breeze, UK Distributor: with much more bass feeling. too: users can change folder SCV London, 40 Chigwell Lane, Oakwood Hill And enhancing sound purity in names and set index marks during Industrial Estate, Loughton, Essex, IG10 3NY situations with background sounds is recording and playback. Recorded t 020 8418 1470 a switchable two-level low-cut filter – files can be divided, partially w



The new R-1000 48 Track Recorder and Player not only records multi channel audio but can also playback up to 48 channels in combination with a V-Mixing System. Roland R-1000 48-Track Audio Recorder and Player The Roland R-1000 48 Track Audio Recorder/Player is a reliable, standalone hardware solution designed for live recording and playback for any event or production. The R-1000 records in broadcast 72 WAV format, with multi-track playback making it ideal for virtual rehearsal, playback, and training. R-1000 Ideally Suited for Many Confi gurations allows approximately 20 hours of recording Roland History and Ethos and Applications (44.1/48 kHz) using a 500GB HDD. Used in a Roland Systems Group is dedicated to The R-1000 is an intuitive, standalone, dedicated live recording set-up with the V-Mixer, up to 40 supporting audio and video professionals who recorder/player designed to work with the channels of 24-bit audio from the V-Mixer can demand excellence in terms of performance V-Mixing System in any live event or production, be recorded to the R-1000 and once fi nished making it ideal for virtual rehearsal, rehearsals, can be opened in any DAW software such as and system design by consistently providing playback, and training. It can also be used with Cakewalk SONAR/V-STUDIO, accessing the the entertainment industry with the most any digital console with a MADI output via the HDD via its USB 2.0 port. Multi-track playback creative and technically advanced products. Roland S-MADI REAC MADI Bridge. (48 tracks of 24-bit audio via REAC) is also Offering solutions to many markets including Based on REAC (Roland Ethernet Audio provided, while a marker function enables broadcast, education, live production, theatre, Communication), the R-1000 eliminates the bulk playback at any designated point. visual performance, and worship, Roland and noise susceptibility typically associated with Utilising the benefi t of bi-directional audio Systems Group provides intuitive, fl exible analogue snakes and replaces it with Cat5e/6 with REAC, the R-1000 can be used as a multi- products that can be used in standalone (Ethernet/LAN) cable. track recording, backing track, sound check or system confi gurations using the Recording up to 48 tracks of 24-bit audio and rehearsal system by simply connecting the V-Mixing System, Digital Snakes, or S-MADI in BWF format, its removable hard drive R-1000 between the V-Mixer and the Digital connectivity. ensures smooth integration with DAWs and Snake and setting a channel to be live (not

The R-1000 can be used with other live digital mixing systems in combination with the S-MADI REAC to MADI Bridge

12 PROMOTIONAL FEATURE recorders 2012


R-26 Hand Held Audio Recorder Heralding the next generation of hand held recorders from Roland with features such as dual stereo mics, six channels of simultaneous recording and IARC (Isolated Adaptive Recording Circuit), which separates analogue and digital circuits – as well as impressive ergonomics – the technically advanced R-26 offers superior detail and depth. For ease of use, added benefits include onboard editing, a touch panel display, and a USB audio interface for your PC, making the R-26 an ideal solution for the stage, rehearsal, school, boardroom, or DSLR Recording. Designed for use in the field, the dual stereo mics (omni- directional and directional) on the R-26 operate independently of each other and in addition to the onboard mics the R-26 Roland R-1000 48-Track provides XLR/TRS inputs for up to six channels (three stereo )of simultaneous recording. This useful feature allows the user to, for example, capture an instrument up close with the built in Audio Recorder and Player mics, record room ambience with external mics and save them as separate files for mixing together later.

Roland provides a range of intuitive recording solutions 73 including the R-26 hand held portable recorder.

record), live (record), and playback multi-channel recording/playback, and (from recorder). MADI bridge. Data can be loaded from external USB Connect the R-1000 with any V Mixer drives and devices, and analogue and control directly from the monitor and headphone outputs Product Summary console or connect with any are provided, along with USB The R-1000 is one of a REAC Digital Snake product to ports for backing up data and range of products from provide a truly multi-purpose,

connecting a PC for further Roland Systems Group rack mountable solution that is CONTACT DETAILS software control, plus a versatile that form the V-Mixing flexible enough to fit into any feature set that includes video System, a modular, configuration. 2-7 Kandasuda-cho, Chiyoda-ku, sync, SMPTE and MIDI Time flexible system of Channels can be set to Tokyo 101-0041, Japan Code, GPI and RS-232C. ‘pass thru’ live from the digital innovative audio and video w A 40-channel live recording/ snake inputs, record live input solutions for the live sound, playback system can be or playback from the recorder recording, broadcast, Distributed in the UK by: achieved with any MADI- or use the R-1000 to run a personal mixing, and audio Roland Systems Group equipped digital console by complete sound check and Studio 3.3, 114 Power Road, London, W4 5PY, UK using the S-MADI Bridge with production market. tune the room in a new venue t +44 (0) 1792 702701 the R-1000. Using two S-MADI Used in combination with without the need for musicians w units to record/playback the Digital Snake system, as you are able to select the e [email protected] increases the channel count the V- Mixing System missing musicians’ channel and

to 48. is configurable for any continue. Alternatively, use the Distributed in the USA by: For large event mixing and R-1000 to select any groups sound system along with Roland Systems Group recording, two R-1000 units of channels for selective audio convenient split, merge, 801 West Orchard Drive, Suite 3 Bellingham, can provide up to 96 channels engineering training. and embedded power WA98225, USA of recording due to their technology. t +1 (360) 5944282 compatibility with over 20 other w REAC components including e [email protected] digital snakes, personal mixing,


12-roland-recorders-2012.indd 2 21/11/2011 17:00 LIMITED+ + + + JOECO LIMITED+ + + + JOECO LIMITED+ + + + JOECO LIMITED+ + + +


SADiE 6 LiVE: High-End, Multi-Track Recording and Editing

SADiE’s LiVE Series of workstations take location multi-track recording to new dimensions by offering a higher level of track density and the ultimate in convenience and reliability. Ideally suited for a wide range of applications, SADiE LiVE systems are now being used to record large scale concerts and location TV sound, as well as on location film-set sound capture. The growing number of high-end recording engineers who are using SADiE systems to capture 74 live projects is testament to both SADiE and Prism Sound’s core philosophy that convenience and portability should never compromise audio fidelity.

The Origins of the SADiE 6 LiVE Series SADiE LiVE Series connector PSU. It is also possible to power the Recorders The current SADiE LiVE range consists of the unit from a 12V camera battery pack. The idea of developing a robust and reliable LiVE LRX2, H64, H128 large scale recorders, and The Live H64, H128, and Solid State range of location and live sound recording the newly introduced Solid-State-LiVE recorder. workstations have been designed as fully systems began in 2004 after a series of All of the systems have been developed with modular systems, both in terms of processing meetings with members of the AMPS and IBS a significantly expanded track count allowing the power and input/output capabilities. The associations. LRX2 to record up to 64 tracks via MADI or up systems are housed in a 4U high rack mountable Already many sound recordists were taking to 48 tracks via SADiE’s Mic pre-amp cards. The housing, an additional 3U high multi-channel laptops and the portable SADiE BB2 on location LiVE H64 and LiVE 128 and Solid State system interface box can be directly connected to the for a variety of tasks, including onsite editing or are capable of recording up to 128 tracks via main unit to facilitate the addition of a range of even mobile ADR, and there was an increasing MADI, AES, Mic, or Line respectively using the I/O optional ‘slither card’ modules. need for a multi-track solution that combined same modular I/O cards as the LRX2. recording and editing software. Robustness With these high density, high and reliability, without the need for setting up reliability solutions, the SADiE LiVE series soundcards in the field, were considered crucial. began carving a niche on locations such It was from these discussions that the SADiE LRX as music concert recordings, classical was born. recording sessions, film sets, and reality In 2008 the Prism Media Products Group TV. took ownership of SADiE, and soon afterward the company introduced its new SADiE 6 The Hardware Packages software. This led to the development of specific The LRX2 hardware comprises an all- SADiE products for capturing live productions. metal constructed unit that houses all Building on SADiE’s already well-established the DSP, I/O cards, monitoring, weighted footing in live and location recording, Prism edit controller, small assignable mixer Sound introduced the SADiE 6 LiVE branded with motorised faders, and dedicated systems. edit buttons. It also holds the time-code, video, and AES reference connections. Power is connected via a four-pin XLR


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File Transfer and of 16 channels of Prism Sound’s Maselec Compatibility Master Series MMA-4XR mic preamps. Two SADiE uses the separate Neve 16:2 mixers were used ahead of standard timecode the V-series console to help contain the total stamped Broadcast number of recording tracks. WAV format, which The top 32 tracks on the SADiE LRX2 unit gives compatibility captured, among other things, playback of with most other SFX and pre-recorded orchestral mixes, these DAWs. If edits are sources feeding the quad speaker set-up. required on set, and In addition, the LRX2 recorded a number let’s not forget that of audience mics plus click tracks and show this is one of the timecode. great strengths of The main 64-track system comprised two The Software Packages the SADiE system, identical SADiE H128 dual MADI units each SADiE Version 6 and ‘MTR’ then the EDLs can be exported as OMF, AAF, or running RAID mirrored drive pairs, making four The LRX2, H64, H128, and Solid State systems AES31 to other systems. identical clones of all takes. The SADiE units are supplied as standard with the dedicated were connected to the Prism Sound ADA-8XR SADiE 6 ‘MTR’ (Multi Track Recorder) user The LiVE Series in Action units through two RME ADI6432 MADI-AES interface, which greatly simplifies operation. In SADiE recently played a vital part in the interfaces. recording of a new Roger Waters spectacular addition to the MTR software, there are four Main vocal channels, including Roger The Wall, which culminated in Athens in July application-specific SADiE 6 software suites Waters’ main mics and his radio mic, were where Waters performed three shows at the available: controlled using a number of Prism Sound 2004 Olympic Stadium. The sound recording Maselec MLA-2 dual-channel compressors and mixing was captured by long-time friend • Radio Producer Suite configured on console insertion points. Extra and producer James Guthrie using a 96-track, • Post Suite UA 1176 compressors were loaned by Dinos • Mastering Suite 96kHz fully mirrored SADiE recording set- 75 Ioanides from Sierra Studios in Athens to cover • Sound Suite up modelled on that of his private studio in extra channels. California. Recording in Athens took place over six Full Metadata support is provided, and sessions In Athens, Waters spread his performance days, with three live shows and three days of created in the single-screen MTR software can across two stages – the main stage and the filming for close-ups. The 1TB mirrored drives in be opened in any of the full SADiE software front stage outside the wall – with audio lines the main SADiE systems were changed Suites for full multi-track editing, as well as switching between the two at various points every two days and the main and backup disk sophisticated post, mastering, and radio during the concert to reduce channel count. sets were dispatched separately to reduce risk production operations. A total of 96 tracks were recorded, distributed in transit. The LRX2 connects via USB to any standard between the main 64-track SADiE system PC or Intel Mac running Windows. The LiVE H64 and a smaller SADiE LRX2 system running 32 and 128 and Solid State LiVE are supplied as tracks. All of the tracks were recorded at 96kHz turnkey solutions. A DV-AVI video stream may sampling, 24-bit resolution. also be simultaneously captured for playback. To complement the Neve console, 16 Additionally, PQ mastering is a feature of all channels of outboard Neve pre-amplifiers SADiE 6 software systems, so CD refs can be were used, a mixture of 1073 and 1081 units, produced on location. which were provided by London-based FX Rentals. These were boosted by the addition



14-sadie-recorders-2012.indd 2 21/11/2011 17:03 LIMITED+ + + + JOECO LIMITED+ + + + JOECO LIMITED+ + + + JOECO LIMITED+ + + +


Sound Devices’ 7-Series line is the next generation of digital audio recorders. The two, four, or eight track 7-Series recorders shatter the size, performance, and feature-set paradigms of all previous generations of audio recorders.

CL-8 Controller with Sound Devices 788T Digital Recorder.

Sound Devices’ digital recorders are designed world-class products. recorders. Sound Devices 702 is a two-track specifically for documentary and feature film/ 7-Series recorders are controlled by a fast file-based digital audio recorder, while the video production, sound effects gathering, and and intuitive user interface, with easy to access Sound Devices 702T adds time code. live multi-channel music recording. The 7-Series buttons and an informative LCD display and LED The time code implementation makes the recorders include high-performance, high- metering. All controls can be accessed on the 702T perfect for any double-system video or resolution analogue microphone preamplifiers. front panel of the unit. film production application. Sound Devices Developed for high-bandwidth, high bit-rate Created with documentary, ENG, and feature 722 is designed with an internal hard drive for 76 digital recording, these preamps set the standard film recording engineers in mind, Sound Devices extended recording time. for linearity, distortion performance, and low- keeps its recorders as small and lightweight These compact, two-track devices record noise gain. as possible without compromising sonic and play back audio to CompactFlash cards Sound Devices’ two-input (702, 702T, 722), performance. No other audio recorders and/or external FireWire drives (as well as four-input (744T), and eight-input (788T) approach their size/performance ratio. The 788T internal hard drives for the 722), making field recorders write and play audio files with either can easily fit into a standard production audio recording simple and fast. They record and play 16 or 24-bit depth at all professional sampling carry case such as the CS-5, and weighs less than uncompressed PCM audio at 16 or 24 bits with rates, up to 192 kHz (96 kHz on the 788T). four pounds. All other 7-Series recorders weigh sampling rates between 32kHz and 192kHz. Multiple storage mediums, analogue/digital less than three pounds and easily fit in Compressed MP3 audio and data-compressed I/O, and high-speed computer connectivity an accessory pouch. FLAC recording and playback are also supported. make 7-Series recorders stand out as The 7-Series records Broadcast WAV files (with Removable, rechargeable batteries are a iXML Metadata) to CompactFlash standard Sony-compatible Li-ion camcorder cell. cards on all recorders and to internal The CompactFlash card appears as a removable hard drives on the drive-equipped 722, storage device when connected via the FireWire 744T, and 788T (160GB). Audio files port to Windows or Mac OS computers. can be transferred over FireWire (USB 2.0 and FireWire 800 on 788T) to a Four-Track Recorder – 744T Windows PC or Mac OS computer for Sound Devices’ 744T is a powerful post-production or archiving. four-track file-based digital audio recorder. While the 7-Series recorders are The super-compact 744T records and plays very capable tools alone, they excel back audio to and from its internal hard drive, when used in conjunction with Sound CompactFlash cards, and external FireWire Devices 302 and 552 audio mixers. drives. It records and plays uncompressed Using an external mixer extends the PCM audio at 16 or 24 bits with sample rates flexibility of the recorder and gives the between 32kHz and 192kHz. Compressed next level of audio I/O and control. MP3 audio recording and playback from 64kb/s to 320kb/s and data-compressed Two-Track Recorders – FLAC are also supported. The time code 702, 702T, 722 implementation makes the 744T ready for Sound Devices’ two-track recorders any recording job –from over-the-shoulder are powerful file-based digital audio to cart-based productions.


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CL-WIFI The new CL-WIFI accessory adds remote iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch functionality to 788T and 788T-SSD Recorders. When the CL-WIFI hardware is used with the downloadable application from the Apple App Store, 788T users can remotely view, control, and edit audio and file-related information from their Apple device.The new CL-WIFI accessory adds remote iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch functionality to 788T and 788T-SSD Recorders. When the CL-WIFI hardware is used with the downloadable application from the Apple App Store, 788T users can remotely view, control, and edit audio and file-related information from their Apple device.

Eight-Track Recorder – 788T Intended for on-location, multi-track productions, the eight-input, 12-track 788T features a significant expansion of input and output capability – eight full-featured microphone inputs and 12 tracks of recording. The 788T is a powerful eight input, twelve-track digital audio recorder designed for production sound. The eight inputs, together with a flexible digital architecture, provide unprecedented recording volumes can be used for recording and a significant increase in weight, making it 77 flexibility. The added I/O, new architecture, and playback. All three storage mediums can be adaptable to a variety of field productions. powerful accessories such as the CL-8 and CL-9 selected for simultaneous, redundant recording. The CL-8 features eight large, rotary faders controllers, make the 788T suitable for a wide As with the 702T and 744T’s time code to control the eight inputs of the 788T. It range of applications. recorders, the 788T has a high-performance, offers command over numerous input settings, To accommodate the larger data storage full-featured time code generator. It is also including high-pass filter, limiter, polarity, and requirements of multi-track recordings, the equipped with selectable word clock sync mute. When used with the CL-8, the original 788T comes equipped with either a 160 GB source, including numerous video sync sources. 788T input controls function as input trims, and 2.5-inch internal SATA hard disk drive or a The 788T is powered by 7.2 V Li-ion batteries or the CL-8 controls offer fader control. 256GB SSD (788T-SSD). Hard drive-equipped external DC (10-18 V) and offers an on-board With the CL-8 users now have access to four recorders provide up to 30 hours of eight- Li-ion battery charger. additional recording tracks (eight ISO tracks, L/R track, uncompressed 24-bit audio recording The CL-8 Controller for the 788T Digital master, and Aux 1 and Aux 2) through the CL- of industry-standard Broadcast Wave files. Recorder is a portable mixing control surface 8’s associated firmware, for a total of 12 record Additionally, CompactFlash cards with UDMA companion for its 788T recorder, which provides tracks. The CL-8 is connected to the recorder support and external FireWire mass storage additional capabilities to the 788T without over a USB connection and it includes a USB keyboard pass-through port. Compact, linear fader controller with enhanced monitoring.

CONTACT DETAILS Sound Devices, LLC., 300 Wengel Drive, P.O. Box 576, Reedsburg, Wisconsin 53959 USA w t +1 (608) 524 0625 f +1 (608) 524 0655


16-sound-devices-2012.indd 2 21/11/2011 17:03 ++++++ VB-AUDIO++++VB-AUDIO++++VB-AUDIO++++VB-AUDIO++++VB-AUDIO++++VB-AUDIO++++VB-AUDIO++++VB-AUDIO++++VB-AUDIO++++VB-AUDIO++++VB-AUDIO++++VB-AUDIO++++VB-AUDIO++++VB-AUDIO++++VB-AUDIO++++

MT128: Less Ordinary Innovation Designed from the ground-up to be robust, flexible, and top quality; the MT128 bears all the hallmarks of extraordinary thinking, where little details make a big difference to the user’s experience. Welcome to a new way of going live…

Though the market for digital recording AIFF, and Broadcast Wave files are supported, power and ease of use, the MT128 can easily systems is mature, with many products seeing as is a redundant mirror-recording feature. record 128 tracks on internal Disk (or in RAID a convergence of features, there’s still plenty The DAW aspects of MT128 are what you’d mode if required) and at the same time mirror of room for companies to innovate. VB-Audio expect from a high-end digital recording system; the recording on an external drive.” However, has been providing software solutions for audio extensive routing, loop and marker points, auxes Burel also adds that the MT128 is also extremely industry since 1999, originally producing a series and monitor sections, timecode synchronisation useful in recording situations that require instant of professional plug-ins for mastering on the and professional system management tools. playback, such as rehearsals, virtual sound checks Pyramix platform, as well as native plug-ins for What marks the M128 out of the ordinary is the at gigs (so the band don’t wear themselves the Windows PC. In 2005 VB-Audio moved into way it’s been designed from the ground up as a out on stage when setting levels), and in fixed the live arena with a special series of plug-ins robust, multi-hardware platform system. installations such as theatres. “Don’t tell anyone, especially for the Innovason series of consoles. but my secret wish is to see the MT128 entering VB-Audio’s MT128 is a software-based From Conception, To Reality the project studio and instigating a revival of recording system that has been specifically Vincent Burel, Managing Director of the recording with real musicians!” he laughs. designed to be integrated into dedicated company, explains the rational behind the 78 hardware systems based on Windows PC. genesis of the MT128 project. “It came about Flexibility Is Key 128 tracks of 24-bit audio can be captured and because of the convergence of different The MT128 was designed from the ground replayed simultaneously at facts and ideas. In 2005, there was no really up as a system that can be easily embedded sample rates up to operational solution to record a large number of in dedicated hardware based on a PC. This, of 96kHz; and tracks in reliable way. With the then-upcoming course, means that the same interface can be WAV, MADI Board from RME, and the possibility to presented to the user or developer, who then manage several audio cards synchronised can choose which type of hardware is more together, it was possible to imagine new suitable for which application. “For example, kind of application able to manage a large today, the MT128 is embedded in the Eclipse number of I/O. Finally with the advent of Mixing Console and also as a turnkey system in touch screen, we saw an opportunity a 19-inch rack mounted industrial PC by several to make a simple and easy to use different integrators and distributors,” says interface – and this is maybe the Burel. This hardware flexibility makes the system most important thing about relatively future proof, as new protocols come the MT128; but which turned on stream. “We could, for example, embed the out to be the hardest to MT128 in a Tablet PC using new audio network realise. Finally, this protocols using just a RJ45 connector,” says MT128 project Burel. “The MT128 will follow the evolution of was supplying hardware and audio interfaces easily. Because an answer to the MT128 is a transparent device, it really the often-asked is made for today’s audio digital chain, from question; “What digital microphone to digital console and comes next after amplifier. The MT128 is easily configured to the likes of the record all of the audio coming from one or two Alesis HD24 or MADI streams or Ethersound and soon, Dante, Tascam X48?” Ravenna and so on,” he adds. Currently, amongst Burel sees the other manufacturers, the MT128 is embedded MT128 as a perfect and available in France from Broady Solutions tool for multi-track ( and in Germany recording in a live from Jedoba (, who situation. “Thanks to its produces a system, the Maxtraxx MT128, which


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integrates the software in a sturdy 19-inch rack unit equipped with a touch screen. This system MT128: can be configured with up to 128 channels of digital audio I/O, available in MADI, AES-3, and Less Ordinary Innovation ADAT format. It also supports Word Clock and Video (Black burst) synchronisation and time code via LTC-I/O, RS-422, MIDI or GPS. The MT128 is also the program behind the M.A.R.S. system, a 64-track player-recorder integrated in the ECLIPSE console from the aforementioned Innovason ( “It’s designed from the ground up to be embedded,” says Burel, “It’s maybe one of the first pieces of audio software for Windows that was designed exclusively for embedding and as a complete turnkey system dedicated to recording and playback of audio. The business model is based on the Integrator/Distributor idea, where companies can build and sell their own complete solutions, according their infrastructure and needs.” The most obvious feature of the MT128 is difference between the MT128 and competitors Vienna, and the Archive tour. certainly the touch screen user interface, which is the screen user interface. It has really been Embedded in the Innovason Eclipse console has been designed to let the operator manage designed and programmed as if it were an it’s been used to generate virtual soundchecks 128 tracks using just a single finger and with instrument that you can play with, freely, at rehearsals at the Toronto Jazz Festival and simplicity that Burel says, “is familiar to users of without having the stress you usually get London’s Royal Opera House, and features 79 multi-track recorders of old.” when operating complicated generalist audio as the main or spare playback system on the Other novel aspects of the system include software. And I’m glad to see that some sound Eclipse console in ‘Broadway mode’ for the the database organisation in Rec-Session, Takes, engineers are retrieving their old sensations Mozart Opera Rock tour. In addition, the MT128 and clips hierarchy – “Some of the recording from analogue days with this machine. The is used as an audio logger recording up to 128 options, monitoring capabilities, stereo buses, MT128 is the next generation of multi-track audio digital signals during TV reality shows, auxes and mark the system out too,” Burel recorder machine. It is a kind of ‘summary’ of broadcasts of World Cup competitions in several adds. “Technically speaking, there are several the best ergonomics from the early multi-track languages in South Africa, and The Robert innovative points, such as the ability to manage tape recorders to the last DTD machine.” Schumann Institute in Düsseldorf also makes very low audio latency buffers, the remote driver use of the MT128 for teaching. architectures – many small things that makes Coming Onto Stage All in all, the MT128 is finding its way into a big difference for the user in term of security It’s certainly found its way into today’s audio systems worldwide – expect to feel its touch and ease of use.” The system also features world. The MT128 has already been used in under your fingertips sometime soon. a transactional database to avoid project numerous situations – as a multi-track recorder corruption if you have a power failure during at Les Vielles Charrues and the classical music use – the system simply picks up from where festival in Saint Denis (both in France) and you had a problem and without file damage. the Mawazine in Rabat, Morocco. Herbert Obviously, the interface is the focus of Grönemeyer used it on his Schiffsverkehr tour, the MT128 and Burel says that a lot of work it’s been seen at concerts by Helene Fischer and went into its ergonomic design. “The main BAP in Germany, been used for the latest Eddy Mitchell concert at the Olympia VB-Audio Software in Paris, and it’s found favour BP5 24240 Sigoules, France as a as a redundant play out w / System for the Pet Shop Boys e [email protected] – among others. The MT128 is also used as a playback Distributors: Broady Solutions (France) system for rehearsals and DVD 31 Boulevard Anatole France, 93200 Saint Denis recordings for the musicals e [email protected] We Will Rock You, Hairspray, and The Rocky Horror Show in Jedoba Maxtraxx (Germany) Germany, as a recorder for the Jens Bange, Normannestrasse 18, D-42653, Germany Chinese diva Faye Wong, Jazz in e [email protected]


18-vb-recorders-2012.indd 2 21/11/2011 17:03 ++++++ ZAXCOM++++ZAXCOM++++ZAXCOM++++ZAXCOM++++ZAXCOM++++ZAXCOM++++ZAXCOM++++ZAXCOM++++ZAXCOM++++ZAXCOM++++ZAXCOM++++ZAXCOM++++ZAXCOM++++ZAXCOM++++ZAXCOM++++ZAXCOM++++

Innovative, Superior-Quality Professional Audio Recording Zaxcom designs and manufactures audio equipment for sound mixing and ENG professionals. Among the company’s innovative products is the Deva multi-track, multi-format audio recorder, recognised for its ingenuity and performance with both an Emmy Engineering Award and an Academy Award.

Zaxcom’s range of products supports industry- 96kHz, IXML metadata leading, professional audio recording/mixing recording, and more. in virtually any environment. With Zaxcom’s Comprehensive technologies, audio professionals enjoy timecode facilities, an unparalleled features, superior audio quality, a internal 32-bit fl oating minimal learning curve, and rugged, ergonomic point mixer with DSP designs. Popular Zaxcom systems optimised for effects available, audio recording include: .CSV recording log, internal slate mic, two Nomad Arrives! headphone busses, and The latest recording product from Zaxcom is comms output channel Nomad, a complete location sound recording are also common to Deva 16 – 16 track hard disk audio recorder. solution for fi lm and television productions. all models; and the list Specifi cally designed for over the shoulder use, goes on. Deva 80 it provides all the functionality necessary to mix, Fully loaded, the Nomad 12 can record up Zaxcom’s Deva family provides multi-disk, record, and monitor audio in a power effi cient to 12 isolated tracks from its 18 analogue and multi-track, multi-format recording on location, space-saving package. Nomad seamlessly digital inputs, and its internal RF transceiver with automatic backup to DVD-RAM or integrates with Zaxcom Digital Wireless, IFB and seamlessly integrates ZaxNet remote control, CompactFlash. With the ability to background- ERX systems to provide unique functionality in timecode, and audio transmission. The fi rst part record multiple disks throughout a day, the sound bag. of software roadmap is already written, with Deva users are able to save time by recording There are four versions of Nomad in the a high speed USB storage interface, WiFi USB copies at the same time as original recordings, range – the Nomad 4, Nomad 6, Nomad 8, and Modem fi le transfer, three-media recording with providing a safeguard against lost, damaged, Nomad 12. The digits indicate the number of MP3 transcription, and a six-channel auto mixer or stolen material with automatically generated recording tracks available on the model, and already planned. backup copies. feature sets get bigger as the numbers increase Nomad’s internal AA battery pack can run The National Academy of Television Arts as well. Features common to all models include Nomad for one to three hours and functions as a and Sciences recognised the Deva with a extensive I/O including six balanced mic/line non-interruptible power source in the case of an 2008 Primetime Emmy Engineering Award. inputs, four balanced line-level camera returns unexpected external power loss. Zaxcom’s MARF The awards highlight developments in or mix inputs, and slate mic input. (Mobile Audio Recording Format) fi le system engineering that are either so extensive an The recording system features a 10 second increases reliability even further. If power is lost improvement on existing methods, or so pre-record buffer, MARF and FAT32 fi le support during your recording session, there’s no fi le loss innovative in nature that they materially to dual Compact Flash cards, sample rates up to or memory corruption. affect the transmission, recording, or reception of television. Since its introduction in 1996, UK Distributor Zaxcom’s Deva hard-disk recorder/mixer has Everything Audio, Ltd. revolutionised the entire process of location Elstree Film Studios, Shenley Road, Borehamwood, Herts WD61JG, England sound recording for television, and has set the t +44 (0) 208 324 2726 standard for how audio is recorded in the non- w linear age. Contact: Roger Patel The company’s latest introduction, the e [email protected] Deva 16, is a complete one-package, 16-track solution for audio recording, mixing, and effects. In addition to selling its products in the United Kingdom through Everything Audio, With eight hardware faders plus an integrated Zaxcom also has a number of distributors throughout Europe, including professional A/V hard drive, DVD-RAM, and CompactFlash memory card slot, Zaxcom’s Deva 16 provides companies. Visit, to review a full list of available distributors. fault-tolerant, multi-disk recording from eight

20 PROMOTIONAL FEATURE recorders 2012


Company History STA042 AES Adaptor Innovative, Superior-Quality Glenn Sanders, President of Zaxcom, fi rst launched the company in 1986 to introduce All Digital Sound Bag to Camera a workfl ow-control system for video editing. The TBC (time base control) system Zaxcom recently introduced a new quickly became an industry staple and received an Emmy Award for outstanding addition to its professional audio Professional Audio Recording achievement in engineering development in 1989. equipment family, the STA042 In 1992, the company fi rst addressed the professional audio market and has since digital stereo adaptor. The STA042 introduced a number of systems designed to help audio professionals keep pace with allows ENG audio professionals developments in digital and HD broadcasting. to transform an existing single- Sanders and Zaxcom Chief Engineer Howard Stark embraced on-location audio channel Zaxcom TRX900/ in 1996 with the introduction of the Deva four-channel portable hard disk recorder. TRX900AA wireless transmitter into This unique product received the Scientifi c and Engineering Award at the 75th Annual a digital two-channel transmitter Academy Awards in 2003, and was recognised with a Primetime Emmy Engineering sound bag-to-camera link. Award in 2008. Frequently a pioneer in the audio industry, Zaxcom engineered Pairing a TRX900AA and QRX100 the fi rst digital wireless microphone and the fi rst wireless microphone to feature with the STA042 forms a one integrated audio recording (patent pending). hundred percent digital audio transmission system.

analogue mic/line inputs ZFR100 with 48-V phantom power, Zaxcom’s ZFR100 is a miniature timecode- four analogue line inputs, referenced audio recorder. The ZFR100 can be and eight digital inputs. used in a sound bag, worn on the body as a A 16-channel, 24-bus belt pack, or applied to any other application digital mixer is built into Fusion – 10 track solid state audio recorder. that requires a timecode-referenced audio 81 the unit, providing EQ, recording. The ZFR100 can record up to 12 recorded in Zaxcom’s proven MARF fi le system, notch fi lter, compressor, hours of audio directly to a removable 2GB which safeguards audio recordings even in the and delay functions on each channel. MiniSD Flash media card. With Zaxcom’s event of power loss. trademark fault-tolerant recording, no audio is With an intuitive touch screen interface, Fusion lost even in the case of an ejected memory card Fusion allows users to enter metadata directly, Zaxcom’s Fusion provides a revolutionary or accidental power-down. keeping the system light and portable. approach to on-location, multi-track sound The ZFR100’s full-featured timecode reader/ Fusion supports infi nite mixing of any input to mixing and recording. As a completely generator ensures perfect synchronisation with any recorded track or output – pre-fader, portable, solid-state solution, Fusion blends recorded audio, with an accuracy of one frame post-fader, or phase inverted. This feature, the performance characteristics of hard-disk every 12 hours (.7716 PPM). The recorder can along with eight output mix busses, allows the recorders with the mobility of sound bag generate broadcast .WAV fi les or MP3 fi les at system to support newer cameras that feature systems. The result is a best-of-both-worlds 48kHz/24-bits. Ultra-compact for use in virtually four or more recording channels. product ideally suited for over-the-shoulder any application, the ZFR100 weighs about four recording and mixing for reality television, ounces, and can be powered for up to 24 hours Fusion Features: electronic newsgathering (ENG), and other on just two AA batteries or indefi nitely via an • Operation at up to 192kHz, which is necessary mobile video productions. optional 8- to 16-V DC power input. The ZFR100 for sound effects recording Fusion provides reliable performance by uses a single mic-level unbalanced input for use • A 16 input mixer with 16 output busses eliminating hard-disk recording and other with lavalier microphones. moving parts. This, paired with minimal power • The capacity to mix all 16 analogue and consumption, ensures that Fusion gives off digital inputs at the same time almost no heat, for fl awless operation in even • Output soft knee compressors and output the most demanding settings. Fusion’s solid- buss on every recorded track (with the effects state recording also means the system is far package) more tolerant to motion and high G force. • Eight XLR inputs, a key feature that allows Fusion’s world-class microphone pre- user to quickly move an input from one CONTACT DETAILS amps ensure robust sound, low noise, and low channel to another. distortion. Fusion records to two CompactFlash • Camera return and camera monitor facilities, Zaxcom cards simultaneously, providing full redundancy including two return inputs that are monitored 230 West Parkway, Unit 9 Pompton Plains, and fl exibility in the case of a media failure. in mono mode. NJ 07444, USA The system can even copy fi les to the backup • Software-confi gurable metering of the camera t +1 973 835 5000 memory card at the same time as it records send, ensuring it will never be obsolete. w new material to the primary card. All fi les are e [email protected]


AATON JOECO LTD. MARANTZ PROFESSIONAL MAYCOM AUDIO SYSTEMS Based in Grenoble, France, Founded in 1973 as a speaker Marantz Professional is part of Maycom grew its reputation Aaton is the manufacturer component retailer, Fostex D&M Holdings Inc. Marantz with custom-made radio of a range of audio-visual has adapted to changing focuses on high-end audio automation systems for equipment. Founded by Jean- technologies. Although products, recently producing broadcasting stations. Since Pierre Beauviala, the company the company still produces JoeCo has been founded by the PMD661; a professional then, it has released a series of has produced a range of quiet, speaker components, Fostex Joe Bull, formerly Managing handheld location recording equipment. portable hardware for location made a successful transition Director of Studio Audio & PCM/MP3 Most recently, Maycom has recording. to digital in 1995. Recent Video Limited, the creators recorder. produced the N>Trans, a Aaton’s first product recording products include the of the SADiE Workstation Superseding Compact Flash-sized audio targeted at sound engineers UR-2, a 1U rack size stereo range. Prior to SADiE, he the card that allows laptops and was the OriginC+, a time- audio recorder with SD and worked as an Audio Engineer PMD660, PDAs to be used as location marking system for location USB storage. Its professional both in the studio, and this recorders. recorders. More recently, portable range includes the mixing live concerts and product the company has produced PD606 and PD204 location festivals. This legacy brings offers an

Cantar, an over-the-shoulder recorders, and the FR field a wealth of experience built improved form factor, superior NAGRA 8-track mixer and recorder. recorders. up over 30 years of recording feature set, and the use Nagra Audio has developed a and capturing the best of SD Flash media. It also complete range of analogue performance possible. features an integrated stereo and digital recorders. AETA HHB condenser microphone-array Equipment such as the Nagra AETA Audio Systems is Located in London and for point and shoot recording, 4.2 and the Nagra IV-S Time a leading international founded in 1976, HHB is a KLARK TEKNIK and balanced mic and line Code are benchmarks in sound developer of portable sound manufacturer of professional In 1974, brothers Phil and XLR inputs. recording for film. recording units, mixers and audio recording devices and Terry Clarke founded Klark In 2008, Nagra introduced advanced audio codecs. It recording media, and the UK Teknik Research Ltd. It was the Nagra VI multi-channel produces the Mixy, 4Minx, and distributor of products from their concepts for graphic EQ M-AUDIO digital location recorder; a Scoopy+. other leading manufacturers devices that really made a M-Audio is a provider continuation in the tradition 82 via Source, the company’s name for the company, with of creative tools for computer- of robust units for on-location distribution division. Another the production of the DN370 centric musicians and audio recording. and DN360. AEQ specialist division, Scrub, professionals. The company Klark Teknik continues AEQ has been developing, serves the needs of the has independent offices in the to innovate in both the manufacturing, and marketing film and TV post industry US, Canada, UK, Germany, OLYMPUS analogue and digital realm of equipment for radio, television, from premises in the heart France, and Japan. Olympus is audio signal processing. The and multimedia for over 25 of London’s Soho. Recent M-Audio aims to empower undoubtedly DN9696 is the company’s years. The company has recording product ranges musicians to create, perform, best known high-resolution audio recorder. recently developed the PAW include the FlashMic and and record with complete as a camera It offers 96 tracks of 96kHz 120, a portable AEQ recorder Portadrive. mobile hardware/software manufacturer. audio at 24-bit, with nine with voice activated recording solutions that change when, However, the hours of internal storage. and XLR adapter for the use of where, and how music is company has external microphones. IZ TECHNOLOGY CORP. made. Recent recording also produced iZ Technology was originally products include the a significant formed as a fledgling KORG CORPORATION MicroTrack II; a handheld range of company of Creation Korg Corporation is a Japanese location recorder. analogue and digital handheld Technologies, and consisted manufacturer of audio tools. recorders. A recent addition to of Barry Henderson and the Founded in 1962 as Keio this range comes in the form Electronic Laboratories, the team responsible for the MAYAH of the DS-71. This linear PCM company originally produced RADAR I and RADAR II hard In 1997 Mayah produced its professional dictation device rhythm machines before disk recorders. In more recent first audio codec, and since records with a 44.1kHz/16-bit its first major success with years, iZ Technology has then has expanded its range sampling rate, and offers 4GB a series of programmable expanded its RADAR line to to include the most recent of internal memory – equating organs and synthesisers. It include the Adrenaline Plus- new firmware generation to the potential for over 1,060 went on to become one of the driven RADAR V line. There are 4.0 for C11, SPORTY, and hours of recording. world’s premier manufacturers now 2500+ RADAR units being FLASHMAN II with extended in synth, sampling, and operated in recording studios features electronic music products. around the world.


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Recorder Manufacturers Directory

ROLAND SYSTEMS GROUP SADIE SOUND DEVICES VB AUDIO YOU/COM VB Audio has been producing You/Com started out as a audio tools for the industry trading company, supplying since 1999. It produces data-and telecoms solutions the M128 software-based to the corporate industry. Roland was established in the recorder, designed from Today, the company is also a 1970s, and today produces Sound Devices, LLC, was the ground-up to be robust, manufacturer of hi-fi audio- professional products for the Based just north of founded in 1998 as a fl exible, and top-quality. communication equipment.

audio and visual industries. Cambridge, SADiE shares its manufacturer of fi eld- The ReporterMate is a 1972 saw the fi rst main production and R&D production audio products. PCMCIA Flash-card recorder branded goods released, with facilities with Prism Sound. Sound Devices’ growing with FTP audio transfer and the TR-33/55/77 rhythm SADiE aims to provide its family of audio mixers, non-destructive editing. It also machines. Their range has customers with the best tools digital recorders, pre-amps, features a mixer with gain, since expanded to include the for the task, whilst ensuring and computer interfaces compression, limiter, and a current Sonar REAC recording the sonic integrity of the are now used by production voice-over mixing function. system and V-Studio 700. program material. professionals worldwide. Recent recording products The company produces digital

from SADiE include the LRX2, recorders such as the 744T ZAXCOM ROSENDAHL a location audio workstation and 788T, for documentary Zaxcom was founded in 1986 for the production of location and feature fi lm production, by Glenn Sanders, a post- STUDIOTECHNIK YELLOWTEC multi-track audio recordings sound effects gathering, German audio-visual Yellowtec is a brand of the production professional who to be released on distributed and live music multi-channel technology manufacturer German-based Thum + Mahr saw a need for equipment media. recordings. Rosendahl Studiotechnik GmbH, one of Europe’s to create a more effi cient produces a range of leading system integrators for workfl ow. Zaxcom designs and equipment for recording pros. broadcast faciities. manufactures professional In addition to a selection SONY PROFESSIONAL TASCAM/TEAC Yellowtec’s slogan is ‘simple audio equipment such as of time code boxes, the Sony Professional is a long PROFESSIONAL and smart’, with the defi ning Deva hard disk recorders, 83 company is responsible for standing leader in the TASCAM is one of four principle of keeping its for the television and fi lm the bonsaiDRIVE hard disk manufacturing of electronic divisions of TEAC Corporation, products simple to use. All of industries. It claims the fi rst recorder, a portable video equipment for media, a $1.2 billion manufacturing its products, including the iXm digital wireless microphone and multi-track audio hard broadcast, and installation company headquartered recording microphone, refl ect and the fi rst wireless disk recorder. It functions markets with a diverse in Japan. this design notion. microphone to feature product portfolio that integrated audio recording. as a stand-alone hard disk During TASCAM’s formative recorder and portable media includes cameras, displays, years in the early 1970s, storage device, eliminating microphones, wireless systems, the music scene was YAMAHA the added size and weight of a and much more. Its recorder fl ourishing, but musicians Over the past 100 years, ZOOM removable hard disk. products include the PCM-D1 were restricted by the expense Yamaha has grown from the Zoom is a Japanese audio and PCM-D50 handheld of professional recording. manufacturer of Japanese company that produces devices. It was the company’s goal reed organs to a multi- equipment for both the to manufacture affordable national corporation with consumer and professional recording equipment that a huge range of products. markets. Its product inventory offered the quality of Audio products from this includes effects pedals for professional studio equipment. company include the AW1600 and basses, location Recent recording products and AW2400 digital audio recorders, drum machines, include the award winning DV- workstations. The AW2400 and microchip processors. RA1000HD; and the DR-1 and is the fl agship of the AW line Recent recording products GT-R1 portable recorders, plus with 24 simultaneous tracks from Zoom include the H2 new launches at NAMM 2009. of playback, and motorised and the H4 Handy Recorder; 100mm faders. New from a handheld digital audio Yamaha is the Pocketrak 2G, a recorder, featuring built-in condenser microphones in an handheld digital recorder with internal stereo microphone. X-Y stereo pattern.


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