Submitted to GPCE ’10 Modular Domain-Specific Language Components in Scala Christian Hofer Klaus Ostermann Aarhus University, Denmark University of Marburg, Germany
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract simply compose these languages, if the concrete representations of Programs in domain-specific embedded languages (DSELs) can be their types in the host language match. Assuming Scala as our host represented in the host language in different ways, for instance im- language, we can then write a term like: plicitly as libraries, or explicitly in the form of abstract syntax trees. app(lam((x: Region) )union(vr(x),univ)), Each of these representations has its own strengths and weaknesses. scale(circle(3), The implicit approach has good composability properties, whereas add(vec(1,2),vec(3,4)))) the explicit approach allows more freedom in making syntactic pro- This term applies a function which maps a region to its union with gram transformations. the universal region to a circle that is scaled by a vector. Traditional designs for DSELs fix the form of representation, However, the main advantage of this method is also its main which means that it is not possible to choose the best representation disadvantage. It restricts the implementation to a fixed interpreta- for a particular interpretation or transformation. We propose a new tion which has to be compositional, i. e., the meaning of an expres- design for implementing DSELs in Scala which makes it easy to sion may only depend only on the meaning of its sub-expressions, use different program representations at the same time.