Typed λ-calculi and superclasses of regular transductions Lê Thành Dung˜ Nguy˜ên LIPN, UMR 7030 CNRS, Université Paris 13, France https://nguyentito.eu/
[email protected] Abstract We propose to use Church encodings in typed λ-calculi as the basis for an automata-theoretic counterpart of implicit computational complexity, in the same way that monadic second-order logic provides a counterpart to descriptive complexity. Specifically, we look at transductions i.e. string-to-string (or tree-to-tree) functions – in particular those with superlinear growth, such as polyregular functions, HDT0L transductions and Sénizergues’s “k-computable mappings”. Our first results towards this aim consist showing the inclusion of some transduction classes in some classes defined by λ-calculi. In particular, this sheds light on a basic open question on the expressivity of the simply typed λ-calculus. We also encode regular functions (and, by changing the type of programs considered, we get a larger subclass of polyregular functions) in the elementary affine λ-calculus, a variant of linear logic originally designed for implicit computational complexity. 2012 ACM Subject Classification Theory of computation → Lambda calculus; Theory of computa- tion → Transducers; Theory of computation → Linear logic Keywords and phrases streaming string transducers, simply typed λ-calculus, linear logic Acknowledgements Thanks to Pierre Pradic for bringing to my attention the question (asked by Mikołaj Bojańczyk) of relating transductions and linear logic and for the proof of Theorem 2.9. This work also benefited from discussions on automata theory with Célia Borlido, Marie Fortin and Jérémy Ledent, and on the simply typed λ-calculus with Damiano Mazza.