newsletter Dedicated to information about the Chrysomelidae Report No. 47 December 2006

Francisco de Asis Monrós Inside This Issue

1- Research updates and interests 2- New Chrysomelid volume announcement 3- collecting 4- International Meetings 4- African permit information 5- Entomological Society of America 2006 5- Francisco de Asis Monros 6- Julien Achard 7- Afrotropical 9- 6th International Symposium proceedings 9- Questionnaire 10- New chrysomelid literature 12- CHRYSOMELA submission requirements 13- CHRYSOMELA membership

(See Story page 3) Research Activities and Interests

Ebru Gül ASLAN (Turkey) is a Ph.D student inter- & A. Smatana) in collaboration with Lev N. Medvedev; ested in , ecology, and diversity of Alticinae in completing an annotated checklist of Clytrinae of Greece. Turkey. Her thesis focuses on comparative Alticinae He has future plans for a catalogue of Clytrinae of the of three nature reserves located in southern World in collaboration with Lev N. Medvedev. He would Turkey. She is also interested in host plant relationships of like to exchange specimens of Clytrinae (identified or flea . unidentified) from Afrotropical, Nearctic and Neotropical Janis Dickinson (USA) has done field and laboratory regions in exchange for Palearctic, Afrotropical, Oriental studies of multi-male mating, sperm competition, and Clytrinae and various other Chrysomelidae from Mediterra- lifetime reproductive success in Labidomera clivicollis (in nean region. TX and NY) and Chrysochus cobaltinus (CA). She is Johan A. Stenberg (Sweden) is interested in trophic, currently at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. indirect, and evolutionary interactions between Renato Regalin (Italy) is working on several projects: herbivores and their enemies and host plants. Current taxonomic studies of the endemic Balkan Peninsula study species include tenella and Altica Labidostomis species; identity and redescription of some engstroemi (feeding on meadowsweet, Filipendula critical Coptocephala species ( C. arcasi Baguena, C. ulmaria), and (feeding on purple coptocephaloides (Lacordaire)); compilation of Clytrinae loosestrife, ). list for Catalogue of the Palearctic Coleoptera (Eds. I. Lobl The Editor’s Page Caroline S. Chaboo (USA) Greetings Colleagues! I hope everyone is well. It has been a long time since we featured Donaciinae and so it is a pleasure to read the contribution of Teiji Sota. Federico Agrain is a relative newcomer to chrysomelid research and will study Clytrini; he is already contributing to CHRYSOMELA by documenting some of our important South American chrysomelidologists. In a similar vein, Pierre Jolivet recaps the life and accomplishments of one European historical figure. The establishment of an electronic catalogue for Afrotropical Galerucinae is a giant advance for African chrysomelids. If you attend the annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, please attend all the chrysomelid presen- tations and do contact Shawn Clark about our informal lunch gathering (page 5). See you there! Finally, please contribute to CHRYSOMELA 47 July 2007 issue (guideines on page 12)! As indicated in the previous issue, please use my address: [email protected]. We are unable to use the previous ‘chrysomela’ address. Best wishes for the holiday season and in the New Year!! - CSC New Chrysomelid Book Contributions to Systematics and Biology of beetles celebrating the 80th birthday of Igor Konstantinovich Lopatin

Alexander Konstantinov, Alexey Tishechkin and Lyubomir Penev (editors) This volume (Fig. 1) is contributions reflect dedicated to Professor Igor Lopatin's interest in Konstantinovich Lopatin in host plant relation- celebration of his 80th ships, e.g. discovery of birthday. Igor a rare crucifer in Turkey Konstantinovich (Fig. 2) is being eaten by an even a renowned taxonomist, rarer flea . prolific author, innovative Many contribu- biological explorer, and tions are revisions and Figure 1. Volume cover. respected teacher who keys for identification trained hundreds of in nearly all major students. During his professional life he was (and still is) groups of beetles. Some an inspiration and a mentor for scores of taxonomists. His are checklists, faunistic tireless enthusiastic work shaped generations of notes, ecological Belarussian zoologists, and brought a wide and steady studies, and many respect of systematics into a local scientific community. contain descriptions of But most important, he taught us that collecting and Figure 2. Israel, May 1999. new taxa in many beetle studying beetles, small and big, bright and dull, is a noble families. thing to do. This book will be an indispensable source of informa- Contributions assembled in this volume reflect tion on beetle taxonomy, diversity, biogeography, and host Lopatin's intellectual breadth and diverse scientific plant relationships. It will be useful for entomologists, interests. Some dwell on Lopatin's interest in biogeography ecologists, entomology students, comparative morpholo- of arid areas of the Palearctic. gists and evolutionary biologists working across beetle They describe zoogeographic connections between taxa and anybody interested in beetle identification desert faunas of Middle Asia, Iran, and Afghanistan, and fauna of the Hermon Mountains in Israel. Other -Alexander Konstantinov

The Newsletter CHRYSOMELA-Founded 1979-is published semiannully, usually in June and December by the American Museum of Natural History, Division of Invertebrate Zoology, Central Park West @ 79th St., New York, NY, 10024. E-mail: [email protected]; telephone: 212.313.7784. This newsletter is sent to students of Chrysomelidae to encourage the exchange of ideas and to disseminate information on these . Editor: Caroline S. Chaboo, New York. Advisors: Brian D. Farrell, Cambridge; David Furth, Washington; R. Wills Flowers, Tallahassee; Elizabeth Grobbelaar, Pretoria; Pierre Jolivet, Paris; Alex Konstantinov, Washington; Chris Reid, Sydney; Ed Riley, College Station; Al Samuelson, Honolulu; and Terry N. Seeno, Sacramento. 2 CHRYSOMELA 47, December 2006 Donaciine collection in Manitoba and Ontario, 2006, and a proposal for phylogenetic study of the subfamily Donaciinae

Teiji Sota and Masakazu Hayashi (Japan)

We are studying the evolutionary history of the However, the remaining seven species are yet to be subfamily Donaciinae using molecular phylogenetic collected for a complete analysis: P. diversa, P. robusta, P. approaches in addition to analyses based on taxonomy, dubia, P. neomexicana, P. notmani, P. balli, P. shafferi. biogeography, and fossils. In studying the origin of Details of our collection will be published in Entomological Japanese endemic donaciine species, especially those in Review of Japan (the Japan Coleopterological Society). the genus Plateumaris, we conducted a field collection in We are currently analyzing the sequence data of Winnipeg, Manitoba and around Guelph, Ontario, late Plateumaris collected from the Holarctic region. An initial May, 2006. Since Askevold (1991) proposed close relation- result revealed that there is a distinction between the ships between Japanese Plateumaris species with North European lineage (three endemic species) and the North American species based on morphological cladistics, we American-Asian lineage (including two species with wide attempt to test this hypoth- distribution in Eurasia). The esis using a molecular differentiation of these phylogenetic approach and lineages appears to have sought for fresh specimens occurred during the Eocene for DNA extraction. based on a preliminary In Winnipeg, where analysis of divergence time Ingold Askevold made his estimation. great contribution to the Along with the phyloge- taxonomy and phylogeny of netic analysis of Donaciinae, his former Plateumaris, we hope to supervisor, Rob Roughley at undertake a phylogenetic the University of Manitoba study of the subfamily kindly helped us with Donaciinae including all collecting at Broken Head known groups. In 1990, River, Askevold’s favorite Askevold published a paper site. At this site and two entitled “Reconstructed others along the highway 15, Figure 1. Neohaemonia nigricornis. Phylogeny and Reclassifica- we could collect a total of 16 tion of the Genera of species including eight species of Plateumaris, seven Donaciinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)” (Quaestiones species of Donacia, and Neohaemonia nigricornis. It was Entomologicae 26: 601-664). This paper provides a cladistic lucky that we could capture some beetles of Neohaemonia analysis of morphological characters which can be tested nigricornis (Fig. 1) rising from the water when disturbed. using molecular phylogeny. Because Donaciinae is a small After three-day collection in Winnipeg, we moved to group consisting of about 160 species in the world, the Ontario and visited Steve Marshall at Guelph University phylogenetic study may be achieved within a short time. who was introduced by Rob. Steve took us to a small wet However, collecting materials for DNA extraction (usually site near Salem, his favorite site for insect photography, beetles preserved in 95-99% ethanol) is the most critical and let us collect Plateumaris rufa (Fig. 2), which is a likely step. We could collect most of East Asian species of sister species of Japanese endemic species such as P. Plateumaris and Donaica but have not collected constricticollis. For four days, we visited some interesting Sominella and Macroprea. We do not have an access to places around Guelph and collected eight species of Donaciasta in Africa, Madagascar and India. We would be Plateumaris, six species of Donacia, and two species of very happy if anyone could join us as a collaborator (and Neohaemonia. Again, we could find Neohaemonia at a coauthor) of this phylogenetic analysis or could send pond connected to Luther Lake. specimens as an exchange. Please contact us if you are During this trip, we could collect 10 of the 17 species interested in the donaciine phylogeny and accessible to of Plateumaris in North America, which would be suffi- specimens of some of taxonomic groups as listed below. cient for analyzing the phylogeny of Plateumaris with all species from Eurasia (10 species). Continued next page

3 CHRYSOMELA 47, December 2006 Continued from previous page 7th International Symposium on Chrysomelidae

The next International Symposium on Chrysomelidae (7th ISC) will be embedded in the frame of the 23rd Interna- tional Congress of Entomology (ICE), July 6-12, 2008, in Durban, South Africa. It is preliminarily scheduled in the Section ‘Special Issues’. No other details are known at this time. As the organizer of this symposium, I appeal to you for notification of your intention to contribute to the 7th ISC. Please keep me up to date even if you do or did already register in for the 23rd ICE, because I shall hear from the organizers only at a relatively late stage about the registrations for the 7th ISC. The proceedings of this symposium can most probably be published in a volume of Figure 2. Plateumaris rufa. our new series Research on Chrysomelidae. I hope to see many of you in Durban in 2008. Genera (subgenera) of Donaciinae in Askevold (1990) Plateumaris: We have not studied seven North - Michael Schmitt American species as above mentioned. Poecilocera: One species P. harrisii in North America. Insect Collecting in Africa Sominella: Four species in Asia and Europe; we have Permit Information not studied. KENYA: Grebennikov, V.V. 2002. Beetle collecting in Kenya Donaciella: One species D. pubicollis in North (Coleoptera). Koleopterologische Rundschau 27: 205-208. America; three species in the Palaearctic; we studied D. clavipes. NIGERIA: Medler, J.T. 1980. Insects of Nigeria - checklist Donacia (Donaciomima): 22 species in North America and bibliography. Memoirs of the American Entomological and 52 species in the Palaearctic. We have studied <30 Institute 30: 919 pp. species. Donacia (Donacia): 15 or more species in the world; TANZANIA: Sorenson, L.L. & N. Scharff. Guidelines to 10 species in North America, and each one species in India conducting research inTanzania. and Africa. guidelines.htm Donacia (Cyphogaster): Nine species in Asia, Oceania, and India. Donaciasta: Six species in India, Africa and Madagas- International Date Book car; we have not studied. Macroplea: Four or more species in the Palaeacrtic; 2006 Latin American Behavior Society difficult to collect in Japan. meet, Mexico, Oct 8-12; Neohaemonia: Five species in North America; we 2006 Entomological Society of America, Dec 10-14, have studied three species. Indianapolis, USA; Coleopterists Society, annual meeting Informal Chrysomelid Lunch (S. Clark) 2007 Hennig Meeting, New Orleans, USA; June 28-July 2, 2007 Association for Tropical Biology and Conserva- tion, Mexico, July 15-19; Lopatin in 2007 Animal Behavior Society, July 21-26, USA; Tadzhikistan, 1954 (page 2) 2008 International Congress in Entomology, Durban, South Africa, July 6-12; 7th International Symposium on Chrysomelidae Informal Weekend Chrysomelid Hunt?

Continued next page 4 CHRYSOMELA 47, December 2006 Francisco de Asis Monrós (1922-1958)

Federico Alejandro Agrain (Argentina)

I would like to pay tribute to an eminent Coleopterist Literature about Monrós’ life and work: Francisco Monrós. He was one of the most prolific chrysomelid workers of the 1900’s and he wrote several Blake, D. H. 1958. Francisco de Asis Monrós, 1922- articles that include taxonomic revisions of genera of 1958. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Wash- almost every subfamily, his works were always accompa- ington 60: 188-189. nied by wonderful illustrations. Blake, D. H. 1961. A note on the Monrós collection. He arrived in Argentina when his parents left Europe Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington due to the Spanish civil war. He achieved very important 63: 207-208. positions and awards in Argentina, but people who knew Halffter, G. 1958. Francisco Monrós 1922-1958. him noticed that he was just a “simple and happy man”, Ciencia, México. Revista Hispano-americana de ciencias bestowed with a great modesty, not expending his energy puras y aplicadas 18: 152-153. in authority demonstrations but saving it for his studies. Martinez, A. 1958. Francisco de Asis Monrós (1922- Staines (1995) published an interesting biographical 1958). Neotropica. Notas zoológicas sudamericanas. sketch about him, and there are also some notes about his Buenos Aires 4:64. personal life. I prefer here to comment on some of his last Monrós, F. 1959. Los géneros de Chrysomelidae. intentions expressed in the introduction of his last work Opera Lilloana III. 336 p “The genera of Chrysomelidae” published in 1959. Staines. C. H. 1995. Francisco de Asis Monrós: A This publication represents the first part of one of his perspective. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of greatest projects, to do a monographic work of every Washington 97(4): 856-865. genus of Chysomelidae, including identification keys, Wygodzinsky, P. 1959. Francisco de Asis Monrós biological notes, distribution maps, etc. He wanted to call (1922-1958). Acta Zoológica Lilloana 17: XII-XXI. attention to the fact that Chrysomelidae is one of the largest families not only among insects, but among all life forms on earth, with 30,000 described species at that time. Monrós regretted that there were not enough people Entomological Society of America in the world to handle their diversity and associated investigations. He said that all vertebrate species (exclud- 2006, Lunch Meeting ing fishes) did not reach half of the number of leaf beetles and that fungi exist in similar numbers, being vertebrates a At the Entomological Society of America (ESA) annual subphylum, fungi an entire kingdom, and Chrysomelidae meetings of past years, North American chrysomelid just a family (an incredible species rich one). He argued workers often met together to update each other about our that an army of investigators was working on Vertebrata leaf beetle projects and interests. Usually, we met at and fungi and that there were a lot of fabulous specializa- lunchtime, and many people would bring along something tions in these fields, whereas in his time there were only to eat. Although a few meetings were quite formal, with about a dozen people worldwide studying chrysomelids scheduled speakers etc., most were very informal. I thank and they were trying to cover all its different aspects. That Dave Furth who was usually the organizer of these is why he started an “ants work” of collecting literature and meetings, and Catherine Duckett who organized two recent specimens, knowing that a complete revision at species ones. level was impossible, but that a generic-level monograph I suggest we meet again this year in Indianapolis, very was much more feasible and could really help to compile informally. Unless someone else prefers a different time I and summarize the work already done at that time. With this suggest we meet about noon, Tuesday 12 December, in information, decisions could be made about what should Room 204 of the Convention Center. I think many of us will come next. Regrettably, his life was too short to see this be there for the beetle symposium (honoring Steve Ashe) work done. I really hope to see his challenge completed that will just be ending. From there we can simply hunt for during my lifetime. an unoccupied room that we could use. During the lunch hour, many rooms will likely be available. (Page 1 Image taken from Monrós 1959) Please talk with other chryso enthusiasts at the meeting, inviting them to join us. - Shawn Clark

5 CHRYSOMELA 47, December 2006 Julien Achard (1881-1925)

Pierre Jolivet (France)

Julien Achard was born in Lille, northern France, and Marseul. Though his life was short, he left behind Jan died in Prague in Czechoslovakia. He studied in Paris and Bechyné, a disciple who distinguished himself as a leading graduated from the Sorbonne. He developed an early chrysomelidologist 25 years later. Achard was included in interest in Entomology and Botany. He started on an exhibition on Prague entomologists when I visited the Cerambycidae and Endomychidae, but then specialized Prague Museum in 1950. rapidly in Scaphidiidae and mostly Chrysomelidae. Achard has been overlooked by recent biographers At the age of 33 years, he joined the French army as a of Entomology: Pamela Gilbert (1977), Reinhard Gaedike reservist captain in August 1914. He fought heroically and (1985), Robert Constantin (1992), Gordon Gordh and was seriously wounded during the war. He received many Headrick (2001). Robert Constantin quotes only few of his French, Belgium and Czech decorations and medals. At the references, without any comment. Only two short notes by end of the war in 1918 he went to Prague with the French Koleska (1979) and Rambousek (1926) remembered him. I legion and, in 1919, he married a Czech woman and joined am much indebted to Jan Bezdek for his translation of the Czech Entomological Society. Their those notes from the Czech language. son Rene was born the following year French references (Anon., 1925-1926; in France. He learned Czech very Gouillard, 2004; Lhoste, 1987) do not quickly. He moved finally to Prague in give details about his life and of all his 1921. He was soon elected President of short notes. The last two do not even the French Entomological Society and mention his name. made an honorary member of the Czech Entomological Society. References Cited Julien Achard published about 80 Anon. 1925. Bulletin de la Société papers in various Czech, French, and entomologique de France: 325. Belgian journals, mostly on Anon. 1926. Miscellanea Chrysomelidae. He authored the Entomologica 29: 111. sections on Lamprosominae, Anon. 1926. L’Echange 424: 3. Chlamisinae and Sphaerocharinae Anon. 1926. Bulletin mensuel de (then considered as a chrysomelid l’Association des Naturalistes de la subfamily) in Wytsman’s Genera Vallée du Loing 2 (4): 22. Insectorum. In Prague, 1922 he started Constantin, R. 1992. Mémorial des the 10 volumes of “Fragments Coléoptèristes français. Supplément 14 Entomologiques”. Achard described au Bulletin de l’ACOREP, Paris: 7. many genera and species of chry- Gaedike, R. 1985. Berichtigungen somelids. He separated, after und Ergänzungen zu P. Gilbert : A Motschulsky, two well differentiated compendium of the Biographical subgenera of the apterous, mountain- Literature on deceased Entomologists. ous Neotropical genus Elytrosphaera with fused elytra, Beitr. Ent., Berlin 35 (2): 369-408. but related to the Doryphorini, not to Timarcha. He Gilbert, P. 1977. A compendium of the Biographical acquired a large library and collection from Reitter. He Literature on Deceased Entomologists. British Museum amassed a large collection base on collections around (Natural History): 453 pp. Prague and this was finally donated to the Prague Museum Gordh, G. and Headrick, D. H. 2001. A dictionary of in 1926. He mainly made a big collection of Timarcha, Entomology. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxon, U.K.: which was the basis of Jan Bechyné’s publications (around 1032 pp. 1940s) and provided specimens for that latter’s Ph. D. Gouillard, J. 2004. Histoire des Entomologistes thesis. Français. 1750-1950. Boubée, Paris: 288 pp. Probably one consequence of the war was Julien Koleska, Z. 1979. Seznam biografii Ceskoslovenskych Achard’s poor health. He had serious heart problems and entomologu (entomologove nezijici).I. Zpravy died of pneumonia at the age off 44, in December 1925. Ceskoslovenske Spolecnosti Entomologicke pri CSAV 15 Several Czech generals and legion members were present at (1): 1-32. his funeral, as well as the prime minister, the French Lhoste, J. 1987. Les Entomologistes français. 1750- ambassador and the members of the Czech Entomological 1950. INRA. OPIE, Paris : 351 pp. Society. He was a pioneer in chrysomelid entomology and Rambousek, F. 1926. Julien Achard (posmrtna an earnest follower of Chapuis, Lacordaire, Fairmaire or de vzpominka). Casopis Ceskoslovenske Spolecnosti 6 Entomologicke 23:1-3. CHRYSOMELA 47, December 2006 AfriGa – An illustrated electronic catalogue of Afrotropical Galerucinae (Chrysomelidae, Coleoptera)

Thomas Wagner (Germany)

An electronic catalogue with photographs of the descriptions, which are based on external morphology and primary types including all labels (for not yet revised taxa coloration. Our own studies have led to many taxonomic one syntype if applicable), a copy of the original publica- changes including identification of many synomyns, and tions, in case of revised taxa also a copy of the revisions recognition of undescribed species (e.g. Bolz & Wagner are compiled for all described species of Afrotropical 2005; Freund & Wagner 2003; Hasenkamp & Wagner Galerucinae. Photos are currently available for about 1500 2000; Wagner 2000, 2003a, 2003b, 2005; Wagner & (87 %) of the 1750 taxa. Further data on publications, Kurtscheid 2005). taxonomic acts, synonymies, type depositories AfriGa and type localities are given. Data are available online The aim of this project is to establish an online under SysTax ( available catalogue on the afrotropical Galerucinae. A detailed knowledge on depositories and the identity of the

Figure 2. Lectotype with all labels. Figure 1: Lectotye of Monolepta africana Jacoby, 1994. primary types are basic data for any taxonomic study. Photos of type material can give valuable information on History of Afrotropical Galerucinae species identity, which will reduce time consuming Galerucinae are one of most speciose beetles groups museum visits and loan transactions. with worldwide about 6000 described species. In tropical A first version of the catalogue is now available in Africa including Madagascar, about 1750 names have been SYSTAX (Database System for Systematics and Tax- published. The last comprehensive catalogue on the onomy) under Galerucinae was published about thirty years ago Species can be found under the name of the original (Wilcox 1971–1973). Most afrotropical species have been combination. The data comprise: described between 1870 and 1950. Due to the history of - photo of the primary type or one syntype specimen natural sciences in Africa, most of the material, in particular in high magnification (Fig. 1) type specimens, are deposited in European collections as - photo with type specimen and all labels (Fig. 2) in Berlin, London, Paris, Brüssel and Tervuren. - scan of the original publication (Fig. 3) Recent studies on the taxonomy, biogeography and - details on depository, type status, secondary types, phylogeny on the most species rich galerucine genus synonyms, etc. Monolepta and further related groups from tropical Africa, - information on type locality, including coordinates. showed many inconsistencies in the taxonomy of those beetles. In particular, studies on genital structures allow a much better identification of species and generic delimita- tion than was possible with the mainly insufficient original

7 CHRYSOMELA 47, December 2006 References Cited Bolz, H. & Wagner, Th. 2005. Revision of Galerudolphia Hincks, 1949 (Col.: Chrys.). Insect Systematics and Evolution 35: 361–400. Freund, W. & Wagner, Th. 2003. Revision of Bonesioides Laboissiere, 1925 (Col., Chrys., Galerucinae), including its phylogenetical posi- tion, and a key to species. J. Natural History 37: 1915–1976. Hasenkamp, R. & Wagner, Th. 2000. Revsion of Afromaculepta gen. n., a monophyletic group of Afrotropical galerucinae leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Insect Figure 3. Copy of the original publication of Monolepta africana Jacoby, 1994. Systematics and Evolution 31: 3–26. An example is given for Monolepta africana Jacoby, 1894 Wagner, Th. 2000. Revision of afrotropical Monolepta which is a junior synonym of Afrocrania foveolata species (Col., Chrys., Galerucinae). Part I: Species with red (Karsch, 1882). For recently revised taxa, also a copy of the and black coloured elytra, pronotum and head, with text, figures of external and genital characters, and distribu- description of new species. Entomol. Zeits.110: 226–237. tion maps will be available in the near future. All photo- Wagner, Th. 2003a. Revision of afrotropical graphed specimens have been marked with a specific label Monolepta Chevrolat, 1837 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, indicating the “AfriGa-No.” Galerucinae). Part IV: Species with red head and thorax and black elytra or black elytra with red apex, with description Results in numbers of new species. Ann. Sci. Zool., Miscellanea 49: 37–89. Literature sources checked: 321 Wagner, Th. 2003b. Present status of a taxonomic Number of described galerucine species from Africa/ revision of afrotropical Monolepta and related groups Madagascar: 1722 (Galerucinae). Pp. 133–146 in: Furth, D.G. (ed.) Special Primary type specimens photographed in AfriGa: Topics in Leaf Beetle Biology. Proceedings V. International 1504 (87 %) Symposium on the Chrysomelidae, Foz do Iguacu 2000. as holotype: 618 lectotype: 231 Pensoft. neotype: 2 syntype: 653 Wagner, Th. 2005. Revision of the vincta species- Number of replacement names: 30 group of Monolepta Chevrolat, 1837 from Africa, Arabia The missing 218 taxa could not yet located (e.g. a few and the Near East (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, smaller collections need to be visited) or are destroyed (e.g. Galerucinae). Bonner Zoologische Beiträge 52: 255–282. fires in the collections in Hamburg, Lübeck and Lisbon). Wagner, Th & Kurtscheid, A. 2005. Revision of The primary types photographed are in these collections: Candezea Chapuis, 1879 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, BMNH, London: 363 MNHU, Berlin: 301 Galerucinae) from continental Africa. Journal of MRAC, Tervuren: 253 MNHN, Paris: 241 Natural History 39: 2591–2641. ZMUH, Hamburg: 116 IRSN, Brussels: 59 Wilcox, J. A. 1971-1973. Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae. MCGD, Genova: 56 NHRS, Stockholm: 34 Pp. 1–664 in: Junk, W. (ed.) Coleopterorum Catalogus NHMB, Basel: 20 ZFMK, Bonn: 15 Suppl. 78, 's-Gravenhage, Junk. Further 8 collections with > 10 species each: 44 8 CHRYSOMELA 47, December 2006 Proceedings: 6th International Symposium on Chrysomelidae

The proceedings volume of the 6th International Symposium on the Chrysomelidae is released from the press. It is published as no 4 of vol. 54 in Bonner zoologische Beiträge and contains 12 contributions on 139 CHRYSOMELA Questionnaire pages. It can be purchased from ([email protected]) for 11.50 Euro each plus postage and Please update the information you wish to appear in the handling. next directory by sending an email or letter with the information below. The titles of the contributions are: Aslan, Irfan; Beenen, Ron & Özbek, Hikmet: 1. Date. Biological aspects of Galeruca circassica Reitter, 1889 2. Name and mailing address (limit to six lines please). (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) in relation to the 3. Telephone number & one e-mail address (only those weed Cephalaria procera Fish. and Lall. (Dipsacaceae) in that can be printed in CHRYSOMELA). Anatolia. Pp. 173-177. 4. Do you want your contact information available on the Beenen, Ron: Translocation in leaf beetles (Co- internet edition of CHRYSOMELA? (YES or NO) leoptera: Chrysomelidae). Pp. 179-199. 5. Research activities and Interests (general research, Düngelhoef, Susanne & Schmitt, Michael: Functional current projects, future plans, chrysomelid groups, morphology of copulation in Chrysomelidae-Criocerinae geographic areas of interest, groups you are willing to and Bruchidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). Pp. 201-208. identify). Furth, David: The current status of knowledge of the 6. Literature which you want or wish to share (give Alticinae of Mexico (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Pp. 209- complete citation). 237. 7. Specimens which you wish to borrow, exchange, etc. Geiser, Elisabeth: Frozen chrysomelids from Alpine (be specific). galciers - witnesses of the postglacial resettlement. Pp. 239- 8. News, notes and general information of interest to 245. chrysomelid colleagues (send electronically as a separate Gross, Jürgen & Fatouros, Nina E.. Striking differ- file, or as a separate sheet if possible). ences in behaviour and ecology between populations of 9. Recent publications on Chrysomelidae (Send reprints, Chrysomela lapponica. Pp. 247-252. pdfs to address below. Or send exact and complete Hubweber, Lasse & Schmitt, Michael: Parameres - citation). similarities and differences in Chrysomelidae and Cerambycidae (Coleoptera). Pp. 253-259. Send this information to: [email protected] Schmitt, Michael & Bopp, Sigrun: Leaf beetles OR: Caroline S. Chaboo, Editor - CHRYSOMELA, (Insecta: Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) suffer from feeding Division of Invertebrate Zoology, on fern leaves. Pp. 261-269. American Museum of Natural History, Schöller, Matthias: The genus Achaenops Suffrian, Central Park West @ 79th St., 1857 (Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae) , designation of New York, NY, 10024-5192, USA. neotypes and descriptioon of new species. Pp. 271-286. Vencl, Fredric V. & Allen, Bengt J.: Failure-time analyses of the effectiveness of larval shield defenses in tortoise beetles (Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Pp. 287-295. Verma, Krishna K. & Jolivet, Pierre: On phyletic closeness between South American and New Caledonian Spilopyrines (Chrysomelidae, , Tribe Spilopyrini). Pp. 297-303. Vig, Kroly & Marko, Viktor: Species composition of leaf beetle assemblages in deciduous tree camopies in Hungary (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Pp. 305-312. Michael Schmitt (Germany)

9 CHRYSOMELA 47, December 2006 Literature on the Sociedad Entomológica Argentina coleopterist’s handbook: 143–160. ediciones, Bs. As., Argentina. London: Amateur Entomologist. Chrysomelidae Cabrera, N. 2004d. Dickinson, J.L. 1986. Prolonged Chrysomelidae: Eumolpinae. pp. 108- mating in the milkweed leaf beetle Andrews, F. G. & A. J. Gilbert. 110. In: Cordo, H.A., G. Logarzo, K. (Labidomera clivicollis): a test of the 2005. A preliminary annotated Braun y O. Di Iorio (Directores). "sperm-loading" hypothesis. Behav- checklist and evaluation of the Catálogo de Insectos Fitófagos de la ioral Ecology and Sociobiology 18: diversity of the Chrysomelidae Argentina y sus Plantas Asociadas. 331-338. (Coleoptera) of the Baja California Sociedad Entomológica Argentina Dickinson, J.L. 1988. Determi- peninsula, Mexico. Insecta Mundi ediciones, Bs. As., Argentina. nants of paternity in the milkweed leaf 19(1-2): 89-116. Cabrera, N. 2004e. beetle. Behavioral Ecology and Biondi, M. & P. D’Alessandro. Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae. pp. 110- Sociobiology 23: 9-19. 2006. Biogeographical analysis of the 115. In: Cordo, H.A., G. Logarzo, K. Dickinson, J.L. 1992a. Scramble flea beetle genus Chaetocnema in the Braun y O. Di Iorio (Directores). competition polygyny in the milkweed Afrotropical Region: distribution Catálogo de Insectos Fitófagos de la leaf beetle: combat, mobility, and the patterns and areas of endemism. J. Argentina y sus Plantas Asociadas. importance of being there. Behavioral Biogeography 33: 720-730. Sociedad Entomológica Argentina Ecology 3: 32-41. Bontems, C. 2006. Les Oreina de ediciones, Bs. As., Argentina. Dickinson, J. L. 1992b. Egg Duftschmid et de Redtenbacher Cabrera, N. & G. Cabrera Walsh. cannibalism by larvae and adults of (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Bulletin 2004a. Platybrotica misionensis a the milkweed leaf beetle (Labidomera de la Societe entomologique de France new genus and species of Luperini clivicollis, Coleop.: Chrysomelidae). 111(2): 173-184. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) from Ecological Entomology 17: 209-218. Borowiec, L. 2005a. Revision of Argentina. Annals Entomol. Soc 97 Dickinson, J.L. 1995. Tradeoffs Madagascan species of the genus (1): 6-14. between postcopulatory riding and Chiridopsis Spaeth, 1922 (Coleoptera: Cabrera, N. and G. Cabrera mate location in the blue milkweed Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Annales Walsh. 2004b. Diabrotica calchaqui beetle. Behavioral Ecology 6: 280-286. Zoologici 55(3): 383-393. a new species of Luperini from Dickenson, J.L. 2006. Plant Borowiec, L. 2005b. New species Argentina (Coleoptera: volatiles moderate response to and new records of Cassidinae from Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae). Annals aggregation pheromone in Colorado Southern Africa (Coleoptera, Entomol. Soc 97 (5): 889-897. potato beetle. J. Appl. Entomol.130(1): Chrysomelidae). Mitt. Mus. Nat.kd. Cabrera, N. & S. Durante. 2004. 26-31. Berl., Zool. Reihe 81(2): 115-130. Caraguata bella, description of the Doeberl, M. 2005. Contribution Borowiec, L. 2005c. A new previously unknown female (Co- to the knowledge of the genus species of Sclelolyperus Crotch, 1874 leoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae). Apthonoides Jacoby 1885 (Co- from Kirgistan (Coleoptera: Trans. Am. Ent. Soc 130 (2-3): 155-163. leoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae). Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae). Genus Cabrera, N., A. Sosa, J. Dorado & pp. 53-80. In: Konstantinov, 16(3): 379-382. M. Julien. 2005. Systena nitentula Tischehkin & Penez (eds.), Contribu- Cabrera, N. 2004a. Description Bechyné (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, tions to Systematics and Biology of of the inmature stages of Plagiodera Alticinae) a flea beetle injurious to beetles. Papers celebrating the 80th erythroptera Blanchard (Coleoptera, Althernanthera philoxeroides birthday of Igor Konstaninovich Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae). Coleop- (Amaranthaceae). Redescription, Lopatin. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia- terists Bulletin 58 (2): 149-158. biology and distribution. Ann. Moscow. Cabrera, N. 2004b. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 98 (5): 643-652. Edvardsson, M. and D. Canal. Chrysomelidae: Alticinae. pp. 80-84, Cabrera Walsh, G. & N. Cabrera. 2006. The effects of copulation In: Cordo, H.A., G. Logarzo, K. Braun y 2004. Distribution and hosts of the duration in the bruchid beetle O. Di Iorio (Directores). Catálogo de pestiferous and other common Callosobruchus maculatus. Behav- Insectos Fitófagos de la Argentina y Diabroticites from Argentina and ioral Ecology 430- 434. sus Plantas Asociadas. Sociedad southern South America: a geographic Gomez-Zurita, J., D. J. Funk & Entomológica Argentina ediciones, and systematic view. pp 333-350. In: A. P. Vogler. 2006. The evolution of Bs. As., Argentina. Jolivet, P., J. Santiago-Blay and M. unisexuality in Calligrapha leaf Cabrera, N. 2004c. Schmitt (eds.) New Contributions to beetles: molecular and ecological Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae. pp. the biology of Chrysomelidae. SPB insights on multiple origins via 101-103. In: Cordo, H.A., G. Logarzo, Academic Publishing. The Nether- interspecific hybridization. Evolution K. Braun y O. Di Iorio (Directores). lands. 69(2): 328-347. Catálogo de Insectos Fitófagos de la Cox, M.L. 2006. Megalopodinae, Gomez-Zurita, J., P.Jolivet & A. Argentina y sus Plantas Asociadas. Orsodacninae & Chrysomelidae. In J. P. Vogler. 2005. Molecular systemat- Cooter and M.V.L. Barclay (editors), A ics of Eumolpinae and the relation- 10 CHRYSOMELA 47, December 2006 ships with (Coleoptera, species from the main island (Co- Ukraine. Kharkov Entomological Chrysomelidae). Molecular leoptera). Rev. Franc. Entomol. (N. S.) Society Gazette., X (1-2): 20–21 (in Phylogenetics and Evolution 34: 584- 27(2): 63-72. Russian). 600. Mohamedsaid, M.S. 2006. An Nadein, K. 2000. About rare and Hawkeswood, T. J. 2003. Obser- interesting discovery of the tortoise little-known leaf-beetles (Coleoptera, vations on the biology and host beetles Aspidimorpha deusta and Chrysomelidae) of Crimea. Proceed- plants of the Australian flea beetle, Silana farinosa in Borneo (Co- ings of II International Conference Halticorus platycerii Lea, 1917 leoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). “Fal’ts-Feynovskie chteniya”, April (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Malayan Nature Journal 59(1): 63-72. 25-27, Kherson, P.136 (in Russian). Alticinae). Calodema 1: 31-34. Moura, L. de A. 2005. Novos Odegaard, F. 2006. Host specific- Hawkeswood, T. J. 2005. Three taxons em e redescricao de ity, alpha- and beta-diversity of new host plants for the Australian leaf Caraguata circumcincta Clark phytophagous beetles in two tropical beetle Podagrica submetallica (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, forests in Panama. Biodiversity and (Blackburn, 1894) (Coleoptera, Galerucinae). Revista Brasileira de Conservation 15: 83-105. Chrysomelidae, Alticinae). Calodema Zoologia 22(4): 1109-1115. Medvedev, L. N. & Regalin, R. 4: 19-22. Moura, L. de A. 2003. Nova 2006. Luisia, a new genus of Jolivet, P. 1998. Jurassic Park ou especie de Zischkaita Bechyne e Clytrinae from South Africa (Co- les Coleopteres des Cycadales. Le notas taxonomicas em Galerucini leoptera: Chrysomelidae). Coleopteriste 33: 77-85. ((Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Entomologische Zeitschrift 116 (5): Jolivet, P. 2004. Evolution des Galerucinae). Revista Brasileira de 235-237. Spilophyrinoides du Chili a la Zoologia 20(4); 643-645. Senberg, J.A., J. Witzall & L. Nouvelle Caledonie (Col. Nadein, K. 2006. A significance Erichson. 2006. Tall herb herbivory Chrysomelidae). Le Coleopteriste 7(2): of the tegmen structure for the resistance reflects historic exposure to 79-86. classification of the genus Psylliodes leaf beetles in a boreal archipelago Jolivet, P. 2005. Brachelytry Latreille, 1825 (Coleoptera: age-gradient. Oecologia 148: 414-425. among Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera). Chrysomelidae: Psylliodina). Proc. Hambäck, P.A., Stenberg JA, & Lambillionea 3(1): 371-384. Russ. Ent. Soc. 77: 250–254. Ericson L. 2006. Asymmetric indirect Jolivet, P. 2005. Xavier Nadein, K. 2005. A review of leaf- interactions mediated by a shared Montrouzier (1820-1897), the pioneer beetle of the Psylliodes saulcyi parasitoid: connecting species traits entomologist of New Caledonia, and species group (Coleoptera, and local distribution patterns for two the New Caledonian Chrysomelidae. Chrysomelidae, Alticinae). Entom. chrysomelid beetles. Oecologia 148: Nouv. Revue Ent. (N.S.) 22(2): 183-186. Obozr. 84(1): 125–139 (in Russian). 475-481. Jolivet, P. 2005. Francois Cohic, Nadein, K. 2005. A review of leaf- Rane, N. & H. V. Ghate. 2005. entomologiste (1921-1992). Nouv. beetle of the Psylliodes saulcyi Notes on the life history of Revue Ent. (N.S.) 23(1): 75-78. species group (Coleoptera, Laccoptera (Sindia) sulcata (Olivier) Jolivet, P. 1999. Les especes du Chrysomelidae, Alticinae). Entom. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: genre Aulacophora Chevrolat sont- Review 84(3): 267–279 (English Cassidinae).J. Bombay Natural History elles polyphages comme celles des translation from “Entomologicheskoe Society 102(3): 217-222. Diabrotica Chevrolat? (Col. Obozrenie”). Staines, C.L. 2005. Franz Spaeth: Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae). Nadein, K. 2005. On morphologi- publications and proposed taxa. L’entomologiste 55(6): 251-258. cal adaptation and distribution of Zootaxa 1035: 1–49. Jolivet, P., K. K. Verma and C. mountain flea-beetles (Coleoptera: Staines, C.L. 2006. The hispine Mille. 2005. New observations on the Chrysomelidae: Alticinae) of Europe beetles of America north of Mexico biology of Chrysomelidae of New and Southwest Asia. In: Proc. (Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Virginia Caledonia and description of two new Entomol. Conf. “General and applied Museum of Natural, Martinsville, species from the main island (Co- entomology in Ukraine”, Lwiw, 159– History Special Publication 3: 178 pp. leoptera). Revue francaise 161. Sota, T., M. Hayashi & D. Iwai. d’Entomologie (N.S.), 27(2): 63 - 72. Nadein, K. 2002. Leaf-beetles 2004. Phylogeography of the leaf Jolivet, P., K. K. Verma and C. (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) of beetle Chrysolina virgata in wetlands Mille. 2003. Biology and taxonomy of Karadagh Nature Reserve. – Materials of Japan inferred from the distribution Bohumiljania caledonica (Jolivet) of II scientific conference “Crimean of mitochondrial haplotypes. Entomo- (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Nouv. Reserves. Biodiversity on priority logical Science 7: 381-388. Revue Ent (N.S.) 20(1): 3-22. territories”, April 25-26, Simpheropol, Swietojanska, J. 2005. Descrip- Jolivet, P., K. K. Verma and C. P. 176–178 (in Russian). tion of last instar and pupa of Mille. 2003. New observations on the Nadein, K. 2001(2002). To the Cassida uniorbis (Chen et Zia, 1961) biology of Chrysomelidae of New knowledge of the leaf-beetles fauna (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Caledonia and description of two new (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) of 11 CHRYSOMELA 47, December 2006 Cassidinae). Genus 16(3): 413-429. CHRYSOMELA E-LIST* Swietojanska, J. 2005. Description of first instar larva (Continued from page 14) of Cassida denticollis Suffrian, 1844, C. prasina, Illiger, Stefano ZOIA, [email protected] 1798, C. sanguinolenta Muller, 1776, and C. sanguinosa Haruo TAKIZAWA, [email protected] Suffrian, 1844 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae). Douglas TALLAMY, [email protected] Genus 16(3): 583-610. Stephen THORPE, [email protected] Swietojanska, J., M. Chorpeza and H. Ghate. 2006. Gérard TIBERGHÍEN, [email protected] Description of last instar larva and pupa of Chaeridiona Kelly J. TILMON, [email protected] picea Baly, 1869 and Oncocephala quadrilobata (Guérin, Alex TRILLO, [email protected] 1844) (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Cassidinae: Ferit TURANLI, [email protected] Oncocephalini). Zootaxa 1341: 49-68. W. TOPP, [email protected] Termonia, A., T.H. Hsiao, J.M. Pasteels, and M.C. Natalia VANDENBERG, [email protected] Milinkovitch. 2006. Feeding specialization and host- Joao VASCONCELLOS-NETO, derived chemical defense in Chrysomeline leaf beetles did [email protected] not lead to an evolutionary dead end. Proceedings of the Fred VENCL, [email protected] National Academy of Sciences 98(7): 3909-3914. Peter VERDYCK, [email protected] Tollefson. 2006. Spatial distributions of corn rootworm K. K.VERMA, [email protected] (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) eggs and larvae: implications Karoly VIG, [email protected] for sampling. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society C.A.VIRAKTAMATH, [email protected] 79(2): 129-135. Jean-François VOISIN, [email protected] Verma, K. K. and P. Jolivet. 2005. In defence of Alfred P. VOGLER, [email protected] retaining Syneta Dejean in its own subfamily, Synetinae Peiyu YU, [email protected] (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Nouv. Revue Ent (N.S.) 22(3): J.S.YADAV, [email protected] 277-280. Thomas WAGNER, [email protected] Verma, K. K. and P. Jolivet. 2005. On phyletic Guillermo Cabrera WALSH, [email protected] closeness between South American and New Caledonian James WAPPES, [email protected] spilopryines (Chrysomelidae, Eumolpinae, tribe Andrzej WARCHALOWSKY, [email protected] Spilopyrini). Bonner zoologische beitrage 54(4): 285-291. Rob WESTERDUIJN, [email protected] Verma, K. K., J. Gomez-Zurita, P. Jolivet and K. Vig. Hester WILLIAMS, [email protected] 2005. Biology of Eupales ulema (Germar, 1813) and its Don WINDSOR, [email protected] taxonomic placement among Eumolpinae (Coleoptera, Jaap WINKELMANS, [email protected] Chrysomelidae). Nouv. Revue Ent. (N. S.) 22(2): 155-164. Bob WOODRUFF, [email protected] Weiss M. 2006. Defecation behavior and ecology of Alicia ZMUDZINKSA-KRZESINKA, [email protected] insects. Annual Review of Entomology 51: 635-61. Stefano ZOIA, [email protected] Zoia, S. 2004. A new species of Iphimoides Jacoby, Miroslav ZUEBER, [email protected] 1883 from Malaysia (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, * To update your information, please contact the editor. Eumolpinae). Entomologica Basiliensia 26: 365-371. Zuber, M. 2005. Interesting records of leaf beetles SNAIL MAIL ONLY (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) from Bohemia, Moravia and Michael L. COX, Dept. of Entomology, The Natural History Slovakia. Klapalekiana 41: 77-80. Museum, Cromwell Rd, London SW7 5BD, England Zuber, M. 2003. Faunistic records from the Czech Hugh D. C. HERON, P.O. Box 39042, Escombe, Republic (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Klapalekiana 39: 68. Queensburgh, 4070, South Africa Walter STEINHAUSEN, Kirschentelgasse 14122, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria Contributions to CHRYSOMELA Accounts of chrysomelid beetles and research to pdfs. CHRYSOMELA are welcome. IMAGES: submit each image Generally, each issue will be about 20 pages, to avoid as separate TIFF files at 100+ dpi. A photo of the author slow downloading from the Coleopterists Society of longer articles is recommended. TEXT: submit article website. Direct any questions and submissions to the and figure captions as two separate word documents in editor at [email protected]. Inclusions are subject to 10 point Times Roman font, with paragraphs separated the approval of the editor and the advisory committee. by double spacing and without indents. See a recent Submission Deadlines: issue for citations format. Please indicate photographers approximately May 1 for the July issue and locality in figure captions. Submissions requiring approximately November 1 for the December issue much editing will be returned to the authors. ‘Recent In the event of too few submissions, issues will be Publications’ column: submit reprints of publications or consolidated into a single annual publication. 12 CHRYSOMELA 47, December 2006 CHRYSOMELA E-LIST*

Jose ALDIR, [email protected] Catherine DUCKETT, [email protected] Federico A. AGRAIN, [email protected] Franck DUHALDEBORDE, [email protected] Annette AIELLO, [email protected] Susanne DUENGELHOEF, Ebru Gül ASLAN, [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] Daniel DURAN, [email protected] Scott R. ANDERSON, [email protected] Astrid EBEN, [email protected] Ana Cristina S. de ANDRADE, [email protected] William EBERHARD, [email protected] Fernando ANGELINI, [email protected] Jong Eun LEE, [email protected] Ebrul ASLAN, [email protected] Amanda EVANS, [email protected] Franck BAMEUL, [email protected] Brian FARRELL, [email protected] Robert J. BARNEY, [email protected] Sarita FAVERI, [email protected], [email protected] Grace BARROGA, [email protected] Vivian FLINTE, [email protected] Yves BASSET, [email protected] R.Wills FLOWERS, [email protected] Judith X. BECERRA, [email protected] Luca FORNASARI, [email protected] Ron BEENEN, [email protected] Peter FOLLETT, [email protected] Michel BERGEAL, [email protected] Wai-Ki FRANKIE LAM, [email protected] Marcela Osorio BERISTEIN, [email protected] Frank FRITZLAR, [email protected] Nicole BERTI, [email protected] Shizuo FUJIYAMA, [email protected] Jan BEZDÌK, [email protected] Daniel FUNK, [email protected] Maurizio BIONDI, [email protected], David FURTH, [email protected] Andrzei O. BIENKOWSKI, [email protected] Douglas FUTUYMA, [email protected] J.-C. BOURDONNE, [email protected] Elisabeth GEISER, [email protected] Gilles BOITEAU, [email protected] Hemant V. GHATE, [email protected] Danessa S. BOLIGNON, [email protected] Art GILBERT, [email protected] Arturo BONET, [email protected] Joseph GILLESPIE, [email protected] Christian BONTEMS, [email protected] Rosanna GIORDANO, [email protected] Lech BOROWIEC, [email protected] Christopher GLEN, [email protected] Armando BURGOS-SOLORIO, [email protected] Aurélien GOILLOT, [email protected] Chris BURWELL, [email protected] Ali GOK, [email protected] Jose BUZZI, [email protected] Nelida GOMEZ, [email protected] Nora CABRERA, [email protected] Jesús GOMEZ-ZURITA, [email protected] Pierre CANTOT, [email protected] Vasily GREBENNIKOV, [email protected] John CAPINERA, [email protected] David GRIMALDI, [email protected] Alain CARRARA, [email protected] Elizabeth GROBBELAAR, [email protected] Sonia CASARI, [email protected] Blagoy A. GRUEV, [email protected] Arturo B. CEBALLOS, [email protected] Viviane GRENHA, [email protected] Caroline s. CHABOO, [email protected] Maylin GUERRERO, [email protected] Maria Lourdes CHAMORRO-LACAYO, Gonzalo HALFFTER, [email protected] [email protected] Thomas HARTMANN, [email protected] Larry CHARLET, [email protected] Trevor J. HAWKESWOOD, [email protected] Gaetan du CHATENET, [email protected] Masakazu HAYASHI, [email protected] Janet C. CIEGLER, [email protected] Lee-Ann HAYEK, [email protected] Shawn CLARK, [email protected] Lee HERMAN, [email protected] Thomas L. CLARK, [email protected] Hugh HERON, [email protected] Carlos CORDERO, [email protected] Henry HESPENHEIDE, [email protected] Michael L. COX, [email protected], [email protected] Monika HILKER, [email protected] Patrick R. CRAIG, [email protected] Li-zhong HUA, [email protected] Mauro DACCORDI, [email protected] Helen HULL-SANDERS, [email protected] Roch DESMIER-DE-CHENON, O. M. HURTAD, [email protected] [email protected] Kousuke IKEDA, [email protected] Janis L. DICKINSON, [email protected] Mary Liz JAMESON, [email protected] Suzanne DOBLER, Paul JOHNSON, [email protected] [email protected] Pierre H. JOLIVET, [email protected] Manfred DOERBEL, [email protected] T. KAILACHELVAN, [email protected] Serge DOGUET, [email protected] 13 CHRYSOMELA 47, December 2006 Frantisek KANTNER, [email protected] Kenji NISHIDA, [email protected] Angela KARP, [email protected] Flávia NOGUEIRA DE SA, [email protected] Jay B. KARREN, [email protected] Felipe NOGUERA, [email protected] Gwen KELLER, [email protected] Christiana NOKKALA, [email protected] Olga KHRULEVA, [email protected] Rolf OBERPRIELER, [email protected] Aleksandra KILIAN, [email protected] Karen OLMSTEAD, [email protected] John KINGSOLVER, [email protected] Marcela OSIRO, [email protected] Horst KIPPENBERG, [email protected] Charles O’KELLY, [email protected] Seniz KISMALI, [email protected] Marina Ja. ORLOVA-BIENKOWSKAJA, Karl KJER, [email protected] [email protected] James KRYSAN, [email protected] Marcela OSORIO-BERISTAIN, [email protected] Nadein KONSTANTIN, [email protected] Jacques PASTEELS, [email protected] Alexander S. KONSTANTINOV, Marie-Ange PALOMARES, palomares.marie- [email protected] [email protected] Oleg V. KOVALEV, [email protected] Francy PEDREROS, [email protected] Shin-ichi KUDO, [email protected] Jörg PERNER, [email protected] Michael LANGER, [email protected] Eduard PETITPIERRE, [email protected] John LAWRENCE, [email protected] Francisco Sanchez PIÑERO, [email protected] Pascal LAYS, [email protected] George POINAR, [email protected] Douglas LeDOUX, [email protected] K. D. PRATHAPAN, [email protected] Thomas le BOURGEOIS, [email protected] Nathen RANK, [email protected] Carlo LEONARDI, [email protected] Renato REGALIN, [email protected] Laurent LESAGE, [email protected] Chris REID, [email protected] Richard LESCHEN, [email protected] Cibele RIBEIRO-COSTA, [email protected] Steve LINGAFELTER, [email protected] Edward G. RILEY, [email protected] Peter LILLYWHITE, [email protected] Jose Antonio Jurado RIVERA, [email protected] Igor LOPATIN, [email protected] Viterbo RODRIGQUEZ, [email protected] Margarete V. de MACEDO, [email protected] Martina B. ROMANIA, [email protected] Jean-Michel MAES, [email protected] Bill RUESINK, [email protected] Agenor MAFRA-NETO, [email protected] Al SAMUELSON, [email protected] Marinez MARQUEZ, [email protected] Jorge SANTIAGO-BLAY, [email protected] Christopher MARSHALL, Jose SANTISTEBAN, [email protected] [email protected] Vilma P. SAVINI, [email protected] Dominique MARIAU, [email protected] Matthias SCHÖELLER, [email protected] Antoni Sacarés MAS, [email protected] Michael SCHMITT, [email protected] Gunter MAYWALD, [email protected] Virginia SCOTT, [email protected] Duane D. MCKENNA, [email protected] Owen SEEMAN, [email protected] Lenice MEDEIROS, [email protected] Terry N. SEENO, [email protected] Vladimir MEDVEDEV, [email protected] Johan STENBERG, Adela Gonzalez MEGIAS, [email protected] Lucas SEKERKA, [email protected] Winrich MERTENS, [email protected] Andrew SHEPPARD, [email protected] Christian MILLE, [email protected] Hans SILFERBERG, [email protected] Yuri MIKHAILOV, [email protected] Duncan SIVELL, [email protected] Scott MILLER, [email protected] Adam SLIPINSKI, [email protected] Mohamed S. MOHAMEDSAID, [email protected] Eric SMITH, [email protected] Geoff MONTEITH, [email protected] Rebecca Rice SMYTHE, [email protected] Geoff MORSE,[email protected] Angel SOLIS, [email protected] Alejandro Espinosa de los MONTEROS, Teiji SOTA, [email protected] [email protected] Eva SPRECHER, [email protected] Gilson R. P. MOREIRA, [email protected] Charlie STAINES, [email protected] Luciano MOURA, [email protected] Johan A. STENBERG, [email protected] Sandra MOYÁ, [email protected] Kunio SUZUKI, [email protected] Caroline MÜLLER, [email protected] Jolanta SWIETOJANSKA, [email protected] Konstantin NADEIN, [email protected] Zuzana SWIGONOVA, [email protected] Fusao NAKASUJI, [email protected] [email protected] Alfred NEWTON, [email protected] Zsofia SZENDREI, [email protected] Santiago NINO MALDONADO, [email protected] (Continued on page 12) 14 CHRYSOMELA 47, December 2006