Astron. Astrophys. 348, 783–788 (1999) ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS The metal-rich bulge globular cluster NGC 6401? B. Barbuy1, S. Ortolani2;3, E. Bica4, and S. Desidera2 1 Universidade de Sao˜ Paulo, CP 3386, Sao˜ Paulo 01060-970, Brazil (
[email protected]) 2 Universita` di Padova, Dept. di Astronomia, Vicolo dell’Osservatorio 5, I-35122 Padova, Italy (ortolani,
[email protected]) 3 European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2, D-85748, Garching bei Munchen,¨ Germany (
[email protected]) 4 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Dept. de Astronomia, CP 15051, Porto Alegre 91501-970, Brazil (
[email protected]) Received 29 April 1999 / Accepted 24 June 1999 Abstract. We present V and I photometry for the bulge globular mar 9) (Ortolani et al. 1999a; Brocato et al. 1996), NGC 6287 cluster NGC 6401 for the first time. The Colour-Magnitude Di- (Stetson & West 1995), NGC 6316, NGC 6342, NGC 6496, agram reveals a red horizontal branch, and the cluster is metal- NGC 6539, Palomar 8 (Armandroff 1988), NGC 6380 and rich ([Fe/H] -0.7). NGC 6401 is located at 5.3◦ from the Terzan 12 (Ortolani et al. 1998), NGC 6558 (Rich et al. 1998), Galactic center,≈ turning out to be an interesting target to trace Terzan 3 and IC 1276 (Palomar 7) (Barbuy et al. 1998b) and the extent of the bulge. Tonantzintla 2 (Bica et al. 1996). Not all clusters projected on A reddening E(B-V) = 0.53 0.15 and a distance from the the studied ring will be within the bulge volume, such as the Sun d 12.0 1.0 kpc are derived.± The cluster is slightly be- case of IC 1257 for which Harris et al.