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Mastering Jujitsu Free Ebook FREEMASTERING JUJITSU EBOOK Renzo Gracie,John Danaher | 248 pages | 22 May 2003 | Human Kinetics Publishers | 9780736044042 | English | Champaign, United States Mastering Jujitsu by Renzo Gracie, John Danaher, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® Includes index. ISBN softcover 1. Danaher, John, II. G74 Except for use in a review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying, and recording, and in any information storage and retrieval system, is forbidden Mastering Jujitsu the written permission of the publisher. Special editions or book excerpts can also be created to specification. Printed in the United States of America 10 9. Human Kinetics Web site: www. Box Champaign, IL Mastering Jujitsu humank hkusa. Most martial artists are now familiar with some of the core precepts of my familys philosophy of combatthat the outcome of almost all fights is largely Mastering Jujitsu by grappling, especially on the ground. What is Mastering Jujitsu now is a deeper look at the theory and strategy of grappling-based approaches to jujitsu that can take Mastering Jujitsu to a higher level of understanding. Rather than stopping at the level of glib generalizations such as all fights go the ground, my nephew Renzo and his friend and student, John Danaher, make a concerted analysis of all aspects of combat. Their intention Mastering Jujitsu to show how different combat skills can be used to take an opponent out of his area of expertise and thus render him more vulnerable Mastering Jujitsu attack. As Mastering Jujitsu of Mastering Jujitsu main teachers, I find it wonderful to have Mastering Jujitsu his development into one of the foremost members of our family. Still more interesting is observing the development of his own personal approach to combat, based upon his own experiences as a professional fighter. Now martial artists around the world can look into that thoroughly modern approach. It Mastering Jujitsu my pleasure to commend this bookan expression of modern jujitsuto the public and martial arts world. Carlos Gracie, Jr. PREFACE Almost every culture and society Mastering Jujitsu earth has a martial tradition, a style and approach to fighting that emerged within that culture and came to be associated with it. The result is that a vast number of martial arts exist, each teaching a unique means of achieving victory over a potential adversary. A long-standing question among martial artists has always beenwhich of the Mastering Jujitsu styles is best? In other words, which is the most efficient fighting style? Regardless of the difficulties in furnishing an answer to this perennial question, a massive step forward was taken in the s when mixed martial arts MMA events Mastering Jujitsu staged across North America. In these events, different martial arts were matched up against one another with few rules. To the great surprise of many, the hallowed theories of many martial arts were repudiated by hard experience. The public expected the biggest, strongest, hardest-punchingand-kicking man to win. In fact, the consistent winners of these tournaments were almost always men who were simply well-versed in grappling styles Mastering Jujitsu martial artsparticularly certain forms of jujitsu. Rather than smashing their way to victory with pugilistic skills and power, these grapplers, despite being outweighed in almost every fight, wrapped Mastering Jujitsu their opponents in a tight clinch, then took the fight to the ground. Here, their opponents had little idea of how to conduct themselves, and their striking skill was strongly negated. Once Mastering Jujitsu the ground, the grapplers had little difficulty in applying efficient submission holdsjoint locks and chokesthat forced their hapless opponents into a bloodless surrender. The tremendous and unexpected success of these jujitsu fighters in early MMA events invoked a Mastering Jujitsu surge of interest toward jujitsu. People quickly came to realize that the techniques and training philosophy of jujitsu were essential to success in real combat and that the grappling skill that lies at the heart of jujitsus dominance in MMA events had been neglected by Mastering Jujitsu martial arts community for decades. Mastering Jujitsu from all fighting styles had to sit up and take notice of what quickly came to be known Mastering Jujitsu the grappling revolution. Although public demand for instruction in jujitsu rose to unprecedented levels, there was, strangely enough, almost no reflection of this in printed form. Dozens of jujitsu videos were produced, and Mastering Jujitsu seminars were routinely sold out; however, Mastering Jujitsu on the radical changes in jujitsu and the martial arts have yet not emerged. This book is intended to satisfy the enormous demand for quality, written jujitsu instruction. Unlike previous books on jujitsu, this book analyzes the recent changes in jujitsu and proposes new directions for this ancient martial art. MMA events have consistently shown that grappling skill is probably the single most important indicator of success in fighting. The highly effective grappling techniques of jujitsu combat-proven in MMA events are presented clearly and fully outlined to the reader by one of the most Mastering Jujitsu figures in modern jujitsu and MMA competition, Renzo Gracie, and his Mastering Jujitsu John Danaher. Every martial artist is affected by the current shift toward grappling skill. Even stylists who largely reject grappling for self-defense purposes must learn the grappling techniques to defend themselves against grapplers. Those who do accept the validity of grappling technique for self-defense stand in need of a modern jujitsu book that details Mastering Jujitsu key skills that lead to grappling mastery and those who do not accept it should nevertheless consider the books content for the sake of defending themselves in the event of a grappling attack. In any activity, mastery of the fundamentals is critical to success. At the Mastering Jujitsu time, however, students stand in need of higher-level technical instruction that can give them a competitive edge in both tournaments and combat. Mastering Jujitsu is intended to break new ground in jujitsu instruction. As such, much of the material must be covered in detail from beginner level and up. Through the use of detailed explanations of the fundamental concepts that lie at the heart of the new approaches to jujitsu, the beginner can be brought quickly to the advanced level that is the focus of this book. We hope, then, that the scope of the book ranges successfully from the beginner to the advanced. The key to sound instruction lies in the depth in which technique is analyzed and outlined; therefore, we offer in this Mastering Jujitsu what may seem to be an unusual amount of Mastering Jujitsu and explanation for all techniques, so that any reader can understand the concepts being taught. Part of the problem in offering an instructional guide to jujitsu technique is the extraordinarily wide range of material that needs to be covered. Jujitsu is an art that encompasses all manner of strikes; in addition, what must also be Mastering Jujitsu are throws, takedowns, counters to takedowns, joint locks and chokes, positional pins and transitions, sweeps, and so on. Any one of these topics is worthy of a book in itself, and to cover them all in a Mastering Jujitsu volume is unrealistic. But by organizing this book into two basic areasstanding position and ground fightingwe believe that we can successfully handle the complexity and breadth of the subject matter Mastering Jujitsu two convenient categories that best represent the recent changes in jujitsu. These two broad categories are further subdivided into relevant subcategories so that we can successfully execute a cohesive coverage of this wide-ranging topic. The hard-won experience and knowledge gained by martial arts athletes in MMA competition, particularly the outstanding jujitsu competitors, can now be offered to the reader. This knowledge is the best available and the closest approximation we have as to what are the most combat- effective techniques and tactics for martial Mastering Jujitsu, security professionals, law-enforcement personnel, and the general public. In addition, our book provides the cutting-edge developments for martial arts athletes who are interested in competitive success in the rapidly expanding sport of submission grappling, sport jujitsu, and other related arts, such as judo Mastering Jujitsu sambo. We seek to replace the preoccupation of historical tradition with the combat-proven information that has emerged in recent times. By conveying the clearest, most complete knowledge and insight of one of the leading figures in the contemporary jujitsu-grappling revolution, Mastering Jujitsu will change the way people approach and study this ancient but ever-changing art. And as for proofhow can a man ever be certain? Certainty, surely, is beyond human grasp. But however Mastering Jujitsu may be, it is usually the case that Mastering Jujitsu comes Mastering Jujitsu those who act, not to the over cautious and hesitant. Only by great risks can great results be achieved. Mastering Jujitsu, The Histories, book seven. Renzo Gracie Mastering Jujitsu my dear brother, Tom, and all my wonderful family. My light, my inspiration, my best friend, my blood. If night were eternal And winter the only season Could I not still live, love and persevere To turn the corner of your smile? John Danaher. In fact, judo was the most Mastering Jujitsu Asian martial art in the s, Mastering Jujitsu with each succeeding decade came karate and Mastering Jujitsu, kung fu, taekwondo, and ninjitsu. Little attention, however, was paid to one of the oldest of Mastering Jujitsu Asiatic martial artsjujitsu. This changed dramatically when mixed martial arts MMA competition was introduced Mastering Jujitsu North America in the s. The guiding idea behind this type of event was to pit the various styles, methods, and philosophies of combat against Mastering Jujitsu another under few rules to see which prevailed.
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