CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1126 HON
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E1126 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 24, 2013 PERSONAL EXPLANATION And that’s just the way it is. RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE OF SGT. JUSTIN R. ROGERS HON. MIKE COFFMAN f OF COLORADO HON. TOM REED PERSONAL EXPLANATION IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NEW YORK Wednesday, July 24, 2013 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, July 24, 2013 Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. HON. TOM COLE 381, I was unavoidably detained. Had I been Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- OF OKLAHOMA present, I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ ognize Sgt. Justin R. Rogers, a brave soldier f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and devoted family man who served our coun- try for the past five years in support of Oper- MD ANDERSON CANCER HOSPITAL Wednesday, July 24, 2013 ation Enduring Freedom. Sgt. Rogers was HOUSTON, TEXAS Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, on July 23, 2013, only 25 years old when he passed away in I was unavoidably detained and was not Bagram, Afghanistan on June 28, 2013. He HON. TED POE present for rollcall vote No. 389. Had I been leaves behind his wife, Stefanie, daughter, OF TEXAS present, I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ Nateli, and his mother and stepfather, Teresa IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and Stan Vicki, who reside in Sgt. Rogers’ hometown of Barton, New York. Wednesday, July 24, 2013 f Sgt. Justin Rogers enlisted in the Army in Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I am al- CELEBRATING THE 24TH ANNUAL 2008 following his graduation at Tioga Central ways pleased to see my fellow Texans suc- BRONX DOMINICAN DAY PARADE High School. While attending Tioga Central, ceed. Today, I want to take a moment to rec- Rogers was a standout athlete and leader, ognize yet another accomplishment by the captaining both the football and wrestling University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer HON. JOSE´ E. SERRANO teams. He utilized these leadership skills in his Hospital. MD Anderson has been ranked as career as a soldier, earning multiple awards the top cancer treatment center by the latest OF NEW YORK during his service including, two Army US News & World Report’s ‘‘Best Hospitals’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Achievement Medals and an Army Good Con- study. Of course this should not come as a duct Medal. surprise considering that the hospital has been Wednesday, July 24, 2013 Sgt. Rogers was devoted to his country and ranked number one by the study for the last planned on making the Army a career. A few Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, it is with great six years in a row. weeks before his death, he had reenlisted to pleasure that I rise today to pay tribute to The accomplishments of MD Anderson do serve another three years as a horizontal con- twenty-fourth annual Bronx Dominican Day not stop there. In several subspecialties, the struction engineer with the 101st Airborne Di- Parade, La Gran Parada Dominicana del hospital has been ranked highly. In particu- vision based in Fort Campbell, Kentucky. larly, the Ears, Nose, and Throat subspecialty Bronx, which will take place on Sunday, July Today we remember the commitment and is ranked third. MD Anderson Hospital suc- 28, 2013. This celebration of heritage and cul- dedication of Sgt. Justin Rogers. He selflessly ceeds because of the dedicated people that ture is one that is eagerly anticipated by the served his country to protect our freedom and labor tirelessly every day with one shared pur- Dominican and Bronx communities each year. it is imperative that we honor his sacrifice. pose: fighting cancer. Under the direction and Under the leadership of Felipe Febles and f leadership of President Ronald DePinho, Rosa Ayala, the Bronx Dominican Day Parade 20,000 employees and 1,100 volunteers help has grown exponentially in size, scale, and PERSONAL EXPLANATION countless individuals through their expertise, significance over the years. It has morphed research and simple compassion. into the extraordinary cultural celebration that HON. MIKE COFFMAN MD Anderson has had a huge impact on it is today. For years the United States has OF COLORADO many children and gave them the hope of life largely recognized the Dominican-American IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES despite adversity. For Joey Nichols, he re- community for its success on the baseball dia- Wednesday, July 24, 2013 ceived a diagnosis of lymphocytic leukemia at mond, however, there are thousands of Do- Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. the young age of three. He couldn’t under- minican professionals and students that serve 383, I was unavoidably detained. Had I been stand what that meant or why he felt ill. as community leaders in the fields of govern- present, I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ Today, Joey acknowledges that he has no ment, law, media, science, and technology. f clear memories during his time at MD Ander- As the second largest Latino community in son, but he sees it as a defining moment in New York City, Dominicans have made invalu- A TRIBUTE TO CIVILIANS WHO his life. MD Anderson saved his life, and be- able contributions to the city, as well as to the HAVE SERVED IN DIFFICULT RE- cause of its work, Joey has aspirations to be- entire nation. Although the highest concentra- GIONS AROUND THE WORLD come a pediatric oncologist and to work at MD tion of Dominican New Yorkers live in North- Anderson one day. ern Manhattan, a significant, and growing, HON. FRANK R. WOLF MD Anderson’s dedication to fighting chil- number have enriched The Bronx with their OF VIRGINIA dren’s cancer should be acknowledged and unique culture, spirit, and drive to live the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES celebrated. In a separate survey, the MD An- American Dream. I am grateful that so many Wednesday, July 24, 2013 derson Children’s Cancer Hospital was ranked have chosen to make The Bronx their home. 21st in the nation. MD Anderson’s services go Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to per- The Bronx Dominican Day Parade is a beyond the well-being of the patient. The chil- sonally thank and honor the civilians who unique event that celebrates the diversity of dren’s hospital provides support groups, activi- faithfully serve in war zones and high threat New York City, the distinct heritage of one of ties, and camps for families of children with security environments alongside our military in its most important communities, and the cancer. In a difficult time for a family, there is so doing further our national security and strong sense of unity that can be found in some comfort in knowing that we have such peacefully advance American interests. knowledgeable and compassionate people to celebrating our different cultures. As a New I am especially grateful to those civilians fight cancer alongside them. Yorker, I am very pleased to see this event who served side-by-side with members of our Mr. Speaker, these remarks only scratch the grow every year, and extremely proud to armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. surface of the accomplishments achieved by march alongside everyone celebrating the ac- These civilians, as well as contractors and the MD Anderson Cancer Hospital. I am con- complishments and contributions of Dominican former military who return as civilians work for fident that the hospital will continue to exceed men and women in our community. and with the U.S. military and varied U.S. gov- expectations and to remain as one of the top Mr. Speaker, I look forward to marching in ernment agencies, deploy into conflict zones cancer centers in the United States. I am the twenty-fourth annual Bronx Dominican Day such as Iraq and Afghanistan and into high proud to see such a prestigious hospital in the Parade, and I am confident that this event will threat security posts. great State of Texas—and the great City of exist as a cultural landmark celebration for Dr. Peter R. Mansoor, the Raymond E. Houston. many years to come. Mason Jr. Chair in Military History and the VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:54 Jul 25, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24JY8.012 E24JYPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.