公益社団法人 日本空手協会

Karate Terminology

Stances Targets and sides Natural Stance Shizen Tai From the neck up Jodan level Formal (attention) Stance (feet together) Heisoku Dachi From the neck down to the belt Chudan level Heels Together (feet at a 45° angle) Musubi Dachi From the belt down Gedan level Front Stance Zenkutsu Dachi Left Hidari Side (horse-riding) Stance Kiba Dachi Right Migi Back Stance Kokutsu Dachi Counting Half Moon Stance Dachi Ichi One Rooted Stance Sochin Dachi Ni Two Cat Stance Neko-Ashi Dachi San Three Hourglass Stance Dachi Shi (Yon) Four

Punching and Strikes Go Five Fist Seiken Rokku Six Zuki Sichi Seven Step-in (Lunge) Punch Oi-Zuki Hachi Eight Reverse Punch Gyaku-Zuki Ku Nine Jab Kizami-Zuki Ju Ten Triple Punch San Bon Zuki Spear Hand Nukite Heian Shodan Back Fist Ura-ken Heian Nidan Elbow Empi Heian Sandan Peaceful Mind Heian Yondan Heel of Palm Teisho Heian Godan Mountain Punch Yama zuki Tekki Shodan Peaceful Mind

Kicks Bassai Dai Storm a Fortress Large Front Mae Geri Kanku Dai Viewing the Sky Large Round-house Kick Mawashi Geri Empi Flying Swallow Side Snap Kick Yoko Geri Keage Named after a Buddhist Temple Jion in China Side Thrust Kick Yoko Geri Kekomi Back Kick Ushiro Geri Hangetsu Half Moon Foot/Leg Sweep Ashi Barai Jitte 10 Hands Hook Kick Ura Mawashi Geri Gankaku Crane on a Rock Front Leg Front Kick Kizami Mae Geri Tekki Nidan Peaceful Mind Front Leg Round-house Kick Kizami Mawashi Geri Tekki Sandan Peaceful Mind Nijushiho 24 Steps Blocks Chinte Incredible Hands Downward Block Gedan Barai Sochin Preserve Peace Rising Block Age Uke Meikyo Mirror of the Soul Knife-hand Block Shuto Uke Unsu Hands of the Cloud Outside Block (middle block) Soto Uke Bassai Sho Storm a Fortress Small Inside-outside Block Uchi Uke Kanku Sho Viewing the Sky Small Reinforced Inside-outside Block Morote Uke Crown of a King

Gojushiho Sho 54 Steps Small

Gojushiho Dai 54 Steps Large

Seek Perfection of Character - Be Faithful - Endeavour - Respect Others - Refrain from Violent Behaviour

Other Terms Dan Black Belt Ranks Dojo Training Room/Hall/Gym Dojo Kun Principles of the Dojo Gi Karate Uniform Gohon Five-step Sparring Gyakuhanmi Reverse Half-face (hips twisted to the reverse side) Haito Ridge Hand Hajime Start, Begin Hanmi Half-face (hips to the side) Ippon Kumite One-step Sparring Kamae Take Position Kata Formal Exercise (forms) Kiai Focusing Yell Basics, Basic Training Kime Focus Kumite Sparring Kyu Belt ranks below black belt Mate / Mawatte Turn Around Mokuso Meditation, “close your eyes” Rei Bow Ren zuki Double Punch Sanbon Kumite Three-step Sparring Sanbon zuki Triple Punch Seiza Kneeling (proper kneeling position) Sempai Senior Karate Student Sensei Instructor/Teacher Sensei Ni Rei Bow to the Instructor Shomen Front (of the dojo), hips straight/facing front Shomen Ni Rei Bow to the front Belt Oss Acknowledgement, hello, yes Otogai Ni Rei Bow to each other Uchi Yame Stop, Recover Yoi Ready Position (a command to take ready stance)

Seek Perfection of Character - Be Faithful - Endeavour - Respect Others - Refrain from Violent Behaviour