Journalists Views on Citizen Journalism
Cover Page The handle holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation. Author: Mutsvairo, Bruce Title: Power and participatory politics in the digital age : probing the use of new media technologies in railroading political changes in Zimbabwe Issue Date: 2013-06-13 BIBLIOGRAPHY Abrahamsen, Rita, Disciplining Democracy. Development Discourse and Good Governance in Africa (London: Zed Books, 2000). “A Crumbling Education System”, [website]. accessed 2 February 2011. Adolf, Marian and Wallner, Cornelia, “Probing the Public Sphere in Europe. Theoretical Problems, Problems of Theory and Prospects for further Communication Research”, Paper for the First European Communication Conference (24-26 November 2005, Amsterdam, Netherlands) Allan, Stuart, Online News: Journalism and the Internet (Maidenhead and New York: Open University Press, 2006). Allan, Stuart, “Histories of Citizen Journalism”, in Stuart Allan and Thorsen Einar (eds.), Citizen Journalism: Global Perspectives (New York: Peter Lang, 2009), pp 17-31. Anstead, Nick and Chadwick, Andrew, “Parties, Election Campaigning and the Internet: Toward a Comparative Institutional Approach”, in A. Chadwick and P. Howard (eds.), Handbook of Internet Politics (New York: Routledge, 2008), pp 25-89. Badza, Simon, “Zimbabwe’s 2008 Harmonized Elections: Regional & International Reaction”, African Security Review, Vol. 17, No. 4 (2009), pp 149-175. Banda, Frankson, Citizen Journalism and Democracy in Africa (Grahamstown, South Africa: Highway Africa, 2006). Baran, Stanley, J. and Davis, Dennis, K., Mass Communication Theory (New York: Wardsworth Carnage, 2008). Baran, Stanley J. and Davis, Dennis K., Mass Communication Theory: Foundations, Fermend and Future (3rd ed.; Belmont, Wadsworth, 2009), p.
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