Danish Delayed Release Experiments with Baltic Salmon (Salmo Salar L.) 1995 - 99
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International Council for The Exploration of the Sea C.M. 2003/R:04 Danish delayed release experiments with Baltic salmon (Salmo salar L.) 1995 - 99. by Stig Pedersen ([email protected]) and Gorm Rasmussen Danish Institute for Fisheries Research Department of Inland Fisheries Vejlsøvej 39 DK – 8600 Silkeborg Abstract A release experiment with salmon (Salmo salar L.) was conducted in the Baltic Sea at the islands of Bornholm and Møn during the years 1995 – 99. A total of 600,000 salmon smolts originating from two Baltic Sea salmon stocks in Sweden and Finland were released implementing the delayed release technique where smolts were kept in net cages in saltwater for about 3 months before release in August-September. Just before release 11.963 (approx. 2%) smolts were Carlin tagged. Observed mean recapture rates from all years were 15.8% and 9.0% from releases at Bornholm and Møn, respectively, but with substantial variations between years. Part of this variation could be ascribed to weather conditions at time of tagging and fish size (16-39 cm) of smolts at release. The major part of the stocked salmon were caught in their second and third year (total 82.2 %) of sea-life, the time of catch being a little later for salmon stocked at Bornholm than at Møn. The majority of recaptures were done in gill-nets, followed by long-line. Only a minor fraction of the catch was in fyke-nets or by recreational fishery. Approx. 45.3 % of the stocked salmon were recaptured by Danish fishermen, followed by Swedish, Polish, German and Finnish fishermen. The major part (97.5 %) of the catch was in the Baltic Sea, east and north of Bornholm. The pattern of recapture is compared for the two release sites. A small part of the catch was done outside the Baltic Sea, partly in the Kattegat and the Atlantic Sea and partly in freshwater. Possible straying to Swedish west- coast rivers with outlets to the Kattegat and with wild Atlantic salmon populations is investigated. The releases at Møn and Bornholm have reduced the number of wild salmon caught by Danish fishermen with approx. 1000 specimen and reduced the pressure on wild salmon with about 11%. With the present Danish TAC (about 90,000) in the Baltic Sea releases (120,000 annually) from Bornholm would reduce the catch of wild salmon in this area with approximately 1,750 salmon annually corresponding to a 18.5% reduction. Keywords: Baltic salmon, Salmo salar, delayed release, Carlin tagging, recapture pattern, straying. Introduction The Baltic salmon was widespread with populations in more than 60 different river systems with outlets to the Baltic Sea (Karlsson & Karlström 1994), and the annual production of smolt were approx. 10 million specimens. Regulation of rivers including building hydropower stations, intensive fishing in fresh- and saltwater, eutrophication, and latest, M-74, have reduced the wild production of salmon. The lowest number was reached in 1995 when only 0.317 million wild salmon smolt entered the Baltic Sea. The Salmon Action Plan (1997-2010) by the International Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission (IBSFC), and a number of strong year classes has changed this trend resulting in a fourfold increase in production of wild smolt by 2000 (Anon. 2003). The objective of the Salmon Action Plan is to rebuild salmon stocks in all original salmon rivers before 2010, and, at the same time to have a maximal fishery in fresh- and saltwater. Additionally stocking of salmon must consider genetical guidelines, meaning that releases can be carried out only under considerations of the principle of precautionary approach. For many years salmon have been stocked in the Baltic area, mostly as reared smolt in the lowermost end of the river during spring. Some smolts have also been stocked directly into the sea as coastal release or as delayed release. Compared to other methods of stocking salmon smolt, the delayed release method (i.e. smolt raised in net pens in the sea for 2 – 3 months after the smolt stage) originally described by Novotny (1980) and soon investigated in releases of Baltic salmon (e.g. Eriksson 1991, Anon. 1990), has resulted in higher survival rates and may result in better homing to the release area than releases directly into the sea. The higher survival and possible better return to the release area could be exploited by a fishery on released fish near the release area, thus reducing fishing pressure on wild salmon stocks. The delayed release technique has, however, recently been subject to criticism from Swedish authorities due to an observed increase in straying into western Swedish rivers, which may in turn result in an undesired genetic influence on wild salmon populations (Anon. 2001). During the years 1995 – 1999 a large number of salmon smolt (120,000 salmon per year) were released by the delayed release technique from net-pens close to the coasts of Bornholm and Møn in a project managed by the Danish Fishermen’s Association. A minor part of these salmon were Carlin tagged and released together with the rest of the non-tagged fish in order to monitor the releases. The purpose of the project was to examine the possibility for developing a terminal area, i.e. a fishing area close to Møn and Bornholm, where only or mostly stocked salmon would be targeted resulting in a shift from the traditional Danish off-shore salmon fishery, to a fishery in the release area (Terminal Fishery). This development in the Danish fishery could also reduce the fishing pressure (number of fish caught), on the wild salmon in the Baltic Proper. Preliminary results suggest the releases to be successful in terms of catches and also in terms of changing the composition of the catch towards a fishery on reared fish (Hansen & Pedersen 2002). Materials and Methods The salmon used in the experiments treated in this paper originated from the Finnish Iijokki strain (releases 1995-1996, and partly in 1997) and the Swedish Mörrum strain (releases in 1997-1999), respectively. The salmon were raised from eyed eggs until smoltification at Bornholm Salmon Hatchery in Nexø. In the spring of 1995-1998 60,000 salmon were transferred from the hatchery into three net-pens (approx. 18 m diameter) in the sea approx. 500 m from the shore near Tejn (north Bornholm) and 60,000 in three net-pens in the sea at Klintholm, Møn, Zealand, respectively. Fish were fed with pelleted commercial feed while in the net-pens. The fish were released during the second half of August after 3-4 months in the net-pens. Prior to release a minor part from each batch were anaesthetized (chlorobutanole or benzocaine) and tagged with Carlin tags, total-lengths were recorded for all tagged fish and weight recorded for sub-samples. Tagged fish were released together with the rest of the non-tagged fish immediately after tagging and recovery. Tagging took 2 place either at sea (i.e. fishing boat) where the net-pens were positioned or in the nearby harbour to where the net-pens were moved, depending on weather conditions. Both professional, recreational fishermen and anglers reported recapture of tagged fish. Reported tags were rewarded 30 DKK per tag. A total of 1,622 tags were returned until 30. April 2003. Only few recaptures are expected after this day. Information accompanying these tags is treated in this paper and it is evaluated to what extent the purpose of the releases has been fulfilled. The information accompanying the returned tags varied much in respect of details: year of recapture was known for 64% of the recaptures, while recapture date was known for only 55%. Some general information on recapture locality was know for 91% of the returned tags while more precise information on locality was available for only 44% of the tags. A total of 42% (i.e. 682) of the tags were caught in the Baltic Area but without indication of lacality and these tags were distributed into areas 22-32 in accordance to the distribution of tags with known area within areas 22-32. For 8.5% (i.e. 138) tags recapture area were unknown; these are, however, distributed in accordance to the distribution of tags with known area after distribution of the unspecified tags in the Baltic Area. These redistributed tags were all used when calculating the reduction in the Danish catch of wild salmon. Information on size at recapture was available for approximately 55%. Data treatment Variations in recapture rates were examined by examination of length, temperature and handling of the salmon. Average length at recapture was compared to average length at release of individual batches by linear regression, fraction of released salmon with L < 22 cm (Eriksson 1989) was compared to recapture rate. Influence of temperature was analysed by comparing recapture rate to water temperature at tagging. Effect of handling the salmon (towing net-pens to harbour) was analysed by comparing recapture rates with g-tests (Fowler & Cohen). Median day of recapture was compared for the two release sites by a Mann-Whitney W test and year of recapture by Chi-square test. Recapture gear and positions of recapture were compared for strain and release location by Chi- square tests for recaptures combined in types of gear. The reduction in the Danish catch of wild salmon was calculated in the following manner. During the period 1996 to 2002 when salmon from the Danish delayed releases were available for the fishery the average Danish catch of salmon was 87,700 annually. From knowledge of recruitment of wild and reared fish to the Baltic the number of wild salmon caught by Danish fishermen was calculated.