mo (War. 3 Is FSSO following its constitution? By DANIEL HATCH wants to." The power to interpret the The central committee of the constitution is granted in Articles 2.1 Federation of Students and Service and 2.13 of the Constitution. It is Organizations(FSSO) will consider restricted and limited by other proposals this semester to amend the provisions of the constitution. student government constitution. Although Chapley said the "cen- There are good reasons for altering tral committee has the power to do anything it is not prohibited to do." Article 2.3: "The Central Com there are some gray areas where mitee shall act in accord with the FSSO's interpretations can be provisions of this Constitution, the questioned. by-laws of the Federation, and any There are four major areas of ap- procedural or contractual agreements parent contradiction. The central with the University of Connectciut or committee is directed to hold "town other organzations internal to the meeting" sessions every four weeks. University, and in accord with the (Article 2.11). but it does not. The laws and statutes of the State..." chairman of FSSO and the President the structure of student government, of the University were directed to considering the changes it has un- form a Constitutional Review com- dergone in the past seven years. But mittee in 1978. but it has never been before FSSO starts writing a new formed (Article 9.1). The central constitution, another question must committee is directed to employ un- be answered: How closely do they dergraduate students, but the editor adhere to the one they have? in chief of the student government According to Linda Chapley, FSSO newspaper is no longer a student (Ar- chairwoman. "FSSO has the power ticle 2.14). The constitution requires to interpret its constitution any way it SEE PAGE 3 Student government chairwoman Linda Chapley (Staff pholo by Ken Strieker). Cnmuirttntt latin, (Eampita Serving Storrs Since 1896

Vol. LXXXIII No. 91 STORRS. CONNECTICUT Monday, March 3.1980 Terrorists release five

BOGOTA. Colombia plates. (UPI)—A hooded woman None of those freed guerrilla left the occupied Sunday had diplomatic Dominican F.mbassy Sunday status. All were Colombians to negotiate ransom swept up in the sci/urc of the demands with two building Wednesday and Colombian officials. The they included three waiters. guerrillas later released five a doctor and another of their hostages and the unidentified man. government said it wanted a negotiated settlement to King speech the crisis. prevented The government statement following the first by snowstorm direct ransom negotiations By DOUG FISHER with the terrorists indicated Coretta Scott King was there were no plans to rush forced to cancel her speech This motorcycle is covered by a stalactite below Ryan Refectory in Alumni Quadrangle. It at .lorgensen Auditorium last might stay that way for a while, as temperatures are not expected to rise in the next few days the embassy and endanger the diplomats' lives. night when over a foot of (Staff pholo by Ken Strieker). All 16 heads of diplomatic snow closed the airport in missions held hostage, Richmond. Virginia, including U.S. Ambassador stranding her there, Diego Ascncio. remained according to Kalhv Martin. Trustee candidates debate budget captives. advisor to the UConn Board of Governors (BOG). By SUSAN BAUER accounting major, said greater cooperation The guerrillas, members BOG will try to Five of the eight students running for the from student organizations in the form of of the leftist April 19th reschedule the event tor this Board of Trustees met Friday morning to fund-raisers would help the University. Movement, are demanding spring at a time convenient debate the issues and answer questions from $50 million and the release of Candidate Steve Moynihan promised to to Mrs. King and fitting into their fellow students. 311 jailed leftists in exchange organize a student lobby effort based on the .lorgensen Auditorium Each candidate commented on the budget for freeing their hostages. students' home districts as a means of schedule. Martin said. issue. Phil Dorsey. a fourth semester pressuring representatives. business major, said that it was time that They also want safe The speech was planned Steve Basche cited the need for closer tics students and administration began passage out of Colombia. as part of the University of expoloring outside sources for funding. between students and trustees as his priority The five men released Connecticut's annual and called for increased media coverage of Incumbent Steve Donen, who also cited the walked out within a few observation of Black History student government. Month. need for outside funding, said the state minutes of each other. Four should be making "a greater commitment" to Mario P. Musillo. Stephen Prangcr and of them were taken away in Mrs. King was the wife of its university. Chris Majeske. the other candidates, did not an ambulance. The fifth left the late civil activist Martin Mary Huggard. a fourth semester participate in the debate. in a car with armv license Luther Kimj. Jr. Weather Huskies get NIT bid Play St. Peter's here Wednesday, p. 12 MDSIIX sunny Monday with highs 25 to 30. Fail Monday night with the lows 10 to 20. /i.neoiioui utxity odinpub, Monday, March 3, 1980

(Edtmerttrat lailfl (EampitB SERVING STORRS SINCE 1896

EDITOR IN CHIEF MARY MESSINA MANAGING EDITOR KEN KOEPPER I ~ CAKPT... BUSINESS MANAGER MARK BECKER ReMEMGefc... MMMM StcwOeiin posiaga paid at Slorr*. Conn 0*2M Published by lb* Connac|icut Daily :ampo» 121 N E»glt»ilia Rd u IH Stoot Conn Monday through Friday •'•0 " .' 11/37 11130 1>23 3/6 3"8 4/25. and ta«rial adiliont on 916. 12/17. 5M? Talapho-ia t203l 124 (SM subscription $10 non UConn aiudani Unilad Pra»* i mar national lalapi otos ara ivondad al no coal 10 Tha Oaily Campus by lha Willimantic Chtoniqla and United t »is In larnalional Sub«' inar Umiad Pran Int'l Inc

King's message: still with us today

Today at noon in room 214 of the Commons Buil- ding, the Afro-American Cultural Center will meet to plan a memorial for Martin Luther King. Jr.. for the first week in April. To avoid embarrassment... It's important to honor the Nobel Peace Pri/c winning civil rights leader. King had a dream that someday all men and women would live together on this earth in brotherhood and How many times has this happened to you? love, regardless of their color And he set out to make that "Hi, Maria," you say. dream conuMruc. peacefully vet vocally. You're just a little late for class and you're in But it's not Maria. What to do now? King organized and led a boy col I of segregated buses a hurry. It's in one of those buildings where all the classrooms look alike, Arjona, say. Books Start waving. Repeat the wrong name. And which eventually led to his arrest and imprisonment. He look beyond the person you thought you knew. was also head of the Southern Christian Leadership about to fall Trom your grasp, your coat half off, breathlessly you go into your class. But Walk past the stranger smiling, as though Conference which advocated civil rights reform through Maria was some distance beyond. If the non-violence. wait "a minute...Who are all these strange people? unknown person turns around (and sees On April 4. I^h8. King was robbed of seeing his dream nobody) walk faster, crying, "Wait!" Head come true when he was shot by a sniper in Memphis. Tcnn. You are in the wrong class. for the stairs. He was 39years old. Humans are most amusing when thrust into Voila! Saved from embarrassment again. However, if King were living today, he would call upon a situation like the one described above. Other Human beings don't like embarrassment. people to recognize the experience and contributions of than sitting in the wrong class (and missing black life in America. the one you're supposed to be in), there are As speakers during last month's observance of Black three things you can do. Only one will save History have said, blacks must still overcome idealogical you embarrassment. Leith G. Johnson barriers. We often try to not to admit that blacks today are still treated with prejudice. But society has made great You could apologize. I remember one improvements in changing the way black people and all misguided woman (not because she's a Have you bumped your head as you left the minorities are treated. And hopefully, society will continue woman) blurting, "Oh, I'm so sorry! I'm in shuttle bus? Don't say a dirty word and look to progress until all traces of racism and prejudice are the wrong class!" This approach will always back as though it were the shuttle bus's fault. erased from this earth. lead to embarrassment. You are drawing You'll only meet the amused eyes of people If Martin Luther King.Jr. were living today, that is the needless attention to yourself. Anyone who thinking you're a klutz. message he would still be preaching,—it is still the answer was oblivious to your mistake will be alerted if Fall to the ground. Pretend you're to a world of peace and freedom for all. you announce. "Wrong class, right?" unconscious. After a minute wake up and ask where you are. Ask what your name is. Secondly, you could say nothing and leave. Slowjy, dramaticly moan, "I ... can't ... But what about all those people back there. remember ... anything." Wander away, in no What will they think? Rest assured, your brief particular direction. Don't worry about anyone Letters policy appearance will be the subject of guffaws. laughing. You have just suffered a grievous, There's a third choice. Look around. Take a persona] tragedy. All letters submitted for publication on the Daily Campus good look, as if you're searching for editorial page must include the name, address, and It's amazing what lengths human beings will someone. Then say to the person nearest you, telephone number of the author for verification purposes. go to avoid embarrassment. "Is the tall guy with blond hair and a blue Authors' names will be withheld on request. down jacket here yet?" The person won't By the way, they made me write this column. Letters must not exceed 250 words and must be know. Don't worry. Tell him, "I was told to I know it's dumb, but they made me do it. typewritten and double spaced. The Daily Campus return his notes here. I'll give them to him They needed something to fill the space. reserves the right to edit letters for spelling, grammar and later. Thanks." Leave. No fuss, no muss. Sorry. libelous content. Persons who are criticized or at whom letters are People don't like to be embarrassed. It's up addressed will be allowed to respond and both letters will to you to make your indiscretions look be printed at the same time to allow both sides to be intentional. Editor's mm?: W<> didn't make Johnson write presented ilic column. We had nothing i<> do with it. It's AH letters are welcome. Ever walk down a hallway and see someone aitliizfllg what lengths human hcin^s will go to. you know approaching you? lo avoid embarrassment.

DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau WAITING FOR ELLA AMBWR0FPUK5, MATT A MIN- NOTHING. BUT IT CANT FAIL, MAN. EVER 5INC3 AB00K? MAN. ITS A NATURAL UTE, BRENNER. rVBCOMACJBP THBHQSTAGB SITUATm IN IRAN WHATSORT F0RMB! AMD SINC3 WHAT P0 YOU 0NE0FTHEBEST STARTBP, PSOPL5 HAVE 5BBN PUKB 1 It's been l OF BOOK . Y0UWER5 HIS ATTOR- KNOW ABOUT GH05TWRITEP3 ASA MARTYR, A GBNUINB FOLK NEY, I WANT YOU TO WRITING IN THE BUSINESS. HBFD. W5t> BB FOOLS NOT TO HANPLETHEBIPPING ^T\B00K5? HES COMING BY S7RJK5 WHILB ThB IRON'S HOT.' ' '-'.in 24 aaflM^aaa^aaaaW ' "1 I 1 M -—, T* 7l *w<^JA /1 ^2^T Ir days since Ella Grasso re- c i ceived an open letler from \ \t~~i~ ■tlXv(3MSj^i"f C3 / the Daily Campus—she still IVI irt has not responded. J5J 1 The Connecticut Daily Campus, Monday, March 3,1980 Page 3 Review Town clause meetings neglected ill! not held Article 2.11: The Central Article 9.1: "By the June 1 Commiltcc shall convene 1974 [trustees] meeting, the 'I" -* lilill outgoing Central Commit- every four weeks in "town tee...shall present to the meeting" formal, during a Trustees a report evaluating week in which no other the efficiency and effective- meeting of lhal Committee is ness of the structure of s** **« Mr scheduled. The sole order of governance outlined here- business al such sessions in...Every four years there- shall he to provide an after, a Committee...shall opporlunil> for any review this Constitution and registered sludenl lo The Commons Building, which houses the Federation of Students and Service address the Committee on revise it as necessary in Organizations (Staff photo by Ken Strieker). accordance with the amend- am topic, or lo address ing procedures set forth inquiries lo the Committee's membership. Such a "town herein, provided that such a 1 committee be Jointly ... FSSO constitution meeting' session shall also be convened during any appointed by the Chairman FROM PAGE ONE olhcr week in which no other of the Federation and the who adopted the constitution and the Board of President of the University 2.1 The affairs of the student body, together meeting of I he Central Trustees who approved it that the student Committee is scheduled, from among a majority of with the affiars of the constituent components government conduct its business according to upon petition of five (5) students who have not of the Federation, shall be executed under the these provisions. pcrccnl of the formerly held office within auspices of a Central Committee of the Town meetings and independent con- undergraduate enrollment. the Federation should such a Federation, a body which shall, except as stitutional review are meant to insure that the The Central Committee shall committee determine that otherwise restricted in this Constitution, student government does not become a transact no other business al the governance structure possess ultimate authority, responsibility, and "closed-door club" as one administrator put any such session. here constituted is as a whole Jnrisldlctton within the Federation. it. The requirement to employ undergraduate inadequate, it shall appoint a that elected members of the central committet students ensures that student government be When the Federation of committee to redraft a be elected by the student body at large, but run by students, and the requirement that Students and Service student governance constitu- James Deorio, who was appointed vice- members of the central committee be elected Organizations (FSSO) con- tion with a deadline set for no chairman of the committee, was not(Article by the student body at large ensures that the stitution was released by the later than the end of ■ a 2.5). student government is representative of the Committee to Redraft subsequent semester. While the central committee claims these are students. Studenl Govermcnt in areas where they are free to interpret, that The actions and practices of the student November. 1972. this article According to John J. freedom is not immediately visible. The government raise serious questions about the was not part of it. The "town Manning Jr.. assistant vice constitution, which is ambiguous and abuse of the power to interpret its con- meeting" session was president for academic af- incomplete in some areas, is quite clear and stitution. And they raise serious questions created to insure closer fairs and former associate unequivocal on these matters. about the central committee's compliance with student involvement in the dean for student affairs, the These provisions are in the constitution for a Article 2.3 of the constitution, to "act in ac- student government, and constitutional review clause purpose. It was the will of both the students cord with the provisions of this constitution." this article was added to the was instituted "to secure an original draft, along with orderly and routine avenue other measures to make to change the constitution." student government more The first FSSO central responsive to students. committee seemed more Non-student holds position The language «of the ar- concerned with reviewing ticle is clear. It allows the the performance of Dean Government) had been considering hiring a students to set the agenda for the student government Manning than their con- retired accountant for the position of Central Article 2.14: "The Central Committee shall three times a semester. It stitution. A report was Treasurer. This would seem to indicate that it employ undergraduate students to secure the gives them the opportunity compiled in 1974. as man- would be permissible to hire a non-student. dated by the constitution, performance of its responsibilities, including a to question their student Central Treasurer, who shall be the chief The resolution voted on was: Do you feel that but it was not filed with the the constitution allows the hiring of a government leaders in an financial agent of the Federation." environment outside regular Board of Trustees. non-student for the position of executive In 1978. Steve Donen. who business meetings—where On Oct. 25, 1973, the first official meeting of secretary? The vote was 6-2-0 in favor." was the chairman of FSSO. the central committee sets the FSSO Central Committee was called to Article 2.14 delivers clear instructions on the established a constitutional the agenda. order. It was the beginning of a new era in matter. It singles out the position of Central review committee of his own. The central committee student government. Present at the meeting Treasurer for special notice. In legal not appointed by the Univer- does not hold "town were the first officers to be elected under the terminology, the word "shall" is interpreted sity president. Doncn's meetings." "They haven't new constitution: Bart Russell, Karen Larsen, as mandatory language, a special emphasis committee concluded that held them in the three years Peter Marsh, Larry Lopez, Angel Figueroa, that the article is to be followed in a particular the constitution should be that I've been here." said and Dave Gallogly. way. revised in its entirety, not Linda Chaplcy. FSSO chair- The first decision of the newly formed central The language of the first central committee's one part at a time. woman. committee concerned hiring non-students. decision is open to some question. The But the recommendations Intact, they haven't been According to the minutes of the meeting, Bart question was, "How do you feel?" not, were never acted upon. held in six years. The only (Russell, FSSO chairman) brought up that at "What do you think?" And it seems like the No properly constituted body time the central committee one point, the ASG (Associated Student SEE PAGE 10 has ever been formed and ever held a regularly the article has gone almost scheduled town meeting was two years without being ac- Feb. 5. 1974. It was broad- ted upon. cast on WHUS. televised Vice-chairman not elected across campus by closed cir- Responsibility lies with cuit television, and lasted an the administration as well, hour and a half. said David Kimball. On Jan. 30. 1980. Linda Chapley. FSSO The next town meeting executive assistant to the Article 2.5:"...Five of this number shall gam chairwoman, appointed James Deorio. who was scheduled for March 25. president. "There was seats on the Committee by election by the had been vice-president of the commuter's but it was cancelled when discontinuity at both ends." student body at large, to be held annually at a union, as vice-chairman of the central the student government time and manner prescribed by the by-laws of Linda Chaplcy. current committee. The decision was questioned at leaders showed up at the last the Federation..." FSSO chairwoman, has set the time by Chris Majeske. FSSO finance minute and expressed little up a FSSO reorganization chairman, and Craig Minor, organizations interest in the session. Since committee to propose committee chairman, who objected to the then, town meetings have separate amendments to the By DANIEL HATCH speed with which it was done. never been held on a regular schedule as directed by the structure of the central and The makeup of the FSSO Central Committee The decision was also challenged on finance committees, is dictated quite clearly by the constitution. constitutional grounds. Deorio was not elected constitution. According to Chapley. elections procedures and the The committee is composed of eight members by the student body at large, as specified by role and philosophy of and the chairman. Five of those eight are the constitution. "FSSO has the right to in- student government. elected by the student body at large. The Chapley responded with a report 'which terpret its constitution any other three are the executive officers of the contended that since the central committee way it wants to. Our "You can't spring a whole Commuter's Union, the Resident Student's had elected Deorio, he was eligible to become meetings arc open to the new constitution on a bunch Union and the Student Activities Union. /ice-chairman. The report cited Article 2.1 of public, and it isn't con- of people who have never This insures that a majority of the committee he constitution, the central committee "shall. venient to put off our regulaT read the old one." she said. is elected by the student body at large. SEE PAGE 10 SEE PAGE 10 Page 4 The Connecticut Daily Campus, Monday, March 3,1980

library to resume Anchorwoman hits family stereotypes regular schedule By SUZANNE McCORMACK and government officials, involved in black family The University Library will resume its regular weekend "The black American family the media, and in particular problems. schedule when students return from vacation, a UConn is a fortress that has Senator Daniel Moynihan. Cross ended her speech student trustee said. survived for centuries for creating images of black with a black ancestry poem, Steve Donen said he spoke with Kenneth Wilson, despite stress and families that do not take into and received a standing vice-president for academic affairs, and Donen was told stereotyping." said Pam account the economic factors ovation from the audience. that the administration expected to have the necessary Cross, anchorwoman and positions filled before vacation. reporter for WFSB channel This is the first time since President DiBiaggio announced 3. Hartford. Grad Council seeks faster loans nearly two weeks ago that the university would begin filling Speaking at the third the vacant positions that a specific time has been cited for annual Afro-American By BARBARA PERRY the opening. History banquet Saturday The Graduate Student Council met Sunday night to discuss night. Cross said that stereo- student loans and the use of the Graduate Center facilities. types of black families are A proposal submitted by Roy Bobowick, chairman of the usually based on inaccurate council's loan funds committee would eliminate waiting lists TAFS report due information that only and facilitate procedures for graduate students needing "contribute to the causes of loans. That fund is available to graduate students for racism" and lead to a emergency situations, when it would be difficult for them to A report on recommended policy changes and other "negative analysis of black receive money quickly from a bank. suggestions to reduce violence and racism on campus will families." Jim Dolan, president of the council, said the Graduate be made avilable to the public Tuesday. Cross concentrated on the Center will be closed for social events. These events will have The steering committee report is the result of last stereotype that most black to meet elsewhere in the future, Dolan said, although the semester's "Day of Metanoia" and will be available in families arc "fragmented" facility will be open for other graduate functions. Gullev Hall in the office of David Kimball, executive and headed by only one Dolan, who also represents graduate students on the assistant to the president. parent. Trustee, Administration, Faculty and Students Committee The report was submitted to the Trustee, Administration Although one-third of all told council members that he was one of a minority in support Faculty and Students (TAFS) committee Friday but the black families arc headed by of wide circulation of a TAFS committee report on the Day of committee did not act on any of the proposals. women, the problem is not Metanoia. TAFS. one of the committees that will be responsible for inherent to blacks but due to Dolan also stressed the need for graduate student acting on the changes, voted to keep the report from being economic factors, according representation on several campus committees. Misuse of widely circulated because of several inflammatory to Cross. funds by such organizations could be prevented if students proposals. She criticized sociologists became involved, he said. Prof says taxes unimportant Have you recieved your in Revolution By CARRIE COY Likening the colonial British tear of a SUMMER '80 French American alliance to I he current Soviet fear of a China U.S. alliance today, a Trinity College economics professor attacked the BULLETIN traditional explanation of the origin of the American Revolution before a group of \H Economic' faculty yet? members and graduate students here last Friday. Gerald Gunderson. an If you haven't already recieved economic historian from Trinity College in Hartford, yourSummerBulletinin the mail claimed American historians "missed the boat" in their or had it delivered to your explanation of the dormitory room-it will be Revolution. Calling the issue of taxation of little arriving soon. importance. Gunderson said that the real British concern was "control not taxation." Think About A Summer at UConn. According it) Gunderson. Fngland feared the colonists would not be able to maintain freedom and that a new Iv independent American YOU'VE STUDIED HARD might "play one power off •mainst another." Such a TO BE A DOCTOR. policy would have tipped I he delicate balance of power BE A DOCTOR. in the Western hemisphere, and would have presented a The U.S Navy can offer you the kind of "serious threat" to British practice you studied so hard for. maritime control of the world. Devoting your time solely to the practice of medicine. As a Navy physician, we'll give you a challenging and rewarding practice—a THEUCONN practice with a minimum of paperwork and no administrative overhead. It's a WOMEN'S CENTER practice complete with excellent facilities and support personnel. In addition, you'll find a Navy practice allows you time to spend with your Special services family. Associate with other highly motivated physicians. Further your presents Thomasina schooling. Even enjoy 30 days' paid vacation every year. demons who will All this, plus a starting salary of $30,000 a year—more, depending on your address the issue of "Affirmative Action experience. and Equal Opportunity If it all sounds like the practice you studied so hard for, call us for more in- for Women About To formation. Just contact: Enter the Labor Force" Lt. Paul Ouinn Medical Programs Officer on Tues. March 4 at Navy Information Team 221 Asylum Street 3:00p.m. FREE! Hartford, Ct. 06103 ni TNI DOCTOR YOU WANT TO BE. IN TNI NAVY. (203) 525-2566 The Connecticut Daily Campus, Monday, March 3,1980 Page 5 Reagan can't win WORLD WRAP-UP Af ghan rebels in power struggle

LOS ANGELES saying. insisted those positions arc BY UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL (UPI)—Gerald Ford says Reagan could not be not new ones for the former Soviet forces suffered heavy losses in an Afghan rebel Ronald Reagan could not reached early Sunday for his president—only, perhaps, a attack at a dam near the Pakistan border and in fighting win the presidency in nexl reaction. bit more specific and along the Kabul-Jafalabad highway, rebel spokesmen said November's election. A top Ford aide. Robert perhaps being taken more Sunday, amid growing signs of a split between Moslem Ford made the comment in Barrett, confirmed that Ford seriously by the media as the resistance groups. an interview, published in had made the remarks, but campaign heats up. A meeting between the six guerilla groups represented in Sunday's New York Times, Peshawar, Pakistan to form a united front to oppose the in which the former Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, originally scheduled for president also said he would Monday was canceled. have to decide by April I Voter turnout heavy whether to enter the contest for the GOP nomination WASHINGTON (UPI)—It may just be the excitement Interview hints at April summit himself. generated by the early caucuses and primaries, or it may be "Every place 1 go and that voter apathy is waning, but there were record turnouts in CAIRO, Egypt (UPI)—President Carter. Egyptian everything I hear, there is the early 1980 presidential campaign contests. President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister the growing. growing The big turnout in the Iowa and Maine caucuses and the Menachem Begin may hold a summit meeting next month, sentiment that Governor record vote in the New Hampshire primary suprised party Egypt's defense minister said in an interview published Reagan cannot win the officials, far exceeding their expectations and the size of the Sunday. election ... I hear more and participation four years ago. "It is expected a summit grouping the three leaders will more often that we don't In part, the officials say, the close Republican contest be held in April, unless the Palestinian autonomy want, can't afford, to have a between Ronald Reagan and George Bush and the interest negotiations make progress in March," Gen. Kamal replay of l%4." Ford said. inspired among Democrats by Sen. Edward Kennedy's Hassan Ali said in an interview with the weekly newspaper In that year. the challenge to President Carter brought the high turnouts. Al Siyassi. Republican party chose They say it is still too early to credit voter interest in the conservative Sen. Barry economy and other problems for the number of persons Goldwater of Arizona over voting. IRA suspected in German attack more moderate Republicans In the New Hampshire primary four years ago, 110,000 Nelson Rockefeller and Republicans and 81,000 Democrats voted. This year there MUENSTER, West Germany (UPI)—Suspected Irish William Scranton. and lost to were predictions of 125,000 Republicans and 100,000 terrorists, possibly aided by West German accomplices, incumbent President Lyndon Democrats. shot and critically wounded a British military policeman in Johnson. When the votes were counted, 146,592 Democrats had cast the second such attack in as many weeks, authorities said "A very conservative ballots and 110,758 Republicans. Sunday. Republican can't win in a Scheduled recounts, requested by John Anderson on the British Army spokesmen said they presumed Irish national election." Ford told Republican side and Lyndon Larouchein the Democratic terrorists had carried out the attack in Muenster. although the New York Times. It contest, could change the totals slightly. West German terrorists are known to have cooperated with would be an "impossible In the season-opening Iowa caucuses, the total turnout was the IRA in a series of bombings against British army situation" if Reagan were over 200,000—more than triple the 60,000 that came out in property in August 1978. the party's nominee, he was 1976 and nearly double the predicted 100,000.

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THE BOURNE IDENTITY, by [Marek, $12.95) By GLENNE CURRIE (UPI)—A new Robert Ludlum mystery is a major publishing event. "The Bourne Identity" was among the top 10 best sellers six weeks before its official publication date. Ludlum's long yarns—this one is 523 pages—usually concern an innocent abroad, an ordinary American caught up in an international conspiracy, with beautiful women and ugly violence. "The Bourne Identity" is no exception. If it at times gives you a sense of deja vu—the hero kidnaping a beautiful woman whose fear turns to love has been with us at least since John Buchan's "The 39 Steps"—Ludlum's plot intricacies and surprises combine with quick changes of scene to provide a fast-moving, compelling story. A young American found clinging to flotsam in the Mediterranean proves to have amnesia from a head wound. A piece of microfilm sewn under his skin leads him to a multimillion-dollar numbered bank account in Zurich—and immediate involvement with a mysterious political assassin known only as Carlos. The American finds a name for himself, , and a dimly remembered role as a mercenary in Vietnam. In his frantic efforts to escape Carlos' crippled minions— and other unrelated killers—he takes as hostage an auburn—haired Canadian monetary expert, Marie St. Somewhere there's asign that says SUPERM KE Jacques, who becomes his only ally and a dangerous LOS ANGELES, Calif.—Robin Williams and his wife, Valerie, lounge in the bedroom of their encumbrance. apartment here under a neon "Art" sign on the wall which comes from an Arizona As the story moves swiftly from Marseilles to Zurich to "Supermarket" sign and uses very little energy. Their dwelling is relatively small, and far Paris. Washington and New York, and Jason seeks his true from the opolant splendor of movie star mansions. "My desire for material things is almost identity and the secret of Seventy-One, nonexistent, "explains the comedian, with one exception. He loves collecting toys, stickers, he—like all good Ludlum heroes—finds unsuspected suspenders, hats, T-shirts and badges—all a part of his art and craft. [UPI wirephoto] strengths and skills in his struggle for survival.

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For Information About Other Centers In More Tnan 80 Maior US Cities 4 Abroad Outside NY State CALL TOLL FREE: 800-223-1712 Peace Corps RKo&o\\tae?u)ui CURRENT OPPORTUNITIES 429-6062 Degree NOW THROUGH THURSDAY Position Location Requirements : wu SWPIY CHBWH || STARVING FOR A GREAT MOVIE? Renewable Energy Lesotho BS Engineering/Science Coordinator Don't miss Forest Mgt. Micronesia BS Forestry the decade's most Wildlife Mgt. Paraguay BS Wildlife mgt./Bio. enjoyable Agronomy, West Samoa BS Agronomy and moving film! Field Research Asst. Animal Sci. Teacher Zaire BS Animal Husbandry Ag. Advisor Philippines BSAg. Road Const. Advisor C.A.R. BSCE Suspension Bridge Eng. Nepal BSCE Ecologist Paraguay BS Ecology Physics Instructor Zaire BS Physics BHEAJCIMG AWAY Fatso Chemistry Instructor Ghana BS Chemistry •i a»i«t .»»«• 4VHAHMir «■ •«"•»• MIIA1 .* -• . »* - ., 1 » *■ ■*»■' —■ «u an. »— -9M14 A. ~. ■ r«t I*—. .»-.« .. MM ofcrrs atr-.rrjss-Jt . * FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING THESE AND OTHER OPPORTUNITIES CONTACT SAL D'AURIA PJN M0. 9 10 830. 9 00 tat. taw PEACE CORPS COORDINATOR Sart-Sw. 2 00 415. 6 40. » 10 PLACEMENT OFFICE U-51 2:O0.41S.«JO.r00 486-3031 The Connecticut Daily Campus, Monday, March 3,1980 Page 7 Tired of disco or rock W roll? Try Homer Bestsellers By DALE SINGER His appearances at inspire him. as did Homer ST. LOUIS (UPI)—Frank schools and coffeehouses centuries ago. Fowle recited By United Press International Fowle knows how to grab an have earned enthusiastic ac- the opening lines of the Iliad, ceptance from audiences audience. what he considers the Fiction Woodward and Scott "Sing. O Goddess, the more likely to applaud rock "beginning of Western Armstrong anger of Achilles, son of bands than the battle bet- literature." 2. How to Become ween Achilles and Hector. Peleus. that brought count- He set the stage for the 1. The Bourne Identity- Financially Independent At Villa Duchesne less ills upon the death of Hector at the hands Robert Ludlum in Real Estate—Albert L. Academy. Fowle. in blue tur- Achaeans." he booms, of Achilles. Motioning in- 2. The Devil's Alternative Lowerv tleneck and slacks, strolled baring his teeth as he enun- spiredly. he took the parts of —Frederick Forsythe 3. They Call Me onto a bare stage. each character. ciates every syllable and 3. Princess Daisy-Judith Assassin—Jack Tatum "The bards were poets." gestures with hands and The audience was still, Krantz 4. Donahue—Phil he said. "They were the fingers spread wide apart. seemingly straining to watch 4. The Dead Zone Donahue Fowle is a bard, a modern educators of the people. In the warrior being drawn —Stephen King 5. Aunt Erma's Cope the Iliad, we find paradigms, across the stage. incarnation of men like 5. The Third World Book—F.rma Bombeck the role models for the entire Fowle. a lawyer by Homer, who recited what War—Gen. John Hackett 6. Free to Choose—Milton community." profession, said his two Fowle calls "the tales of 6. Smiley's People—John Friedman Calling upon the muse to careers as attorney and bard heroes, of gods and of men." Le Carre 7. Analorm of an complement each other. He 7. The Top of the Illness—Norman Cousins doesn't get rich from his Hill—Irwin Shaw 8. The Bonk of Lists No. Violinist Coleman to give recital recitals, but he hopes his 8. Triple—Ken Follett 2—Irving Wallace ct al performance instructs as Robert Coleman, founding Piano," Paul Hindemith's 9. Portraits—Cynthia 9. On a Clear Da> You Homer taught. violist of the New England "Sonata for Viola and Piano. Freeman Can Sec General "Homer wrought charac- String Quartet and professor Op. 11. No. 4." and 10. Memories of Another Motors—J. Patrick of music here, will give a ters for people to be like." Wrighl Johannes Brahms' "Sonata Day—Harold Robbins free concert at Von der Fowle said after his perfor- 10. The Prifikin in F Minor, Op. 120. No. 1." Mehden Recital Hall mance. Program—Nathan Pritikin Tuesday, March 4 at 8: IS He also will perform three "The words float into the p.m. sonatas—in D Major, F hearts of young people. They Nuntii-1 idn Compiled by Accompanied by pianist Major and G Minor— by look at Homer differently. If Waldenbooks, Stamford. Margreet Pfeiffer Francis, Niccolo Paganini, originally there's an inspiration trans- Conn, and based on a ferred to the students, then Coleman will perform written for violin and piano, 1. The Brethren: Inside coast-to-coasl survey of its Rebecca Clarke's adapted for viola by Alan H. I can't help but sense they're the Supreme Court—Bob 600 bookstores. "Passacaglia for Viola and Arnold. improved by it."

Dr. Allen M. Goldstein oPiome,„s< Ah, Bartleby! BAUSCH & LOMB SOFT CONTACT LENSES $100 Ah, humanity! Complete visual analysis 25 Contact lens fitting fee and 3 follow-up visits 55 Sterilizer and Care Kit 35 Contact lana fa* relundad tot any raason during first 30 days :LENSES NORMALLY FIT & DISPENSED SAME DAY I LSAT 2 Hanks Hill Road 429-6111 comer Rl. 195& Hanks Hill Road) WeakdaysiSaturday by app'l and Storrs. Conn. 06268 GMAT Amity STORRS.CONN Review Seminars 15 «tudont av«rag* cl«M ail* Post Office Block T««m teaching technique Convenient weekend electee Tel. 429-0443 EXCLUSIVE MATH REFRESHE, Are BIG FUN 800-243-4767 Shalamar WIMMINSPEAK You An afternoon B.O.G. discussion on Thur. March 6 at 3:00p.m. Material Emiliana P. 9■ Noetherwill fascilitate The Beat Goes on the discussion GET INVOLVED! "women and APPLICATIONS NOW AVAILABLE IN Fascist Revolution". COMMONS 314. DEADLINE IS $4.69 ea. Everyone MARCH 5 Welcome! Hours- 10-8PM Daily Sat. Til 5:30 FREE! B.O.G. Needs You! t

LAST CHANCEr Photoqraphers will only be here to F iday 3/7/80 Make an appointment Today S.U. 103 PageS The Connecticut Daily Campus, Monday, March 3,1980

YOUR HEATING or GASOLINE BILL! /TWfflHTiV ••»»«<**»—■*»■»*«■»' —mini*!*t»»>III*I \ Lal^^tflHM^Ate^LJU ICii'l'jAllJ'l ■•»»«MUoM■*" tat'«* ««*«MM "at -•« HW»k*Mw UKKw ad»a»MCh FILL OUT ENTRY BLANK A T o»TIH,» AaP... ••...Mora, ,,,neww .,•• uMcHicaM.uacHlcaty MMn*M>* KIMn UN M tunas-»-THERES■ ■■•MUM A a WINNER■•>■•>• ,r-r\ IN>•■ EVERYa-i > •-n w STORE!#> -w «-» a-, a-1 DRA WINGS HELD 4 P.M. SAT. MAR. 1, 1980 A&P STORE COUPON A&P STORE COUPOi. I— "T Manufacturer's With This Coupon and a $7 50 Purchase* With This Coupon and a $7.50 Purchase' - S MAN COFFEE C HUNK UOHT IN OIL OR WA1 Outlet Sale! ! EIGHT STARKIST 0 SPECIAL SAVINGS ON MANY ! O'CLOCK TUMA "i?__. _ 'Excluding Item* Prohibited By Lew L'E.eluding Ittms Prohibited By Law 49 OF A&P'S OWN BRANDS Limit One Coupon Par Family Valid Fee 24-Mar 1, 1900 Limit On* Coupon Par Family Valid FaO 24-Mar 1. ISM A»P Is proud ol It* 1.400 Ann Pag* and A»P brand llama. Ov»r 100 yaars ago, AAP atarlad making lit own product! Today AaP ha* th* world's largasl manufacturing network To prapara lor this gigantic Manulacturor's Oullal S«le. AAP*s production planli hav*ha boon working day and night. So you can with buy a lot AND aav* ai Ilot. supermarket t ices! Right now AAP has savings on 50 Ann Pag* and AAP brand Hams, all mad* with th* sam* cara and quality standards startad ov*r 100 years ago. FRESHU S DA INSP A&P IS A POULTRY SHOP FRESH USD A INSP Any product with th* AtP or Ann Pag* brand Is guaranlaad to b* FRESH-U.S.D.A. INSPECTED •oual to or b*tt*r than th* nationally known brands or your money Cut-Up EACH PACKAGE CONTAINS 3 Breast Quarters ( With Back). 3 Leg Split or back. And AAP us*s only th* finest Ingredients In every item Fryers or Quarters ( With Back) 3 Necks 3 Wings, and 3 Giblet Packs Quartered Y*s, th* savings are |ust as good as the quality during AAP's Manufacturer's Outlet Sale. ROASTERS At AAP we always want to give you a second choice, but never BOX-0-CHICKENl FRYERS second best. Another reason you'll do better at AaP

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•.-.•>;. • --^ ■ ,'----•*"•.•.•■-- -- •--»»•----- The Connecticut Daily Campus, Monday, March 3,1980 Page 9

"Got any x-tra spoonsV Knives, Forks? Buying sterliing, old gold at the Craft Collage, University Plaza, Rte. 195, Storrs. Market prices, no Jorgengei^ MARKETPLACE plated stuff. P.S. Buy any handcrafted belt, get BKL at 1/2 price til 3/15. 429-7364 - til 5 weekdays & Sat. Auditoriuii^ M 28.3,5,7, To the LITTLE pig in Wheeler. ^^ THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT. STORRS PERSONALS "Hello, I'd like to speak with the ugliest person in the world, please." Even Miss Piggy agrees LIFE HELP WANTED Liz. SWDMATTE«S Have a Happy Birthday. Good Luck Love, QFMRV p3 this week. G.G YES YOU CAN STILL GET TICKETS!! Workstudy & student labor students. University Library has student assis- To Rob who helped me change my tire tant openings in several departments — Thank You! Bobbie (even though WANTED with a range of hours. Please come to Monday, March 3 Gregg never introduced us.) p3 the Library Administrative Office, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. To my obscene phone callers on the Wanted — Used backpack with frame HW 3,5. 5:00 P.M. SHOW second floor: "Hawo, Hawaya; Ello; I for cross country trip. Call Mark at want your bodies too!" Lee p3 CDC 429-9384. w6 Jobs! Lake Tahoe California! GOOD SEATS Little exp. Fantastic Tips! Pay! $1600- MWVWi RON OBVIOUS would like to send his $3800 summer Thousands needed are still available deepest thanks to all the fine people Sublet—Carriage House Apts. Non- Casino's, Restaurants, Ranches, Cru- who made his stay at UConn bearable. smoker. Own room $85./mo. & utili- isers, Rafting, etc Send $4.95 for WILD TURKEY and L.A. WOMAN ties. Immediate occupancy. 429-1257. Applicantions Info/Referrals. Lake- W3 will remain forever. THE AYATOL world 145 Box 60129, Sacto, CA 8:30P.M. SHOW: LAH SALADA'S final (plagerized) 95860. saying: "Distance makes the heart Seeking waiter position in Frats. LIMITED SEATS grow fonder." p3 Available to start work immediately. FINDING, GETTING Teaching Posi- Call Carl 429-1041 or 429-9384. W14 tions — secondary, elementary, pub- STILL AVAILABLE To my gorgeous Guuchi — Tus — lic, private — Publication from school face, Happy 15th Anniversary! All, administrator with experience recruit- my love, hugs and smiles, LLRK ing, hiring teachers, covers: job TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE FOR: P.S.... I Love You! p3 RIDE BOARD sources, dossiers, resumes, inter- viewing, more $3.95 - $.75 postage, Wed. March 19,7:30P.M. Happy Birthday Huck with love and handling. Check, money order. kisses from Merrit B p3 Teaching — 7, 156 Deerhaven, Bai- Ride desperately needed to UMASS. ley, CO 80421 Ken, Happy belated birthday from Springfield or vicinity. Leaving Friday your leap year admirer. p3 March 7. Call Holly 487-7012 RB6 CRUISESHIPS!/Sailing Expeditions! /Sailing Camps. No experience. Good This is and a personal for Ride offered to Virginia Beach/vici- Pay. Summer Career. Nationwide, Sffeima nity leaving March 7, returning Line Adams. What the ? Go for the Worldwide! Send $4.95 for Applica- gold Happy 21st. Watch out Nantuc- March 15 or 16. Share expenses. Call tion/lnfo/Referrals to CRUISEf ket. Love Kimma. p3 Pat 429-0657 rb5 WORLD 145 Box 60129, Sacramento, CA 95860 'ice 3 bedroom, furnished woodsmen, wanderers, lovers, and losers, children and Love, Tom house Call 429-4866 FR3 P3 mothers, wastrels and minstrels. They sing Robert Three bedroom house; One mile from Anyone interested in working on THE Penn Warren, William Blake and e.e. cummings. You'll Surprise SAM! Happy 19th Birthday! campus, country setting Larg$ drive- PRESIDENT CARTER REELECTION Remember — Love ya' per sempre. in basement. Economical. Grad, fa- CAMPAIGN. Please call 429-1236 enjoy getting to know all these people...and BILL From your Little Raunch-face. p3 culty preferred Available 455-9378 after 5:30 p.m. E3 CROFUTand BEN LUXON. * before 9pm. FRf> Jacy, here's a message to brighten Spring Break spend 8 days and 7 Tuesday, March 25 - 8:15p.m. your morning and start you on your Grad. St. or couple to sublet my one nights, BERMUDA. Roundtrip Jet, TICKETS: $3.50,3.00 week Sincerely yours ... p3 bedroom apart, for summer, June- meals included, meei students from Aug. 1980. Rent $190 00 plus utilities. schools nationwide. Plus more in this STUDENTS: $2.50,2.00 Artists Unknown: It is a shame to Walk to Campus. Call after 6:00 ISLAND PARADISE. From $244.00 If SR. CITIZENS: $3.00, 2.50 write such filth as you have done on 429-4579. fr5 in'erested. Call Dom 487-6937. the fraternity rock. Take your aggres- Alpha Zeta Meeting March 4 7 p.m. BUY ONE .. GET THE SECOND TICKET FREE!!! sions elsewhere. CA Aud. Representative from Agway Picasso p3 FOR SALE to speak on job opportunities for agriculture students at 7:30. All Hey Sophisticated Lady! Happy Birth- THE ATLANTA SYMPHONY interested Ag. students welcome. E4. Robert Shaw, Music Director, conducting day! Only you and me can be like us. — A.T. but N.A. p3 BRAND NEW: sets of 120 lbs of PSYCHOLOGY CLUB - ORGANIZA- PROGRAM weights and bar for $18.95 (reg. TIONAL MEETING Monday, March Wasco and the "family" — Thanks $30) Fact: The first thing women 3, at 6:30 p.m. Building Rm. WAGNER Overture toTannhauser for trying to back me, remember notice are muscular bodies Call 109 One need not be a Psych, major BEETHOVEN Concerto No. 4 in G Major we're now Numero Uno in the Jungle. 429-1822. FS3 to join. E3 BRAHMS Symphony No. 2 in D Major . Relocation Sucks, so be careful. Thanks for being great friends. Jr. p3 Diamonds, Gold and Silver. Custom Wednesday. March 26 8:15p.m. Designs, Repairs, DAVID WRIGHT Call WILLINGTON PIZZA for a Jackie (3rd Buckley North), JEWELERS, Rt. 44, Ashford. delivery and help put a student TICKETS: $6.00, 5.00,4.00 You wanted a romantic personal, you 429-7101 FS-- through college We hire only UCon" STUDENTS: $3.00,2.50,2.60 got a romantic personal. undergrads to deliver our pizzas. The red rose speaks of passion -1968 Dodge Dart, auto., runs reliably Give our pies a try. Delivering Fri & SR. CITIZENS: $5.00, 4.00, 3.00 The white rose tells of love. to and from school, burns some oil, Sat. 6:00-1:00. Sun. 4:00-'1:00, Call The red rose is the fiery hawk, body not too great. $250 or B.O. ca I 429-7433. E3 Auditorium/TICKETRON While the white rose is the dove. Val, 429-0449. FS3 Box Office hours: 9AM-4PM, Mon-Fri. But to you I give a white rose Don't like those neon lights announc- With some red around its lips TAILORING: I do expert tailoring. ing to the whole campus that you're For even the truest kiss of love Phone:(203>4»»4226 Alterations, weaving and also custom getting a pizza. We deliver pizza PHONE ORDERS: llckeli may b, Has the flush of passion on its lips. made dresses on premises. Call confidentially to your door, no fuss. This will cost you a date! ordeted by pftone only if charged "Neriman" for appt. between 9am & Try a pizza the way it should be made. From the gentleman at Rapp's whose to Mastar Charge or Vita card*. 9pm, 429-1444 Hunting Lodge Rd. WILLINGTON PIZZA delivers Fri & Phone ordfi accepted tor floor was late. Be there again Friday? Storrs. C FRallvear Sat. 6:00-1:00. Sun, 4:00-11:00. Call Joreenaon Aud. ownti only. (I'll drive). p3 429-7433. E4 Page 10 The Connecticut Daily Campus, Monday, March 3,1980 ... Vice-chairman ... Non- FROM PAGE 3 student except as otherwise restricted in this Constitution, possess FROM PAGE 3 ultimate authority, responsibility and jurisdiction within the constitution was not Federation." Chapley claimed this article gives the central consulted. committee the "power to do anything it is not prohibited to The same interpretation is do." being used today to justify Chapley interprets this to include the power to "elect" the employment of FSSO members to the Central Committee when vacancies occur. News Forum editor in chief However, there is nothing in the constitution which gives the Gary Lucas. who was central committee the power to "elect" members. dismissed from the The constitution says, "Five of this number shall gain seats University for academic on the committee by election by the student body at large, to reasons last semester, be held annually at a time and in a manner prescribed by the according to FSSO by-laws of the Federation." chairwoman Linda Chapley. Chapley's report says, "Since the Constitution specifies that Milton Wrobleski. Jr.. campus-wide elections are to be held only once a year, but assistant director of student directs a full complement of members be maintained, the activities, and Lucas himself. implied intent is that Central Committee should fill a vacancy Chapley has said she is among its members." keeping Lucas on despite his > There is nothing in the constitution, however, that prohibits dismissal because he is a special election. The emphasis is clearly on election by the doing such a good job. But student body at large. The report may refer to "implied the Forum is published by intent" but the stated intent of the constitution seems clear. the FSSO Information The language includes the word "shall," which is generally Committee, so the editor in interpreted to be mandatory. In its effort to avoid a special chief is an employee of the election, the report gives added emphasis to the time and central committee. And manner of the election, while ignoring the primary directive (Staff photo by Dan Nciman). while FSSO by-laws allow in the same sentence for participation by the "student body at the chairman to appoint a large." salaried staff, the editor of Furthermore, the process by which Deorio was selected is the Forum does not fall into identical to the process by which appointments are made and that category. confirmed by the central committee. To call it an election does ... Town meetings There arc three non- not seem to alter its essential character, especially when the FROM PAGE 3 student employees of possibility that other candidates for the post might have been business for a week. We have work to do." FSSO—AI Driscoll. research available. Does Chapley's action constitute an "election" if The business meetings of the FSSO central committee are and development she picks the winner in advance? open to the public as required under the state Freedom of coordinator. Toni Riola. The chairwoman's report concludes, "the central committee Information Act. receptionist. and .Fohn has examined the facts and finds that the election of a But the constitution clearly states, "The Central Committee Murphy. W'HUS station vice-chairman by the central committee on Jan. 30, 1980 was shall transact no other business at any such session," and manager—in addition to proper and in accord with FSSO constitution and by-laws." that requirement is not met by public business meetings. Lucas. but these three positions were created by the If he hasn't taken you to the UCONN BUDGET DISCUSSION: Dor- MISCELLANEOUS BIDWELL TAVERN, be sure he's the thy Goodwin, chairman of the Educa- Board of Trustees March 11. one who says I'm sorry. Entertain- tion Committee for the House of 1977 when they approved the ment nightly. May2nd Representative will discuss the activities fee increase from SKI SUGARBUSH with the UConn Ski UConn Budget in an open meeting on Club SIGN up at the SU Lobby —Fri Call Sandy, The Four Corners Typist Tuesday, March 4, 1980 in Monteith $4 to$8. 12-3 and Mon 12-3—All members for efficient work on Selectric. Sliding 319 from 7:30-9:00. Come and contri- bute your thoughts! Presented by Pi and women only $155. All male rates. $.60 double. Free Editing. f low»r» mr loi :nv»«s non-members—only $169. Don't Go 429-4083/429-9942. m3 Sigma Alpha. a4 South. Go Mad in March!! M3 Special Today TAILORING: I do expert tailoring. ACTIVITIES THE AFRO-AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER Alterations, weaving, And also cus- Daffodils tom made d'esses on premises. Call will be sponsoring a memorial for "Neriman" for appt. between 9 am & 9 pm. 429-1444 Hunting Lodge Rd PHI UPSILON OMICRON meeting $2.49 per THE REV. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. Storrs. Ct. MAY. Mon. March 3 7 p.m. HE Lounge. a3 bu^ch to be held the first week in April. Need a sound system for partying? GRADUATING SENIORS CLASS OF Ooesn t she All request, continuous music ol all 1980 — If you have not ordered your kinds. Music and lighting profes- cap and gown for Commencement and deserve some sionals—Earl's Traveling Disco. Rock plan to attend, order forms are flowers? ALL PERSONS WHO WOULD LIKE TO HELP and Roll. 423-9752. 423-1508, available at the Registrar's Office, 487-1193 PLAN THIS MEMORIAL ARE INVITED TO A 423-2918 May2nd Rm. 139. Budds Bldg. Deadline — P.O. Block. Storrs Wed., March 19. a19 MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 3 at noon in 214 WIMMINSPEAK Commons. Alunchtime If you would like to help, but cannot attend, please call discussion at the 3433. Women's Center on Tues. NEW ENGLAND STUDIES March 4 at 12:30pm SUMMER INSTITUTE The topic is "Feminism as Topics for 1980: New England and Revolution" with the Sea Janet Kniffin

This annual inttrdisciolinary program in lha study of Ntw England lor undergraduate Of Bring a lunch! You can be graduate credit will rur trom July 14 to August 15 and consist ol a live week core course lour related one week seminars and concurrent cultural and social activities in the Southern Everyone welcome! on T.v. B.O.G. has it's New England area Institute members must take the lull program (Core course plus seminarsi and may live on the University ol Rhode Island campus in Kingston, a lew miles Irom Narragansett Bay The program will carry a total ol seven credits, some places will be FREE! own, newly formed T.V. reserved lor non credit auditors. The core course. The New England Eiperience provides an introduction to lite in New England past and present, through social sciences, physical sciences, and the arts. The (station: If you areinterestei eight available seminars Imembers take lour) locus more intensely on the topic lor the summer Seminars lor 1980 include Marine Painting. Fishermen ol New England. Marine Geography and Maritime History in being behind or in During the tilth week ol the Institute, the visiting scholar lor 1980. Roger B Stein author ol Seascape and the American Imagination, will be in residence. To request application forms or lurther information write: front of a camera, stop by the David Stineback, Director New England Studies Summer Institute Department of English VIDEO MEETING Independence Hall University of Rhode Island Kingston, Rl 02881 S.u.214 6:00pm Deadline for all applications will be May 1,1980. Tues. March 4 Thirty applicants will be accepted. SI lll>M s a:\TBK URI Extension DonnWwo tihllimar.Jic University of Rhode Island •WheftitsAIIAt" For more information, call 486-3907

■ The Connecticut Daily Campus, Monday, March 3,1980 Page 11 ...Basketball 0 FROM PAGE 12 ...Leafs eye playoffs FROM PAGE 12 dumped me." friends he had left with the trade. Sittlcr. who resigned Goalie Mike trade of popular right wing the captaincy in protest, all- Palmateer. one of the best in Lenny McDonald and star defenders Borje Salming the game, playing out his defenseman Joel and Ian Turnbull. and option, hoping to gain a Oucnneville to Colorado several other Leafs played a bigger contract. After Dec. 28. McDonald, spirited game of darts al a sustaining an injury. considered one of the three local pub. A picture of Palmateer was replaced by top right wings-in the game, Imlach was located in the unproven Paul Harrison and was Toronto's player center of the board. 19-ycar old Vince Tremblay. representative, and his When asked why he both of whom have done efforts on behalf of reactivated 41-year-old Carl swiss cheese imitations Palmateer and Darryl Siltler. Brewer, a defender on three behind a porous defense. both of whom were Leaf cup-winning learns of After threatening to humiliated publicly by the sixties. he activate 55-ycar-old Johnny Imlach. may have caused the said. "Because Allan Stanley Bower when Harrison got trade. never could skate, and Tim sick. Imlach finally You can't identify the Horion's dead." Both were Leafs without this week's points to hold a 48-22 lead reactivated Palmateer. but former Leaf defenscmen. averaging more than 16 scorecard. Defenseman Pal before UConn scored the now he's sitting on the bench With an attitude like thai. points a game, managed Ribble. acquired from final four points of the half. again as journeyman Curt It's no wonder lhal when only 10. Mike McKay led Chicago for Dave Hutchison, "I was proud of our Ridley and 30-ycar-old most Leaf fans and players UConnwith 12. lasted only 13 games before players tonight." Perno rookie Jiri Crha. a defector see Imlach's lace ihese days. "They really took the being sent on to Washington said. "We really hung in from Czechoslovakia, take they sec the same target lhal game away from us. They for ex-Islander Mike there." turns guarding the Toronto Sittlcr. Turnbull. and the played the way they wanted Kas/.ycki. "There is no way that we nets. rest were throwing dans at to." he said. Following lhe McDonald noi long ago. One of the reasons for arc 31 points better than they Imlach alienated the few Thompson's poor showing are." Boeheim said. "They was a back problem. But the only lost to us by 10 in our main reason for Thompson's place. They are better than inability to score was they showed here tonight." Syracuse's Louie Orr's UConn continued their outstanding defensive scoring drought in the performance. second half as they found "I tried to stop him from themselves behind 63-34 getting the ball." Orr said. •with 12:05 remaining. "I knew that I couldn't out- "Thev converted our muscle him so I relied on mv turnovers well." Thompson quickness. I also got a little said. "If we gave the ball help from Rosie (Bouic)." away it seemed as though UConn managed to come they scored." to within eight at 30-22 when "I felt that if we could run an errant Mike McKay pass we would be successful seemed to shift the against them." said Orr. UConn's Joe Viola|facing camera] won the New England championship in the 126-pound momentum to Syracuse as "And we were able to run weight class over URI's Mike Macchia[shown here). Viola leaves for Oregon March 13 to thev scored 18 unanswered against them today." wrestle in the Division I National Championships.(Staff photo by Dan Neiman | UConn Students

Would you like to be in a position to change things at Q UConn?

Do you feel you have good ideas about how to deal with Q budget cuts, Library hour cutbacks, and the Coop?

Do you feel you deserve more for your money than what Q this University is providing?

■ Make your voice heard. Become an elected member of A ■ Studeht Government. Its easier than you might think. Contact the FSSO Office (219 Commons) for further information on how to file a petition to run for office.

Hurry, because the petition deadline is March 6

Election will be held be April 10. Page 12 The Connecticut Daily Campus, Monday, March 3,1980 UConn earns Huskies embarrassed NIT bid, by Orangemen, 92-61 hosts opener The University of Connecticut basketball team, finishing By GREGG RUSSO minutes.of the game weren't the way the game turned the regular season with a 20-8 record, won a bid to the You had to laugh. amusing. out." said Syracuse head National Invitation Tournament and will play the opening No. (here was nothing Then why laugh? Because coach Jim Boeheim. whose round game here Wednesday at 8 p.m. against St. Peter's, funny about UConn's 92-61 if you didn't laugh, you team had struggled before who also ended its regular season with a 20-8 mark. loss to Syracuse in Friday's would cry. beating UConn 99-89 earlier "We worked very hard to bring the NIT to the Big East semifinals. And "You saw it. I don't have in the season. "We got off Fieldhouse." John Toner, UConn athletic director said. there was nothing funny to say a whole lot." said really well. We did not make "We are looking forward to a good turnout and an about UConn's 31.9 shooting UConn head coach Dom any mistakes. We kept our outstanding performance in the game could assure UConn percentage from the floor, Pcrno. after his team had intensity the whole game." the home court for the second round." the missed lay-ups. the been knocked out of the Big Last year Syracuse and St. Peter's, the no.l defensive team in the nation, lost an misdirected passes, and East playoffs. "We were just UConn played in the opening EC AC Metro championship game to Iona Saturday. Iona Corny Thompson's inability beaten by a fine team." round of NCAA playoffs, the was selected to play in the NCAA East Playoffs. to score for the first 25 "I was very surprised by Orange opened up a huge first half lead before UConn Connecticut, after beating Boston College on Thursday cut the lead to three before night, lost their next playoff game to Syracuse, the no. 1 they lost. East team in the rankings, 92-61. "I didn't ask my players, "We are looking forward to playing in the NIT," UConn but I think that last year was head coach Dom Perno said, "Getting the bid is like on their minds." Boeheim getting a shot of adrenalin after the Syracuse game. We said. didn't play well, but that will not effect our play in this None of the Syracuse upcoming game. starters posted more than 23 "St. Peter's had a great season," Perno added. "Bob minutes of play, with Eddie Douquett, the head coach, worked them very hard and it Moss and Marty Headd paid off. They handle the ball very well and like to control playing less than 20 minutes the tempo of the game. They are very competitive and the apiece as the Orange opened game should be a good one." up a 10-2 lead and never The tournament consists of 16 opening round games and looked back. eight quarter-finals that will be played at various sites "I thought it would be a throughout the country before the semi-finals and finals at lot closer than it was." said Madison Square Garden in New York. UConn forward Corny Ticket prices for Wednesday's game are $6 for reserved Thompson. Thompson. seats. $4 for general admission and $4 for students. They will go on sale at the Fieldhouse box office today at 9 a.m. SEE PAGE 11 SPORTS

I ( onn's Mike McKay goes up for two in Thursday night s win over Boston College. The Huskies were eliminated from Big East competition by Syracuse on Friday.|Staff Toronto fights for life photo by Dan Neiman].

By ANDY YOUNG teams. That may be because gaining control of the team. Hartford Whalers fans of general manager Punch Imlach dismantled a strong Carter hears more have been anticipating a Imlach. franchise. One of the first to battle between the Whalers Imlach was coach and go was^winger Pat Boutettc. and teams like Vancouver. general manager of the Leafs who was sent to the Whalers Detroit, and Edmonton for from 1958 to 1969. when they for Bob Stephenson. now in pleas not to post-season berths in the won four Stanley Cups. In the minor leagues. upcoming NHL playoffs. 1969. he turned the "I had a streak of over 300 As the season goes on. expansion Buffalo Sabres straight games before the however, it appears that the into a contender. He was coach (Floyd Smith—hired boycott Olympics Toronto Maple Leafs will join dismissed last year. The by Imlach) me.' these other teams in the suspicion when he was said Boutettc. who is not the WASHINGTON (UPI)The While House has received 'a struggle for the final two or rehired by the Leafs, left wing on Hartford's reasonable benign petition" from members of the U.S. three berths. however, was that Punch highest-scoring line. "After winter Olympic team asking that America not boycott the The Leafs, on paper, were hasn't changed with the giving them better than four summer games in Moscow, an official said Sunday. one of the top eight teams in times, a suspicion that good years, you'd think they Joe Onek. a member of the White House counsels staff the league prior to the appears true after some of could have shown a little said the petition, bearing about 50 signatures, was received season. But they're playing his behavior this year. more class than the way they Saturday. like some of the expansion Almost immediately upon SEE PAGE 11 He described it as "a reasonable benign petition." The contents were not released. President Carter has proposed that alternative games be- held elsewhere this summer and that a permanent Olympic site be established in Greece, where the games originated. He called for the boycott or moving of the Moscow games as a protest against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Carter invited the 150-member team to the White House last Monda\ in celebration of the Lake Placid garhes. Gold- medal skater Eric Heidcn told reporters afterwards that the Olympians had circulated a letter asking Carter not to propose boycotting the games. "The winter athletes in general just don't think a boycott is the right thing." Heidcn said. Jean Mayer, president of Tufts University, met late last week with White House Counsel Floyd Cutler and Onek to discuss a site for alternative games. Mayer was representing a group, headed by Mayor Kevin White, seeking to propose Boston as such a site. "He was told that the administration is totally supportive of alternative games, but would prefer all or most of the sites to be outside of the United States." White House spokesman Jim Purks said. If any are held inside the United States, many cities have expressed an interest." Purks said. "No commitments Toronto goalie Jiri Crfaa makes a diving save on a shot by St. I/mis' Blalr Chapman hi an NHL or promises of commitments have been made to any." game. Toronto's Borge Sahning looks on. [UPI]