Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey 2010 Preliminary Report National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning Kigali, Rwanda Ministry of Health Kigali, Rwanda MEASURE DHS ICF Macro Calverton, Maryland, USA The 2010 Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey (2010 RDHS) was implemented by the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR), and the field work was conducted from September 26, 2010 to March 10, 2011. The funding for the RDHS was provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Global AIDS Program (CDC/GAP), the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), the World Vision, and the Government of Rwanda. ICF Macro provided technical assistance to the project through the MEASURE DHS project, a USAID-funded project providing support and technical assistance in the implementation of population and health surveys in countries worldwide. Additional information about the 2010 RDHS may be obtained from the NISR, P.O. Box 6139, Kigali, Rwanda; Telephone: (250) 0783630392, E-mail:
[email protected]; Internet: Information about the MEASURE DHS project may be obtained from ICF Macro, 11785 Beltsville Drive, Suite 300, Calverton, MD 20705, USA; Telephone: 301-572-0200, Fax: 301-572-0999, E-mail:
[email protected], Internet: REPUBLIC OF RWANDA Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey 2010 Preliminary Report National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning Kigali, Rwanda Ministry of Health Kigali, Rwanda MEASURE DHS ICF Macro Calverton, Maryland, USA July 2011 CONTENTS TABLES AND FIGURES .....................................................................................................................