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The British Bridge World Editorial Board BERNARD WESTALL (CHAIRMAN) GEOFFREY BUTLER KENNETH KONSTAM TERENCE REESE The British Bridge World Editorial Board BERNARD WESTALL (CHAIRMAN) GEOFFREY BUTLER KENNETH KONSTAM TERENCE REESE I EDITED BY EWART KEMPSON I VOL. NO. 15, II CONTENTS !':0\'BIBER. 1 %~ h;. Editorial Penalties at Portrush, by Terence Reese 6---8 A Kind of Mirage, by Charles Goren ... 9-11 The Sunday Times Pairs Championship 13-15 Another Landslide 16-l i llkley Congress Results li Hand From New Zealand, by Rex Evans Gleneagles, by H. W. Kelsey 21-13 Tournament World, by Harold Franklin 2+2i One Hundred Up: New Problems 1S-29 One Hundred Up, conducted by Alan Hiron 3(}-39 Annals of Ruff's Club, by Terence Reese ~I Bridge Academy, conducted by G. C. H. Fox ... ~2~3 Judging by Results, by M. Wakenell .f.f--45 Revelation, by Max Sapire ~~ 7 An Irish Bridge Congress, by Paddy Murphy ~8-51 Tournament Direction, by W. B. Tatlow 53-~ Beginner's Pitfalls (I), by Norman de V. Hart 55-5 ~ Letters to The Editor 59-fJ Spencer-Wilson Counter to Stayman Overcall ... 6! ADVERTISING: All ~nquiriuahould be addrnud to tlw: ADVERTISING MANAGER, THOMAS DE LA RUE & CO. LTD. Bunhill Row, E.C.l. THE PUILI · tn: ' Al.L OTHER CORRESPONDENCE, 1:-.iCLUDING SUBSCRIPTIO:"S, TO . WI ANDREWS & WARBURG, LTD., 35 DOVER STREF.T, LO:"OO~. '. Trl: MAYfair 8997 Annual Subscription JS/· Editorial HE Sunday Times contest _re­ HIS is the penultimate number T sulted in an ovcrwhclmmg T of the British BrhZ~c World, ,,j n for Mr. Terence Reese and and there is little doubt that its ~1 r . Boris Schapiro who sprcad­ demise will be mourned by various caakd the field. The contest players, · including myself. The ,, ~ played on the method devised fact that there has been a rival by Mr. Geoffrey Butler, each pair has acted as a spur to my own playing a match against every endeavours on behalf of Bridge othe r pair. Very roughly the M aga=inc; those endeavours ,viii idea is that if the average score not slacken, rival or no rival. for North-South on, say, Board There has been a certain amount 2 is, 860 and Messrs. A-B have of talk with regard to increasing scored I ,430, they have gained the subscription to the English a 570 point advantage over Bridge Union in order that that a'erage. This is converted into body can publish a monthly international match points and the Bulletin and distribute it to its fina l margin in ·each match is members free of charge. The converted into victory points. In Americans do it successfully and the case of the Sunday Times so, among others, do the Swedish con test, where eight victory points and German Bridge Associations. were at stake in each match, most matches were closely fought; often HERE was an extremely ugly points were divided four-four T incident in a London club or fi ve-three, but Mr. Schapiro recently when one international and Mr. Reese won seven of their expert called another distinguished fourteen matches by the maximum expert a cheat. People speak, and of eight-nil. sometimes act, with incredible Pl aying with Mrs. Markus, foolishness in the heat of the the only woman player in this moment, but l am glad to say an ill\ itation event, Mr. Louis Tarlo apology was tendered and even­ - thc veteran expert - fini shed tually accepted. It is ll) be horc:J 'tCond on a split tic with Dr. that the equally di ,tressing ~IC­ Jai, and M. Trczcl of France, an cusation made in Parliament thi s C\ Cc ll cnt performance. month --anJ without the hL·at of A full report hy Mr. llarold the moment cxcusL·-will he Ct)ll­ Franklin i-; given in this iss ue. dudeJ in simibr fa~hion. PENALTIES AT PORTRUSH TERENCE REESE was at the N.J. B. U. Congress "You must come to Portrush," South dealer golfing friends have been saying Game all for years, and this time I followed • Q97 their advice. The weather was \/KQJ643 excellent, and it was a splendid 04 week. I found, too, that Portrush .Q72 has its own very cheerful atmo­ WEST EAST sphere, with ·the bridge occupying +A J 53 +4 a secondary role to other Irish \? 7 5 \/AI0982 pursuits. 06 010873 Through the enterprise of Des­ .AJI0864 • K 53 mond Decry, there was a daily SOUTH bulletin, which, in . addition to +KI0862 results and hands, had long inter­ \/­ views with leading personalities. OAKQJ952 At my turn I observed, with my .9 usual lack of tact, that the . was South and the bidding Congress hotel could brighten went: up its ideas in several respects, SouTH Wen NoRTH EAST some of which I enumerated. I 10 2. 2\/ 3+ must add that George Sloane, 3+ No 4\/ Dble whose "baby" this Congress is, 50 No 5+ Dble hotly contested my remarks in a No No No later issue. Oh well, the night­ Robbie was wrong, I think, to porter did breathe on my shoes remove Five Diamonds. I would the last night I was there. not have bid this over Four In the Congress Pairs Cham­ Hearts unless my diamonds had pionship I played with L. P. been a lot better than my spades. Robinson. After qualifying with­ West opened .A and continued out great distinction we didn't with .J, which I had to rutT. seem to do particularly well in the \Vith a view to protecting 111Y final, but in a close field it turned hand from further forces, I playcJ out to be well enough to win. The off OA and followed with OJ. hand I remember best was from on which \Vest thn:w ~~ heart and one of the earlier rounds: dummy a club. d I gratefully overtook the ontract I had to spa e. 'th the King and went make t he C d 't Queen w1 h To f s ades, an J fin d the Jack o ihough West one down. It looks as thoug med now as . adcs for West can do much better by ld have the longer sp ' leading a club after the ':ce ~f \\OU h d doubled hearts, sup- so he can especially tf Eastcd :tubs, and turned up with spa d es- ' K' f East has thrown his mg o diamonds. I led the eJght of ra; clubs that trick. rom hand, therefore, and 0 ~ spa dcs f . As expected, a loss of 200 was . The posJtJon was now. let 1t run. much better than average for NoR Til North-South. There were three • Q9 500's on the travelling score, all <VJKQJ643 for Four Spades, five down un­ 0- doubted. After ruffing, the second EAST club, the declarers had led a WEST spade to· the Queen and returned +A J 5 ·- a spade. There was also a 1,600 r:)7 cyAl0982 0- ·­0 10 8 for Four Spades redoubled, and .10864 +K only one plus score. SouTH A simple hand from the pa1rs + K 106 final that I gave in the Observer \?- is worth repeating for those who 0 KQ952 missed it. (Continued next page) It is fascinating to observe that You head +Q with the Ace if declarer· goes- back to diamonds and decide to draw trumps, as now, he cannot be defeated. West a cross-ruff is obviously threat­ could have made sure of beating ened. You reckon that \Vest will the hand on the previous trick have two five-card suits and a by going up with the Ace of doubleton spade, so, playing the spades-a most unusual defence odds, you cross to +K and finesse "ith his holding. on the way back. Very likely I ought to have That's what I did-but don't gauged that the spades were 4-1, complain when you lose to a hut one doesn't have time to doubleton Queen. \Vith Qxxx in \\ork these things out in a pairs spades East would surety have contest, and in practice I led rebid One Spade instead of an th.c ten of !.padcs. West went up 11 uncomfortable Two Clubs on " h the Ace now and returned a KQxxx. The spades must be 7 East dealer they played, but in the fi I d t . I na 1 we Love all lad' bo ytc d first place to an NORTH E m urgh-Glasgow comb'mat10n . + K 104 headed by P. Levine. \? Q 6 3 The results of the main events . OJ952 were: 9 53 + McCallum Cup (Men's teams): Jed. +4 1st Dr. W. Bamber, G. McComb SOUTH E. Lamont and 0. ·R. Aile~ + AJ 9 3 (Ballymena). \? J 10 7 2 Keenan Cup (Women's teams): OQ­ 1st Miss J. Macnair, Mrs. s. +AJI02 Bruce, Mrs. Yzer and Mrs. Craie SOUTH W~T NORTH EAST (Edinburgh). ~ I+ Barnett Cup (Con-gress pairs): No No 1\? 2+ J. T. Reese and L. P. Robinson Dble No No 20 with Miss 0. Ramus and Miss 0. No No No 2+ Cryer of Manchester as runners­ up. Qx on the left and xxxx on the right. Sloane-Robb Trophy (Mixed The Scottish contingent had a Pairs): Mr. and Mrs. J. Robertson most successful Congress. Mr. of Edinburgh with Miss J. Mac­ nair and B. Vard as runners-up. and Mrs. J. Robertson, of Edin­ burgh, scored a popular win in the Newsletter Cup (Congress Mixed Pairs, played in one session teams): P. Levine, H. Appleton, over about 50 tables. In the M. Millar and A. Evsovitch teams of four L.
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    Het schandaal van de vingersignalen Mei 1965. De voorpagina van de New York Times kopt: BRITISH EXPERTS ACCUSED OF CHEATING IN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP! Bij het WK in Buenos Aires (1965) werden Terence Reese en Boris Shapiro betrapt op vingersignalen. De tuchtcommissie van de World Bridge Federation achtte de twee spelers schuldig waarop Swimer, de Britse captain, het paar naar huis stuurde en de verdere wedstrijden van Groot Brittannië opgaf. De gebeurtenis die de bridgewereld schokte kreeg een staart van vijf jaar. In 1966 kwam de zaak voor een Britse raad, voorgezeten door Sir John Foster en General Lord Bourne. Het oordeel: vrijspraak voor Reese/Shapiro vanwege reasonable doubt. Reese beschrijft dit proces in Story of an Accusation(1967) waarin hij zelf in alle toonaarden alle beschuldigingen ontkent. Dit vonnis van Britse tribunaal was tegen het zere been van de Amerikanen die de zaak opnieuw aan het rollen brachten. Het weerwoord van Alan Truscott, de bridgejournalist van de New York Times (van Engelse afkomst), kwam eind 1969 in The Great Bridge Scandal. Drie Amerikaanse spelers (B.Jay Becker, Dorothy Hayden en John Gerber), de Britse captain Ralph Swimer, de Britse bridgeadministrateur Geoffrey Butler en Truscott zelf turfden in Buenos Aires de illegale handelingen van Reese/Shapiro. De getuigen constateerden dat de manier waarop Reese/Shapiro hun kaarten vasthielden overeenkwam met het aantal kaarten in harten. Met één vinger achter de kaarten gaven zij het bezit van één kaart in harten aan. Twee vingers dicht tegen elkaar toonde twee hartenkaarten en twee vingers gespreid vijf kaarten. Drie vingers een driekaart en vier vingers een vierkaart in harten.
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