ROUTE 66 WRITTEN AND COMPILED BY CHRIS WICKLAND THE INTRODUCTION The Old Testament (OT) was originally written in Hebrew with the exception of three or four small portions in Aramaic. Hebrew is one of the earliest alphabetical languages. Ancient Hebrew was originaly a picture graph based system, but later developed into the Hebrew we are more familiar with today. Yet the pictograph system is still regarded important as it can give us futher revelation and insight into the meaning of certain passages. Aramaic is also known as the language of the Syrians (2 Kings 18:26). It was during the Babylonish captivity that the Jewish exiles picked up the Aramaic language for the simple reason that it was the common tongue with all the people they were mixed with. When the Jews returned to they continued using the tongue and was used during the days of Jesus. There are 39 books in the OT and they are classified and divided in the following... The way the church has divided the books is thus.. The Law Genesis to Deuteronomy 5 books Historical Joshua to Esther 17 books Poetry Job to Song of Solomon 5 books Prophetic. Isaiah to Malachi 17 books

The way the Hebrews subdivide their OT The Law The Torah 5 books The Prophets The Nevi'im 8 books The writings Kethuvim 11 books You will note that the math does not add up here..Why??? 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah, the . Each of the following were considered as one book.

THE PENTATEUCH / THE TORAH There are two major versions of our OT. The Hebrew version known as the Tanakh and the Greek version known as the . Both versions are very important to us, because together we can draw out more meaning from the text. So for example there are places in the Hebrew where we really have little idea of how to translate yet the Greek version which was written 300 years BC has some really clear paraphrased wordings which are invaluable to help understand the Hebrew. Also nearly all of the New Testament (NT) quotes from the OT are all from the Greek version of the OT not the Hebrew. Because of these two versions of the OT you will find different names for the same thing. ie The Torah is the first 5 books of the Hebrew . Torah being the Hebrew word for teaching or instruction. However in the Greek version the first 5 books are known as the Pentateuch. 'Pent' meaning 5 and 'teuchos' meaning books. The first 5 books of the bible are also known as 'The Law of ,' or 'The Book of The Law of Moses.' There are some scholars who try to say that Moses did not write the first 5 books of the bible. However in the NT there is not one single verse which doubts the authenticity of the authorship of Moses. Infact there are over 250 quotations and references to the 5 books of Moses throughout the whole NT. KEYS TO UNLOCKING THE BIBLE... COVENANT Adamic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic (Old Covenant), Davidic, The Messianic covenant (New Covenant). The NT only talks about being grafted into Israel via the Abrahamic Covenant not the Mosaic. The Most important Covenant is the Abrahamic. The other covenants/ administrations were built upon the former, some later dismantled and closed. The closing of Moses does not mean that God has done away with the Law. Rather that Jesus has fulfilled it's requirements and intentions. Now through His Holy Spirit we embody the law. For in the New Covenant God has written His law on our hearts. GENESIS



The bible is not one book, but many. The word 'Bible' comes from the plural word biblia which means 'library' in Latin. It consists of 66 separate books and is different from any other book of history in that it starts sooner and finishes later. The first book of the bible is Genesis which is the start of space, time and prehistory and ends with future history and the world beyond. Also the bible is different from every other kind of book in that it is history from God's perspective. Most normal history books see through the lense of of pollitics and ideaology determined by human interest. But in the bible God selects what is important to Him.

THEMES There are two themes in scripture. What has gone wrong with our world and how it can be put right. The book of Genesis tells us exactly why the world today is the way it is, and how God is going to put it right by rescuing sinful humanity from itself. The 66 books of the bible is one great drama, a drama of redemption and reconcilliation. Genesis is vital because it introduces us to the stage, the cast and the plot of this great drama. Moreover, without the first few chapters of Genesis the Bible would make little sense.

BEGINNINGS The Hebrew title for this book is simply 'Bereshith' meaning beginnings. The Greek version of the Old Testament called the Septuagint was written in 250 BC. The translators gave the name of the first book 'Genesis' which literaly means origins or beginnings.

This is a very apt title as this book explains the origins of our universe, man, sin, astronomy, sex, marriage, death, murder, war etc etc. The first 11 chapters of the bible is really a 'Prologue to the rest of the Bible.'

THE NEED FOR REVELATION Genesis not only deals with origins, it also deals with the ultimate questions of life. Where did our universe come from? Why are we here? Why do we have to die?

2 types of revelation. General and Special

THE PLACE OF GENESIS Genesis is not just the first book of the Bible, it is the FOUNDATIONAL book for the whole Bible. Most, if not all, biblical truths are included here, at least in an embryonic form. This book is the key which unlocks all the other books in the Bible. Without Genesis the Bible actually makes no sense. The book of Genesis teaches us about how the universe starts with God, not man or a big bang. It tells us our origins, the fall of humanity and the process God uses to bring salvation to humanity by selecting a people group who became the Jewish race known as Israel. From whome would come the Messiah who would bring salvation to all nations so that the paradise in the garden could be restored again. Some have great difficulty in the book of Genesis, because some of it flies in opposition to modern day thinking. ie Evolution vs Creationism. But if you see Genesis as a fairy tale then the rest of the Bible is an irrelevant lie. Genesis is a literal historical account of mankind and his origins. The book was written by Moses who was a Hebrew and Hebrew thinking did not allow our Greek mindset of spiritualising and moralising the text. It is true to say that sometimes to understand the bible, one needs to step into the time, culture and shoes of whom you are reading about.

THE SHAPE OF GENESIS It is important to note that there is an overall shape to Genesis. The first quarter (Chapters 1-11) forms a distinct unit, covering many centuries and the growth and spread of nations throughout the 'Fertile Crescent' (the land stretching from Eqypt to the Persian Gulf in the Middle East).

The next critical chapter in Gesesis begins with God calling Abraham in chapter 12. The next 3 quarters of this book then has a narrower focus, chronicling God's dealings with Abraham and his descendants, Isaac, and Joseph.

There are other divisions to note. Chapters 1 and 2 is described as good by God. Chapters 3-11 show the effects of sin and the fall of humanity as man drifts physically and spiritually away from Eden. We see God's character, His justice in punishing man, the flood, and His merciful provision even within this punishment.

In Chapters 12-36 we see 6 men are contrasted. Abraham with Lot, Isaac (The child of promise) with Ishmael (The child of the flesh) and Jacob and Esau. Finally Genesis focuses upon Joseph and sets the scene for the next book of the bible...Exodus.


Key Word 'Beginning' Key Text 1:1 Key Chapter 12 Outstanding Events Creation, Fall, Flood, Babel, Call of Abraham Outstanding Characters Adam, Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph. Outstanding Prophecy 3:15 This is the first prophecy in scripture.

OUTSTANDING PROPHECIES AND TYPES The outstanding reference to the Lord Jesus Christ is to be found in 3:15, where He is referred to as 'the seed of the woman.' This verse speaks of the virgin birth of Christ. His death upon the cross and His triumph over the devil and the powers of darkness. See Colossians 2:13-15

A type of Christ is a person or event which reveals or foreshadows certain aspects of the Person, character and ministry of Jesus. Adam is spoken of as a 'type of Christ' See Romans 5:12-14 As the first man he was the head of the race and his descendants inherit his nature, they are bound by his actions and share in the fruit of his actions. See Genesis 5:1-3, Romans 5:12-19, 1 Corinthians 15:48 and 49.

So for example. The first Adam came from the earth, the Last or 2nd Adam came from heaven. Through the sin of Adam death came to all of humanity. Through the righteous life and death of Jesus life came to all of the human race. Adam destroyed paradise, Jesus will restore it.

There are many other great examples in Genesis, but one other which would be good to check out is Melchisedek who is also a great type of Jesus, in fact there are many who say it is a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus Himself. See Genesis 14:18-20, Hebrews 5:6-11; 6:20-7:28 and Psalm 110:4.

Ok now that we have looked at the overal theme of Genesis. Lets now go through it quickly chapter by chapter

GENESIS AND OVERVIEW PRE HISTORY. Genesis 1. Creation, and the fundamental doctrine that everything starts and ends with God. This is a very wide angle lense of creation. Genesis 2. The camera now goes from wide universe pan to focus on an earthly perspective. Chapter 2 should actually start at Verse 4 not 1. Creation of the earth and Adam and Eve who are placed in a garden on the east side of Eden. Genesis 3. The fall of mankind. Genesis 4. Cain and Abel. 1-24 Shows the line of Cain. Industrious but pagan. 4:25-32 Seth's family line are the godly line. ie calling on the Name of the Lord and the family line of Noah etc.

Genesis 5. THE DESCENDANTS OF ADAM.....READ FROM BIBLE.!!!! THE HIDDEN CODE When you place the meanings of the names in this geneaology together it reveals a hidden prophecy. Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow (but) the blessed God shall come down teaching (that) His death shall bring the despairing comfort and rest. Genesis 6. The corruption of mankind, the Nephilim. God asks Noah to build a box. Genesis 7. The flood. All Life destroyed. Genesis 8. The flood subsides. VERSE 20. Noah sacrifices clean animals. Somehwere Noah was told what was deemed clean and unclean to sacrifice to God. Genesis 9. God makes a covenant with Noah that He will never flood the earth again to destroy all flesh. Also man is now allowed to eat meat. Genesis 10. Descendants of Noah. Vs 9-10 are key. Nimrod set up the ancient city of Babel, which later became known as Babylon. Genesis 11. The story of the tower of Babel where God brings confusion by giving a natural gift of tongues and separating languages. END OF PRE HISTORY.


PERIOD OF THE PATRIARCHS. Genesis 12. The call of Abraham. The call and the first promise of many descendants to come through him. At this time Abraham was a Gentile pagan that likely worshiped the moon God.

Abraham was born and raised in Ur of the Chaldees, which is in modern Iraq, near Nasiriyah in the southeastern part of the country. HYPERLINK " 24.2" \n _blankJoshua 24:2 says that Abraham and his father worshiped idols. We can make some educated guesses about their religion by looking at the history and religious artifacts from that period.

Ur of the Chaldees was an ancient city that flourished until about 300 BC. The great ziggurat of Ur was built by Ur-Nammu around 2100 BC and was dedicated to Nanna, the moon god. The moon was worshiped as the power that controlled the heavens and the life cycle on earth. To the HYPERLINK ""Chaldeans, the phases of the moon represented the natural cycle of birth, growth, decay, and death and also set the measurement of their yearly calendar. Among the pantheon of Mesopotamian gods, Nanna was supreme, because he was the source of fertility for crops, herds, and families. Prayers and offerings were offered to the moon to invoke its blessing.

When God called Abraham (then called Abram) in HYPERLINK "http:// 12.1" \n _blankGenesis 12:1, He told Abraham to leave his country, his kindred, and his father’s house. Everything familiar was to be left behind, and that included his religion. We do not know what Abraham knew about the true God at that point, but it is likely that he had received some instruction from his father, as each generation passed down their history to the next. As a worshiper of other gods, Abraham must have been surprised to receive a direct revelation from Yahweh. The moon god and other deities were distant objects of worship, and they did not personally interact with men. Abraham obeyed God’s call, and, when he arrived in the land of Canaan, he built an altar to Yahweh at ( HYPERLINK "http:// 12.7" \n _blankGenesis 12:7). The text indicates that God’s appearance to Abraham was a deciding factor in his choosing to worship Him. HYPERLINK " 11.8" \n _blankHebrews 11:8 says that Abraham’s departure from Ur was an example of faith in action. Prophecy point: The Land of Israel is a physical inheritance to the Jewish nation plus blessing and cursing to their allies and enemies.

V 1-3. This passage has been wonderfully fulfilled throughout history. Even during the dispersion. Those who were cruel to the Jewish nation, even if being used by God came to a grim end. Eqypt was completely devastated. The Babylonian empire was utterly overthrown and the Medes and Persian kings took over. Also those nations that helped Israel was equally blessed ie Cyrus of Persia

Genesis 13. The separation of Abraham and Lot.

Prophecy point. V14-18 The possession of the land is promised forever. The promise is unchageable. As the seed of Abraham was to exist before God forever, so Canaan was to be its everlasting possession. Here we have the literal seed and spiritual seed. Israel is both an earthly reality and a heavenly one. There is a Jerusalem (Revelation 21) and a Zion (Hebrews 12:22) in heaven, there is rd also both upon the earth. And in the 3 age we have another Jerusalem and likely another Zion. So the promise to Abraham is both for his natural descendants and his spiritual All those who believe in Jesus. Our nd rd Home is the Jerusalem in the 2 age ( Millennial age ) and the 3 ( New heaven and Earth age) age. This completes the Lord's prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 This is where the two kingdoms parallel. The heavenly Jerusalem and Mount Zion with God on the throne align with Jesus being sat upon the nd throne in Mount Zion in Jerusalem in our natural realm in the 2 age. Then we have the Kingdom of God on the earth as it is in heaven.

Genesis 14. War of the kings. Sodom and Gomorrah plundered. Lot and family kidnapped. Abraham rescues them and gets back the loot of Sodom. Here Melchizedek from Salem. ie Jerusalem blesses Abraham.

Who is Melchizedek?? what of the name Melchizedek? We discover some inspiring and fascinating clues by turning to a HYPERLINK " lang=eng"Bible or Hebrew dictionary. We first find Melchiah, meaning “Jehovah is king.” This is from the Hebrew word 'Melech' meaning king. We then find Zadok, meaning “just” or “righteous.” This comes from the Hebrew word Tsaddiq. Thus, our study has identified the very roots from which Melchizedek, “king of righteousness,” He was also the King of Salem. Salem being Jerusalem being the city of peace. So Mechizedek is the King of righteousness and the King of peace and King of the city of peace.. All these titles are attributed to Jesus. This is a powerful type of Christ. Some even think he was Jesus, but this is unlikely as this priest appears as though he were known of in the land. For more info read Hebrews 6:20 and 7:1-28

Genesis 15. God promises Abraham a son. Very important chapter. V1. The Word of the Lord appeared. V4, V6 he believed in the Lord and it was credited to him as he got saved. He believed in Jesus who is the word of the Lord. For more info on this please request notes on the Memra and Devar of God by Chris Wickland.

Genesis 16. Sarai and Hagar. Sarai's jealousy of Hagar. Genesis 17. The sign of the covenant..Circumcision. Faith came first not circumcision. God takes a letter of His Name and gives it to Abraham. YHWH. Now called Father of many nations. Sarai had her name also changed with a letter from God's sacred Name. Now called Sarah. Abraham and Sarah a type of Jesus and the Bride. Abraham the father of faith of the nations..Gentiles. And Sarah the bride of Christ, and Sarah symbolises the Patriarchal mother of Christ and the mother of the church. See Revelation 12:1-5. To understand this mother represents Israel see Genesis 37:9-11. To understand biblical prophecy you need to find the first place an image is mentioned in scripture and see what the given interpretation is so when the image is repeated elsewhere in scripture you can easily figure out what it means. Remember scripture is it's own interpreter. We do not get to spiritualise texts just because they do not make sense to us because of our lack of understanding of scripture. If there is a question which the scriptures give, then they will always give the answer. One just needs to be patient in finding that answer. Not all truths are easily found. Sometimes one must study and dig.

Genesis 18. Birth of Isaac promised and the three angels. One of those angels is YHWH in human form. The Angel of the LORD. Lit. Hebrew is 'Angel YHWH' not 'Angel of YHWH' YHWH discloses the impending doom of Sodom and Gomorrah. As long as Christians are upon the earth God will NOT judge the earth like this again until we are gone before the Day of the LORD. God would not have destroyed Sodom for the sake of 10 righteous people.

Genesis 19. The destruction of Sodom and Lot's rescue by the two angels. Lots's two daughters had intercourse with their father and gave birth to children who would become the Moabites and the Ammonites. Remember that Ruth was a Moabitess. God will use the mess of our families and redeem good from them and to them.

Genesis 20. Abraham in Negev. Lied about his wife. Abimelech took her into his harem. Sarah was well in her 90s so she obviously looked good for her age. Genesis 21. Finally Isaac is born. Sarah turns against Hagar. Genesis 22. The offering of Isaac on Mt Moriah. The same place where Jesus was crucified. Prophecy point. See v 15-18. This prophecy has never been realised, except in some extent in the first appearing of Messiah. It awaits its future and literal fulfillment during the nd 2 age.

Genesis 23. Sarah dies. Genesis 24. Abraham tells his servant to go to Padan-Aram to find a bride for Isaac. Isaac marries Rebekah.

Prophecy point. Isaac is taken here as a type of Bridegroom ( Christ ) who goes out to meet and receive his bride the church. ( 1 Thessalonians 4:14-16 ). The servant here is a type for the Holy Spirit bringing the bride to the meeting with the bridegroom.

Genesis 25. Abraham dies. V16 The 12 princes of Ishamael's line. This important to note. Soon we see the 12 tribes of Israel and from that line the Messiah will come. From the line of Ishamael comes 12 tribes and possibly the False Messiah. Biblical prophecy is all set in the middle east. Not Britain or America or Russia! Isaac has two sons. Jacob and Edom. Edom sells out his birthright. END OF THE ABRAHAMIC PERIOD.

ISAAC/JACOB PERIOD. Genesis 26. Isaac moves and settles in Gerar (southern central Israel). Issues with digging wells. V 3,4,23,24 The Abrahamic covenant is again confirmed.

Genesis 27. Jacob deceives his Father. However prophetically Jacob now has the birthright a fact which Isaac knew. What Jacob did was wrong, yet his mother knew that God had chosen Jacob not Esua to be the stronger nation. See Gen 25:23 Genesis 28 Jacob is sent away to Paddan-aram. Jacob's ladder dream V 13-14. Abrahamic covenant again confirmed to Jacob.

Genesis 29 Jacob meets Rachel. Laban's treachery...The 2 brides. Genesis 30 The sons of Jacob and God's blessing upon him. Genesis 31 Jacob secretly leaves for Canaan. Get's caught and a covenant is made with Laban Genesis 32 Jacob's fear of Esau. Jacob wrestles a man This 'man' is commonly understood to be Jesus. Even OT writers knew this 'man' to be a supernatural being..see 12:4 This all happened in (House of God). It doesnt take much detective work to see what is being revealed here. The Angel of God (Jesus) appearing in the house of God (Bethel). Jacob gets a new name. Jacob meaning supplanter to Israel. Isra'el meaning prince of God and he who wrestles with God.

Genesis 33 Jacob meets Esau. Genesis 34 Dinah's defilement and the treachery of Jacob's sons. Genesis 35 God tells Jacob to move to Bethel and is given a new name. Israel.. V 9-12 The Abrahamic covenant again confirmed to Jacob.

Genesis 36 Family line of Esau


Genesis 37 Joseph's dreams and the plot to do away with him. Genesis 38 Judah and Tamar. Included in the family tree of Jesus. Genesis 39 Joseph in Potiphar's house. Joseph's imprisionment. Genesis 40 Joseph interprets 2 dreams. Cup bearer and the Baker. Genesis 41 Pharaoh's dreams. Joseph interprets. Joseph becomes Prime Minister of Egypt. Joseph gets married and has children. Prophecy point. Joseph a type of Christ. The suffering servant, A ruling leader, and a Gentile bride.

Genesis 42 Joseph's brothers go to Egypt. Simeon is held hostage. Genesis 43 Joseph's brothers return again to Egypt with . Genesis 44 Joseph tests his brothers. Genesis 45 Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers. Genesis 46 Jacob and the people of Israel go to Egypt to live. Genesis 47 Jacob and his family settle in Goshen. The famin ravishes Egypt. Genesis 48 Jacob's final days. Genesis 49 Jacob's blessing over his sons. Genesis 50 Jacob/Israel dies and is buried at Machpelah. Years later Joseph dies.