The Belarusian Identity and the Problem of Democracy National Identity As a Necessity for Democracy
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Issue 2 (32), 2013 NATIONAL IDENTITY AS A NECESSITY FOR DEMOCRACY In the whole context of the Belarusian issue, Belarusian identity: strong layer of Sovietism, the question of national identity is sometimes supported by the government and a huge cul- forgotten. Sociological researches show that 75 tural and political influence of Russia. Showing percent of Belarusians geopolitically gravitate the link between identity and democratization Andrei Kazakevich, PhD in po- towards Russia, 80 percent do not see Russia as the author shows that de-Sovietization and de- litical science, Director, Institute the foreign state and only one fifth of them in Russification of Belarus culture and politics are of Political Studies (Minsk, Be- cultural terms see Russia as “the other”. Thus, the necessary. larus) Senior Research Fellow, main question arises – what are the main rea- Vytautas Magnus University sons for this situation? Most experts argue that The second article by Vadim Vileita also links (Kaunas, Lithuania) Editor in this is the achievement of the regime because the process of democratization to the identity chief, Journal of Political Studies Lukashenka successfully managed to transform issue. However, the author argues that popular “Political Sphere”, Web: www. the quite weak Belarusian national identity into division between pro-European and pro-Russian a constructed post-Soviet pseudo-identity sub- Belarusians does not show the whole picture. stitute. But is it really just so? He uses the concept of “threefold identity” and Vadim Vileita is a Lithuanian briefly describes all of them: ethno-centristic, and Belarusian political scien- In the first article Andrei Kazakevich tries to soviet and pragmatic Belarusians. The alliance of tist, journalist and interpreter/ show that the problem of identity in Belarus is the latter two has been ruling the country since translator. Born in Hrodna, not unique in the CEE region if one agreed that the beginning of the regime. So we may only Belarus, he moved to Lithuania the identity as such is not a constant. However, speculate if the current minority with a strong in the age of 15, studied in the the influence of the regime makes the Belarus national identity will grow or shrink in the near Institute of International Rela- case different from the others. Author states future and what will it mean to the future of Be- tions and Political Science of that there are two main factors in the issue of larus. Vilnius University and graduat- Vytautas Keršanskas, Editor ed cum laude, having defended his thesis on the Belarusian state identity. Mr Vileita is a founder of Belarus Watch, a Belarusian- Lithuanian NGO in Vilnius. THE BELARUSIAN IDENTITY AND THE PROBLEM OF DEMOCRACY Andrei Kazakevich provide grounds for multiple interpretations, with often mutually exclusive conclusions. Rath- In discussions about the problems of democracy, er than an exception, the situation in Belarus is many theorists frequently refer to the concept actually a prominent illustration of how stereo- of identity and its influence on societal develop- types and short-term political goals influence CONTENTS ment, with considerable amount of approaches the identity problems. 1 and theories available in this field. Despite a NATIONAL IDENTITY AS A significant revaluation of the key terms and cat- Stereotypes are really abundant in this sphere. NECESSITY FOR DEMOCRACY egories during the last century, as nearly-racial Peculiarities of the Belarusian identity and its concepts of the “national spirit” and “mentality” implications for the political development are 1 have been replaced by flexible and construct- mentioned by a majority of authors; however, THE BELARUSIAN IDENTITY AND ible ideas of “identity”, the issue of measuring they end up with antipodal explanations. To THE PROBLEM OF DEMOCRACY impacts of cultural and historical factors on the complicate the situation even more, discussions 4 political development is persisting. are frequently dominated by a mixture of re- THE IDENTITY OF THE search findings, ideological writings, opinions Given the potential of identity discussions for of individuals and extravagancies of some intel- BELARUSIAN STATE: A NEver- rapid politicization and integration into politi- lectuals, something often resulting in comic situ- ENDING PROCESS? cal strategies, even examination of simple cases ations. 1 Issue 2 (32), 2013 E.g., it came into fashion in mid-2000s to dis- and even Lithuania (the integration of the Pol- cuss “the nonexistence of the Belarusian nation” ish minority), the heterogeneity of the Belaru- Any sociological research, in the Belarusian public space. This discussion sian case is neither unique, nor radical. including the population was used by different actors for different goals, census, has never proved with Belarusian intellectuals seeking to find a The core of the subject the idea of the “non-ex- new topic for theoretical provocation / contem- istent” Belarusian nation; plation, political forces trying to mobilize their Coming back to the issue of the link between the on the contrary, they doc- supporters or call for action, while pro-Russian identity and the political development in Belar- umented a sustainable players picked up the idea to prove the point- us, one cannot find strong arguments for a lack growth of the Belarusian lessness of the Belarusian statehood. However, it of a consolidated nation as a reason behind the was no-one’s objective to reflect the actual situ- dictatorship. It is true that some identity prob- identity. ation in the country. Any sociological research, lems exist. However, rather than a lack, com- including the population census, has never pleteness or consolidation of the identity, which proved the idea of the “non-existent” Belarusian is, in our opinion, not an issue since long ago, nation; on the contrary, they documented a sus- these are the problems of the identity content tainable growth of the Belarusian identity. and meanings. The problem is that, constantly re-vitalized, stimulated and promoted by the Ironically, some foreign researchers believed authorities, certain aspects of the identity are these extravagancies actually meant business, playing against the democratic and European took them seriously and reproduced in their trends. In most cases, it is done by the govern- publications. One should admit that Belarus is ment on purpose. not a well-known country for English-speaking scholars, leaving lots of unrestricted space for The history offers numerous ways to manipu- speculations and inventions. However, they are late identities. It is also true that the history of often groundless, especially if we approach Be- any nation contains both democratic and non- larus in the comparative perspective of the re- democratic elements. What are the elements of gion of the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). the identity that play against the democratiza- tion in Belarus? There are two major problems Discussions on the “incomplete”, “non-consol- behind it: first, a very strong layer of Sovietism idated” and “fragmentary” Belarusian national which is being supported and cultivated by the identity are taking the same track, with the Belarusian government since mid-90s (and also abovementioned reasons often used as an ex- by Russia, since 2000s); second, the factor of the planation of the authoritarian model and the cultural and political influence of Russia, some- rejection of democracy. Naturally, accuracy of thing that neutralizes the main motivation for concepts is crucial for the discussion. What is democratization in our region: the Eurointegra- “incomplete”? If by this we mean an ongoing tion and the geopolitical balancing. alteration of the concept of their history and national culture, then this is typical for all the These aspects are what really makes Belarus CEE nations. Almost all nations here have rein- very different from other countries; the above- terpreted their national identity during the last mentioned specific features can also serve a twenty years in a certain degree, as the political ground for a long-standing Belarusian authori- elements were strengthened and the ethnic ones tarianism. downplayed. The identity was re-articulated sig- nificantly in Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovakia, Contrary to the majority of the neighboring Ukraine, Moldova, etc. Belarus is by far not an states, the historic and identity policies of the exception on this background. Moreover, it is Belarusian government were positive rather also common for the ‘old’ nations to readdress than critical about the heritage of the USSR/ their identities, especially as a result of changing BSSR. Significant funds and administrative ef- attitudes towards minorities and migrants, suf- forts have been and are still invested in it. fice it to recall the changing image of a ‘French- man” since the World War II. The main elements of the Soviet heritage that oppose the democratic trends are: 1) mistrust The heterogeneity of the Belarusian identity, in democratic procedures, elections and politi- e.g., in terms of the “Soviet” vs. “nation-cen- cal competition; 2) the justification of the state tered” understanding of the history and cul- domination in a range of spheres; 3) suspicious ture, is far from being exceptional. First, such / hostile attitude towards the West. a heterogeneity is, in a way, normal; the un- derstanding of the ‘U.S.’ by a white Republican Elections were a formality rather than a mecha- and an African American Democrat can differ nism of government change in Soviet times. The radically, too. Second, the distance between the concept is very much in line with the interests of competing identities is a way shorter in Belarus the existing authoritarian system which is doing than, e.g., in Ukraine. Given the difficulties of everything to uphold it. It goes together with a shaping the political nation in Latvia, Estonia, lack of transparency in politics, centralization 2 Issue 2 (32), 2013 and tough treatment of political rivals. It is also sia is maintaining control over the mainstream a persistent strategy of the authorities to outline mass culture and information flows in Belarus.