Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 142 4th International Conference on Education, Language, Art and Inter-cultural Communication (ICELAIC 2017) Shaiva-Siddhanta (Philosophy of Shaivism) and Its Social Aspect Elena Anikeeva Peoples‘ Friendship University of Russia 6 Miklukho-Maklaya St., Moscow, 117198, Russia
[email protected] Abstract—Shaiva-siddhanta – a profound and elaborated vedanta had fashioning the orthodox Hindus viewpoint, Religious and Philosophical Hindus system that emerged in which is as a rule, represented by higher Brahmins. To the South India (Tamil Nadu). Shaiva-siddhanta got the contrary, many democratic tendencies appeared on the ambiguous status in orthodox Hinduism because of socio-caste agenda under the cover of one or another theistic outlook, e.g. structure rooted in medieval India and ethno-cultural bhakti and Shaiva-siddhanta. Lower Varna‘s authors – dispositions between Indian South and Indian North. Social shudras and untouchables created some of siddhantin sources. problems put their indelible marks on development and status Shaiva-siddhanta was not included in the list of orthodox of Shaiva-siddhanta: it is not included in the list of orthodox Hindus astika Philosophical systems/darshanas. The cause of Hindus astika Philosophical systems/darshanas. Many of social conflict lies in pretention of Brahmins to dominate siddhantin authors belonged to shudras and untouchables; totally over the sphere of teaching and learning. Social Meykandar, the author of one of the sources of this system “Sivajnanabodha” was learned shudra. “Sivajnanabodha” as a inequality indicated Shaiva-siddhanta and determined its high sophisticated treatise of Indian theistic tradition (Icvara- ambiguous status in Hinduism. Up to now, we observe vada) resembles some opuses of Nyaya darshana especially in social-caste conflicts, discrimination and related ethno- argumentation in favor of God’s (Icvara’s, Hara’s) existing.