Om Ranker's Creator Om Ranker's Creator
Disha Second Issue April –– May’ 2014 – Om Ranker’s Creator OM RANKER’S CREATOR, SCO 371-373, 4 TH FLOOR, SEC 34A, CHANDIGARH. CONTACT: 78140-110278140-11022,2, 78143-11022 Page 11 Disha Second Issue April –– May’ 2014 – Om Ranker’s Creator DISHA 2014 SECOND ISSUE (APRIL - MAY) PREFACE 3 PICK OF THE MONTH 44 INTERNATIONAL 6 NATIONAL 10 ECONOMY 16 CORPORATE 21 ECOLOGY & ENVIRONMENT 26 SPORTS 29 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 32 NEWS CAPSULE 34 Person Appointed 36 Person Resigned 37 Person Died 37 Awards | Honours 38 Books & Author 40 Miscellaneous 40 OM RANKER’S CREATOR, SCO 371-373, 4 TH FLOOR, SEC 34A, CHANDIGARH. CONTACT: 78140-110278140-11022,2, 78143-11022 Page 22 Disha Second Issue April –– May’ 2014 – Om Ranker’s Creator DISHA SECOND ISSUE PREFACE The SECOND ISSUE of DISHA has been designed to provide latest updates of events that occurred in the months from APRIL TO MAY 2014. This ISSUE covers each and every important happening of the month that made news and carries any probability of being asked in different types of competitive exams like IAS, PCS, SSC, Banking, LIC, Railway and all others. The happening in the sections like International (bilateral and India’s relation with the world), National, Economy, Science and Technology, Environment and Ecology, Corporate, State, Sports, Important Personalities, Books and Authors, Awards and Honours, Important Dates, Reports and Surveys and more all are covered in detail. Representation of verified facts and figures along with fine-tuned analysis makes the events easy to understand and perceive. The aspaspirantsirants of competiticompetitiveve exams will definitely be benefitted by the content of the eBook.
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