hindustantimes.com MUMBAI/METRO f@hindustantimes t@httweets i@hindustantimes l@hindustantimes n VOL. XVII NO. 100 n PRICE ₹4.00 n 12 PAGES + 2 PAGES OF HT CITY (FOR MUMBAI ONLY). AREA SPECIFIC PAGES EXTRA. Thursday, April 29, 2021 INDIA NOW HAS + MORE THAN Over 10 million 18 sign THREE MILLION Maha decides on ACTIVE CASES + NEW DELHI: Active cases of Cov- free vax for 18 id-19 infection in India crossed 3 million (3,084,797) on Wednes- up; no slots for jabs yet day, with the burgeoning sec- Surendra P Gangan ond wave of cases showing no
[email protected] Rhythma Kaul and signs of abating as the already Maha lockdown set to Deeksha Bhardwaj creaky health care infrastruc- MUMBAI: The Maharashtra gov- ture in the country buckled ernment announced on Wednes-
[email protected] under the public health crisis. day that no beneficiary in the age be extended to May 15 NEW DELHI: A little over 10 mil- On Wednesday, India group of 18-44 years will need to lion people signed up on the People complained that the government’s breached its own record of new pay for their vaccine shot if they Faisal Malik the lockdown was discussed Co-Win platform in roughly six 2.7 million cases, adding 379,423 infections take it at a government-run vac- in the state cabinet meeting 11.6 Co-WIN platform crashed just minutes after
[email protected] hours after it began accepting registrations opened. The issue was resolved in a day – the highest daily tally cination centre, but the drive is and all the ministers were of People signed up after 4 pm on Wednesday, o, registrations from those in the within half-an-hour, but the website saw for any country since the pan- unlikely to start from May 1, the MUMBAI: The Maharashtra the view that it should be when registrations for Phase 3 of the heavy traffic throughout the day.