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LIFE & ART QUALITY SMACK: THE FOLLOW-UP ALBUM REVIEWS 1 VIDEO GAME REVIEWS RED GROOMS AT THE LOWE LYRICS I CALENDAR I NEWS BRIEFS THE MIAMI TOOAY Drycleaner comes Laat day ot daaawa! Pick up 2004 regalia 9 HURRICANE Need a break before finals The Dor t forgetto pick up your cap and gown tor t^Mflment of Multicultural Student Affairs Cornmwicwrient 2003 t^ni-Mates pallcipatlng to StormSurge Cafe FOUNOEO 1927 Canes Night Live, Hecht Residential College. m the upcoming fit 2003 ct*arnbiried undergrid P, The University Center a ptaaasdto announc e ••• tememt etm tt rs* Hurricane Productions BACCHUS and uafa and graduaa ceremonies may ptck up their a new service for students and the UM communi Haa ttt fame Miiainenar GAMMA invites you to join them in celebrat­ cap and gown a tte lappa Career Center m the ty "Go Orange and Green Ctoaners", located near t mam te* • —mitm iwvayiqpivi MterteCNef ing the LAST OAY OF CLASS with the Rnato UC on Dec 15 from 8 30 am to 6 30 pm, Dec the StormSurge Cate, provides dry clesntng and PoMlOfl Robert DuBord Reeta Enioy free food from around the 16 trom 8 30 amto 5 00 p.nv. and Dec. 17 from fok) -and-wash laundry services. If you are 830 am to 530 p m Regrtt mtt not be datrtb- world as -ive* as camtvai rides games and a pnaaad for ttme, just drop off your dothes one uted on oawiiancament day For more tntorma DJ on the rock "starting at 6 p m There will day and pick them up the neat The UC wetomes cal 306-284 5451 Student f-hould arrive ttw new adriftonto ou r facHrty' be a KAOS Sht*rwcata at 8 p.m. on the UC .a Graduaa Ine up ant at the (Evocation Stage as well as a st*wwtng of the movie Otd Cantor one hour pnor to the start of mets care ScYtoofat 11 pm mony. For more information, visit Book Club kicks off c*»W HXTORS Stop by the Ral as Hurricane Productions a-wwrntani adUf-rornmeixemant The book dub is back! Are you taking for Malt Urmoiaaor _i •*_, Mi *> • • J aaafj !"•• •IHI Caataalaaaaj tt aaafc I ill mtt some reading Material to antortain you over presents ate Beat or wastry r-naey oetween CMfaaraj break? Then pick up your oopy of tra first book 4pm and 8 p m Doni mas your datnce to dub book of fla Canter for Woman's and Mans wottrt EDrTrja PsttTtX) HXTOt** enjoy a mechancal bul. akbnafh t-sfwts and a UBS announces Bal bticaa Oem Eppoao 1 Resources (formerfy the Women's Resource dunk tank along with food and dm* spectato •kL a-f _„ - a. - . a -. -a —I ..I, -a, Amm. aAmmS I lam aaVaa. alS aaaaaaataar tra tarato start pannm, tor tne unnao nac* Canter, so now you men have no excuse not to Celebrate the end of the semester at the Rat* Sludants 2004 f-toyat Hatftoge Bal ta "Ms au feel wefcome!) The first book aMTrveTrtrndi SATURDAY DECEMBER 6 Bayou* at 8 pm on ftb 26 at Hie Mami Airport Admrturss ot IMa Npwton by Jane SmHey Manx* Ttokets are $20 and are can be pur Books wW bs dat*dbuted bsglnning Dec 5 m room UC 236 and wW be avertable unM Dec 10 The Nupas of Kappa Alpha Psi ftatemtty chased from an event representative or m the UBSoTftceurrfWDec 15 fteadtog dates are over the break, and the din- preaant their end of the semester casino tw/rjacusaton wM be held Jan. 27 at 6 p.m at a crutee Tickets are $25 For more •ntormatwn location TBA A $5 cost at sign-up includes the or to purchase Ockets contact Chris Clark at Last call for Ibis price of the book, as waM as lha dinner If you cant maw thto one, make aura you catch the 305-240-6844 Orgvwatjon photos for thttoa yearbook wai fa taken tor*i!aliatarietfawaekofJan26 wr- -.MVH .- t-if spring' The Hammond Butler Inspirational Concert through Jan 30 from 8 45 p rr. to 11 p.m Ptaaai Choir presents that; Fai 2003 Concert •' contact Tiffany at ifjitedttori*r**»x)tmaiKa)m to pm at the First United MeiJiodist Church of i an appointmenttor your organ-azstton South Miami located on the corner -of Ranee de Leon and Red Road Tickets are $5 hx stu dents and $8 for non--***udeots and are avail­ able at the door For more information contact i a tern mm veawra far i mmm icc*»Jyahoo ajm — a-nmemmtmm0mm*, impaammmmm IlillelaidistiwaiMfftteSeMStlf ntwtmtltwmrmtitMimMam HDJXV -mlimni DECEMBER 8 ANO DECEMBER 9 rmprat mmmm ima—mtt tm c%w*mcs*mrmtt*-mMM Finals are ttpproaching, wheh tor most ~mmtm aka a nw ma-mam am msam m 1 means high streas ff you are feeling over 1 MMFl OiraSt fsaWR 77' av^i-nix"* ivrf** VXKJ' studies iM ***••? A« tee ix-Tret "-WJCY Center. Streas mformarbon as wes* aa a iaaa- 111 ^BftaflBaaacaaaa a .•>«• taHaaaa. .aaajH aWaW aa. t a *ts m I ea Wl as, ^low-Out Weekeni/ imtm jrwmrmtftrrt saga atarapMi wntcn wm oe a valiants wmitmrt tt rsmmsjrxarw jetmr, W tm mtMa between 12 and 2 p m for $1 per minute For Chanukah Party @ Cafe Tu Tu Tango imtaammmm mmmmemma* more tntormatton, contact 305-284-6524 m «-araMk*>oa*Mr»Ca«iaa*asFis SJi?a (Meat at Hillel to Carpool at 830pm) mn cjmmv'.mtmppeemmspriMXximatmS mmm FRIDAY DECEMBER 12 Thursday, December 4th at 9-11 pm *e*mtm MM t am e t-t mama e mt i v-ear an) yw m icn» mttet ot Comedy wHI be holding a ive •(JOS 7»4 7Di| tanino of its hwarav Comedv Show at 8 Hjf-Jfi : aat ets* -noi p.m. The show wi feature studant comedians N* aor« .wi-aa-M a iktl * „. . — _ - • — a, - .. _ . JC —a ,,-c, J ,, mm OKXd laamii ai MMM Trom UM Anyone treenssteo at ansnang tne taping should be st Studio C m the "AWtaon Final Shabbat of the Semester Bulking between Sand 515p.m And Free Gourmet Kosher Dinner Friday, December 5th at 6:15pm £%*, JANUARY 20- JANUikR Y 26

can JBS MSA and the Toppal Career Havdalah and S'mores by the Lake Cental m tha weeklong commernoratJon of (bwhind Hecht and Stanford) aha ife and accompHahnianta ot Rav. Dr Marin Lutttar Nno, Jr. The week i-^ere with Saturday, December 6th at 7pm a Jazz t^teceptton featuring one of UM's own (Meat at Hillel 6:45 pm student bands aid ends with the MSA Breradast with plenty of fun in ber/reen So Bagel Brunch mark your calendan and ba ready to lump II latrai •• a Ma • n a.l-1, tmm 11 aii • i a jian ». - -I a*-Aaaaa-ajaa-aj Sunday, December 7* at 12pm ngnt mo the ceraoraoora wnen acnooi scans Watch Dolphins game at 1 pm In spnng For more tt-tfonnatton art-tact Myrtarrt For More Info Call 305-665-6948 ext 15 • •• 2* pat Bten-Aime at m or Jason Starr at JfflavrOmr-ami edu www.mlamlhillet.rjrg

THE MIAMI HURRICANC Decemper 5. 2003 CIA leak discussed at School of Communication Role of journalists among topics discussed

By Horacio Sierra 'asms mum ihe ( IA .•;

lournalists • whethet the ral |am*t Ki the imphcat

lournalism prolessor Isil their irdingnaho md invited tr MllIV whom included NW IS se* nt Ike Seamans told the panel that NHt nn tht mam Heme -•• Watimigtoti Roy Manuel King l-ran/ia, and K wa\ but M ik hell chose noi n it •UCIOSlfRRA The pant Seamans agreed with Mitchell thai the School ot ( omm itjuet reveal the name and that it was DRIP DRIP: Guest panelists discuss this summer s CiA leak and the role of journalists and ot the I rm is ihat the -.shite House want- ethics m the media lenlli hegan th •. summa; someone With this Mfuex i -\ leak that began when newspaper colum is claim ihat hu column n ence the n -hat art in place in ihshed a column on I. a deliberate leak bs the Wh * discredit a Mintledenu When the lournalis: red "There f in a government th.i married to retired diplom.i' "Repn' smart, we have to be that ihere was nn .n the tl :ncr had publ. /ed ("resident ' >if intiirmaiion news media about publ n his Mate nt ttn menting on the number ai ne* tl that lit did, Renn commented that ihere was a big li iddam Hussein totr/ght to purchase I begm with il informa difference in the -oners ha- mation regarding the guvcrnmeni in I He.. a partisan turor erupted in the Beltway about In • n,ng i-ran/ia mked to the audi thanks to the state's liberal' Sunshine' i.iw and H Venezuelan community seeks to recall President Chavez A first hand account of the Reafirmazo initiative

By Patricia Ma/ypi I weeks agr the eli etl thai Eueia would not be This counted l'< • •,•••- mm iiii. if'i*"

ups seeking tht spend thr

• ' It a iieia world, itxhiding eight in i>u mi thoi.t lunteeml gnt up earl had decided tu hn pre sin II in marches imi pnitests in endlcM followed the same process as in parmcia nu/m nn in the pant, moat were AGIOS HUGO Vene/uian volunteers collect signatures at petition-signing center on Bnkell undau natures, that would be validated and sent I last Saturday 2 4 million signatures are needed to initiate a recall We were meeting to carrv nut the first step in •nmenlal organ recalling ii nore than 2 4 million flaaiiiiraiu, such as the Carta (aaaa, to be count- showing ul what waa rctrerred lo by ma- howe*. that then* has been a I -endum must be ed or al least included aa a sign of protest. •paganda thai the news reports that showed hundreds of I worked all day on S , old heidi. iher (havezshouid leave the •juvernmei ig to manv fn sign wi- and"sabo- eting new ones, talking about what it is •mes after months of i. the film was | the gwtrnment "ome and remaining • stoppayea In lev ing the goal ol removing the •t whal has dent thmugh peact-iul and dem. uu reallv happened ir 11 •! populariti I wa* *.' gathered in Honda whether or nol there will be a referendum thi .romiaea hase ma been kepi •nig the word out and trving io change whal Ihe Miami Hurricane w t- Venezuei. Msidered as the erroneous * that m end* in 2iMks. but it the petition paaaes mates were that around I many people outside Venezuela and i ha»e/ loses the reterendum, electHins could government Oaa woman was trying to . gathered ahi fmtrhiu at to stand outside the < ostord < inema to protesl iht t have/ and other members nt the government. •wwimimhawiii mumi edu

5.2003 THI "MIAMI HURRICANE Haws 3 mmi]

No matter where you bought lh IIS m Weil buy Ihem back.* Stop in and play Y\*r*Hr. 4ft

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4 Maws THE tmsAMt HURmCANE December 5 2003 Plenty of USED & NEW BOOKS

HOtCY WARAtN GUIDING LIGHTS. CAMERA, ACTION: UM Finalist Holly Warren poses with Ricky still available Paul Goldm who stars as Gus on CBS s soap opera "Guiding Light" at UM's own a finalist in soap opera casting call Holly Warren performed live on CBS "Celebrating our 50th Anniversary!" By Jaclyn Lisenby were screaming and I couldn't slop laugh ing for some reason It was reallv exciting," Warren said Whi" .ding I ight" soap opera ** a profes- Fast, personalizedservice Rob Decina came to .d on Broa.' '• waa tent i All books fully guaranteed c* 100% returnable en knew it might he her chai*, Jay on Open now d year-round for book buyback ind Alan ! the - director ut public relation- ame •* gave her a chance to see na to audition over a hun­ Hi It* t*\ t T '•*!t i St, vaiil dred voung (vein he was ner I leges in late S "I've never watched a soap opera BOOK Ked eight to come back for a screen test with iiuniing urged me to go to the Light's current •>* •;npus I remember when i •more i-nglish mi vounger I used to say that I would never be Warren, who had done lhe theater b on a soap opera because I though! New & Used camera work, got called back to do i were pre!* reading on camera with actor Martv t ings can change when vou get the actual oppor tun said "I've .iiwavs Across from UM on S. Dixie Hwy. (US-1) "We tried the college casting idea out in thought television would be tun, but I'm April with As The World turns', locher more of the comedv tvpe rather than the said. "The actors really enioved working dramatic soap opera I next to Burger King and Starbucks with the students Thev rarelv get to do any Warren auditioned b*. performing a live work, and thev enioved coaching and -i Paul doldin, who plavs 305-665-6161 g advice" d to trv it again with "He was so laid back and a ng Light" wnh He went over the script with B sov 4, they announced aa mans times as I needed and made mc feel "Ihe Ur two finalists tmm each •i< triable ."Warren said i Decina was looking at college students Happy Holidays! held with strong characteristics thai coukl add Warren found out she was a finalist while watching TV that morning -nominates lumped on me and GUIDING LIGHT Decemoer 5 2003 THE MIAMI HUfiRlCANt ftows 5 New United Nations club hosts mock conference Club to attend ••pace lor debatr. tn help other* develop fmm my peer*, whose different the Ml'N competitions has been ference, the biggest conference in the bene aiimmunication and leadership grounds allow them to tackle issues in through the political science depart 1 I and am "i 'he biggest MUN inter national competi SBafBSa* I ah.l. different wavs." Brenda Monies, tresh ment. which, tor the past two years, ha. national evenls Other officer* of the dub a, man and tirst time ML'N participant, been lending a team to the New *Wr want to do well in competit tion in April t of peoplr don't even know how said conference I cbdvarna said "Wr want to get th thr L N work*," Fedenco ( uadra. sesrr "This is a verv good Hep toward the Manv students at UM havr partid name out there" By Megha Qarg tars ot UM MI'S dub. said "W'rrc here creation of a culture d discussion pated in MLS in the past. Approximately -MMM) students are to show prople its role in the world," among students about global issues.' One student, who participated in expected to participate in the five das One of the primarv goals ot the dub "sngulo, gradualr student in Latin Ml S in Tamania, is very enthusiastic conference, with competitors from all student* at I '• , •', the i* to participate ai a team in the numer American studies, said "Thr moit about the new Ml'N team at L'M over the world opportunitv to debate current interna­ ow Ml'N competitions held throughout important thing is that voungrt students "This is really great news." Nmn "VVe wanl lo create prestige for UM. tional issurs am' the L.S in which delegates trom univer- continue Ml'N and represent I Aggarwal. freshman, said "I noi to show everyone that we are a force fa • countries that national competitions" level ML'N u going to be so great" be reckoned with,"(uadra said "A lot ot • campu* The event wa» boated arr pan of the M While n has nol been established Thi ha* the support of people know that I'M is a top tootbal! bv thr new IM Model I'nited Nationi During the recent conference at I'M. until now on this campus. Umk I the umbrella organ nation for school, but what people don't realize is ra pro- compatimri debated over weapons of teams are vm prevalent at ihr high international clubs, as well a* the that we are also a top International mole awareness for and embrace the mast . and the rolr of illegal school and university levels, both Political Science and International Studies school" caiue. .'t thr I "* - in latin Marks The* attempt­ nationally and internationally Studies departments lor more information aboul I M •rding to Andrea Echavarna. ed to create resolution* to lolve some Florida Internationa | and The dub hopes to bring in speakers email miamimun((hotma*iLcraai there controversial problem* Participant* in Harvard I'mvrrsity arr among thr on various international topics, and thev or visit krrr Building Ut waa pwtOMah; no ofantzation provid dit cwafawsa included Kasoned schools that have highly rnogmred rncouraaeanyoni ing awareIKM for the I N on a ampus. petitor* ai weli as mans new | ams In Ar rtitivr (tart can be reached at "Wr want to provide an academic "Thu it M great opportunitv to learn Thus far. I Ms onlv involvrmrnt in team of I * students to the New York con meartdumsis miamiedu. THE POO FROM ION IPANEMA tXJJ'

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Oacamber 5 200.3 THf MIAMI HURRICANE NEWS 7 f «.rn

iome energy lo the show. it a shot," Warren said."The worst I could do is nut "1 think what vim have to have in a situation get it and I wasn't expecting much out of it at tht* like this, ihat is an open call, is vou've got to let time" personality come out" Ikcma said "If you Warren says she made several valuable con nes •ji about what you're passionate ahout, tunic thnuighout the experience and L'M siuden:- I think that s great, too. I think people tn telt will see her on TV sooner or later and people like mt* in 'king to put per- "I've been in touch with a few of the prm!: ihle people on u • and directors that I worked with up i "Personality, charm and passion th and other plans could be in the works," Warren good things to look t. said "I'm sure a lot more k to come Irom this Viewers tor the tw ihev whole auditioning process." y lCtN thought would he best on the show The viewers "I'm not sure when you'll be seeing me on tele °*'y ouhada p,LOrs l- chose the two students from the Iniverv vision, but hopefully there won't be anvim Georgia, who will appear on the show in the sum auditions to get me there," Warren said. \ though Holly did non "The best thing anv voung person aspiring to •Shoot the rapids or shoot for par From fishing in she did well and feh good about her : bean * -rsaid mance "If you love it. continue to get as much training a*. the Bahamas to sailing off Martinique There is more "The pi jp against were all really tal­ •'le" to life when you re licensed to fly Give us a call ented, but what this competition reallv was about lor imw, Warren is content to do iust that. She We can make your dream come true!. what getling as man*. Varren plans to finish her studies and continue improving said. "I know now that I should have campaigned her acting skills. Sightseeing FligHts a lot tn "I'm taking a lot out ot this expenence and Aerial Photography Actor Mar' ngth waiting for the next thing to MM along." Warren •isr- just showing up is a said. "Of course it's a hummer that I didn't win this Gift Certificate's - Student Loans good thing because it shows that you have the will role and couldn't take another trip back up to Ne** power and the guts I . like this," ty, but I've put myself out there and got the Warre; guts to do an audition on a nationwide live televi Warren almost didn't go to the audition at all, ASW sLjUVCT JLlXpTESS silver express com hut now is glad she did. •und out about the audition from some laclyn lisenby con be coatecled et Lhttaay Celebnttitty 20 ift'iir*. us Miami'*. # / I tight School la I thought, you know, what the hell. Ill give tfumuimi edu.

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THE MIAMI WMRICANE OK«mtwr 5 2003 HURRICANE HEALTHWATCH Driving problems can be avoided by following some simple tips Basic precautions t mav be safer, easier an exit Signal your intent If vou don't know how to repair have spfaial "call for help- orul cheaper to fly home However, it vers behind you If it's necessary to phone* In Honda, dialing ,FHI could prove beneficial you are graduating and truly need change lanes, watch vour mirrors and help Doni flag down oth- connect vou with the Florida Highway ir. it is beat to have a reputable Ihn- -«ly iust raise vour hoc-d and tie something Patrol Dear Hurricane, mechanic provide j safety check Once vou pull off to the side, make white to the radio antenna or hang it It's dangerous to walk on an inter including the radiator, tires. I sure other dl see vour out a window to indicate . i dally dunng inclement I'll be driving home to upstair complete fluid check, and tune-up placing reflrctivr triangles behind perator th wrath. New York after final*. I et'% face il, I driving anv a,ir that makt vour car. igniting flares, and using need help - havr a clunker. I've been having a little worried emergency flashers or hazard t stand behind or next fa some car troubles lately and I am a I nfortunately breakdowns and flat lights Obviously, you may need to pur vehicle If the car is in the roadwav, ing Keep as far fnwr- little worried I mav run into prob ihe triangles and flares ' stand awav trom the vehicle aad ble and walk on the right side ot the lems as 1 drive home. Do you have rip tor help to a road** attempt * suggestions for studrnts driving al your ior the tnangM mull! home for the holidays' should situations arise while dn and emergencv car kits at retailers •iside the . • contact IM Public Safety at Sincerely, ving home, consider the following including Scars, Discount Auto Parts cellular *." Concerned Driver and IM for help Ii someonesi Ifcrsto Maa. At the first sign ol car trouble. When you have a flat tire, change help, open tl sine. Dear l oncerned Driver, gradually take your foot off the the tire, as you normally would, iust he them to call ihe police ••wart • Do not brake hard or audi sure vou are not .h for a uniformed police offi The first quest Km you need lo ask (arefullv work | is the Hetore you travel. ma> . have • other emergi >nnei tian yourself ic hos* iHitssjry is il tor sun town lane or the side of the rood and spare tire with the patrol a! - in trim hunii Sifter weighing the an interstate trv to reach appropriate air pressure in vour trunk

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tuaaaiaX moinmmmm. Wm HA eam ms* *m M«» •> •aa aaaaaMaaa tm* aaa .an aaaa I

5 2003 TMt MIAMI HURWCANtE 9 EDITORIAL BXTORIAL LFTITRS TO THE EDITOR txr. 11/21 column, 'IntrrnatKirul Solidarity ,\f»w* -sotidartti Movement. them - aUid emharra**roeni lo our u. • Her die organifatinn thai thr speaker* rt-prrsarni-rd is in •ppori* the I'N pu* Hith ii un Muslim ciudenlc I .. l no wav supporting terrorist orgam/.r tha Palestinians can delcnd thrmsehrs in lime* of it it hu bigoted wordc which endorse hate, prnfiliag, the land .• Mami. allied wnh then wirking to to you, hrta*. and anyone eis> and I il Mmlim* and * .ti.imhc' 11 Man-dan) •tmggte for Palminu' tnt matntd by h» libei. I would repeat a phrav Americani The i -.m need* lo ind an end .>n I Thev i utilize the November 21 article "The goal nl peace in the beachieveii iftracTttern .dent, direst action method* ol MaiatM i last,the i i fslmrand Israel living aa welt at IUH idr bomben than iu*t about anvwhrre front aid diaicnji illegal Israeli side hv ckii in har mom and equal in does not stand lattya Aouimo i Renn. suphomorr at thr be a' Rr. 11 21 I diior iaJ,'*Sun*Jmg up for the ft column, "InlernatHWal Solklaritt Supporter ol lenrinam, UM"

re apf-aailt-sJ bv thr unaeha ed lhal the . mton nf the wall i* to isolate me of comremional or gurnl' l TMC| the urban area*, prednde the estaNishmint illegal prevn intigiKKii Mettinian state and lead to a de thr Internal KWU M-^IIII. •Hi netriemcTitr. m tb< The mtM«(wnm Rank Nith line o! the mam c i :he*tata»nS borden The laiirr lopn u included in Road Map io Peace Rafcef the purpose am to iHut- popular -itac-aaaaWi and rt«|uired within mm ivpe* of Mitibm* and Arabs lha ihey perpetuate In ta human rights vioiaiiom being ptrpetrafcd ncuia, whereai lhe farmer a eenMdrKd a marginal a letter m ThoiMM Fradaan. Metum Mandela, the M building ol a wall thai separate* Pateaintafi iiaur h i» oah tt^prnptmtt: dial rtuiiewi improve the tanners from ttvir land and the umaiuctioB of laarJIiifa Sa-iiwiiae cm our campai by prrjaridangaii wrote,"PairalUMaaa aat aat Mrugghrig for a 'Makr' but roaratendi* that tmotk Patetttniani froa trivviiaf npportunitv to learn aNmt a *tdr thai would other tor lrerdc«m. Iibetatiari and et*uaia*. -uu like we were Hithmihc WrMBank wtae aol hr diicuawd urugglmg ior ireedom m South Altuj"*" h**rry I he t?»M speaker made a ar-mpdhng caar for why A ijunk eiamma!Kin ol the Bt cause has it» radicai t-lememt whoae actiocu will Iwarli pwiiiaiiraiiii daunt tha thr conn*ru-rtiau of SiaihtTaent tiom r>crmon 31K3, fetrrad o« ItMr wei>- •*ww hi drtract mm thr !^ati»iacyc^t*wc«i»e VH, this waH » purely fc-aaed on security need* -Aoold be «m irvcai thai thi* » an i-aynirainii fotuied our p*s aa Mudrnti and -ournalut* w to loc* bevrtrvd vnrwed with ikrpticiim A wail swWy iMended on on bringing imernatictcal attention to thr hrutai the surface and oppose imu-iticr whetever it may be •ahieidiitf ihr Israeli pop-atlatson fmm terror ut attacks the Israeli tKcupatKifi thnmKh nonviolent mena. tound •'ett Mf oriftinaiinri in thr ("wuptrd farriMin would br built I here it abioluief v no ev tctcn. e lo uafprvt thai ! along the internaiKsnairy reo»gni*rd bordr in any way connected to irrnsriit 1-a-paimwwi and Amnnri /nterifatMNMa, Mami. Israel, a* specified in I'N* resoi.. "hich Twaadnw. daim that thu aqpmuaiiait * 'in* OA in gn a ml marked the horders of lhe lararii Matt prior le the bem an deWroytiig lhe nation of liraeT i* pan it ular •B • Mmpttw . nft.icsimm'*) mw li-uatatsa-d. thr speaker indkaicii. thti wall cut• cleep red lhal the iwerwiHinalh re* ' ss., urs*titm'mmmmmt.htiml i rtory The i mmedtate effort i* thai ogniaeci rignt cat Pateatinian* toicwtlhr f-aaeitiiuan tarmen arr icparaad from then Isradi army dtaMgh armed rruaunce iitcfode land and da* their livrlilvxid Thr i vac of nuK-ade hetabtagi agaiaai drfteiaifrt- for t f* . didate * Rr. 11/18 artacfc,*^lii**kli f-hepfocgreceriejon at ihi Henr'i a riddle for you Whaf happens when ynu Inatead of writ ing ahout why some people on the ten in the . : •• V»nl •art a bunch of freak* (hat know Sow to read and paper art upaet that they loat their tub* the* thouU have a higher caliber of writing the A pain in the neck lor ignorant 'muni. have written thing* thai the itudenti dthe un, • ' the paper. With run on senicncea, maior gram I'm a treshman. and in be truthful, until last Tuesday tv actually carr about (-rom the two newspapers that mat tea' errors, and articles print., I never picked up the whool newtpaper. There arr I have read, almost half the artide* have oflrndcd ferent name*, what is the point ol having an editor X rue afce maw re-a-*mi for this fact for one tfcirag tht aaarjpa- iarer*a*nrrdoirajfiww*ay.Whrt' ng-audeni anywav" I'm not claiming lo be a "autirnaliiai expen prr doe.n*t contain anvthing aside from the aporti government or catting the people at Tsckatmaaler (I mean I'm iuit a rtupid fmhman. majoring in i ipmionc mean n , :.-nr wnh lection thai interest* lhe general body of thw Khooi freak*, they manage to put down M»rneooe hang a busine**!. but I am prettv scire thai it is the ednor'i ihrm Whatem happener! to movie and concert -*virwsf pre law itudent. I have learned ahout the con job lo check thai sort of thing. In my opinion, an rdi We'n The other reason why I dtdn I read „ wai confirmed tion and I'm a firm believer of abiolan f*-eedom of for chaagr may make thu newspaper mort mtovebSe • on iurnJay when I actually decided te read it. The speech (which i* coaltwwrtial in rtsehi Hiwever. to rrad aad n might also aarak** n better than my high interests with nr articles are poorly re-searched and in MMM caie* are when writing for a sctsool noaspaprr. I would think Kbnoi't paper make, great thing-, hay, i the tar from thr truth, like thr C store article I unfortu you have the paper's integrity to preierve Hurricane, ri­ nateiy had to rripood to on Fridav Ac for the artick*, Hi tad when the artu les -am se hool r be greater

It Edtaxtai THE NNAMi HUKRICANE December 5. 2003 OPINION Sixth-Year Seniors: the college experience is different Speak|p Aa a sixth year senior aboul to gradu­ up hash of the mom iust being there. Iii those ot you still in school I ree I had to learn the hard way about tak ate in lietember, I find myselt becnming •an and 140 c redits iater I'm ommend that you enjoy it while you can ing education for granted Some academ nostalgic about mv time here at tbe traSy to get out of here and take on the Your four years, or in my case six years k and financial problems meant that I What tip do you htm I Universitv <>t Miami I real wurki This last semester Inr me has will gn by fast and the more yeta tecum had to withdraw from I'M and attend for edtom (tudoiila on _<•***•• started LM in the fall been great, from going on the (ategorv ** plish by getting involved on campus the tor one semester Being a I-! Q how to Wmtsivm nfkaar fsm\m d ttt/l tad tarn trip tn lallahassee io watching the t'anes better you will teel at graduation The realty nude appreciate the qualm of edu "A^ riented many changes heat Honda State in the pouring rain and I'liiversiiy ol Miami is a first dass insti cation and on campus lite ihat you have ^H. that have taken place having pitchers at the Rat, there's always tutton that requires its students to get here a* ^m\. here over the years. something going on involved in campus hie I uoking tor jobs hrtunaieh I was able to be readmit ; incoming When I started at I M the football and working nn resumes is -*irnething ted here to I'M and finish my degree vhmen manuring in team hard a ktsing nrcnrd, now the we all have to do so take the time whik* here I would like to pervmallv lhank ENHaD - Hunicanes have a NatKmal vs HI are in school to find out what you (-atherme 1 ong, mv professors, and the ( hampiunship and respect acnn* the like to do and where your sti-engths and •mmunication for their help of rm coik-gr experience Snw I live off country. The campus la • :if*fcr- MaaMMMM and support I ena>urage the rest i' and I'm maioring in h*urnalam. • ;ut (.ommuokaiun I pnihabh* learned more outside of stuck- e long, partv hard, and MAH WEINTRAU8 is a lot more fun than the Husineaa wasn't built yet and the Wellness Onier the classnioni than inside and the -represent I'M to the fullest It's been a Junior KM and living in the fahnehiain they was brand new .Nov. the campus looks vou build for vourseif in college hdpa to .de! rt dorm rooms. Mv freshmen ww like a giant outdoor Starbucks with those determine the tvpe of person vou 11 be < ki con be eamatmd jseCtsay^xrts^rYrtfcttys. minute was so Ng he praetnails took green tables and chairs .-"-/erywheie when you graduate. Hitnsr. ^tmfhmit*rmttnimd. i urn. miKy-uCmn-mtywnt-t ravel and survival tips for your next European excursion tumtmscfmi" 1 ta we enter the holiday seaaon. within the bowe - still trying lo find out who '• THI. 1 wanted to thoughts ot prixrastinationdandog Will vou Mavbe he's French ah, but I digresa. moment to wish Sam Lockhart.op through our heads, it might iust be time _. I find "a tastv meat Back on vour tour, it will be impor editor kit the last war, a sat- hciav trip a holidav dtffk here breath tant to consider a few dining tips he prepares to travel to Fngland for a sabbatical as it were hir this column I '•»>*• I leaaly awaiting Number one, Kidney Pie isn't realh semester of study. It has been a *.. have decided to discuss some verv *f" I your arnval? made out of kidneys nor are there rewarding experience w riling for the important items to keep in mind when w- M But fret Uiepherds in Shepherd's Pie This mav opinion section under vour stewardship traveling to Furope, in this case to the I not. mvsterv leave you with a completely new way of and while I expect the section to ERIN FARMER shorts of jolly at Fngland (just whal is looking at ( ottage Cheese, bul that remain the vibrant arena of ideas it Sopnornore an"Eng."anywja scon -*•• can't be helped -"-ind while you're at it became under vnur leadership it will WACH0LT7 **"• "H1 ,our still not be quite the same in vour *Emalot^Cm*MXomB' You leave mir campus behii •*——*-*———— ondon ynu would please find out how an Fnglish muffin what will surely be a thrilling and do well to remember what Shaw said so becomes a (rumpet Is it iust the fact absence I hope your studies in Fngland memorable trip to a foreign land long ago, that "Fngland and America that the mm leaks out of the bottom ut are every bit as prosperous as you hi >pe. funai I vou then- countries separated by a com the (rumpet or is it that a (rump, and I look forward to your return in the it be as much tun and adventurous aa mon language "You probably won't iust a rich snoot v muffin? Something mil then, hasta luego my fnend the wurne*. understand anv thing anvi.- to ponder nn the flight over. >tt Wacholtz can be, .'ntactedat rt irraarares that know, I saw it on"Ihe Full Monty" I'm "end so as we approach the end of emmmltdmmmatmmti M STATE OF THE UNION By Alex Tsatsoulis

ar um unrwi mf -MA. tm*tm-~i* KATIE "AWO Junior Don't mm all your work until ecna oacaum tnat SVCMS We apologize that you couldn't read the text in the last State of the Union in the AS LONG AS -Ml IS 11/25 issue of the snu w cma *•> i tort HmtrkeWe. If you'd like to um to wm to co* - read tt, ptease visit all of *ftj TVINK MM mis x* t-vtdtai Alex's old comics and some mu snu nm ones too at wwwdes- Xm .UH hnedfortKrlhingMm.

^„ • amm a a-aaaaakaaam aaaWa-kaakaa aal ^ —a aa. ft re* SWl of -n* UNION/ tmmy from tnose oarneo SB epSl CCMicS

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5 2003 THE HIIRRIC/U** Life t Art 13 FEATURE

By Ambar Horrtandoz

Ihi. is hase il uuv haicc happsiH 1 ...let

t. (KII oi • illcry is iii' iiilishciiVss IN lt»*w ick.i tlk Kulvll I Jin littk Mn* HahiiKi liU he take, .ill the stulU okl IH • HMK in hi-1 t ad^h ,i s-nikkt inhere tall vntini hi being sauu aktimlch Kvoiniiifa* a iiksre | \4m.t "I nose ui«4eTc[jikl irtat then u a Ut oi •.•* lUr^s-ul 1*1.1, tKi citk li'4Ul.i*l Mi|H*ail 1 -- l*a,- Why Ui lor .1 sp.ia! ishm I (uu ,*u nU>t in h iikJ I c4ii fatalaiMci iK re waR he, 1' Alll'

0*QO Sinari s photos trow

14 Lift & Art TH€ MIAMI HURRICANE Oec»rnfr*r 5 ?003 \N ANN&JgSffiBs- nraaa- „*^W*** **___*, cinftriatwe ami _^rJr^=^ flfl

^a bind ra .»« P****

b ,^f hir«•H nl- *an"d •***a-*k** i.*», i, ""coun^t MI rJeevr *s V U c.,.,,1 Pull UP " ' . s,,U\\,lt •"^n\n"-r.hrMn,s*^ ••T' , .-a, van. aan^ QlMGUnU^ ASHTRAY 0 1 a-fts^r-sif-is .cawen" ^ _ SW ^mttT^o Airiest T he -» baatP*** *n lyhaa- aaa ^J32 WW MIS

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S^»»a*Ir*t*raa**a,at* Hcy**^La v. .-.- -Srisons fn »* ^ ««*... WCK JAM-IS ' itJaee^*" •.\_7aSm.-m " v. do*^^^^w «*r •***»*• u Vmt- m Q% ncarini*, | " ^Sf^ufnCollectiorr •** a_-.*.^araaa of -wan «** A tha. TTjh^ *,**<0^e^ V0U 1 -.., nut of k nit yo* " m m^m mmW <&< ***** f fb- aflaf-M « d« ^ c^k aa ..•>'" ^.WM mtt m-m™**

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Dacambar 5 2003 THE MIAMI HURRICANE Lite A Art 15 During Reading Days & Final Exams Spend the day! Spend the night! jf At th.. Otto G. Richter Library.

The Libran's facult) and stall arc pleased to announce that Wfjy pay rent when you can oum? to Provost (tlaser's ongoing support, Learn bo*** you oui buy a lion**- while j net id in i: * olle~gc, urhrr we are providing expanded studv space during Finals. rlun payui-ti i; in to M.IUCIMIC cl** lit min Uni*vrmi X i Miami area KMI i tl tv*i\t vou wirh the ilctaii huyin*,;, v 'ftty. This semester, Richter's 2"" floor, as well as the V floor, will be lh ( A\\ for free information and a last of available properties open 'round the clock from Saturdav, December 6 at 9 a.m. in convcninii arras including Coral Cahla *, ( ... ..nm through Thursdav. December 18,h at 1 a.m. * .1 * Miidaii aad Vnitli Bcadi ('•iiiiaai Shawna McKr-adrick real estate ni

Sltiv.1. i MiKrndiicic Realtoi A uld think

•it ysould c-leci io attend card.* and debit cards are a. potion* that vc . .-ncd traffic sehool Statistics shove thai online Students that it • mo-- . speeding onls 10 **• ol the people avho • • for ntudcnu to lean at then aara pace, while enabling them lo lake . enlisted • card ai any of the IJ IMMI military j>. nanual labor advantage of ihe henefit* ofTercd a -hort increments by .ine kmsks located thnsugb- - ' . logging in ami oui a* manv times oul the Slate of f lorida 11 Western 1 •\ vers high percentage of students Publu Supcnnark cannot i*,-em to find the lime There are 7 chapter* in the 4 hour convemene been supi .se itricn, each t tcrm-ki c:-.' interest) to attend traditional ist to h.i having a multiple nd true sing inur-sev sshich *ere cier.lgncd school* for these yyho slants to invest hmg hours lis ACADEMY or false qui/ However siudenis tcning to boring lecture* or watch it»i nol have to pass a chapter qui/ •/•-ww trafficAcariamy com ing repei ii onnnuc with the course / fHII Ptets h-Ml-IIIIMI

'Keep your eyes open for ads. coupons, giveaways, and other cool stuff from The Student Authority in upcoming editions of The Miami Hurricane ...Have a fun and safe Winter Break!!! it Ufa & Art TNE MIAMI HUHRICAMf LYRICS/AESTHETIC

STRANGERS ABOUND jy Omar Sommereyns

Tension attack and interweaving veins will implode then SNAP, no, no, perhaps it will be slow, enduring CRACKS, then they will explode and you gather the pieces to try and make a durable cohesion, the self is at its end, breakages delineating its functional system, pesty rodents drumming away in cacophonous legions AH! Settle down, we need not be feeble, the heart must not stop and chase off all the evil, dark stares and nauseating glares, get me out of here, I need some air, yes, yes, somehow, out there, I'll walk on stomping, heart and soul gushing out and longing, body littered on the ground in a place unfound, just longing for nothing else but love for life itself where strangers ibound.


SMACK from page 13 no matter what The //.. .ind will always be a matte' tion and righttullv admited a < inter ion. and si* .** • • -off memhc ' ami //urn.aim* j bit of hip gusto 'tainment" section has been called in the •en years (Re: Come look at our est) on reelection day Why Student developing defined cultural ta-- • * , • • sav, the "Detour-- archives) it hat rarely focused on "camp -nment should have anv sav |since thr included, and . >? TimrAmmfdord UE Nerd a sample article ing" lust two vears ac .>p 10' paper reports on this organization) in the edito­ members on the Board ot • ever Knew About the rf 10 albums, reviews of endless Have rial positions here is. once again, beyond us normals in Student Government seem to know . mg," How about a sampii Matt!- and rather la But. alright Sd Who exactly is the avera*.-. a damn thing tk ulism new 0(1 Was amiine noticed that all of our narratives like "How to del to I Part student' Do s-ou hase a secret survev that "*** severe eth IVA are bullshit ..?" Fight" Imagine Fntertainmcti: *• ntten students here have a problem with Life A Art' crared monkevs-with-Ebola vatur- My g. 'iilar to mans regular newspa- dense MI, that is what the studei mgac d like The Rapture or The -eaderships. the average I'M student does a Hotmail accea want -oubtt'ul. Is that what the ux out live months after we did, they simply not read The Miami Hurricane, but after consid­ ask Board members wh elect ering the flow of online hits, the totai student siitf want- Well, subtract that naughts ooikge located in a to- feedback we ha*. and a general obser word, make this section i little after paper f culture read like a broadsheet vat ion of the pick up rate on campus, reader­ I (heck l'p On' Bat, throw of blah stuck in TV-land ship - ramaticai . In other news. | iimp student and facultv quotes in there semester Furthc 310 V" rvus, Me- ond a hat same article could probably run times Which leads me into the latter complaint about Life A Art are never sent via 1 etier to the Vear. .are. right next to a pixilat psst I - coming ft *>ern- >unts which arc ment, or specifically thr one Board member allv listed in each issue Hur enson ••itutcd lor News edi­ Huntlaedehotrtic

Decamtwr 5 2003 THE MIAMI HURRICANE Lite *. Art 17 ART REVIEW

a apa. mmmm mmmm e-mm Jf****** ra J| By Sarah Giuati LfaAAieM

F There's something to he said for the spontaneity of -Jirtching Red (inxims. a matotrnd artist fmm Nashy ille, coukl havt been LEE FROM like that kid in sour clave hack in high school who woukl ckioiile all das and create works of an that could range tnirn comical I of maattrpwas to carkature like scenes ol" our a we're talking about jutt a mere skeuher tm i.vfwu trom the (miphic W*rtk is now on DARK DAYS d-ap-Uv at the lerner Art Museum. and it is one uf the most ant ul and inventis-e rrtnispesiive* the campus space has sho-Mcaacd And journey into the vivid, semester. Some uf these pieces air small ixxasionalJy miniaturr gems graphic world of Red Grooms depkiing women on a hakrim/ or even Mount Fuji, while ixfie-r* aie large prints, showing everything from the chaotic streets ol • Manhattan to sensible, thouf*b humw-ous portraits ral admired felow arttstt audi as Pkatao *mdWUI»^de'*si"*inin-^'*N'hajred 'hat are masterful slighrb cartoorush pi fven moir, his work reflects a particular time and place ostalgu runs rampant thniughout the show in such a way that nu fed right there with (,nx»ms as he was bringing them I It s es-aptsm at its best /PRIOO BR€AH 04 PftCHPGE/ Red Oteem 'nm the Ctraphk r\bri is a the Ixiwe AIR * HOJTl package prices >suarting tt •iloa) IH on campas. through lanuary >MONTEGOBAY $709 18. (lall 305-2*4-1535 km more into > CANCUN $719 Wi*>i Uiasti can be teuihed at Tthirtkxrtstwlcom > NEGRIL $739 Jackson in Action' > ACAPULCO $779 APOLOGY > AND MORE! in the Fnday, Nov 21, edition of The Miami tions. one of which was hypothetic fatone iM the-^ aa-tara a •waftva Km. aSaaaj aa—l mn..laaaaia laaal msttep*ma,.mmi——m*m* *—em*m peram. aMaa-a-t Humcane m pu^isfied four photographs by Al Crespo tions revetj-edto M r Creipo the existence of any dispute and aftarad another wfttiout hie parmisaton Thaaa behvaen that nevvspaper and tha administration of the errors araaa after The Hurricane received Wa panniaaion urtvarafty. Mr. Creapo did not offer or intend to offer any Univsartatg oP Mmrni (305) 264.1044 to puhfafi different photographs m a cNflerent context opinion regarding the un-^ersfty Mr Creapo's responses 100 Whitlaan Urwaraio^ Ctr and rmaunderstood the terms of the! permteaton were more detailed and complex man the r-ubNshed la. airtrlHifi n II, • • '- , all a nl a il hu ll, • „«nll.-,n ****carpts, and, out of context they may have created the m aooroon, tne trews renecreo oy mt aection incorrect impression that he was Involved in or support­ • at cl"| c*ai•• «>• 'a»a*'""l • accompanying the photographs and regarding the www.3Cacravel.cor*n K7J1 TRAVEL 1 In i • a-ti trnt Jli»aM. ammm* **-——— amt 9 Am f+rai • ai r »**•- ing students In a cttapute with the administrBtion The unwerarry of merei are not tnoae or Mr ueapo. taa editors regret these errors and arwtoglM to Mr tospo Mr. Creapo to respond to certain specific ques-

Ufa A Art IM MIAMI HU«RICAr**f ttttdtm I ?003 Own for less than the cost of renting! UNISEX HAIR FASHION 13811 South Dixie Hwy Miami Florida - in the Apollo Pla/a Tues - Sat.. 9am to 7pm - Call (305) 255-0453 for appointment WALK-INS WELCOME! HAIR SERVICES NAIL SERVICES Men's Haircut $10 Majeure $10 Full Permanents Waves $45 Pedicure $15 Set& Dry $15 French Manicure $12 Full Color $35 French Pedicure $17 Full Highlights Foil $45 WAXING Spiral Permanent Wave $65 Eyebrows $7 Women's Haircut $15 Mustache $7 GROVE BOOn 2/2's AT $199,900 Women's Blow Dry $15 Underarms $14 French Braid $17 Live next to the Ritz-Carlton in the "Heart ofthe Grove." Full Legs $30 Roots Touch $15 Walking distance to Cocowalk and the Metrorail. Low maintenance, Full Arms $15 Full Highlights Cap $35 walk-in closets, washers/dryers, secure parking. 2756 Day Ave. Bikini Wax $15 Hair Relaxer ISO FRANK MAZZOTTI 305.450.0034 MEN'S Full Body $105 ACRYLIC NAILS Al Isted prices are stating * Full Set $20 Ml ItM.I INS I I i 11 Refills .^ $15 AJVI INK \ "v. DUI \ M Air Brusf $5 Merag* Institute Fellows Program

the Univ it«- up to thita lent* toi Vtm Merage Institute fellow* Program 1 wilt lie eligible for StO.OOO fk d .ends per yeai foi two year*, a-avanled by the Mi'uqf Instilute Applications and letter* ot nmendation must be submitted rso later than December 17. 200 I

lent* apply fin) tiff the lellow-v Program mu be imi- unfed eithei have bemme a cltiaen a Permanent Reside* en Card) Students who J'«- not yet United Stati am* must i. have finished three lull years of undergraduate wm i. I be year) . Nominees must illusri.i' m solid academic record a clear track record of leader••• a lommltnii'Ht In hard work anrl . creativity mttd initiative fonsisten* •• behasa-ior Nominees must also tellett a clear set ••* and strategies cone emirm a. hia»vtng leadership • ions In one of the following areas ol < om em business cuttine and the ait* science or -education public service Applications mtm available fiom tin- Ofl Mnanital Assistant e 'servues Ad-vis inu • >ed tn Ashe ICS. Applications and letters - ii'iumiiii'iiiUtliin should be returned to the Advislncj Center. Attn: .James M, Han a-, lln.-i tor.

Dacambar 5 2003 THI MIAMI MURRiCANt Lite * Art tt How to Lose Friends and Influence Smeagol: Rockstar Games shotcha and Gollum got finished

hit ww with haseball hats until the blot ck>ts bubblr cult flick lhe Warriors Howsa aikl that big thing tnmi (cmttni ut real thiTHi. fjdkrcndHBeabeei h-angin ac,u An»l is il not damn link' someone lifted the chai game ending monsters. Smeagol (yes. ika (mllum) is total, c mnpleie w ith racial slurs spat al ys mr a fur hast the* hirbo (.rah pn SftLinerhiuse' Word rrtanfed a cxinvki named lames (.ash wh. it loii-rtl in Soilefinitelv rent/cop this and then ci insider gettiag a - Nate lohnson tused freedom run ot violence ..cross ck-Milate land pair nl scissors ami some maga/in. naps* • SR and murder Heavy stuff under .ibk* fan letter ot apprei 11 neath lots ol •."••kstic bag snuffs, .*V-y/i>!«rif w ill tarep wxi Hunter su-j-*hensnn t.-t*jr>,iiuic"klv drnwrning out tb uc with the I heal this game m about .1 we-ek. with the h*lp of •aaaa**, Rick, ma, Aragoen v-v wojsjxd ihose In tad. it this wa* jj lvses tmm Rohan to ttmm lirith and I Mart, then* nit R* •Vkirdetr. using spec ul moves like Ranger Kirv ami ("re MANHUftT deals m games, mn celluloid, so even lime itvaga/ine Bane Disclaimer plaving this induces shameful Console: PS2 will probabh offer thi* warped a trat mi mmt much, -i-cak. Rated: M for Mothers are going to be aurmtrram pmps Ruling the third [nrvm ram-a-sige Anv game that 1* beat abk* in a week or k- outside picketing your house like like Id used to claim the tirst person shmhrr, k s. uncork who sacks at video game* I me i needs wane Michael Jackson s pkissam-ar ft) ••.' lm ,.-*,. linj gr.ij>hicv and .hklk work, mn to ment aw that the evil wi /ani wait a aec- tive concepts until th* i i mrnied. ond. I meat it ha* happened to me)) has • ••&*& •spiking a memnrahle, reoccurnng survnllance cnotn»l of lhe*yantage point, wi VSHI fed like a tlv on the THE LORD OF THE RINGS: camera theme into the (tame plav now and again, the wall inside 'all sitting in .1 dead vulture'* THE RETURN OF THE KING Ami vou taajght G ty was hankmnr. Mw-rtd e->t*kcts « top nt^ wnindtraik hand Console: PS2 te^bmVmmini.ihe newtM evil fmm R* Gaaas wisps thmugh the polluted air likr mkfnight bullets in One morrgnpc bekm-1 go hang myself because I T for: Teenagers and Dungeon Masters plaving that teeth to sidewalk scene in Amtrkttn Libcrtv t ilv And with the i>hective simply being icieil ,i week ot my lite referring to mvself as Htstix .1 are numi fight through heffa chflrrrnt gangs, one wonders what dandolt (the hornir') thr final challenge is killing are no longer going to college c uildle next to a mt* niised pupps exactly R* has up tu very afBueni.wrll taukiml rde-eve that shnvekrd half monkes, Smeagol, whi btw look* harts nn, a gang"!.. for their heas ib awaited update of the 197V gangland like our w-ornens baskrthall coach. • ••££

KEV GKOOMS: SetetXtirtxi' front/ thty Graphu? Work/ Organized & circulated by the Tennessee State Museum, Nashville, TN

November 22, 2003 - January 18, 2004 Museum Hours:

ia i«37 Tues-Wed, Fn-Sat 10 am-5pm; ^Saafa-LatafaaTaLa. •***• — - 1 fffataSC memtmmf rmmtttw% .mmm Thurs noon-7pm; Sun noon-5pm uttx>»a**.and's*wr(0Bt*iV'ai#i, JO _x*4 _* CoMacSron lam art Mutwan !>**ar«*-y olMiaNM oammsimi*. otmmmHmtmm sitiimrtaaMMts mtxnro LOWE ART MUSEUM iiuillin Mt •'!•!

1301 Stanford Drive Low a Arl Muiac-m «9a*a>ift«ni and pro-^rama ara tpornoi-ad r port by TK«s Slot* of flonda, Drvaaois ol Coral Gables, FL 33124 • 30S284-3535 CtdsjtQiAtton it-id •**• Rondo Mt Cosine* erasd w*> Sxa lupporf of M-omcOod* Co-voly Daparfmar.1 of Cs-fuial Mteaa*. thm Cultural A**fon Covmci t-h-a desyor and ffva Mio-TM-Oada fcoord of Coimfy Commranon-ait


life & Art TNE MlaUM HUMKaXNE Oec-jmUer 5 2003 ty itt*wt\. Bet Wttmf ttf qtttm ms%emfm*m teel mtlteeteett,m

tpttt Deea-at** Oaeam- W*tdt»,<

taouaat nutraauA Wnh idiOmSyrtsCrattc lighting and hypnotic projectityns, SOLOS It a dtvdrsm and mysterious mosvttabtd feast shOwtrcasing Warby's talents

mWaJ A **W W Miami Light Project MEMBERS order tickets at: I 576 4350 Non-Members order tickets at O 1.800.' ITIXS or go to www miamilightproject com GET THE BODY YOU WANT

IN JUST 3 MONTHS STUDENT SPECIALS: $35 per session! 9844 SW 12 Street. Miami ll (305) 273-1980 _ Dacarntar 5. 2003 THf MIAMI HURRICANE Ufa A Art 21 Hurricanes possibly headed to 'Canes earn BCS bid with Big East title

By Qwre-n Oroaaman over the i\\ ganu* time tem- ,rt*. whkh was ,n the HH. was the s'oidett that the Hurricanes have won a in oraer tor t* game the \%ti libert*. Hossi, iiu.r.h caaaacariai H| Eaa tak, thn when Miami defeated Virgir needed tii i-vrrciimc a SnstiK reot .V»deg' weather, and Heisman .^n-didatt Thevktoi ti.sburgh can he fittgej*-ck. Thr li •• 'od running all thrrr tests in a dominating VR ' game and a sidlat clefiensive i The dimhrd the Hi*; The running (came lumpstartni the ChampHinship tnr thr lanes ami puts Hum. mth larrett l*ayton thetn in a fits Bowl game The and Tvmnc Moss rushed tor civet 100 HurrKancs will leavr the Rig l~ast ••*. hail a carter hu I'lpKiflstHHir a •w.but on 17 carries ami suited a He will mn he ahle In ckterid their title next .il*.. had the k*"agrst run tt season btrcr-uat ot their move to thi when he scampri. n the third PATIENTLY WAITING: The Hurricanes will have to sit tight . I ast quarter Hi* hacktiek. I, had until Sunday evening when the BCS bowl matchups are announced t hampiottship in a nm imi our senior* 'ushing on 21 carries and have won four in a row," Head scored twi, un the dav. the •cer. mi the evening The deteme hekl I am i oker san'. lanesama^ its on thegmund •i had .ther fug plav* thmugh the italnffarae T\p likeh place the X'anca and three touche* * air as will His -o caird louchdwrrn pau to ni the first ,u mails was six in thr Fed It Orange Bowl II tha hap The araaaa of: the running game Roacoc Parnsh in the third quarter put yank trwer than lieathen gained on (he pen.*, thr senk*-* vs il! have been to all tnur upened up the pasaing tafirs far qurtcr the t anes ahead ] - ssreen pass in the secimd quarter t h-erall. man-* W ** frrwl games, bevoming the badt Br<- V. Herlin, who comptetesl "There WCTT a kit of things v*e wanled I'M I'.ifj:.. ;a. C.IMH.: .M . * ..inlsui i-nhrsenwrclavstiiclri so In addition, thr -se* for \fi vanls with one touch -Iin saul" lhe running badu t-at-Jmse, whkh w-as ovet l-ai vards hefciw i means that the seniors havr won md one inii played tiiminrtniaty and when some -i ason avcragr of 422 7 vards I tt UNDER CENTER: Brock Berlin had theH-i .ic the thing ws-rts key to the success oa delrme wa a solid performance in the whkh include* a national dia longest play trom scrimmage IIK the Amther reason the "lanes were abk* ping larrs l-itzgerald The All Amerkan Hurricanes win over Pittsburgh Overall, the seniors lost onh tour games Hurricanes o-tferae all season and set up "*** was thr great piav of and Heisman (andidate dnl nm have a in their tour seasons 1 MiataA third touchdown when I the defense that intercepti-d Panthers caiih in the lirst half of tlie ganu Thi agamst Pittsburgh wi-atd fmm the one-vard line tt was afao Rod Ruthe-ford three time* pull in thu i marked thr team* tat straight *. the krngest calch or run tor l

FIVE-STEP DROP: Berlin finished the likety kae a lew -unmr* tu fJn Pitt game wtth 195 yards passing

hal game in a Hurrkane unitortn, and

echo ' earh. though earh indkatkms air pointing to Rottr returning for hi-.

ww, the Hurricane* have to piay thr waiting game and watch wh.i pent tn t V 1 W ami I iklahoma befaie their howl plans hevome official The 1 "range Bowl seems to he the like)*, natkm and woukl be a like end for the Hurricane* plavers who will br appearing in their final collegiate game

isirren iirossman can be necheJ m JUBILATION: The Canes may have 1>H<,: I earned another crack at Ohio State

Sports THf MIAMI HURRICANE Det^rnoar S. 2003 vrww "henurricarieonlirie com ^^^^^^!S PWItaFS Mil Nl \\ i PtWmmWinr N*tel froOTFJALL the league office announced Monday Williams led Uniwaralty of Miami tanior Nnabsckar .lonathan the Mtarni detense m the Mum-canes 28-14 win •Mma named to tha Verizon Academic AJt-Amanca at Pfttaburgh The senior knebsckar recorded ream, the College Sports Information Directors ot three sacks for 20 yards while rtnfahlng wtth five _\\rtwica announced Monday A -Ant-team Ven/on tackles tar loss He had nine tackles overall, as ir, 2002 VHma araa named to the team's UM limited the Panthers fo 232 total yards [DENCES—^ .I,.,-i, ..a. a ,11 "• , II,..,,, ••'• TH) •. wmtems anareo vie nonor wnn weat Virginia i VHma S a two-tima Big East Al! Academic ——mam at the Village of Merrick Park Adam Jones t-fonmng beck Brian Leonard wss •Team honorae and waa named to the Provosts named the league's Offensive Player of the Week Rod a 2001, 2002 and 2003 Vilma. who and return spectejat Lance Franer of West , ttie Hurncanas m tackles wtth KM this asa Vlrgina earned the league's Special Teams Ptaysr Where the city meets beautiful living. i a a finalist for the Butkus Award and of the Week honor i started at middle linebacker tor UM the aat Rr-aaty. Unrversity of Mami junior tight and Imagine •rtir|| "it >f v*mr sumpm-m* bom na. He aaa recantty named to the Kenan Wirtstow Ben Troupe of Florida and Kns and into a «r#odd >f exclusive shopping, 12003 dasao"* rational Collage Football Scholar- Wilson of Pittsburgh ani ttw threeftnaHats tor th e wmcfi represents 15 ot the nation's c-ulinary* debj^hts and vibrant city life* nght m 2003 .John Meckey Award honoring college toot- student athletes from all bell'stop hgrt t end the Nassau County Sports the heart of Coral Gables It i»nlv happens here. i of college football Commaston winounced The •arinner of this sea­ vana also is a flnakat for the Dtaddy Trophy son s John Meckey Award wa be announced las tha tnp schofar-atiilefa fn the nation Miami Tueaday. December 9 The 2003 Meckey Award •oa-terawe fineman Josqun Gonzaaz was the wm. wai be presented to the winner at the NCSCs nr ot the Oraddy Award. aM> known as "The Annua Awards ftnrter at the Ctatssu Brand in Academic Heamsn". m 2001 Carte Place. New VtA on April 19 2004 The Vtfrrta aso has earned several academic hon- John Meckey Award was created by the NCSC lors at UM induding Dean's Lot Arthur Ashe under the guidance of board member Don [Scholar AtfKste and the Athletic Director's Honor McPherson. a county netfve and tormer NFL and JROH On the field, he also was a Ftsahmen All Syracuse Untverstty All-Amencan trjuarterback I can by Rwsis com in 2000 WUMintack Mackey also a Nassau County native, a regarded | »cn of the aat three ssesora and was s first- as one of the best athletes to have played the I in BtflEaaseiedlonin200i and 2002 •wetrton of tight end in addition to being an NFL •Viima a studying finance at UM and wM graduate Hal of Famsr. he a aso a Super Bowl winner snd |or time in May, 2004 aaa the first President ofthe NFLPA The John The Residences at the Village of.Merrick Park, Also. Unrnratty of Miami senior linebacker Mackey Award selection committee a composed D J MMiarns was named the Big East of national sportswriters commentators and out- featuring opulent 1, 2 and *? Bedroom Conteretxe's Special Teams Payer ot the Week. I rrtandtag NR payers Rental Residences, starting at $1,62 I

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www mefxjrrKraneoniine com Oecemoer 5 2003 TW MIAMI HURRICANE Sports 3 ^••1

BERLIN'S LATE HEROICS SWAMP FORMER TEAM MILLER WINS COUGAR WINSLOW SAVES THE For almost three quartart, it .rs, an. aa* aa aaaa S4asaaa4 esWaa. i a. , m •! n uaa— aa aa INVITATIONAL DAY AGAINST WEST append TOI TOnurrtcana a Junior gotta Tina MWar. one VIRGINIA mt vw nac swiicn-jc p *mt SaVaa a*t m*m\mmmm\ t t ... a*mtm*mmmmSmSmmmd aB-aiaiCl'allaSVaB-aaB. Facing a fourth-and-13 from soys. Brock rLtortin had thrown a or tne rttaat umarrano atntetaa their own 25-yard line, the Prt.- ' *«tiy interruptions a^j WOMEN'S SOCCER at the University of Miami, fired Hurricanes needed a miracle to lost a tumble m atats-nvsl SHOCKS CONNECTICUT a75onTOfaaiteyo*f*c*he Ftorida lumped out to a 23-po.nt The "i*ioman s soccer team Cougar Claestc to"wi n har flrst i;a>»l , __ ammt. ** •**• *" - - linal : 20- (Wl *" IM ttwd Quarte* puMad off their biggest victory in ma ot TOaaaaon . aimer post­ •M . '* aa*--al— flni-taSla: S*a*STaala«4aaaar 19, Brock Berlin threw a high uvni. a MonoB UsWiifV, proflram hMrxy on September ed a Pirw-round total of 214 faa*j. aa a-* r-| ah aat aSaaa •ftaat-aaatla-aSSaie mtmmm—mtk pass over the mlcWto of TO field 26 by upsetting then No 10 responded py nnoing Kevin (70-49-75) toedg e Notre that appeared to be out of tha UConn 3-1 m their Big East Bstrdfor a 26-yard touc****do*wn Dame's Noriko Nakazaki by reach of tight end Kellen opener The win marked the first to cut tne Canas -to-tart to1 5 three atrokes She was the only tSJ.aa, a. I a—mmm Smtl ^aia.... ms am tmm aka,.. time the Hurncanes ki*ttcked off winaiow. wnxstow aomenow points Beard had a career gama goffer to ftniah under par for aa.jHA .aaaa. ^mmMm—s laS-B.aac jajlaailik mm—mmamm. aa-acar I m W ftem 'pce'v^g mft ths Huatoes and a Top Ten oppo­ the tournament BRADLEY KNOCKS OFF came up wnn TOeaten , nowever, nent. Sophomore Lindsay Yach tm defense forced a thrss and The win wai importan! for TWO TOP 20 PLAYERS and the Canea marched down out on the next Gator posses scored tha first two goals of the Miller because it improved her the field tose t up a 23-yard .ton eton, Frank Gore dove m TO and game and assisted on tha third national ranking to No 4 and AT THE ALL-AMERICAN Peattie field goal with 11 seconds mm. aa* ai aaaaaff aa. n — at .aaaaa-aaaS aaarb *aa-BBa*hataBaa*laak.LaB-ak BrttMy Bi^cher taiited the final aW . ajaa-la — — — -»S— mmmAmmammm "^ *•** ~ — rone tor a ona-yara wucnoown put the Hurncanes at No 7 junior tennis piayer wegai left to give the Humcanes a 22- score aflar the Huskies' Jessica that was set up by a 62-yard overall. Miar won tha Big East Bratfcy enjoyed one of her 20wctory Gjertaen actved to make it a reception by Beard A Ryan title last year and ta a favorite ftnaal performances aa a Winstow ftotshed the game one-goal game i. .... mi.n., ~~,, nr,,r | -, , to do so once again in 2003- Huncane on October 10 when wtth 10 catches tor10 4 yards in Freahrnan goaikaeper Alex iaUTncanaa awai ona posit at 04 she upaat two Top 20 ptayers at his beat eftot of the aaaaon. and Afford had one of her fineet per­ 33-32 wrth ii 08 left mtta tm r-tlyters/TTA A8-Amencan IDs fourth down catch may go formances of the seaaon, dkm- tourti quarter. The Cansa got Championahipa in Pacific down as TObea t Individual piay mg only one goal out of four ths pal back once again and l-raisartw Caitfomia The UCLA of 2003 EL chances The wr had trnproved Gore icored a 12-yard touch- tranafer was ranked No. 34 at tha Canea to 6-4 overaH The clown wtth 1 44 teft in the gama fhe time. to m, •. • m ^m —a , ,, .„, a, nl .hi. ftorrtcanes would end up loamg BradleyttototsdNo I90ea .•! i,*-1 pi tm tmete to Notre Dame m the Big East Sumanth of •Muhington in the comeback Gore finiahsd artth T ial • am • ill ihiladilii n He. a 127 yards rushing tounaBTtant, nraarang tne i Aral round of the consolation Flonda had one last chance at* a 9-9-1 record bracket by a score of 7-5.6-3 to make aometfaxj happen, but in the second mund Bradley froofaiian quattartwck Chris stunt-ad to 5 Chloe Cartotti ttt Leak forced a pass that waa Freano State m straight sets 7- racked off 5y Ai Marshafl, and 5.6-2 the Hurhcane tans began cete- Bradley a a*rpactad to lead Dr-abt-rjawrtorythatwiilbe theHurncar«totheNa*A rantentosrsd forever. Tourr«ment tha spring

THE MIAMI HURRIONC December 5 2003 aVaVA "••*' •ncaneoniine com COMMENCEMENT

•*w •

MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR DECEMBER COMMENCEMENT CEREMONIES! On Thursday, December 18, 2003, commencement ceremonies will be held in the University of Miami Convocation Center.

All graduates will be recognized by name and walk across the stage to be congratulated by the president and their school's dean. No tickets are required—graduates are encouraged to invite family and friends.

UNOCRGRAOUATf AMD GRADUATE CEREMONIES SCHOOI Of LAW CEREMONY CO-MMENCEMENT UP0ATFS ( umhinecl ceremonies for eligible undergraduate I'he School ot I avs will hold it* ciimmrncemrrii ( JII the < ommencement Infoiinc at V)S-2H4-- and graduate student* will hr held on ITiunday, ceremony at 2 p.m on Sunday, December 21. 200*), or visit edu/tommencerncnt for IVtrmbcr 18, 2003, in the (>>nrocarion i'xntct at the Hyatt Regency Morel in aWmown Miami. regular updates on commencement informauoa. at follows: ( omat t thr Vhool of 1 jrm at IOS 2U4 4MI or visit 8:30 AJ*. www law miami edu/graduation School nf Architecture Don't forget to pick up ( nllcgc of Art* and Science* ELIGIBLE STUOCtrrS Item oe} em' School of ( ommunication student* who are scheduled to complete their l and'date* and faculty participating in com­ Sc hool of Education cic-grc-c rrqiiirrmcnti thi* tall may participate in bined uiMkrgraduare and graduatr ceremonies Sc hool of Medic inc (Graduate degrees onfy) nuil rear cpmmcnccment ceremonies For more may pick up their cap and gown at the Toppel I'hillip ind Patricu It-oat information, viait the (Office ofthe Registrar* Career Cento, Whitten Univenity Center, on School ill MUSK Weh page ( the Coral Cable* campus, on Monday, Schooi of Nursing Oecember I S, 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., riotcnitie) School of Marine ACCOMMODATIONS Tueaday, tVcember 16, 8:30 a.m. to "Ti p.m.. and Atmospheric Science Need a place ro way-" For a Uat of South Florida and Wednesday, December 17. 8:30 a.m. to .2-M-ua. aciommtadationi, vuut •*-ww murnumibeacheLt-om V30 p.m. Regalia will not be dratributcd on School of BufimrM Adminut ration or www mianii edti/c onimrnc riin-ni comtnaactmaai day. For more informatioa, College of Engineering call 305-2114-MM

«w* mehurrican-*r->nhne c»m Dacambar 5.2003 THE MIAMI HUfMICANt-. Sports 29 DECEMBER t OPENING OAY


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Sports THf MIAMI HimRICANE > ember anes enjoy Hurricanes refuse to alanced lose against Panthers

By Melissa Taich ii much down time between games. coring in win "They're not |cocky] like thai," she said "I thmk it (the break! •d because number one-the coaches can look at film, num- Douglas Kr-ol! Miami (6-0) took care of cross-town rival Honda • ihe player* can rest a little bit" International H -ti 7*-SB Tuesday night at the Con*.ocation The step-by-step attitude of not getting caught up in wins is Center While FIU is off to its slowest start since the IW) •*tl set- catching on with the rest of the squad. The Miami Hurricane* proved to manv critics Tuesday that they art son, the Hurricanes art enioying their best start in school>. in the Top Ten I think," lames said "We have a lot of : the onr-wm team everyone made them out to be rv talent on the team Wei! just have to take it day by day" The tancs rMbatcd the Stetson Hatters 91 -70 at the Convocation The schools have met 4H ttme*. and Fit ha* come ou* [titer to improve to 3-2 on the season after a disappointing rious in the last thrre contests Miami would have none of it this Melissa Tetch can be reached at meiusattishekmeed torn. kanksgtving in Las Vegas. tune Miami was led by Ro > ho had a game high 'as well as a "It wa* verv important (for us to beat theml,"said senior for­ high) 20 points in 24 minute* and (ruillermo Diaz, who ward Chanivia Broussard "They gpt to talk all the trash the last [-.Hutfd 1° points and 7 nrbounds in 23 minutes off the bench Diaz coupkof years" t come a crowd favorite in the three home games thus far. percent from the field and 44 4 percent from .ige cheer* during one sequence in which hr brought three point range. The Canes converted only 60 percent of their rn a detensivt rebound with one hand, drove down the court and free throw attempt* but held the Panthers to a mere 40.4 percent : a lay-up, but then stole the bail from behind the Stetson guard from the field and 22.2 percent in three pointers Sophomore a lump shot. This is just one esample of the energy that the guard Tarnara lame* led Miami with 23 points, sis rebounds, shman brings to the court when he cnme* off the bench and two blinks Senior forwards Broussard and Shaquarta ') really picked it up and gave us a big boost in the second Wilkins each posted 15 points with Broussard adding four dC< lark said steals, lu ht led the Canes with 10 assists and added ttm blocks. Sophomore Tatjana Marine** "We've got so many offensive added su rebounds off ihe her. weapons. Anybody could have a big Broussard converted a three point play to start the game The 'Canes shot ahead to an "3-0 lead in the first two minute* of plav night any night." 111 wa* heavily penalized in the opening of the half, and heck -ROBERT HUE lers from tbe newly formed li -tudent sad appeared u> take their toll on the opponent*. A combination of •The star of aiommance by Miami and passing errors on the FIL bg and 14 points ia 29 mini side allowed the Hurncanes to retain a large lead throughout the < Cianes'bigman half, entering the locker room ahead ti his reputation wt iade a couple ol adiustments" Stetson In the second half, the tabic* turned and the Hurricanes < ad Coach [>e-i*dW-aughc he (Hut he is in favor of the turn­ hegan making mistakes. McCormick appeared to be haviag ip shot, so we bodied him in that way- trouble as the 1'anther* started to close in, trailing bv a voir of R'ct was the Hurricanes' third leading scorer on a night that I after five minutes. Knight then missed s crucial opportu- I the team haa more depth than peopk think M ikna Tomosa put the Pamhers within 'Wr've got so mart*;/ offensive weapons," Hue said "Am-body could snow they're not supposed fo be this close," Broussard I night any night l vear we have so much heart and we're nfhtiag i shot 52 percent from the field, including 4H percent from 3- together as a team. Wr've been down thai road before and that's i-.nt range. The Canes put up 25 three pointers as Hite led the squad aroad w e don't want to take anv more, having a team back 1 ireys, points and then in the end we're loaing." was a good victory for us." Clark said. "I rhotight it was a team A much needed time out got tbe 'Canes back on thetr feet, ^:< and I feh a lot of peopk contributed" l-M'-a/ever, as they increased the lead with a lame* three-pointer. -iiison iopene d the game on an 8-0 run before Diaz came in and two shots by Broussard. a Met ormick three, and a Hutashi : the Hurricanes to a 15-5 run Stetson cut into a 15-point Wilson lay up Thev slowed down the pace with two minutes .tami lead with an 11 -0 run of their own near the end ot the first half. remaining in order to preserve their lead The Panthers tried to ter being up by seven at the half, the Hurricanes took control of take advantage but were unsuccessful, finding themselves m the second half with Dial and Hue scoring 21 of Miami's behind by 20 points as the final buner sounded. |na! 37 points The win eitendcd the Hurricanes non-s^nfcrence "I think that one of the things that we've Kcomplished so far nr winning ttmk to 22 games. J! we know we havt the abilit*. to* in on theroad, w e k* lion led S«tson with 15 points and III rebound*. Miami had that we can plav a tight game and be successful." said Head on the night compared to only nine for the Hatters Gary Coach Ferne Labati. "*fou know, »e fatal nasi tn huild on that UM had a atmkati four block* and Rodrigue Diahue was a Wr'vegot a lot of growing and a lot ot learning to go through wr •r 4foam di e field with eight points and six rebounds. haven't really arrived Fvrn single day we need to work on get­ tM AH-mi Miami returns to the court Saturday mght a: 30 against cross- ting b< TAKING IT STRONG: Sophomore Tatjana Mannic shoots Florida ItJ-tarnwionaJ at the Cr**m*-*xati0n Center - i faces Florida next Friday at the Convocation Center war a -ctoferid-er during the Huntcanai victory over about overconfidence from her plavers Ftorida International Manmc had six rebounds m the wm

•vww tisttyutrscmmtrtmim txt- Dacamber 5 2003 THE MIAMI r-ajMtKMK Sports 27 THE MIAMI H asm two-thousand and throe FRIDAY, DECEMBER

Canes rebound with ivincing win over Stetson •

till MIAMI IIIII{Ilit:ANI Id HV I Mi. II i II Hurricanes

Women's basketball beats FIU Only •\o remain undefeated at 6 PAGE 27