THE preparation of the (( l\,f0Gillycuddy Papers'' for the press was undertaken by the Editor, at the request of the late l\'1cGiliycuddy, who unhappily did not live to see the completion of the work, ,vhich ,vas originally commenced with a view to their private rather than public circulation. The Manuscripts themselves ,vere of no very ancient date, but ,vere in a sad state of decay and confusion, from the effects of previous neglect. "\Vhen the ,vork of transcrip­ tion ,vas completed, a selection fro1n the entire collection seemed worthy of being p1,.inted, not merely as a volume of Fan1ily Papers-·such as are rarely to be found in Ireland, except among the O'Briens, Butlers, or Fitzgeralds­ but also as affording a valuable and entirely trust,vorthy illustration of the mode in which the estates of an Irish Chieftain ,vere in part preserved to his descendants, notwithstanding their confiscation under the reign of Elizabeth, and in despite of the Act of Settlen1ent and other legal dangers and difficul­ ties to which Irish properties ,vere exposed during subsequent reigns.

The McGillycuddy of Elizabeth's time ,vas an Irish Chieftain, owing allegi~ ance to his imn1ediate lord, the O'Sullivane ]\'1ore., and obeying the Brehon law under which he held his territory. He was bound to follow l}is Superior Chief into the field ,vith a certain contingent of 1ne11, and, like 111ost of the other chieftains of Kerry., ,"flas dra,vn into Yvhat is sometimes called the Desmond "rebellion.," but which, more properlJ speaking was a ,var undertaken by a powerful Irish Chieftain, less perhaps in support of the Roman Catholic religion than in defence of his great estates and the ancient privileges and rights of the Irish clans or septs. a2 • IY PREFACE.

In the Teign of James I., the McGillycuddy gave no trouble to the English Government. To Charles I., Charles II., and James II., the McGillycuddy of the period was undoubtedly loyal, but did not push his devotion to the. last- . named n;ionarch to such an extreme as to prevent his accepting the terms extended under the treaty of ~imerick, in 1691, to the Irish Roman Catholics of the County of Kerry. The McGillycuddies, accordingly, appear to have been loyal subjects of the English Cro-,vn for more than t,vo centuries and a. lialf, during a hundred years of which period the heads of the fa:mjly were Roman Catholics. At a time, like the present, when everything relating to the land settlement of Ireland is of interest to the statesman, it may not be wholly unprofitable to examine, by the light of original docu1nents, the process by which a remnant of the once princely inheritance of a loyal Irish Roman Catholic family was saved from legal destruction.

The thanks of the Editor are offered to John P. Prendergast, Esq., author of the '' Crom,vellian Settlement of Ireland," for the contributions from the Carte Collections, in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, ,vhich appear in the Introductory Men1oir. The Editor ,vishes also to thank Jan1es l\1orrin, Esq., of the Rolls Office, , and John Ribton Garstin, Esq., ir.R.I.A., for valuable assistance. For the pedigTee of the 1\f cGillycudcly family deduced from the earlier times to the end of the sixteenth century, the Editor is indebted to William nI. Hennessy, Esq., )LR.I.A., Editor of the ." Chronicon Scotorum." To the Rev. C. P. Meehan, M.R.I.A., thanks are offered for his assistance in deciphering some nearly illegible signatures of members of the Council of the Confederate Catholics.

DoNOGHPATRICK, N.-1vA...~, 20th JJecernbe1·, 1866. CO~TENTS.

Page ISTROD"G'CTORY liE1rn:n, • xv

~IcGILLYCuDDY P~lPERS. I ....!\. Con.stat, \\~hich recites that Queen Elizabeth, 1Jy letters patent of 8 J1me, 1595, granted to Eclmund Barrett certain lands formerly the estate of Donald Geralditgh 111cGillecud, slain in rebellion and attaintecl, 1

II. A 1Ie111orandun1 stating th:1t the lands of the said attainted l\PGillycucldy were passed to Sir Charles '\Vihuot by patent dated 9 December, and by assigned to J[aurice Crosbie by deed dated 10 Decen1ber, 1 G14-, . . . 3

III. The av·.-ard,. dated in lGlS, of \'htlter Crosbie and other arbitrators, touching the disputed lands of Oarh0Yfl1ehone, Ardsilane, &c., deciding the1n to he the ancient inheritance of Cnogher 111c Gillycudlly, and ordering O·wen o Sullivan to defend me Gillycuclcly's 1·ights in Sftid L.inds against the clai1ns of any of the septs of 0 SuliYane 1Iore, . • 4

IV. The original bond (signed in lG:2:3), of Teige or Thady meffynen o~Sullevane for £300 to be paid to Connor or Cornelius O Sullivan, alias l\'P Gillecuddy, in case the said Teige shall not convey to said Cornelius or Connor me Gillecuddy a legal estate in the lands of .A.unegarry, Beghechane, &c., . . • 6

V. A.n order of the Court of Exchequer, anno 1628, exonerating the lands of Bodesmene (part of the possessions of Donogh inc dermott O Sullivan, alias mac Gillicuddy, ,vho died in rebellion) from any rent to the King reserved upon a grant made in 1604 to Theobald, Lord Burke, of the said lands, and protecting the present tenant of these lands, Connor n1e Gillecuddy, against process for the said quit-

rent, • • • • • 8

VI. A deed, datecl in 1629, ·whereby Connor JfcGillicuddy makes provision for his wife, &c. This ·was signed in the year before Connor perished by shipwreck, . • 9 • Vl CONTENTS .

Page VII. An order, in 1630, exonerating the lands of Bodes1nine, &c., no,v- in possession of Donogh roe Connor inc Gillycuddy, from arrears of quit-rent, .. 12

VIII. Assignment to Da-vid Crosbie by ,,,,...illiam Creagh of his mortgage upon Arcllaghis and Banecluone, the lands of Connor me Gillicucldy, who died in 1630, . 14

IX. Rental of me Gillycuddy's lands in 1631, . • • 15

X. Certificate of search touching a law suit, in which David Crosby ancl John Fitz Gerald were defendants, . 16

XI. The "\ViH of the O Sulliva1le l\Iore, dated in 1632, 17

XII. .t\.-11 Inquisition taken at Killarney, in 1633, after the death of Connor me Gilly- cucldy, ,vlio di«.:id in 1630, 19

XIII. The deed ,vhereby the children of the O Sullivane niore, \Yhose ,vill was dated in 1632, sub1nit their differences to arbitration, 26

XIV. The Av:ard past in 1633 by the Arbitrators between the O Snllhran l\lore & his l\Iother and sisters, 29

x-v. A deed of 5fortgage, made in l G3 i, of the lands of Killoh and Gurtine, by Owen 0 Su1li-vane unto Cormocke me Donogh Carty, . 31

XVI. An onler of the Court of Chancery for a decree against Daniell Oge Carty of Dunguil, \\~hose daughter Sheely ,vas the second "rife of Connor me Gillicuddy, who diecl in 1630. This decree p1·01-i.des for the payn1ent of the marriage portion of Shsely, ~nd for the fortunes of Connor's children by hoth his wives, . 33

XVII. The judgment in 1635 of the Earl of Strafford (Wentworth) upon the petition of the widow (Sheely or Joan) 0 Sullivan against her son, the O Sullivane 1\Iore, for n1aintenance for herself and daughters. This paper contains the signatlffe of "VTentworth," afterwards Ea.rl of Strafford, • 34

XVIII. Funeral Entry of the Death of Connor me Gillycuddy, • 36 XIX. Copy of the petition of the O Sullivan ::niore to the Lords Justices of Ireland in 1636, touching a distraint made on his lands by agents of his 1nother; with the Lords Justices' order of reference to the Judges of Assize for the county of Kerry, 37

XX. A Bond, signed by Daniel l\iI'Carthy of Dtu1guil, in 1639, for the due conveyance of the lands of Bolysillagh, county Kerry, to Charles Sughrue of Knockane, in

sa1r1e county, • • • 38 CONTENTS. VII

XXI. A copy of a mortgage or conveyance made in 1642, of the lands of Killoh, Cullinagh, &c., by the O Sullivane l\Iore and his mother and sisters, unto Donogh me Gillycucldy of Carrhuebeg, 39

XXII. The petition, in 1642, of Donogh me Gillicucldy to the Lord President of lvlunster, Lord l\fuskerry, ·with his lordship's order thereupon, decreeing that the Sheriff of the co1mty of Kerry should levy off the lands of the then O Sullivane l\f ore, the rents clue to Donogh me Gillicuddy for the marriage portion of his ,vife .Iv.Ia:cie, yo1mgest daughter of the late O Sullivane J\tlore, . . 42

XXIII. .A. copy of an order made in 1643 by the Governor & Con1m.issioners (for Kerry) of the Governr.aent of the Confederate Ca,bholics in favo1u~ of Donogh me Gilly­ cuclcly, and against O'Sullivan in the matter of distraint levied on O Sullivan's lands by me Gillycuddy for his wife's fortune, . 43

XXIV. .A. .l\Iortgage of the lands of Goolnakappyroony, made in 1643, by Dermocl me Donogh Gillycuddy of Gortnascarrie, 45

XXV. An order of the Supreme Council of Ireland, signed by Lord l\f uskerry in 1646, for the apprehension of the O Sullivane l\fore, and in case of _failure to appre~ hencl him, Capt. Fitz Ma1u-ice, with his horse and foot soldiers are to be quartered on the O Sullivan's lands until he surrenders, 48

XXVI. Opinion of the referees appointed by the Supreme Council in 1646 to inquire concerning the chief rent alleged to have been paid in ancient times to the Knight of Kerry out of me Gillycuclcly's lands, . J~}

XXVII. Petition in 1 G4S of Donogh me Gillicuddy to the Lord President [Lord Inchiquin] of Jviunster, compfa.,ining that the O'Sullivanes had neglected to perfect the deed of l\Iortgage of the lands of Killoh and Cullinagh, ,v--itb the order of Lord Inchiquin thereupon, . . . . . 50

XXVIII. The examinatjon taken in January, I 640, of i.vitnesses touching the 1uortgage of the lands of Killoh, Cullinagh, &c., . .

XXIX. A copie of the Sumn1ons issued in February, 1649, against the O'Sullivanes, in consequence of their neglect to appeare and defend their suit against 1ne Gilly- cuclcly concerning the mortgage of Killoh ancl Cullinagh, . . 54

XXX. Report of the Commissioners appointed by the Lord President to inquire into the matter of the mortgage of Killoh & Cullinagh. This report is undated, but · was made subsequent to the month of February, 1649, . • • 55 ••• ,'111 CONTENTS.

Page XXXI. A copy of the Certificate of George Barrie, under Sheriff of the county of Kerry, concerning certain lands and rents of The O Sulivan which 1v~ere delivered by the said Sheriff into the possession of n1Irs. Sily [ otherwise Joan] Sullyvane, in the year 1651, . . . • 56

XXXII. An order addressed in 1653 to the Agents and Applotters of the Barony of Dunkerran, Co. Kerry, to publish the procla111ation for subn1ission to the Co111mon,vealth, and subscription to the engagen1ent required to be made by ·well affected persons, . . • 58

XXXIII. A Commission given by his Thiajesty King Charles to Owen O Sullivane to be Ensign in his Army. Dated at Bruges in 1657, . 59

XXXIV. A Certificate of the services of Ensign O·wen O Sullivane in the Duke of Gloucester's Regiinent. Signed in 1661 by Viscount Taaffe, . 60

XXXV. A Certificate signed in 16Gl by the Earl of Clanc"irty, testifying that Lieut Donogh :O,Ic Gillycuddy had embraced the peace made in 1648 by his lVIajesty's authority, and having, by orders of the King's general, burned hi'3 castle, was expelled from his patrimony by the usurpers of the King's po,ver, 61

XXXVI. A Certificate signed by Lord Inchiquin in lGGl, stating that Lt Col. Donogh lvicGillycuddy had raised in 1648 a c01npa.ny of foot soldiers at his o~~ cost for his l\Iajesty's service, 62

XXXVII. Another Certificate dated in 16Gl from Lord Clancarty testifying that Donogh me Gillicuddy had collected five or six c0111panies of his kinsmen and friends, for the King's service, and had received a Commission to be Lieutenant- Colonel of a Regiment of Foot, . 63

XXXVIII. Lt Col. Donogh n1cGillycuddy's petition to His ]_\Jiajesty in 1661 for restoration to his Estates. In this petition mcGillycuddy states that he was of tender years during the rebellion of 1641, and took no pa.rt in the outrages comnutted against the Protestants, and that when he ,vas of riper years he took service in his l\Iajesty's arn1y, &c., . . • . • ·63

XXXIX. A certificate of the Duke of Ormond, dated in 16 61, wherein he sets forth the

services and sufferings of Lt Col Donogh J\PGillycuddy, • 64

XL. An order of King Charles II. signed on 18 April, 1661, for restoration of mcGillycuddy to his lands in Ireland, . • • 65

XLI. The King's pass for mcGillyc1.1ddy, ,vith his wife and family, to enter Ireland. Dated in 1661, . . . • 68 • CONTENTS. lX

Paga XLII. Another Pass from His !fajesty, • • • • • • 69 XLIII. An Order made in 16 61 by the Lords Justices of Ireland for a particular account of the lands belonging to Lt Colonel Donogh McGillycuddy. This document has the signatures of the Lord Chancellor, Maurice Eustace, of Lord Orrery and Lord l\t!ountrath, • . . • . • 70

XLIV. An order of the Lords Justices dated 2 July, 1661, for restoring Lt Col. Donogh me Gillycuddy to such part of his Estate as was yet in the King's hands, • 71

XLV. A petition circa 1662, of Lt Col. Donogh mcGillycuddy to the Commissioners of the Act of Settlement, with a Schedule of his estates and particulars of his claim, 72

XLVI. ·A similar petition dated 1662, . • 75 . XL VII. A Bond, dated, in 1664, by Sheely n1eGillycuddy alias Carthey for £100 condi- tioned on her perfor111ing what certain arbitrators shall determine touching the matters in dispute between her and Donogh meGillycuddy of Castlecurrig, 77

XLVIII. A certificate, dated in the year 1665, or thereabouts, of the lands allo-wed, by the Con1n1i;;,sioners of the ~-\.ct of Settlement and Explanation, to be confirmed to Lt

Col Donogh Ille Gillycud

XLIX. A licence from the Lord Lieutenant, in 1666,-perniitting LtCol Donogh me Gilly- cuddy of Carruebeg, to keep ten fire arms and three cases of pistols, . 79

L. Ruling, in 1667, of the Commissioners of the ~4.ct of Settlement and Explanation upon Lt Colonel Donogh me Gillycuddy's application for a speedy hearing of his

claim, . • • 80

LI. Petition to Duke of Ormond dated 1667, • • 80

LII. Order of the Exchequer touching the Ormond quit rents, 1667, . • 81 LIII. A Copy of an agreement made in 1668 between Sir W. Petty & Robert Marshall

touching lands in Kerry, • 83

LIV. The sun·ender by the Duke of Ormond, in 1668, to the Commissioners of the .A.ct of Settlement, of certain lands in Kerry, 84

LV. Receipts for Rents paid to the Duke of Ormond out of the lands of Carhuebeg, Ards, FaITeneg.1tt, anJ Teneskarty during the years 1665, 1666, and 1668, • 84

L VI. A letter addressed, in 1G69, to Lt Col' me Gillycuddy, by Stephen Goold & John f> Daly, concerning an award made by him, as umpire in a dispute between Lander and Teige me Daniel, . . • • 85 b X CONTENTS.

Page LVII. A petition ccncerning tbe lands of Culeclohir, ,vith the order of the Vice President of l\iiunster thereupon. Dated 18 Oct., 1669, . . 86

L VIII. Articles agreed on in 16 70 between Lt Col Donogh 1nc Gillycuclcly and Donogh o Kealighir, before the intermarriage of Cnoghor n1c Gillycucldy and Honora 88

LIX. A letter of Lady Antrim in 1670 touching an assignment made on Lord Antrim by Charles me Carthy for £200 to be paid to Mr Mc Gillicuddy, ,vho was married to the eldest sister of Charles me Carthy, 89

LX. Letter from lVIargareta Von Dachelaer, . 90

LXI. Order in Council of Charles II. circa 1671, for the appointment of a commission to enquire into the operation of the Act of Settlen1ent in Ireland, 91

LXII. Articles of intermarriage, dated in 1672, bet,veen Charles Carthy and Ellin, daughter of Connor me Gillycucldy, who died in 1630, 95

LXIII. The niarriage bond of Charles Carthy of Sughreany, 97

LXIV. A. Licence for Colonel lVfCGillycuddy and his son Denis to visit the cities of London and Westminster, 98

LXV. A Quit-rent Certificate, . 99

LXVI. A Certificate touching Quit Rent, . 100

LXVII. A.n Exchequer Order for quashing the order for seizure of l\:PGillycuddy's lands v.,-hich had been issued at the prosecution of Sir V·l. Petty, . 100

LXVIII. McGillycuddy's Petition for restoration of portion of hfa Estate, . . 102

LXIX. Another Petition touching Quit-rents, • . 103

LXX. .Another Petition, • 105

LXXI. Another Petition, • 106

LXX II. .A Letter to lVPGillycuddy from his son, . • 0 107

LXXIII. Debentures and acquittances concerning 1.tcGillycuddy's Pension, . 112

LXXIV. A. Statement of l\iPGillycuddy's case laid before Lord Ranelagh, . • 113

LXXV. Bond of Geoffry Connell and others, • 115

LXXVI. Bond of Thomas Skiddy, 116 .. CONTENTS. XI

Page LXXVII. Quit-rent Certificate, .• • • •• • • 117

LXXVIII. Affidavit of l\PGillycuddy concerning his lands in Kerry, • • • 117

LXXIX. Letter fr0111 the English Priry Council to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in favour of l\PGillycudcly, . . 118

LXXX. !l°Gillycudcly's application for Letters Patent of his Estate, 1vith the Lord Lieutenant's order thereupon, . 120 LXXXI. Letter from Sir George Carteret to lvPGillycnddy, . 121

99. LXXXII. l\1lcGillycudcly's Letters Patent, • • • 1,;./.,;J

LXXXIII. lv1'Carthy-more's bond, passed to Cornelius M'Gillycuddy to secure payment of £200 from the lYiarquess of Antrim, as part of the marriage portion of Ellish l\I'Carthy, wife of Cornelhrn 1I'Gillycucldy, . . 128

LXXXIV. Cornelius 1\:1'Gillycuddy's Bond to Wn1. lvluschamp and Daniel Burgesse, . 129

LXXXV. Bond of l\fessrs. Saunders, Perkins, and Barry for .£1000, .. .. 131

LXXXVI. Letter from l\1'Gillycuddy to his Son, • • 132

LXXXVII. .Agreement for sale of Tiinber, • .. •. 133

LXXXVIII. Letter of Lieut. "\Valter Brough, • • . 135

LXXXIX. Bond of John niiahony of Dromore, . • . 136

XC. Another Bond of John l\:Iahony, • . 137

XCI. l\i'Gillycuddy's bond for the delivery of 10,000 Hogshead Staves unto Christmass Smith, merchant, . 138

XCII. Letter of Richard Th01npso11, Esq., of the Revenue, . 139

XCIII. Licence for l\I'Gillycuddy to keep Firearms, . • 140

XCIV. n1'Gillycuclcly's bond to John Anketell, of Farrihy, .. .. 140

X CV. Letter of Francis Davis, • . 142

XCVI. Protection, granted by the Court of Exchequer to ~l'Gillycuddy against actions, suits and arrests, and signed by the Lord Chief Baron, . 142

XCVII. Order of the Court of Exchequer, at request of Sir W. Petty, for a Survey of certain lands in Knockane parish, . . . 14.3 b2 .. Xll CONTENTS .

Page­ XCVIII. Order of the Court of Exchequer against James \"'\Taller who sought to obtain possession of the woods of Glancarragh, M'Gillycuddy's property, .• 144

XCIX. Annulling of the Order for surveying certain lands in Knockane parish, because it had been obtained by Sir "\V. Petty from the Court of Exchequer by a surprise, 145

C. Proceedings in the Court of Exchequer concerning 1'1'Gillycuddy's Quit rent, .. 146

CI. Application of J an1es Waller to the Exchequer for a survey of Glancarragh, with the order of the Court thereupon, . . 148

CII. Permission for Cornelius 1\f'Gillycuddy to use fallen Tin1ber in certain ,voods in Kerry, . 149

CIII. Affidavit concerning Dunloe and other lands, .. 149

CIV. Order of the Lord Lieutenant and Council concerning Salmon Fishing, . . 150

CV. Letter from the Earl of Rochester to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, concerning Oak timber in the woods in Kerry cut down, as ·was said, }:>y 11'Gillycucldy, . 151

CVI. Inventory of J\i'Gillycuddy's cattle in 1686, 153

CVII. Motion for a Writ of Estrepement to preserve the tin1ber at Ballebeg, . . 154

CVIII. Letter of John Rawlins concerning Fishing, • 154: CIX. Order for payments to Donogh l:I:'Gillycucldy, High Sheriff of Kerry, - . 155 CX. Warrant of the High Sheriff of Ken·y, Donogh lVI'Gillycuddy, for the arrest of the Rev. John Richard, a defendant in an action for debt, . 156

CXI. Cornelius }l'Gillycuddy's Petition to the Lord Lieutenant (TyTconnell) with His Excellency's order thereupon, . . . 156

CXII. Report to the Commissioners of Revenue on Colonel ~l'Gillycuddy's Petition, . 158

CXIII. Letter to Colonel Donough M'Gillycuddy from his brother Cornelius or Connor, 159

CXIV. Sir Francis Brewster's receipt for Cattle seized under a Writ of Levare by Donogh J\f'Gillicuddy, . . 161 . . · CXV. l\iir. Ferris' letter to nf'Gillicudcly, announcing the committal of the Seven Bishops to the To,ver and the Birth of a Prince of "\Vales, • • 16 I

CXVI. Certificate of l\iI'GiUycuddy's Arms from Ulster's Office, 162 CXVII. Commission for Cornelius M'Gillycuddy to be Captain in the Army, - . 163 . .. CONTENTS. Xlll

Page -CXVIII. Denis :l\I'Gillycuddy's Appointment, under the sign Manual of William III., to the command of the Irish Forces intended for the Emperor's Service, , 164

CXIX. Letter of l\Iarshal Schonberg to Denis M'Gillycuddy, \ Instructions for his taking command of the Irish Forces then at the Isle of "\Vight, and. intended for the E1nperor's Service, . . . . , 165

CXX. \Varrant to receive ::\Ioney for Colonel M'Elligott's Regiment, , 166

CXXI. Appointn1ent of Denis l\'['Gillycuddy, under Sign Manual of James II., to be Comn1ander in Chief at Cavan, . 167

CXXII. Inventory of Cattle seized in Kerry for the use of the Army of King James II., 168

CXXIII. Letter to Denis l\'.T'Gillycuddy complaining of the forcible impressment of

men to serve in the Anny, . • 170

CXXIV. Letter frmn Richard Connell, an officer in the Limerick Garrison, to his father at Killarney, . 170

CXXV. Letter to M'Gillycuddy from Thomas Connor, Esq., , , 171

CXXVT. ~A.notber letter from Thomas Connor, Esq., , 172

CXXVII. John l\1:ahony's Decfaration, , • 173

CXXVIII. Letter of Thomas Conner, Esq., to i\,f'Gillycuddy, • , 173-

CXXIX. '\V arrant of Ed·ward Herbert, High Sheriff of Ken'y, against the goods of a defendant ·who failed to appear, . . . • , 174

CXXX. Letter of Cornelius 1i'Gillycuddy to his father, Donogh M'Gillycuddy, • 175

CXXXI. Certificate of lVI'Gillycuddy's having taken the Oa,th of i\..llegiance before the Rev. James Bland, . , 176

CXXXII. The Lords Justices' declaration, giving to Cornelius l\I'Gillycuddy the benefit of the Articles of Limerick, , • • . . • 17 7

CXXXIII. Letter from ~Iadame Prittie to Cornelius l\.i'Gillycuddy, • , . 178

CXXXIV. .Affidavit concerning the .Acljuclication, • • • . • 179

CXXXV. Receipts for Poll Tax, . • . • , • , 179

CXXXVI. ~fr. Schuldam's Letter, . • . • ,, , 180 • XIV CONTENTS .

CXXXVII. The Petition of Sir Valentine Browne and Captain Thomas Browne for reduc~ tion of Quit-rent, . 181

CXXXVIII. The :Report of the Surveyor General upon the Petition of Sir Valentine Bro·wne, 182

CXXXIX. The State of the County of Kerry and the Baronies of Beare and Bantry in 1673, . . 183

CXL. The Lineage of the :NI 'Gillycnddies from the Third to the SeYenteenth Centuries, compiled by "\Villiam 1\,1. Hennessy, Esq., J\LR.I.A., . 189

CXLI. The l\i'Gillycuddy pedigree fron1 the seYenteenth century to the present time, con1pilecl by the Editor, from Family Papers and other Records, . 197


THE estates of the McGillycuddy sept, in Kerry, ,vere, no doubt, in ancient times of vast extent, and the forfeited or confiscated lands of Donald or Donogh McDermott O'Sullivan, otherwise called MeGillycuddy, who was killed ,vhilst :fighting under the Earl of Desmo;J.d against Elizabeth, comprised no incon­ siderable tract of country. This Donogh, or Donald, surnamed " Geraldagh," or the Geraldine, ,vas the son of Domhnal (Anglice Danjel), the thirty-fifth in descent, according to ancient Irish genealogies, from Oilill Olum, King of Munster, ,vho died A.D. 234. The territory of this Donald Geraldagh McGillycuddy, of Bodevismyne, killed in the Desmond ,vars, was granted by letters patent of Queen Elizabeth, dated 9th of June, 1595, to Edmond Barret, of Ferys, who by deed of bargain and sale, dated the day after the date of his own patent, conveyed them to "Edward Hussey, of Ballyngo-\vn." This Edward Hussey in a short time, namely, on the 19th of April, 1598 [ Anno

40° Eliz.], conveyed those lands to" Donogh Jv.[cDermuddy, alias McGillycuddy7 of Bodenesmeen." These lands, some of ,vhich have continued to the present day in the possession of the McGillycuddy family, are thus described in the deed last 1nentioned, viz.:-" The manors, town, and lands of Carrowlongford,, namely, Bodenesmen als ffarenegatt, Tynnescartie, Both ye Ards, Caharowbeg, Banecloen, Ardlaghes, Shanneries, Carrowloghert-Kylsullagh, viz. :-Listi­ conogher, Kapparush, Go,vlane, Bracahiragh, Cahirdonilyeragh, Moneflugh, Dirrilettircuosh, with all and singular," &c., &c. It is curious that several of these denominations are named in a list of lands held in tanistry by " Dermott, Bough, Daniel and Conor O'Sullivane, sons of Donell O'Sullivan-more, deceased," . and surrendered by them to James I., who on the 27 Sept., 1603, accepted • XVI, INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. them by letters patent, in ord~r to regrant them to those parties. [Pat. Rot., .James I., l°, Part I, dorso lxxviii. 26]. In 1604, another grant, dated March 22, was made by his Majestie, to Lord Bourke, of "the castle and town of Bodevismine," and other lands, "parcel of the estate of Donogh McDermot O'S,vilevan, otherwise McGillycuddie of the same, dead in rebellion.'' [Pat. Rot., 2°, James I., part 2, xiv. 27]. Sir Charles Wilmot, in 1614, had also a patent, dated 10 December, for the lands of Donald the Geraldine [Infra, pp. 3 and 4], which he, on the following day, conveyed by _deed of feofment, bargain and sale, unto Maurice or "Morish Crosbie, of Clonemony." The territory forfeited by Donald McGillycuddy, and granted so often by letters patent to various parties, comprised t,venty or more denominations of land lying in the parishes of Knockane, Killorglin, and Kilcroghane, and in· the baronies of Dunkeron and I veragh. 11he individuals, to ,vhom these grants ,vere made, seem, ho-\vever, to have profitted little by them, for they appear to have been occupied continuously by n1embers of the McGillycuddy fa111ily, and to have paid no quit-rent to the Crown in those times. Conchobhar or Conor, the lineal ancestor of the present McGillycuddy, and said to have been the son of Donald or Dorrough McGillycuddy, the Geraldine, . is variously styled "Cnogher MeGillycuddy, of Castlecurrig," or "Cornelius O'Sullivane, alias McGillycuddy, of Castlecurrig." There is a docun1ent in the State Paper Office, dated 12 FebY., 1596, enclosing "a note of such as are Lords of Cuntries, being Finnin Mac Cartis kinsmen, and follovvers of the Earls of Clancarte w'thin Desmond," &c. In this paper the name " Mae Gillo Cuddie," stands sixth on the list, being preceded by the names of Finnin's two cousins, and by those of the '' O'Sullevan Moar," the '' O'Sullevan Bear," and the '' O'Donnaogh-Glan.'' Conor McGillycuddie held the lands which were granted, as before noticed, to Barret, Bourke, and Wilmot, "as his owne and ancient inheritance." His rights of possession ,vere not interfered -with by Wilmot's assignee, Morish or Maurice Crosbie, of Clonmony, who conveyed all his interest in those lands by a formal deed, dated 2 7 Sept., 1618, to " Connor McGillycuddie, of ffarrynnygat, in consideration of £200, paid him by said Connor." This Maurice Crosbie or Cosby, was a near relative (most probably a brother) of Patrick Crosbie, ,vho for his services to Queen Elizabeth, in Leinster and Munster, received from Her Majesty various grants, including • • INTRODUCTORY MElV[OIR. XVII some of the lands in Kerry, which had formerly been passed in patent to Edmund _Barret. These Crosbies "'\Yere originally "McCrossans," and were kinsmen of the O'Mores of Leix, of whose "ren1oval into Kerry," during Elizabeth's reign, there are notices in the State Paper Office. The name MeCrossan ,vas anglicised into Crosbie, in pursuance of a custom commonly adopted by the adherents of the English power in those days. Patrick had a younger brother, named John, who became bishop of Ardfert and Aghadoe in 1600. He was recommended for this see to Queen Elizabeth, by James, Earl of Desmond, the son of Her Majesty's gteat foe. The Queen's letter, appointing Crosbie to the bishoprick, is dated "1nanor of Oatland, Oct. 2, 1600.'' [Morrin's Patent Rolls, vol. I., p. 560]. In this letter John Crosbie is described as "a graduate in schools of English race (!), and skilled in the English tongue." It is also stated that he had " other 1neans of living to :enable hi1n to bear the expenses of pron1otion to a see wasted by re hellion." Bishop Crosbie settled at Ardfert Abbey, where his descendants possess, at the present day, a considerable estate. Conor nicGillycuddy had for his first wife Joan Crosbie, daughter of the bishop, and by her had five children. [Infra, p. 36.J The date of this his first marriage ,vas probably the year 1615 or 1618. Conor McGillycuddy acquired, by purchase or intermarriage, several denominations of land in Kerry. In 1619, on November the 6t\ "Owen O 1Sullivane, of Bally nc gillaneslan,'' made over to him and his heiTs for ever, the lands of Carro,vnehover, Ardshilane, Carro,vmire Ightragh ne Kinsallagh, Carro,vrnire Igtragh Glanloghe, and Cahir donnile ierragh. On the 19th of .August, 162:3, Maurice Crosbie conveyed to hi1n the lands of Clonloher, Coade, Ballyledir, Bearhane., Dro1uacliffe, and 0'Comgaons (formerly granted to Sir John Kinge and Sir John James by the Cro-\vn), at the nominal rent of 23 shillings a year. Conor had for his second ,vife, a daughter of Daniel Oge Carty, of Dunguile. His death took place by shipwreck in October, 1630, according to the funeral entry in Ulster's Office, or on the 3rd of November, 1630, as the inquisition post rniorteni states. Dorrough, the eldest son of Conor McGillycuddy by Joan Crosbie, was born at Ardfert, as appears from the Matriculation books of Trinity College. According to the same authority, the year of his birth was 1623, which date agrees with other papers, but not with the inquisition post mortem, given infra, C .. . XVlll INTRODUCTORY lvIE]rtIOIR . p. 25, which states him to have been under eleven years of age at his father's death in 1630. His uncle, David Crosbie, of Ardfert, was his guardian, and watched over his ,vard's ,vorldly interests, by taking legal proceedings for his protection on various occasions. Young 1\1 cGillycuddy entered Trinity College, Dublin, on the 17th of November, 1640, but seems not to have taken out any degree. In the n1011th of March, 1641 (p. 52), he married l\farie, the youngest daughter of Daniel, the O'Sullivan 1Iore, by Juan Fitzmaurice. Donough's "tender age," which is brought forward in some of his petitions as proof that he took no part in the "plunder and outrages done against the Protestants," did not, it seems, prevent him from contracting an early marriage, nor from taking proceedings, for the recovery of his wife's fortune, before the Council of the Confederate Catholics. His uncle, David Crosbie, the Protestant bishop's son, appears as one of the Commissioners for the army for the County of Kerry, and in conjunction with Richard Connell, the Catholic Bishop of A.rdfert and Aghadoe,_ signs a decree in 1643, in favour of his nephew, the McGillycuddy. Dorrough McGillycuddy was certified not only to have had no part in the plunder of the Protestants, but even to have relieved them ,vhen in great distress. He was not in arms before the year 1648, when he raised a foot company at his own cost, and subsequently brought together :five or six companies of his kinsmen and friends to aid the Royal cause, for which and other services he received from the Duke of Orn1ond a commission as Lieutenant-Colonel. He suffered, however, severely for his loyalty, receiving many wounds, and losing his lands and his castle, which he burned rather than permit it to fall into the hands of the Parliamentarian General. He was afterwards taken prisoner, and ,vhen released under the articles of peace wl1ich Clancarty was compelled to accept, refused to remain in Ireland under the con­ ditions imposed by the '' usurping power," and went into voluntary exile. In foreign parts he" follo-\ved his Majestie"s fortune, person, and command, until his happy-Restoration." In 16 61, he obtained an order from Charles II. to be restored to his estates, and in the same year had licence to bring "his wife and family, goods and necessaries," from Flanders to Ireland. But impediments of various kinds interfered ,,rith his enjoyment of his ancestral property. Some of his lands, which in 1653 were usurped by the Parliamentarians, came into the possession, in 1659, of James Napper, who on the 1st of May in that year, • INTRODUCTORY Jl:IE~IOIR. XIX "by order of the Council," obtained" a Iott" in Kerry, which included a part of the McGillycuddie estate. Among the lands then granted were the denomina­ tions of "Tomys, Dunloe, Culemagort, Ardkinturke, Cliddagh, Cullinagh, Kippaghanavane, t,vo Carrunihones Farrinagatt Ards Carrubeg· Teneskartie the two Tulliges, Ardlaghas, Banecluone,' Ardralk,' and 'Gortinscarry,'' ' ' all ,vhich' lands Napper set to his kinsman, Robert Blennerhasset, of Killorglin, for £64, for one year. In 16 62, i:PGillycuddie got possession, by order of the Lords Justices, of o-v-er fifty "ploughlands" or denominations, and in 1663, obtained "Ards, Farranegat, Teneskarty, and Carrubeg," ,vhere the ruins of the castle of his forefathers remain. Among the Carte Papers [ vol. 44, p. 326] preserved in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, is a Return made about the year 1664, entitled "An Abstract of the nu111ber of acres unto ,vhich several persons have been restored, or designed to be restored, either by Act of Parlian1ent, by order from his JVIa tye, by order fron1 the Lords Justices, the House of Lords, or Coarte of Clay1nes." In this Return " Lt- Coll. McGillycuddye" is set down for" 66,500A·" in '' Kerrye." In another Return of "Persons Testored by the King's Letters, being not Proviso Men or Mero motu men," "Lt· Coll. McGillycuddy" is set down for 6,500 acres. [Carte Papers, vol. 44, p. 366.J But the McGillycuddy was by no means put into undisturbed possession of this property, for he was for years afterwards harassed by the adventurers, soldiers, and others, who, under the A.ct of Settlement set up claims to various portions of his estates. He had to plead over again for his lands, before the Commis­ sioners of tl1e Act of Settlement in 1667, and seems never to have been free from suits for Quit-rents and Chief-rents due to the Crown on different pretences. One of his chief tormentors was Sir William Petty, ,vho in 1664 [Infra p. 119] had contrived to take a,vay part of McGillycuddy's land on some pretext of law.::~ Colonel Donogh, ho,vever, had po-,verful friends, ,vhose interference

~ By the Adventurers .A.ct, passed in the Parliament of England in February, 1642, lands "~ere offered in Ireland to any who should subscribe moneys towards raising an army to be at the com­ mand of a Committee of the subscribers, in satisfaction for their ventures, at the follo"'ing rates, viz., at Four Shillings by the acre in Ulster, Six Shillings in Connaught, Eight Shillings in c2 xx INTRODUCTORY l\IEl\IOIR.. he frequently solicited "\\11th success. In 1668 he sent the follo,ving petition;:, dated from" Karhubeg in Kerry, 17° Nov: 1668," to the Duke of Or1nond;-

" lviay it please your Grace, "As by your Graces mediation to his Matie I an1 in possession of my "poore Estate, pursuant to his Matie's gratious letters dated at Whitehall tbe

.l\Iunster, and Twelve Shillings in Leinster, paying a Quit-rent, upon every acre, of One Farthing for every Shilling, unprofitable n1onntains and scrubby "rood thro,v11 in. The allotment of land in satisfaction for their adventures ·was not to be to the subscribers until the Parlianient shou]d declare the Irish to be subdued and the ,var to be appeased and ended:: an event which did not take place until September, 1652; and then the Parlian1ent resoh-ed to pay their Army their arrears of pay, at the same rates as the Adventurers, in Land. Upon thfa: occasion the grand aim of the different reginients, ,vho 111ight possibly fall there, ·was to aYo:icl Kerry, which happened to be the Lot of three Regiments comn1ancled by Colonel Henry Pretty,, Lord Broghill, and another. "It ,vas the interest of all those of tlrn A.. nny," says Doctor Petty,, "w-ho ,v-ere sure not to fall there to liro-e to have everv acre of the coarsest, and such ,·d1ereof fortv ~ J - " ,,ere not ,vorth one of the arable of the san1e country to bee in1posed for payable, to the t'nd that "the quota pars of their own satisfactions fallen by lot in better counties n1ight be the greater; "for if the Baronies of I veragh, Dunkeran, and part of Glannei·oughty, had been taken into the credit., "~he quota of Tw-elve Shillings and Three Pence 1night probably have been Sixteen Shillings; and in '' case the disposeable land of the rest of I{errey had been excluded, the quota, instead of T\vel,.-e "Shillings, had been but Ten."-[History of the Down Survey, by Doctor W. Petty, A.D. 1655-6.. Edited by l\'Iajor Thos. A. Larcom, Royal Engineers. 4to, Dublin, 1851, p. 85.J In other words, were the greater part of the lands in Kerry to be considered "Unprofitable/' a.::nd therefore not aYailable to-,vards satisfying the Army, or to be considered "Profitable"? The course finally taken by Doctor Petty's Surveyors "\v-as to equalize to"'\Vlllands, and to value the coarser but not entirely unprofitable lands, as requiring a certain number to make up the value of one profita1)Je acre, son1etimes counting fifteen acres for one. In such case they placed in one column tlie ~ntire number of acres, good and coarse together, as "profitable," ,vithin the terms of the .. A... ct of Par liament; and in another column, spoken of in Colonel ~IcGillicucldy's Letters as "the extremB or reduced column," ,vere set do,vn the 11un1ber of acres to be considered "Profitable," ancl chargeah1e with Quit-rent, according to the scale of con1parison or computation, by ,vhich fifteen or other number of acres "-ere to be counted for one. These quarrels between the different regin1ents of the Arn1y ,vere hardly over before the King1s Restoration brought about a nffw settle1nent. The King's first intention was, so far to confirm the best of the Adventurers and Souldiers, as to prov-ide for their satisfaction by giving them rm amount of Land adequate to pay them at the original rates; but, as he had promised to restore tne­ best and m.ost loyal of the Irish ,vho had served, like Colonel ~IcGillycuddy, under his Ensigns or INTRODUCTORY l\iEMOIR..

"18th of April., 1661. I have verie greate faith to assure myself yor Grace " will not see 1ne turned out of the same to the everlasting ruin of my poore "familie., now that it pleased God to oapen that ,vay of the reduced collum "which ,vi.II not be allowed me., as the Commissioners tell my son in Dublin, "without his Matie·s orders.

Standard abroad, the royal intention, in n1any cases, could only be carried out by way of reprize, that is, by giving the displaced Adventurer or Souldier, other Lands elsewhere in exchange. Colonel l\IcGillycuclcly thus got the King's Letter of 18th April, 1661, to be restored, and under it took possession of his Estate, no one as yet interfering with him. Similar Letters ,vere obtained by a great nun1ber of loyal Irish, both of ~Iilesian and English descent, which soon raised a clamour an1ong the Ad..-enturers and Soldiers hitherto in possession, and now dispossessed, or threatened with being dispossessed,; and they had interest enough to get the Court first erected for putting in Execution the King's Declaration of :30th Noven1ber, 1660, superseded by another, under an A.ct commonly called "An Act for the Settlement of Ireland," repealing many of the beneficial clauses of the Declaration in favour of Irish Rorr1an Catholics. This ..A.ct ·was passed in 1662. But it ·was repealed, as still too faY01u-able to the Irish, by another ....\.ct in 1665, called "The Act of Explanation." Under the Act of 1662, the Commissioners of the Court had con1e to a conclusion that the Estates restored to the Irish on the ground of their innocence, were not liable to the Quit-rents charged by the A.dventurers .A.ct on Lands conquered from the Irish, and embodied in the Act of 1662. It was natural to impose it on the ne,v conquests; but seemed lu1reasonable and cruel to make those liable to it who after suffering banishment and poverty for t,velve or fifteen years, ,vere restored as being innocent of any cri111e. By the Act of Explanation this decision ,vas reversed, and the Irish restored were made liable, but the Protestants or English restored in like manner to their old Estates, were exempted.­ [17 & 18 Car. 2d, chap. 2, sec. 42.J But the Lord Lieutenant ,vas empowered, in consideration that the Quit-rent on coarse land might render it ",..orthless by equalling or exceeding its real value, to moderate during the next three years the Quit-rent, on account of the discouragement that might thereby ensue to plantation and in1provement.-[Ibid., sec. 43.] During the whole sitting of the Commissioners of Claims, the various English and Protestants who were to be reprized for lands that had been taken from them, and restored to the former propriet0rs, English or Irish, shunned and rejected Kerry, or Col. 1\-fcGillicuddy ,vould have quickly lost his property. Had the Quit-rent been reduced within the time limited by the Act of Explanation, many would have been no doubt contented to take it for a reprize. But the limit of three years being elapsed, and the Court of Claims closed, the saving of his Estate to l\IcGillycud

" Sr. William Pettie, the onely occasion of this n1y cala1nitie, assures his " Confederats Coll. Prettie, Coll. Stalport and others, ,vho pretend to my "estate, that he and they will procure his lYiatic's letters to have the same "allo,ved them. Seeing they have that confedense I thinke I have reason to "conceave I may be as capable of that favour ,vho never served att home but "by his Matic's Commission granted by your Grace, and abroad made testimonie "of my loyaltie, and desire noe recompence but my one (own) whereof I am "at present in possession_, which I grante for loste ,vithout yor Grace's speedie "releife by procureing me his Matie's commandes to the Commissioners, being a " verie confident acte of soe undeserving a person to demande from yo-r Grace, " yett necessitie importuneth mee soe much that I trust yor Grace will pardon ''me, and the rather that yor Grace hath before sent a draught of a letter to "this purpose to my Lord Arlington in ye one pacquett. I writt to Sir Ed·ward "FitzHarris to minde yor Grace of this my pett11 whon1 God preserve is " continually prayed by

"Yor Grace's poore servant, ''Do: McGilliguiddy."

" This pett11 to be hun1bly presented "To James Duke of Ormond " Lord Lt Generall and Generall Governour " of Ireland. " Whitehal." [MSS. Bodleian Oxon. Carte Papers, vol. 36, p. 80.J

In a Report of the Commissioners of the Court of Ciaims, as to the state of Affairs in this Court, dated 14th February, 1667, they state as follows:- " 5th. All such persons as claymed by vertue of his l\ifatie's Letters, and VY-ho could prove their "title in 1641, and their possession by vertue of the said Letters on the 22d of August, 1663, have "been heard and adjudged pursuant to a clause in ye 107th page of the Explanation Act for that "purpose."-[Carte Papers, vol. 36, pp. 118-129.J Eut this Clause [17 & 18 Car. 2, cap. 2, sec. 157] only authorized the Commjssioners in such case to restore the Claimant to his Dwelling-house and 2,00QA contiguous.-[Letter of Jolm P. Prendergast, esq., to the Editor. J ... INTRODUCTORY ME}rf OIR. XXlll

In 1671, McGillycuddy obtained a pension from t.he King, as appears by the following abstract of the King's Letter, dated September 13, 1671, _and " Addressed to John, Lord Berkely, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, or other, the Chief Governour, in his absence":- " Charles R. " The King, taking notice of the Distressed Co.ndition of severall of " his subjects of that Kingdom, orders the Lord Lieutenant to pay the following " Pensions out of the Concordatum Fund :- £

"Richard Earl of Westmeath, • • • . • 150

" Lord Viscount Roch, • . . • • • 100

"Lord Netterville, . • . • • • . 150

"Viscount Avagh [Iveagh], • • • • • 150

"Mrs. Anne Dempsy, • • • • • • 150 "Lord Trimlestonne, . . • • • • 100

"Lord Castleconnell, • • • • • • 150

"Lord Upper Ossory, • • • • • • 100

"Lord Dunboyne, . • . • • • • 100

"Lord Brittas, . " . • • • • 100 " Lord Louth, • • . • • • . 100

" Sir William Talbott, C • • • . . 150

'' Sir Patrick Barne-,vall, • • • . • • 150

" Coll. McGillicuddie, • • • • • 100 "McCarty Reagh, ...... 1 oo "Mr. Ed,vard Goffe, . : . . . . . 50 "William Talbot of Robertstown, . . . . 50 "Coll. James Dempsey, ...... 50 '' Payable half-yearly-the first payment on 1st Nov. next ensuing (1671), "and so till further order."-[MSS. Bodleian Oxon. Carte Papers, vol. 44, p. 490.J The names in the above list prove that many persons of high condition were reduced to distress, by the revolutions to which landed property in Ireland had been exposed. The pensions out of the Concordatum Fund were • XXIV INTRODUCTORY MEn10IR. no doubt a great boon to those unfortunate noblemen, but that boon was ·sadly diminished in value by irregularity and delay in payment. For according to an account of the arrears of the Civil List,, from the 25th December, 1675, to Michaelmas, 1681, the pensions of McGillycuddy, and almost all the rest, were two years in arrear.-[Carte Papers, vol. 53, p. 225.J · It ,vas, perhaps, as much o,ving to Sir W. Petty's hostile intervention, as to the operation of the " Explanatory Act," that the lands passed in patent to McGillycuddy in 1678, were limited to the two thousand acres of Carhunihones, .Ardlaghis, Banecluone, and Shanderries. The manner in ,vhich Sir W. Petty harassed MeGillycuddy is sufficiently shown in the following papers, at pages 83, 86, 101, 106, 111, 119, 139, 143, 145, 146, 1417, 148. .The McGillycuddy, it seems, opposed some plans of Sir William, and thereby saved His 1iajestie the sum of ten thousand pounds. He, ho,vever, ,vas put to enorn1ous cost and annoyance by the continual la,vsuits in ,vhich Sir W. Petty involved him. A good idea of Sir Willia111's plan of proceedings n1ay be gathered from his treatment of Sir George Carteret, Baronet, ,vho in 1662, advanced Petty t,velve hundred Pounds to purchase lands for their joint benefit. Sir George, in 1676 and 1677, was obliged to take proceedings against Petty for an account of his money, and applied to some gentlen1en in Kerry to afford him informa­ tion and assistance. His Jetter to McGillycuddy is given infra, p. 121; ._another letter of Carteret's is here transcribed, along ,vith a copy of Sir William Petty's account with Carteret. These documents will illustrate the n1ethod in which Petty searched for defective titles, in order to gain the estates of the old proprietors for himself and his nominees.

The letter of Sir George Carteret is thus addressed :- " To my much respected friends, Patrick Crosby and William Reeves, Esqrs., at Kerry, in Ireland."

"' Sirs "It' may seem strange to you, that I, who am ,vholy a stranger, should " give you the trouble of these lines ; but ,vhen you shall have understood the "occasion of them, I hope you will put a candid construction upon it. Be '' pleased, therefore, to know that though I have made it my businesse all my INTRODUCTORY :OIE:Th:IOIR. XXV

"life time to avoyd La,v suits, and laboured to live in peace ,vith all men, yet it " no-\v so falleth out, that in my old age I am therein unhappily involved ; though '' against my ,vill. The case in short is this :-About 14 years since, being " acquainted with gr Wm Petty, I was p'vailed on by him to lett him have "some moneyes, to ,vch he would add the like sum'e, & would lay it out in "purchaseing some lands in Ireland; ,vhereupon I then paid him about 12oou "sterl. ; and lands were accordingly purchased : but to this day I can neither "gett my money againe, either use or principall, nor so much as one foot of "land for it. But the s'd Sr Will'm Petty p'tends the same is swallowed '' up in charges, & so injoyes the ,vhole lands & ail the profitts thereof to " hin1selfe, ,vthout giving any accot of ye same ; ,vhereupon I exhibited n1y Bill '' in the High Co1·t of Chancery here, to wch after many delayes Sr Will'm " Ans\vered, & put in his Crosse Bill, ,vch I have also ans-\vered; and so both of " us have taken out Con1'issions to examine ,vitnesses in I{erry ; ,vhich for " some tin1e I could not doe, because I ,vas ,vholy a stranger in those parts and " kne-,v not any that I could nan1e as Con1rs for me. But being informed by " divers p'sons here of yr justice and generosity in things of this nature, espe­ " cially to strangers, n1uch beco1ning the quality and character you beare, I have "p'su111ed to 1nake use of yor names for Comrs in this suite, as ,vell in that " ,yherein I am plf as def\ & have agreed 14 daies notice shal be given of the ' "Execucon of my Cornn to 11r Thomas Crookshank, one of his Comrs, & he is " to give like notice of the Execucon of his Cornn to Patrick Crosby Esq. Sirs, '" I kno-,v not hovr sufficiently to Apologize for this p'sumption, but doe hope "the justice of 111y Cause ,vill in yor generous minds mediate an excuse for '' this trouble; and I shall not onely satisfy yor: charges herein, but if there be "any thing in ,vhjch I can serve you in here, you may most freely com'and him '' that at all times ,vill endeavour to n1anifest himselfe " Sirs, " Y or most humble and faithfull servt

"G. CARTERET. '' Whitehall, "July ye 29t\ " 1676 ." d • XXVl INTRODUCTORY l\IEMOIR.

The account furnished by Sir Willian1 Petty is as follo,vs :- " An accot of seveTall disburse111ts 111ade by sr V'lill'1n Petty from ye 20 th day "of June, 1662, unto ye 26th of March, 1671, for and concerning y 0 lands '' in Kerry past in L'res patents to ye Right honhlc Sr George Cilrteret & '' hi1nselfe, v'izt. "An° 1663.

a 1, For searches & Copies of ye Discriminacon book, Lists of li. <..}~. cl'.lo "Associacon, Clain1es at Athlone, Outlary, Inquisicon,. " Post n1ortem & other Records, as n1so for ,vitnesses "to prove the Nocencyes-title of the former pro- " prietors of ye lands, . . . . 2 7 00 00 "2. When the Duke of Ormond's Con1rs first entered upon the "said lands, for the Authentick Examinacon of many " ,vitnesses to prove Sr vVm Petty his title to ye said " lands as a souldier-To prove ye n1anner of or dis­ '' possession-the rents for ,vc11 ,ve lett them, & for '' which they were after\v"'H1rds lett by ye s'd Comrs, . 18 16 00 "3. The severall journeys & applicacons to his Grace's Comrs " in order to recover or possession wthout further " trouble, . . . 18 10 00 " 4. When the n1atter was referred to the Earle of Anglesey "and the Lord of Orrery (\vho gave Judgmt for us) to "have the businesse debated and proved before them, 06 00 00 " 5. For part of the charges expended at the Councill Table " in Ireland to defend the title agt the last clause of "ye Act of Settlemt in Octo: 1668, . . 04 11 00, "6. Expended in the Cot of Claimes .ltn'o, 1666, 1667, & " 1668, upon the follo,ving p'ticulars, vizt. :- " (1.) In defending ye title agt the 3 Regimts_agt the '' Duke of Ormond-agt the Colledge of "Dublin-agt the p'tenders to Balligriffin, &c., 193 08 00 " (21Y.) To keep out saveings for his Grace concerning " his Chiefries, . . • . O9 8 GO 00 •• · INTRODUCTORY :iYIEl\JOTR. XXVII

" (31Y.) To Capacitate our selves for the meane proffits li. s. d. " of ye lands ,vhilst his Grace held them, . 078 00 00 "7. For the charges of Chancery to recover the said mean "profitts& about ye defense ofye said.controversieafter- '' 1vards to Arbitrators., Sr John Te1nple & }I.Ir Osborne, 017 00 00 '' 8. Charges in ye Presidency Cort at Charleville as plf & deft '' in severaJl causes during ye said time of 9 yeres, . 057 10 00 "9. Charges at severall Assizes and Sessions of the County "for punishing Thieves and :Nialefactors; especially "rehtteing to ye ,vood and houseing, . . . 039 12 00 "10. For seveTall County Charges assessed by the Judges " and Justices for high ,vaies, Bridges, Linnen- " prcemiun1, Goals, Churches, &c., . . 029 12 00 "11. For Charges of La,v in ye Cort of King's Bench and Com' on Pleas for the s1 d 9 yeres, . 049 11 00 '' 12. For Charges in the Excheqr about clearing the quitt '' 1.. ents of ye s' cl Land & Arreares thereof, as also for "recluceing ye san1e, . . 017 08 00 " 13. Part of ye Charges expended upon ye grounds. Inqui- " sicon at Killarney, Aprill 1668, for setling the ,vhole '' interest, . . . 040 00 06 "14. For Postage of L'res, 11:essengrs, ordinar3r & extra- " ordinary, during ye said 9 yeares, . . 045 00 00 '' 15. Given at severall times to old inhabitants, ,vorkmen, & " others for inforn1acon, as also to spies and intelli- " gencrs concerning the abuses of y 0 ,voods, &c., . 014 00 00 "16. For Servts and Agents, ordinary and extraoTdinary, for "the said time, . . . 360 00 00 "17. For journeyes of my o,vne into Glanerought, & expenses "there, . . 150 00 00 Exnended by Cheesers, &c., unon the accot of the Timber "18. £ ~ "trade, . . . 163 00 00 " 19. Com'on Charges not refei·able to any of the heads above

" menconed, . • • • . 039 00 00 d2 .. . INTRODUCTORY lIEMOIR . XXVlll li. s. cl. 10 00 "20. For 3§ yeres quitt rents due to ye ffarmrs, . 255 00 00 "21. For the yeares -value p' Estimate, . 120 For p'te of y 0 arreares of quit rents to be paid by "22. ~ " Instalmts in 7 veares . . 046 lG 00 el ' . "23. For gratuities to CleTks, Sub-collectors, &c., concerning . 002 00 00 '' the same, • •

"The Total is £1890 04: 06

"Expended upon Sr George Carteret's p'ticuler acct, vizt. :­ " For the expences of Robert Marshall to attend 2

{\'ij 00 "ffrench gentlemen employed thither by Sr George, 07 OV , '' Paid i1r Tho'as Taylor, foT makeing severall :Wiapps '' sent to Sr Geo: in England, OJ 10 00

"In all £ 11 1 o oo"

By aid of powerful friends~ and a judicious expenditure of n1oney~ 1rf ('Gi1ly­ cuddy ,vas enabled to resist ,vith success the designs of Sir W. Petty on his property. He was exposed to other troubles, ho,vever, in the reign of J.A:\IES II. Dorrough McGillycuddy ,vas High Sheriff of the County of Kerry, in 1687, and his son Cornelius ,vas, in 1688, appointed by Tyrconnell to a Captain's Commission in Lord Slane's regiment. In 1691 Colonel Dennis l\:IcGillycuddy ,vas appointed, under sign-manual of James II., to be commander­ in-chief of all his forces in the town and county of Cavan. This Den1;is ,vas either a son or nephe-\v of the McGillycuddy, ,vho seen1s to have been ·in that year, 1691'1 in Kerry, where he had some part in procuring cattle for the use of the army of King J.A:\IES. Frank, a son of Donough McGillycuddy, ,vas in the Garrison of Li1nerick in 16 91. On the other hand, Lt-Colonel Dennis 1fcGilly­ cuddy (a nephe,v of Donough) served under \V111LL\f, and ,vas instructed in

* The l\'.[cGillycuddy was greatly assisted by men of high position in the English Court. He "-as also on terms of intimacy "'-ith BTowne, the ancestor of the Earls of I{enmare. The Marchioness of Antrim, whose cousin was l\PGillycuddy's daughter-in-law, Lord and Lady Shelburne, and other influential persons in Ireland in those days interested themselves effectively on his behalf. • INTRODUCTORY 11E1IOIR. XX:IX

16 89 by Schonberg to con1n1and the Irish forces in the Isle of Wight. Another Denis McGillycuddy appears to have been serving as a Major in WILLIAM'S army in July, 1691. The names Dennis and Donough are sometimes applied in these papers to the sa1ne person, and it has been supposed by some that Donough McGillycuddy, ,vho served CHARLES I. so faithfully, ,vas the Colonel Dennis i1:cGillycuddy prornoted by WrLLIA.\I in 1689. This is improbable, for various reasons. The second son of Colonel Dorrough was, however, an officer under the Prince of Orange, as is proved by a parchment certificate st.ill existing, but of which a portion is illegible. I ts contents are as follows :- ::, I doe Certi(y, unto all ,vhom it may concern, that Daniel McGillycuddy, " second son to Coll' Donogh }lcGillycuddy of Karhubeg in the County of ,~ Kerry and Kingdon1e of Irehtnd, ,vas Captn in Coll Monk's Regi1nent in " Holland under the Prince of Orange, Stats Houlder of 1-Iolland, which '· Regimt (along ,vith other Regiments) ,vas established by the Earl of Ossery, '' Lieutt G'ral of those Regin1ts, by orders from I{ing Charles the 2d. [Torn '' and illegible.] . . . . called at any tin1e at [ TornJ ...... " The said Capt. Dan[iell MacGillycud]dy Died in the year of our Lord [Torn ...... actually . . . ." Donough :Thf cGillycuddy ,v2.,s, ho,vever, '' comprehended within the articles of Limerick,'' and his lands, on application to the Commissioners of fo1feitures, th 1 ,vere struck out of their books. On the 7 of November, 1G94, "Col • Donagh McGillycuddy'' took the oath of allegiance to v"'lrLLIA)I and MARY. Cornelius, the eldest son of Donough McGillycuddy by Mci.rie O'Sullivan, succeeded to the fa1nily estates on the death of his father in 1695 or 1696. He served as a Captain in I{ing JA)IEs' arn1y as before stated, and "\Vas :Oiember of Parliament for Ardfert in 1689. He ,vas, ho,vever, at Banecluone (now Whitefield and the family residence) on the 3rd of October, 1691, and was included ,vithin the articles of Lin1erick. He took the orvths to their lVIajesties in 1694. Cornelius, during his father's lifetiine, ,vas active in the recovery of the family property, butlfell after his father's death into great pecuniary difficulties. He mortgaged all his estates, in 16 9 8, to David Crosby of Ardfert; and in 1706 "levied a fine and suffered recovery'' in order to bar the entail. He was for some time before his death of infir1n health, and his medical XXX INTRODUCTORY ~IE1tIOI1"t. adviser, ,vhen sending him a "cooling and lenitive eleetuary," adds to his le.tter the following postcript :- " HeTe is noe manner of ne-\vs ; ,ve expect too n101To1vs post will bring a sure "acct of peace or noe peace ; I hope you have heard a Long Mass this day "being the last day for any of yor Clergy yt has not taken ye Oaths, ,vhich I "belie-re you have an acctt of Long agoe. Its of dangerous consequence to "heare Mass from those yt have not taken the Oaths. I am yors as before." From the foregoing, as ,vell as fron1 other documents, it appears that Cornelius ,vas a Rorr1an Catholic as all his ancestors ,vere. The following licence, headed "Doctor Gibbon's libertie to eat flesh," is curious, but licences for exeP.J.ption fro111 fasting ,vere also obtained frequently by Protestants, during the seventeenth century, and many such licences are on record in the Consistorial Office in Dublin. "Ego, infrascriptus Medicus Doctor, omnibus quorun1 interest, aut interesse "poterit, me examinasse tempe1~aturam nobilis et IllustTissimi Domini Cornelius " :rvrcGillycuddy, eamque esse debiiem, valetudinarian, et superannuam, " quapropter sentio eundem Dominum non teneri J eiunaTe non solu1n "hocce pr;_;esenti quadrigesima) sed etiam in posterum durante vita nullatenus "tenetur J eiunare, propter evectam retaten1. In cuius rei fidem et testi­ " 1nonium subscripsi die ultin1a februaTy 1709.'' " H. GIBBON." Cornelius died in November, 1712, lea·ving no issue, and having endeavoured by a ,vill dated 20 October, 1712, to annul the deeds made to Crosbie in I 706, and to secure the ancestral estates to his nephe,v and heir.. at-law. Denis, ,vho no-,v in 1712 became '' The McGillycuddy," was the eldest son of Captain Daniel l'JcGillycuddy, ,vho ,vas the second son of Colonel Donough ~1cGillycuddy and Marie O'Sullivane. This Daniel served in Colonel Monk's Regiment in Holland under the Prince of Orange and died in or before the year 1705, having married Lucretia, the second daughter and eventually co-heir of J\f ynheer Derrick Von Dachelaer, by his ,vife, Joanna V olters. 1\{argaret, the other sister of Lucretia, was wife to l\faj or, afterwards Colonel, Denis McGillycu.ddy, a :first cousin to Captain Daniel. ifynheer Derrick Von Dachelaer vlas Burgomaster of W ageningen in Guelderland, where he possessed . INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. XXXI

"the great Meado,v near the Rhine.'' Eventually all his property (as his son died '\vithout issue) descended to his t'\vo daughters, Lucretia and Margaret, the ,vives of the cousins MeGillycuddy. By Lucretia, Captain Daniel lVt'Gillycuddy had issue two sons, Denis the elder, and Cornelius, ,vho settled in Lisbon, under the name of Rodrigo Von Dachelaer, and who by deed, dated 3rd April, 1723, conveyed all his share of the Guelderland property to his brother Denis. In this deed "love and affection" are stated to be the only motives for so liberal a gift. Denis McGillycuddy, in 1713, endeavoured, and with son1e success, to recover from the Crosbies the property entailed on him by his grandf2vther's ,vill, and he obtained in 1716 from. Da-vid Crosbie, leases of several denomina­ tions of lands at small rents for the term of 990 years. In 1718 Dennis openly declared his conformity to the established religion, as appears by a certificate which is thus endorsed:-" Denis l\fcGillycuddy's certificate for taking ye oaths, ano D'ni 1718. Filed in ye Rolls office, 22 July, 1719.'' The certificate itself is as follows :-

" Com. KERRY. Ad General' Session' pac' tent' apud Tralee in Com' pd 22° die April' ano D'ni, 1718. " I do hereby certify that Denis 1\1 cGillycuddy, of Carrubeg, in the said "County, gent', came into open C'rte, and produced a certificate of his receiving "the Sacran1ent of the Lord's Supper according to the Church of Ireland, 2ind "proved the san1e as the statute requires, and then and there s,vore the oath "of Allegiance and Abjuracon, and subscribed the same and the Declaracon, " all at the sd sessn. Given under my hand. Dat' ut supra. Signed p' ordin' "Cur' Cha: Carthy-Dt' Cl' Pac'.'' Accompanying the foregoing certificate is a letter dated " Rolls Office., Dublin, the 23rd July, 1719," fro111 San1uel Po-vlell, ,c to ]v!r. John Blenerhasset,. at Tralee." irr. Po,vell thus ,vrites :-"Sr/I recevd yours of the 16th Instt "with mcGillicuddy's certifi.c', of "rhich the foregoing is a true Copy of the d Ori'all with us filed. The fees, ,vhich are to be paid by you, I have answd "to the Officer till your coming to To,vne, which are five shills and three "pence half penny, and all possible care for the Dispatch thereof has been '' taken for you." Denis McGillycuddy married, in 1717 (the marriage articles bear date .. XX.XU INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR.

February the 26th) Anne, the daughter of 1fr., or Captain, John Blenner­ hasset, of Killorglin, to ,vhom PO"\vell ,vrote. In 1724, he ,vent to Guelderland, to look after the property his brother Cornelius gave hin1 in 1723. Fron1 thence he "\Yrote to his ,vife, "Mrs. Ann :i\1cGillycuddy, at Carhuebeg,'' the f ollo,v-ing letter :- t, "\Vageningen, 29th July, 17:)•4, Dutch stile. " l\Iy Dr Life, '' I arriv'd, God be prais'd, at Rotterdam, after a voyage of 14 Days, "all ,vhich tin1e I was very sick, and did not eat a pound of any thing, but now "thanck God am Pritty ,vell. ~Iost of my sickness proceeded from trouble in ~, mind. J\fy Bror ,vritt to n1e in Corke that he ,vould begin his voyage for "Lisbon in 14 Days tin1e. Pray Lett n1e kno,v ,vhere he is, and I-f o,v yu and "the Children doe. Tell Tu1r:, Lavery that her }lusband is very ,vell, 2"nd that "I an1 very Carefull of hi1n, and that I expect shee ,vill be very carefull of the " children. I find my Busseniss so very Confus' d here that I a1n afraid I " shan't be able to come over to yu, my Dr, as soon as I Expect' d, but assure "yrselfe I ,vill make al the Hast I can to yr arrns, ,vho an1 yr affect' and "Loveing Husband, '' \Vhilst "Den: ni<•Gillycuddy. "Pray lett me kno-,v whether Patrick Slavin sett the Teythes of farrennagatt "to any Body for the use of Hugh Lavery as I did expect he ,.vould, and am "sure he did. Order Will' Geyheen to gett in the Debts due to Hugh Lavery."

Denis McGillycuddy, on his return from Guelderland, applied hin1self to obtain from the Crosbies, and fron1 the Herberts, to whom part of Crosby's interest in the J\icGillycuddy estates had been assigned, some settlement of the suits which arose out of the deeds signed by his uncle Cornelius. In this he ,vas aided by the good feeling ,vhich prevailed bet,veen the Crosbies and his fa1nily. In 1727, he ,vrote to Sir lviaurice Crosbie, reminding him that David Crosbie, his father, as certain deeds executed by him set forth, was "nearly related to and concerned for the being and preservation of the family" ,of McGillycuddy, and that "n1ore especially since the conversion of [DennisJ INTRODUCTORY ME1f OIR. XXXlll to the Protestant religion." It \vould appear that owing to these considera­ tions, the Crosbies gave Dennis very favourable terms, of which he availed himself to recover part of his patrin1ony. Denis McGillycuddy executed his last ,vill and testament on the 27th of December, 1730, and soon after,vards died. fiis ,vill ,vas proved by Sir Maurice Crosbie and other executors on the 27th of February, 1731. He left his Guelderland property to his younger children. Among the items of his funeral expenses ,vere the follo,ving, viz. :-- " lli 15s Od expended for an Anchor of Brandy. "4n laid out in ,vine for Defuncts Funerall. 1 "l5 i due to l\{ort Sullivane of Killarney, merchant, for ye Defunct's " Funerall Expenses. "3n 5s Od p'd Keyne 1Iahony for Brandy, spent at ye Defunct's '' F unerall. 1 " 9 i 4 s 6d p' d John Cahane of Tralee, for Holland, &c., for s' d '' :ffunerall." Anne, the relict of Denis 1IcGillycuddy, Yvas married in 1731, to Thomas Herbert, esq., ,vith ,vhom Cornelius, the second son of Denis, had a lawsuit of long continuance. The family papers from this period afford few extracts of more than private interest. The details of the McGillycuddy genealogy will be noticed in pages 189 to 204.


AL p;_1gc ~01, line 2 from bottom, insert (after the ''~\.vis died u;run:'1) 6. Agne~., w·ife of :VIaurice Leyne, :\l.D.



A COllSTAT, declaring that Queen.I Elizabeth granted to Ed,m-und Bct1"1~ett, i~n 1595, the Estates of .Llf'Gillycudcly, slain in Rebell,ion.

[Dated June 8, 1595. J CossTAT de Recordo in Rotulis Cancellar' Hib'nie, Quod D'na Elizabeth, nuper Anglie Regina, p' L't'ras suas Patent' sub magno Sigillo Hib'nie, geren' Dat' apud Dublin', octavo die J unii, Anno Regni sui Anglie :ffrancie et Hib'nie, Tricessimo septimo, Dedit' Concessit, et Confirmavit, p'dilecto subdito suo, Edn1undo Barrett, (inter al') vill' de Charowloughurt, Bodevismeane al's ffarrenegatt, et Tenescartie, cont' inter se duas Cartron' terr' montan' et infertil', un' Cartron' terr', cu' p'tin', in vill' et campis de Charowbeg, un' Cartron' terr', cu' p'tin', in vill' et cam pis de Ardemore et Ardenegieaghe, un' Cartron' terr' in Banecloone, duas Cartron' terr' in vill' et cam.pis de Shanevaghe, un' Cartron' terr' in Ardelaghes, un' Cartron' in Leseknogher, in Baron' de Charo,vloughurt de Kilsallaghe,. un' Cartron' terr' de Kieapirash, un' Cartron' terr' in 1\1egaului, un' Cartron' in Charo,vmeerieyghter, un' Cartron' in Braheraghe, duas' Cartron' terr' in Chaherdonellyearaghe, un' Cartron' terr' in Charowmeereyeaghterglaneloghe, un' Cartron' terr' in J\1onefeelagh et un' Cartron' terr', cu' p'tin', in Derilecreghivaghe, in Comitat' Kerr', de terr' et possession' Donaldi Geraldagh m+ Gillecud, nup' de Bodevisemeene _p'dct', in rebellion' interfect', et authoritat' p'liament' alte p' dicon' nup' attinct' HABEXD' et tenend', p' efat' Edmundo Barrett, hered' et assign' suis, in p'p'um, ad solu111 et p'prium opus et usum. ipsius Edn1undi Barrett, hered' et assign' suor' p' cl' c' - TENEND' de d' ca D'na Regina, hered' et successor' suis, ut de Castro suo Dublin', in feod' firm' p' fidelitat' tantum, et in libero et com'uni soccagio, et non in Capite, nee in soccagio in Capite. Ac REDDEND' inde annatim item Edmundus Barrett hered' et assign' sui d'ce d'ne Regine, hered' et successor' suis, ad B 2 ll'GILLYCUDDY n1anus Vicethes' sive general' Receptor', sui hered' et successor' suor', Regni sui Hib'nie p' ed', p' tempore existen', ad receptu' s' cc'ii sui in eodem Regno suo Hib'nie, p' vill' de Charo,vloughurt Bodevismeane et Tenescartie p' d' e', Quinque solid', p' p' d' e' terr' in Carrowbeg, duos solid' et sex denar', per p' d' e terr' in Ardmore et A.rdnegieaghe, duos solid' et sex denar', p' p' d' e terr' in Banecloone, duos solid' et sex denar', p' p' d' terr' in Shaneraghe, quinque solid', p' terr' in ~~rdlaghes p'd', duos solid' et sex denar', p' terr' in Lesseknogher p'd', duos solid' et sex denar', p' terr' in Kieapirash p' d', duos solid' et sex denar', p' terr' in Mega,vlui p' de', duos solid' et sex denar', p' terr' in Charowemeereyeaughter p' de', duos solid' et sex denar', p' terr' in Bragheraghe p' d' e, duos solid' et sex denar', p' terr' in Chaherdonellyearaghe p' d' e, quinque solid', p' terr' in Charrowemeereyeighterglanelughe, duos solid' et sex denar', p' terr' in Moneselaghe p'd'e, duos solid' et sex denar', et p' terr' in Derilecreigheraghe p' d', duos solid' et sex denar', legal' monet' Hib'nie, ad fest' s' c'i Mich'is arch' e et Pasche p' equales porcones. Exd Jacob Newman.

The lands of Bodesmine and other lands of M'Gillicuddy are thus described in Sir George Carew's MSS. (625), in Lambeth Library:- " :NI'Gillicuddy's lands: £ s. cl. " The Castle and iiij ploµghlands of Bodesmine, lying in the Barony of Dunkerron, paying yearly iiij beeves, at val. per an., liij lllJ " N OTE.-The Castle and landes of Bodesmine and Slaght 1VI'Rury lye neare the River of the Laune, and have fisheings therein. '' The lands of Slughtmacrury, in T,voghclanihe, being xij ploughlandes and half, pay yearly for Do",gallow* xviij querreens of butter and xviij sorreens* of oatmeal a plough, ,vhich amounteth in the ,vhole to ccxxv quer­ reens of butter and ccxxv sorrens of oatmeal. Value at £v xiis. vicl. st. Also the sheaves of oats out of a ploughland which amounteth to vijcc sheaves, at value xxxvijs. vid. st. Also for cuddy or refection viij quireens PAPERS. 3

£ s. cl. of butter and viij sorreens of oatmeal a ploughland, ,vhich amounteth to c+ querrens of butter and c sorrens of oatn1eal, at value cs. ster. Also Coulr·o, besides a share in all other duti?s, in money xis. id. each yea:re, also viijs. ijd. each yeare, value xis. icl. a year, at value . . .. per an., Xl VI 1J * Dowgallow or Dowgollogh -was "a certain rent for dog's meat and man~s meat among the mountains of Desmond. The lower counties paid it for horse meat and dog meat." " Son·en was extorted by tho Earl of Desmond...... is a night's meate upon any such lands as the Earle of Glancare passed through "\"\ith his forces and companies."-See "Lake Lore," by (the late) Archdeacon Rowan, pp. 67, 68. Dublin: Hodges & Smith. 1853.


lvle-1no·ranclumi oj" the pa.ssing in 1Jatent of M' Gillycuclcly' s laricls to Si1" Charles lfFil1not. [Dated 19 May 1615.J

CoMITATus ~ Decimo nono die Maij 1615. KERIE ) Men1orandun1 : forasmuch as the towne and lands of Carrolohirt, Bodsbyunine, fferrenegatt, and teneskarty, contayninge t,voe cartrons of land, n1onetaine and heath, one cartron of land in the to,vne and fields of carre,vbegge, one carrene of land in the toune and fields of Ardmore and Ardnegeighe, one cartrone of land in Ballecton, twoe cartrons of land in the to,vne and fields [ of] shanby als shaunbyge, one cartron of land in Ardlages, one cartron of land in lishcomoyger in Barronie de carroghirt et Killsallaghe, one cartron of land in keapniriushe, one cartron of land in re-vvgonsl~ine als regallin, one cartron of land in carronaneryeightragh, one cartron of land in Beagheraghe, t,voe cartrons of land in caherdonnellyeraghe, one cartron of land in carro,veneerryeightery­ lanelage, one cartron of land in menesellaghe, and one cartron of land in dirrylenebaghe otherwise called dirrylaccabaghe, lieinge in the county of

Kerie, p' cell of the lands & possessions of donald Geradaghe mtt Gillecudd, late of Bodevisenedan, attainted, and the rents and revercons thereof, are past in .fee simple, absque aliquo inde reddend', unto S'r charles vVillmott, knight, and B2 4 l\1'GILLYCUDDY

his heires, by l'ters pattent under the greate seale of the realme of Ireland, bearinge date at Dublin the ninth day of December, in the twelfe yeare of his mat's reigne of England, france and Ireland, ,vhoe assigned his estate in the p'n1isses unto morrisse crosbie, gent, and his heires, by deed bearinge date the tenth of December 1614. It is no-\v therefore ordered that noe p'cesse doe at any time hearafte1~ yssue oute of this courte to molest the said morrisse crosbie, or the ten' ants of the for' said townes, cartrons; and p' cells of land, for any rent or arreares, hertofore reserved on the p'n1isses by vertue of l'ters patent thereof granted to one Edmund Barrett, gent, and his heires, bearing date the xvith of June in the seavne and thirteth yeere of the late queene Elisabeth's raigne, whereof the Auditor, clearke of the pipe, & other the officers of this courte to ,vhom it ap'p'tenith, are to take notice, and accordingly to see the same p'formed, as alsoe the receaver of his mat's revenue in the p'vince of mounster is likewise herby required to forbeare, from time to time7 to molest, trouble, or vexe the said crosbie or his tenents of the said lands, for any rent or arreares of rents, supposed to be due on the same.

Int' in offic' Auditor' Ex' per me Robertu' Bysse, Rem­ 28° Januarij 1630 emorator' T'r' e'rij et secundar' J a. Ware, Cl. Ren1emoratorem. Intrat' within offic' cl'ici pipe et Ingrosse' magni Rott' S'cc'ij xvit0 9ber 1619. Ex' p' Ro. Do,vnton.

11"T"TI .

The A iv(crcl of TV"alter Crosby concer·ning the. lands of'G·illycudcly. [Dated 31. June 1618.] [Endorsed] .A.n Order for mcGillycuddy against O Shulivane concer' the t,vo Caruhihones & Ardsilane.

U PONE matter of controversie, question, sute, and debate, depended betwixte O~Nen oge O Sulivan of Balline Gillinevlan, in the county of Kiery gent', of th'one p'tie, and Cnogher mcGillechedy, of Castell Corry of th'other p'ti, for PAPERS. 5 and concerning the Right, Tytle and Intrest, of five ploghlands and twoe p'tes of a ploghland, knowen by the names of Carhownehennewragh, containeing one ploghland ; Ardshillan, co_ntaineinge twoe ploghlands ; Carrowmirreghteroghne Ciafelegh, containeinge one plogh' ; Curowmirughtragh Glanlogh, containeinge one ploghland; and twoe partes of a ploghland (being divided in three) in Caher Donellierregh, all in the county aforesaid, w'ch controversi the said p'ties have, of there one mutuall assents and consents, submitted and refered to the lawed order, arbitramt and finall ad,varde of us Walter Crosbie Esqr, Donell oge mt Donoll mt Corm', Dermott lein, and Donell o Shea, w'thin the said County, gent'. And we, haveing called both p'ties before us, and acsepted ther said submission herein, and thereuppon herd and examined there allegac'ons and approbac'ons on both sides, find that the inheritans of the foresaid p'celes of land of Right doth ·anciently belong to the said Donogh mcGillich~dy, and that the same have ben out of his and his p'dicessors' hands and possession only in mortgadge. U ppon full considerac' on thereof, and other the materiall circumstances of the cause, wee, ye above named arbi­ trators, have and by these p'nts order, awarde, and arbitrat, as hereafter followeth, vzt :-rhat he the said owen oge o Sulivan, his heires or assignes, shall make over all the Rights, titels, escripts, vrritings, or ani other intrest whatsoever in him lieth he hath, or by ani meanes may or ought to have, togither w'th an estate in forme of law of the said Carhownehonierragh, Artsheelhane, Caromirieghte'ne Ciaselegh, Carromireieghtregh Glanlogh, and two p'tes of ploghland in Caherdonellieregh, from him the said · owen, his heares and assignes, unto the said Cnogher, his heares and assignes for ever, accordinge as the learned Councell of the said Cnogher shall devis or advise, and that that to be don by the said Owen, his heares and assignes, when and as often as he, [or] they, shalbe herunto required by him the said Cnogher: his heares or assignes. We doe allso arbitrat and order that the said O,ven and his hers shall ,varrante and defend the said Cnogher, his heares and assignes, from all former estats, escripts, dowries, J ointers or other estats ,vhat soe ever, and from all claiming Intrests from him by him or ani other of the septe of O Sulivane More. We have likewise concluded and ordered bet,ven the said p'ties that the said Cnogher shall have possession of all the said lands at or before the last of August next following, and then shall make unto the said Owen oge o Sulivan and his hears an estate of Mortgadge of the to-\vne 6 M'GILLYCUDDY

and lands of Carromirieghtreghine-Ciaselegh Carromireighstregh and the t"roe partes of Caherdonellierragh, containing by estimac' on twoe ploghlands and twoe p'tes of a ploghland, for the som' of threescore and ten Pounds, corant n1ony in England, according as the learned councell of the said owen shall advis and devise, when he shalbe hereunto required by the said O"\Ven. It is alsoe ordered that the said owen, his heres and assignes, shall have and hould the said lands a wholl yeare after the Redemption, yielding and paiing, out of everie plogh' of the premisses, three poundes ster', by equall porcions, at Easter and Michaelmas. Dated at Aghadoe the xxxj st of June 1618. By these ,voords of warenties of.the sept of O Sulivan more w'thin specified in the xxxvth lyne is mente but only against Donell o Sulivan graundffather to the said Owen oge o Sulivan, and those that ar linaly decended from him the said Donell. In witness whereof we the said orderers have herunto put or hands and seales the day and yeare above written.

(loc. sig.) (loc. sig.) (loc. sig.) (loc. sig.) W. Crosbie D.C De: Leyne Daniel Shea

Signed sealed perfected and pronounced in p'sents of us whose names ensue Ter : Brenain-Morogh me Cnog.-Dermod Phalvy­ Tragynemyn o Learie's Marcke+; Arthur Glauster's Marcke+.


Conveyance of the La·nds of A itnygarrie and Behighane to Connor· M'Gi'llycuddy. [Dated last of ·February, 1623.J N ovERINT universi p' p'ntes me Thadeu' me ffynen' o Sullevane de Aunny­ garrye in Comitatu Kerrie, gener', firmiter teneri et fideliter obligari Cornelio o Sullevane, alias me Gillecuddy, de Castell kurig in predicto comitatu, gener', in trecentis libris bonre et legalis monetre in Anglia. Solvend' eidem Cornelio, heredibus, executoribus et assignatis suis ad eius vel ipsoru' b'n'placitu' et voluntatem. Ad quam quidem soluconem b'n' et fideliter facienda', ego predictus Thadeus obligo me, heredes, executores et assignatos meos, fi.rmiter P.A.PERS. 7 p' p'ntes. In cuius rei testimoniu' p'ntibus manu' subscripsi et sigillu' men' apposui. Datu' ultimo die ffebruarij 1623. Whear theabove bounded Teig me ffynen hath passed all his right, title and interest ,-vhatsoever, to the said Connor o Sullevane, alias me Gillecuddy, in and of one ploweland in Aunnygarrie* called ffearyn noghtraghe, in the to-\vne and lands of Beghechane Tleaghta Teig, and the castell of Bunn Inyre, containing one ploweland more or lesse, and the third parte of a ploweland in Ardmore aud Mealla, within the baronie of Dunekierane, in the countie afore­ said. The condic'on therefore of this p'nt obligac'on is such that the said Teig me ffynen, his heires, executors, and assigns, and every of them, shall, from tyme to tyme and at all tymes herafter, upon demaunde made by thesaid Connor o Sullevane his heirs and assignes, passe and n1ake a sure and indefeacible estate in lawe of theabove nominated parcells of lande (as the learned counsell of the said Connor OSullevane his heires or assignes shall advise or devise) to the said Connor his heires and assign es for ever : That then this obligac' on shalbe void in lawe, otherwise to stand in full force and effect.

Teig me ffynen Sullevane's marcke + Being p'nt at the signing, sealing and deliverie hereof, we, whose names do follo-,ve, Der' Leyne. Edmo'd me Swiny. Dermod me Donnogh. Teig me Donugh. Aulife o Sullevane.

::: These seem to be the same lands, which were granted to Sir John Davis by the King in 1616~ as appears by the following extract from the Patent Rolls of Chancery, namely:-'' Kerry Co-in the two Owingarries, 2 plowlands, parcel of the Estate of Teige oge ye Teige l-fc Shane O Sulivan attainted :-in Beachane J plowland; parcel of the Estate of Gillicody me Teige oge, and of Teige oge late of Owengarries, attainted." [Pat' Rot' 13° Jac I. p. 2. d. m. 43.7 8 M'GlLLYCUDDY V. Exoneration of certain of M'Gillicuddy's Lands frorri Rent reserved to the King. [Dated 28th N o-vember 1628. J [Endorsed] An Order against my Lo: Boorke Graunt' 1628. xxv-i_ij:: No: 1628. Term'o S'c'i Mich'lis 1628. Co : KERRY. Whereas proces issued, out of this courte, agt ye Tennants of ye Townes, and Lands, of Bodevismine, in ye Countie of Kerry, p'cell of ye possessions of Donough mt dermott o Swilevan, otherwise called mac Gille­ cuddy, whoe died in rebellion; for ye yeerly rent of Lijs :, and ye arreares thereof, w'ch rent ,vas reserved uppon a graunte, made to Theobald, Lorde Boorke, now Lo: Barron of Brittace, dated xxij 0 Martii 1604. Uppon w'ch proces, Connor mt Gillecuddy, gen', now Tennante of ye p'misses, appe'd in Courte this Tearme; and alleaged yt he ought not to be Charged w'th ye said rent and arreare ; or anie parte thereof, and that he deriveth noe estate in ye p'misses, from, by, or under, ye graunte made of ye same to ye said Lo : Boorke, nor ever compounded w'th him, (or anie other to his use) for the same; butt enioyed ye said Lands as his owne and ancient Inheritance. And there­ fore desired that noe further proces issue againste him, for ye said Rent, and Arreare ; W' ch being taken into Considerac' on ; ffor as much as it app' eth (by severall Certificats under ye hands of ye Surveyor generall, ye Cheife Remem', Mr Auditor Generall, and Mr Jacob Newman, rema~yninge in ye Second Remem' office,) that they cannott :finde anie Sr vey office payemt, or assignem\ to Charge ye said Lands w'th ye said Rent, other then ye graunte of ye said Lo : Boorke ;-The Courte doth therefore order, yt noe further proces issue againste ye said Connor mt Gillecuddy, or anie his Ten'nts, for ye said Rent and arreare, or anie p'te thereof; but to be Exon' ated and discharged thereof. And if ye Sherrifle of ye said Countie hath taken anie Moneys, Bonds, Bills, or other Security, for ye same, he is to restore ye same backe againe, by vT ertue of this order; and he to have due allowance thereof, on his Accon1pts; Whereof ye Auditor, and ye Clarcke of ye Pipe, and all other officers of this Courte, whon1e it maie Concerne, are to take notice. Ex' p' Hen : Warren. Intr' in officio Pipe, Libr' E, fol' 221. Ter'i'o Trinitatis 1629. Tho : N e,vcomen. P.A.PERS. 9


A deed of Connor M' Gillicuddy, sec·uring a JJrovision for his wife, and w1,.itten the year before the voyage in., which he JJerished.

[Dated 12 October 1629.J To all Christian people to whome this deede of feoffmt shall com, Cnoghor mt Giollacuddy of Castlecurrigge, in the Countie of Kierry, gent', sendeth greeting in our Lorde god everlasting. Knowe yee that I, the said Cnoghor, for divers good causes and valuable considerac'ons me thereunto moveing, have given, graunted, enfeoffed, assured and confirmed-And by these p'ntes doe give, graunte, enfeoffe, assure and confirme, unto Daniell oge Carthie ye younger, of Doungil, in the said Countie, gent', and Diermod mt Daniell o Suollyvane, of ffermoile, in ye said Countie, gent', to ye ensueing uses here­ under written, all and singuller the Townes, villages, landes, tenementes, and hereditamts followeing, v'z, Listiconnor conteining one plowland, Fo-,v­ loows conteining one plowland, Keapaghenruish conteining one plowland, Rahurowmireoghteraghnykesallagh containning one plowland, Cahurrow­ mirieragh Glanlogha cont' one plowland, Bracahuragh cont' one plowland, Kahurdonnellerragh containing tow plowlands, & Ardshillane cont' tow plow­ lands, the whole conteininge 10 plowlands in Countie of Kierie afores'd, with all and singuller the messuages, woods, underwoods, mills, sutes of mills, watters, wattercourses, weares, com' ons, pastures, areable lands, inclosures, meddo,ves, n1oores, Marishes, Turfe, Turbaries, Quaries, mynes, and all other partes, p'cells, members, priviledges, advowsions, issues, pro:ffits, advantages, appendaunces, and app'tenences whatsoever, to ye p'misses belonging, or in any ,vise app'teining, and there Reversion and Reversions, Remainder and Ren1ainders, of ye p'misses, and of every parte and p'cell thereof-To have and to hould all and singuller ye fore said Townes, villages, hamletts, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, with there and every of there appendaunces and app'tenances whatsoever, and assygn . . Daniell Carthie ye younger and Dermod me Daniell o Sullivane, theire heires and assygnes, & to ye sur[vivor J of them, his heires . . . ever, to ye uses, intent, lymitac' ons and trew meanings w' chheere under written shall be declared ...... uses whatsoever-To be holden of ye just Lorde C 10 M'GILLYCUDDY of ye fee by ye services thereof de,v & of right accustomed. And I, ye said Cnoghor me Gillacuddy, for me, my heires and assygnes & every of us the p'misses w'th thapp'tenances shall warrt & defend unto ye said feoffees, theire heires & assygnes, to ye uses heere underwritten, against all person and persons ,vhatsoever. And further know... e yee that I have and doe heerby for me and in my nan1e constitute, depute, & authoryse my welbeloved Dermod me Daniell Carthie, of Doungile in ye countie afores' d, gent', my true and lawfu.11 [ atturny] to enter into ye p'misses or to eny parte or p' cell thereof, in ye name of ye whole lands, and thereof and therein to take possession & seisen, and afterwards to deliver & give full actuall and quiet possession & seisin thereof unto ye said feoffees, or unto eny or either of them, as well in his owne name as in the name of his co feoffee, to enure to them, their heires and assignes, to ye uses heereunder written, according to ye .effect of this deed.· Ratefieing and confirming whatsoever my said Atturney shall doe, or cause to be done, touching ye p'misses. In witness whereof I, the said Cnogher mt Gillacuddy, have hereunto putt my hand & seale. Dated ye xij th day of october, Anno 1629, and in ye fifth yeare of ye raigne of our soveraigne L: King Charles, that now is, of England, scotland, ffraunce, and Ireland, &c. Th'only intent, purpose, and true meaneing of the makeing of y'above deede of feoffmt, was and is, and heereafter for ever shall be, and it was declared at the p'fecting thereof, executeing of the same with liverie of seizin : That ye said feoffees, theire heires and assignes, & the survivor of them, his heires and assignes, shall remaine, stand, and be sesed of all and singuller ye said Townes, villages, hamletts, lands, tenements, and hereditaments aforesaid, with theire and every of theire appendaunces and app'tenances whatsoever, and of ye rents, issues, and p'fitts of ye same to ye use, behoof and Comoditie of my Lawfull and married wife, Shily ny Daniell Carthie, dureing her naturall life, without impeachmt of waste, and after her decease, to ye use, behoofe, and Comoditie, of ye heires males of my body la1vfully begotton, and to be begotten, uppon ye body of ye said Shyly. And for want of such heires, to ye use, behoofe, and Comoditie, of ye issue female by me begotten, or to be begotten, uppon ye body of ye said Shily, towards theire p'ferment, as heereafter shall be declared. And for want of such issue, ye Remainder to be to ye use of me, ye said Cnoghor me Gillacuddy, my heires and assignes for ever. Provided all\vaies and yet nevertheless, ye intent and true meaneing of this deede, that ,vhen- P ..\.PERS. 11 soever I, ye said Cnogher, my heires or assignes, shall well and truely sattisfie, content and actually pay, or cause to be ,vell, and truely, sattisfied, contented and actually payed, unto ye said feoffees, theire heires or assignes, in one intire payment, ye su111 of foure hundred pounds ster' good and la,vfull currt money, of and in Englc:tnd, for ye use, benefitt and Commodittie of ye said Shylly, dureing her naturall life, and, after her decease, to ye use and benefitt of ye heires males lawfully begotten, and to be begotten, by me uppon her body for ever. Or, for want of such heires, whensoever I, ye said Cnogher, 111y heires or assignes, shall sattisfie and pay unto ye said feoffees, their heires or assignes, to ye use behoofe or Comoditie of ye said daughters by n1e begotten, or to be begotten, uppon ye body of ye saide Sheely, towardes theire p'ferment, ye sum of Six hundred pounds ster', good and lawfull currt. money of and in England-Then and not before, this deede to be void and voidable in Law, eny thing here contained to ye contrary notwithstanding. Provided further, and so it is ye intent and meaneing of theise p'ntes, that if ye said foure hundred pounds ster' shall be sattisfied and payed, as afores'd, yt to"\\-­ hundred pounds ster' thereof shall be to ye use of my s'd daughter, if there be one [byJ me uppon ye bodye of my saide ,vife; after ye decease of her, if there be not such heires males by me begotten uppon her body as abovesaid. And untill ye said t,vo hundred pounds ster' shall be payed to use aforesaid for ,vant of such heires males ye rents yssues and p'fitts of all ye p'misses to be to ye use of such issue female, after ye decease of n1y saide ,vife. Connor mcGillacuddy. Signed and sealed by the ,vithin named Cnoghor n1t Gillacuddy, and after by hi1n delivered to Daniell Carthie the elder, of Poongile, gent', as well to ye use of the within named feoffees, to ye use w'thin declared, as allsoe to ye use of ye ....i\.tturney -vvithin specified, in ye presence of us, whose na1nes ensue, ffrancis Roch-William Creagh-Cnoghor oge o Sullyvane. Being p'nte when Dermod mt Daniel Carthie, ye Atturney ,vithin na1ned, hath delivered, and given, full, actuall, and quiet, possession & seisin, of ye ,vithin p'n1isses, unto Daniell Carthie ye younger, one of ye feoffees ,vithin menc'oned, as ,vell in his o,vne name as in ye na1ne of his Co-feoffee, to have, to them, theire heires and Asss, to ye uses w'thin declared, according the effec~, intent & tre,v n1eaneing of this deede. And as,vell "'.'hen ye severall Leassees of ye p'misses have severally Atturned to ye said Daniell Ca.rthie, as,vell in his owrne C2 12 M'GILLYCUDDY name as in ye name of his saide co-feoffee, by giveing him six pence, ster', from eveiy of them to the within declared, in ye name of attuTnem t, in the p'sence of us, whose names ensue, vz Owen me Carthie-0,ven me shane n1c Cnogher-0,ven me Dermott his m'k-.Charles Carthy-Diormud me Sheane his m'k. Copia v' Exd. Da : Crosby.


An Order exoner·ating M'Gillicuddy's lands from the Rent rese1---ved ,upo·n Barrett's grant. [Dated in Hilary Term, 1630] [Endorsed] An order to free M'Gillycuddy of the King's Rent. Ter'no s' c'i Hillarij, 1630. CoM' KERRY vVhereas proces issued out of this Courte, against the tent of the Towne and lands of Carro,vlougert, Bodevisendan and Teneskarty, containinge 2 Cartrons of land in the county of Kerry, for the yearly rent of vs; one Cartron in Carrowbegg for the yearly rente of ijs vjd; one Cartron in Ardmore and Ardnegreagh for the yearly rent of ijs vjd; one Cartr' in Baneclone for the yearly rente of ijs vjd; 2 cartr' in Shanneragh for the yearly rent of vs; one Cartr' in Ardlaghies for the yearly rent of ijs vid ; one Cartr' in Lisknogher for the rent of ijs vjd p' annu'; one Cartr' in Capough [Kieapira in another copy] for the rent of ijs vjd p' annu', one cartr' in Magaulen [lV[eaghgawlen in another copyJ ad ijs vid p' annu' ; one Cartron in Carrowneereighter ijs via p annu' ; one Cartron in Bragheragh for the rent of ijs vi

A copy of the above is signed as follows :- Ri. Bolton Copia vera ex' per Hen. Warren. There are three copies of this document one of which is thus endorsed :- " An order mentioning that the rent receaved uppon Barrett's graunt ,vas dischardged befor my Lo : W eelmott's graunt & then extinguist."

VIII. Assignment of William Creagh's rniortgage upon the lands of Ardlaghis ctnd Banecluone. [Dated 8 of May, 1631] [Endorsed] Willm Creagh-assignment of his mortgadge of Ard' & Bond for £54. 4s. 6d. I, William Creagh, of the Citty of Limbricke, marcht, doe acknowledge to have had & received from. David Crosbie, of Ardfert, in the Countie of Kyrry, Esq, the some of fortie two pounds, togither w'th Twelve pounds fower shillings six pence, ster'. And that in full consideracion of the mortgadge I had upon the 1 1 two plowlands of Adlagisy & Banclone, being 42 the mortgadge & 12 4 s 6\ arreares of rent due unto_ me uppon the s'd lands, w'ch deed of mortgadge bears date the xxth of September 1622 and now remayns in the custody of the sayd David Crosbie. In consideracion of w'ch, I doe herby assigne over unto the s'd David Crosbie, his heires, Executors, adm' or assignes, all my whole tytle, right & Interest, in the said land & deede, and alsoe in a bound obligacion of one hundred pounds, ster', wherein Conno' me Gillycuddy, late deceased, David Roch, & Mortagh o Shigro,v are bynd for the true p'formance of ye s' d deede of mortgadge & all condicions therin incerted. In wittnes ,vherof I have herunto putt my hand & seale the eight of may 1631. William Creaghe. Being p'sent att the signing, sealing, and delivering herof, we ,vhose na1nes ensue:- Da : Andrewes Tos: Shierly his John+ moore marck PAPERS. 15


An imperfect Rent Roll of M'Gillycuddy's lands. [.A.Fragment, on Parchment, dated 1631.J Rentall of mcGillycuddies rent Michael' 1631. l s d The two plowl~nds of ffarinygatt & Teniskarty,-1 woorkmen uppon occasion.- a Heriatt uppon the death of evrie tenant-not to aleane [ alien 1] .. anie of theire leases without my consent first :,. 3 lJ 6 had in writing, averie Dewling [ dwelling ?J uppon the p'misses are to contribuit to give healpes as occasion requires . . . . The two plow : of Carubeg & the Ardis with all the ~ 10 0 0 a£ or ' s'd con d.1c1ons ...... Jr The two plow : of Banclone & Ardlegisis with all the l Vl- 0 a1or~ d' s'd con d.1c1ons . . . Jr 4 The two plow: of Carunihones w'th all the afor's'd l 4 0 0 condicions . f The Mill 3 2 6 The two plow: of Shaniry with all the afor's'd L 6 0 0 con d' : . JI The two plow: of Cahidonellirogh, a Lease of 21 I yeares beginning the first of 9her 1628. 10 I 2 0 0 guerins 2 muttons & a Hogg w'th all the s'd r cond'. . J The plow: of Bracarigh,-a Hogg and two muttons! 2 2 6 w'th all the s' d cond' . f The plow : of Carumire w'th a Hogg & a mutton, and I ~ 2 0 0 all the s' d condicions, . j The two plow : of Capinrus & the Goulane,-81 guerens uppon Teig o Galuone & uppon Danell 7 13 4 me Der' oge [blank] guerens-a Hogg & a mutton I upon both, w'th all the s'd cond' . . . J 16 M'GILLYCUDDY

l s d The plow: of Glanlogy for a veale and a hand of l butter 2s. a Hogg & a mutton & a Capon. for 21 yea.res beginning the 19th of Aug: 1628. w'th all I 1 12 0 the s' d condicions . J The plow : of Derilettecouse xvj guerins a Hogg & al l> 15 0 mutton w'th all the s' d cond' . . . . J The plow : of Dirinauliffe w'th all the s' d cond' 17 6 The plow : of Muniflugh w'th all the s' d cond' . 1 2 6 5 p'tes of a plow : of Ardmore. 3d p'te of a plow : of l ( 9 0 the meles. • J The two plow : of Ardsilane. . . ! r 10 0 I The !lands· . . ) mo : o Shigron, mo : Clarigh & Teig me Tilahir Their p'te of Cahir.


A certificate concerning a law suit betiveen S. Raymond & D. Crosbie. [Dated 11 June, 1632] Samuel Raymond, pl'f l xj 0 die Junii 1632 John fitz Gerrald & ~ Uppon search this day made in my office I find David Crosby esqrs defendts j that the pl'f filed his bill against the Defendts in Hillary tearme 1630, unto w'ch bill the Defendts made aunsweare in Trynity tearme 1631. But as yett I find noe Replicac' on put in by the pl'f against the Deferidts Ex' p' Rob't Kennedy. PAPERS. 17

XI. lV.ill of The O Suli1xrne ,,no're. (There are t\vo copies of this docun1ent.) [Dated 14 November 1632.J Ix dei no'i'e, A1nen. I, Daniell O Sullivane, als O Sullivane More, of Dunkieran, in the County of Kierry, Esq, being att this Instante of p'fect ,vitt & memorie, sickely in body, haveing God before mine Eyes, & being sure that death is certaine & the thereof uncertaine, do hereby make my last ,vill and Testan1ent, in Manner and form·e as hereafter follo,veth :-ffirst, I commend my

Soule to the Hollie Trinitie and all the gets in heaven. My bodie to be interred & buried in the Abby of Irrelagh, in my pradicessors ton1be. Secundarily, I appointe & constitute owen o Sullivane, my eldest sonne, to bee my true & la-wfull heire, to ,vhome I leave all my rents, lands, and Living, w'thin the Count' of Kierry. Thirdly, I leave to my ,vife, Juan fitz Morish, Cuillinayhe, contayning t,vo plo,vlands, Ardbentuirke containing one plowland, Kuilenagh one plo,vland, Clueagh one plowland, Rossdoghin one plowland, with all theire app'tenances ,vhatsoever, and alsoe I bequeath and leave to my said ··wife certaine glinds & pastures, vidt, :-Glean1nicky, Sronohiry, Cluon, the one haulfe of Bohisall, all w' ch lands shall stand to the use & behoofe of my said ,vife, for tearme of her naturall life._ And I doe alsoe hereby give full po,ver, & authoritie, to my said wife, to ingadg & 1nortgage son1e three plowlands of the pren1isses, as shee shall thinke fitt, for three hundred pounds, ster', & this to besto,ve, & give to any of her sonne, as to her shall see1ne meete. ffourthly, I leave & bequeath unto n1y daughter Syly, for her n1aintenance, & to,vards her p'fer1nent, three hundred pounds, ster', besides ,vhat chattle & mony shee hath in hand herselfe. To 111y daughter Ellen, to,v'rds her p'fer1nent, I leav.e one hundred & seaventie pounds, besides ,vhat the Countrie ,vill aftoord her. .A.. nd to Mary, my youngest daughter, the so111e of one hundred & thirtie pounds, ster', and ,vhat the Country ,-rill affoord her. And, untill these severall su111es bee paied to them by n1y heire, each of them is to have according to te ... an hundred yearly for theire lliaintenance. Provided that the said daughters shalbe directed by 1ny sonne & heire, 111y ,vife & and my deerest friends concerning theire prefern1t & n1arriadge, other,vise to allo,v then1 noe D 18 i1,GILLYC"CDDY portion. ffifthly, my said ,vife is to have & enioy all the Chattle & Corne that I an1 possest of att this instante. Lastly, after the expirac'on of Williau1 ny hinsy his lease, past to Edmond me Hue, of the t,vo plowlands of .A.. rdkintuirke & Cladagh, I leave here, by 1ny last will & testamt, to the said Ed1nond a lease of seaven yeares, paiing thereout yearely neine pounds. In ,vittnes ,vhereof I the said Daniell o Sullivane have hereunto putt my hand & seale the 1-lth of 9hr 1632, Daniell o Sullivane n1ore.

Being p'nte ,vhen thabove ,vill & Testament was made, besides ors, \Yee ,vhose names doe followe John ffyeld, Dermod Leyne, 1felaghlen o leyn, Patricke Traunte.

I O,ven o Sullivane sonne & heire to the ,v'thin named Daniel o Sullivane lVIore doe hereby ratifie, allo,ve & confirme, th'above ,vill & testan1t of rny father, condiconally that my mother shall pay one hundred pounds, of the three hundred by legacie left by my father to any of his sonnes, & this stune of money to bee paied accordg to the election & direction of my n1other, to any of her sonnes, as to her discretion shall seeme fitt. And for the interest allo,ved by my father to his three daughters, out of six hundred pounds pore' on left to them, the said daughters, We, vidt, Syly, Ellen, & Mary, out of our kind love to our brother, doe hereby release, accquite & exonerate, the said O\\ren of & from the interest issueing out of the said six hundred pounds, for tear1ne of three yeares, to bee fully completed & ended, beginning att the, day of theis p'ntes. In wittnes of all the premises, ,vee the said owen o Sullivane, Joane fitz l\Iorish, Syly, Ellen, & Mary have hereunto putt our hands & seales the th 29 of gber 1632-(Signed) Joane fitz Morrice, Owen o Sullivane More, Syly Sullivane her marke, Ellen Sullivane her marke, Mary Sullivane her marke. PAPERS. 19

Being p'nte att the seigning & sealeing hereof ,vee ,vhose names doe hereafter follo-,ve lVIorish Moore, Daniell OSullivane, Owen Sullivane fitz Der111od. Concordat cu1n originali, quod testor, Wilhn Pierce, N otar' publ'. Deput' Reg'rar.

XII. Inquisition after the cleath of Connor 1.W'Gillyciiddy. [Dated at Killarney 16 April 1633.J

[Endorsed] Inquisitio post 111orten1 Connor 111c Gillycuddy 16 Aprill 1633. l Inquisitio Indentat' capt' apud vill' de Killarny in Con1' Co 11. KERRY. r t Kiery pred' decimo sexto die April', Anno D'ni 1633, Annoque Regni d'ni n'ri Regis Carol' Anglie, Scot', ffranc', et Hib'nie nono. Cora1n Henrie' Harte, gener', Escaetor' diet' d'ni Regis Coin' pred', Thoma Joy, Ar' o, et Collo' Joy, gener', virtute con1'ission' ejusdem d'ni Regis sub magno sigillo suo ht~us regni sui Hib'nie geren' Dat' apud Dublin' decimo die Julij, Anno Regni sui octavo, eis et al' sine Aliquibus duobus vel pluribus eor' inde direct'. Quor' Philipus Percival!, Armiger, ffeodar' diet' d'ni Regis Com' predict' aut eius Deputat', aut diet' Henrie' Harte aut eius Deputat' unus esse debet. Ad Inquirend' (inter alia) quas terr' et qure ten'ta Cornelius, alias Connor 111cGillacuddy, nuper de Castlecurrig, in Com' Kiery pred' gener' defunct' tenuit de diet' d'no n'ro Rege Carol' aut de aliquibus progenitor' vel pre­ decessor' suis in capite tam in d'nico quam in servic', die quo obijt, et quant' de al' et per quod servic', et quant' terr' et ten'ta, ill' valent per Ann' in o'ibus Exit' ultra repres', et quo die Idem Cornelius obijt et quis propinquior heres eius sit, et cuius ffitat', et si maritat' sit, necne per sacrament' probor' et legal' horn' com' pred' quor' n'oi'a subsequuntur, vizt :-Donald ffeares de Bally- 111allis, Ar', Edmond Hoare de Ballynorigh, gen', ffeares me O,ven de Currines, gen', Garrett oge Brenagh de Ardfert, Burg', Cosnigh me Boheligg de Cappaghilme, gen', David me Andre,v de Ardfert, Burgen', Donil mac Donogh de 1faline, Burgen', Dermod me Donogh de Gortnascarry, gener', Dominic D2 20 1r·GILLYCUDDY

Traunt de Rahinagh, gen', Der111od n1 t ffinin de Killone, generos', O"tNen mt 1\1:urtagh de Aglis, gener', Rich'us oge N ecargy de Callanaferry, gen', O,ven nit Dermott de I1nilyn1ore, gen', Cormacke mt D~niel Carty de Coinegoe, gen', Donald nit O,ven de Ballinga1nboone, gener'. Qui jurator' super sacran1ent' suu' pred' dicunt quod prefat' Cornel' als Connor n1ac Gillacuddy seit' fuit in d'nico suo ut de ffeodo de et in vill' et terr' de ffarranegatt et Tehneskartie, in Coin' pred', continent' duas Carrucat' terr' Ann' valor' quinque solid'. Et sic inde de tal' stat' de pren1issis pred' seitus existen' pro et in Consideraco' e Sun1' Cent' et quinque Libr' decen1 solid', ster', inde per chart' sua' Dat' quarto die August\, Anno d'ni, 1627, ffeoffavit Jacobun1 fitz Gerald, Arm', hered' et assignat' suos, irnperpet' sub Condico' e Reden1pcon' super solucon' sum' Cent' et quinq ue libr' decen1 solid', ster', prout per eandem chart' magis plane liquet. Et ulterius dicunt J uratores pred' super sacran1ent' sun' predict' q' d prefat' Cornelius, als Connor nit Gillacuddie, seit' fuit in d'nico suo ut de ffeodo de et in vill' et terris de Listigonnor, in Com' predict', contin' un' Carrucat' terr' Ann' valor' duor' solid' et sex denar'; Keapahenriushe cont' un' carrucat' terr' in Con1' predict' ann' valor' duor' solid' et sex denar' ; et Derrynaulife cont' un' carrucat' terr' ann' valor' d uor' solid' et sex denar'. Et quod prefat' Corn el' sic de premiss' de tal' statu seit' existen', pro et in Consideraco'e Sun1' Centun1 libr' ster', inde per chartam sua', dat' decimo quinto die Junii Anno D'ni 16~:3, ffeofavit Derniod mt Donogh et hered' suos ;imperpet' sub condco'e Reden1pcon~ super solucon' sum' Centum libr' ster' prout per eandem chart' magis plane apparet. Et ulterius dicunt J urator' pred' super sacrament' sun' pred' quod prefat' Cornelius, alias Connor macGillacuddie, seit' fuit in d'nico suo ut de :ffeodo (inter alia) de et in vill' et terr' de Gowlans contin' una' Carrucat' terr~ in Com' predict' ann' valor' duor' solid~ et sex denar' ; Karhomireieghtragh ne · Karsallagh continen' un' carrucat' terr' in Con1' pred' ann' valor' duor' solid' et sex denar' ; Carho·wn1irereogh Glaneloghy contin' un' carrucat' terr' ann' val' duor' solid' et sex denar' ; Bracaharagh continen' un' carrucat' terr' ann' valor' duor' solid' et sex denar' ; et Cahirdonilieragh contin' duas Carrucat' terr' in Com' pred' ann' val' quinque solid' ; et prefat' Cornel' sic de tali statu de premiss' seit' existen' per chart' suam, Dat' duodecimo die Octobr', Anno d'ni 1629, inde ffeofavit Donald oge Cartye, iunior, de Dunguile in Com' Kiery pred', gen', et Dermit mt Daniel o Sullevane de ffarmoyle in Com' pred', gen~, ad diversos usus in eandem charta specificat' prout per eandem magis plane PAPERS. 21 liquet. Intentio cuius quidem chartre sequitur in hrec verba, vizt :-The onely intent purpose and true meaneinge of the makeing of the above Deede of ffeoffment was & is and hereafter shalbe, and soe it was declared at the perfectinge thereof and executinge of the same with liverie & seizin, that the said ffeoffees, their heires and Assignes, and the survivor of them his heires and Assignes shall stand remaine & be seised of All and singular the said townes, villadges, hamletts, lands, tenements, and hereditaments aforesaid, ,vith theire and everie of theire Appendances & Appurtenances whatsoever & of the rents issues, and profitts of ye same, to the use behoofe & Comodity of my lawfull and married wife, Shily ny Daniel Cartye, duringe her naturall life without Impeach1nent of wast, and after her decease to the use behoofe & Con1odity of the issues ffemales by me begotten or to be begotten upon the body of the said Shilee towards theire preferment, as hereafter shalbe declared . .A.nd for ,vant of such issues the re1nainder to be to the use of mee the said Connor mt Gillacuddy my heires and Assignes for ever. Provided allwayes, and yet neverthelesse, it is the intent and true meaneing of this Deede, that ,vhensoever I, the said Connor, my heires or Assignes, shall ,vell & truely satysfie, content, and actually pay, or cause to be well and truely contented, satisfied, and actually paied, unto the said ffeo:ffees, theire heires or Assignes, in one Intire payment the sume of one hundred pounds, ster', good and la,vfull Current money of and in England, to the uses, benefitt & Comoditie of the said Sheelee dureing her natural} life, and after her decease to the use and benefitt of the heires males lawfully begotten by me upon her body for ever, or for ,vant of such heires whensoever I, the said Connor, my heires or assignes, shall satisfie & pay unto the said :ffeoffees, theire heires or Assignes, to the use, behoofe, or Comodity, of the said daughter by mee begotten, or to be begotten, upon the body of the said Sheelee, towards her prefermt, the sun1e of t,vo hundred pounds, ster', thereof shalbe to the use of my daughter, if there be any such by me upon the body of the said Shilee, after the decease of her if there be noe such heires males by mee begotten upon her bodie aforesaid, and untill the said two hundred pounds, ster', shalbe paied to the said ffeoffees to the uses aforesaid; or for want of such heires males, the rents, issues, and profits of all the p'misses to be to the use of such issue ffemale, after her decease, of my said wife. CoNNOR MAC G111ACUDDIE; signed sealed and delivered by the ,vithin named Connor mac Gillacuddy to Daniel oge ..:..i.:..i99. M'GILLYCUDDY

Carthye, the elder, of Dunguile, gentl', as well to the use of the Attournv ,u ,vithin specified, in the presence of us whose names ensue, ffr·ancis Roche, vVilliam Creagh, Connor oge o Siillyvane. Being present when Der1nod nit Donell Carthey, the Attourny within named, hath delivered and given full, actuall & quiet possession and seisin of the within premisses unto Daniel oge Carthy the younger one of the ffeoffees within menc'oned, as ,vell in his o,vne name as in the name of his Coffeoffee, to enure to them theire heires and ..A .. ssignes to the use within declared. According to the effect, intent and true n1eaneing of this Deede, and aswell when the several! Leassees of the premisses have severally Attorned to the said Daniel, as well in his owne name as in the .. nan1e of his said Coffeoffee, by giveing him six pence, ster', from every of then1 to the use within declared, in the name of Attornment, in the presence of us ,vhose names ensue: Given me Ca1'·thy, O:iven rn}· Shane rnac Connor, oiven 11,} Dermod, Charles Carthy, De1rmod 1nt Shane.-Et ulter' dicunt Jurator' pred' super sacra' ent' suu' pred' quod prefat' Cornel' als Connor mcGillacuddy seit' fuit in d'nico suo ut de ffeodo de et in medietat' sive dimid' v-i.11' et terr' de Shaninry continen' in toto duas carrucat' terr', Ann' valor' quinque solid'. Et quod prefat' Cornel' sic de premiss' de tal' stat' seit' existen', pro et in considerac' on' quadragint' libr' inde per chart' sua', Dat' vicesimo nono die august', Anno d'ni 1629, ffeoffavit Dermod mt Donogh de Castlecarrig, gener', et hered' suos_ imperpet' sub condico'e Redempcon' super solucon' quadragint' librar', ster', prout per eandem Chart' plenius apparet. Et ulterius Dicunt Jurator' pred' super sacra'ent suum pred' quod prefat' Connor mt Gillacuddy seit' fuit in d'nico suo ut de ffeodo de et in vill' et terr' de Ardshilane continen' duas carrucat' terr' Ann' valor' quinque solid'. Et sic inde seit' existen' per chart' suam, Daf vicesimo nono die May, Anno d'ni 1629, :ffeoffavit Philippum o Kiervicke de Ardshilane pred', gener', hered' et Assignat' suos imperpet' pro et in consideracon' vigent' librar' ster' sub condicon' Redempcon' super solucon' sum' vigent' libr' ster' prout per eandem chart' magis plane apparet. Et ulterius dicunt J urator' pred' super sacrament' suum pred' quod prefat' Cornel' seit' fuit' in d'nico suo ut de ffeodo de et in terr' co'iter vocat' halfe Brackaragh cont' dimid' un' Carrucat' terr' Ann' valo/ xviijd. Et sic inde de tal' stat' seif existen' pro et in consideraco' e vigent' et trium librar~ ster', inde per chart' suam, dat' duodec' die April', Anno d'ni 1622, :ffeoffavit Teige o Digain de Traly in Com' pred' gener' sub condicon' Redempcon' super solucon' sum' PAPERS. 23 vigent' et trium librar', ster', prout per eandem Chart' magis plane apparet. Et ulterius dicunt Jurator' pred' super s~cra'ent suum pred' quod prefat' Cornelius s'liter seit' fuit in d'nico suo ut de ffeodo de et in vill' et terr' de Ardlaghas et Banecluonie cont' duas carrucat' terr' ann' valor' quinque solid'. Et sic inde de tal' stat' seit' existen' pro et in consideraco'e sum' quadragint' et duas libr' ster' inde per chart' suam, dat' vicesimo die September, 1622, ffeoffavit Wilm' Creagh de Limericke, mercat', hered' et .A.ssignat' suos imperpet' sub condicon' Redempcon' super solucon' sum' quadragint' et duar' libr' ster' prout per eandem Chart' magis plane apparet. Et ulterius dicunt J urator' pred' super sacrament' suum pred' quod prefat' Cornel' m tQillacuddy seit' fuit in d'nico suo, ut de ffeodo, de et in dimid' un' Carruc' terr' in Carhowbegg cum valle et pastur' eidem prope adiacent' vocat Gortnegean ann' valor' xviijd. Ac de et in din1id un' carrucat terr' in Ardes cum valle vocat Gortnessig ann' val' xviijd. Et sic inde de tal' stat' seit' existen' per chart' suam, datam octavo die Novembr', Anno d'ni, 1628, inde pro et in consideracon' quadragint' libr' ster' ffeoffavit Dermott o Leyne de Kiloytran in Com' pred', gen', et hered' suos imperpet', sub condicon' redempcon' super solucon' quad-_ ragint' librar' ster', prout per eandem chartam magis plane apparet. Et preterea dicunt Jurator' pred' super sacrament' suum pred' quod prefaf Cornelius mt Gillacuddy seit' fuit in d'nico suo, ut de ffeodo, de et in quart' parte un' carrucat' terr' in Sanniriereightragh ann' valor' duodecem Denar'. Et sic inde de tar statu seit' existen' per chart' suam dat vicesimo quarto die August' Anno d'ni, 1628, pro et in consideracon' decem libr', inde ffeoffavit Daniel mt Donogh Duffe de Saniry pred', yeom', et eius hered' imperpet', sub condico'e Redempcon' super solucon' summre decem libr' ster', prout per eanden1 chart' magis plane liquet. Et ulterius dicu.nt J urator' pred' super sacra' ent' suum pred' q'd prefat' Cornel n1t Gillacuddy seit' fuit in d'nico suo, ut de ffeodo, de et in vill' et terr' de Cahirdonellieragh cont' duas carrucat' terr' ann' valor' quinque solid'. Et sic inde seit' existen' eadem premiss' dimisit Donat als Donogh o Murogho,ve de Cahirbrine in Comitat' pred', husbandn1an, pro et durante termino vigen' et un' .A.nnor' incipien' apud fest' o'ium Sanct' in Anno, 162 8, ad annual' reddit' quatu or libr', ster', solubil' d' c' o Cornelio hered' sive Assignat' suis per equales porcon' (videlicet) medietat' inde annuatim in vicesin1' quint' diem Martii et alter' medietat' in vicesim' nonum dien1 Septembr' durante ter'i' o pred' cum diversis al reservac' o'ibus in eaden1 24: M'GILLYCUDDY

dimision' specificat'; prout per Chart' inde fact', dat' primo die august' Anno d'ni, 1628, magis plane apparet. Et ulterius dicunt J urator' pred' super sacra' ent' suum predict' quod prefat' Cornelius mac Gillacuddy seit' f nit in d'nico suo, ut de ffeodo, de et in duabus carrucat' terr' vocat' the t,vo Carhunyhones ann' valor' quinque solid'. Et sic inde de tali statu seit' existen' pro et in consideraco'e quadragint' et octo libr', ster', per chart' suam,

Monyflogh continen' un' carrucat' terr', Derrylittercuose contin' un' carrucat' terr', et sext' part' unius carrucat' terr' in Cahirogearane ann' valor' tj_uinque solid'. .,A.. c de et in Annual' reddit' sexdecem solid' ster' exeun' ex Cahirdonill- 111ore et Garraghe continen' duas carrucat', et duas tert' part' un' Carrucat' terr'. Ac de et in reddit' novem solid' annuat' exeun' ex Rathn1ore continen' un' Carrucat' terr'. Ac de et in reddit' nove1n solid or' ster' annuat' exeun' ex Rathieragh contin' unan1 Carrucat' terr'. Ac de et in reddit' undece1n solidor' et trium denar', ster', annuat' exeun' ex Coad et Beaghau continen' un' carrucat' et quart' part uni us Carrucat' terr'. Ac de et in reddit' novem solid' ster' annuat' exeun' ex :NianJes continen' un Carrucat' terr'. ....~c de et in reddit' tresdecen1 solidor' ster' annuat' exeun' ex Derrinevurrigg et Lomenagh contin' un' Carrucat' et di1nid' un' carrucat' terr'. Qure o'i' a et singul' pren1iss' cun1 pertinen' prerecitat' iacent et existunt in Co1nitatu Kiery pred'. Et quod prefat' Cornel' nit Gillacuddy, sic de tal' statu de premiss' ultin1' recitat' seit' existen' obijt sic inde seit' tertio die l~ovembr' Anno d'ni 16:30. Et quod Donogh mac Gillacuddy est eius fil' et heres et fuit ffitat' decem .Annor' et noven1 mensium ten1pore mortis patris sui pred', et non maritat', et quod preterque' ilh.1111 prefat' Cornel' habet exit' Donald m° Connor, Connor oge mac Connor, Kathelyne ny Connor, Ellane ny Connor, et Ellin ny Connor, modo vivent', et quod non sunt plene retatis nee maritat'. Et quod Shilee ny Gilla­ cuddy alias Carty, relict' diet' Cornel', modo vivit. Et ulterius dicunt J urator' pred' super sacra1nent' suum predict' quod o'i' a et singul' premiss' prerecitat' tempore seperal' Alienacon' predict' fact' respective et tempore mortis diet' Cornel' tenebantur et modo tenentur de quo vel de quibus Jurator' pred' ignorant. In cuius rei testimon' tam prefat' Commissionar' quam J urator' pred' huic Inquisicon' sigill' sua alternatim apposuerunt die, anno, et loco primo suprascript'. Copia vera R. Wallis Cleric' in offic' 1f'ri Rot'.

E 26


Reference of the differences beticeen the u,iclrnu and children of the O Sull-i·uane .Jlfore to .i11~bitration.

[Dated 29 august 1633.J

N ovERI:NT univ'si p' p'ntes n1e Eugeniu', als O,ven, o Sullivane l\Iore, de Dunkeran, Con1' Kerry, armigeru', teneri et firmiter obligari Joane ny Sulli­ vane als ny Morris, vidue Donaldi O Sullevane, als O Sullevane more, nup' defuncti, Giles ny Sullevane, Ellen ny Sullivane et Marie ny Sullivane, filiis eiusdem Donaldi O Sullivane more, in duobus millibus libraru' sterlingaru', bone et legalis monete Angl', soluend' eisdem Joane, Giles, Ellen et lVIarie, executorib' vel assignatis earu', ad earu' et cuiuslibet earu' voluntaten1 et beneplacitu'. Ad qua' quide1n solu'o'em' bene et fideliter facienda' obligo n1e, heredes, executores, administratores et assignatos n1eos, firmiter p' p'ntes. In cuius rei testin1oniu' huic p'senti scripto sigillu' et manu' mea' apposui. Datu' vicesin10 nono die Augusti, anno d'ni milesimo sexcentesimo trigesimo tertio, Annoq' regni Caroli regis nono. Whereas certaine controversies, suites, debates, and quarrelles, did arise betweene thabove Owen o Sullivane more of Dunkeran, in the county of Kerry, esq, sonn and heire of Donell oSullivane more, late deceased, and Joane ny Sullivane als ny Morris, the relict of the said Donell o Sullevane More, and Giles ny Sullevane, Ellen ny Sullevane, and JVIarie ny Sullevane, the daughters of the said Donell O Sullivane more, for and concerneing the right, title, do,ver., J ointure, and demaundes of the said Joane ny Sullivane, to and into all the 1nannors, Castles, landes, tenementes, and other hereditan1ts vvith their appur­ tenaunces, w' ch did belonge, or were in the possession of, the said Don ell o Sullevanc J\'1ore, and the same did enioy as his p'p' inheritance, ,vhereof the said Owen o Sullivane More is right heire, as sonn and heire unto the said Dorrell o Sullivan lVIore. And alsoe for and concerneing the portions due unto the said Giles, Ellen, and Marie, daughters unto the said Donell O Sullivane 1'fore, ,v' ch portions were ordained to be payed unto the said daughters by the last ,vill and testamt of the said Donell o Sullevane More; vizt :-Three hundred poundes, ster', to Giles, one hundred and seaventie poundes_, ster', to PA.PERS. 27

Ellen, and one hundred and thirtie poundes, ster', to Marie. And ,vheareas to avoide all striffes, and contentions, w'ch 1night arise bet,vixt the said Owen o Sullivane 1Iore, and Joane ny Sullivane, and the daughters of the said Donell 0 Sulli vane More, for and concerneing the afforesaid differences, the said Owen o Sullivane and Joane ny Sullivane and the said Giles, Ellen, and Marie, daughters of the said Donell, have w'th their mutuall assents and consents, subn1itted themselves to the order, award, doome, and iudgmt, of J eames Kno,vde esq, Daniell fearys esq, Edmond Hussy gent, Daniell oSullivane gent and Dermott oLeyne gent, all now dwelling in the County of Kerry, arbitrators indifferently chosen by the said owen, Joane, Giles, Ellen, and Marie, for to decide, doome, arbitrate and finish all the afforesaid differe:q.ces. The condition therefore of th'above obligation is such, that if th'above bounden Owen o Sullivane more will of his p'te abide, p'forme and p'implish the award, doome, and iudgment of the said arbitrators, soe that they publish their award ,vthin two monethes after the date of these p'nts, that then this obligation shalbe voide, otherwise to stand in full force and effect. O,ven o Sullevane more. Signed sealed and delivered in p'sence of us Daniell oSullevane Mor: More Owen oSullevane f z D Edmond me Swynny Carr Sughrue Morish mcDaniell Brenane Ex' p' J a : Know de The Submission. Copia Vera. This Indenture made the neine and twentieth day of August, Anno D'ni, 1633, and in the yeare of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the neinth, Between Owen o Sullivane More of Dunkeran in the county of Kerry, Esqr, sonn and heire of Donell O Sullivane More late deceased of the first part, and Joane ny Sullivane als Morris the relict of the said Donell OSullevane More, of the second p'te, and Giles ny Sullevane, Ellen ny Sullivane, and Mary ny Sullivane, daughters of the said Donell o Sullivane More, of the third p'te That whereas certaine debates, quarrelles., and contentions did of late arise betweene the said p'ties, E2 28 M'GILLYCUDDY fo:r and concerning the Jointure, dower, and other demaunds of the said Joan ny Sulle-yane als 1\1:orris, for and concerneinge the Castles, mannors, lands, tenements 81nd other herriditamts, w' ch were in the possession of Donell o Sullivane lYiore, and whereof he ,vas seised in his lifetyme as of his lawfull inheritance, and alsoe for and concerneing the p'nt maintenance of the said Giles, Ellen, and Mary, untill the portion, bequeathed to them. by their father, be paied unto them. And alsoe for and concerneing the said portion or p'ferment soe bequeathed unto them. This Indenture witnesseth that the said O,ven, Joane, Giles; Ellen and Mary, to avoyde all unnaturall strife, suite, or contention ,v' ch heretofore did arise or hereafter might arise betweene them, have respectivelie, with their mutuall assent and consent, referred and submitted themselves and doe by these p'ntes reffer and submitt themselves to the order, a,vard, doome and iudgmt of Jeames Knowde, Esq\ Donell fearys esqr, Edmond Hussy gent', Donell O Sullevane gent', and Dermott Leyne gent', all d,velling in the said County of Kierry, and doe by these p'nts give full po-\ver and authoritie to the said arbitrators, all the aff'oresaid differences, suites and demaunds whatsoever to compound, a,vard, doome, and finish in• such manner and forme as to them shalbe thought fittinge and n1eete. Provided al\vayes that the said arbitrators shall publish the said award soe to be made, written under their handes and signed wth their seal es, at or before t-\vo monethes next ensueing the. date of theise p'nts. In wnesse whereof the said p'ties have interchangeably sett heerunto their hands and seales the day and yeare above written. Owen o Sullevanemore. Signed, sealed, and delivered in ye p'sence of us Mor: Moore ' d Dorrell OSullevane I }- exc' ' Owen oSullivane fz der I Ja: Knowde Edmond mcSwynny Charr. Sughrue j PA.PERS. 29


The A,ward of the _,_4_rbitrators betwee,n the Widow ancl child,ren of the 0 Sulliiiane klore. [Dated in 1633.J [Endorsed] The ad,vard past bet,veen O,ven o Sulivane alias o Sulivan More & his Mother, dated an6 Regis Charoli 9c. [One or two lines at the commencement of this document have been effaced.] ...... Inheritance uppon any forme, p'tence, or p'text whatsovever, concernninge dower, thirds, or joynter. And the said p'misses to be and remaine unto her, duringe her naturall lyfe, freely and absolutely discharged of all Incumbrances, Intanglemts, 1VIortegages, debts, and demaunds whatsoever, other then the King's Composition, and homages p'portionably answerable out of the said lands, w'ch wee leave hir charged w'th. .And hir said sonn Owine o Sullivan More to free the same from all other charge and demaunds that shall or may aryse, or concerninge the same. AND as for the moveable goods of the said Doniell o Sullivane More deceased, ,vee doe order and adward-That the said three daughters shall have, possesse, & inioye, soe many of theire deceased father's cowes as were graunted in his lyfe tyme, or Bequeathed to them, or any of them, by his last will and testament. .And the reste of his said cowes to be and remaine unto his said heire, to,vards the payement of his debts. And for his ploughgarrans, horses, mares, & sheepe, wee doe order the same unto the said wjddowe and relict. And for the Aquavite pott and all the pewter, wee like\v.,.ise order that unto the said heire. And for all the Corne and the reste of the houshoulde stuffe ,vee doe order the same to be, and remayne, as the same is, and hath bin, by all and each p'ties, had and inioyed sci thence the death of the said Doniell. AND WEE doe allsoe further order and adward that the said Owine o Sullivane More shall sattis:fie, content, and paye, the some of Three Hundred pounds, ster', Currant English mony, as a portion, unto his said sister Seely, alias Gyles, Sullivane ;-The some of one hundred and seaventye pounds, like currant mony, unto his sister Ellen, as hir portion ;-And one hundred and Thirtye pounds, like currant mony, to his said sister Mary Suillivane, as hir portion,-On or about the tyme of theire severall marriages respectively, either 30 M'GILLYCUDDY in read ye mony, cattle, or mortegages of valluable lands or rents for the same. And, in the meane tyme, untill theire said portions shalbe pay'd, shall paye unto them use, intereste, & Consideration in manner followinge, vidz :­ T,ventye pounds, ster', yearly the first towe yeares beginninge att michaelln1as next ensueinge the date hereof, by equall portions or moieties att the feasts of Easter and michaelmas, payeable in this manner, vidz :-Tenn pounds thereof yearly to his sister Seely, and the other tenn pounds as afforesaid to the other towe sisters to be devyded p' rata, accordinge to their portions. And from thenceforth the some of Threescore pounds ster', yearly, att the gales afforesaid, and to be shared, and devyded, accordinge to theire p'portionable p'ts as afforesaid respectively. AND FURTHER we doe order that the said Owine 0 Sullivane More shall forthw'th, by a good and sufficient deed of convayance, assuer, and ingage the Cheiferents unto him due and yearly payeable out of the s'd lands of the freehoulders in the Barrony of Dunkerrine, in the said countye, unto his said sisters, for the payemt of the above specified yearly consideration, Anuitie, and use, of theire said portions and maintaynance, accordinge to th'advice of theire Councell learned in the Law, att the only p'p' costs and charges of the said three sisters respectively, the same to be and remayne unto them duringe the naturall lyfe of theire said mother. AND WEE doe likewise order that the said Owine o Sullivane More and his mother (the said widdowe & relict) shall Joyne in a deed of Mortegage to be made of the Towne and Lands of Collemagwite conteininge towe ploughlands,-of Cludagh and Ardkenturke, beinge other towe ploughlands more, to th'above named Knowde, and Daniell me Dermoud o Sullivane, towe of us the said Arbitrators, and to theire heires, to the use of the said Joane Sullivane (the widdowe) for her naturall lyfe, as ffeofees in truste, and the remainder to the use of the said three daughters abovenamed, untill the said somes of Six hundred pounds shalbe fully sattisfyed, and payed, unto them respectively as abovesaid. And the same to be p'formed att any tyme, uppon reasonable demaunde to be made by the said ffeoffees or any one of them. AND we doe further order and decree that the said three sisters, nor any, nor either of them, shall Espouse themselves, nor be married w'thout the Consent & good likeing of us the Arbitrators or some fower, three, or towe of us (yf soe many of us shall survive at such theire tymes of espousall or Marriage-Or yf not, then to have the consent of towe of the nearest kindred by the mother's syde, of PAPERS. 31 the house & linage of Lixnawe. AND L.A.STL YE wee order and doe hereby reserve unto orselves-That ~yf, att any tyme _hereafter, any scruple, Ambiguitie, or double, shall happen to be in any . . oynt, Artickle, or Clause in this our order that maye or shall rest difficult or obscuer through 111isse-construction or misseunderstanding, That then wee reserve the sole construction and Interp'tation of or owne meaneings to or selves, or to any fower, three, or towe of us yf soe many of us shalbe then liveinge. And in wittnes that this is or finall and definitive order and adward Wee have here­ unto fixt or seales, subscribed or hands, and publisht the same the daye and yeare firste above written. J a: Knowde (loc sig). Daniell Fearys (loc. sig.) Daniell o Sulliwaine (loc sig) Der. Leyne (loc. sig.) Edn1. Hussey (loc sig).

Deed of Mortgage of th,e larids of Killoh, &c. [Dated 7 NovembeT 1634] [Endorsed] A Counterpart of the Mortgage of Killoh & Gurtine. To all X'pian people td whon1e theas presents shall com ; O,ven o Swilly,vane, of Ballyn1egullynivlane, in the County of Kerie, gent', sendeth greeting in our lord god everlasting. KNow yee tl1at I, the said O,ven o S,vyllywane, for and in Considerac' on of the s01n' of thirty pounds, ster', current mony in England, be n1e receaved and had before th' ensealing hereof, and by the hands of Corn1ocke n1c Donnogh Carty, ,vhereof I the said Owen o Swylly,vane doe ackno-\vledge and Confesse my selfe well and trully payed, have geaven, granted, bargained and sould, enfeoffed and confir1ned, and by theas my deede of feoffment indented I doe give, grant., bargaine and sell, enfeoff: and Confirn1e unto the said Cormocke n1c Donnogh Carty, his heirs and assignes, .,..:\Jl and singuler the lands, tenements, and hereditaments, called and kno,ven by the na1ne of Killoh, Contained (sic) towe plowlands, lying and being in the County of Kerry, and in the Barony of Iverhagh, and nowe in the possession of the said O,ven o Swyllywane, ,v'th all and singuller the Messuages, edifices, 32 lf'GILLYCUDDY medowes, moores, mountaines, watters, ,vattercourses, ,voods, under ,,7 oods, mills, seats, Com'ons, Rents, services, and all other hereditaments and ..A.ppur­ tenances therinto belonging, and appertaining, or that ,-v'ch was, at any tyn1e heretofore, Lawfully reputed, accepted, taken, or knowen as p'te, p' cell, or 11:ember thereof, and alsoe the reversion and reversions of all and singuller the premissess, to have and to hould all and singuler the said lands, tenements, and hereditaments, of one plowland of Killoh and gurtine aforesaid, and all other the premisses before expressed, w'th the appurtenances, unto the said Cormocke me Donnogh Carty his heirs and Assignes, to the onely proper use, and behowfe, of the said Cormocke, his heirs and assignes, for ever, to hould of the Cheeff lord of the fee, by the rents and services of Right due, and accustomed, uppon Conndic'on and in Maner and forme follo,ving ;-videlicett, that whensoever I, the said Owen o S,vyllywane, my heirs and assignes, shall and doe, well and truly, Tender, and pay, unto the said Cormocke me Donnogh Carty, his heirs or assignes, at the Castle of Karrignimuck in the County of Corck, in whole and intire paymt, the full and iust sum' thirtie pounds, ster', currant mony in England, in Cleane Silver, whereof every five shillings shall ,vey and containe one iust and Lawfull ounce of troy ,veight, that then, and not before, it shall and may be Lawfull to and for me, the said Owen o Swylly·w-ane, my heirs and assignes, into all and singuller the premisses to re-enter, and the same ,vith the appurtenances to have, hould, Inioy, and possesse, as in my former estate, any thinge in this deede, nor delivery and seasen thereuppon made, to the contrary not,vithstanding. And I, the said O,ven o Swyllywane, my heirs and assignes, all and singuler the said lands, tenements, and hereditaments of one plo,veland of Killoh and gurtine aforesaid, ,v'th the appurtenances and all other the premisses, unto the said Corn1ocke n1c Donnoghe Carty, his heirs and assignes, during the said :Wiortagh, shall ,varrant and defend against all maner of persons ,vhatsoever; and that he the said Cormocke me Donnogh, his heirs and assignes, shall and may at all (ymes hereafter, from tyme to tyme during the said l\!Iortgadge, peaceably and quietly have, hould, Inioy, and possesse, all and singuller the granted premisses, and every parte, and parcell thereof, and from all man er of f orn1er Bargain es, tjtles, troubles, Chardges, suits, dowers, J ointers, alienac'ons and Incumbrances whatsoever, and wthoute the Lett, trouble, eiecc'on, disturbances, impediment, Challenge, Claime, or demaunds, of him the said Owen o Swyllywane, his P ...~PERS. 33 heirs and assign es, or of any other person, or persons whatsoever. And further KNO\V yee that I, the said O,ven o Swylly,vane, for my and in me nan1e appointe, constitute, and depute, my ,velbeloved Donnogh o liehlene, of Killoh, aforesaid, my true and La,vfull Atturney to inter into the premisses, or to any p'te thereof in the name of the whole, and thereunto take poss'ion and seasen, and after soe doing, to give full, actuall, and quiett possession and seasen, unto the said Cormocke me Donnogh Carty, To enure to him his heires and assignes, according the effect and true meaning of this deede, ratifieing and confirmeing ,vhatsoever n1y said Atturney shall d·oe touching the premisses, as if it ,vere actually Don by myselfe in p'son. In wittnesse whereof the saide p'ties have interChangebly put our hands and seales the seaventh of November, 16:34. Cor: me Carty (seal) signed sealed & delivered in the presence of us whose names ensue Callaghane Carthy Teige o Dingne Donnogh me Carty Danell + me O\ven Callaghane his marcke Christi : Arch bald.


Order for a decree of the court of Chancery against -111/ Carty for the niarriage portion of his daughter ivife of 11?/ Gillyciiddy deceased. [Dated 30 April 1635. J

David Crosby , UPON hearing of the cause in difference, It is pl't' ordered by the Court that a decree shalbe drawen Daniell oge meale r up for the pl't', in mann~r follo-,veing, v-i.zt : that Carty, Shyly ny Daniell the Defendant, Daniell oge Carty, shall sattissfie & others. Defts J & pay unto the pl't', the sum of t,vo hundred pounds, ster', being the porcion w' ch the s' d Daniell p'missed unto Connor mcGullycuddy upon his intermarriage ,v'th Shyly ny Daniell his daughter, together w'th the interest thereof after the rate of Ten p'centum, fron1 the F 34 M·GILLYCUDDY

9.2 nd of June 1631, beinge the tyme ,vhen the pl't' petitioned to the right honourable the Lord Chancellor for the sayd t,vo hundred pounds, all ,v'ch 1nonies is to be In1ployed to the use of the five children of the sayed Connor mcGullycuddy by a former venter, to ,vhome the pl't' is uncle, and Tutor, & A.dministrac'on graunted unto him duringe their minority. And ,vhereas the sayed Connor mcGullycuddy hath a daughter by his second wife Shyly ny Daniell, shee is to have payed unto her two hundred pounds, ster', in such n1anner and forme & at such tyme as is limitted unto her, by a feoffmt of her father bearinge date the t,velveth of October 1629: And as for Shyly ny Daniell, forasmuch as shee consented, uppon an Arbitramt 1nade, to take in liewe of her J oynture & thirds two hundred in calfe Co,ves, of ,v'ch shee hath received, as playnely appeared, one hundred fifty eight, w' ch ,vere delivered unto her by the pl't', and that he was alwayes readdy to give unto her the remaine, being forty two Cowes, Therefore it is ordered & decreed that shee shall have the sayed forty t,vo Co-\ves in arreare ; ,v' ch being sattisfied & payed, shee is to be debarred from aney pretended J oynture & thirds, & to the intent aforesayed the decree to be drawen upp against Daniell oge Carty afores' d, for the pl't' ,v'th his Costs. Copia Vera Ja. Grace.

The Juclgrrient of" Wentivorth" ( Lorcl Strafford) iqJon the petition of the iv· idoiv 0 Su.llivan ancl her daughters against her son the O Sulli,vane Mo1·e. [Dated 12 Sept 1635.J [Original] The humble petic'on of Sheely, l To the right honourable the _Lord deputie alias Giles, Sullyvan, Ellen t & generall of Ireland Sullyvan, and Mary Sullyvan J Most humbly Shewing, that where your petic'oners, in Aprill last, presented the petic'on, hereunto annexed, unto your Lo'p [LordshipJ for your petic' oners' reliefe, ,vhereupon your Lo'p commaunded O,ven PAPERS. 35

Sullivan the defendant to n1a,ke your petic' oners satisfaction, or to appear and she,ve cause unto the contrary :- Kno,ve it, right honourable, that the said O,ven, haveing intelligence of your petic' oners' proceedinge, he shuned the ,vhole Country, and as it is reported, is gon for England; in soe 1nuch that your petic'oners could by no 111eanes serve his p' son [personJ ,vith the said Commaund. By reason of ,vch, if your Lo'p afford not your petic'oners speedy reliefe, they are utterly undone ; in regards they cannot receive their portione, nor any consideration for the forberance of the san1e, to,vards their maintenance, according the awarde in the petic' on hereunto annexed menc' oned- y our Lo'p may be therefore pleased ...... the examinac' on of your petic' oners complaint . . . . next goeing Judges of assize for the . . . Kerry, enabling them. (in case your . . demaunde be just) to prescribe such course, . be for your petic' oners' p'nt reliefe. And your petic' oners shall ever pray &c.

Dublin Castle 19 Junii 1635. Wee referr this n1atter unto the next goeing Judges of Assize for the County of Kerry, to be taken into Considerac'on; & to give such order therein as shalbe fitt & requisite. W EXT"\VORTH.

May it please your Lo'p. Apud Trally 3°. die Augusti 1635. According yor Lo'p' s reference, ,vee haYe ysued proces agt th' above named O,ven o Sullivane to app' e before us, to ans,vere th' above complaint, and the th pl'nt's have indevoured to serve him there,v • But it app'ed unto us, that the deft is in England. N evertheles ,vee thought fitt to enter into the exan1inac' on

of the complaint, wch ,vee have accordinglie fully exan1ined, and find as-\vell by the testi1nony of sufficient wittness as alsoe by the reading of the will, and a,vard, in the petic' on menc' oned, yt the petic' oners' demands are iust. And doe therefore thinke fitt, that the petic' oners should forthw'th rec,eive thirtie pounds ster', to-\vards their maintainance,, due for three halfe yeeres' interest F2 36 M' GILLYC1!DDY of their porc'ons,, ended att Easter last. And that to be forthvv'th levyed by the Sheriffe of the Countie of Kerry, for the time being, of the defendants rents in the said Countie. And we like--\vise thinke fitt that the petic' oners should be paid ten pounds,, ster', att michaelmas next, for the last halfe yeeare of the two yeares in the A ward n1enc' oned. And wee doe further think fitting that then the petic'oners, or theire ffeoffees in the A,vard menc'oned, should be enfeoffed & established in the possession of threescore pounds per Annum out of the rents -and revenues of the defend\ to be enioyed by them, or to their uses,, and to,vards their 1naintenaunce, untill theire pore' ons be paid, according the tenour of the Award. All we\ in obedience of yor Lo'p's re:fference, V7ee certifie and leave to yor Lo'ps considerac' on. Edd Harrys Hu : Cressy.

Dublin Castle 12. Sept. 1635. Uppon perusal & considerac'on had of the above Certificat from the Judges of Assize, wee thinke it fitt both to ratifie and confirme the course prescribed by them for the petic' oners' satisfaccon. And, therefore, the Sheriff of the County of Kerry, for the tyme being, is required to leavy as,vell the Thirty pounds already due, as alsoe the Tenn pounds due att Mich'as next. And from that tyme foorth, the petic' oners are to be established in the possession of Threescore pounds, ster', p' A.nnu', of the rents and profitts of the Def ts lands, towards their maintenance, untill their pore' ons be paid, according to the tenour & purporte of the Adward in the Certificat mentioned. \V ENTWORTH.

XVIII. Fune1Ytl entry of the death of Connor 11I'Gill1~cuclcly. [Dated 9. February 1636.J CONNOR McG111Ecenr, of Castle Currick, in the County of Kerry, gent', did marie Joan, daughter of the right reverend father in God, John crosby, son1e­ time Lord Bishop* of Ardfert, by whom he had issue three sonnes and two daughters, vizt: Donogh McGillecudi, Daniel McGillecudie, Connor 1\1:c Gillecudi, Kathleen mcGillecudi, and Ellen McGillecudi. The said Connor mcGillecudi did marie to his second wife Shely, daughter of Daniel Oge Carty, of Dunguil, PAPERS. 37 in the County Kerry, gent', by whome he had issue one sonne, named Nell 1fcGillecudi. The above said Connor mcGillecudi departed this mortall life the · (blank) day of October, by shipp,vracke, 1630. The truth of the premises is testified by the subscription of Charles Shughrue, of Ardfert in the County ·of Kerry, gent'. Taken by me Albon Leveret, Athlone officer of Armes, to be recorded in the office, the 9th day of February 1636. [Funeral Entries Ulster Office, Dublin Record Tower, vol. 5, p. 40.J * In a copy of this document preserved in the British Museum [ additional MSS 4820. p. 164] Crosby is styled ".Archbishop of ...iuclfert !"

XIX. Petition of O S-ullivane .1lfoT·e to the Lords Jiistices with their order the-rettpon. [Dated, 6. July 1636.J [Endorsed] The humble petic'on of O,ven o Suilivane 1\Ioore Esq Vera Copia. A I ntr.. ' ;}':!:.- The humble petic'on of Owen o Sullivane Moore

To the rio·htv hoble the Lords Justices IN most humble manner complaineing, sheweth unto yo'r Lo'ps that, about ye 22th of Tuiay last, a greate companie of idle, loose and beggerly fellowes, haveing neither meanes nor dwellings, vizt :-Donnogh mt Dermod, Shaen Pickett, Thomas Bro-\Yne, 1\1:orris o Brenane, and divers others, most leude and vagabond fello,ves, in a most outragious and forcible manner, by the setting on of one Shilie ny Sullivane l\:Ioore, came to yo'r Suppl't' s lands of Dunloe in the Countie of Kerrie, Vi'ch Lands of Dunloe being sett by yo'r Suppl't to under­ tenants, and from thence did carrie awaie a greate number of Mares, horses and Gerrans in manner of a stealth, w'thout any warrant to that purpose, and the same ever since have deteyned and divers other inormities have comitted. Y o'r Suppl't humblie praieth, That yo'r Lo'ps 1nay be pleased to comand ye said p'ties forthw'th to restore the said distresses, and appeare before yo'r Lo'ps to receive condigne punishment for their manifold exorbitant misde­ menors, then and there comitted. .A.nd that yo'r Lo'ps v;rilbe pleased to bind them upon good bonds to appeare and answer their offences, from t~e to 1f'GILLYCUDDY tyme, and especially to such n1atters as yo'r Suppl't ,vill object against them, And hee shall pray &c. St Mary Abbey 6 Julij 1636. '\Vee referr this matter unto ye next goeing Judges of Assize for the Countie of Kerrie to be taken into considerac' on, and to give such order therein as to Justice apperteyneth. Signed An: LoFrt:s, Cane. CHR. WAXDESFORD. Vera Copia.


Bond touchhig the Con/veyance of the lands of Bolys-illagh frorn.1 Dan£el JfcCarthy to Charles Sughrue. [Dated 2. May 1639.J [Original] lEndorsed] Daniell me Carthy ye elder & Daniell me Carthy ye yonger- their bound to maintain ye lands of Bolysillagh.

N OVERI~.T universi per p'ntes nos Danielem me Carthie de Dunguile seniorem, et Danielem mcCarthy de eadem iuniorem, filiu' et heredem predict' Danielis senioris, in Comitat' Kerrie, generosos, teneri et firmiter obligari Carolo Sughrue de Knockane in Comitat' predict', gener', in centu' et sexagenta libris bonre et legalis monet' de et in Anglia, solvend' eid' Carolo, heTedibus, Executoribus, vel assignat' suis, ad eius vel ipsoru' beneplacitu' ad quan1 quidem soluconem bene et :fideliter faciendam obligamus nos et utrun1que n'r'u', heredes, executores et administratores n'ros conjunctim et divisim, firmiter per p'ntes, in cuius rei testimoniu' manus n'ras subscripsimus et sigella n'ra apposuimus. Dat' 2° die mai 1639c. Whereas th'above bounden Daniel me Carthy, the elder, hath, on the day of the date hereof, Conveyed & passed over his ,vhole interest, mortgage, lease & Estate, in the plo,vland of Buoly Silagh, in the said Countie, v/th the appur­ tenaunces unto th'above named Charles Sughrue and delivered unto him all such writeings as he had touching or concerning his enterest in and to the same. And whereas the said Charles feareth that he, his executors or assignes, n1ay not quietly enjoye the same w'thout suite or eviction. N owe the PAPERS. 39 condic'on of th'above obligac'on is, that in case the p'mises be at any time hereafter evicted or recovered from the s'd Charles, his heires, executors, admrs or assignes, w'thout pain1t of tht·eescore pounds, ster', to him or them first made, nowe received by the s'd Daniell me Carthy ye elder before ye p'forming hereof. If then the said Daniell me Carthy the elder & Daniell n1cCarthy the yonger above bounden, theire or either of their, heires, executors, or administrators, shall ,vell & truely satisfie & pay unto the s' d Charles Sughrue, his executors or assignes, the said some of threescore pounds, ster', together w'th what damadge he shall in the interim sustein by reason of this his p'nt Disbursmt, then ye said obligac'on to be void, otherwise the same to stand and remaine in full force efficacie & vertue in lawe, &c. his Daniell oge D Carthy (seal) marke Daniell mcCarthy (seal) Being p'nt at the'nsealing & Deliverie hereof & when ye ,vords "threescore" was interlined between the 11th & 12th lines. John Carthy Do : mcGillycuddy his Teige + mcDonnogh marcke

XXI. A Deed of J.v.lortgage co,n·veying the lands of Cidlinagh, Killoiv &c, frorri the 0 Sullivans to Donogh McGillycuddy. [Dated, 1642.J [Endorsed] Copie of Mortgage of Cullenagh & other lands. To all X'pian people to whome this p'nt deede of mortgadge shall come, Joan fitzmorish, als Sullevane, the relict of Donnell o Sullevane more Esqr, late deceased, Owen o Sullevane more Esqr, Owen mcOwen o Sullevane of Bally­ mcgillynavla, & Donnell o Sullevane of Culemagort, in the County of Kerry, gent', send greeting in our Lord God everlasting ; know ye that ,vee the said 40 M'GILLYCUDDY

Joan, Owen o Sullevane Esqr, O,ven me Owen o Sullevane, & Donnell o Sullevane, for sundry good & valuable considerac' ons & causes us thereunto moveing, & especially for, & in considerac'on, of the iust & full sum'e of one hundred pownds, ster', good & lawful current money of & in England, by us in hand receaved before the p'fecting hereof, & by the hands of Donogh me Gillycuddy, of Caruebegg, in the s' d County, gent', whereof & where,vt\ ,vee, the s'd Joan, Owen o Sullevane more Esqr, O,ven me Owen o Sullevane, & Donnell o Sullevane, doe hereby acquitt, discharge, & exempte, the s'd Donogh, his heires, executors, administrators, & assignes, for ever ;-HAVE g~ven, graunted, mortgadged, bargained, sould & confirmed, like as by these p'nts wee give, graunt, mortgadge, bargaine, sell & confirme unto the s' d Donogh his heires, Executors, administrators & Assignes for ever, A.11 that & those the towne & lands of the plowland of Cullynagh, placed & situated in Cnockane p'ish & Dunkerane Baronie, the to,vn & lands of Sronashyrry, containing one plowland, being more or lesse, placed & being in Killorglyn p'ish, & Baronie afores'd, and a plo,vland of the two plowlands of Killo,v, placed, Leying & situated, in Cahir p'ish, and I veragh Baronie, all wthin the s' d County, To have & to hould, unto the s'd Donogh, his heires, Executors, administrators & assignes, for ever, the s' d three plo,vlands, with all & singular the houses, edifices, buildings, Cabens, arable land, fields, feedings, Comons, pastures, woods, under,voods, groves, fences, parkes, encloysures, fishinges, fisheing places, meadowes, gardens, heaths, tofts, feedings, glyns, comons, pastures, & all & singular the p'fitts, appendances, & appurtenances, thereunto belonging, or anie wise appertaineing, & the rents, duties, reversi?n, & reversions, remainder & remainders, of the same & of everie p't & p'cell thereof, To be houlden of the cheeffe Lord & Lords of the fee & fees, by the services thereout due & of right accustomed. And ,vee the s' d Joan, Owen o Sullevane more Esqr, Owen me O,ven o Sullevane, & Donnell o Sullevane, doe hereby for us, our heires, Executors, administrators, & assignes, covenant, bargaine, & agree, to and with the s'd Donogh me Gillycuddy, his heires, Executors, administrators, & assignes, all & singular the p'mises, ,vth their appurtenances, for ever, agt all manner of p'son & p'sons whatsoever, to warrant, cleare, & defend, freely discharged, & exonerated of all former, & future, . bargaines, sales, Joyntures, dowers, thirds, estates, feoffmts, gifts, grants, mortgadges, wardshipps, liverie, intrusion, fine for alienac' on, arreares, PAPERS. 41

Judgm.ts, executions, fines, forfittures, escripts, & all other encumbrances ,vhat­ soever.-Provided allwayes, & it is agreed uppon, that whensoever ,vee the. s'd Joan, Owen 6 Sullivane more Esqr, O,ven me Ow?en 6 Sullivane, & Donnell o Sullevane, our heires, executors, adn1inistrators, or assignes, or anie of us, his heires, executors, adn1inistrators or assignes, shall at one ,vhole & intire paymt, satisfie, content, or pay, or cause to be satisfied, contented, or payed unto the s'd Donogh me Gyllycuddy, his heires, executors, administrators or assignes in anie place ,vthin the said County, the iust and full sume of one hundred pounds, ster', good & lawfull current 1noney of & in England, that then it shall & may be la,vfull, for us, the s'd Joan, O,ven o Sullevane n1ore Esq, o,ven me O,ven o Sullevane & Donnell o Sullevane, unto the said p'111isses to reinter, & tl1e same to repossesse, & reinioy, as in our forn1er right, anie thing herein contained, or the li verie or seizen hereuppon executed, to the contrarie not­ ,vithstanding. Lastly kno,v ye that ,vee the s' d Joan, O,ven o Sullevane more Esqr O\ven mcO,ven o Sullevane, & Donnell o Sullevane, doe hereby nominate, depute, & authorise, our well beloved John inc Teig oge Cuddy, of Culeanagh in the said County, gent', our true and la,vfull Attourney, in the p'111isses to inter & take possession, & after such possession soe therein taken, or in anie p't, or p' cell thereof in name of the ,vhole, thereof to deliver actuall possession, liverie & seizen, unto the said Donogh inc Gyllycuddy, to inure unto him, the s'd Donogh 111e Gyllycuddy, his heires, executors, ad111inistratorR and assignes, for ever; according the true n1eaning, purport &. construction of this p'nt deed, hereby ratifieing, confirmeing, & allo-\ving, all & singular our s'd Attourney shall therein doe accordingly. In witnesse ,vhereofwee the s'd Joan, o,ven 6 Sullevane more Esq, O,v-en n1c O,ven o Sullevane & Donnell o Sullevane have hereunto subscribed our hands & fixed our seales the [blankJ day of [blankJ A0 D'ni a thousand six hundred fortie & t,vo, & in the [blank] yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles that no,v is, of England, Scotland, ffrance & Ireland King, defender of the faith, &c.

Signed sealed & delivered to the s'd Attourney in p'sence of us "~hose names doe ensue.



Petition of Donogh M'Gillycuddy to TTiscount Miiskery, Lord Presi~dent oj Munster, to·uching his 1-v·ife's forr·tune, 1.vith his lordship's order for the levy of the same off the lands of the O ·sullivct:ne Mo 1re.

[Dated 15 December 1642] [Original]

l [Endorsed] An order for 13 yearly of O Sulivane's Cheefe rent.-granted ye request-

The bumble pet'n of Donnogb me Gyllicuddy Esqr

To the right honrable ye lord Viscount. Muskree, lo: president of Monster, and Governor of ye Countie of Kiery-

SHEWING that yr petr's ,vife, Marie Sulyvane, by vertue of an order from the late lo: it: of Ireland, ,vas possessed of the yearly Cheife rent due to Owen o Sulyvane more Esqr, ,vithin the Baronies of Dunkierin and Iverahigh, of the sum' e of thirteene pounds, ster', beinge ye interest due for l 30U, p'te of her portion, by force of wchorder bearinge date 12° 7bris 1631 °, yr petr's s'd wife was quiettly possessed thereof, and hath yearely received the same till the s'd 0 Sulyvane more, takeing advantage of these distracted tymes, did rescue the leavie of the last last Easter and Michaeln1as Tent, soe due, intending, as your petitioner feareth, to defeate yr petr and his said ,vife of the s' d sum' e,-the p'misses considered, & for that by yr petr·s intern1arriage ,vith the said Mary, the s'd sum'e together, with the rent of her porc'on, iustly due to yr petr. May it therefore please yor L'p, in perforn1ance of the s'd lord l't's order, to direct yor expresse aucthoritie to the Sheeriffe of the Countie of Kiery, foorthwth to leavie to the s' d two gales rent, as alsoe to continue ye petr in the quiett possession of the s'd cheefe rent in future, till he be satisfied in the s'd sum'e of 130n; the ·rather that sum'e, soe due to yor petr, is not subiect to decrease nor diminish. .And he shall pray. PA.PERS.

th Apud limericke, 15 xmbris 1642 Uppon reading the w'thin n1enc'oned order of the lord l't's, It is ordered, that the petr shalbe foorthw'th established in the possession of the ,v'thin some of thirteen pounds, ster', Cheiferent belongeinge to O-\ven o Sullevane n1ore Esq, and that he shall have & recover the sa111e for the Easter and 11:ichaelmas past, Wth some the Sheriffe of the Countie of Kerrie is hereby required to leavy from the several! freeholders, by ,v hon1 the sa1ne was formerly paied, ,v'thin the Barronies of Doonkierane & Everahigh, by force of the said lord l't's order, & from time to time hereafter, the Sheriffe of the said Countie, for the time beinge, is hereby required to continue the petr in the quiett possession of the said rent, till hee be paied the so111e of a 180U, ster', MusKRY.


Order 1nade by the Gover·no-r and c~onirni·ss£oners for· the Ar1ny for the County of Kerry, o·n ct reference fro ;n the Su1Jr-enie Council of the Gove-rnrnent established by the Co·nfeclerate Catholics, declaring the clistresses ,which had been levied by O >-';ulli1}arie J.lfore U]JOn J[' Gillycucldy and lris tenants to be illegal, and di,tecti·ng redress. [Dated 26 January 1643]

[Endorsed] A Copie of the order agaynste o Sullyvane for the Con1posission.

Traly, 26 January 1643· llBy the Governor and Con1rs for the ATmy for Donnogh mcGyllycuddy Esqr the Countye of Keiry. pl't' Owen o Sulyvane Ix pursuance of an order of the Supreame More Esqr, d'f't'. J Councell, bearing date at W aterfoord the 21 st of December 1643, uppon the pl't's' petition, the def't' being sumoned appeared and made answer in writeing, & this day uppon readeing of the pl't's' petition, & order of reference, & the Def't's' answer, in presence of all p'ties, & the s'd parties haveing w'thdra,ven themselves, considerac'on being had of the G2 44 M'GILLYCUDDY substance of the answer, & of what Mr Daniell n1c Dern1ott 6 Sulyvane affirmed of the state of the controversie, & the manner of the distresses taken & of the pretence for distraineing, it is voted & soe ordered by the s' d Governor & Commissioners that the distresses, soe taken by the Def't', of the pl't' & his tennants, " ... ere illegally, contrary to the moddle of govern1nent, & without authoritie, distrained. And that the t,vo co-\ves & Bull, as yett not restored, be forthwth restored uppon demand, or the true value thereof, as it shalbe proved before Daniel o Suly-vane Esqr & o,ven fferis gent, & that the Deft' shall hereafter forbeere distraineing in that manner, or for the pretence sett forth in his ans,ver, ,v'thout J udiciall authoritie, & that he forbeare menaceing,. dampnifieing the pl't', or his tennants, in any ,vise contraire, or repugnant to the Government established by the confederat Catholiques of this Kingdome, under paine of incurringe the displeasure & penaltie that may ensue. And it

~ is further ordered that the pl't' shall recover against the Def't' the sume of foure pounds, sterl', for his cost sustained in this suite, w' ch order is to be duely observed & putt in execuc'on (in case of delinquencie) according unto the s' d order of the Suprean1e Councell. Ricardus Ardf. a: A Da: Crosby Edn1: f z Morice Donnogh me Finyne Con: o Sullyvane Godfrie o Daly Edm: .Hussey Teige o Donogh Jo: Piery Tho: fz Morice John Fielde

Copia vera fynie n1cbryen P.A.PERS. . 45


Deed of .1vlo·rtgage of the lands of Goulnacappyroony, made by Derr·mod rn/ Donogh Gillycudcly to Conno·r o Diggin.

[Dated 15. October 1643] [Parchment. Original]

[Endorsed] Deed of mortgage of Goulnakappykoony from Der1nod n1c Donogh Gulliecuddie of Gortnascarrie to Connor Diggin~ ye 15th of Sb'r', 1643, for 12u.

To all true X'pian people to ,vhon1e this p'nt deed of mortgadge shall come, Dermott me Donnogh Gyllecuddy of Gortnaskarry, in the County of Kerry, gent', sends greeting in our Lord God everlasting. Kno,v yee that I, ye s'd Dermott, for divers valuable considerations me therunto moveing, & especially for & in consideration of ye iust & full sum'e of t,,relve po-,vnds, ster', good & lawfull current money of & in England, by 1ne in hand r_eceaved, at & by the hands of Connor me Donnell Diggin, of fforennagatt in ye s'd county, weaver, ,vherof & wher,v'th I, the s'd Dermott, doe hereby acquitt, discharge, & exonerate, the e'd Connor, his heires, executors, administrators, & assignes, for ever ;-Have given, granted, mortgadged, bargained, ~ould, & confirmed, like as by these p'nts I doe hereby give, grant, mortgadge, bargaine, sell, & confirme unto the s'd Connor o Diggin, his heires, executors, administrators, & assignes, for ever :-All that and those ye pasture, towne, & lands of Gollna­ cappykoony, by Com'on estirnation containing three Cowes grassing, in Irish ('Cp,1 ba raep,) bee it more or lesse, laying, plac(j_d & situate in Killorghlin p'ishe, w'thin the Baronie of Dunkerane & County afores'd :-To have & to · hould, unto the s'd Connor, his heires, executors, administrators, & assignes for ev', all & singular the receited p'misses, w'th all & singular the houses, Cabens, edifices, buildinges, feed-inges, Com'ons, pastures, tillages, arable land, ,voods, under,voods, moores, heathes, bogges, Cragges, mountaines, fishinges, fishing places, ,vaters, ,vatercourses, meadowes, fennes, parkes, & all & singular the profitts, appendances, & app'tenances therunto belongeing, or anie\"\ise .appertaining, & the rents, duties, rev'sion & -rev'sions, remainder & remainders, J6 J\['GILLYCUDDY

.of the same, & of ev'rie part & parcell of ye same, for ev'. To be houlden of the cheeffe Lord and Lords of ye fee & fees, by the services therout due & of right accustomed. And I, the s'd Dermott, doe hereby, for me, my heires, executors, administrators & assignes, bargaine, covenant & agree the pr'misses, ,v~th their app'tenances, dureing the continuance of this mortgadge, to warrt, cleare, & defend, unto the s'd Connor, his heires, executors, administrators, & assignes, of & from all former & future bargaines, sales, dowers, J oyntures, estates, feoffments, gifts, grants, moTtgadges, thirds, liveries, wardshipps, homages, Tespitt of homage, intrusion, feine for alienac'on, Judgmts, feines, forfittures, Esch eats, Escripts, & all other incombrances, agt all manner of p'son & p'sons whatsoev'. Provided alwayes & it is agreed uppon, that whensoev', in the moneth of July, in anie yeare whatsoev', & not otherwise, I, the s'd Dermott, my heires, executors, administrators or assignes, shall well & truely, w'thout fraud or coven, satisfie, content, & pay, or cause to be satisfied, con­ tented, or payed in one ,vhole & intire paymt, unto the said Connor o Diggin, his heires, executors, administrators, & assignes, in anie place w'thin the p'ish of Cnokane, the iust & full sum'e of twelve pownds, ster', good & lawfull currt money of & in England, of the weight, puritie, & value, of ye six pences & twelvepences now currt in England, that then It shall & may be la,vfull for me the s' d Dermott, my heires, executors, administrators, & assignes, into the pr'misses .to reinter, & the same to enioy & repossesse as in m.y former right, anie thing herein contained or the liv'ie, possession or seisin, hereuppon executed to ye contrarie notw'thstanding. Lastly know you that I, the s'd Dermott, have & doe hereby nominate, constitute, depute, ordaine, & authorise my welbeloved John me Donnell Diggin, of fforennagatt in the s'd county, ,veaver, my true and lawfull Attourney, to inter uppon the pr'misses, or uppon anie part or p'cell therof in name of the "'-hole, & therein to take actuall pos­ session, liv'ie & seisin, & after such possession soe therin taken and had, to _deliv' actuall possession, liverie & seisin, thereof unto the s'd Connor, to inure unto hime the s' d Connor, his heires, executors, administrators & assignes, for ev', according the true meaning, intent, purport, construction & effect of this p'nt deed. Hereby ratifieing, confirming & allO"\ving, all & singular w' ch my said Attourney shall therein doe accordingly. In witnesse wherof, I, the s'd Dermott have hereunto subscribed my hand, & fixed my seale the fifteenth day of October, A0 d'ni, a thousand six hundred fortie & three, & ill: ye [blank] PAPERS. 47 yeare of the Raigne of our Sov'raigne Lord, King cl1arles that no¥l is, of England, Scotland, ffrance, & Ireland King, Defender of ye faith, &c. Der: mcDonnogh Gylliecuddie [Seal goneJ

Being p'nt as ,Yell ,vhen the ,v'thin named Dermott me Donnogh signed & sealed the ,v'thin deed, as alsoe delivered the same to the ,v'thin Attourney, according the intent of ye ,v'thin deed, ,vee ,vhose names doe ensue. Connor Cormocke. finin oge dunie. Dermod me Cnoughorcuddy. Taige mccolen cuddie.

Being alsoe p'nt ,vhen the ,v'thin named Attourney intred uppon the lands w'thin specified, viz :-Gollnacappykoony, & therein tooke actuall possession, liv'ie, & seisin, & after sucl1 possession & seisin, soe therin taken therof in name of ye ,vhole 1n,nd of Gollnacappykoony, deliv' ed actuall possession, liv'ie & seisin unto the ,v'thin named Connor o Diggin, to inure unto hime the s'd Connor, his heires, executors, administrators, & assignes, according the true intent & effect of ye ,v'thin deed, ,vee ,vhose nan1es doe ensue.

Do: me Gillycuddy Dermod Ille Theig Der: me Teige Morish me Shane Owen m 0 Shane his marke +~



Orde1" by the S1rprenie Cou.·nc£l of the Conjeclerate Catholics for the apprehension of the O Sullivane J.lfoTe. [Dated 14. July 164:6.] · [Original] Bunratty 14° Julij By the Supreame Councell &c 1646. WHERE.AS wee have ,vritten severall tymes formerly for Owen o Sullivane more, and that he, in manifest contempt and disobedience to our authoritie, hath failed to appeare before us, you are therefore hearby required forthw'th to apprehend the p'son of the said o Sullivane more and him to bring imediatly before us, to be further dealt ,v'th as shalbe thought fitt. And in case you may not find out the said o Sullivane more, you are to cesse w'th Captn Gerott . fz Morice his Troope and foott con1p2\lnie, on the said o Sullivane's lands, and continue him soe cessed untill he p'sonally appears before us as aforesaid, and likewise restore unto Donnogh n1t Gillycuddy Esqr the gooqs menc'oned in the petition, exhibitted by him before us, agt the said o Sullivane Moore. And the said horse and foott soe cessed are to have co1npetent meate, drinke, and lodgings, together ,v'th l1a.lfe pay according to the establishmt, duringe the tyme they continue cessed on the said lands, and if there be any rescue or resistance you aTe alsoe to raise the power of the Countie to be aydais unto . you in the excecuc'on of this our order.

To the high ·sheriffe of the County Mt'SKRY of KeTry ,vho uppon his utmost E1rERrs CLOGHERENS p'ill is to see this our order putt in speedy excecuc' on. R. BELLI~G. ALEX Mc DON'ELL PATR: DARCY Co~. O'CAGHANE PAPERS. 49


Report of the Referees appointecl by the Suprenie Council to exa1n·ine the clai1n of the Knight of Kerry to recei·ve Chief r·ent out of J.l.f' Gillycitcldy' s lands.

[Dated 12 august 1646] [Original]

[Endorsed] Concerning the Cheefrent challenged by John fitz Gerald off me Gillycuddy. IN obedience to the right hobie the supreame Councell theire order of refferrence to us directed, beareinge date at Limerick the 24th of July 1646, requireinge and aucthorizeinge us to take the petic'on of Donnogh me Gillecuddie Esqre into Considerac'on, touchinge a Chiefe rent challenged by the Receiver Generall of the county of Kerry to be due out of parte of the said petr and his £freeholders' estates unto the Kt of Kerry. By vertue of ,vch refference and aucthority wee have examined Seaven very auncient wittnesses, whoe volun­ taryly haveinge taken theire Corporall oaths uppon the Holy Evangelist depose and say, that they and every of them haveinge lived uppon parte of the said lands, whereout the said Cheefe rent is challenged to be due ; that, dureinge the continuance of three Comocions or insurrecc'ons, w'thin theire memory happeninge, the said cheife rent was never paied to the said Kt of Kerry, his auncestors nor any other deriveinge under him ; and for theire cause of know­ ledge say that, w'thin theire men1ory, a prey beinge taken by some of the Kt's auncestors', allyes or servants', and carryed to Kilforglen Castle, one Daniell Garreltaigh, alias me Gillecuddy, pursued the same to the said Castle, ,vhere he forced restituc'on of the said prey of Co-\ves, except one ,v'ch was slaughtered, the flesh and hide of w' ch Cowe ,vas alsoe then restored unto hi1n. They further depose that, by relac' on of their auncestors, they were credibly tould that much blood was spilt, twixt the petr's auncestors and the said Kt's auncestors, uppon any attempt made to take a,vay preyes for the same. And p'ticulerly they depose and say, by relac'on as aforesaid, that one Cnoghor finine me Gille­ cuddy, beinge killed in reskeweinge a prey taken for the said cheife rent, me Gillecuddy,_nicknamed Pleggerd, did prey and kill divers of the Barony of Cortoguiny for assistinge the said Kt when the said Cnoghor finine me Gille- H 50 M'GILLYCUDDY

cuddy was soe killed. And lastly they depose that -the said cheife rent was never reduced to any pecuniary payment untill the beginninge of the last peace, at w'ch time the then Kt of Kerry, w'th his kinsmen and allyes, Comonly called ffarroboge, came into parte of the petr's ·Estate, where Cesseinge, pil- . ladgeinge, and preyeinge the reliques of the petr's Grandfather's freeholders and followers, by w'ch Compulsary course the said cheife rent was reduced to Certeinty, as it continued untill the beginninge of the present troubles. Soe as it clearely appeares unto us that the payment of the said Cheife rent in times of trouble, Comoco'n, & warrs ought, and is to surcease and abate, and, for the right, doe leave the same to better Judgmts. All w'ch wee humbly Certify. Datd 12° 4,-ugustii, a0 1646 Don: 0 Sullyvane Jno: Welsh Daniell me Carthye


Petition oj" M'Gillyciiddy to Lorcl Inchiquin, Lord President of Jfurister, against the O Sitlivanes, ivith his Lordship's order of reference to the Governor and Co1nmissioners of the AJ·1ny of the County Kerry. [Dated 12 December 1648. J [Original]

[Endorsed] Donnogh me Gilecudy Esqre pl't' Owen o Sulevane More Esqr & others Def'ts. Intr': 19° Ja': 48. To the Right hobie the Lord President of lvfonster,

The humble P6tic'on of Donogh me Gillycuddy Esq

HUMBLY shewing unto yr honor that yr pettitioner, for the considerac'on of one hundred pounds, ster', had a deede of mortgadge duely p'fected, siQ"D.ed. PAPERS. 51 sealed & delivered, by Joan [ otherwise SheelyJ fz Morice als Sullyvane, the relict of Daniell o Sullyvane Moore Esqr, O,ven o Sullyvarie Moore Esqr, Daniell oge o Sullyvane of Culemagortt, & Owen 1n•Owen o Sullyvane of BallymcGully-nyvlaune, gent9,-of the towne & lands of Sroneny-hirrie, con­ tayneing one ploughland more or lesse, placed & sy-tuated in Killforglin p'ish, & Dunekerane barronie, the ploughland of Cullynagh placed in Cnockeane p'ish & Barronie a:fforesaid, & one ploughland of the t,vo ploughlands of Killohe sytuated in Cahir p'ish, & Ivrahigh Barronie, ,vhich deed of mortgadge, by reason of the distempers of the tyn1es, hath been miscarried, by means whereof yr pettitioner hithertoo reaped noe p'fitt nor bene:fitt of the lands afforesaid, & is in danger for the future (if god caled a,vay his v\~ittnes) t0 loose his whole interest in the same, if s0111e speedie coorse for his releefe be not sett doune. May it therefore please yr LoP, to grant yr orders of reference to anie two or more of the gents of the Counetie of Kierie, not interested in the same, or the Comissioners of the armie of the said Counetie, or anie two or moe of them, to require the above complayned off to appeere before them, & fyndeing the contents of the above pettition to be true, to order & require the said complayned off to p'fect a deede of morgadge, in as large & ample a maner as there former act, & the same to diliver unto yr pettr, & uppon these fayleing or neglect therein, to be cessed wth a competent number of souldiers, or yor honor to Prescribe some other coorse for yr pettitioner's speedie releefe as to yr LoP shall be thought fitt, & he shall pray, &c

Castle Lyons 12 Decembris 1648 The Governo' and Com' of the County of Kiery or any three of them, are hereby required and authorised to call all p'ties within menc'oned before them, and to examine the proofes of both sides, and, findeing the petticoner's alle­ gac' ons true, to prescribe such a Course that ye petticoner may recover his iust demaunds, or good assurance for the same, imediatly. And in case of disobedience to compell the same by Cess or Otherwise.




Exconi·nations of ·zcitnesses taken before the Co-nnnissioners of the Arniy iri Kerry touching the -nlatters ·iu, clis1Jute betlueen 111' G·illycuclcly ancl the 0 Suleva-nes.

[Dated 19 January 164~ .] fOriginal]

LEndorsed] Concerning the 1\1:ortgage of Cullinagh & the rest.

Produced by ye Pl't'f

Ardfert 19° January 1648. Exan1inac' ons of w~itnesses taken before us, l by vertue of ye Right Honoble ye Lord Presi- Donogh mcGillycuddy Esqr 1 dent's refference dated at Castle-Lyons 12m0 Pl't'f. I xbris 1648 I • r Joan f z Morice als Sulivan I widdow, owen o Sulivanm_oar I DoNEL M• MoRISH of Aunangary, in the County Esqr, owen me owen o Sulivan of Kiery, gent', aged about fortyfour yeares, & Daniel oge o Sulivan Def'ts. J being duely sworne & examined, sayeth, yt ye 18th or 19th of March 1641, ye def' d'ts duely p'fected to ye pl't'f a deed in £ mortgadge of 100, one hundred pounds, ster', of ye lands in ye pl't'f's petic'on mentioned, vitz ;-Culynagh, one plo-,vland, Sronnakirry, one plo,vland & one plowland of ye t,Yo plov,lands of Killohe. His cause of knowledge is yt he ,vas p'sent at the p'fection of ye said deed. The said mortgadge was in con­ siderac' on of one hundred pounds of the n1ariadge portion assigned by ye def' d'ts to ye pl't'f.

2nd depont. Teig me Dermod of quode, in ye said County, gentle', aged 54 yeares, or therabouts, being duely sworn &c, agreeth in every particular w'th ye said former deponent. His cause of knowledge is yt he was alsoe p'sent. PAPERS. 53

3d depont. ffynin oge an doonah of Caherunahoon, in ye said County, gent', adged 33 yeares or therabouts, being duely sworn & examined &c, agreeth in every particular ,vith the said former deponts_ His cause of knowledge is yt he ,vas alsoe p'sent.

4th depont-Donel o Lyne of Killoghan, in the said County, gent', adged 38 yeares or therabouts, being duely sworn & examined &c, agreeth in every particular w'th the said former deponents. His cause of knowledge is yt he was present & clid help ye Clark that drewe ye said deed, by name Cnoghor o Cormick.

5th depont. Dermod oge o Lyne of Dooguill in the said County, gent', adged 36 yeares or therabouts, being duely s,vorn & examined &c, agreeth in every particular w'th ye first, 2nd & 3d deponts. His cause of knowledge is yt he was present.

Every of ye said deponts doe further say, yt by vertue of their oathes, yt upon p'fection of the said deed, the pl't'f did assume to repass, upon ye def'd't Joan, the said lands of Sronnakarry during her lyfe, & yt alsoe ye said 4th depont, Donel o Lyne, did say unto ye def'd't owen me owen o Sulivan, yt he did fear ye said lands of Killohe were formerly mortgadged unto Teig me owen oge Moriarty. Wherupon ye said def'd't Owen took a [corporal] oath there was noe mortgadge or other incumbrance upon one of the two plowlands of Killohe past upon ye pl't'f by ye said deed Da: Crosbie Edw: Rice Terr: oConnor. 54 M'GILLYCUDDY


Summons issued by the Governor and Conimissione1"s for the Army for the County of Kerry against the O Sullivanes.

[Dated 27 February 164!]

[Endorsed] a Copie of the Sumons against o Sullevan & others for Cullenagh & other lands.

Donnogh mcGillecuddy 1 By the Governor & Com[missioners of theJ Esqre p'l'f j County of Kerry Owen o Sullevane More Esqr Daniell oge o Sullevane 1 ~ IN pursueance of the right hob e the lord Owen me Owen Sullevane Presidt, his order of refference;; unto us Joane :fitz Morrice alias I directed, and fort the plr hath been severall Sullevane I times delayed, to the end the Deft" may ap- Defts J peare, and offer theire reasons, or allegac'ons agt the p1rs· demaunds, Wee have thought fitt, and doe require you, and everie of you, to appeare before us in Ardfert, on tuesday the 6th of March next; wherein if you faile, wee doe declare, that then wee will proceede on the evidence already given unto us, by vertue of the said order of refference .. Dat' 27° febr', 1648. Da: Crosbie Edw: Rice Edm: Hussey PAPERS. 55


Report of the Commissioners to the Lord President of Munster touching the complaint of M'Gillycuddy against the O Siillivanes.

[Dated in the year 164i] [Original]

[Endorsed] Conserneing the Mortgage of Cullenagh & the rest.

RIGHT honourable; By vertue of your honnor's Order, dated at Castle-Lyons 12° Decembris 1648, on the behalfe of Donnogh mcc Gillicuddy Esqr p'l't'f, versus Owen o Sulivan more Esqr, Daniell oge o Sulivan, owen mcc owen o Sulivane, and Joane fz Morrice als Sulivan Def'ts, wee sent divers summons to the defend'ts, whereunto they neglected to appeare, and having sent one of the 27th of february last, in Lieu of apparaunce, wee received the enclosed l're from the said o Sulivan More and Daniell oge o Sulivan. Wherein they, questioning our, and in effect all authoritie, and therefore, for the pl't'f's satiss­ faccon, transmit the whole to your honnor, and doe certifie, that, by depositions taken before us 19° January 1648, [i.e. 1648/9] it appeares that on 18th or 19th of March 1641, the deft's p'fected a deed of Mortgadge of a 1oou, to the pl't'f, of the lands in the pl't'f's petic'on menc'oned, vizt :-Culenagh, Sronnahiry, and one plowland of Kllloh, being in considerac'on of part of the marriage . por'con, assured to the pl't'f by the Deft's, as by the said depositions more particularly appeareth. For whom wee would graunt order, uppon the s' d depositions, had not the Def'ts contemned and questioned our power. All w'ch wee humbly submitt to yor Lops' graver Judgmt and remaine

yor Lo'ps' Most Humble serv'ts Edm: Hussy Edw: Rice Ter: OConnor 56 li'GILLYCUDDY


Certificate of the Under Sheriff of the Coiinty Kerry of his havirig JJUt },frs Sily Sullevane i~nto qiiiet JJossession of certain lands in Ker·ry, cwcorcli·ng to the 'Warrant of the Lord Deputy.

[Dated 5 December 1651]

[There are two copies of this docu111ent]

A note of O'Sullyvan's Chifferies in the Barrony of Iv1--ahigh.

Oghlaff, a p\ and a third p't of p' d', . xxvjs viijd ster'. 1 Dromod, 2 p'ds,- 2 i 6s viij\ ster'. Dromod, belongeing to donill mcc Bruig, a p\ xxv5, ster'. Durie, a p' d, xxvs ster'. Mortagh mcc Owen, out of a p'd' of Cannig, xixs ster'. Donill mcc Broige, out of the said Cannig, a p'd', xixs ster'. Roger mcc Mortagh, out of Cannioge, . xijs viiid. ster'.

Donill mcc Donough, a p'd', xxviij s ster'. The said Donill n1cc Donough, of Droniniragh, a p'd', . xx--v~ , st er.' Donill mcc Owen, of Killmakierin, a p' d, xxijs ster'. More out of the said Kilhnakierin, xxij s ster'. Briaghig, a p' d, . xxvs ster'. Caneh, 4 p'l'ds, . viu ster'. Je:fferie mcc Richard, out of Agort, a pl'd', . xxs, ster'.

Roger mcc Mortagh, . vis viii d, ster'. KillenoGaha [tornJ Clughanetaunig [tornJ Killnobounie belongeinge to Owen mcc Donill 111cc Phillipp, xxxS, ster'. The other Killnobounie . xxviijs viijd ster'.

Beinge p'nt at the time ,vhen possession ,vas delivered unto Mrs Sily PAPERS. 57

Sullyvane by George Berrie, under shirriffe of th'above Te's and rents belongeinge to O Sullyvane more, ,vee ,vhose names ensue

Thomas Broune Morish mcc Donough John mcc Edmond his + marcke Donill mcc S,viny his + marcke Donough mcc Dermody his + marcke Copia vera

I doe hearby certifie, that by vertue of the Right honobie the Lo: Deputie's warrant, I have delivered quiet and peaceable possession of the Te's and Chieferents of O Sully--vane more, unto Mrs Syly Sulyvane, wthin the Barronie of Dunkierane, and soe much I thought fitt to signifie under my hand. Datu' v die deer 16~51 George Barrie

Rosecousan, halfe a plo,vland . . .. xxs ster' Gortecomagh, 2 plowlands . . .. 4u ster' Grienane, halfe a plowland . x._~9 ster' Qappanscosse, t,vo plowlands iiij Ii ster' Cappaghroo, two plowlands . . .. iiijli ster' Lackeire, t,vo plowlands .. .. . iiijli ster' Durrinefuile, halfe plowland . . xv• ster' Derrevurro, halfe a plowland xvs ster' Droumloskie, a plowland xxxs ster' Letternuill, halfe a plo,vland xvs ster' Dirinebrade [Torn-t,vo entries are here illegibleJ Derrikine, a plowland . XXXs st er' Gortegoune and Clouncalline, iiju ster' Balleneliagles, halfe a plowland . xvs ster' Macera mcc Teige, of Driminisse, 2 p'lds, . iiij u ster' Drimineiragh, a plo,vland . xxxs ster' I 58 1I'GILLYCUDDY

Being p'nt at the -time ,vhen th'above George Berrie under sherriffe delivered possession_ unto th'above 1vfrs Syly Sullyvane of th'above Tenements, wee ,vhose names ensueth :-Edmond Huoulaghan-Thomas Bro,vne-Donough mcc Sermodieglas his marcke-John mcc Thomas his + n1arcke-Donil nice Sw'i.ney his + 1narcke-l\Iorish Hoare his -: marcke- -John n1cc Edn1ond his + n1arcke. Copia \:era


Order by the Corn.1rriissioners of Judicativre for J{erry that all iuho i-ntend to subniit to the Comnioniuealth of England shoulcl co1ne in and sign the prescr-ibed Engagenient. [Dated. Tralee 23 April 1653] fOriginal]

[Endorsed] ffor the subscribing to ye Ingagn1ent.

By the Co111'issiors of Judicature and Revenue for the precinct of Kiery.

WHEREAS there hath been a p'clamation directed to the severall Barronyes of C, this precinct, that all manner of p'sons ,vhich intended to submitt to the po\\.,.er and authority of the Con1'onwealth of England, should come in and subscribe to the Engadgn1ent ordained in that behalfe. And ,vhereas ,Yee are informed that 1nost of the natives of this precint have, not,vithstanding our orders unto them in that p'ticular, either in Conten1pt or disobedience thereunto, have neglected to appeare, according to our said su'mons, to subscribe unto the said Engadgn1t. These are therefore to ,vill and require you forthwith to caiuse present publication to be n1ade to all and singular the Inhabitants of your Barrony, that all such p'sons, as have not subscribed to the said Engadgmt, doe appeare before us in Traly the 9th of June next, then and there to subscribe to the said Engadgmt. Other""1-ise ,vee shall hould and repute all such p'sons, as shall faile therein, to bee Enyn1yes, and ill affected PAPERS. 59 to the said Co'monwealth. And wee likewise require you to take a strikt and exact accompt of all such p'sons as cannot p'duce their Ticketts of their sub­ scription, and returne their respective names unto us, with their qualityes and places of aboade; that wee may take such Course against them as shall bee thought fitt. Whereof you are not to faile. Given att Traly the 2:3 of Aprill 1653 Lsigned] W. HALL JoHx NELso~~ RI: 0-csLEY. WHIT.A.LL BROWN [ addressed] To the Agents and Applottors of the Barrony of Dunkyran (These).

XXXIII. Corriniission fo1'· 0-2uen O Sulli·vane as Ensign iri the Duke of Gloucester's Regi,nient of Foot. [Dated at Brnges 11 January 1657] [Parchment. Original] CHARLES R [ AutographJ CHARLES, nY THE GRACE OF GoD, KING OF ExGLAND, ScoTLAND, FRANCE, AND IRELAND, DEFENDER OF THE FAITH, &c, l to our trusty and ,vellbeloved Owen 0 Sullyvane, Ensigne, Greeting. Kno"tN you that We, reposeing I trust and confidence in yor diligence, fidelitie, and experience in Military affaires, Doe hereby constitute ! and appoint you to be Enseigne of one company of foote, ,vhereof Colonel Gilbert Talebott I is Captaine, in the Regiment of our most dear and entirely beloved brother Henry Duke of [Glocester'.], I ,vhereof Tibault, Lord Viscount Taf, is Colonel, ,v'ch company by virtue of this our Commission you shall I receive into yor charge as Enseigne fro1n yor said Captaine. These are therefore to require you to make [ present repaire to the said Company, and taking the same into yor charge as Enseigne, [forth­ with] I to exercise the same duly in Armes, com'anding all inferior officers and soldiers of the ...... I you to obE;y as their Enseigne, for our *12 60 M'GILLYCUDDY

Service ; according to this Com'ission given you. And you l likewise to obey and follo,v such orders and directions, as you shall receive from our self, and our I said most dear brother, your Captaine, and all other the superior officers of the said I Regiment and Army, according to the Discipline of War. Given at our Court of Bruges in I Flanders th1s eleventh day of January 1657 in the Eight yeare of our Reigne

By his iiat Con1mand Edw. Walker.


Cer;·tificate f ro1n Lord Taoffe of the se1·vices of Ensign O ,Su lli~va.n. [Dated 11 January 1661] [Original] lThe commencement of the t,vo first lines of this docu1nent is defaced]

[ ...... "\Tiscount T]aaffe and Collonel of his [ ...... Hjg]hnesse the Duke of Glocester' s regiment. I DOE hereby certifie that Enseigne owen 6 Sullivan served in the above regiment, all\vayes in the qualitie of an Enseigne, in paye from the very begininge, and makeinge up of the above said regiment, untill the last reduce­ ment, made at iiarduque by his Matie's orders, in ,vhich Con1pany, wherein he served all ,v' ch time ,vith all integritie, care, diligent, [ sicJ and obedience, as alsoe demeaninge himselfe as did become a valliant and ,vorthy officer under my Comn1and, dureinge the above mentioned time, given under n1y hand att London this 11 th of January 16 61 w: TAAFFE-:l-

* William, Viscount Taaffe, and Theobald, Earl of Carlingford, signed the remonstrance of the Roman Catholic nobility and gentry of Ireland in 1661. PAPERS. 61


The Earl of Clancarty' s ce1·tificate of the services and suffer·irigs of Lt Colonel Donogh M'Gillycuddy. [Dated 26 )larch 1661 J [Original]

[Endorsed] The Earle of Clancarthy. Certificat 26th l\larch 166.l]

[I CER]rrFIE that Lt Colonell Donogh mac Gillycuddy of . . . . . [tornJ . . . . the countie of Kierie, in his Matie·s realme of Irland, hath chearfully embraced the peace made by his Excellency the Lord Marques of Ormonde, in an'o d'ni 1648, ,vith the confederat Catholickes there, and constantely adhered to the same, and caused all others with whome he hath influence to doe the like. And I doe further certifie that the said Lt Colonel, out of his zeale towardes his Matie's interest, and for the furtherance of his service, did after­ wardes reiect anie corespondencie, or treatie, ,vith the ministers of the late usurped po,ver in that nation, and that he not onely suffered longe imprison­ ment _& the loss of bloode, estate, and goodes, in that Cause, but hath allsoe contracted the hatred and indignation of Henry Cromwell & Sr Hardres Waller, soe far as that they burned and destroyed all the said Lt Colonell's and his tenantes' and dependantes' howses & goodes, and destroyed and killed manie of them,-The said Lt Coll' refuseinge to surender his Castle, then garisoned by my orders for his Matie's service, and refuseing to pay that partie anie contribution, And that the said Lt Coloriell did, by- like orders, quitt & burne his said Castle, he being not able to resiste the then prevaileing po,ver of his Matie·s enemies, by whom.e he ,vas, after the laying do,vn of armes in that nation, expulsed oute of his patrimony and exiled into foraine partes, where he had ever sithence continued. [torn] . . m.anisfestac' on of truth I certifie as aforesaid [tornJ 26th day of March An'o D'1n'i 1661



Lord I nchiqiiin' s certificate. [Dated 26 Marc:h 1661 J [Original]

[Endorsed] Earle of Inchiquin's Certificate. 26 l\Iarch 1661. I noE hereby Certifie that Lt Coll' Donogh MacGillycuddy hath chearefilly embraced the peace made in the Kingdome of Irland by his matie·s Royall authoritie in the yeare 1648, and in manifestac'on thereof and of his integretie to aduance his matie's seruice, hath in the same yeare raised a goode companie of foote at his one coste and charges by com'ission from me, and hath faithfully disc_harged his truste and dutie on all occasions by his constant adheareing to the said peace and his matie's authoritie. I doe further certifie that I did not finde that the said Lt Coll' had anie hande in the plunders and outerages com'ited in Irland, And on the contrarie doe ,vell kno,v he hath releeved protestants in greate distresse. All which in testemonie of truth I doe testifie as aforesaid. Given under my hande the 26th of March 1661



Another Certificate,frorri Lor·cl Clancarty.

[Dated 29 March 1661] [Original]

[Endorsed] The Earle of ClanCarthy his ce1iificat to Lt Colr ttiac Gillycuddy. 29th ~larch 1661.

I DOE hereby Certifie that Lt Coll' Donogh Mac Gillycuddy, being not in armes untill the yeare 1648, hath cheerefully embraced the peace then graunted, by uertue of his n1atie's royall authoritie, by the lorde l\Iarques of Ormounde, to the Irish nation, and allsoe in manifestac'on of his zeale and ,villingnes in aduaunce- PAPERS. 63 ing his matie's seruice, did raise a foote co111panie of one hundred n1en att his one sole costes and charges, by uertue of a com'ission fron1 the Lorde of Inchiquine to serue in his l\fatie's arn1ie, then Con1aunded by the said Lorde of Inchiquine.1 in the Prouence of ~Ionster, and that after,vardes, when his Matie's Cause was in a decleineing condic' on in the Kingedon1 of Irlande, the said Lt Coll' dre,v togeather five or six companies of his kindesmen and freindes, ,vhereupon the Lord Marques of Ormounde hath graunted him Con1'ission to be Lt Coll' of a Regiment of foote in his Matie's armie, then Comaunded by me in the said Prouence of Mounster, ,vherein he behaued himselfe gallante and faithfull, to the expence of his bloude and lounge imprisonment, and manie other damadges, and remained under 1ny said Con1aunde untill the uery last Gaspe of necessitie. And then, I being constrained to artikle for the layeing doune of, he the said Lt Coll' did choose rather to betake himselfe to exeile from his natiue Cou~trey then accept of anie condic' on or qualificac' on from the Ministers of the usurped po,ver, ,vherein he continued untill att present, ,vherein he did not neglect (as in dutie bounde) from time to time to present his faithfull seruice to his lvlatie and his Royall highnes the Duke of Yorke, and dayly cherished by his constante hoapes of his Matie's restaurac'on. All which, in testimonie of truth, I doe hereby certifie as aforesaid; as ,vitnes my hande the th 29 day.., of l\farch 1661 CLAXCARTIE


.1.v['Gillycucldy's Petition for Restoration to his Estate, vJith order of -refere·nce thereu1Jon. [Dated 5 ....\..pril 1661 J [Endorsed] The Petic'on of Lt Coll' Donnogh n1ccGullihudye. To the Kings n1ost Excellent 1fatie, The hun1ble petic'on of Lt Coll Donnogh m ccGullih udye, Hun1blv she,veth, cl THAT ye petr ,vas of very tender yeares & yor Matie's \v.... ard in ye yeare 1641, and did behave hin1selfe peaceably & inoflensibely during ye comotion & 64 lr'GILLYCUDDY

troubles in Ireland, ,vthout acting against yor Matie or yor Royal :ffather, nor having anie hand or advise in ye plunder or outradges done against ye Protestants. That being come to riper yeares ye Petr, assoone as he ,vas able to beare _,._~rmes, did obtaine a Com'ission from ye Earle of Insiquin, then Lo. President of }rlunster, to be Capn of· a company of ffoote in yor Matie's Army, and after- 1vards ,vas advanced to ye place of a Leuit' Con of T· Lord l\'Iuskery's Regimt of ffoote, and ever since acted wth all fidelitye for ye advancen1t of his Matie·s service, untill he ,vas inforced to quitt his Armes & transport himselfe beyond seas, ,vhere he hath offered his service to vor Matie_ V That ye Petr never tooke any lands in Connaught or Clare, and is, as he humbly conceaveth, restorable to his lands & seignioryes in the Countyes of Corke & Kiery, ,vch ,vere disposed or assigned by ye usurped po,ver. The Petr therefore humbly prayeth, That yor Matic will be gratiously pleased to give Order for restoring ye Petr his said estate and lands, And he ,vill pray &c

Whitehall, Aprill 5, 1661

His Maty is graciously pleased to referre this Petic'on to the Rt Honbie the Lord Visct l\'Ioore, the Lord Visct Loftus of Ely, the Lord Aungier & the Lord Kingston, or any two of the1n, to exan1ine the contents of the same, & to certify his l\fat1 ,vhat they think fit to be done thereupon. "\Vill 1.forice.


The Duke of Orrr,.,oncl's certificate of J.11'Gillycuddy's services.

[Dated, 6 April 1661 J [Original]

[Endorsed] His Grace the Duke of Ormonde his Certificate to Lt Coll' Donogh 1'.IcGillycuddy, 6th April 1661.

THESE are to certifie that Lt Coll' Donogh Mac Gillycuddy hath cherefully embraced the peace graunted by me, by vertue of his Ma'tie's Royall authoritie, PAPERS. 65 to the Irish nation, in the year 1648, and hath continued adhearing to the

0 same, and in manifestac'on thereof, and of his ·zeale to advaunce his Mau ·• service, hath in the same yeare (being not before in armes) raised a foote companie att his one proper costes and charges, by Com'ission from the Lorde of Inchiquine comaundeing his Matie·s forces then in the provence of Monster, and afterwards, when his Matie's cause hath bene in a declineing condic' on, he, the said Lt Coll', hath brought t'ogeather five or six companies of his kindesmen and friendes, whereupon I gave him a Com'ission to be Lt Coll' of a regiment of foote in his Matie's armie, then comaunded by the erle of Clancarty, ,vherein he continually served with the losse of bloode, durance of lounge imprison­ ment, and severall other sufferinges, untill the said Earle of Clancarty being necessitated to artikle for the layeinge doune of armes, he, the said Lt Coll'_ betooke himselfe to a voluntarie exeile into foraine partes, without accepting anie condic'on or qualification from the Ministers of the usurped power, where he continued untill his Matie's hapie restauration, and duringe his said exeile did never neglect to tender his humble and faithfull Service to his Matie, all which in testemonie of truth I do certifie as aforesaid ; as ,vittnes my hand att · Whitehall the 6th Aprill 1661 ORMONDE


Order of Ki·ng Cha-r-les II. for the rresto1~ation of 1'd' Gillycuddy to his estates.

[Dated 18 April 1661] [Original]

[Endorsed] L. Coll' Mac Gillycuddy's landes restored in Ireland.

CHARLES R [ AutographJ U PPON considerac' on had of a Report made unto us by Henry Viscount Moore & John Ld Kingston, grounded on our reference, of the 5th of this instant Aprill, uppon the Humble Petic'on of Lieut Colonell Donogh MacGillicuddye, In wh report is contained the Certificate of our Right trusty & Rt well beloved ·cousin & Councellor, James Marquesse of Ormond, Steward of our Houshold, K M'GILLYCUDDY t~~tifying .that ye said Donough ~IacGiilicuddye chearfully embraced the P~ace made in the yeare 1648, and in manifestation of his Adherence to the ~ame, & of _his Zeale to advance our Service, did, in the same yeare, (having not peen in .Armes before) raise a Company of Foot at his own proper cost and ~harges, by Commission from the Earle of Insiquin commanding our forces then in: ye Province of }✓.Iunster, and afterwards, when our cause was in .a declining condic'on, he, the said Donaugh mac Gillicuddye, brought together -{jve or six Companies of his Kinsmen and friends, whereuppon ye said ¥a.rquesse, then our Lieut of Ireland, gave him a Com'is.sion to be Lieu1; Colonell of a Regiment of Foote in our Army under the comaund of the Earle qf Cl~ncarty, where he con[stantly J served with wounds, Imprisonn1ent & several other sufferings, untill the said Earle of Clancarty being necessitated 1 to Article for ye Laying Down of Armes, he, the said Lieut' Coll , betooke himselfe into Foreign parts, without accepting of any condic' on or qualification from the usurped power, Where he continued untill our happy Restauration ~d . during his Exille never neglected to tender his humble & faithful ~ervice to us. There is also mention of severall other Certificats testifying (besides ye matters before me'con'd) his constant Adherence to our Peace & authority. We aTe fully satisfied, uppon the said motives, of the said Lieut Collonell's innocence, and, that according to the opinion of the said Referees he is, ,vithin our Declaration and Instructions, restorable unto the possession of all and every his Mannors, villages, townes, lands, tenements & Hereditaments, whereof he was Dispossessed under colour of any acting of any usurped power in that our Kingdome. And ,ve do hereby order and require that the said Donogh Mac Gillicuddy or his assignes be forthwith be forth,vith [ sic J established and confirmed in the possession of all All and every the said Mannors, villages, to-,vnes, lands, tenemants & hereditaments, and also have and receive the meane profitts to him la,vfully due or anserable of such parte of the said premisses as are not in the possession of any Reprizable persons by virtue of our said Declaration [ & yt for such as are soe possessed Reprisalls be _given to such Reprizable persons according to our said Declaration.,~] And wee doe hereby order and Require that our Justices of that our Kingdome, & all and every other our Chief Governor & Governors thereof for ye time being, our Judges, Commissioners for the Executing our said Declaration, our ·sheriffes. and other Mjnjsters whome it sh~ll or may concerne, doe and shall PAPERS~ respectively take notice hereof, and cause this our order to be put in speedy and due Execution, as alsoe the said Donough Mac Gillicuddye to be established in the possession of all and every the said Mannors, villages, townes, lands, tenements & hereditaments as well those in our hands as other­ ,vise, & cause Reprisalls to be- given unto Reprizable persons (if any) who now possesse the same or any part thereof, according to our said Declaration, and wee doe heareby will & require all and every person & persons w'ch now are or hearafter shalbe possessed of any the said l\fannors, villages, townes; land-s,. tenements & hereditaments or any part thereof, to yield up and deliver unto the- said Don-0ugh mac Gillieuddy or his assignes the quiet and peaceable­ possession of the san1e, and not to co1nmit any ,vast uppon the premisses or any part thereof, as they and every of the111 ,vill ans,ver the contrary att theire perills: And our Barons of our Court of Excheqr in that our Kindome, our Attorney & Sollicitor Generall and all other our officers "\'vhome it doth or shall concerne, are heareby required to cause all seizures sequestrations rents and sum' es of n1ony ren1aineing in charge in our said Court [ of ExcheqTJ uppon any.' parte of thB s' d· pre1nisses under collour of any actings of any usurped• power, or of any person deriveing from the same, to be vacated and put out of Charge,- for which this shall be to them a sufficient warrant. Given at our Court at. Whitehall, the l 8th day of Aprill, 16 61, in the thirteenth yeare of our Reigne.

By his Matie's Com' and "\Vill: ~Iorice;.

Entered at the Signet 15· May 1661 Wm Trumball

There is also a copy of this document certified as "A true copy~Exam• by me. Ja: Shaen

* These words within brackets [ J are omitted in one of the copies of this document.



Permissi,on for;~ .llf'Gillycu.ddy to pass from England to Ireland.

[Dated 25 May, 1661.] [Original]

[Endorsed] The Kinge his passe£or me Gillycuddy to com for Irelande. Datt.- 25th may 1661.

[Seal perfect.]

CHARLES R. [ Autograph.]

!;HARLES, by ye Grace of God King of England, Scotland, France & Ireland, Defendr of ye Faith &c, To all persons to ,vhom these presents shall come, Greeting. These are to require all whom it may concerne, to permitt & suffer ye Bearr, Lieut' Coll' Donogh Mac Gillycuddy, with his wife & family, together with their Goods & necessaryes, freely & quietly to embarke in any part or port of Qr Kingdome of England, & thence to passe into our Kingdome of Ireland without lett or molestation. For which this shall be yor sufficient warrant. Given at Our Court at Whitehall ye 25th day of May in ye 13th yeare of Our Reigne, 1661.

By his Matis Command Edw: Nicholas

Passe for M1 MacGillycuddy into Ireland. .. PAPERS. 69


Pass /01· M'Gillycuddy to enter Ireland from Flanders.

[Dated 31 May 1661] [Original]

[Endorsed] 31st May 1661 Lt Coll1 Donogh me Gillycuddy's passe to Ireland· from K. Charles 2d.

[Seal gone]

CHARLES R [AutographJ

CHARLES, by ye Grace of God King of England, Scotland, France & Ireland,, Defendr of ye Faith, &c, [toJ all persons to whom these presents shall come, Greeting. These are to require all Or officers & Subjects whom it may concerne (and to desire all Or Friends & Allyes) to permitt & suffer ye Bearer hereof, Lieutt Coll11 Donogh Mac Gillycuddy, his wife & family, together with their Goods & necessaryes, freely & quiettly to passe from Flanders to any part or port within Qr Kingdome of Ireland ,vithout let or moles[tation.J For which this shall be yr Warrant. Given at our Co[urt J at Whitehall this 31st day of May 1661, & in ye 13th yea[r of] Our Reigne.

Bv his Matrs Command " Edw: Nicholas ll'GIL:tYCUDDY


Order of the Lords Justices of Ireland for an account of M'6fillycuddy's lands.

[Dated, 14 June· rssf1 [Origb11111

[Endorsed] Lt Coll' Mac Gullicuddye's ords. 14 June 1661.

By the Lords Justices of Ireland


ORDERED that his Maty·s Surveyor and Auditor Generall doe Certifie_, a Particular of the Estate of Lt Collonell Donogh Mac Gullicuddye, what part thereof is at. present in his Maty's hands, what part thereof set. out to Adventurers, __ Sould.~; or other Reprizable Persons,. and how much thereof lyes concealed or for w-' ch~ Decrees are graunted unto Protes-tants- in the Court of Excheqr or late:Cour.t of Claymes. And returne the same unto-Us with all con-vienient speed. Giv.-enr at Dublin the 14th of June 1661. In. the 13th yeare of his) Maty's Reigne~

11 11 Intrat' in offic' Sup'vis'r gen • .John Pettie Dep' Sur' Gen •

Ja: Shaen

11 Lt Coll Mac Gullicuddye ordr to Audr & Surveyr Gen • PAPERS. 7.l


Order signed by the Lords Justices of Ireland for putting M'Gillycuddy into possession ofpart of his .estate. [Dated 2 July 1661] [Original]

[Endorsed] Lt Coll' Mac Gullicuddy's ord' for his Estate in the King's hands

By the Lords Justices of Ireland


WHEREAS applycac'on hath beene made unto Us, by Lt Coll' Donogh Mac Gullic:uddy, to be restored to the possession of such part of his Estate in this K.ingdome as is in his Mat's hands, according to his Mat's l'r'es of the 18th of Aprill last in that behalfe : And for that it doth not appeare to Us that the s'-d Lt Collonell MacGullicuddy hath taken out any Lands, or Decrees, in Connaught or Clare: And that by the l'r'es from his Highnes the Duke of Yorke it appeares that he hath served his Maty in Forraigne parts : It is therefore ordered that the s'd Lt Coll' MacGullicuddy be forthw th put into the quiett and peaceable possession of such part of his Estate, in the Schedule hereunto annexed, as is now in his 1\1:at's hands, and not set out to Adventurers, Souldiers, or other Reprizeable persons, or not claymed by or decreed unto Protestants : And it is likewise further ordered That our very good Lord the · Cheife Baron and other Barons of his Mat's Court of Excheqr doe put out of charge in the s'd Court soe much of the s' d Estate as shalbe restored and put into the hands and possession of the s'd Coll' Mac Gullicuddy, as afores'd: And that the rent payeable by his Matr·s Declaration be duely reserved upon and paid out of the s' d Lands. Whereof the Sherriffe of the County of Kerry is to take notice and to put him in possession of the s'd lands accordingly. And for soe doeing this shalbe a sufft warrant. Given at Dublin the 2a day of July 16-61. In the 13th yeere of his Maty's Reigne. Int' Ja: Shaen Lt Coll Mac Gullicuddy to be restored to the possession of part,ofhis Estate in· the Kings hands. 72 M'GILLYCUDDY


M'Gillycitddy's Petition to the Co1n,niissioners for executing the Act of Settlement, with a schedule of his lands. [Dated 1662.]

[Endorsed] The Clayme of Lt Co1 Donnogh mcGillecuddy --pleading his Mat's orders, his service & Ormond's peace -- Parcell of the Territorie of Twogh, me G's Cheeferents.

N.B.-In the following document the words between brackets have been taken from another petition nearly identical, so far as it goes, ,vith this.

To the Right hoble the Comrs for executing his Matie's gratious Declaration for the Settlement of his Kingdome of Ireland.

The humble pettn of Lt Coll' Donogh MacGillycuddy, of Castlecurig, in the Countie of Kierie

SHEWETH that your pettr chearefully embraced the peace graunted by his Matie·, Royall authoritie, in the yeare 1648 [and caused all on whom he had influence to do the same,] and did constantly adheare thereunto, and served actualy in his Matie's armie by com'ission from the Lord Marquesse of Ormounde & the Lord of Inchiquine [ whilst his Matie's authoritie continued in the said Kingdome and] untill the usurped poure became prevalent. Then yor pettr, abandoneing his estate and [ nativeJ countrey, betooke himselfe into foreine partes, followinge his Matie's fortune, person, and Con1aundes, untill bis hapie restauration, [all] which is [redyeJ produceable by Com'issions & certificates. [That your pettr nor none of his name took Landes in Connaght or Countie of Clare, that your pettr is possessed of the moste parte of his estate (by order from the Lords Justices pursuant to his matie's gratious letters in your pettr·s behalfe) as in the annexed schedule] In consideration whereof, in pursuance of his Matic's· gratious letter, by orders from the Lordes iustices, yor pettr is established in the possession of the moste parte of his estate in the anexed PAP:ERS •. '73 scedule sett forth, and what parte thereof he is not possessed of, he prayeth remedy, [pursuant to his matie's said gratious letterJ & he shall pray &c. The Scedule and Claime of Lt Coll' Donogh MacGillycuddy for his estate as followeth, whereof, in sundrei parcelles, in his banishment, severall persons were iniustli returned proprietors by the several surveiours. The 4 ploughlandes of fiarnagatt, Tiniscarty, Ardes and Kearhubeg. The 2 ploughlandes of Quarhunehuones. The 2 ploughlandes of Banecluone & Ard­ laghas. The 2 ploughlandes of Sanderies. The 2 ploughlandes of Culeionigh. The 2 ploughlandes of Gortnascarie. The 2 ploughlandes and a halfe of Quilculecluhir & Killgobnit. [The one plowland of KippaghJ The halfe ploughland & twelft part of a plowghland of Kipagh. One ploughland of Kelenivorane [KeleneuoraneJ · Halfe a ploughland in Killquolaghta. One ploughland of Balliledir. One ploughland of Aungarievoghtragh. The 2 ploughlandes of Ardshillhane. The 2 ploughlandes of Cahirdonil Irhagh. The 2 ploughlandes of Rashes. The 4 ploughlandes of Cahirdoniln1ore, Garugh & Ballicarrighane. · One ploughland of Brachahigh. The 3 plough­ landes of Quode & both Behighanes. The 4 ploughlandes of Goulane, Keapui­ ankush, Listiconor and Kiarhun1ireightragh in Kiasalagh. The 4 ploughlandes of GlanLoghi, Dirin Aulife, Ardmqre & Mile. The 2 ploughlandes of l\Iuni­ fiugh & Diriletterquose. The one ploughland of fokimuileniviene [Forromuile­ ninieneJ The 3 ploughlandes of Dirinavorig, Keaunekiegh, Ensinileegie, Lomaneigh beg, Lomaneighn1ore Dromtine, & Garinish. Inisherkin & severall other Islandes in the sea. The 2 ploughlandes of Arkinturke & Clodagh in mortgage of one hundred poundes ster'. Kipaghanine one ploughland in mortgage of twentie pound es ster'. The one plough]and & a halfe of Gortan­ vickane, gort Arinamiaune; lettir [Knoughardgoune] dromduffe, Insimore, Kiapacmanigh, gortincroe, gortincaharigh, gerhilleydie, & other Parcells all in Cahirogiarane in glanoRuoghta. [The 3 plowlandes of Culekuo Culebane and N eauntenaneJ Gortnaclohimianeigh in mortgage of thirtie fower poundes ster'. Goranenifolly 1 ploughland in mortgage of 1 Qli ster'. The cheeferent of fourscore halface groates yearely due out of the landes of Muntir Barie in the baronie of Beare & Beantrie and countie of Corke. Parte of O Sullevane Moare's cheeferent due out of the Qandes of Coshirhinie and DriminieJ ensueing landes & other Parcells mortgaged to the pettr for one hundred & 1 thirtie poundes ster'., vidt, Balliniglearigh 1 i ss 4d ster'., Cloghane-Keanuge & L M'GILLYCUDDY

1 5 _.Dukalla"2li 13s Jd ster', Rathkierane 1 6 4d ster', Killnabuoniweast & Aghort

1 9 1 2 16 4d ster', Kiiloneihahy 1 £ 6s Od ster', Keaneh 6li ster, Killmackierin 2 i 4~:od

.· ster', Malin, Dro Iragh, & Biraghig 4n 1s Sd ster', Dromodtiase I Ii 3s -4 d ster', , Oghta, Easte Dromod, easte Killnabuoine & Cahirsuane 5li 2s Sd ster'. ; Clu­ hirighbeg halfe a ploughland, whereof the pettr hath the fee-simple. The claimant sayeth that he is possessed, by vertue of the Lordes Justices' :orders as aforesaid, of the premisses except the 4 ploughlandes of farinagait, 'Tiniscarty, Ardes & Kearhubeg, one ploughland of Kelenivorane, ha1fe a _ploughland of Killgobnit, one ploughland of Clodagh, one ploughland and a ~ halfe of Gortanvickarie, Gortarinamiaune, lettir, dromduffe, . Insimore, _· Kiapumanigh, gortincroe, gortincahirigh, gerhicleydie, & other Parcells: all ·.in · _Cahirogiarane, in GlanoRuoghta. And fourscore· halface groates aforesaid cheeferent ,due out of the landes of Muintirbary, in the barony of beare; & :Beantrie .& co.untie of Corke.

Exd Tho: Kennedy .Exd: p': G: A:

The Territory of Tuogh, belongeinge to the Claimant in demeasne, and services, consisteth of the ensueinge Particullars :- Dunekierane Barony.-Cnockane & Killforglin Parishes. Kearhubegg, Ardes, ffarrenegatt and Tyniscarty fower Plowlands. Now in the possession Lt Coll' James Naper. Carrunehones two plowlands. Baneclune and Ardlachiss two plowl' ds. Sandurries two plowlands. Culleanaghes two plo-\vlands . .Gortnascarrye two plowlands. Killculecloughir and Killgobnitt two plowl'ds and a halfe a plowland. The halfe ploughland of Killgobinit in the possession of Lt Coll' James Naper~ In C~pagh halfe a plowland and the twelfe part of a p1owland. Kealeneuorane one plowland. Made use -0f att present by Lt Coll' J.ames Naper. BallJ.ledhir one plowland. Aunenegarrie -0µghtragh one plowland. PAPERS.

Mac Gillycuddie's Reekes, Auligh, & other Glines, and pastures- called Cul­ logielighir.

The ,Territory of Bordonnie belongeinge to the Claimant in .demeasne, rents and services, consisteth of the ensueing Particullars:-

Barony aforesaid and in Killcroghane Parish­ Ardshelane two plowlands. Cahirdonile I1,.hagh two plowlands. Burracahirrigh one plo,vland. Goulaunes, and Keapagh anrath t,vo plo-\vlands. Lisstycnoghure and Scart t,vo plowl'ds. Glaune Loughy one plo,vland. Dirrinauliffe one plowland. Ardmore one plowland. Dirrilettircouse and Munifl uigh t,vo pl' ds. Rag~ore one plo,vland. Raghightrag:11 one plowland. Coades one plowl'd and the fourth part of a p'l'd. Forryenoile nevien one plowland. Garrughe halfe a plowland and the 3d part of a plo-,vland.


Another Pet-ition fro1n M'Gillyciiddy to the Cornmissio,ne1·s for exec-u.ti·ng the Act of Settlenient. [Dated 1662]

[Endorsed] McGillycuddy's pett· to the Cors for the act of Parlle1nent & a Scudule of his estate.

To, the Right Honoble his Matie's Comrs Appointed for puttinge· in execution the

Act- of Parliamt Intituled an act for the better execution of his Ma tie's ' Gratious D-eclaration for the settlemt of his Kingdome of Ireland, and satis-: L2 76 Y·GILLYCUDDY

-faction of the severall enterests of Adventurers, Souldiers and other his subiects there,

The Claime [ of] Lt Coll' Donogh mcGillycuddye of Castlecurrigg in the Countie of Kerry. TnE Claimant saith that hee is Rightly Interested in, and Restoreable to, the severall Castles, Townes, lands, Rents, and other Enterests, in the annexed Schedule contained; for that the Claimant, on severall occasions since the late distractions happened in his Matic's dominions, Indeavoured to serve his late Matie, and his Matie that now his. Yett, to secure hin1selfe against the defec­ tions of those times, the Claimant cheerefully submitted, and constantly adheared, to the peace coneluded in the yeere one thousand six hundred fortie and eight, and served actualy in his Matie's army, by Com'ission from the ~ord Marquesse of Ormond and the Lord Inchiquine, until! the usurped power became prevalent. Your petnr abandonninge his Estate and Countrey betooke himselfe into forraigne partes, followinge his Matie·s fortune, person, and Command, untill his happie Restauration; w'ch is produceable by Com'ission and Certificats. In consideration whereof, and in pursuance of his Matie's Gratious letters, by orders from the Lord Justices, your petnr is Established in the possession of the most parte of his Estate in the annexed Schedule sett forth; and what parte thereof hee is nott possessed of, he prayeth Remedye, the Rather that by his Matie's order, of the eighteenth of Aprill one thousand six hundred sixtie and one, severall matters therein appeared to Induce your Honors to favor the petior·s speedie Restitution, ,vho never accepted any Lands in Connaght, or Countie of Clare, in hope to bee restored to his former Estate by his Matic's happy restauration, w'ch hee humbly prayeth may nO"\V, by your honors' decree, bee effected. And he will Pray &c

A Schedule of the Lands menc'oned in MacGillycuddye's Pettition. Carhubeg, Ardes, ffaranegatt & Tignescartye, foure plowla'ds; Shanacashall, Kippaghmore, Kippaghantanavallie, Gortkulig, Ahane, Gortnagaune, & Aulogh, 321 Cows Grase (the Commons of the afforenamed foure plowlands); Car­ hunehones 2 plowl'ds; Sanduries 2 plowl'ds; Ardlaghas & Banecloune, 2 plow L' ds; Balleleddir, 1 plowL' d; Culecanigh, 2 plowlands; Gortnescarie, PAPERS. 77

Mueliaha & Ardrah, 2 plowL'ds; Mointaines called MacGillycuddy Reeks; Culeclohir Glaunlnsequint, 2 plowl'ds; Kippah & Gortloughra, 1 plow Land; Cealenavorane 1 plowl'd; Kilquolaghta, w'th the apportunancies 1 plowL'd; Aunegarieoughtragh, one plowl'd; Kilgobnett, halfe a plowL'd; Goulanes & Kiapuiganrush, or Carhumore, 2 pl'ds; Listeconor and Scart, 2 plowl'ds; Coade, 1 plowl'd, and 3 Gneeves; Behehane eightragh, one plowl'd; Behehane oughtragh, halfe a plowl'd; Bracaharagh 1 plowl'd; Cahirdonellmore, Garrugh, & Ballicarnachane, 4 plowl'ds; Rahmore, 1 plowl'd; Rahieragh, one plowl'd; Chahirdonell Ieragh, 2 plowl'ds; .Ardsheelane 2 plowl'ds; Glaunelogha, Ard­ more, Maules, Derine Auliffe, and Glinskie, 4 plowl'ds; Monie:flugh, and Direlettirquose, 2 plowl' ds; formevoilenaviene, 1 plow I'd; Eskiloinane, 1 plowl'd; CauneReagh, 2 plowl'ds; Limmanagh beg, Limanaghmore, Insinaligie, Droumekine & Garrinis, 2 plowl' ds; with theire and every of theire appurte­ nances, surrounds, admeasurements, and number of Acers, lying and being in ye Barony of Dunkierane, parish of Cnokane, Killorloglene and Killiroghane, in ye County of Kierry and Kingdome of Ireland.


Bond for confirming an arbitration between Sheely 1lf'Gillycuddy otherivit Carthey and Donogh M'Gillycuddy. [Dated 23 May 1664] [Original] [Endorsed] Sheely Carthey's Bond_

NovERINT universi p' p'ntes me Sily mcGillycuddy, als Carthy, de Corbally i Com' Keirry, vid', teneri et firmiter obligari Donato mccGillycuddy de Castli currigg in Com' pred', Armigero, in Cent' libr' ster' bene et legal' monet' de E in Angl', solvend' eidem Donato aut suo cert' Attor', Executor' vel assign' sui: Ad quam quidem soluc'on bene et fideliter faciend', Obligo me, heredei Executor' et Administrator' meos. Sigillo meo sigillat'. Dat' vicesimo te May, An' oq' Regni Regis Caroli s' c' di, dei gra' Ang', Scot', ffrance, et Hib'ru Decimo quinto. The Condic'on of ye above obligac'on is such that whereas there is severa 78'. M'GILLYCUDDY controversies and suites 'twixt ye said Sheely m 0 Gillycuddy als Carthey and·,; ye said Donnogh mcGillycuddy, and Thomas Crosby of Ardfert, in·ye aforesaid.: County of Kerry Esqr. · The_ w'ch controversies-and suites, by mutuall consentsr they have referred to.Daniell oge· Carthy of Culecleafe, owen o Sullivane. of Carrignefoile, Daniell m cOwen. Sullivane. of Tullagh, and Donnogh me Gilly­ cuddy of Culieanagh:in ye aforesaid County,. gent's, and in case of any differ:­ enee have qualified. the: said referees to choose an indifferent person as.Umpire, by whose Umpireshipp both parties are to be concluded, yt if the said bounden.:, Sheely mcGillycuddy, als Carthey, shall stand to, and performe, the: award and.: Arbitrac'on :of ye said persons soe· choosen by them, and the U mpireshipp -of - such indifferent person choosen -by the said Referees, if any such. be choosen; Provided yt. the said award be concluded within two monethes, o:r when·ye· said. Sheely or. any intrusted by her, shall conveniently demand. itt, then· ye · above Obligac'on shalbe .voide~ otherwise. to stand in full force:, efficacy and,; vertue in Law. her marcke. Shily + mcGullicuddy (seal) Being pr'ent at ye signeing sealeing and Delivering hereof Cornelius Leary Ger: ftz Gerald Flor: Sullivan


Certificate of the la.nds in Kerry confirmed to M(Gillycuddy under the Act of. Settle1nent. [Dated; circa l 665J · To the Honbie his Majestie's Comrs for Executing the Acts of Settlement. & . Explanac' on MaJ it please.your.Hons The Lands following are allowed by yr Hon~: to be Confirm.€d to Donogh'-•, Mc Gillycuddy Esq his Heyres & Assignes for ever according to his:. Maj-esties:-~ L'tes: in that bebaulfe, vizt :- ·P.AFERS. '·.79

Com' Kerry-Dunkeron Bar' Denominac'ons Irish Acres

Kearewnahones . • • . 697 2 15 ,Ardlaghas and } . • • 600 0 26 Banecluone 2 p'lds

· In ye2 plowlands of} . • • • 702 1 39 .Shehandury

Totall of Plantation Acres 2oooac makeing English Statute Acres ·3239A 2R 17P . . Out of wch the Rent payable yeerely to his Majesty·is.Thirtypoundes·seaven shillinges & :ffive pence W'ch is humbly submitted . . Exd J.R.


Li,cense to keep Fire Arm.s. [Dated 25. June 1666] [Original] Lt Coll' Gillycuddy's order to keepe ten Fire Armes & tlu.. ee Case of pistolls.

By the Lord Lieut Generali and Gen1 Governor of Ireland.


WEE are pleased that Lieut Colonel! Donnogh m0Gillycuddy bee permitted to keepe ten fire Armes for ye defence of his house at Carrubeg in ye County of Kerry, and also three case of Pistolls for his owne and his servants travaileing Armes. Whereof all and every his Matie's officers Ministers and Loveing subjects whome it may concerne are to take notice. Given at his Matie's Castle of Dublin ye 25th day of June 1666. Thomas Page

:.Lt Coll' Donogh mcGillycuddy to keepe ten -fir~-Annes-.for··o.efence of his :)house and 3 case ,of Pistolls for travailing Annes. 80 ll'GILLYCUDDY


Order by the CommisS'ioners of the Act of Settlerrient for the hearing of M'Gillycuddy's claim. [Dated, 20 April 1667]

[Endorsed] Rule (or Coll me Gillycuddy being heard to his claim as a Letteree

Saturday Aprill I By his Majts Comrs for Executing ye Acts of Settlemt & 20th 1667 J Explanac'on.

UPON motion of Sr Nicho: Plunkett, of Councell with Lt: Coll1 Donogh me Gullycuddy, praying a short day for hearing of his Clayme as a Letteree exhibited before this Con, ye same haveing been posted above 14 dayes: But upon vie-\v of his Clayme [it] appearing yt he hath not pitched on his 2,000 Acres-Itt is ordered yt the s'd Claymt, upon Munday next, do deliver unto the Sub Comrs A perticuler of the 2,000 Acres ,v'ch he doth pitch upon, & upon fryday next ye Cort wil appoint a day when ye s'd Clayme shalbe heard Signed by ordr Paul Brasier Dep. Regr


M'Gillycuddy's Petition to the Ditke of Ormond. [Dated circa 1667] [Endorsed] The humble petic'on of Lt Coll' Donnogh mcGillycuddy.

11 11 To His Grace James, Duke of Ormond, Lord Lt Gen , and Gen Govr of Ireland,

The humble petic'on of Lt Coll' Donnogh mcGillycuddy,

HUMBLY SHEWETH, THAT your petic'oner's Estate in ye County of Keirry, being not sett out to any Adventurers, Souldrs, or any other Reprizeable p'son, was, in pursuance PAPERS. 81 of his Ma ties Letter, and y" order of ye then Lords Justices in pursuance thereof, restored to your petic'oner. In procureing of web favors your Grace was y" sole 1nediator by your Large and favourable Certificate in your petic'oner's behalfe to his Sacred Matie. Now soe it is, may it please your Grace, That your petic'oner's said Estate hath been subject to a certaine yearely Cheife-rent to ye late Earle of Desmond, ,vch is descended to your Grace and by the Act of Settlement intitelled unto, your petic' oner's said Estate. YouR petic'oner in confidence of yor Grace's accustomed ...... • • • • • r Grace for stren ...... to ye said Estate­ and that he and his posterity may depend imediatly of your Grace, in their houlding thereof, That your Grace wilbe pleased to Convey the said Patrimony of your petic'oner's Auncestors, upon him and his heires, at ye- said auncient.. rent, And he shall pray &c


Order concerning the D-uke of Ormond's application to the Exchequer for dischaJ·ge of Qiiitrents on la·nds in Kerry, ivith the Chief Baron's order thereupon. [Dated, Michaelmas Term 1667]_ CoM' KERRY } Ter'no Sancti Mich'is, 1667.

WHEREAS ye Towne and Lands, called neddeene Turreenabrianto, parte of Neddeene, Knockanbane, p'te of the same, and sevn other p'cells of Neddeene aforesaid, Dromanstare, Rugancaple, Killshabane, Cappagh, p'te of Neddeene aforesaid, and East Kibtrasny, all in ye Barrony of Glanaroughty and County of Kiery aforesaid, are charged w'th sev'11 and respective sum'es of monye, as Quitrent due for ye same, amounting to th' entire Sum' e of xxxvli vijs ij\ ob' p' annum; alsoe ye p'cels of Land, called Coad Go-,vlans, Listicomie, Behebane and Buneneere, in the Barrony of Dunkeran, and County of Kiery aforesaid: are likewise charged w' th liiijs sterling p' annum ; alsoe that X'p'r Hulcombe stands charged lxxvijs vjd for ye halfe plowland of Moy-Isragh and eight Tenemts in Killarny, for one yeare's Rent pro May 1658; alsoe Richd Lone for 11:· 82 ye rent of one acr' of land and two tenemts in Killarny, for ye s'd yeare, xxxvj ; alsoe··Caherebeggarr~s., ffurunegatt and Tineskarty 381A Ir', 617A Engl', stands · th 1 charged w the yearly Quitreiit of vij i viijs ob' rent p' annum; alsoe Killgobenet th conteineing 6 5A [ sicJ Ir', 2 6 7A Eng', 1 R 1 p, stands charged ,v ij Ii xs 1 a ob' rent p' annum; alsoe p'te of Cappagh and Gortlogra, 130A Ir, 210A 2R l:3p [English], stands charged wth ye sum' e of ju xixs va Quitrent p' annum ; alsoe Kealnaronane cont' 201A Ir'., 328A 3R 14\ English, stands charged W th the sum'e of lxxjs ijd Rent, p' annum; alsoe of Culenagort 287A, Ir', 463A Engl', 3R 15\ stands charge~ wth the sum'e of Lxxvijs ij\ Quitrent p' annum; alsoe parte of Cloeagh, 66A, Ir, 106A 3a 25\ Engl', stands charged wth the Sum'e of xxs ob' Quitrent p' ann', all in ye Barrony of Dunkerran and County of Kiery aforesaid ; also Ballycarmhane, 1 plowl\ Cahirdonnellmore, 2 plowlands, Garragh, 10 gneeves, Rathreagh, 1 pl\ Rathmore, I plowland, ·coad, 1 plowland and 3 gneeves., Dirennrigg, i plo,vland, :ffaracoylenaven and Ekenlenare, 2 plas, Glinsey, 2 gneeves., being charged wth ye sev11 Sume's of monye as Quitrent due out of the same; alsoe Ballyronane and alsoe Cahiririlagh in ye Barrony of Clanmorrice and County aforesaid ; alsoe Dunemonelane in Clanmorris Barrony; alsoe Knockeaconrusky, Crosneshane, Ballaghadowke, and Carrutragh in ye Barrony of Iraghliconnor and County aforesd. Wherewth ye Comrs of his Grace, James, Duke of Ormond, La Lt, &c, finding themselves greeved, moved the Courte for releefe, alleaging that ye premisses are of his Grace's propriety, and that ye Quitrents and other Rents of ye premisses, wth ye arreares thereof, are recd by them, ye said Comrs, for his Grace's use, and therefore they prayed that ye same may bee Discharged in this Courte. wch being taken into consideTac' on, and for that ye sufficient and satisfactory ground doth not, at ye present, app' e to ye Courte, for Dischargeing of the premisses-Itt is ordered that his Grace, ye Ld Lt, shall have time to pay, or legally to Discharge all Quitrents, and othr aforemenc'oned Rents, charged on ye premisses, untill Hillary tearme next, and, in ye meane time, noe proces to issue out of this Cort for ye same,-And if the Sheriff of the s'd County, or ye Receivr, or Collectors, of the Quitrents there, have taken any monies, or othr security, for this cause, they are, on sight hereof, to restore ye same, and to bee thereof exon'ated upon his accompt. Whereof all p'sons concerned are to take notice. .Jo: BYssE Ja: Smiley LIII.

Agreement between Sir lVilliani Petty and Robert J[arshctll touching the lands in Kerry be~onging to the thr·ee Regi·ments.

[Dated, 1 January 1668] [Endorsed] A. Coppie of the agree'nt between Sr W 11 petty, Robert Marshall, Coll' pretty, Benjemaine Barry and Capt Stopford 1st Janry 1668

MEMORANDu' itt is agreed, that in the steed of Capt John Blenner Hassett's name, the name of Sr William Petty... shall be inserted into the Certificat of the three Regiments, and that then both the Certificats shall pass as they did stand drawne up the last of December 1668. 2, That what land both the said Certificates doe containe more then the :fiftythree thousand five hundred and one accers three rudes and five perches due to Robert Marshall, and twentie nyne thousand five hundred and three accers due to the said Regiments, being about 31767accers shall be divided between the said Robert l\'Iarshall and the said three Regiments videzd about 2ooooaccers to Robert Marshall and the remaineing l l 767accers to the said three Regiments Item, Itt is agreed that out of the lands past in bothe the Certificates the said three Regiments are to have the whole parish of Templenoe, containeing 12769accrs, and 3969acc out of tt parish of Killcroghane, to be Cutt of, by the Sub Comrs, next contiguous to Templenoe, soe as the whole remainder is to be to the said Robert Marshall. Memorandum that the above mentioned 11767acc, hereby allowed to the three Regiments, shall ley contiguous to their proportion in Templenoe and Killcroghane, or otherwise, as the said parties shall agree, either by value or quantitie of accers. In wittness whereof the said parties have hereunto interchangebly sett their hands this first day of January 1668 Robert Marshall wm· petty Signed and Delivered in the presence of Thy : Kelly-Maur : White M2 ll'GILLYCUDDY

LIV. Surrende1~ of la.ncls 'in Kerry by the Duke of Or'inond. [Dated, 27 March 1668] [Endorsed] For Collonell mac fynine, Lt Coll' mac Gillicuddy & mr Teige Mahony, or either of them in the County of Kierry- Thomas Page.

I HAVE thought fitt hereby to give notice that I doe ,vave the possession of those lands that have of late beene enioyed by me in the Baronyes of and Glannoroughtye and Countie of Kierry, And shall hereafter expect to receave onely the Cheifries yt are due to me out of them. And that I doe leave the lands themselves to be possessed by such persons to whom the same are, or shall be, adiudged to belong, by his matie's Comrs appointed for executing the acts of settlemt. Whereof you are to acquaint all persons concerned your loveing frind

ORMOND Dublin Castle the 27th of March 1668

Copia Vera

LV. Receipts for rents dite to the D-uke of 01~rniond out of lands iri Ke·rry. [Dated May 1668] [Endorsed] Accquittances of Ter: Mahony for rentes oute of Karhuebegg &c for his Grace the Duke of Ormond

RECEIVED to ye use of his Grace ye Lord Duke of Ormond, out of ye lands of Carrhuebeg, Ards, :ffarrenagatt, and Tynaskarty, ye sum'e of two pounds ster', beinge ye remainder of ye whole yeares rent due to his s' d Grace for ye yeare endinge att ~lay 1665. Isay re'd the 3rd of ~lay affores'd Ter: Mahony . -~A.PER$. 85

I doe acknowledge to have received of Donnogh me Aulliffe to ye use of his Grace y0 Lord Duke of Ormond, out of y0 lands of Carrhuebegg, Ards, ffarrennagatt & Tyneskartie, y0 sum' e of one pound & fiveteene shillings being y' remainder of ye whole yeares rent due to his s' d Grace out of y0 premisses endinge att May 1666. I say rec'ed ye 14th instante May, as witness my hand Ter : Mahony·

Received at and by the hands of Donnogh mcAuliffe to y0 use of his Grace ye Lord Duke of Ormond out of ye fower plowlands of Carruebegg, Ards, ffarrennagatt and Tynaskarty, ye sum' e of two pounds f ower shillings & six pence ster', beinge y8 remainder of ye whole yeare's rent endinge att May last 1668. I say re'd this 14th instant May as wittnesse my hand Ter: Mahony

LVI. A letter a.ddressed to Donogh M'Gillyc·uddy as Umpire between William Lander and Teige M'Daniell. [Dated 10 :May 1669.]

[Endorsed] A letter from Steephen Goolde & John Daly conserning Lander &c Noble Sr On receipt of yr last l'res unto us, dated 7° May 69 : wee have endeavo'red to recollect or selves touching the accoumpts and difference (still depending as wee conceave) twixt William Lander pn·, and Teige me Danyell and his Mother defendts ; and N everthelesse or first l're unto you (and by us both subscribed) whereon you grounded yor formr: adward as being Umpyer in ye matter, must of necessity no-\v discharge or Conscience, soe fa[r as toJ lett you know and understand that there ,vas a greate mistake (on or partes) at that ty[me,] by not expressing at large aswell the severall sum' es of Monys paid and made manifest b[y ye said] Lander being 49u 10s 8d as alsoe by not setting forth to yor view the for[tie . . . . .] pounds due (in the beginning) to Teige mcDanyell ,vith a clayme of interest for [ye said] 40u, p'te whereof wee did exp!"sse unto you in yt first l're, the one allowing [ untoJ m0 Danyell for the Intrest due to him the sume of 7u ster', and the other allowing . . . , by .reason M'GThLYCUDDY

of or· disagreemt then- touching ye·premisses, it lay· in· you {being umpyer) to Compose ye difference, arrd soe as -wee understand that you·allowed to Teige· 1 n:( Danyell 7li including the same, to his 40 \ makes:. but 47u_· Therefore wee 1 Certifie yt 49 i 10s and sd is more yn 47li· by 2li 10s· sdwch. you may now take unto yor serious Considerac'on as,vell as yn and better too ; Considering yt -greate: mistake of ours, and yor owne Conscencious reservac'on, if any mistake did after yor adward of umpyershipp. app'e; soe yt (as wee ~onceave) [you ought 1] to goe forward and_ fully determine tlie Controversie : _first considering yt 1 2. i 10s Sd together with ye 4H paid allready by Lander of that 7li you adwarded to pay to Teige me Danyell, you not knowing yt there was any mistake. Thies much wee thought :fitt to C.erti:fie for ~ruth; & wth or: humble respects unto yor noble selfe wee remayne, Sr, yor ever humble servants Stephen Goolde John o Daly th ~fay Ye X • 1669

[ Addresed] These, ffor or Noble and much respected £:rend L1 Coll1 Donogh me. Gillycuddy-humbly prsente

LVII. J;I' Gillyc·uddy' s Petition to the Vice-P·resident of M uns'ter ivith the orcle1'" of his Lordship ( 0 Brien) tlwreitpon. [Dated 18 October 1669] [Original] [Endorsed] The humble pettn of Lt Coll Donogh mccGullycuddie.

The humble pettn of Lt Coll' } To the right hoble ye Ld vice Donogh mccGullycuddJ. p'sident of munster, MosT humbly complaineing, sheweth unto yor Lor'p your pettr Lt Coll' Donogh me Gullycuddie of Carrewbegge, in the County of Kerry,-That Sr Wm pettie KC, hath been, and still is, seized· and possessed in the demeasne, as of ffee, of and in 1 S Gneeves of Land: in Culeclohir and Glannisequee:u, in the County aforesaid, and wthin ye Jur' of this honble Court;-That ye said sr wm, on or PAPERS. 87: about ye first day of May 1669, atCuleclohiraforesaid wthinye County andJur' aforesaid, did by his deed, indented Law p'fected, demise, sett and to farme lett, unto yor pettr, all that & those ye said 18 gneeves of Culeclohir and Glannisequeen aforesaid, with ye appurtenances, for a certaine terme of yeares yet to come, and other valluable considerac'ons in ye said Lease express_ed, as in and by the same, dated as aforesaid, upon hearing of this cause shall appeare, -That·your pettr on ye 18th day of May, 1669, aforesaid, by v'tue of the said Demise, entered upon all and singular ye premisses wth the appurtenances, and was and still is thereof lawfully p9ssessed, ~vthout any manner of disturbance_, until of late, to wit, on or about ye 29th day of 7ber 1669 last, one filorence Sullevane, a nonresidt person, Daniell Sullevane, and Owen Sullevane, both late of Glannisequeen in ye said County, have, with force and armes, vizt :­ clubbs and steaves, entered upon your pettr's said poss'n of his said farmes and then and there did violently rescue such distresses, as yor pettr tooke legally for rent then due to him thereout, and still continue their said disturbance from ye 29th day of 7ber 1669 untill the day of ye impetraction of this pettn, contrary to his Matie's peace, all law and right, and to your pettr's damage of

2ou ster', wherein he prayeth remedy, & the premisses, right honbie tenderly considered, and for that ye pettr·s said quiet poss'n ought to be continued, untill legall eviction, as is evident by ye knowne lawes and Statutes of this Realme­ May it therefore please yor Lor'p to grant unto pettr an ordr, strictly requireing the said ffiorence, ye rest of T said p'sons, and all others concerned, to forbeare disturbeing or in any wise molesting yor pettr in his said quiet and peaceable poss'n of ye pr'misses until thereout evicted by due course of Law, or else appeare before yr Lor'p at a c1taine Day and Shew good cause to ye contray and he shall ever pray &c G. fz Gerald ·By the Vice President of Munster ffiorence Sullevan, the rest within complained of, and all others concerned are hereby required to permitt the petr, by himselfe or his tennants, quietly and peaceably to enioy. the possession of the Eighteen gneeves of land within mentioned, untill he bee thereout evicted by due course of Law, Or appeare within six days after sight or due notice hereof, and show good cause to the contrary. Charleville ye 18th of October 1669 O'BRYEN 88 ll'GILLYCUDDY

LVIII. Settlement upon the marriage of Cnoghor m Owen Gillycuddy w·ith Hono1·a Carew. [Dated, 13 May 1670} [Original] [Endorsed] Articles betweene me and Donogh o Kealighir conserning Cnoghot" m0 Owen. Artikles concluded & agreed uppon by & betweene Lt Coll' Donogh m0 Gillycuddy of Carhubeg & Donogh o Kealighir of Clunemor lMPR : That the said Donogh o Kealighir doeth hereby assigne over, unto the said Lt Coll' Donogh meGillycuddy, the sum of one hundred & fiftie poundes, ster), uppon the hands of gr Arthur Denny, Knight, & that to the use of Cnoghor m0 Owen Gillycuddy of Gortnascarry, as marriage portion with Honora Carew. And allsoe the said Donogh o Kealighir doeth hereby assigne over, unto the said Donogh meGillycuddy, to the use a:fforesaid, the proportion of what debts. are due by paper unto the said Honora Carew. It is allsoe agreed uppon that Lt Coll' Donogh mcGillycuddy aforesaid doeth hereby assigne, give, graunte & confirme unto the said Cnoghor me Owen Gillycuddy & his heires males lawfully begotten for ever, all that & those the plowghland & a halfe of Gornascarry and Muelcaha, reserveing onely unto him, the said Donogh mcGillycuddy and his heires for ever, the yearly rente of one pound ten shillinges ster', to be leavied att the feastes of St Michaeli the Archangell & Easter by t,vo equall portions vidt :-fiveteene shillinges ster· each of the gales aforesaid. It is allsoe agreed that one halfe ploughlande of Gortnascarrie doe remaine in the handes of Mary Mahonie mother unto the said Cnoghor me O,ven Gillycuddy, dureing her natural! life. It is allsoe agreed & concluded that 9ne ploughlande of Muelcaha & Gortnascarie aforesaid is hereby given as iointer unto the said Honora Care,v, dureing her naturall life, & that Donogh mcGillycuddy aforesaid doe warrant the said landes of Gortnascarrie & Muelcaha from him, or anie deriveing anie po,ver by or under him, or his heires for ever, under the aforesaid reservations. PAPERS.

It is allsoe agreed uppon that the said Cnoghor me Owen Gillycuddy &­ Honora Care-\v, after marriadge, may be, & remane, in the house of Lt Coll' me Gillycuddy, one yeare or two yeares or more, if they thinke it soe fitt, & be readie to keepe house of there one, as wittnes our handes & seales the 13th day-of may 1670 Do : meGillycuddy (seal)· marke Donogh o + Kealigher (seal) his Being present

Owen meDermod oge Andrew me Teige ffinin me De1mod.

TV L.lA.

Lette·r frorri Rose, Marchioness of .A.ntr·i-nt [she ioas daughter to Sir Henry 0 Neile, Knt, and was the second 'Wife of the llfarquess], touching JJart of the 1narriage portion. clue to J.lf'Gillycnddy by the M'Carthy rno1,.e.

[Dated 3 November 1670] [Original] November 3d 1670 sr; This Gent' Illr 111cGillycuddy is married to my Coussen Charles inc Carthy's eldest sister, and has brought an assignement fron1 him to n1y Ld to pay this gntle1nan £200 for a . . . . . I finde that n1y Ld does not understand upon ,vhat account my Coussen Charles dra,ves assignen1ents upon hin1, butt yett I do beleeve that 1ny Ld \\'"ould be Content to perfect that agreemt, ,v'ch my Coussen Charles me Carthy his Lady made ,vth hin1, and that he ,vill n1ake such a deed for the paymt of £400 as he n1ade to you for the . . . . . of the sa1ne lands, and to be paid in the san1e n1anner that yours is paid, immediatly after your paymts are expired, that is to say, to this gentleman the first £200, and the last £200 to my Coussen Catherin 1ncCarthy, if she 1narries ,vth the Consent of 111y Ld and his Brother, n1cCarthy N 90 M'GILLYCUDDY

· mor-e her -eldest Brother, and my [Coussen] mcCarthy Cormock o Neale Esqr, and this gentleman, or any two of them, and if she marri-es otherwise, then the £200 to my·Coussen Charles rum selfe. If my Coussen Charles be contented with this, and that he will be partie to the deed, and some other trustees, as shall be thought fitt, you may be pleased to draw a draft -of itt, and my La will be readdy to sign itt ; otherwise my Coussen Charles need nott truble him selfe to send any assignemt to my Ld; as I beleeve I am

your assured friend R. Antrim


Fragment of a letter written to Dennis M'Gillycuddy by his 'wife Ma·rgareta, elder daughter and co-heir of Mynheer Derrick Von Daohelaer, Burgomaster of Wageningen in the province of G-uelderland.

[Date 27 June 1671] The wo_rds within brackets thus:-[ J have been supplied by conjecture, the writing being entirely obliterated in part of this letter.

Carhubegg 27° Junii 1671 [...... ] vallentine Browne et une autres avecq Madam Sara, qui ma [ ditqueJ vous ave mis vostres bien endangier pour se malheureaux [je vous dit] de les point faire pour point mestres le vostre endengier [Que faites vous] de passer vostre temps et de perdre les petit sous que [ vous avez gagnesJ pour maintenier nostre grand charge, ie vous ens [ averte qu'il n'y avait]. . . noance desperance de se foire de Killarnie [ une telle jomme.J touste que ie vous aij envoye [jusqu'au present,] ie este force de touche [bien contre mon gre a] £5 livres de les rent [je suis persuadee queJ vos affaire irient [tres mal il faut vous rappeler queJ vous [ avez deja paye uneJ chose de cinque quatr . . . nt . . . prom [ de ne rien faire en] de hors que vousave este engrand [peine et embarras] si affiige :qui PMERS~ 91• n'avoit rien que me don[nez- du soulagement] grace a Dieu qui vous a garde pour mois [ de tendres amities] encore, ie vous pr~ de mez laysser scavoire [ de VOS nouvelles] ie seray bien en paine de scavoire de [ quell-e maniere vous agirezJ qui sera touste iour Ies desires de [ . . . . .] grace a Dieu

v;ostres Chere Mag : MeGillycuddy ·


Appointment of a Comr,iission to enquire into the working of the Act of .. Settleraent. [Date circa 1671 J

CHARLES the Second, by the grace of god King of Engl'd, Scotland, ffrance & Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To our Rt Trustie & well beloved· Councillor, Sr Orlando Bridgeman Kt & Barrott, Keeper [1670-72], of our Greate Seale of Engl'd; greeting: Wee will and Com'and you, that under our s'd greate Seale in your Custodie being, you cause these our Le'r- to bee made forth Pattents, in forme following :-CHARLES &c, to our Deare Cousin Prince Rupert; our Rt trustie & rt entirely beloved cousin & Councellor, George, Duke of Buckingham; our rt trustie & Rt well beloved Cousin & Councellor, Arthur, Earle of Anglesey ; Jon Earle of Lauderdale ; our Rt trustie and well beloved Councellor Anthony Ld Ashley ; Denziel1 Ld Hollis ; Sr Jon Trevor Kt, one of our Principal! Secretaries of State ; and Sr Tho Chichley Kt, Mr of our Ordinaunce, [1670-1674] greeting :-Whereas by our Order in Councell, of the fourth of ffebruary last past, wee appointed ·a Comittee to peruse & revise all Papers., writeings, and orders, concerning the Settlemt of our Kingdome of Ireland from first to Last, and to make an abstract of the state thereof in writeing, whereby wee and our Councell might have before us, att one view, our Declarac'on, which was the foundac'on of the said Settlement and Instructions, and acts- of Parliamt relatemg N2 :92 M'GILLYCUDDY

·thereunto, as they were transmitted from Ireland, and as they were amended here, with all orders of us and our Councell, and W arrents for grants, clauses and provisos, and what alterac' ons have been made of matters once ordered and settled, and how the whole settle1nt no,v stands, as farr as cann bee; and to represent any Defect of Papers, orders or Warrants, to justifie any clauses incerted contrary to or inconsistant with the said Declaration. W'ch Com'ittee have made theire Report to us in Councell the two and twentieth day of June last past, and the same being read and considered, it did appeare yt many Papers, writeings, warrents, records, reports, Decrees, Directions, orders, acts of Councell, proceedings, entries, Surveyes, Inquisitions, and other matters and things necessary to enable them to give us the informac' on wee required, ,vere wanting or not before them, soe as they could not make soe exact and full a report of all the p'ticulars wee had given them in charge, as ,vee expected. And haveing thereupon, by advice of our Councell, resolved, and soe declared in Councell, that ,vee ,vould have an exact knowledge of all ye Particulars, and of the Disposal! of all ye Lds, Tenemts, and Hereditamts in Ireland, which ,vere escheated or forfeited, or reputed to bee soe, or otherwise belongeing to us, our Royall ffather, or w'ch by Surveise, Inquisicions, or otherwise, ,vere found forfeited, Escheated, or otherwise belonging to our said ffather, or our selfe, or ,vhich, in pursuance of the acts of Parliamt, made in the Seaventeenth and Eighteenth yeare of the Raigne of our said £father, for Adventurers in England, or by any other authoritie or po,ver ,vhich governed in our absence beyond the seas, ,vere distributed and disposed, seized or sequestred, or allotted, or Remaineing, in the hands of the late usurpers, and by ,vhat order and authoritie they have beene granted, and Disposed, and by ,vhome they are possessed, and ,vhat part of them remaines yett undisposed, or Concealed from the Cro,vne. And to these ends it ,vould be necessaTy to appoint, and give authority to some Persons, ,vith fitt Instructions to guide them therein, and power to require Informac'on and helpes necessary fron1 all our officers and lvlinisters of England and Ireland. KNOW yee that ,vee, in pursuance of our said .Resoluc'on, and Declared intentions, and reposeing especiall Trust and confidence in the wisdome, abilitie, and Circumspection, of you the said Prince, Geo' Duke of Bue', Arthur Earle of Anglesey, Jo Earle of Lauderdale, Anthony Ld Ashley, Denziel Ld Hollis, sr JO Trevor & gr Tho Chichley, have named constituted and appointed, and by these p'sents doe PAPERS. · .93 ·na~e, constitute and appoint, you to bee our Comrs to make enquiry, .and report unto us, of all p'ticulars touching the premisses, hereby given. and ·granted unto you, and any three or more of you, full power and authoritie to Intend, prosecute, and accomplish the said worcke, according to our. intent ·and pleasure, in and by the said order in Councell of the fourth of february last, or these presents expressed, or declared, or otherwise as to you, or any ·· three or more of you, shall seem expedient for our exact and full informac'on i . in the premisses, or for our service in this affaire. And, to that end and · purpose, wee doe hereby give and grant, unto you, the said Prince, Ge9' Duke of Bue', Art' Earle of Anglesey, Jo. Earle of Lauderdaille, Antho~: . Ld Ashley; Denziell Ld Hollis, sr Jo: Trevor & Sr Tho Chichley, and any . three or more of you, full power and authority, from time to time, to send for & .to call to your assistance all or any of our Officers, Ministers, or Subjects, . . either in our Kingdome of England or Ireland, that may or cann give y~u any Infonnac'on, or assistance in the premisses, and alsoe to send for, and require the view of, any Transcripts or Coppies of all records, writeings, Evidences, Papers, warrants, orders, reports, Decrees, Directions, Immunities, Acts of Councell, proceedings, entries, Surveyes, Inquisitions, and other matters, and things, w'ch you or any three or n1ore of you, shall judge necessary, or expedient towardes ye dispatch of this service. WHEREFORE WEE · doe hereby will and require our Lt or other Cheife Governor, or Governors of our s'd Kingdome of Ireland, for the time being, and our Councell there, and all others our officers, ministers, and subjects, both in England and Ireland, upon produceing of this our Comissn, or an attested Duplicate, or Coppie or enrolmt thereof, to permit and suffer you, our sa Comisrs or any of you, or such other person or persons, as you, or any three or more of you, shall, b.y any ,vriteing undr yr hands and Seales, nominate, appointe, and authorise thereunto, to doe and execute all such acts, and things, as you, or any three or more of you, shall direct or judge necessary for the ends and purposes afores\ and, ,vithout any fee or Charge, to Search for, and take Coppies and · transcripts of all, or any, records, Papers, evidences, ,vriteings, warrts, orders, · reports, Decrees, Directions, Imunities, acts of Councell, proceedings, intries, Surveyes, Inquisitions, or any other thing any wayes touching the premises, or w'ch may be thought requisit in this behalfe, in the Cust-odie of any of our said officers, Ministers, or theire or any of theire said respective Deputies, or in the possession .or :Custodie of any of our suhiects. whatsoever. ·And yoo. ()Ur said Comissioners, ..or ~any three or :m0re of you, are alsoe required, -and enabled to -o bserv.e such further Directions .and mstructions., as wee shall ·frr more of you, do Certifie and make report to us, att .ow Couneell hoand in E·ngland, -of your proceedings in all and singular the matters· aforesaid, together with yor oppinions thereuppon, and by what meanes any thinge done or omitted in pr-eiudice, or damage of our -Crowne, may bestly bee reduced. And our will and pleasure is, and we -doe hereby direet and appoint, and firmly enioyne and Comand, all and every our officers and .Ministers, as well in England as in Ireland, that are or shall bee .anie wayes concerned in [tornJ . . . a:ffaires, and p'ticularly in passing and expeditting our l'ers Pattents, or any proceedings tending thereunto, that until or before such certificate or report bee made to us as aforesd noe new Grant or Disposition of Lands, Houses, Tenemts or Hereditamts in Ireland, on any pretence bee made or prepared for our signature, or directed or suffered to pass our hand or greate seale, and all our said officers and Ministers, uppon sight of this our Com'issn or any attested Coppie or enrolmt thereof, to bee shewed unto or left with them, or anie of them, at theire respective offices or places of abode, are hereby required to take notice hereof, and to yeeld obedience accordingly. And we doe hereby Direct you, our said Comrs, or three or more of you, to take especiall care, and observe and p'forme all ye particulars aforesaid, and diligently to attend the execution of this our Com'ission, in all things according to our Pleasure herein expressed, and the Powers and authorities hereby given you. And for the doeing thereof, and any matter and thing relateing thereunto, these presents, or the enrolmt thereof, shall bee unto you, and every .of you respectively, .a sufficient Warrant and Discharge. In witnesse &c. Given att our pallace of Westminster, the [blank]. 95


Settlement ·upon tlie intermarriage of Charles Carthy with Ellin M'·Gillycuddy.

[Dated, 9 September 1672] [Original]

ARTICLES of Intermariadge, made & agreed upon by & betweene Charle~ Carthey, of Srughgreany, in ye County of Keirry,. gent.I', of ye one p'te, and Donogh mcGillycuddy, of Kearhubeg, inye said County of Keirry, Esqr, of ye other p'te, as f olloweth :- lmp15, The said Charles Carthy is to take to wife Ellin Gillycuddy, Sister of him ye said Donogh mcGillycuddy, and her to mary accordinge to ye Rites of ye Holy and Catholique Church, at or before ye twelft day of September next. (2) Secondly, ye said Donogh mcGillycuddy is to give unto ye said Charles Carthy, or his assignes, as mariadge porc'on with his said sister, ye number of fortie five Cowes of severall adges, vizt :-ten milch Cowes and ten incaulfe Cowes, together w'th twenty five Cowes aged two yeares on or about ye first day of May next, as alsoe ye number of Eight mares or Garons and one Rideing Nagg, all w'ch -Cattles are -to be given & delivered as aforesaid, at or before ye first day of May aforesaid. (3) Itt is concluded and agreed upon between ye said Charles Carthy, and Donogh mcGillycuddy, yt if ye said Ellin Gillycuddy should happen to dey before ye said Charles, without issue begotten on her body by the said Charles, yt ye one moytie, of all ye goods and Cattles, debts, & Creditts personal! then of ye said Charles, shall Revert & become due to him ye said Donogh m0Gillycuddy, his heires executors,, and . assign es. (4) It is likewise Covenanted, Concluded, and agreed upon by and betweene ye said Charles and Donogh, yt if the said Charles Carthy, his heires or assignes, shalbe restored to his estate, yt he ye said Charles shall then make and assure, by Deeds or otherwise, as ye Councell learned. of him ye said Donogh shall desire, or Advise, unto her ye -said Ellin, as 96 Y'GILLYCUDDY

J oynture, one plowland of Srughgreany aforesaid, together w'th fifty pounds ster' mortgadge to ye heire of ye said Ellin, begotten or to be begotten on her body by the said Charles ; And further ye heires of ye said Charles, in case of his death before his being soe restored, in case of their or either of their Restituc' on, as aforesaid, shall likewise make sure unto ye said Ellin ye said Joynture, together with ye said sum of fiftie pounds, ster', mortgadge on ye said ploughland of Srughgreany, for her heire as aforesaid. (5) Itt is Covenanted, Condic'oned & agreed upon between ye s'd Charles & ye said Donogh, yt if ye said Charles should dey before ye said Ellin, yt · ye one Moyty of all ye goods & Chattles, debts and Creditts personall of him, ye said Charles, shall Descend and come to ye said Ellin. Lastly, it is Covenanted, Condic'oned & agreed upon by and betweene ye said· Charles Carthy and the said Donogh mcGillycuddy, yt ye said Cha1-les and ye said Ellin after Solemnizac' on of the said intended intermariage had, and Concluded,_ shall make a full Release to him ye said Donogh of all & all manner of Challenges, Demands, debts, and Dowers made, or left to her ye. said Ellin by her father Connor mcGillycuddy deceased, either by will, by deed, or otherwise, and shall on all demands deliver up unto ye said Donogh his heires or assignes to Cancell, all bonds, deeds, or other security for any such demand remayneing in ye hands of her ye said Ellin, or him ye said Charles, or in ye hands of any other p'son or p'sons to their, or either of their use or uses. In wittness whereof ye said parties have to these pr'nts interchangably sett their hands &. seales ye Nynth day of September 1672 Charles Carthy (Seal)

~einge pr'nt at ye signeing, sealeing, and deliveringe hereof Daniel mcCarthy owen Sulyvane Tiege me Carthy ffior Sullivan Carbry Egane PAPERS.


Marriage Bond of Cha1~les Ccf/rthy, of Srughgr-eany ..

[Dated 9. September, 1672] [Original]

[Endorsed] Charles Carthy of Srughgraine his bond for performance of Artikiles.

BEE it knowne unto all men by these p'nts, that I, Charles me Daniell Cartie, of Sugreine in the Countie of Kierie, and Barronie of Ivrahagh, gent', doe hereby acknowledge and Confesse my selfe to bee duly oweinge, and Indebted, unto Donnogh mcGillycuddy, of Caruebeg in the Barrony of Dunkerane, and Countie aforesaid, Esqr, in the just and full sum'e of fiue hundred pounds ster', good and La,vefull monie of England, to be paid unto the said Donnogh me Gyllycuddy, his Heires, Executors, Administrators, or Assignes, att his or their ,vill and pleasure. To the which paymt ,vell and truly to be made and done in mannor and forme as afore said I, the said Charles inc Daniell ~arty, doe bynd my selfe, my Heires, Executors, Administrators, and Assignes firmely by these p's'ts. As ,vitnesse my hand and seale this Nynth of 7ber, in the year of our Lord god one t~1ousand six hundred seaventie­ and two. The Condition of th'above obligation is such, that if th'above bonden Charles 1ncDaniell Carty doe ,vell and truly observe, p'for1ne and keepe all the Clauses, Conditions, Articles, Covenants, and agreen1ents, Contained in one paire of Articles of Intern1arriage, made and concluded upon by and bet,veene the said Charles Carty, and the above named Donnogh mcGyllycuddy, for and in the behalfe of his sister Ellen Gyllycuddy (,vhich Articles beares Date witJ?. these p's't8) ,vhich ought to be p'formed, observed and kept on bis the said Charles his p'te and behalfe, without fraud, Coven, or deceite, then th'above 0 lf'GILLYCUDDY obligation to be void and of no effect, other"\\rise to stand and remaine in full force and vertue in Lawe [Signed] Charles Carthy (loc. sig.) Signed, sealed, and delivered in ye presence of us Daniell meCarthy owen Sulyvane Teige me Carthey Flor : Sullivan Carbry Egane

LXIV. Licence from the Privy Counci~l for Donogh and Dennis M'Gillyciiddy to visit London. [Dated 13 February 1673] [Original]

WHEREAS it appeares unto us, uppon the reasons in the affidavitt hereunto annexed, that Coll' Donogh l\iac Gillicuddy & Dennis mac Gillicuddy his son have Necessary Occasions to returne to the Cittyes of London & Westminster, Wee doe therefore, according to ye Power given us by his Matie's late Proclamac'on,- hereby lycence the said Coll' Donogh Mac Gillicuddy & Dennis macGillicuddy- his son, to returne & Continue in ye said Cittyes dureing ye Session of this Present Parliamt; Provided this Lycence be Entered wth the Clerke of ye Councell attending, within ten days after the date hereof. Given under our hands this 13th day of ffebry 1673.

[Signed] WORCESTER - ORMONDE - A-sGLESEY - st ALB.AN ·. - BATHE - OssORY Ent'red Robert Louthur Patrick Trant maketh oath that Coll' Donogh ~ac Gillicuddy, and Dennis macGillicuddy his So~, hath necessary Occasion to come to the Citties of London and Westminster to f ollo-\v their busines P. Trant Jur' 28° .die Jan'ry 1673, cora' me Ma'gr'o in Cancel' Mo : Bramston. PAPERS. ·99


Certificate of the arrears oj" rent clue on .1.lf'G1~llyc-uddy's lands.

[Dated 26 August 1673]

[Endorsed] Certificate from ~fr Cudmore of Coll' McGillycuddy's Arrears. Com' Kerry.

Com' Kerry. Arr' upon Inocent Papists.

Collonell Magill-Cuddy,-rent of the Landes of I Kemehownes cont' 240• 3' 39P, at lxxiij" il ob I p' ann'; of the same, cont' 406a. 2r lOP at vjli iijs vjd I I p' Ann'; of the same, cont' 50a or 6P at XV9 ijd p' ?- Ann'; Ardlaghas & Banclowne, two pl'ds, cont' I

600a O 26P at ixu ijs iijd p' ann' for three yea.res J end' at Michas 1668 oweth ------J lixli ijs iijd ob

Exd P. Cudmore.

Com Kerry Acres Roods Perches £ s d Kearnaho,vnes 240 u~ 39 3 13 2 I I li s d 2 8 6 I of ye same 406 10 6 l I 19 14 I of ye same 50 0 6 15 2 ~ i per Annum Ardlaghas and 9 600 0 0 9 -i 3! Banclo,Yne 2 plwlds } j

The said landes v1ere adjudged to Coll' mcGilly Cuddy a Letterree, and are to this tyine in Arreare of Rent (as I beleeve, for I cannot find any paid). And ye said landes being included amonge others for ,vhich ye flarme:rs of ye Revenue have had allowance_, the same have been past in Custodium to Mr Jeffryes, for ye use of ye Comrs, accordinge to theire direccon.

26th .August 1673. P. Cudmore 02 100 ll'GILLYCUDDY .


Certificate of John Cha1nparl-te Esq.

[Dated 9 September 1673]

WHEREAS Donnogh ~Iagilly Cuddy, Esqr, hath signed t,vo Debentures for the Receipt of One hundred pounds, for one yeare's Penc'on, ended Easter last, out of w'ch, fees being Deducted, there Remaineing Ninety seaven pounds. BEE itt Remembred that he 1ath onely Recd in Money out of the Treasury thirty five pounds & that the Re1nainder thereof, being Sixtyt,vo pounds, is Respited by the Comrs of the Treasury, for Arrears of Quitt Rents due from him in ye County of Kerry. Wittness my hand this 9th day of September Anno Dom' 1673 [Signed] Jo : Champante Dep' Rec' Gen'

·wittnes-Jer : Donovan


Order of the CouJ't o._f ~~xchequer, rn.ade by John Bysse the Chief Ba.·ron, for quashing the order for Sei·zure of J.vf' Gillyc-udcly' s lands iohich haa bee·n issued at the JJtosec1ttion.. of Sir HT. Petty. [Dated Trinity Term 1673]

[Endorsed] An order to take off the Seizure of Carhunehones &c

Com' Kierry Ter'n' S'ct Trinit' 1673

\VHEREAS a seizure issued to the Sheriffe of the said County, at the prosecution of Sr \Villia1n Petty, Knight, to seize into his l\fatie's hands the lands follo,ving, (that is to say) Kearhunehones, .. A.. rdlaghas and Banecluone, upper Amengrave, [ Aunegarie ?] Cullianagh, leying and being in the parish of Knockane, and Barrony of Dunkierane, in the said County of Kierry; as alsoe Shandrum, part of the ,veast of Clouloghten, besides 78 accers confirmed to John Ayrnes, and 4:11 acres to Henry Pretty, in Inshinagh, besides 214 accers PAPERS. 101

-confirmed to the said Henry Pretty, !eying and being in the parish of K.illgarvan, in the said County ; as alsoe part of Droumfieghnue, and an other part of the same, and Clounery, besides 67 acres confirmed to Sr George Cartrett, and an Island near Dynish Island, in ye p'ish of Toisista ; as alsoe Kinagh, Droumeragh, Killmac-Ieren and malten Skillaghig Bryhig, Kanig Droumekeare, and Barekanigh, leyinge and being in the parish of Dromott, and Barrony of Everagh, in the said Countie. And whereas Coll' Donaugh me Gillycuddy and others, by their Councell, humbly moveing the Courte,. settinge forth that ye said seasure ought to be quashed, in regarde the Schedule thereunto annexed is not suffitient to entitle the King to the Lands aforesaid, beinge onely brought in by the Comrs of his Ma'tie' Trea'ry, w'ch the Courte takeinge into Considerac'on, and the truth of the said allegac'on appeareinge by the said seizure, and Schedule now produced and read in Court, and uppon full debate of the whole matter, it is ordered, that the said seizure of all and singular the afforesaid lands and premisses, in the said Countie of Kierry, afforesaid, be quashed, nullefyed, and made voyd, and all proceedings thereuppon had, or to be had, soe as the said Co 11 me Gillycuddy and others, and their tennants be noe further troubled, or molested, as to their possession, uppon the account of the said seizure, and his Matie·s writt of amoveas manu'~ to issue to the said Sheriffe of the said Countie whereof the Second Remr, Sheriffe of the said Countie and all tennants and other persons concerned, are to take notice Jo: BYssE Copia vera Exd p' Jo : Thompson Dep'~ Rem' thes'.

* Amoveas manus or Ouster le main, a livery of land to be amoved out of the King's hands on a judgment obtained upon a monstrans de droit, to restore the land, it being as much as if the judgment were given that the party should have his land again. Abolished by 12 Car. II., c. 24. · [Wharton's Law Lexicon.] 102 li'GILLYCUDDY


M'Gillycucldy's petition to be restored to the re-1nainder of his Estate, and for the Quitrent due on his lands. [Dated 27. May 1674l There are two copies of this petition.

[Endorsed] The Petic'on of Lieut Co11 Donogh MacGillycuddy. Rec4'. 27th May 1674 & then read in Councell. To the King's most Excellent M·atie~ The humble Petic'on of Lieut Col' Donogh lv'Iac Gillycuddy


THAT your Matie was Graciously pleased by your Royall Letters of ye 18th of Aprill 1661 (a Copy whereof is hereunto annexed) in Considerac'on of the Petr's Loyalty Sufferings and Services in the said Letter expressed, to order that your Petr n1ight be forth wth restored to his Estate [in yourJ Mats Kingdome of Ireland, pursuant whereunto your Petr became possessed thereof. That the Comrs of the late Court of Claimes in that Kingdome have past Certificates of almost all your Petr's said Estate to severall soldiers, but ye lands being Course and unproffitable and not worth the QuittTent reserved thereupon, the said Souldrs have therefore neglected taking out Letters Pattents pursuant to their said Certificates whereby the said Lands are now becon1e ,vaste. Wherefore, and for that your Mat's Gracious Intentions have been all along that the Petr should be restored to his said Estate, his humble prayer is your }iiatie no-\v ,vill graciously please to restore him to as much thereof as is now in your }Iat's disposal!, reserving thereout to your Matie the Crowne Rent (the Lands not being ,vorth the new Quittrent) and farther to grant unto your Petr the new Quittrents reserved to your Matie on the rest of your Petr's Estate And your Pet1 shall pray &c. PA-PERS. 103

At the Court at Hampton Court ye 27th of May 1674 Upon reading the within written Petic'on this day at the Board it ,vas Ordered by his Matie in ·Councill that the same be delivered to the Right Honble the Lord Visct Ranelaugh who is to consider thereof and Report to his Matie jn Councill his opinion thereupon Exd W. Walker.


Another petit£on concerning the Q-uitrents.

[Dated 1674] To ye King's most Excellent lVIajestie

The humble Petic'on of Lieut' Col' Donogh Mac Gillicuddy


THAT in ye beginning of ye late warrs in Ireland, in ye year 1641, yorPet· was then a Minor, and in Wardship, and had no hand in any of ye troubles of that time, nor was of any Army, untill tl1at, in ye year 1648, yor Petr raised a Company of £foot at his ◊"\vne proper cost & charges and served therewith under ye Earle of Insiquin, then Comanding yor Ma'tie's Forces in ye Province of Munster in yor Mat's Kingdome of Ireland. And afterwards, when yor Ma'tie's Cause was declineing in that your Kingdome, yor Petr, out of his good affection to yor Mats service, voluntarily made up Six Companies of ffoot of his owne neere kinsmen and relations, and had his Grace ye Duke of Ormond's Comission to serve with then1 as Lieutent Colonel to ye late Lord of :Thfuskrie's Regiment., in ,vch Imployment yor Petr faithfully served., untill ye laying downe of Armes of yor Mats party there [being* made prisoner by ye Enemy and haveing received severall ,vounds in yt timeJ after wch yor Petr betooke himselfe to forraigne parts [and on your Matie's arrival in flanders tendered his service to yor MaHe and ,vas ready and] ,vhere he continued obedient to yor Mats co1nands. That after yor Matie's happy restaurac'on, upon considerac'on had of yor Petr's Condition [Services and InnocenceJ and that he "ras restoreable by ye rules of 104 li'GILLYCUDDY

yor Matic's gracious Declarac'on for ye Settlement of that your Kingdome of Ireland, your Matie was graciously pleased by your Royall Letters [ directed to ye Lords Justices of Ireland] dated ye 18th of Aprill 1661 (a Copy whereof is hereunto annexed) to order that yo1 Petr should be restored to his Estate, pursuant to which yor Petr was put in possession thereof [ of his hole estate] wtiiout ye least hindrance. But ye A.ct of Settlement being soone after enacted [and there being a clause therein yt none should be deemed innocent who injoyed any Estate Real or personall in ye Irish quarters, because of that qualification J it was as well yor Petr·s misfortune, as ye fate of many others, that he could not con;ie to a tryall of his Innocence, by reason of ye shortnesse of time allowed by [by ye Rules of ye said A.ct & of ye Explanatory Act] the said Act, so that since that time yor Petr's Estate is Decreed [ directed] away to others, whereby y 1 Petr is miserably left destitute of maintenance fol'· himselfe & many children, contrary to yor Mats gracious intentions in Favour of ye Petr. Yet, in regard ye said Estate is a large Scope of very course land, and that ye Quitrent reserved to yor Matie thereout, by ye late acts of Settlement, is farr more than ye yearly value of it, by means whereof there hath been nothing [ not one pennyJ hitherto paid thereout, unto yor Matie, but ye lands left in Condie' on of wast, yet yor Pet' continueth possession of ye most part thereof, pursuant to yor Mats gracious letters bearing date as aforesaid. May it therefore please yr Sacred Matie, to take ye premisses into yr Royall Considerac'on, and in Comiserac'on of yor Petr's sad Condic'on, to be graciously pleased to grant unto yor Petr and his heirs, ye Quitrents and ye arrears thereof, due and payable to your Matic out of yor Petr's said estate [since yor Petr cannot have the land being Decreed a,vay as aforesaid] towards his maintennance and reliefe ; and that ye Barons of your Mats Court of Excheqr may be required, as often as ye said lands or any part thereof, shall be in arreare of Quittrent and lay wast, to give yor Petr and his heirs a Custodium thereof, they ans,vering & satisfieing in proportion ye Ancient Crcnvne Rents payable into yor Matie•s Excheqr in ye yeare 1641 A.nd your Petr "rill Ever pray &.c

~ The words within brackets [ - J are supplied from another document, in other respects identical with this. PAPERS. 105


Third Petition fo1~ the Quitrents. [Dated 1674] To the King's most Excellent Maiestie The humble pettn of Lt Coll' Donogh MacGillycuddy Sheweth THA1, yor pettr lately prefered a pettn unto yor Ma'tie, setting foorth that yor Matie was grateously pleased to graunte unto yor pettr yor Royall letters, dated the 18th of Aprill 1661, to be restored unto his Estate, in consideration of his loyalltie, service, & sufferings, as in yor Ma'tie's said letters is fullie expressed. A.nd that in pursuance thereof yor petr was put in possession of his Estate, and still continueth the most parte thereof. But so it is, may it please yor Ma'tie, that the quitrent, imposed on your petr's said Estate by yor Ma'tie's comissioners, by vertue of the Acts of Settlement of yor Ma'tie's Kingdome of Ireland, is far more then the pettr's estate is yearly woorth. Wherefore your pettr reapeth but little benefit thereout towards the main­ tenance of his wife and manie children, and the rather that yor pettr·s tenants and relations (the most part of them officers and souldiers who served your Ma'tie at home and abroade with your pettr) are forced to forsake the said landes to secure theire poore stocke from the collectors of the quitrents, which if seized uppon woulde be the everlasting ruine of them and yor pettr, if not timely grateously releeved by yor Ma'tie, yor pettr haveing lounge waited with great expence, and hath not wherewithal! to support himselfe much lounger. May it therefore please yor· sacred Ma'tie, in consideration of the premisses, & compassion of yor pettr's sad condition, to be grateously pleased to graunte unto the pettr, and his heires, the quitrent and the arreares thereof, (as the same was charged on your pettr's Estate by your Ma'tie's Comissioners for executeing the acts of Settlement) to supporte himselfe and greate charge, being not in condition otherwise to subsiste. And yor pettr will, as in dutie bounde for ever pray etc : p 106 M'GILLYCUDDY


Foiirth Petition for the Quitrent. [Dated 1674] To the Kings most Excellent Ma'tie., The humble pettn of Lt Coll' Donogh MacGillycuddy, Sheweth, THAT yor pettr hath presented a former pettn to yor Ma'tie, prayeing yor Ma'tie woulde be grateously pleased to graunte ·unto yor pettr the quitrents & arreares of quitTents, due unto yor Ma'tie oute of yor pettr's Estate, for the reasons in the said pett11 mentioned. And whereas Sr William Pettie, by the name of one Marshall his servant, hath been in som small matter concerned in yor pettr's estate, being only five parcells, yor Ma'tie was pleased to order that Sr William Pettie aforesaid shoulde make answere unto yor pettr's said former pettn, "'-hich answeare he hath endusterously intered, indeavouring thereby to shut up yor 11ats Royall hands from recompenceing yor pettr·s Loyaltie & services, a copie of which ans,veare yor pettr may not have untill first reade in Counsel!. The pettr therefore humbly prayeth yor sacred nia'tie woulde be grateously -pleased to order that yor pettr shoulde have a coppie of Sr \Vm, Pettie's said ans,veare, to reply thereunto before anie determination of the cause. And allsoe that yor lVIa'tie be pleased to order that yor pettr may make answeare to Sr William Pettie's adresses for remittall of his quitrents, or his man Robert l\Iarshall's, \\i-hich in effect is the same, (as well as the. said

11 Sr Wm ,vas ordered to make answeare unto yor pettr·s said pett ) yor pettr being much conserned to make oute \\i-hether yor lYia'tie hath n1ore reason to graunte what is yor Ma'ties to Sr William Pettie, or to the pettr, and allsoe to prove that the remittall of Sr William Pettie's qujtrent oapeneth a far greater gap in yor ifatie's revenew then the pettr's demaunde. & yor pettr will pray, etc. PAPERS.. 10'1

LXXII. Letter written to M' Giliycuddy froni h1·s son.

[Dated 21 December 1674} [Original] Ballenprior 21 ° Xbris 16 7 4

DEARE ffather/ yours of the 3d of 9ber I have receaved a lounge agoe, praysed be to God that the gentleman had that overthrowe,, I have given you an account in my last how I f ounde the most part of the people here very could in that of' the healpe. I have sence conferred with a great many of them, and gave them time to provide what they could, to see if I could make any thinge considerable up, to be sent you.. And in the beginninge, before I tryed them, I had great hopes, but now, I find them soe base and soe unworthy, that I have nott had 20 shill's in this whole parrish; soe that I presume- they thinketh that you are doeinge noethinge, and therefore does nott much care wether they send you any thinge or noe. I have had in Bordoneen fe,v Chattle and £4 in moneys. There are a great many of them that shunned me, and others denyinge for good and all. I assure you they are all as n1uch altered as any in the \\'"hole Country sence your departure, onely the poorest sort. You had but little hopes to trust unto them, unless they ,vere sensible you ,vere in a condition that they should feare you. I shall endeavour to send you "~hat is remay--neing of the little rents, before the latter end of the holly dayes, and if I cann gett any more Chattle from any of them, I presume to keep them to satisfie napper, for we are much in arrears to him now. I have conferred with both my Cou' Cosbies about what you ,vrit of Tu1r Bat'. My Cou' patricke is willinge to accept of the imployment for him selfe, if my Ld Rannelagh, or any other peere, be concerned in ye revenew for the future. He is sherri:ffe for the insueinge yeare. He desires to know of itt by the first. Sence I am mightely affray' d some one will snach a-\vay N. interest here before may next, what doe you thincke of Capt Cullen now sence the other designe did fayle you. 11y Cou' Tho' Crosb' is lyke to be his heire, his enterest where you knowe is worth £55 a yeare above the quitt rent, soe that I doe verryly beleeve Nap' would rather exchange with him then sell the interest. I kno-,v that the nominees P2 108 li'GILLYCUDDY had noethinge to doe ",.ith what I writt of D.'s letter. He worked with my Ld Ranel's Agent to gett some of y0 lands, that were uppon y0 seisure, to be secured from others that should have a grant of them. There are other parcells concealed in y8 parish of drommud, videlicet, Tarremen-meanagh, 2 pl'ds, Coulcarten part of Taremenieragh, the glinns of Cummon and Buolicollimane & Commienenvanny.

Iverahigh Baro'. Killimmeglagh parish. £ s. d. Boluskand lattife 4 pl' ds 20 00 00 Ballenegulle nevlaune 3 pl' ds 15 00 00 Killibuonie and Clighanecanning 3 pl'ds & 8 gneeves 19 00 00 Aghgort one pl' d & 4 gneeves 08 00 00 Killonecaha one pl'd 06 00 00 Allaghhy 2 pl'ds 07 10 00 Doekallie one pl'd 05 00 00 Killaluoig 2 pld's 07 10 00 Aghagadda one pl'd 04 10 00 Ardcost one pl'd 04 5 00

in all · £96 15 00

Prior parish Culligh and Killurlie 4 pl'ds 1 I Kinnard and Ballentaumple 2 pl' ds I \.,. r 53 00 00- Ballenskelligh, Arregel and Cannuig 4 pl'ds I Clighanemnuo one pl'd and a halfe J Immelaghmore 4 pl'ds 16 00 00· Coume 2 pl'ds 14 00 00 Sosso 2 pl' ds 07 00 00 Formoyle two pl'ds and 8 gneeves 26 10 00 Killiruagh one pl' d 04 00 00 -- In all £120 10 00 PAPERS. 109

Dromud Parish £ s. cl. Murriagh and Spunekane 2 pl'ds 10 00 00.

Cahir Parish Carhen 4 pl' ds 18 00 00 Clighanelynighane 2 pl'ds 14 00 00 Coumeiegothew-east 2 pl'ds 09 00 00

In all £51 00 00

Killennane Parish Ballenehaw 2 pl'ds 13 00 00 Durrienmorie and Cuoslirdaha 2 pl'ds and .... 17 00 00 Tireomoyles and Cahirleten 4 pl'ds and a halfe 26 00 00 Corrigh 2 pl'ds 12 00 00 Kj]lognaune two p'lands 12 00 00 Gortenfonery halfe a pl'd 02 10 00 Cahirighterrush halfe pl' d 01 05 00

£83 15 00

Glaunbeghy 16 pl'ds £80 00 00

Dounkie Baro :-Cockane Parish Part of Coulmagort, Cullinagh and part of Cliddagh 15 00 00 Kippagh anneen one pl' d 8 00 00 Coulclohir 2 pl' ds 1 I Ballileddir one pl' d I t 20 00 00 Killcuolaghta half a pl'd I Aunegarry one pl'd J

In all £43 00 00 110 M'GILLYCUDDY

Templenoe Parish £ s. d. Kippaghruo and Lackien 4 plowlands 52 00 00 Grienane two pl'ds 21 00 00 Kappenecossie 2 pl'ds 22 00 00

In all 95 00 00

Glaunorughta Baro : Tuosista parrrish containeinge 21 pl' ds 135 00 00

N eddeen 8 pl'ds 87 00 00 Killone 4 pl' ds 58 00 00 Droumagore 4 pld's 31 00 00 Cahir quarter 71 00 00 Currom.or quarter 62 00 0-0 Ballegrieffen quarter 57 00 00 Bonnane 3 pfds and halfe 36 00 00

£402 00 00

The refractories w'ch the gentlem' hath in his certi:ficat and as he hath sett them. Iverahigh -Barro: Killennane Parish Sroegreany 2 pl'ds and Lishballyomihill 2 pl'ds 22 00 00 Cahir Parish. Clighane mac Quine 2 pld's 12 00 00 Killemmelagh Parish Raghkierane one pl' d and 4 gneeves 05 00 00 Cahir Parish Aghatubberid 4 pl ds 19 00 00

£58 00 00 Dounkierane Barronie -Cnoghane parish Ardkintiurcke and Ardacluckien one pl' d and a halfe 12 00 00

Refractories in all £70 00 00 ·PAPERS. 111

£ s. ·d. -096 15 00 120 10 00 051 00 :fi.O 083 15 00 080 00 00 043 00 00 095 00 00 Tuosista 135 00 00

In all 705 00 00 Glaunorughta 502 00 00 Refractorie 70 00 00

I have endeavoured to gett an exact account of each parcel! of the gentleman's estate according as you writt me. I have alsoe sent a list of the refractories as -he hath sett them him selfe, and other lands in Glauneoruoghta, besides Tuosista parish, ,vhereof I cannott give an account of each parcell, but I am confident the pattent Land betvveen him selfe and Sr George [Sir G. Carteret] is included. I shall endeavour by the next to give you a better account of that of Glaunoruoghta and tuosista. The rent is exa.ct. nfr Robert b'Hasseti is trublinge our tennants dayly for nqtt goeing out of Coulogealighir to waitch to Killforreglin. With much adoe I have had a forbearance for a little ,vhile for nott sending them to Traly. I pray lett n1e know ,vhat to doe in itt by the next. I have casted up every parish by ittself, and the refractories by ittself, and have made an intire some of all, besides the refractories and that of Glaunoruoghta, w'ch is all. - Prayinge the Almightie to preserve you and send you safe ho1ne, I remaine

y : ob: S.

On the mar·gin of the first page of this letter is ivritte·n the folloiving :-They may be included amoungst the rest. The K' [Sir W. Petty's] servants, they doe nott refrayne from makinge use of Sr George Cattret's mynes and woods dayly. He writes he ,vill be over against february next. He allsoe writt that 112 M'GILLYCUDDY the nominees, if any from them should come for rents of the Custod' land, should have onely the rents reserved by the exchequer uppon him. There is allsoe custodium land in Irragh, that w'ch Mr Raymonts had a Custodm of, last yeare, ,v'ch is s01nethinge considerable, if itt could be joyne

LXXIII. Debe,nt-ures and acquittances concerning M'Gillyc-uddy's pension

[Dated December 1674]

DEBENTURE & acquittance for Lt Collen me Gillycuddy's pension, ending An'o 1674, ren1aining in the Auditor generall's office. Debent' Coll' MagillyCuddy p' pencone sua., ad cu p' an'u', ei vertute7 stabiliment' d'ni regis nunc Car' s'c'di concess' p' dimid' ann' :finit' l 0 ad festun1 s'cti l\Iich'is, 1673. An'o Regis CaT' s'c'di xxvt • j Attingen' ad ______J Lu

Intr' p' Jo: Sargeant, Dept Cl. Pells Hugh Normington Dept Audr

Recd ye full Contents of ye ,vithin Debent' being 1n Robt Jones

Deb' Coll' MagullyCuddy p' pencone sua., ad cu p an'u', ei virtute1 stabilimt d'ni regis nunc Car' s'c'di concess' p' dimid' ann' :finit' l 0 ad festum Paschre 1674, an'o Regis Caroli s'c'di pr'd' xxvjt • I Attingen ad ______J Lli

Intr' p' Jo: Sargeant, Dep Cl. Pells. Ri: Chapell Dept Audr

Rec4 ye Contents of ye within Debt, being lli Robt Jones PAPERS.' 113

Deb' Coll' l\IagullyCuddy p' pencone sua, ad CH p'an', ei virtute stabilt 1 d'ni Regis nunc Car' s'c'di concess', p'' ann' finit' ad festum t 0 s'cti 1Iich'is, 167 4, anno llegis Car' s'e'di xxvjt • Attingen ad-- J LH

J\Iemorand' that a forn1er Debent' hath beene given out for . this time, ,v'ch is alleadged to be lost. TheTefore care is to be had that double pa~y1nent be not made. Ri Chapell Dept Aud'. Intr' p' Joh. Sargeant, Dep. Cl. Pells.

1 Reca ye full Contents of ye ,vithin Debent' being J i Robt Jones. These agree ,vith ye originall Debentrs and Acquittances remaining in his Matie's Aud' Generall's office as \ 1 ouchers to ye Accompt of ye Lord Ranelagh and partners, for six n:Ionths, end' the Last of December 167 4.

---··· ·------


l3taternerit o.f .Jlf~Gillycuddy's caBe laid before V£scount Ranelagh.

[Dated 167¾] There are three copies of this

...~ State of the case of Coll' Donogh mac Gullicud

THAT 1nountanous and barren lands, in the County of Keiry, in the poss'ion of the said Coll' as part of his antient estate, being lately charged by the

Comn1rs of the 'fre'ary ,vith the yearely of £19 14s 1 d and in arreare thereof for severall yeares, the said Lands being not ,vorth neere the said Q 114 Y'GILLYCUDDY sum'e b~ame .,vaste, ,vherefore a Cornn issued from -the Excheqr for vallueing the said lands, "\Vhereupon returne was n1ade that the san1e were yearely worth £2 3s 9d and noe more, as by Coppy of the said Con:iion, now ready to bee produced, may appeare. Att w'ch rent Sr \Villian1 Petty agrees with the Comrs of ye Treasury, and procures a ,vritt of Seizure; ,v'ch was, upon the said Colls instance, suppressed by the Excheqr as being the said Colls inheritance and in his poss'ion. The Barrons then saying they doubted not the Conf' of the Tre'ary would be kind to hin1 as to ye arreares,, at ye yearley charge of 19u 14s 1 u, since the lands were by Com'ission found to bee realy worth noe more then £2 3s 9d. The Coll1 offers to pay the arreares at the rate of the said returne, although the said lands ,vere not in charge, and desires that what part of his pension shall remaine due to him after deduction at ye rate of £2 3s 9d may be paid him, and he noe further troubled for the arreares of £19 14s ld; the yeares· rent at that rate being 1nore then the purchas of all the lands charged : whieh rent of £2 3s 9d he conceaves ought to be accepted from l1im as well as from Sr Willian1 Petty. 1 Now soe it is that of 300u pension the said Coll received but 35 \ the remainder being stopt for the arreres at the rate of £ 19 14s 1 d as aforesaid~ as by a certificate from Sr John Champante, ready to be produced, may appeare. The said Coll1 did also sett forth, in a petic'on to his Matk, that, by vertue of his 1Iat"s Privy signet, he became poss' ed of his estate in the yeare 1661, and that aftenvards the said estate ,-vas decreed to Souldrs by the Corns of the Court of Claimes, of w'ch, by reason of the weight of the quitrent, they· declyned to passe Lettrs Pattents ; by meanes ,vhereof the Coll1 continueth his poss'ion, but the lands ,vast. Wherefore he prayed his Matie to grant him the quit rent. The contents whereof ,vas refered to the Lc1 Ranelagh to returne his oppinion to his ~Iatie, w' ch is not yet done by his Lordshipp. Wherefore the Coll' offers to the Ld Ranalagh's considerac' on, to be reported to his Matic, his faithfull services and sufferings for his Ivia)tic at home and abroad; his great charge of wife and ten children, and alsoe his late service in appeareing against Sr William Petty, by w'ch, as is well kno,vne to his Majestie in.Cpuncill, he preserved to his Matie ten thousand pounds, ,v'ch are and will grow due to his Matie from the said Petty, v;rhich none else but the said Coll1 could make out at that time. PAPERS. 115

And therefore humbly conceaves that ifhis Matie :nay be pleased to allow -defaulcation upon acct of setleing the Coll' in his tBtate, the said Colr hath saved n1uch more to his Matie then ye said• defaulcation may come unto, in opposeing the said Sr William Petty, besides his n1erritts by suffering long imprison1nents for his lr'Iatic, and receiveing desperate ,Younds, and. the losse of many- relations in his l\'Iatie's service.

Bond of Geoffi"Y Connell &· others. [Dated 24 July 1675] [Original]

{Endorsed] Geffry Connell's, Donough me Crohin, and Daniell me Eagane's bond to safe Cornelius mcGillycuddy harmeless.

BEE it kno,ven unto all men by these presents, that ,vee, Gefiery Connell, Donnogh Ille Croghin, & Daniell me Egane, all in the County of Kierry, gents, doe hereby ackncnvledge and Confess ourselfes to be duely 01veing & indebted unto Cornelius 111c Cullicuddy, of Ca.rhubegge in the County, gent'; in the just c..\c full sume of tenn pounds ster', curr' 1noney, to be paid unto ye said Cornelius n1<=Cullicoddy, his executors, achninistrators, & assignes [ at his or their] ,vill & pleasure, to ye ,v~ch paymt, ,vell & truly· to be

made [and done J as afforesaid, ,vee1 the said Gcffery Connell, Donnogh Croghin, & Daniell doe hereby binde us, our heires, executors, & administrators, joyntly & severally, firmely by these presents. Wittnesse our hands &- seales this 24 day of Jully 16•7fi. Whereas, before the perfecting heereof, the above named Cornelius me Culli­ coddy signed & sealed two severall specialties, as security for ye above bo~nden Geffery Connell to Gregory Rice of Trally, the one for the delivery of three tuns of tin1ber in Dingle, by the first of September next, the other for the delivery of Six hundred foote oacke-boords, at the affore said time & place. The Condic'on therefore of the above obl!gation is such, that if the above bounden Geffery Connell, his heires or assignes, doe indemnifie, & save harmelesse, him, the aforenam.ed Cornelius me Cullicoddy, from any losse or Q2 116 ]l•GILLYCUDDY damadge as to the said bills, past to Gregory Rice for the delivery of ye above named timber& boords, then the above named obligation to be voyde & ofnoe effect; otherwise the same to remayne in full force & vertue in law. Geffrey Connell (seal) Donogh me Crohon (seal) Daniell me Egane (seal) Being present att ye signing & sealeing & Delivering hereof ,ve ,vhose names ensue Owen Crohon Ricard Conner Ricard Connell


Thonias Sk1:ddy's bond. [Dated 3 November 1675] [Original]

THIS bill byndeth n1e, Thon1as Skyddy, of Logh-towne, in the County of Kiery, merchant, my executors & Administrators, firmely by these p'sents, to pay unto Cnochor n1e Gullicoddy, his executors, Administrators, or assignes, the just & full Sume t,vo pounds t,vo shills & six pence, ster', Currant n1oney of and in England, att or upon the ...... one thousand barrell staves, one thousand three hundred ...... & foure l1undred Deeve staves, ,v'ch, by bond under his hand & seale, bearing equall date ,vith this, he is to deliver 1ne, the said thon1as, or 111y assignes, att the usuall loading place of y 0 River Carrigh, att or before the first day of 1fay next ensueing the date heereof. In ,vittness ,vhereof, I have heereunto set n1y hand & seal the third day of November, one thousand six hundred seaventy & five Tho : Skiddy (seal) Signed sealed & delivered . 1n our presence Matt Moriarty Marcus Groome 117


Ce1·t-ificate of of.. Quitrent clue on J['G·illycuddy's lands irl the County of l{e,rr.'J.

[Dated November 1675]

The charge on Coll' mcGillycuddy's lands from n'lr Cudn1ore in 9ber 1675.

Con1' Kerry.-Arr' upon Inocent Papists.

Collonell l\fagilly-?uddy, rent of the -~~n~~s of 1 Keuneho,vnes cont 240a :3r :39P, at lxXlllJ 8 lJd ob I 1 p' ann'. Of the same, cont' 406a 2r I OP at vj i iijs vjd I p' ann'. Of the same, cont' 50a or 6P at xvs ijd p' ~ lixH ij iiijd ob. ann'. Ardlaghas & Banclowne, two pl'ds, cont' j 08 600a or 26P at ix1i iJ iiid p' ann' for three veares I ' • ~ , .1 I End' at 1Iich'as, 1668, oweth J

P. Cu

LXXVIII. A.ffidccc-it of .ilf'Gillycuddy concerning his lands irt Kerry.

[Dated 12 December 1675]

LEndorsed] Don : 111c Gullycudye's afl: touching his Lands in Kiery.

DoNNOGH 1.f G1LLYCUDDY, Esqr, , Deposeth, That he is in the quiet and peaceable poss'ion of the Tounes and Lands of Care,vnahones, Banecloune, and Ardlaghas, lying and being in the Barony of Dunkerane, in the County of Kiery, and hath beene continueally in the possession thereof, by himselfe and his Tennants, ever since the moneth of August one thousand six hundred ll·S sixtie and one, and that the said To,vnes and Lands are of his antient Inheritance, and that in the yeare 1661 aforesaid, he, this Depot, obtained his n1atie's Gratious letters under his Privy Signett and Signe 111anuall, to be restored to his, this Depot's, antient estate, a copie ,vhereof the Depot hath ready to be produced. He further deposeth that the Lands aforesaid ,vere not Decreed or adiudged to any other p'son, in the late Court of Claymes, or otherwise that this Depot ever heard of; untill, about fourteene dayes agoe, he the Dept saw the said Lands incerted or named in a list or p'ticular, given in (as he is enformed) by the ffarmrs or Comrs of the Revenew, or some of them or their agents, into his ~fats Court of Excheqr, amongst other Lands, in order (as he is enformed) to be granted in Custod' or seised upon. He allsoe deposeth that the Depot kno,veth not of any Indictmts, outlaryes, or attainder, or any other Guilt, that n1ay render him incapable of enjoyeing his said Antient propriety,, as a free and Loyall Subjict to his ma'ty; his loyalty services- ~rid. Sufferings being specified in his Mats said letters.

Jur' coram n1e 12° die Decen1rs 1675 Rich : Kennedy.


Letter fro,n the Privy Counc,il ·in England to the Lo'l·cl L·ieutena.nt of I1--eland, in fa1)01-- of M'G,illycuddy.

[Dated 28 June 1676]

[Endorsed] A copie of his 1fatie's pTivie councell's of England letter to the Lord Lietenant, in :NiacGillycuddy's behalfe.

AFTER our verie heartie recomendations to· yr LoP. The petition of Leutent Colonell Donogh niacgillycuddy haveing: ben this day read before his Mat~e in councill, setting foorth that i:n considerac'on of his Loyal~y and lounge PAPERS. 119 and faithfuil services and sufferings, he obteined his l\fatie's letters of the 18th of Aprill, 1.661, for restoTeing him to his ancient estate in Ireland, and thereupon got into the possession therof, ,vch he quietly enioyed untill the year 1664, ,vhen, by the contrivance of Sr William Petty and others, the greatest part of his estate ,vas given a,vay from hin1, and the least share, eonsisting n1ost of mountainous a,nd unprofitable land, he still enioyed. That upon a late petition to his 1fatie for a reducement of tl1e quitrents of the lands of Karhunahones, Ardlaghis, Bancluone & Shanderries, with the lands of Aulogh & Shanicashell, under severall deno1ninations, con1monly called thirtiefive covles grasse, being of the pettr·s ancient estate, &. most of them decreed to hi1n in the late coorte of clay111es, & the remaine neather seised or sequestred, all of them barren and n1ountainous, it "ras ordered that the petr should ans,ver out of those lands the fourth part of the Yalle,v of the same. Wherefore hun1bly praying his Matie to grant his Royall letters for passeing the said lands into letters pattents unto hi1n & his heires, reserveing to his. MatiC' the fourth part of the valle,v thereof, His Matie hath thought fit to recomend the said Leutent Col' Niacgillycuddy unto yr Lo1\ and that his pettn & requeste be taken into consideration by yr LoP, and that yor LoP doe a:ffood him such releef, both as to the abaten1ent of his quitrents &. the patent desired, as the n1erits of his Cause & sufferings doe deserve, & as n1ay consist ,vith the present rules and directions that are given for thinges of this nature, ,vhich by his :rvfaties comaunde ,ve signifie unto yo1 LoP. And ren1aine, from the Court at Whitehall, the 28th day of June, 1676,

vor Lop·s very loveino- frends ~ 0


LXXX. 1..tP Gillycuddy's apJJl£cation to the Lord L1~eutenant fo1· lettei·s JJatent of his estate, ·with his E;--ccellency's order the·re-u.po-n. [Dated in 1676]

1 1 To his Ex'3el' Arthur, E e of Essex, L

~lost hun1bly she,veth,-

TnAT by a L're, directed to yor Ex'cie fi·on1 the Lords of his 1Iatie's Privy Councill in England, dated from the Court at "\Vhitehall the 28th of June 1676, thereby setting forth that yor Petr, in considerac'on of his Loyalty and long and faythfull services and sufferings, obtained his ~Iatic's Lrs of the 18th of Aprill 16 61 for restoreing hi1n to his auntient Estate in this Kingdome ; and thereupon had gott into possession thereof. But that the n1ost part thereof ,vas since disposed of to others, & the least share thereof, consisting of n:Iountaincs and unpro:ffitable lands, he still enjoyed. And that upon a late Petn of his, the said Donogh n1cGillicuddy, to hi8 ~Iatie for the reducen1t of the Quitt-1:ent of the lands of Karrunahones, Ardlaghis, Bariecluone, and Shanderryes, . ,vth the lands of Aulogh and Shanicashell, under severa.11 Denon1inac' ons, con1only called thirtyfive (;o\\?es grasse, being all of the sd petr·s auntient Estate_. and most part thereoft· never seized or sequestred­ And praying his Matie to grant his Royall Lrs for passing the said lands in Lrs Pattents to hin1 and his heires, reserveing to his lVIatie the fourth part of the vallue of the same. The said Lds of his 1'.lajestie's Privy Council, by his Matie's Comand, thought fitt to recomend unto yr Ex'cie the petr, and his petn, and requeste, to be taken into considerac'on by yr Ex'cie, & that yr Ex'cie should afford hirn such reliefe, as to the abaten1t of his Quitt-rent, and the pattent desired, as the meritt of his Cause and sufrerings doe deserve, L\: n1ay consist ,vith the p'sent Rules and direccons that are given for thinges of this nature. That yor petr hath p'sented the sd Letter to your E:x.'cie, and, as he ,vas advised, [ did] claime the benefitt thereof [before yourJ Ex' cie and the rest of the Con1rs for reducemt of Quittrents, and obtained your orders for reduceing the Quittrents of the said lands, in all thirty pounds seaven shillings five pence PAPERS. 121

farthing, to the sume of Tenn pounds eight shillings yearely, as by the Certificate from yor Ex'cie and the rest of the sd Comrs may appeare. The premises tenderly considered, yor Petr most humbly prayes yor Ex'cie, in considera'con of yr peticonr's faythfull services to his Matre, both at home and abroad, to grant your Orders to his Matie's Atturney G'rall, or Sollicitor G'rall, to draw up a Fiant for your Excellencie's signature, in order to passe the said lands in Pattent, under the great seale of this Kingdon1e, to yor petr & his heires, att the said yearely Rent of Tenn pounds eight shillings being the Reduced Rent pursuant to the said Certificate And your Petr ,vill ever pray &c

Ref<--c to Kings Councell. Dublin Castle June 19 1677 Wee require his ~Iats Attorney & Sollicitor Gen11 or either of them to consider of the Contents of the ,vithin Petic'on & to Report unto us ,vhat they or either of then1 conceive fitt to be don therein EssEx

LXXXI. Letter j·roni S£f· (-Jeorge Carteret to M'Gillycuddy requesting inforrnation concern.'tng· s·2r Tv~ . P etty' s JJrocee a·:-i-ngs. [Dated 11 September 1677] [Original] [ Addressed] To Col1 J\facgilly Cuddy at Carhubeg -- neare Trale in the

Countv., of Kerry . lll Ireland Post paid to Dublin 6i1

AnouT t,vo n1oneths since I received a letter fro1n you, intimateing that you had not then Executed the Comission for Examining of witnesses at Kerry, but hope erre this it is done, and the Exaininac' ons p'fected. Of all R 122 M'GILLYCUDDY

:which I should be very glad to receive an accot by a line or t,vo from you, as also what you heare of Sr William Petty's proceedings, and ,vhat else you know relateing -to that affaire ; 1t being time 110\v to bring the same to some · issue. I therefore desire yor utmost endeavors herein to dispatch the same, as also a line from you by the first opp'tunity, ,vherein you will oblige sr yor humble servant

G. CARTERET Whitehall th Sept 11 • 1677.


Letters Patent Ji-~oni Charles II. for J.l['Gillycuclcly's lands in Kerry.

[Dated 7 May i678] [Parchment. Original] N.B.-The ,vords between brackets [ J have been supplied fron1 the Inrolment in the Court of Chancery, by the kind permission of James }t{orrin, Esq.

CHARLES THE SECOND, BY THE GRACE OF GOD, OF ENGLAND, Scotland, ffrance & Ireland, King, defender of the faith, &c, To all to \\7home these p'sent shall con1e, Greeting. WHEREAS, upon reading the petic'on of Lieut Coll' Donough 111c Gillicucldy before us in Councell, wee did thinke fitt, in considerac' on of his loyalty, & long faithfull services & sufferings, by or l'res of the eighteenth day of .LL\.prill, one thousand six hundred & sixty one, to direct that he should be restored to his Auntient estate in or said Kingdome of Ireland. And whereas ye said Donogh me Gilliecuddy was thereupon, by or Comrs for executeing y 0 Act of Settlemt & Explanac'on, adjudged to be confirmed as a Letteree in ye sev'all lands, tenemts & hereditamts hereafter menc'oned., & PA.PERS. 123

..settled in the Actuall poss'ion thereof. And Wher._as, the said lands being very mountainous & unp'fitable, hee did afte:;.~,vards humbly petic'on us for a reducen1t of ye Quittrents charged on ye said lands ,vhich ,vere soe letreed unto him., And that "\Vee shouldbe gratiously pleased to grant or Royal L'res for ye passing y 0 said lands in l'res patent unto him & his heires, reserveing onely a fourth p't of ye vallue thereof unto us, or heires & successors. .A.11 which the [lords of or] privy Councell of England did, by or co1nand, by their l'res bearing date, the Court att Whitehall, ye eight & twentieth day of June, one thousand six hundred & seaventy six, recomend to our Right trusty & welbeloved Cozin & Councellor, .. A..rthur, Earle of Essex, or late Leiut gen'all & gen'all Governor of or said Kingdon1e of Ireland, & to or cheiffe GoYernor there for ye tyme being. And that they should afford ye said Leiut Coll' me Gillecuddy such releiffe, both [to the abatemt] of his quittrents, and granting of l'res pattent, as [ was desired]. \Vhereas the said Leiut Coll' 1nc Gillicuddy thereupon p'ferred his petic'on unto ye said Arthur, Earle of Essex, or late Leiut Gen'all of or said Kingdon1e of Ireland, & unto or right trusty & right ,vell beloved [Councillor Iviichael, Lord Archbishop of Dublin our Chancellor of our said Kindo1ne of Ireland, Sir Charles Meredith, Knt, Chancellor of our Exchequer there, and Sir llobert] Booth, Knt, or Cheiffe Justice of or Court of Con1on Pleas, in or said I{ingdo1ne of Ireland, or late Conl" a.pyJointed & In1po,vered by or Con1ission, under c/ greate seale of Ireland, bearing date ye eight & t"'.ventieth day of .June, in ye yeare of or Lord one thousand six hundred & seaventy six, for reduceing & abateing of Quittrent ~...-: the arreares thereof, setting forth that the lands of Carhunahones, Ardlaghis, Banecluone & Shandarryes, conteyning in all t,vo ~thousand acres, plantation n1easure, in the Barony of Dunkieran, in or (!ounty of Kerry, are his Auntient Estate & no-,v Inioyed by him, and that ye san1e are verry course and barren mountaine lands, and that ye yearly quitt rent thereof according to ye rates [Imposed thereon by ye Act of SettJle1nt & Explanac' on (,vhich is three pence for every English statute acre in ye p'vince of lVIunster) doth amount to thirty pounds seaven shillings five pence farthing p' Ann', and that ye yearly vallue thereof, by ye civill Survey, did an1ount to ye su1n of t,venty eight [pounds four shillings & noe J more, & prayed a reducen1t of ye said [ ne,vJ quittrent payable to us thereout, and upon hearing of ye said petic' on, & Exan1inac' on of "\Vittnesses upon. Oath concerning ye yearly vallue of ye said lands, ltt appeared unto (/ said R 2 124 M'GILLYCUDDY

late Com :11 that ye afores' d lands are [ soe course & barren], that they are not suffitient to ans"\\reare ye said Quittrent, Arreares of Quittrent, & other charges,. due thereout, and that the said rent doth neare, or altogether, an1ount unto ye _yearly vallue of y 0 said lands :-And that ye said lands, being in ye p'vince of Munster, are of ye yearly vallue of nyne pence p' acre, Irish plantation measure, and that it was therefore thereupon thought fitt, & accordingly ordered, by or said late Corns, by their Order bearing date ye t,ventyeth day of ~Iarch in y0 yeare of or Lord god, one thousand six hundred & seaventy six, that ye afores'd Donogh me Gillicuddy, his heires & assignes, should bee abated ye sum'e of nynteene pounds nyne shillings, & five pence farthing, p' Ann', of ye s'd yearly rent of thirty pounds seaven shillings five pence farthing, payable unto us out of ye s'd lands, allsoe that ye said Donogh me Gillicuddy his heires & assignes, shall pay unto us, or heires & successors, the yearly rent of tenn pounds eight shillings ster', & noe other rent, out of s' d lands, fron1 the twentyeth day of March, one thousand six hundred seaventy six, as by ye said order of ye said late Com1"5, under their hands & seales, doth more att large appeare. KNOW ye therefore, that ,vee, of or esp'iall grace certayne knowlegde & n1eere n1otion, by and with ye advice & consent of or right trusty & right entirely beloved Cozin & Counciller, James, Duke of Or1nond, or Ieiut gen' all, & gen' all governor of or said Kingdon1e of Ireland, according to y 0 tenor & effect of y 0 afores' d l'rs fro1n ye lords of or privy Councell of England, bearing date· ye eight & twentyeth day of June, one thous'd six hundred seaventy six, and according to ye order of or said late Co1nrs for reduceing of ye s' d Quittrent, Inrolled in or Court of Exchequer att Dublin, HA YE gi ve1i granted & confirn1ed & by these p'sents, for Us, &. or heires & successors, \Vee doe give grant, & confir111e, unto ye said Donogh 1nc Gillicuddy, the [ severall] lands, tenen1ts & hereditamts hereafter n1enc'oned, that is to say, Ca1To,vnahones,. t,vo plol' ds and t,vo hundred & forty acres three roods & thirty nyne p'ches ; 1nore of ye [same, foure J hundred fifty six acres t,vo roods & sixteene p' ches ; Ardlaghis & Banecluone [ six hundred] acres & t,venty six p'ches ;-In Shandury, Seaven hundred & t\vo acres thirty five p'ches; Amounting in y 0 ,vhole. to two thousand acres of land. And are situate, lying and being, in ye Barony of Dunkeron in ye said County of Kerry & were adiudged to bee confirmed to y 0 said Donogh me Gillicuddy, as a letteree, by or late Comrs for executeing ye s' d Acts of Settlemt & explanation, together ,vith ye revercon PAPERS. 125

& revercons, & ren1aindEr of all & Si[ngular ye af0res' d p'n1ises &. of all & singular ye Castles, n1essuages, villages, n1ills, tofts, houses, Cottages, ba,vnes,. buildings, barnes, Stables, orchards, gardens,] lands, tenemts, ,voods, under­ woods, n1eado,ves, pastures, [feedings,] turbary, furze, heathes, boggs,.loughes, [1nountaines], moores, 111arshes, [W ayes, Wasts, ""\Vaters, vVater-Jcourses, fisheing-,veares, quarries, [duties, services & all & singular p'fitts] con1odityes, rights, [privileges, jurisdictions, and advantages] ,vhatsoever, to the p'inises belonging, or in any,vise ap'teyning, To HAVE, & to hold, all & singular ye aboven1enconed p'1nises, ,vith theire, and every of their, [rights, n1e1nbers, & appurtenances], unto hin1, ye said Lieut Coll' Donogh n1c Gillicuddy, his-. heires & assignes, for ever, to the only use, benefit, & [behooffe J of hin1 the said Coll' Donogh 111cGillicuddy, his heires & assignes, for ever1nore.-To be held of us, or heires & successors, as of or Castle of Dublin, in fee & c0111O11. Soccage, YEILDING & paying therefore & thereout, yearly unto us, or heires . & Successors, [atty~ receipt of] or Exchequer, in or said Kingdome of Ireland, or to the hands of or [ vicetreasurer] or gen'all Receivor of. the [Rents and Revenues of our] said Realn1e of Ireland, for the tyn1e being, fi·om ye said t,ventyeth day of Niarch, one thousand six hundred seaventy six, the yearly rent of ye sun1e of rr enn pounds, eight shillings, ster', of ye afores'd yearly rent of thirty pounds, seaven shillings, five pence farthing, ster', & noe other or 111ore, to bee paid unto us, 01" heires, L\: successors, at ye £feasts of st niichael ye Archangell, & ye ..A.nnuntiac'on of or lady St 1v!ary ye blessed virgin, halfe yearly, by even & equall pore' ons. A~D further of or esp'iall grace, [ certaine knowledge] & mere n1otion, by & ,vith ye advice & consent afores'd, &

according to ye tenor of ye afores' d order of or said late Com rs for reduceing of Quittrents, ,vee hereby, for us, or heires & successors, grant unto ye said Donogh me Gillicuddy, his heires [ & assignes that ye aforesaid] yearly rent of thirty pounds seaven shillings five pence farthing, ster', charged upon, l\: 111ade payable to us, or heirs & successors, out of ye aforesaid lands, by ye afores' d Acts of Settlemt & explanation [ shall beeJ from ye said t,ventyeth day of March, in ye said year, one thousand six hundred seaventy six, Reduced to the yearly rent of tenn pounds eight shillings, ster', thereby reserved, as afores' d, ,vhich said yearly rent of tenn pounds eight shillings, ster', and no other is to be paid to us, or heires & successors, for ye aforesaid [lands in manner as aforesaid.] AND further of or like esp'iall grace, certayne kno,vledge, M'GILLTCUDDY

& 111eere n1otion, by & with ye advice & consent afores' d & according to y& tenor & effect of the afores' d order of or said late Com rs for Reduceing of Quittrents, ,vee will, & by these p'sents firn1ly enioyne, & [ con1'and as well the Treasurer] Chanceller, & Barrons of or Court of Exchequor in or said Kingdon1e of Ireland, for ye ty111e being, as alsoe all & singular other ye receivors, auditors, officers, & 1ninisters, & farmers of or revenues, in or said Kingdome of Ireland, for ye tyiue being, that they, & every of them, upon ye one]y shewing of these or l'res patent, or ye Inrolhnt thereof, ,vithout plett or further charge or delay, make, or cause to bee 111ade, a full & absolute discharge to ye said Donogh 111c Gillicuddy, his heires & assignes, of all other rent wtsoever, issueing~, or to bee or paid for or out of ye p'n1isses, or any p't thereof, by ye afores'd Act of Settlen1t & Explanac'on, or either of them, except ye aforesaid rent of tenn pounds, eight shillings, ster', p' Ann', for ye p'n1isses in these p'sents 1nenc'oned, to us, or heires & successors, reserved as payable from ye said t,ventyeth day of l\Iarch, one thousand six hundred seaventy six, in manner afores'd. Axn further of or esp'iall grace, certayne kno-,vledge, & mere moc'on, by & ,vith y0 advice & consent aforesaid, wee doe by these p'sents, for us or heires & successors, grant unto ye said Donogh 111c Gillicuddy, his heires & assignes, that the~e l'res patent, & every clause, sentence & Article, therein conteyned, [ OT the Inrolhnent] thereof shall [bee in all & every thing & things] firn1e, good, valid, ::;uffitient & e:ffectuall in ye law, unto him ye· said Donogh rncGi1licncldy, his heires & assignes, against us, or heires & Successors, to all IntentB & p'poses ·vlsoever, as v.-ell in all or Courts [ ,vithin our said Realme of] Ireland as else\vhere [ wheresoever], according to ye p'pose & tenor of ye afores'd Act, ,vithout any other [ confirmation, lycence,J or tollerac'on, fro1n us, or heires or Successors, by ye said Donogh mcGillicuddy, his heires or assignes, to bee had-for ever or obteyned. AND alsoe that these or l'res patent, ,vith all & singuler ye articles & clauses therein conteyned, & [specified, as ,vell in sense, Intention, & n1eaning, as] in words, shalbe construed & Interp'ted, to ye best advantage, benefitt, & behoo:ffe of him y-0 said Donogh inc Gillicuddy, his heires & assignes [ as ,vell in all the Courts] of us, or heires & successors, within or said Kingdome of Ireland, [ as elsewhere wheresoever] according to ye tenor & effect of ye afores'd acts, & of ye order of or Lieut gen'all of or said Kingdome of Ireland, bearing date ye nynth day of Aprill one thousand six hundred [and sixtie six, made upon the PAPERS. 121

·humble addresseJ of or late Comrs for executeing yt 8' d .Act, 110"\V Inrolled in ye Rolls of the high Court of Chancery, in or said Kingdome of Ireland, & shall alsoe bee construed & Interp'ted in as favorable [benigneJ & gratious manner & forn1e as [they n1ay bee for the] benefitt of ye same Donogh inc Gillicuddy, hi~ heires & assignes, ,vithout any obieccon, or exception ,vhatsoever; N OT\VITHST.ANDISG ye not nan1eing, or ill nameing, ill recyting or not rescyting, •in these p'nts, the p'mises or any p't or p'cell thereof: or [the County, Barony, P'ish or place, wherein ye p'n1isses, or any p'te thereof, doe [lye]. AND notwithstanding that of ye nan1es of ye ffarn1s, tenants, occupiers, or formr p'p'rietors, of ye p'mises or any p't thereof, there is not any true or [ certayned] n1enc' on 1nade in these our Letters patent. And not,vithstanding any_ defect in ye certainety, computac'on, or declarac'on, of y'-' true yearly vallue or quantity of ye p'nlisses, or any p't thereof, or in not nan1eing, or not recyting, ye nature, kind, quality or quantity of the p'n1isses, or any p'te thereof; AND notwithstanding the not fynding or ill fyndind, not returning or ill returning of any office, or Inquisition of ye said p'1nisses, or any p't or p' cell thereof, by ,vch or (ytle should have been found before ye n1akeing of these or L'res patent, AxD not,vithstanding the not recytall or n1iss recy"iall of any forn1r guift, grant, demise, or lease, 1nade of ye p'n1isses or any p'te thereof, A~D not,vithstanding ye not recytall, or n1iss .recytall, of or Right, tytle, or Intrest, in or to ye p'n1isses, or any p'te thereof, Asn not,vithstanding [ one statute~ n1ade at ly1nricke, in a J prlyan1t there holden, in ye three & thirtyeth yeare of ye Raigne of or Royall [Predecessor King Henry the Eight], Intituled an A.ct for lands given by ye King ; A~D not,vith­ standing any other sta,tute, act_. ordinance, p'vision, or restriccon, or any other cause, matter, or defect, ·y,·tsoever to ye Enrvacon, Evacuac'on, or Annihilac'on of these or l'res patent. PROVIDED that these or l'res patent bee Inrolled in ye Rolls of or High Court of Chancery, in or said I{ingdon1e of Ireland, ,vithin the • space of sixty days next ensueing the date of these p'nts- Although noe express 111enc'on be n1ade of ye true yearly vallue of all or any of ye p'n1isses, or of any Guift or Grant heretofore n1ade by us or any of or P'genitors unto ye said lieut Coll' Donogh me Gillicuddy, any statute, p'vision, or restriccon_, or any other cause, matter, act, ordinance, or thing, ,vtsoever, to ye contrary hereof in any ,vise not,vithstanding. IN "\VITTNESS ,vhereof ,ve have caused these or l'r~s [to be n1ade J patent. [Wittne.:is ourJ aforesaid lieut Gen'all, & gen'all 128 M-'GILLYCUDDY

Governor of or said Kingdome of Ireland, att Dublin the seaventh day of May, In ye thirtyeth yeare of or Raigne. D0Mvr1E

Examd p' v\ralter Banbury Dep. Ck. Hanap' Irrot' in Rotulis Pattent' Cancellar' hib'nie Decimo quinto die J ulii, anno Regni Regis Caroli Secundi, Tricesimo; et examinatur per Andr: Rain Cleric' in offic' Mag'r' Rot'. Intrat' in Officio ..A .. uditor' gen' hib'nie decin10 sexto die N oven1bris anno R R8,

0 xxx ; annoque Dom' 1678. Ri : Chapell Dep ....t\.udr.

LXXXIII. M'Carthy-uiore's l)()ncl, passecl to Cornell·us J.l[~Grillycucldy to secure J?ayrr1.ent of £200 .,frorn the ilfarquess of Antri1n, as JJCl-J't o_f the ·,ncu·riage JJort£o,n of Ellish J.l.f' Chrthy 1.oife of Cornelius J.l['G'illvcucldy. [Dated 23 Octol>er 1678] [Original] KNO\"\:~ all men by ihese p'sents, that I, Charles n1cCarthyn1ore, of Droun1humper, in the County of Kerry, Esq, doe hereby ackno,vledge and . . confess 1ny selfe, 1ny heirs, executors, adn1inistrators and assigns, to be iustly o,veing and endebted unto Cornelius 111ac Gyllycuddy, of Carre,vbegg, in the County aforesaid, gent', in the iust and full su1n of four hundred pounds, ster', Good and la,vfull currantt mony of and in England, to be paid unto the said Cornelius n1cGyllycuddy, his heirs or assigns, att his or their ,vill and pleasure, to y0 w·'ch payn1ent, ,vell and truely to be 111ade and done in manner as afforesd, I the said Charles 1ncCarthy doe hereby bind 1ne, n1y heirs executors adminis­ trators and assigns, fir111ly by these p'sents. In ,vittness ,vhereof, I have hereunto sett 1ny hand, and fixed rny seale, this ~:3d day of sbr 1678. The condic' on of the above obligation is such, that if ye right honorable I{andoll, l\'Iarquess of Antri1n, doe pay or cause to be payd unto the above nan1ed Cornelius mcGyllycuddy, his heirs, executors, ad1ninistrators, or assigns, the iust and full sum of two hundred pound, ster', att, on, or before the first day of May next ensueing the date hereof, v/ch summ of two hundred pound ster' PA.PERS. 129 are assigned over uppon the afforesaid Randoll, 1Iarquess of Antrim, by the above bounden Charles n1cCarthy rnore, as parte of the marriage portion given by the said Charles n1cCarthy ,vith his ~ister Ellish mcCarthy, unto the said Cornelius mcGillycnddy, that then the above obligation is to be voyd and of noe effecte, other\vise to stand, ron1ayn, and be in full force, strength and vertue in la,v. Signed Charles (!a.rthy (seal)

Signed sealed and DeliYcrcd in the p\;ence of us l\:fichaell Gall,vey. 'fyn1. Sulevane.

Tho111as Leddy., .


Cornel·tus .l.V['C-/alycuclcly's Bond to ll~nL .11Iuschan11> an.d Dani~el JJurgesse.

[D:1ted 2f➔ August 1678] [Original]

KNow all 111en by these presents t.hat I, Cornelius m<'Gillycuddy,of Carhuebegge: in ye Barrony of Doonekerran, in the C~ounty of Kierry, gent', doe stand, and hould ourselves firn1ly bound and indebted unto Wm Niuschan1p and Daniel Bnrgesse, of the City of Dublin, Esc(\ in the inst and full sun1'e of T,venty six pounds, ster', to be paid unto the said ,Vm l\Iuschan1p and Daniell Burgesse

111 01 or either of y , or the heires, Executors, adn1 ·s or assignes of any or either of them, at their or either of their ,vill and pleasure, to the ,rch payn1t ,vell and truly to be 1nade and done in 1nanner and for1ne as afforesai

Bar: Nao-le.t:,

"\Vhereas I, Cornelius 111cGillicuddy of Carhuebegge, in the (__;ounty of Kierry, gent\ are becon1e bound unto \Vm Muschan1p and Daniell Burgesse, of the Citty of Dublin, Esqrs in one bond of T,venty six pounds, ster', bearing equall date ,vth these presents, Condicioned neverthelesse for the payn1t of Six pounds ten Shillings, ster', at or uppon the fifteenth day of N ove1nber next ensueing the date hereof, and the like sun1'e of Six pounds ten shills ster', at or uppon the first day of June f ollo,ving, as by the said bond and Condic'on · thereof n1ay cipp'e. No,v kno,v yee that I, the said Cornelius mcGillycuddy, doe hereby authorise and In1po,ver Robt Longfield, Jeremy Donnovan, and Jon Connor, gents, Atturneyes of his Ma'tie's Court of E:xcheqr in Ireland, or any other Atturney of the said Courts, or any other Atturney of any other his Ma'tie's Courts in Ireland, to app'e for 111e the said Cornelius mcGillycuddy, at any tyme or tearme _after the said fifteenth day of November and the said first day of June folio-wing, and confesse one or 1nore Judgmt or Judgm ts with release of Errors agt us the said [ sicJ uppon the said bond of PAPERS. 131

Tfvventysix pounds, ster', by non s-u·m Info-r-niatus, _\":2~hil die-it, or otherwise·, and for your soe doeing this shall be yor W arrt_ Given undr ·n1y hand and seale this xxixth day of August anno Don1', 1678 Co : 111cGillycuddy (seal) Signed sealed and delivered in presence of us Row: Bate111an Jam: Connor Bar: Nagle.


Bond of .lVlessrs. Saunde-rs, Perkir,,s, aricl Bctrry for £1000 .

. [.Dated 27 February 1679] [Original] [Endorsed] 1fr Sanders, perkens &c, their bond.

N ORI~T universi p' p'ntes, Nos Robertun1 Saunders, de Civitate Dublin, A'rurn, Christophertnn Pe1·ki11s, de Clonolty in Con1' Tipperary, A'run1, et Ilich'u1n Barry, de Civi~tc Dublin predict', gener\un, T'eneri et firn1iter Obligari (;ornelio 1IcGillicuddy de Kearhubegge in Coin' I{e1Ty, gene1·oso, in :n1ille libris bonre et 1eg 'l' .ds n1onet ' A· ngl' , so1venc1 l' e1ne111. 1 \{__ ,;·: :i-neno,. 111(;·G·11· 1 1cuady, 1 ~ aut· suo certo Ad111"

Attornato, Heredibus1 Executoribus /\ vel Assignat' suis. Ad qmquiden1 soluconen1, bene et fideliter faciend', obligan1us nos, et utrun1q' n'run1 p' se, p' toto', et in solido, Heredes Executrs et .A .. drnins nostros fir~niter p'ntes Sigillis n'ris Sigillat'. Dat' vicesin10 septi1no die ffebruarii, anno Don1' 1679, annoq' R'i R's Caroli n'ri secundi &c, tricesin10 secundo. The Condic'on of the above obligac'on is such, that if the above bounden Robert Saunders, Christopher Perkins,, and Richard Barry, their heires, Ex.ecrs, Adn1r5, and assignes, and every of then1, Doe ,vell and truly observe, p'forn1e, fullfill, keepe, and accon1plish all and singuler the Covenants, Grants, A1--ticles, clauses, Condie' ons and agree1nents \vhatsoever ,vhich on theire p'tes and behalfes are or ought to be obser,;,~ed, p'for1ned, full-filled, aud kept, S 2 J[·GILLYCUDDY menc'oned and (io111prised in Certaine ....\..rticles bearing equall date ,vith the;-Sc p'ntes ; n1ade bet,veene the above bounden Richard Barry of the first partc, and the above-named Cornelius n1eGillicuddy of the second p'te_, and the above bounden Christopher Perkins of the third parte, and the above bounden Robert Sanders of the fourth p'te, according to the tenr and effect and true 1neaneing of the sa1ne ...t\rticles, that then the above obligac'on to be void, else to re1naine in full force and vertue ; Ro : Saunders (seal) Chr : Perkins (seal) Ri: Barry (seal) Signed sealed and delivered in the p'sence of us '"Then ye ,vord [Ad111s] ,vas interlined. \Vill: Lake ,villm : Hobbs .Joseph Bennett


;Dntcd :3 .Jl!ly 1 W,9] l_Original] l{a.rhnbeg :t .J ulij 1 G,~) Son/ l)eare I I ,r1ur yo 11 by the laste poste, but n1eeteing this convenience of n1r Kennengton's goeing, I thought to acquainte you of so1n thinges I forgot_; vidt, to have a care of l\'Ir Baten1an conserneing Castlen1a.ine faire, although I ,Yrit you to speak to hin1 for £ 10, ,v-hich I hope you ,Yill n1ake a shift to gett ti~on1 s01n bodie, if not fron1 hin1 ; and as for giveing yor nag to J[r Ton1son, if it were but for fear of Castlen1ane faire, doe ,vhat you think fit, for you 1nust understande that I n1ust leave those thinges to yor one iudgen1ent. As for the parish of Dron1od-el ; if you can get it for six score per anu1n, take it, or if forced, ten n1ore, for it's set for more, &, if that faile, be partcer [particular PAP.ERS. 133 to '1] contine,v l\fr To1nson yo' frende. I forgot in n1y laste that the Cors of the Coorte of Clayn1es, W'ho ,vere iudges of the acts of settlen1ent, did refuse Sr \Villia111 the reduced Collu1n, a.s ,-rell as the counsell of England after,vards. Discoorse busines ,Yith Ca.p 0 Burges & the cheefe of the 118"\V fern1ours, as ,vell as ,vith To111son. \~ ou n1ust al,vayes understcind that the tenants of Dro1nod-eil 1nust be free fro1n the arears, as I \Yrit you in 111y laste. Your wife is verie "~ell S.: is con1 hon1e, but goes againe ,vhen the people con1 fro111 the mountaines. The bearer is in haste. l\Iy serYice to nlr Kenengton. God. blesse you. I re1nayne yor father Do : 111 cJillvcudd V .; "


[Dated 1:3 October 1679] f_Orjginal]

[Endorsed] ...A ..rt-ikles bet,vixt 1ne and I\Ir. l-Iug·£tett.:_,..-, for \v·· oode.

..A .. RTICLES of agrcc1nt., 1nade and concluded by and bet-ween Donogh n1eGully­ cuddy, of l(ea-rhubeg, in ye County of Kerry, Esq, of )c one p'te, and ltichar

Wittnesses present ffior : Sullivane his ffra : + 1nead mark PAPERS.· 135


Letter of Lienteraud lV.alte;• Brough.

[Dated G December 1679] [Original] [Endorsed] Lt Brough's letter, 6C, xber /79

I HAVE l1ere Riten to Ellexender Eger, and to Charles Coner, about the R~nen The Line, and taken the porseson of ouer part of Donlo,v, as you 1nay see by tl1e sev' all Leters, and all sow.. for Egers kepen the porseson till furder orders, ,vhich you 111ay tack do,vn · you, if you have perfected yor Lese or artickells. I an1 ashured oner Line ,vill Ron nerer the n1ontan by egert dell, then the bige ston, and so,v to the lough. You ,vill

[ Addressed] ffor }Ir Cornellus 111c (;illicucldy Rt The Kinges hed in fishshambell street Dublin These 136 M'GILLYCUDDY


Bon.d ~f John Jfahony of D-rorn.o}·e.

.i Dated A,. nrll 1680] [Original]

John 1Iahony's Bond fo1· 1 ;)ti_ .. A.. pi-il I fiSO.

KNOW all n1en by these pr'nts, yt ,vee, Jon :Niahony, of Dro1norc, and ffiorence Sulevan, of Coolcloher, \rithin y° County of Keirry, gentl', doe here bynd, and confesse ourselve~ to be dnely o,veing, and indebted, unto llicharcl Barry, of ye Citty of Dublin, gentl', 8:. Cornelius n1("C+illycuddy, of Kenrhubeg, in ye County afores' d, gentl', in yt~ j nst and full su1n of '"f,Yel\·e ponnds, ster', good -and la,vfnll n1onie of :t:ngland, to he paid unto y(j said l!icha.rd Barry & Cornelius 111cGillycnddy, their heires, Executors, Adn1r8, or as3ignes, at his or their ,vill & pleasure, for ye true perfonnance ,vhereof~ "·ee, ye aforesd Jou l\Iahonv and ffiorence Sulevane, doe hereby for us, and either of ns, onr heires, u ~, & .:i\..dn1r\ joyntly and seYerally fir1nly by these pr'nts, as ,vitnes our handes & seales this last dav of .A.1·n·il IGSO. ....-\.nd fur defin1lt of 1)ayn1t ~, cl ' accordinge -~t true 1neaneing hereof, \\~ee, ye afore~;--i John l\labony & ffiorcnce Sulevan, doe hereby appoint and authorize lVIr tT u 11 (~arr, ~tr J 0 11 Connor, )Ir J eren1y Dona-,~~n1, or any other Atturny of l1i~ i\Ia~tic's fonre (~ourts iu . , ,. I , l ' t 1 , ] • ' • t· D u bl111, to accept- or a .,ee ... arac on ag us, npon ye ~tuove oo 1gac on, 1n any o the said Court~, and to ackncnvledge J ndg111t thereupon, by no1i. su-nt l:njof·r;nat', J.\Tihil Dicit, or other,vise. And for doeing ,-rhereof, this shalbe to the1n, or either of the111, a snffi.cient \\:arrt. ~;\_s vvittnes our hands &. Seales ye day & yeare above "\\Titteu.

vV HEREAS ye ahoYe bounden John l\!ahony hath taken a lease fro1n ye above ~ ~ V nan1ed Ricl1nrd Barry & (!ornelius n1('Gillycuddy~ of y~ rro-,rne and lauds of Dron1loskie and Derreyarroe, in ye County of Keirry, for y'· ter1ne and space of three veares, co1nencein2.· fro1n ve 2~Y 11 dav of l\1arch, la~t 1:1a~t, for ye vearelv e., L...l t./ " .... ti t,' rent of Six pounds, ster', as by a pa.ire of Indented deed:--, bearing date ,vith the:se pr'nts, llelac·on thereunto beeing bad, 1nay app\~. '"Jhe Condic'on of ye above obligac'on is such, ~/ if ye above bounden John 1Iahony, his heires Exr\ Ad1n·\ or assjgnes, shall ,vell & truely perfor1ne, fu1lfill~ observe, keep, · PAPERS. 137 and accomplish, all and singular ye Coven'ts, Condic'ons, & reservac'ons rnenc'oned & contained in ye said Lease, wch on ye part-and behalfe of ye said John Mahony, his heires, Exrs,, or assignes, ought to bee observed, fulHHled, kept and penormed, then ye above obligac'on to be void & of noe effect, otherwise to stand & remaine in full force and vertue in Law John Mahony (seal) Flor : Sulevane (seal) Sealed & delivered in ye presence of Flor : Sulevane Tym--: Sulevane

XC. Another Bond of John Mahony. [Dated 3 :May 1680] [Original] [Endorsed] -John Mahony's bond for 3\ ster', dat' 3d May 1680.

I, JoHN MAHONY, of Dromore, within ye County of Kerry, gentle', doe hereby promise to pay unto Corneli~s me Gillicuddy, of Caruebeg, within ye said County of Kerry, gent', and Richard Barry, of the Citty of Dublin, gentle', their Executors, Adm'rs, and Assignes, the sum of three pounds sterl', in two Equal! p'cons, (viz) the first paymt to Com'ence the first of November next after ye date hereof, and the other paymt att or before ye first day of May, then !mediately following, w'ch sum is in Considerac'on of one halfe year's Rent due, or Claimeable to be due, out of Dromlosky and Derryvarra, unto ye said Cornelius me Gillicuddy, and s'd Richard Barry, as due to ye p'sent :ffarmrs of his Ma'tie's Revenue in Ireland, w'ch halfe yeare ends ye twenty fift day of March last past. Witnes my hand & seal this third day of May 1680. John Mahony (seal) Present ffior' Sulevane Thomas Butler


XCI. M'Gillycuddy's bond /01~ the delivery of 10,000 Hogshead Staves unto Christmass Smith, merchant. [Dated 20 August 1680] [Original] [Endorsed] Mr Cornelius mcGullicuddy, his bond for 10,000 of Hoggsh' d Staves.

N OVERINT universi p' p'sentes, me Cornelium mcGullycuddy, de Carhubegg, in Comit' Kierry, Gener', teneri et :firmiter obljgari Christmasse Smith, de Traly, in Comit' p'diet', mercatori, in Cent' libris, ster', bonre et legalis monetre de et in Anglia, solvend' eidem Christmasse Smith, aut suo Certo Atturnato, executoribus, administratoribus, vel assignatis suis, vel ipsorum bene placit'; ad quam quidem solution', bene et fideliter faciend', obligo me, heredes, executores, et administratores meos firmiter p' presentes sigillo meo sigillat'. Dat' vicessimo die Augusti, Anno Dom'i milessimo sexcentessimo octuagessimo~ 1680. ·The Condic'on of ye above obligac'on is such, that if ye above bounden Cornelius mcGullycuddy, his executors, Adm.ors, or assignes, or any of them;, shall well & truely deliver, or cause to bee delivered, unto y 0 above· named Christmass Smith, his Executors, Adm.ors, or assignes, att ye house of David Hallyman, att Lughercannon, in ye p'ish of Traly, wthin y0 said County of Kierry, neere ye sea shoare, the Just & full number of tenn thousand good merchantable & pickled Hockshead Staves, of att Least four inches in breath & three foote in Length, or the sum of Sixty pounds ster', value of them, att or before ye first day of Decerrlber next ensueing ye Date hereof, wthout any fraud, Coven, or further Delay, then ye above obligac'on to be void & of none effect, or else to stand & remaine in full force & vigor in Law. Co : mcGillycuddy (seal) Signed sealed & Delivered in presence of us after interlineing, in~ above Condic'on, y° word " hocksh~ad'' and after turning y0 word" November" into "December.'' Robt Rice Bar: Nagle PAPERS. 139


Letter of Richard Thompson, Esq., of the Reveniie.

[Dated 9 November 1680] [Original] [Endorsed]. Mr Thompson's letter 9°. no: 1680 Revenue Office Dublin 9th Novr. 1680 CoRNELrus/ Pray, upon sight hereof, faile not to send up to Mr Bradley, where yor horses stood, the monies due to him, w'ch he says is 188 6d, for he is in very great need of it & I have assured him he shall soon receive it. I have fought yor Battle & foyled the Knt [Sir W. Petty 1] and made him cry & sobb in the open Cort, as A schoolboy that had been whipt, weh afforded laughter enough for all the Cort & is the table talke & discourse of Coffee houses. My humble service to my old Coll', and yor Lady, who if you have not already, or do not before the next Circuit get wth child, you will force me to come to yor assistance, & in that & all things else to my power, I will approve myself, yor faithful!, humble, servant, Richd Thompson If my horse be lame dont send him.

[ Addressed] These To mr Cornelius meGillycuddy to be left with mr Robt Rice at Traley

T2 140 ll'GILLYCUDDY '

XCIII. Licence for .1.W' Gillycuddy to keep Firear1ns. [Dated 12 August 1681] [Original]

My Lord Lt his lysence for 2 firelockes, 12 August 1681

By the Lord [Lieutenant G'n'all and] G'n'all Governour of Ireland. ORMOND WE hereby think fitt to [grant leave to J Collonell McGuillycuddy of [Caruebegg in the CountyJ of Kerry to keep two firelocks [for the defence J of his house, and we hereby [require . . . J Crosby, in whose hands the sd [arms are] to deliver to him two firelocks. [Dated at] Kilkenny the 12th day of [August 1681] · Coll. McGuillycuddy's licence for 2 firelocks

XCI\7" .

.llf' Gillycuddy' s bond to John A nketell, of Fa-r1·ihy. [Dated 17 January 1682] [OriginalJ

[Endorsed] 17° Jan: 1862. Coll mcGillicuddys bond, of £200, payable in May and November, 1684.

BEE it knowen unto all men by these presents, that I, Donogh mcGillycuddy, of Kearhubeg, in the County of Kiery, Esq, doe acknoweledge and Confesse myselfe to be duely indebted unto John Ankettell, of farihe, in the county of Limerick, Esqr in the just and full sum of tivo hundred pound, ster', good and Currt mony of England, to be payd unto the sai9- John Anketill, his heires, Executrs, Admt', and assignes, att his or theire will and pleasure, to the w'ch paymt well and truely to be made, and don, in maner and forme as aforesaid, PAPERS. 141

I, the said Donough 111eGillycuddy, do bind myselfe, n1y heires, Executor\ & Admrs, firmely, by these presents. In witnesse whereof I have hereunto putt my hand and seale the 17th day of January 1682. WHEREAS there is a pension of one hundred pounds, ster', allowed and established unto the said Donogh mcGyllycuddy, yearly, during our soveraine lord the King's pleasure, to be received out of his matie's Excheqr of this King­ dome of Ireland, ,v'ch s'd pension the s'd Donogh mcGyllycuddy hath assigned and made over unto the s'd John Ankettill, his heires, or Assignes, for the space of foure yeares commencing on the first day of November past last, that is in consideration of four hundred pounds ster', part of a mariadg portion, due & payable from the s'd Donogh mcGyllycuddy to the said John Anketill. And whereas it may happen by the death of the s'd Donogh mcGyllycuddy, or by any other meanes. whatsoever, the s'd pension should be stoped or unpaid in the Excheqr, and that the said John Anketill should not receave the same. The condition therefore of this obligation is such, that if one hundred pounds, ster', of the s' d pension be payed to the said John Anketill, his heires, or assignes, that is to say, fiftie pounds ster', on the first day of may ,v'ch shall bee in the yeere of our I'd God one thousand six hundred eighty and four, and fiftie pounds ster', on the first day of November, then next following in the same yeere, without fraude or deceite, that then this obligation shall be voide; otherwise the same to remaine in full force and vertue in law. Do. mcGillycuddy

Being p'sent att the signeing sealing & delivery hereof, ,vhen the ,vord t,vo was interlined in the bond bet,veene the fourth and fifth line, wee whose names ensue H. Stephenson Dan Sullivan Jn Sullivan his mark + 142 l£'GILLYCUDDY

XCV. Letter of Francis Davis. [Dated 30 March 1682] LOriginal] [. ..~ddressed] ffor Donogh meGillycuddy, Esqr, at his house, at Kerhubeg, in the County of Kerrie. Limericke the 30th of March 1682 Honored gr by ordr of Charles Porter, Esqr, my master, I send this bearer George Graham to begin to fall & shipp in mr Porter's woods, & to begin in Gurtra­ gowne, I intreat yt hee- may have yor assistance yt he may not suffer any wronge, for hee is a very honest servt, w'ch I have found some years. I have ordered him to agree for Carriadge of s'd Barke to the place I made choyce of, not doubtinge but you have purchased it. I shall allsoe be sending the staves w'th all speed possible to yt place, for my master Expects a shipp loadinge of Timber & staves in a short time, & to yt order I have agreed wth ,vorkmen to square Timber, wch men will be there next week. This week Will. Hirst has promised to be there, to oversee the "'.'"ork, & order it to sawyers and squarers. Pray, Sr, if there be any wont of monies to supply the workmen, advise me, & it shall bee ordered, for I have ordered a supply to be allways for yt work. I hope Grubb is at his work, & yt Hugh is carefull. Pray sr my love to him: wth my Humble service to yr selfe & Lady, I . rema1ne, yor Humble servt, ffrancis Davis

XCVI. Protection, granted by the Court of Exchequer to M'Gillycuddy against actions, suits and a1·rests, and signed by the Lo·rd Chief Baron. [Dated 4 January 1683] [Original] 4° January 1683

WHEREAS, at the request of the present Comrs and Managers of his Ma'tie's Revenues in Ireland, who had Occasion to make use of the Testimony of PAPERS. 143

Coll' Donogh McGillicuddy for his 1tiatie·, service, the protection of this Court was granted unto the said Coll1 mcGillicuddy on the fifth day of December last, to continue untill the eighth day of January Instant. Now at the request of the said Comrs and Managers, praying that the said protection may be enlarged untill the first day of Aprill next, they haveing further Occasion to make use of the said Coll' m 0 Gillicuddy's Testimony as aforesaid ;-Which being taken into Considerac'on, It is ordered by the Court, that the said. Protection be, and hereby is, accordingly enlarged, and that the said Coll' m0 Gillicuddy be, and is hereby, further protected by this Court against all Civill acc'ons, suits, and arrests whatsoever, untill the first day of Aprill next ensueing the date hereof, whereof all persons concerned are to take Notice. He: Rene Ex' p' 01: Grace. Dep Clk Rot'. Int' in offi.c c'vi' Theolon' civit' l Intret' in offic' Vice-Comit' civit' Dublin' 4° die Januar' 1683-J Dublin quarto die January An'o Phil Croft D'ni 1683 p' Wm Cook.

XCVII. Orde·r of the Co·urt of Exchequer, at request of Sir W. Petty,for a Survey of certain lands ,in Knockane parish.

[Dated 13 October 1683]

[Endorsed] Knockane lands-Coll1 mcGillycuddye's . . . agst. Petty about Knockane lands. --- 13° Dec 1683 - Cur' Lay aside the Ordr for ye Surveyor as to ye 21,032A. --- Chettwood. Com' Kerry x.iij 0 die October 1683 .

.u PON 111oc'on of Councell with Sr William Petty, Knt, setting forth yt a p'cell of lands, belonging to the Parish of Knockane, in T Barony of Dunkerran, in the said County, (granted to him by his Ma'tie's L'res Pattents) marked in ye plott (21), & cont' 21,032A, by the extreame of ye Downe survey, 144 ll'GILLYCUDDY

within w' ch surround are many p' cells of lands called cowesgrazings, p'te of ye names whereof are menc'oned in ye said Downe survey, & p'te omitted, and ye lands named are undistinguished, & therefore prayed that a Survey might bee authorized to ascertaine & distinguishe ye same, according to ye said Downe · Survey. weh being taken into Considerac'on, and upon reading a pettic'on p'ferred by the said gr Wm Petty,-It is ordered yt the Surveior g'rall, or his l)eptr, doe Commissionate a Surveyor, to bee s,vorne before ye Rt honhie the Ld cheife Baron, or any y" Barons of this Court, to survey the said 21,032\ according to ye Downe Survey, & yt hee distinguish ye sev'all denominac'ons n1enc'oned in ye same according to their p'per meares & bounds, & yt hee alsoe distinguish wt other denominac' ons shall bee found to lye within y 0 said surround of 21,032\ by their names, quantities, figure & situac'on, according to ye said Survey, whereof the said Surveyr g'rall and all officers concerned are to take Notice. He: Rene Copia vera Ex' p' Dan. Forrest Dep. Rem. Thes' --

CXVIII. Order of the Co-urt of Exchequer against Ja1nes ·lValler who soiight to obtain possession of the u,oods of Glancarragh, ...~I' Gillyc1.tddy' s property. [Dated 30 Nov. 1683] Com' Kerry xxx0 die Novembr' 1683 "\VHEREAS James Waller, Esqr, on ye 13th of October, 1683, obteined an order requireing the Surveyor g'rall to Comissionate a Surveyor, to be sworne to survey 1990A of timber woods in Glancarragh, according to ye Downe survey, and to shew the Sherr' of ye said County the meares and bounds thereof, accordingly to ye ends hee might give poss'ion of ye s'd lands, pursuant to T Injunc' on of this Court. Wherewth Coll' Donogh m00Gillicuddy, being greived, _by his Councell humbly moved the _Court, setting forth yt hee is in poss'ion of PAPERS. 145 the lands of Cooleageliher, called and knowne by the severall denominac'ons, hamletts, or Cousegraseings, of Shanacashell, Gortarolick, Aghane, Cappagh­ more, Cappaghasanavally, Gortnegavone, and Aulagh, lying and being in the Barony of Dunkeiran, & parish of Kilorglin, and County aforesaid, for above 20 yeares last past, as his ancient Estate, and yt the same are noe p'te or p' cell of Lyrans & Glancarha Timberwoods, and that Sir William Petty Knt gave out yt hee would bring them as p'te thereof, & further setting forth yt the said lands of Lyran and Glencarra timber-woods were formerly the p'priety of o Sulivane more, and are distinct lands from ye lands hee enjoyed as affores'd. Which being taken into considerac'on and upon reading the affidt of ye s' d Coll' mcGillicuddy, It is ordered yt ye s'd James Waller have the poss'ion of noe more lands then the former Custodee had, unlesse hee shew cause tomorrow. p ' Cur ' Dan: Forrest Dep. Rem. Tres.


Annulling of the Order fo1'" sitrveying ce 1rtain lands in Knockane parish, because it had been obtained by Si1'" vV. Petty fro1n the Court of Exchequer by a . sitrprise. [Dated.Michaelmas Term 1683]

0 [Endorsed] Tr • Michaelis 1683. -- Order for Coll' mcGillycuddy to make voide ye Survey made by Sr William of ye surround.

CoM' KERRY Ter'no S'ct Mich'is 1683.

WHEREAS by order of this Court of the xiiith of October last, made on Moc'on of councell with Sr Wm Petty, Knight, setting forth that a p'cell of lands, belonging to the p'sh of Knockane, in the Barony of Dunkerane, and County aforesaid, granted to him by his lvia'tie's Letters pattents, marked in the Plott (21) and containing 21,032A by the Extream Collum of the Down Survey, within which surround many p'cells of Lands called Cowgraseings, part of the names whereof are menc'oned in the said Down Survey, and part omitted, and the lands named are undistinguished, and therefore prayed that u 1-16 M'GILLYCUDDY

a surveyor might be authorized to ascertain and distinguish the same according to the Do-\vn Survey. It ,vas ordered that the Surveyor Generall or his Deputy should commissionate a Surveyor, to be sworne before the Right Honbie the Lord Chiefe Baron, or any the Barrons of this Court, to survey the said 21032A according to the Do-\vn Survey, and to distinguish the· several denomi­ nac'ons should be found to ley within the said surround of 21,032A, by their names, quantities, figure and situac'ons, according to the said survey. Now, upon moc'on of Councell with Coll' mcGillycuddy, setting forth that the said Sr Wm Petty is in possession of all the lands he ought to have by vertue of his letters pattents, and that, on pretence of the said order, the surveyor hath been surveyeing other persons' lands, which doe not belong to the said gr William Petty, and therefore prayed that the said order, with all the proceedings thereon, might be made void, in regard the same was obtained by a surprize. Which the Court takeing into Considerac'on, and it appearing to the Court, upon full debate of this matter by councell on both sides, that the said order was obtained by a surprize as aforesaid :-It is ordered that the said order, of the xiiith of October, with all and singular the proceedings thereon, be and is hereby annihilated and made void, whereof the said Surveyor g'rall and all other officers and p' sons concerned are to take Notice. He: Rene Copia vera Ex' p' Dan: fforest Deput. Rem. Thes. Entered in the Surveyor G'rall's office Ant: Kelly

C. P1·oceedings in the Cou'rt of Excheqiie1· concerning M' Gillycuddy' s Quit rent.

[Dated 3 February 1684] CoM KERRY 3° February 1684 UPPON moc'on of Councill, on behalf of Sr Wm Petty, Knt, the heires of Coll' Henry Pretty, & Capn Benjamin Barry, Trustees for the 3 Regin1ents PAPERS. 147

Lott in the County of Kerry, and upon reading the affidavt of John Mahony· gent', whereby it appears that Donnogh M'Gillicuddy, Esqr, got in the Possn of ye severall Lands hereafter menc'oned, on or about .August 1661, vizt Part of Shanderry and Shilane, Gortnescarry, Cahir-Donnell-Iragh, Cahirdonnell more, Garraugh, Ballineernaghtane, Rahmore, Rah-Iragh, Braghearragh, Coade, Behehane Gawlane, Kappanrus, Searl, Listiconnor, Glanloghy under severall Denominac'ons, Eskytamane, Formoylenavgan, lncheeleehy, Derreen­ anvurrig, and Lamanagh, w'ch Lands the said Donnogh meGillicuddy and his under Tenants held & enjoyed, vizt :-Capn Dan11 me Gillicuddy, Cnoghr mcGillicuddy, Donnogh m.c Dermod, Capn John Blackwell, Capn Dermod Sullivan, Dermod me Teige Gillicuddy and severall others, distinctly from .A.n° 1661 untill about the 25th of March 1675. At w'ch time the said lands were seized by a W ritt of seizure, and afterwards the said lands were enjoyed by the said Donnogh mcGillicuddy and his Tenants, untill May 1680, at which time they were sett to tenants by Cnoghr mcGillicuddy, by vertue of a Custodium granted of the same & other lands. Which lands were past to Coll' Henry Pretty, Capn Benjamin Barry, and gr Wm Petty, Knt, by the _Comrs of the late Court of Claimes An° 1668, out ofw'ch there was no Quitrent paid to his Ma'ty, or Rents paid to the said Coll1 Pretty, &c, since the King's Restau­ rac'on to the year 1680. And therefore the said Trustees pray'd that the said Coll' Donnogh mcGillicuddy might ans"1'"r the quitrents, due to his Ma'ty out of the said lands, dureing ye time they were enjoyed by him as aforesaid and that hee account for the Measne profitts for the said time. Which the Court takeing into Considerac'on,-IT 1s ORDERED that time be given the said Coll' Donnogh mcGillicuddy untill Tuesday next, to shew cause wherefore he should not answr the said Quitrents to his Ma'ty, and acct with the said Trustees for the measne Proffitts ; that such further Order may be given as the Court shall direct. p' Cur

Richd : Barry



Application of Ja1nes Walle1~ to the Exchequer /01-- a survey of Glancarragh, with the order of the Court thereitpon. [Dated June 1684] [Endorsed] Gillycuddy agt Order to make a Surveyor Waller Served ye 16th of June 84

Jacobus Waller ) 10 June 1684 V I WHEREAS by a former order of this Court, of the 10 May I Coll' Donnogh r last, on behalfe of ye said James Waller, Custodee of ye m eGillicudd y I severall lands in the County of Keiry,-It was ordered ------J that the names of some p'ticullar Surveyors should be brought to this Court, to the end ye Court might chuse a Surveyor, to goe downe and survey 1990A timber woods of Glancarra, in the said County, and that gr Wm Petty and meGillicuddy should use their Objec'ons ~gt such choice as the Court make, and whereas pursuant to the said order ye Deputy Surveyor Ge'rall gave in the names following, vizt ;-John Humphreys, Roger Ekersly, Maurris Carroll & Denis Clark, as skilful} surveyors for ye Court's election of a p'ticular Surveyor as aforesaid. Now upon moc'on of Councell with ye said Mr Waller praying the Court would name any one of ye said Surveyors to goe dov\7ne and survey ye said lands, It is ordered that four days be given ye said me Gillicuddy to object the nameing of any of ye said p'sons and that he have a Coppie of ye said Surveyors' names. p' Cur' Rich: Barry PA.PERS. 149


Pe1'·missi~on for Cornelius M' Gillycuddy to 11,se fallen Timber in ce·rtairi ~woods in Kerry. [Dated 1 July 1684] [Endorsed] Mr Babe's PO"\Ver to Mr Cornelius meGillycuddy for the fallen timber.

BY vertue of an Ordr to mee Directed from the Chief Comrs and Governors of his Matie's Revenues of Ireland, ordring that Mr Cornelius Magillicuddy should be p'mitted to use, and carry away, all the now fallen timber, in the ,voods belonging to the three Regiments, in the Barrony of Dunkerran & Glanorughly and County of Kerry. These are therefore to require all concerned in p'serveing the said woods, that they, from the date hereof, molest not the said Mr Magillicuddy in makeing use of the said fallen timber, (p'vided that he doe not cutt or fall any of the now timber standing and growing in the said woods). Dated this first day of July 1684 [Signed] Bartho : Babe, Collr To all concerned.


Affidai·it conce1''n/i1tg D1inloe and other lands.

Dated 21 February 1686]

WHEREAS the Lands of Dunelowe, and other Lands in the County of Kerry, are graunted in Custodium to John Ellis Esqr, to his Matic's use, and are sett to Cornelius n1e Gullycuddy, Gent'-Nowe David Barrett, Gent', came this day before 111e, and made oath that Nyne hundred and thirtye accers of the lands of Ardtullihy, eight hundred and foure accers p'te of Inchynare and bardnastousky, are ,vthheald by Daniell me ffynine Carthye, beinge parte of the said Custodiun1, and are worth nyneteene pounds p' annum ;-Garrina, seaven 150 M'GILLYCUDDY . hundred sixty nyne_ accers, beinge p'te of the said Custodium, and past in Custodium to James Waler, as p'te of Robert Marshall's Lott, worth p' annum :fifteene pounds :fifteene shillinges :-Seaven hundred two accers 39 pearces of the two plowlands of Shanderyes, in the said Custodium mentioned, are past in patent to Con : Donnogh me Gullycuddy, as p'te of his two thousand accers, worth twelfe pounds twelfe shillings p' annum :-Coumenahorny, beinge p'te of the two plowlands of Cahir Donelmore, in the said Custodium mentioned, wthheald by Dermod oge Sulevane upon pretence of beinge adiudged in the Late Courte of Grace, worth six pounds ten shillings p' annum ;-The Lands of Ankeal is p'te of the f oureteene hundred accers of Gortagoune in the said Custodium mentioned, is wthheald by Cornelius Sulevane and worth two pounds ten shillings p' annum ;-Sleanenasaskye graseinge, belonginge to the halfe plowland of Kaunreagh, in the aforesaid Custodium mentioned, wthheald by the aforesaid Dermod oge Sulevane, upon pretence aforesaid, worth one pound p' annum ;-Inchynanagh and Shandrum, beinge parte of the said Custodium, wthheald by the said Daniell me ffynine Carthye, past in patent by other names in the late Courte of grace, beinge worth six pounds p' annum.­ All the aforen1entioned Lands, the said Doponi Deposeth they are worth the aforementioned severall sumes yearly, & will pay the same yearely· for a lease thereof, and will Enter into Securitye for the same if recQvered. Jur' cor' me 21° die ffeb'r' 1686 Stephen Rice


0111der of the Lord Lieiitenant ancl Council concerrt-ing Salmon Fishing.

[Dated 9 March 1686] [Original]

AFTER our hearty Comendac'ons, we have caused a proclamac'on to be lately imprinted, dated the 7th day of March 1686, concerning Salmon ffishing. Of which proclamac'on we send you herewith a certain number, requiring you to cause the same to be forthwith solemnly proclaimed with sound of Trumpett and beat of Drum in full markett, and publickly fixed up in all the marketts, and other publick places, throughout that County, that soe all persons con- PAPERS. 151

~erned may take notice thereof. And we require you, by the next post after rour receipt hereof, to signifie to the Cl'ke of the Councell the day of your receipt of these our letters. And soe we bid you heartily farewell. From the Councell Chamber in Dublin the 9th day of March 1686 your loveing friends TYRCONNELL H. PYTTON C CLANRICARDE LYMERICK GoRMANsToN GALMOYE JoN DAvYs WILL: TALBOT RoB: HAMILTON THO: NEWC0:rI:EN N: PGRCELL

CV. Letter froni the Earl of Rochester to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland concerning Oak ti1nber ~tn the woods in Kerry cut doivn, as was said, by M'Gillycuddy. [Dated 2 April 1686] [Endorsed] Thorp's information concerning Ballenbog. To ye Rt honble ye Earle of Rochester, Ld high T'rer of England, The humble pettn of Isaac Thorp, of Traley in ye County of Kerry, Ireland, She"1-eth THAT yr pettr understanding by ye Gazzett yt his Ma'ty hath occasion for Oak timber, and yr pettr being acquainted ,vith a place in Ireland, of his Ma'tie's, whereon is standing good timber for his Ma'tie's supply, and neare ye conveniency of Shipping, ,v'ch ,voods are dayly distroyed by ye Country;- Therefore, if yr honnr think fitt to be fully informed in this matter, yr pettr, when called, is ready to give yr honnr an acct thereof. Copia vera Jo : Nethercott Dep. Ren1. Thes. 152 ll'GILLYCUDDY

My Very good Lord, · I lately rece' d an informac' on from Isaack Thorp, of Tralee, in ye County of Kerry, in Ireland, by his pettn, a coppy whereof is here inclosed. Where­ upon I sent for ye s'd Thorp, who explayned to me he lately came into ye River with a ladeing of Oake timber, which he tells me he brought from a place neer Ballybegg, in ye County of Kerry. He likewise me yt there is a considerable quantity of wood, ship timber, at Ballybegg, w'ch belongs to ye King, & yt one Mc Gillycuddy cutts downe and sells great quantityes thence, upon ye pretence of a grant he hath for fallen timber there, as he calls it. Thorp hath sold his ladeing of timber to ye Navy, w'ch p'haps might have been the King's timber & came from ye same place, though he doth not O-\vne it. And if it should be soe, he notwithst~nding deserves encouragemt for his enformac' on. He is imediately returning back into Ireland. I have therefore thought :fitt to send yr Ex'cy this acct, yt you n1ay send for ye s'd Thorp and receive a more p'ticular informac'on of ye matter, ,v'ch he is ready to give, upon yr Ex'cie' s sum'ons.

I am, my Very good lord, y 1 Ex'cye's most humble servant, ROCHESTER; Whiteh.all Tre'ry Aprill II0 1686

[Post scriptJ Mr. Thorp informes me that there is at present a considerable p' cell of tymber lyes ready Cutt, at Ballybegg, w'ch may be seized for ye King's use. I there­ fore desire yr Ex'cy to take immediate care in it.

Copia Vera

Jo : N ethercott Dep. Rem. Thes. PAPERS.


Inventory of M'Gillycuddy's Cattle.

[Dated 15 May 1686] + Jesus Maria, a~

An account, taken by me, of my Cattle, from Theig du.ff this 15 of May 16 86, the last being the 19th febr: 1684, beinge 66 in all.

IN primis, sent home sixteen milckes Cowes, whereof five Miscaried and given away, one to the friers, one to Dermott Skannell, the three other lost att Commientomien, in the parcke att home, and att Ardacluckien. Fiveteen milckes Cowes held by the Cow boy bis father &c, an other Cowe killed christmass last was twelfe moneth, three Cowes lost here this yeare and last yeare, allsoe one bullocke lost, one bull kelt and given to Charles Egane.

What is now extant of the said Cattle. Eleven Milckes Cowes, twelfe Gaunaghs, two Gaunaghs more, four Sanne­ fieghs, beinge of the 8th last yeares Carteses, whereof three are Milckes Cowes this yeare, eleven Gaunaghs att home. Tenn stears att home, and three hier, and a bull, three Cow Carteses, 3 · Cowe yearelinges, and one male. Seaven shannefiegs bullockes w'ch I had from friends .

..A.n account of my horses. Four horses and Garrens and Tenn Meares.

* "a" stands for amen. This ancient devotional formula was similar to the words In dei nomine, Am,en, so generally used at the commencement of wills.


CVII. ' Motion for a Writ of Estrepement to preserve the tir,iber at Ballebeg.

[Dated 8 July 1686]

8 July 1686 MR THOMPSON-in behalfe of the King, moves for a writt of Estrepementi to preserve woods belonging to his Ma'tie on lands near Ballybegg Con1, Kerry.

Lord of Rochester's L're Read, to whom informac'on was given by one Thorp, yt Coll m0 Gillycuddy cutt downe & sold his Ma'tie's ship timber. Cur'. A writ of Estrepemt, unlesse Mr mcGillicuddy show cause on Saturday-first having notice thereof.

p ' cur.' Jo : N ethercott Dep' Rem' Tres'

• Estrepement. Any spoil or waste made by tenant for life upon any lands or woods to the prejudice of. him in Reversion. Also making land barren by continual ploughing. The writ of estrepement was abolished by 3 & 4 Wm. IV. c. 27. ["W1iarton' s Law Lexicon. J

CVIII. Lette·r concerning Fishing. [Dated 29 October, 1686] [Endorsed] John Rawlins his letter about the fish of Sweine.

my father advised me that you ordered me to send you word what I paid Mr Rease for the fish. I paid him for the halfe of the fish six p'nds Eleven shills in Cash, and one p'nd ten, which I paid by yr l'er, Laid out about PAPERS •. 15.5;

Sweine fishing. Itt is something more then 30 9 which you shall have an Exact Acct of as sone as I come home ; as alsoe of all other things Betwene my father and you; who am, Dr Sr, yr affec': Humble sarvant to Command Jon Rawlins 29th of Octer 1686.

[ Addressed] For : Mr Cornelius me Gillycuddy at Carubeg


Order for pay1nents to Donogh M'Gillycuddy, High Sheriff of Kerry.

[Dated 15 April 1687] [Original]

Mr Daniell Harman I DESIRE you will paye unto Donogh m Gillycuddy Esqr, high Sheriffe of the County of Kerry, the sum of five pounds, ster', out of ,vhat moneys is ordd for me for maintaineing his matie's prisonrs since last sessions. And the sum of five pounds ster' more I promise to allow or paye you out of ,vhat moneys rd wi]l be ord me for Relei:ffe of prisonrs next J ully Sessions. And for soe Doeing this shall be yor Discharge for soe much. As wittness my hand this 15th Aprill 1687. John Williams Boath sumes to be paid to the high Sheriffe affor' s' d

X2 156 M'GILLYCUDDY OX. ·Warrant of the High Sheriff of Kerry, Donogh M' Gillyc·uddy,for the arrest o.f the Rev. John Richard, a defendant in an action for debt. [Dated 16 April 1687] [Original] CoM. KERRY. Donogh n1eGillycuddy, Esq\ high Sheriffe of ye sd county, to Phillip Lucett, Morris Hussey, Speciall bailiffe, & his · assistants (at ye pl'f's p'ill). Richard Noble, gen' l BY vertue of a decree to me directed from his matie', pl'f' ! late goeing lords Justices of assz for ye p'vince of John Richard Cl'ke ~ Munster, I require and authorize you forthWth to ' I Deft j apprehend the boddy of ye said defendt, wheresoever wthin ye said County he may be found, (as well wthin liberties as w thout) and him haveing soe apprehended, salfe to bring & convey ~ into his ~atie'• County G~ale of ye sd Co~nty, there to remayne in salfe custody_ ~L.\L. & execution, for & untill he shall sat1sfie & pay unto ye pl't'f' ye sum' e of Twenty pounds & nyne shills ster', Debt Interest & Costs. And for soe doeing this shalbe a sufficient ,varrant. Dated under my hand & seale of office 10° April 1687° Do: msGillycuddy Sher9 fees £1 5s 10d Ex' p' Jo: Lylesse & Com.

CXI. Cornelitts M'Gillycu.ddy's Petition to the Lord Lieutenant (Tyrconnell) with Hi.-; Excellency' s order thereupon. [Dated 16 July, 168i] [Original] [Endorsed] The humble Petic'n of Cornelius m0 Gilly Cuddy. 11 To his Exeie Richard, Earle of Tyrrconnell, Ld Depty Gen , and Genau Govern of Irland The humble Petic'on of Cornelius me Gilly Cuddy, Humbly Sheweth, THAT severall Lands in the County of Kerry, Comonly known by the name of the three Regiments Lott, being very much in Arreare of Quitt Rent. PAPERS. 157 to his Maj' tie, a Custodiurn was granted thereof to John Ellis Esq, in trust for his Maj'tie. That the lands in the annexed schedule, being part of the said Lott, are such. as were the propriety of your Peticonr·s ffather, or paid to him Cheifrie, and the whole lands being in his Maj'tie's disposal as aforesaid. 1Iay it therefore please your Exeie to grant your Petr a Custodiun1 of the said Lands, att the Rent the same have yeilded to the said Custodee, for these 4 yeares past, or in proporc' on as he setts the whole Lands. And he ,vill ever pray &c Dublin Castle 16 July 1687 We refer the consideration of the above Petition and annexed Scedule to our very good Lord the Lord Chief Baron, and the rest of the Barons of his Mat's Court of Exchequer, to inquire into the matter, and certify us ,vhat they find, ,vith their opinion what we may fitly doe therein. TYRCON~ELL

A. R. P. Cahirdonell Ieragh 220 00 00 Bracaharagh one plow Land 100 03 14 Shanderie 2 plow Ld 2317 00 00 Goulane Kippaghenrush & Ardshielane 600 00 00 Listie Cnogher & Skart 2 pl' L'ds 860 00 00 Glaunloghie 1 plow Land 315 01 00 Gortneskarrie 220 00 00 Ardmore one plow Ld 50 00 00 Megulls & Bohekille 9 gneeves 259 02 00 Durreen Auli:ffe 770 00 oc Durrilettir Cnose & Moniflugh 2500 00 0( Raghieragh one plow Ld 190 03 34 Raghmore one plow Land 190 03 34 Garrugh ten gneeves ~60 03 3C Coade one plo-,v Ld three gneeves 380 02 20 Beheghane Ieghtragh 173 01 24 Durreenevurrigh 970 00 00 Graiseing belonging to Garrina and Durreenevurrigh 435 02 16 Durreenefoile ~ pl' Land 294 00 00 Gluiske two gneeves 223 03 3C 158- lf'GILLYCUDDY.

CXII. Repo·,~t" to t~e Conun-issioners of Re-venue on Colonel .1.lf'Gillycuddy's Petition.

[Dated 1687] [Endorsed] :Oir. Thon1pson's Report upon Mr. McGillycuddye's peticion.

To the Honble the Cheife Comrs, & Govrs of his ~Iatie's Revenue in Ireland,

May it Please your honrs, IN obedience to your Ordr of refferrence, I have examined the contents of the Petition of Cornelius McGilly-Cuddy, hereunto annexed, and :finde the lands of Dunlow, and severall other lands in the county of Kerry, granted by the Certificate of the Comrs of the late Court of Claimes unto Coll' Pritty and others, for the 3 Regimts, ,vere granted in Custodiam, by the Court of Exchqr, to John Ellis, Esqr for his Matie's use, in June, 1683, and by yor honrs· agreemt and directions sett by him a Lease to the Pettr, att the Rent of 340u, to com­ mence 25th March, 83, and to continue dureing the said Custodiam. I alsoe finde, by a Le're dated the 8th Sept 83, ,vritten by Mr Ellis to the then Collr, Mr Barth: Babe, ,vherein he directs that upon the complaint of the Pettr, that if the Pettr should take the lands forth,vith, and give such security as the Collr should approove off, that he should sett him the same at the Rent of 280n per ann; w'ch I finde the said Collr did accordingly. I alsoe finde, by a Certificate fro1n the said Coll\ that he gave poss' on thereof the 2nd day of October 1683, and the Pettr praies he might be charged wth no Rent but from the time he ,vas put in poss' on thereof as aforesaid. I alsoe find, by the affi.dt hereunto annexed, that there are seveTal lands wch were in the said custod' and sett to the Pettr as aforesaid, ,v' ch he could not enjoy, the vallue ,vhereof by the said affidavitt appeares to be 63H 7s p' Ann. I alsoe finde the Pettr hath paid, on acct of the said Lease, to the said Collr, 1 492li 9s ll\ and to lYJr Christopr Carleton the sum'e of 106 i 4s 8\ soe that, accounting the Rent att 280li p' ann, from the time the Pettr was put in poss'on as aforesaid, I finde he is .chargeable, for 3 yeares and halfe rent due at Easter last, the sum'e of 980u, and if your honrs should allow the Pettr the sum'e 1 of 63 i 7s p' ann., for the lands ·he could not enjoy as aforesaid, for the said

1 11 time, it amounts to 221 i 14 6d w'ch with the 492li 9s Ild paid to l\{r Babe, PAPERS. 159

and 106li 4s sd to Mr Carleton, amounts to the sum'e of 820li ss 3ld; ,v'ch being deducted out of the said Charge, there remains due from the Pettr at 1 Easter the sum'e of 15·9 i 11s sid. But I humbly conceive the Pettr ought to pay the Rent from the date of the said Custodium, because the said Lands were in Custod' before, and the Lease commences from the 25th March 1683; and if your hons should be of that opinion, the Pettr is to be charged w'th the § y'rs Rent due att Mich'as 83, w'ch amounts to 140u; whereof if your honrs should allow for the lands he did not enjoy, w'ch comes to 21u 68, it will be 118u 14s. I alsoe conceive the lands withheld from the Pettr, tho' they ,vere ,vorth 63u 7s p' ann, as by the affidtt is sworne, Yett the vallue thereof, in proportion to the whole lands, amounts unto but 42u 12s; and if yr honrs should be of opinion the Pettr ought to be allo,ved no more abatemt p' ann', then the Pettr

,vould be charged with, besides the 118n 14 s for the } y'rs Rent due as afore­

said, the sum' e of 72u 12s 6d; ,v' ch two sumes being added to the 15 9H 11 s 8 id due from the Pettr att Easter 87 as aforesaid, I finde the whole due from the

1 8 Pettr att Easter 87 amounts to 350 i 18 2¾d Richd Thompson.

CXIII. Letter to Cfolonel Dono·iigh .,.~f'G£llyciiddy fro,n. his b1'·other Cornelius or Connor. [Dated 26 April 1688] [Original] Dublin the 26 of Aprill. 88. Dearest Brother I HAVE receaved no Certeayne ne,ves out of England but that Roger . Mc Elligot is Coll1, and my Nephew Lt Coll1. Theire officers, for the most p'te, are out of Holland soe yt I had noe Conveniance to ,vrite to them by reason of n1y 1narching to Kilkenny, ,vhere ,vee mustered the 18 th of Apr'. Fron1 thence I Can1e to Dublin ,vher I expect daylie my frinds. They are to make up theire regts, tenn out of each companie in Irland, and some of theire 160 li:'GILLYCUDDY

officers that came over beer sayes that they are to goe for England, and theire quarters are made reddie for them in Chester. My Lord deputie sayes that hee hath twelfe officers to put in himselfe. There are manie here that puts in for theire places. Maior generale Macarthy is here, unto whom I intend to speake. I hoape you have not forgott to write in my behalfe to London. I hoape I will see you heere very soone, for I am sure you may doe my bussines if not done before, w' ch is all from yr affectionat Brother and Sert to Command Cor mcGillycuddy

[ Addressed] ffor Coll' meGillycuddie in the Countie of Kierry

In a different and later hand is ·written on other parts of this letter the follow·ing :- John Castel hath discoursed wth Councellor Langane and hath advised wth him in the behalfe of John o Breena. His advise is to gett a habeas Corpus, and inter a bill, in ye Chancerie of the excheqr, against the Kinge., by reason he is kept in Goale by vertue of a leavere out of the excheqr, and when the refference is shewed to my Ld Chiefe Barron, he will thereupon order him to be released or els accept of any securities upon the habeas Corp1,is. If the bill is entered none will answeare itt. By that the poore man will be released. Itt were good if Donough, Cornelius, and Teige, were soe diligent and successful in their studies as our friends frs, Daniell and flor' ffearys. These 3 suffered extreame want this moneth ended. Itt's nott to be imputed to me who am nott able to give Contentment to my owne and their childeren. There relation there must be mindefull of them 3 childr. I wish my said nephew and neece make my coussen morigh fearis knowe when they are paid. Itt were better to lett yorselfe knowe itt, if you pleased to lett me kno-\ve itt, I doe nott knowe Mr Cornelius his hand. PAPERS. 161


Sir Francis Brewster's 1receipt for Cattle seized under a Writ of Levare by Donogh M'Gillyc·uddy.

[Dated 6 June 1688] IOriginal] [Endorsed] Sr Francis Brewster's acknowledgement for his Catle.

RECEIVED from Mr Dermod McGyllycuddy the full number of Sixteen Cows, three Calfes, and one bull, being the remaining parte of a greater parcell of Cows and horses, seised on by Donogh mcGyllycuddy, Esqr, by virtue of a Levare, to him directed, at ye suit of Coll' Roger Moore. I say rec'd the said Sixteen Cows three calfes and one bull, and alsoe full satisfaction in all distresses taken from everie of my Lands by the said Donogh mcGyllycuddy, Esqr, or his bailiffs, by the virtue of the aforesaid Levare. As wittness my ·hand & seal this 6th day of June, 1688, Fr: Brewster Seal Being present Tym: Sullevane


Mr. Fe1 1 ris' letter to J.lf'Gillycuddy, annou11,.cing the cornmittal of the Seven Bishops to the Tower and the birth of a P1·ince of Wales.

[Dated 12 June 1688] [Original] London the 12th of June 1688 Dear Sr/

I AM sorry that my removeall from that Kingdome hath obliteratted the rememberance of our former friendship, w'ch I perceive by yor not ·.honnouring me wth the least scrole since my Departure, though often requested. y M'GILLYCUDDY

But now once more to raise the noble ·faculties of yor inclinations I truble you wth an acct of the new newes, though att this time I am halfe merry_ wta Drinking of Noble healths wherein I include yors. Sr in short the post is goeing, and 'tis verry late, therefore I tell you that on Saturday last the Arch Bishop of Canterburry, Bishop of Bath and W els, Bishop of Chichester, Bishop of Asaph, Bishop of Bristoll, Bishop of Ely,.·&­ Bishop of Peterburrough, have beene sent to the Tower for Dene~ying to reade his Matie·s Declaration of takeing off the Test and ·penall lawes, his Matie_ calling them Trumpeters of Rebellion. On the next Day, on Sunday, about Ten of the Clock, her Matte was brou_ght to bedd wth a Prince of Weals, who made his friends & foes sick,-the former wth Drinking his health, the ~atter wth Dissatisfaction and ·Discontent. Wee shallhave the thanksgiving next Sunday. I have writt to you already but neaver had the honnour of a word from you. As for my Condition I am v.erry well, thank God, and have his Matie's promise of employment this Month. Pray lett me receive from you by the next, and Direct yor letters to the Apletree in St Stephens Ally, in King street, W eastminster. My humble service to yor Lady. I am, Sr, yor owne obleiged humble sert crs. Ferris Excuse my unpollisht letter this night, when I cannot be Sober.

CXVI. ·certificate. of Arms. [Dated 23 August 1688] [Parchment. Original] Beneath a ·representation, in coloitrs, of the M'Gillycuddy arms is the following:-

.. I, -SR·RicHARD CARN.EY, Kn_t, Ulster King of Armes of all Ireland, doe hereby . certifie that '. the Atchievement · above depicted (vizt) Gules . a Wiverne -with -wings .displayed: Or,-The~Crest,. on .a and Wreath of his colors, :.three PAPERS. 163

Piran1ides or Rocks proper, together with this }.1:otto, Sursum Corda, doth properly belong unto Donogh 1\1 cGillicuddy of Castlecurrigg, in the County of Kerry, Esqre: Son and heire of Connor Mc Gillicuddy, of the same, deceased; all ,vhich I have recorded in n1y Office. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my hand, this three and t,ventieth day of August, Anno Domini one thousand six hundred eighty eight.



Co1n·1n1·s.,1~on for Cornelius .J.11'Gillycuddy to be Captain in the Array.

[Dated 24 Dece1nber 1688] [Parchment. Original] [Endorsed] Con11nission to Cornelius m Gillycuddy to be Captain in Lord Slane' s Regiment. 16 8 8. (Seal) RICHARD, EARLE OF TYRCO~~ELL, Viscount Baltinglas, & Baron of Tal­ botsto-\vne, Lord Deputy Generall, & Generall Governor of his Ma'tie's Kingdom of Ireland, & one of the Lords of his Ma'tie's most Honorable privy Councill of England & Ireland.


To our Trusty & ,vellbeloved Cornelius Mac Gullicuddy, Capn, Greeting/ WEE, reposing speciall trust & confidence, as ,vell in the cair & diligence, & circun1spection, as in th~_ loyalty, courage, & readines, of you to'ds his l\fa'ty's good & faithfu11 service,-Have nominated, constituted, & appointed,-And we do, by virtue of the po,ver & Authority unto us Given by his l\Ia'ty, under his great Seale of England, hereby nominate, constitute, and appoint, you the said Cornelius :Wiac Gullicuddy,Capn in the Lord Slane's Regimt, ,vhichCompany you ~Y2 164 l\I'GILLYCuDDY

are to take into your charge & care as Capn thereof, And duly to exercise both officers & Soldiers in ATms; And as they are hereby commanded to obey you as their Capn, so you are likewise to observe & follow such orders and directions as you shall, from time to time, Receive from us, or other your Superior officer, or officers ; According to the discipline of ,varr, in pursuance of the trust reposed in you. And for so doing this shall be your sufficient ,varrant & Com'ission. Given under our hand & seale of Armes, at his Ma'tie's Castle of Dublin, the [blankJ day of December, in the fourth yeare of his Ma'tie's Reigne. "\V. Ellis Entered in the :oiiuster Mr Gen11s Office, the 24th of December 1688/ _,,_.\.br : Y arner. Cornelius 1IacKillicuddy Capn in Ld Slane's Regimt


Denis M'Gillycuddy's Ap1Joint1nent, under the Sign 1.Wanual of TJTillict1n III., to the connnancl of the Irish Forces i·ntended for the EniJJeror's Service.

_ [Dated 10 April 1689] [Original] [This and the follo,ving paper are thus endorsed] King William, Commission to Coll1 Denys l\i'G-illicuddy dated ye 10th day of April 1689 to comand Coll mcElligott's.--,,~ith Duke Shonberg's Letter & order to Embarque for the Emperor's service to Hamborough.--To be kept safely for ye use of n1cGillicuddy's family.

WILLI... L\.l\{ R [.A.utograph J

W HERE.A.S We have thought fitt to send all the Irish officers and soldiers, now in the Isle of "\Vight, to the city of Hamborough, in order to their entrina into b ye Imperial! service at that place, Our "\Vill & pleasure is that you take all the said Officers and soldiers unde1 your Command, and take care that they be P~t\.PERS. 165 immediately putt on board such ships as are appointed to _receive them. Wherein you are to follo,v the directions of our Trusty and W ellbeloved Sr Robert Holmes, Governr of Our Isle of vVight, or the Officer in chief com­ manding there, and being arrived at Hamborough aforesaid, you are to obey such orders as you shall recive from the Imperiall Resident, or such other person, as is or shall be duly empowered by the Court of Vienna, to direct their march to the I~periall Territories. Given at our Court at Whitehall the 10th day of Aprill 1689. In the first year of our Reign.

By His l\fatie's comand Nottingham

To our Trusty & W ellbeloved Denys Macillicuddy, Esq, appointed by Us to command The Irish officers & Soldiers no,v in the Isle of Wight.

Lt Coll. l\facillicuddy to take ye comand of the Irish in ye Isle of vVight.

CXIX. Letter of Mar-shed Schonberg to Denis 1vl'Gillycuddy, 'With Instructions for his taking co1nniand of the Irish Forces then in the Isle of TVight, and intended for the E1n1Jeror' s Service. [Datecl 29 l\Iarch 1689] [Original] The following letter appears to have been ,vTitten by a Secretary. The words "Your afl:ectionat seruant" and the signature ,-vere added by Schonberg himself.

[Endorsed] Collo11 Don' mcGillycuddy's ordr fron1 King "\Villiam to Comand ye Irish forces in ye Emperor's service, an'o 1689. Saint James's, l\Iarch 29t\ 1689.

Hrs Matts Pleasure is That the Irish in the Isle of vVight be formed into a Regiment, to serve the Emperor under your Comand. Therefore you must forth·with transmit to me a true Number of the men, & Certifie the Names of 166 l\I'GILLYCUDDY

such officers as you propose to serve in the said Regiment, which is to be doubly officered. And further that you and your officers be in a Readiness to Embarque whenever the Shipps shall arrive to receive you. All ,vhich you are to perform upon receipt of this order I Remain Your affectionat seruant

1 Le ~1a : de Schonberg

[ Addressed] For his l\fat·s Service. To Dennis l\IcGillicuddy Esqr Lt Coll: to Coll: l\ieElligott's late Regiment of ffoot. Isle of Wight Hants

This letter of Duke Schonberg has a large seal in good preservation. Under a ducal coronet is a quartered coat, thus described by Sir Bernard Burke :­ ] st and 4th Arg. an inescutcheon Sa: Over all an escarbuncle of eight rays, or. 2nd and 3rd Az. six inescutcheons arg. three, t,vo and one. An escutcheon of pretence, a man on horseback holding in his hand what appears to be a mallet or baton, but as the colours are not indicated, it is impossible to describe it accurately.


Warrant to receive 1.v.loney for· Colonel M'Elligott's Reginient.

[Dated 30 July 1689] [Original]

I DOE hereby authorise and in1power Captn Cornelius n1ac Gillycuddy to receive the somme of t,vo hundred and forty pounds from Sr James Cotter, or his Deputy, being the contents of a bill dra-\vne upon him by Mr Doe, Receiver .PA:PEIIB. generall, for the subsistance of my regiment; for which the said Captn mac Gillycuddy's discharge will be sufficient. Given under my hand this 30th July 89 Roger mcElligott

Appointment of Denis M'Gillycuddy, iinder Sign Manual of James II., to be Comrnander in Chief at Cavan.

[Dated 30 April.1690] [Original]

_:[Endorsed] Order to Coll' mcGullecuddy to Comand at Cavan &c

'JAMES R [Autograph] OUR-·Will and pleasure is, that you forthwith repaire to our Towne of Cavan, where you are, _du.reing our pleasure, to Comand in Chiefe all our forces in the said 'fo-wp.e, a_~q._ in our County of Cavan. You are likewise to take Care that noe disorder be Comitted by any of our Army within the said Towne or County of Cavan. And that you, from time to time, informe us of all accidents that shall happen there, or thereabouts, relateing to our affaires. And. herein you are not to faile. Given at our Court at Dublin Castle, the 30th day of Aprill, 1690, and in the Sixth yeare of our Raigne.

By his Mats Comand -Ri:.Nagle To our Trusty and wellbeloved Coll Denis rvrcGullecuddy. ·,168 ll'GILLYCUDDY


Inventory of Cattle seized in Kerry for the use of the Ar-,ny of King James II..

[Dated 6 April 1691]

6th April 1691. .A.cct of Cattle, seised for K. James use, in Kerry, and valu~.

li s d 41 I vraghti Connor 24 14 2 -Clanmaurice 37 13 4 Trughanackmy 47 1 8 61 Corkaguiny 29 8 2 Magonihy 42 7 6 11 Iverahagh 17 13 2 7s Glanarough 11 3 4c ·3 Dunekearan 15 17 9-4c

226 0 0

Cattle p'd by ye County

Corkaguiny Barrony 429 Clanmaurice 493 Trughanachny 309 -IrraghtiConor 258 Magonihy 246 Dunekearane 171 Iverakagh 142 Glanarough 98

2146 PA.PERS. 169

Ii s d David poore five oxen 05 00 00 Mack Donough 20 oxen 25 00 00 Thomas Hassett 4 oxen 06 00 00 John Mahony 27 bullox 40 00 00 The same Mahony 30 oxen 32 10 00 The sd Mahony 30 oxen 20 00 00 Daniell Sulivane 60 bullox 40 00 00 Thomas Hussy 4 bullox 03 10 00 Richard Rice 5 bullox 06 00 00 Patrick Tuohy 30 bullox 03 00 00 Richard fz Mauris 02 bullox 02 00 00 John Connell 08 bullox 08 00 00 The same Connell (Cornelius Leyne's) 15 bullox 12 00 00 The s'd Connell (2 of sd Leyne's) 15 bullox 09 00 00

Wee the undernamed being Chosen apraissers by Capt'n Robert fz Maurish for to apraise the number of two hundred and thirty fatt oxen for his Majestie's use,-Wee therefore hath apraised the sd- oxen to the vallue of two hundred and twenty three pounds st' as above mentioned ; as wittness oure hands this 6th day of Aprill 1691. Tho: Crosbie Jon Cehaffy John Cahaffy vVm fiz Maurice Ii d. ye 235 oxen 216 00 00 Salary for J a: Conry 07 10 00 Appraiser's fees 02 10 00

£226 00 00

Copia Vera



Letter to Major Denis M'Gillycuddy complaining of the forciole impressment · of men to serve in the Army.

[Dated 29 July 1691] [Original]_ [Endorsed] ffor Major Den: MCGilleCuddy --these --at Tulligg.

29 Jull: 1691

I RECEIVED yrs aboute the J oyneing in Militia men to yr standinge troupes; the teyrarnnye used by yr Collo: of presseinge men Contrary Justice & law is to be oute of date wth bim sealfe. & as to what men depend on mee I will see them Conforme to orders. To w'ch purpose I have received p'ticullar Comaunds I am yr humble servant Dan: 0 Sullevane ·


Letter from Richard Connell, an officer in the Limerick gar-rison, to his father at Killarney. [Dated 1691] [Original] Lymk ye 10th [sic] 1691 Deare far

HEARE I send you, by way of exchange, one guinea, one pistole in goold, one six shill' piece, & one Crown, w'ch amounts to three pounds, one shili' & four pence, w'ch I give to Capt frank mcGullycuddy being sick [of] small pox, butt will doe well by God's assistance. He desires his father to pa.y. [yo.u.1], on.sight.of his note, ye money. If I can goe thither I ~I very soone. I shall want butt horses. There is one ... P.AEERS •

.Mr Cappog, the Kings hors keeper thereabouts, who· has 5 hundred of ·,our horses. Shew him this note, & lett .him deliver you ye three of ye best ~he has, to send to me, & desire him to make all ye hast he can wth his horses. :I have all the charge of ye Garrisson to supply wth all things belonging to prevision. Lett Mr C~ppook know yt I have butt ten horses to furnish both fire, water, & other necessarys, soe yt he· shall make all hast possible. Par. Ruork (who I beleeve peruses this), if he can gett me any men for france,.I~ll goe to Kierry, w'ch I doubt nott but he will indeavour. I have a bar of Iron, if I knew how to send itt. My respects to all .m_y friends, sisters & others. If I can hors ·myselfe,·l'll come to see you. Being in extreame hast, I conclude yr, ·most obedt son, Ricard Connell.

For Mr Ricard Connell neare KiUarney, in the County of Kerry, These,

ex.xv .

. Letter to M'Gillycuddy from Thomas Connor, Esq.

[Dated 1 April 1692) [Original] Dublin 1° Aprilis 1692 ._Dr Coll/ Coll' Hussey shewed me a letter he recd from my Bror Cornelius, about yor 2,000\ & about ye Custody of ye Coll's lotts, Upon w'ch I.made ·my applicac'on to the Lord Chancellour, who was very civill, & sent a note along w'th me to ye Comrs, to order their officers in the Country not to demand any more Qu.itt rent from yu yn as if you were heard on yr qualificac'on. Upon w;ch Dick Thompson writt a letter to the Collrs, for Newstead to recieve one yr's Qu.itt rent, & respitt ye rest; w'ch is as much as is done for any one in this kingdome. Z2 172 M'GILLYCUDDY

I recd a I' er from yr son Corn', directed to Corke, about ye Coll's Iott, & have herein sent him a l'er to ye Coll', w'ch will be sufficient. As for the Claymes, they are all putt off sine die. This, wth my true lov~ & respects to all yor :£family, concludes from yr most affect' humble servt Tho: Connor M~Gullycuddy.

[ Addressed] ffor ye Honble Coll Donogh me Gillycuddy att or neare Tralee

CXXVI. Another letterfro-1n Thomas Connor, Esq.

[Dated 18 October 1692] [Original] [The address of this note is not preserved. It is endorsed] Mr Thomas Connor's Letter wherein he mentions that my La Chancellor will doe his buisseness.

Dublin 18° sbr 1692

I REC» severall l'ers from yu since my dep~rture, but there was noe occasion to ans,vr them, neither would I write this but yt yu tell me of one Waller. I can assure yu nothinge can bee done without the privity of Dick Thompson & me, but for fear of being forgott by Chettwood or at least out bidd, I would advise yu to send yr other 20H imediately to yor own most truly Tho: Connor My true respects to ye Coll' & tell him my Lord Chancellor will doe his business &c. PAPERS. 173


John 11fahony's Declaration. [Dated 6 November 1693] . [ Original]

"I DOE hereby Certifie that I have noe right, or Interest, in the 3 Regimts Lott, soe as to hinder l\i: Tho: Connor, or his assignee, to receave the last gale & the An--eares Due to him in Glanort, or elsewhere, Except such as I houJd from hin1 by Lease in the p'ish of Killcroghane, altho' I Expected that my Lord Shellbume might have a Custodium thereof by this time for this Ensueing yeare, froni Michaelmas last, of w'ch all p'sons concerned are to take Notice. Dated the 6th of Nov'b'r 1693 John Mahony.

CXXVIII. Letter of Tho,nas Conner, Esq., to M'Gillycuddy.

[Dated 29 May 1694] [Original] [ Addressed] The HonbL Coll Donogh mcGullycuddy att Kearhubegg neare [Tralee] Dublin 29° Thfay 1694 Dr Coll yors of the 5th instant came to my hands this day, and as for yo 1 Lands being posted to bee sett, 'twas done by mistake, & I made application in yor behalfe to y° Comrs for forfeitures, and got ym struck out of their bookes, in regard you are comprehended within the articles of Lymericke. The Lord Chancellor is just now come into y~

• • . I hope will sleep att his one house

• • • • • . . upon my word I shall . . . • • • • . . how heartily yor dayly prayer · 174 Y'GILLYCUDDY

• • • . • • • agt his enemies • .

• • • • .. . • • . . whilst I'm hear tho' I dont

. . • • • • • • • • • • . • all yt • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ye. temporal! . • . •

• • • • • • . humble service . • • • • • • • • • from . . • • • . . e yor most affectionate & humble servt Tho: Connor

CXXIX. lVarrant of Edward Herbert, High Sheriff of Kerry, against the goods of a defendant who failed to apJJear. [Dated 27 June, 1694] . . 1 [m•GilliJcuddie EDWARD HERBERT, Esq', high Sher' of the said County, • • to all & singuller my bayliffs. . . . . [plaintiffsJ ~ ~hereas the pl'f com' enced his ace' on in this Court . . . . nelly, Deft ag st the Deft, unto w'ch acc'on the Deft neglected to ...... l app'e, in manifest contempt of athority. These are to . . . . will and req0 you forthwith to seaze, and take into yor ______J Custodie, soe much of the Deft's goods and Chatles, as may satisfie the pl'fs Demand, not exceeding 391 118, ster', and y 0 same to p'duce in specie, at &c, to be &c, untill the Deft enters saffe securityes - Deadjudicat- solvend- purge his C'tempt and answrthe pl'fs acc'on remayning of Record, whereof &c. Dated this 27 June 1694 Edwd Herbert PAPERS. 175


Letter of Cornelius M'Gillycuddy to his father, Donogh Jf'Gillycuddy.

[Dated _13 October 1694] [Original] Dublin 13° october 1694 Deare father/

I WRITT to you att large last post what I had then donn., and Cann add noe more to itt., butt you come on yor adiudication the 29th instant., and you are posted up for itt., and soe is my Brother Anketell. I writt to him this night and soe I have to Derby Sullevane for feare of Surprise. If once posted up and not followed., they loose the benefitt of the Articles of Lymbricke. For feare n1y Brother would nott receave my letter in time., I send him an express. You have all,vayes a friend in Court ; my Ladie ShellBurne doeth nott forgett you, and doeth assure me she will continue yor friend as formerly. I husband what I had, as fn Jeer as I cann, butt to pleade povertie to officers of Courts is nonsence, as they Tear1ne it here. I was offered more for my horse then fiftie shillinges. I shall desire you tell mcCarthy more, that my Ladie Mar­ cheness of Antrim is highly offended wth him for nott Answeareing her letters, w'ch I presume if he had, and sett forth his Condition, would lessen much her Laship's displeasure in nott performeinge his promiss. This Mr Neill tells me, her Agent here, to whome he desired me to speake when I called to him att Pallice. My humble servise to Capt Hassett of Kir ,rglin, and tell him that I beleeve he shall have an order, this night, from the Govermt for those thinges that he ,vants for his designes in serveing their J\iiaties and the Countrey. And whatsoever he shall ,vant hereafter, in furtheringe of itt I shall be as Reall a Sollicitor for him here as he was a true friend to me and mine there, ~nd soe conclude wth my duetie to yrselfe, my Love to my wife, and my servise to all friends., I rem.aine Deare father yor obedient sonn and servant Co: mcGillycuddy 176 M'GILLYCUDDY

I am sorry Cornelius m0 owen's sonn of Gortneskarrie was nott here to pass his adiudication, for he was posted up, butt I will have him strucke out, if I cann, till the next day of hearinge againe.

[ Addressed] These ffor Co 11 Donnough mac Gillycuddy att Kearhu ebegg neere Traly . lll Kerry.


Certificate of M'Gillycitddy's having taken the Oath of Allegiance before the Rev. Janies Bland. [Dated 6 No,cmber 1694] [Original] [Endorsed] Certificate for Colonel Donogh M'G-illycuddy, for takeing ye oath of Allegiance, 6 November 1694. Killarny N ovr fi th 1694.

In obedience to the Rt Honourable the Ld Justices' order, bearing date att the Councell office: Dublin, the 29th of Oct: 1694, to me James Bland, Clerke, directed,-! doe hereby Certifye that· Coll' Donagh Mac Gillycuddy · did, on the seventh day of this Instant Nov:, take the oath of Allegiance, or fidelity, to there present Majestyes, King Will: and Queen Mary, according to a late Act of Parliament, made in England, etc: which is humbly certifyed to there L'dships, by Sr, your humble servant, Ja: Bland. PAPERS. 17'7


The Lords Jiistices' declaration, giving to Corneli-us M'Gillycuddy the benefit of the Articles of Limerick.

[Dated 6 December 1694] [Original]

[Endorsed] Capn Cornelius ~fc Gillycuddy's Ordr of adjudicac'on. 6th day of December 1694.

By the Lords Justices & Council


THE petic'on of Capn Cornelius mcGillicuddy of Carrhewhegg jn the County of Kerry, claymeing the benefitt of ye Articles of Lymerick, being set downe to be heard before us ye Lords Justices & council-Upon opening ye same by his Council this day in the presence of their Ma'ties' Council Learned in the Law, and upon Examinac'on of Severall Wittnesses upon Oath in ye case: It appeared to us that the said Captn Cornelius McGillicuddy was at Bancloghan, in ye County of Kerry, 3d day of October 1691-that he hath since submitted to their Ma'ties' Governmt, & taken the Oath of fidelity, & therefore WEE doe heerby adjudge him, ye said Captn Cornelius McGilli~uddy, to be Comprehended within the Articles made for the surrender of that place, & to be thereby intituled to all ye benefitts & advantages of them. GrvEN at the Council Chamber, in Dublin, ye 6th day of December 1694



2A M'Gli.J., YOODDY.


Letter from Madanoe Prittie to Cornelius M~G-illy.cuddy.

[Dated 26 November 1695] [Original] [Endorsed] Madame pritties letter.

Kilboy ye 26 of Novr: 16.95.

SINCE I saw y 0 in Dublin I have considered that the agreemt, w'ch ~ shewed me, between Sr Willm _Petty & my Father Prittie, about ye Exchange of Lands, ought properly to be Lodged in my hands, & theirefore desire y0 wold ·be pleased to deliver that, & any other papers w'ch y0 hav-e in yr Hands, relating .to me or my Son Baldie, to ~ Tim: Kelly to be :sent to [ me]. If y' have no other designe in keeping them then to p'swade me & my ,son Baley ,to acommodate y 0 with yr Conveniency in fannes, I hereby assure y 0 yt we will both Oblidg y0 with ye preferance of that, at les rates the_n we can have from others. W'eh will be a grater Certeinty & advantage to .Y0 then y 0 now have, or can have whilst your redusemt is obstructed. I hope we may be better aeqUIDted, & yt we may be servisable to each other ; in w'ch part~ nothing that's in my power shall be wanting to aprove mys.elfe with all possible gratitude, sx,

yr reall freind & servant Eliza Prittie

[ Addressed] For Cornelius McGillycuddy, Esqr, att Carrewbegg in the [County of ·Kerry] PAPERS. 179 ..

cxxxrv. Affidavit concerning the Adjudication. [Dated 3 August, 1696] [ o·riginal] [Endorsed] John Morris his -affedavit about ·my adjudieation.

JOHN MoRRIS) gent', came this day before me and made oath that about November, or Dec-r, 1ast past, Cornelius Magillicuddy did by himselfe or servt, deliver him his adjudication, whereby he was Comprehended and adjudged wt»in the Articles of Lim.mick. He -further ·saith that y0 .s' d adjudication ·was so .delivered in order to gett a licence for ye· :s'd Magillycuddy to weare ArmB, and that ye s'd adjudication ·is now in this dept's custody, or keeping, in the King's bench office in Dublin, -as hee verily believes. Jur' cora' me 3-0 Augt, 96 Rt. Pyne


Receipts for Poll Tax. [Dated 1697] [Endorsed] Accquittances for my pole mony.

RECD By Ords ffrom Cornells mcc Gillycuddy Esqr ye sume of 6s 6d being ye first galle of his polle Tax Dew ·to his maiesty as wit"t' my hand this gth of Aprill 1696 Jon Conway

Recd of Cornells mcGillycudy Esqr ye sume of one pound six shilling being ye full Charge of his poole money as wittness my hand this 24th of Aprill 1697 Jon: Conway 180 ll'GILLYCUDDY PAPERS.

CXXXVI . .,._lfr. Schuldam's Letter. [Dated 14 May 1698] [Original]

[Endorsed] 14th May 98.-~Ir Schuldam abt Mr Pretty's recovery of Ardra as p't of Gortnascarry. Dublin 14th ~Iay-98.

I HAVE yor\ & have looked into the buissenesse you write of, & I doe not find that Mr Pretty have sued for any such lands as Ardra, soe that unlesse it be a subdenominac'on to one of those they have declared for, (w'ch are Gurt­ naskarry als Gortnaskarry cont' 220 acres, Ballycarnahane, CahirDonnellmoore, cont 600.4. 3\ the towne & Lands of Kenriegh als Cannriegh, halfe a plowland, cont' 115a 3R in Dunkeran Barrony) or part of some of them, you are secure ; but if it be part of any of them you are in danger, there cann nothing now be more done in Co'rt, for you should have appeared & tooke ye Defence, or moved them that yor Lands might not have been touched, for no,v all is past, Mr Pretty haveing judgmt agt the Casuall Ejector for all but Gortnaskarry, the last terme, but if it be noe p't as I have menc'oned you are safe. If I cann serve you in any thing you may readily command Sr

yor humble servt Edmd. Schuldham

[ Addressed] For- Captain Cornelius mcGillycuddy at Kearhubegg neare Tralee Tralee Kerry M'GILLYCUDDY PAPERS. 181

CXXXVII. The Petition of Si·r Valentine Broiv-ne and Ca1Jtain Tlio-nias Broivne fo-r 1''ed-uctio·n of Qu-it-rent. To his Grace the Duke of Ormond, Lord Lt Gen11 & Gen11 Govr of Ireland. The humble Petic'ons of Sr Vallentine Bro-,vne, Bart. & of Captn Thomas Bro-,vne lVIost humbly shew,- THAT the said Sr Vallentine Bro,vne his father dyed in or about the yeare 1640, the sd Sr Vallentine Browne the no-,v Petr being then an infant of t,vo years old ,vhose wardship was granted to yor Grace. That the other Petr Capt Thomas Browne was like-\vise at the time of the death of his :£father an infant & was but tenn yeares old ,vhen the Rebellion broke out in the yeare 1641, & that from the time that hee ,vas able to beare armes he served his ~Iatie in forrein partes. That both the Petrs were decreed Innocents in the late Courte of Claymes, noe possible pretence appearing to the contrarie either against them being Infants, or against theire ffathers who Dyed before the Rebellion, yet are they by the strict letter of the Act of Explanation Liable to the Quitt rent, which if charged on them according to the rule of acres directed by the Act of Settlemt will amount to, if not exceed, the full value of their Land therewith charged ;-The Lands they hould in the County of Kieray & in the remotest part of the County of Corke being the most barren Land of all Ireland. To the end therefore that they, whose Innocence could meet ,vith no manner of opposition, may not suffer in so high a measure as is in effect the loss of theire whole Estate, if the Extremitie of the Quitt rent be sought from them in proportion to the number of acres appearing by the Surveyor Generali his Certificate annexed, Doe most humbly beseech yor Grace to give Order that the Lev-ying thereof bee respited untill on ffurther aplication they bee freed thereof, or that it bee moderated, they in ye mean time paying the former Patent Rent. & the Petrs will pray.~

7-.~ This Petition is copied from the Carte Papers, Vol. 60, page 212, in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. 2B 182 M'GILLYCUDDY


The Report of the Surveyor General upon the Petition of' Sir Valerdine Browne.

The Surveyor Generals' Certificate and Report on the above Petition.

THE Land in Sr Vallentine Browne's Decree in the County of Kerry, at the large acre before reducement, is 51'433 acres Irish, which makes of English 83'113 acres & one perch. The Quitt Rent pr ann. is £ 7 80 1s 2d. V allue in anno 1640 of the sd Lands by the Civill Survey, £1314 10s. The said 51' 433 acres, according to the reduced Collume, allowing in some places 20 acres to be worth but one profitable acre, in other places allowing 8. 10. 12. 14. & 16 acres to be worth but one profitable acre, & so reduced, is 21'792 acres profitable Irish, wch makes of English 35'298 acres 1 rood & 28 p' ches. Quitt rent pr an £330 1 ss 7d 14. The lands in the decree of Thomas Browne Esq, in the County of Kerry, at th(} large acre before reducmt, is 5'639 acres, which makes of English 9'134 4 acres 38 pches. Quitt rent pr an £86 2s 7d ! - Vallue of the sd Lands in anno 1640, by the Civill Survey £164. The sd 5'639 acrs, according to the reduced Collume, allowing 6. 10. 12. & 35 acres to be worth but one profitable acre & soe reduced, is 1886 acres, wchmakes of English 3054 acres 3 roods & 39 pches. 4 Quitt rent p an £28 7s 9d l - The Lands in the decree of Thos Browne Esq. in the Barony of Beare & Bantry in the Co. of Corke Cont 9267 acres profitable Irish, wch makes 15'010 4 acres English. Quitt rent p an £140 14s 3d 3 • Vallue of the sd Lands in an° 1640, by the Civill Survey, £135.

Tho Eliot DepY Sur. Genn.*

~ From the Carte Papers in the Bodleian. Vol. 60, page 1 l 3. PAPERS. 18$

CXXXIX. The State of the Coitnty of Kerry and the Baronies ofBeare and Bantry in 16 73.

[The following Paper is taken from "Collections concerning the Execution of the Acts of Settlement and Explanation." Liber M. fo. 353. Record Tower, Dublin Castle].

Report on the State of the County of Kerry and the Baronies of Bere and Bantry. [Dated :March 27, 1673] To His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. IN obedience to your Excellencie's order of ye 24 March last We, the under named J usteces of the Peace for ye Countie of Kerry, have considered the state a~d condition of the three Baronies of Iveragh, Dunkerran, and Glanerought, ,vithin the said county, unto ,vhich ,vee conceive the condition of Beare and Bantry to be very like, and doe upon the ,vhole matter finde that the said four baronies are obnoxious unto the following evills: vizt.: First, to be preyed upon by any enemies shipping, Pickaroons, and that the people thereof are under many temptations and have many opportunities to correspond and comply with such vessels for their relief and refreshment, as 111ay appear by the situation of ye land, condition of ye people hereafter men­ tioned and several late instances. That ye said country, being inhabited, for ye most parte, by such people as are concerned to oppose ye present laws, and that others being not enough in number to procure the execution of ,vhat the Magistrate commands, It hath happened that the Ministers of Justice have been so abused in their persons and goods, that they have been either terrified from. proceeding in their duty, or else wearied into a compliance ,vith or connivance at those whom they before sought to punish. The cause of ,vhich two General Evills ,vee humbly conceave to be as fol­ lo,veth : vizt. - First, For that the remotest part of these Baronies are 180 English miles fron1 Dublin, and near 40 miles from the places where Assizes and Sessions are held, and ye ,vay for ye last 30 or 40 miles are the worst of all Ireland, unpas- 2 B 2 184 M'GILLYCUDDY

sable in the winter time, and require an hour's riding, with much trouble and danger, for each mile, so as the Ministers of Justice cannot from the inhabi­ tants of those places ( ,vho are very poor) find- any satisfaction for their trouble­ some journey after them. Nor will the causes wherein those poor people are concerned bear the chardge of sending men to make affidavits or to be witnesses &c. in them : Nor are there yet Manors enough erected in a sufficient order to try small matters upon the place. 2. In al_l the said Baronies, being 100 miles in compass, there is resident but one Minister, and he ,vithout Churchwardens or Service-Booke, officiating only now and then in one place, and ,vho although he have above £300 due to him is no,v ready to perish for ,vant of maintenance, and so vexed by the injuries and · abuses done him by the Papists, that he findes it easier to suffer than to seeke reliefe : whilst the country aboundeth with unnecessary Priests and Officers and Friars, exacting large allowances from ye people, and with youth learning of needless Latin instead of useful trades. 3. The country is soe thin peopled that there is above 66 English acres of Land for every man won1an and child that is ,vithin it ; and these soe poore th~t untill very lately there ,vas not in them tenn houses of two chimnies in each-not one inhabitant in them all able to bear the office of Justice of the Peace or Sheriff. Noe kinde of Manufacture or fishing (but oysters at lo-\v water) even in this place, ,vhich before the discovery of N e,vfoundland was the fishery of Europe ; and no employn1ent but the grazing of small cattle in the summer time ,vithout n1aking any hay for the ,vinter; but a general face of poverty and rudeness hath overspread it untill within these five last years that the Trades of Iron, Lead, Timber, Shipping, Rape seed, fishing of all sort, Tanning and several other trades subservient thereunto, hath been ,vith great difficulty introduced by one or t,vo persons. Soe as the people, by reason of their poverty and the fastness of the country, are irresponsible either by their bodyes or goods for anything they did amiss. Nor ,vas there any Magistrate upon the place to exatnine their actings. 4. The said country is not only thin peopled in generall but the proportion of English and Protestants is smaller here than in 1nost parts of Ireland ; for in ye said three Ba~"onies of Kerry, consisting of Thirteen Parishes, there are not at the time tenn Protestant fan1ilies in Eleven of the said Thirteen parishes, that is to say, not above one in 150 families of the Papists, as may appear by PAPERS. 185 the Collector of Hearth Moneys for the said Parishes for ye said countrey, nor were the other two parishes better furnished till ,vithin these four yeares Sir William Petty erected Iron Works in them. 5. The countrey ,vas, by the last Po,vers that subdued it, laid wast for many years, soe as it was death for any man, woman, or childe to be seen in it. Neither, since the Militia hath been settled all over the Kingdom, hath there been any notice taken of this place, either to protect it by part of the Army or by a Militia of it's own, even from an enemy's long-boat, which with 40 ~lus­ queteers n1ay do ,vhat they please with this country. Nor at this time of speciall danger is there a garrison in any other part of the County of Kerry­ nor since the suspension of the Presidencey [ of Munster] are the forces ,vhich ,vere here under any command that's clearly understood. 6. From the year 1657 to the year 1668 It is manifest that there hath been a strange destruction of woods, and vast numbers of Pipe, Hogshead and Barrell staves exported, yet such ,vas the universall Confederacy of the Irish in this particular, that though they are all probably guilty, yet not one 1nan can be convicted of "\Yhat many hundreds must needs be guilty. Besides many 111alefactors have fled into this countrey, either to hide or shipp themselves a,vay. Nor do the country people, for fear of their lives or burning of their houses, dare refuse to entertain such persons and other soldiers against ,vhom there are Express statutes in this Kingdom. Nor are there here Justices of the Peace, able to do what is fitting in this matter for one cause or other. 7. The Irish of this country are all branches of a few families, and chiefly of the Sullivans and Carthys-but most of the Sullivans-they having been late Proprietors of most of ye Lands here, as n1ay appear by the Surveys upon record. And t'is certain that the Three Cheif of the Sullivans themselves, namely O'Sullivan More, O'Sullivan Beare, and MacGillicuddie, although neither of them were adjudged Innocent, nor have any benefit under the late Act of Settlement, do nevertheless viis et 1nodis enjoy considerable parts of their Estates, and that ,vithout paying Quit Rent unto His Majestie for ye same as even Innocents are obliged to do, ,vhereby they are enabled to engage great nun1bers of their names and fan1ilies to assist them in such their trespasses and intrusions. Besides the last of these three hath lately acted as Justice of the Peace himself, ,vhilst the English to whom these Lands are passed in Certificate 186 M'GILLYCUDDY cannot legally come by them, Patents having been stopped from passing upon such Certificates. 8. The greatest part of these Lands are by a mere misunderstanding of the survey, contrary to the intention of the Explanatory Act, severall of His ltia- · jestie's Decrees in the Exchequer, and against common sense itself, chardged ,vith tenn ti1nes more Quit Rent than ye Lands ,vere ·worth at the time of ye :first chardging of Quit Rents, ,vhich hath occasioned many Pursuivant · seizures and Liverys to issue against this countrey; A.11 which have taken little effect by reason it was impossible to pay what was required : But have occa­ sioned many violences and illegal actions by several! persons [and] was ye reason of the first generall evill aforementioned, that is to say, of the countrey's being infested with enemys shipping and their being tempted to favour Pickaroons in the remoteness and fastness of the countrey. It's situation upon ye ocean; and ye 111ultitude of it's creeks and harbours; The poverty, thinness, & insol­ vency of the people, as also their confederates ill ,vill towards those ,vho have gotten their lands, together with the plenty of cattle which are a refreshment to such shipping ; And lastly the fair excuses they can make for their so doing, as that they ,vere surprised at their fishing and forced to ransom themselves ,vith a little refreshment, &c . .. A.. nd the reason of the other generall evills, vizt. the baffiing and eluding of ye la,vs & l\iagistracy, are ye aforementioned irresponsibleness of ye people both in their bodyes and goods to ans,ver La,ves,-The multitude & confederacy of the Transgressors too many to be punished,-The stopping of Patents upon Certificates, whereof the old Proprietors doe and their adhearents doe take ad­ vantage ; And lastly the exacting of more Quit Rents than can be paid, or than the intention of the same Tequires, and the not settling of the same for all in general!, as hath been done in many particular cases and those not the hardest, ,vhich hath necessitated and provoked persons concerned to use extraordinary shifts for their naturall preservation :

For Ren1edy of all ,vhich is humbly offered as follo-\veth :

l. That the ,vays of the countrey be mended which (although it seems a vast and monstrous undertaking) yet it hath appeared feasible by an effectual experience of this present yeare. P.A.PERS. 187

2. That the owners of the lands in these baronies might be called upon to erect Manors for ye use of ye people in their small suits.

3. That there be above one hundred English Protestants in these three Baronies able to bear arn1s, and above thirty of them able and expe­ rienced souldiers.

4. That ye said English men, with as many more of ye best affected Irish, may be formed into a Troope ofDragoones and a Company of Foote to defend ye countrey from foreigners, and that the severall fisheries being restored and encouraged, the fishermen now belonging to them, which be about two hundred, and their boates, which may be thirty, may be able to deale ,vith the enemy's long-boates before they can land, as the ~Iilitia above mentioned may do afterwards.

5. It is humbly offered, for ye strengthening of ye said militia and contain­ ing the most suspected part of them in their due obedience, that son1e central place of great natural! strength, not above thirty miles distant from the remotest part of the countrey, nor from the River Shannon on the one side and Timoleague Bay on the other side, be thought upon, to be manned "\\ a competent garrison for that purpose, which may by the equal distance be equally distant from the whole West of Ireland, there being such places.

6. That the Ministers, Churches, & Church,vardens, with their necessary appurtenances may be had and maintained, to prevent· the contempt of the Protestant party and their Religion, and also their degenerating into Irish and Papist.

7. That all possible endeavours be used to encourage the English and Protestant party to live in the parts especially about the Sea Coasts, upon account of the :fishing ; As also in some one Central inland part of the "~hole upon some proper manufacture, so as _instead of 150 Irish families for one of English now in the Eleven Parishes aforementioned, there may not be above Six for One, as in ye two other Parishes already planted by Sir William Petty. 188 M'GILLYCUDDY

8. That, by this encouragement of the Ei,.glish, at least two or three English men of good estate and reputation may be enable to reside in this countrey, who by acting as Justices of the Peace may break the practices ·of Idlers and Cosherers; And dividing the whole people into tithings of families as heretofore, may Cause the Chief of each tithing to be bound for the good behaviour of each person in it, and each for the other and for their forthcoming on occasion; and that Constables of Hundreds, & Sheriffs bailiffs, may (if possible) all be English.

9. That the stop upon passing Letters Patents upon Certificates be removed ; and Consequently that the Old Proprietors may be dispos­ sessed in form of Law, and their numerous Kindred and followers not engaged to assist their usurpation any longer.

10. That the Quit Rents of this countrey may be settled according to the intention of y0 Law, the express words whereof are that it ought to be so moderate as to consist with the encouragement of Plantation : More­ over, besides the ordinary meanes above mentioned, It is humbly inti­ mated the difficulty of regulating, civilizing, and securing this countrey may neede and desire some extraordinary helpes and consideration.

Lastly. We humbly conceive that the rest of the County of Kerry and parte of the County of Corke are more or less in the same condition · with the place above said, and require the same remedy ; A.11 which is humbly submitted by Your Excellency's Most obedient servants Herbert. John Butler. Cadogan Barnes. PAPERS. 189


The Lineage of the M·Gillycuddies from the Third to the Seventeenth Centuries, co1npiled by }li'illiani M. Hennessy, Esq., M.R.I.A.

1. The celebrated Prince Oilill Olum, from wl1om the family of MacGillic~ddy, in common with most of the other distinguished families of Munster, is descended, is represented by the old Irish genealogists as the 43rd • in direct descent from Milidh, or Milesius. His death is entered in the of the Four Masters under the year A.D. 234, where he is called King of Munster. His father, Mogh Nuaghad, waged a fierce war against the Irish Monarch, Conn of the Hundred Battles, whom he compelled to agree to a division of Ireland. The historians assert that the boundary line extended from Dublin to Clarin's Bridge, near Galway. All to the south of this line was called Leth-Moghci, or "Mogh's half,'' and the nortl1ern part was called Leth-Chu,inn, or "Conn's half." And these names aTe still applied to north and south by the Irish-speaking population.* This prince seen1s to have married Sadhbh (pron. Soyv), or Sally, the daughteT of Conn of the Hundred Battles, his father·s opponent, and had by her seven sons. He is said to have had twelve sons by other ,vomen. His sons by his ,vife ,vere, 1. Eoghan Caen1h (or " Eugene the Mild"), other,vise called Eoghan M6r, fron1 ,vhon1 the "Eugenian"t fan1ilies of

* The Irish historians usscrt that Oilill Olum, by his last will and testament, directed that the sovereignty of 1Iunstcr should be alternately enjoyed by the descendants of his two oldest sons, Eoghan 1t16r and Cormac Cas, that is to say, by the Eugenian ancl Dal-Cassian families; but although the co1npact seems to have been observed for some time, the rule of "might is right" ultimately prevailed. t The principal septs of the Eugenian race were the Mn.c Carthies, O'Callaghans, O'Sullivan s, O'Donoghoes, O'Donovans, and O'Mahonys of Munster. 20 190 M'GILLYCUDDY

Munster are descended; 2. Cor1nac Cas, fro1n ,vhom the O'Briens and the principal fan1ilies of Thomoncl derive their origin ; 3. Cian, the ancestor of various tribes scattered throughout the north of Ireland, the nan1e of one tribe of ,vhich (Cianachta) is still preserved in that of the Barony of Keenaght, County Londonderry; 4. Dichorb ; 5. Dubh­ mearchon; 6. Mogh Corb; and 7. Tadhg, or Teige.

The eldest of these ,vas-

2. Eoghan, or " Eugene the Great," ,vho is also called Eochaidh Taebh-fada, or Eochaius cle longo latere, as O'Flaherty correctly interprets the name (Ogygia, p. 331). Eoghan and his brothers assisted their maternal uncle, Art, son of Conn of the Hundred Battles, in the celebrated battle of J\1agh Mucraimhe (pron. Moy Mucr·eevy), a plain near .A..thenry, in the County of Gal,vay, ,vhich v.ras fought, in the year .A...D. 218 according to the Annals of Tighernach. 'rhe opponent of King ~t was Lughaidh (pron. Loo-ey) Mac Con, "\'rho had been expelled from Ireland, but who is said to have returned ,Yith a band of foreign adventurers to avenge his injuries. Lugha Lagha, the brother of Oilill Olum, incensed by the marriage of the latter ,vith the daughter of his father's enemy, took the side of I\1:ac Con in the battle, and slew the Monarch .Art. Of the legiti1nate sons of Oilill Olum ,vho were engaged on this occasion, only one escaped, namely the second son, Cormac Oas, the ancestor of the Dal-Cais, or principal fan1ily of Thomond.$ Eoghan Mor married Moncha, the daughter of Dil, a celebrated Druid, and had a son,

3. Fiacha Muillethan, or " Fiachus Latus Vertex," ,vho succeeded to the sovereignty of Munster on the death of his uncle, Oormac Cas, about the year 260. He ,vas the conten1porary of Cormac Mac .A.rt, Monarch of

* The Boole of Leinster, a MS. of the twelfth century in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, contains (fol. 105, bb.) a curious poem, ascribed to Oilill Olum, in which he laments the death of his sons. Although the language is, of course, by no means as old as Oilill's time, it is still exceedingly ancient. P.AE.E:RS. l91

Ireland, who endeavoured to exact heavy tributes from the Muns.term.en. His pretensions being opposed, Cormac invaded Munster with a large army; but on reaching the place then called Druim Damhgaire, now Knocklong, in the County of Limerick, lie ,vas encountered by the .army of Munster, under the command of Fiacha., defeated in a pitched battle.,* and obliged to make restitution for the injuries caused by his invasion. This Fiacha resided chiefly at Cnoc-Rafann., now Knock­ graffon, near the River Suir, in the present County of Tipperary, where his large moat, ,vith extensive enti--enchments, is still visible. In the Book of lVIunster (lVIS. R. I. A.) it is stated that Fiacha l\iuillethan had three sons, viz. :-Oilill Flann-m6r, Oilill Flann-beg, and Conall Eachluath; but this seems a mistake, as Conall Eachluath was the fifth in descent fron1 Corn1ac Cas, and the father of Cas, a quo "Dal-Cais.~' Oilill Flan11-1u6r, the elder, having no issue, adopted his brother, Oilill Flann-beg, as hi~ son, Vlho became King of 1\f unster, in tuTn, after the death of Tu~ogh Corb, son of Cormac Cas.

4. Oilill Flann-beg was King of 11unster during thirty year.s, and \Vas slain in the battle of Coralln, in the County of Sligo, by the men of Con­ naught, assisted by Fothadh Canonn, son of Mac Con, the ancestor of the O'Driscolls. He had f,)ur sons~ namely, 1. Lughaidh, the progenitor of Eugenian bra.t"'lches-i.e. the MacCarthys, O'Sullivans., MacGillicuddys, O'Callaghans, and their correlatives; 2. Daire Oearba, the ancestor of the families of Lyons, O'Donovan, &c.; 3. Eochaidh., King of Munster, whose race is extinct ; 4. Eoghan, fron1 ,vhorn descended six re1narkable saints, viz. :-I. St. Corn1ac, ~.vhose life is given jn the Book of Lecan, and published in a LDJtin translation by Colgan, at 26th March; II. St. Becan of Cill-Becain (Kilpeacon, County Lin1erick) ; III. St. Culan of Glen­ keen, in the County of Tipperary, ,vhose bell, called Bearnan-Culain, or "gapped bell" of Culan, is still preserved; IV. St. Evin of Ros-glas, now

* The Book of Lismore, an Irish MS. of the fifteenth century, in the possession of His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, contains an exceedingly -valuable historical tale, called Furba£s Droma Darnh­ ghaire, or" Siege of Druim-Damhghaire,'' in which the batt~e in question is most minutely described. 2C2 :192 Y'GILLYCUDDY

Monasterevan, in the County of Kildare; V. St. Dermot of Kilmac­ nowen, near the hill of Knocknarea, in the County of Sligo ; and VI. St. Baetan of Cill-Baetain, in the County of Antrim. See O'Flaherty's Ogygia, p. 381.

5. Lughaidh, the first-named son of Oilill Flann-beg, was the third son in order of birth, and had a son called

6. Core Mac Lughdach, or Core, son of Lughaidh, King of Munster, "Those first name was Conall, and who received the name of" Core" from au injury to his ear by burning, regarding which a curious ]egend is told in the Book of Lecan, fol. 200, a. Core is stated to have been one of the three kings who, in conjunction with three saints and three poets, assisted St. Patrick in compiling the Senchus Mor, ,vhich event is referred by the Irish Annals to the year A.D. 4:38. He is asserted to have been exiled by his father to Scotland, where he married }✓loner- ~ 0 fionn (literally " Fair Locks"), daughter of Feradhach, King of the Picts, by whom he hadfour sons, viz. :-I. Corc,or Cairbre Cruithnechain (Carbrury the Pictish), from whon1 are descended the Eoghanacht, or Eugenians, of Magh Geirgin, in Scotland ; II. Maine Lea111hna, fron1 whom the tribes of Le-v-en in Scotland are derived; III. Cairbre Luachra, a quo Eoghanacht Locha Lein, i.e. the O'Donoghues of Loch Lein ; and IV. Cronan, the ancestor of the Pictish tribe anciently settled in Meath. Besides these Core is reported to have had eight other sons, including his eldest son, and successor, N adfraech, the ancestor of the Eoghanacht Chaisil, " Eugenians of Cashel," 1~.e. the MacCarthys, O'Sullivans, &c. ; and of the Eoghanacht Glennomnach, or family of O'Keeffe, and other Eugenian branches settled in the County of Limerick, around Knockany. Another of his sons, nan1ed Cas, ,vas the ancestor of th..e Eugenians of Raithlinn and Ui-Echach, or the po,verful family of O'Mahony, ,vhich anciently occupied a large tract of country in the west of the present County of Cork. King Core is represented as the first ,vho established Cashel, called from him Cathai1,. Chu-ire orCorc'sCity,as the chief residence of the Kings of Munster,_who previous to his time lived principally in the County PAPERS. 193

of Limerick. The legendary accounts state that Core's attention was first directed to Cashel by the reports of some swine herds who observed the frequent congregation of angels to the eminence on which the Rock of Cashel now stands; and this was subsequently regarded as having been a sign of the advent of St. Patrick to the place. Core was succeeded by his son, 7. Nadfraech, I(ing of Niunster, who had four sons, viz. :-1. Aengus; 2. Oilill; 3. Eochaidh; and 4. Feidhlimidh (pron. Felimy). Of these the most remarkable ,vas-

8. Aengus Mac Nadfraech, ,vhose mother was a British princess. He is cele­ brated as having been the first Christian King of lVIunster. His faith and baptism he received at the hands of our great Apostle, St. Patrick. In connexion ,vith the ceremony of the baptism of Aengus, an amusing incident is recorded in the lives of St. Patrick (see Dr. Todd's St. Pat-r-iclc, p. 4GS), in ,vhich we are told that the saint, without perceiving it, allowed the lower end of his crozier, ,vhich was sharp and pointed, to pierce the king's foot; but A.engus, imagining that this was a neces­ sary part of the cere1nony, endured the torture ,vithout permitting hin1self to utter the slightest expression of pain ; and it ,vas not until the ceren1ony ,vas over that the fact ,vas discovered. King A.engus, or .lEneas, is stated to have had twenty-four sons and as many daughters, the one-half of whon1 he devoted to religion, at the request of St. Patrick. His ,vife ,vas Eithne, called " Uathach, or the hateful," daughter of Crin1hthann (pron. Crfffan), son of Enna Cenn­ selagh, King of Leinster, the ancestor of the Kavana.ghs and the principal families of that province. Aengus and his ,vife were slain in the battle of Cill-Osnadha, no,v Kellisto,vn, in the Barony of Forth, and County of Carlo,v, A.D. 489, by Illann, son of Dunlaing, and by l\I uir­ chertagh (or Murtagh) 1Iac Erca, after\Yards 1fonarch of Ireland. In a stanza, quoted in the" Chronicum Scotorum'' (AD. 487), commemo­ rating the event, he is described as-

" .A. branch of the great spreading tree, .A.engus the praiseworthy, son of N adfraech." 194 M'GILLYCUDDY His eldest son and successor was- 9. Feidhlimidh (pron. Felimy), of whom little is known. He left a son, _

10. Crimhthann (pron. Griffan, and corruptly Griffin), who had a son,

11. Aedh Dubh, or '' Hugh the Black," two of whose sons became kings, viz. :-Failbhe Flann, the direct ancestor of the MacCarthys, who was King of Munster from A.D. 627 to A.D. 636, and

12. Finghin (pron. Fjnneen, anglice Florence), ,vho was King of Desmond, or South Munster, from A.D. 604 to his death in 619. The ancient records at present existing contain hardly any notices of the career of this individual, who left a son,

13. Sechnasach (or Shaughnessy), whose son and successor, but not in the sovereignty of Desmond, was

14. Fiachra ctn ghaisgedh, or Fiachra "of the Valour," of whon1 nothing further is known than that he left a son,

15. Flann Roba, or Flann of the Robe, the father of

16. Dubhindracht (pron. Duff-in.rat), ,vhose eldest son ,vas

1 7. Murchadh, or :JYiurrough, the father of

18. Echtighern (pron. Aghtee1'·n), the father of

19. Maelughra (pTon. 3fmltira), ,vhose eldest son was

20. Suilobhan, or Suldubhan, from whom the name of O'Sullivan is derived, and who flourished about the year A.D. 950. The Bardic historians have invented the following legend to account for the name of O'Sullivan :- The nan1e of Suldubhan, they say, ,vas Eochaidh. On one occasion an Albanian (or Scotch) druid, called Labhan (pron. Lavan), who was an illustrious poet, ca~e to make the visitation of Erinn., and on pro-­ ceeding to the house of Eochaidh, was received by him with the most PAPERS. 195

profuse hospitality, and presented with many precious gifts. But to put Eochaidh's generosity to the severest test, Labhan requested hi~ to give him his eye. (Eochaidh had but one eye, the second having. been destroyed in battle). To this sacrifice Eochaidh consented, moved thereto by his regard for hospitality, and by the fear of incurring the druid's satire in case of refusal. The ancient Irish entertained the most superstitious fear of poetic satire, the power of which they believed capable of actually making the earth sterile and the rivers unfruitful. The transaction having come to the ears of St. Ruadhan, or Rodhanus, of Lothra, in the County of Tipperary (or rather to ·his successor; for St. Ruadhan lived in the 6th century-i.e., four centuries before the time of Eochaidh-the saint prayed that the covetous Labhan's eyes might be transferred to the head of Eochaidh; and the request being granted, the lucky subject of this prodigy was afterwards called Suil-Labhain (i.e. "Labhan~s eyes"), corruptly "Sullivan." But the alias reading '' Suldubhan," probably represents the more correct form of the name, ,{hich would in this case mean "hook-eyed," an epithet perhaps indicative of some deformity in the person to whom it ,vas applied. Suldubhan had a son, who was called

21. Lorean, a name now generally anglicised Lawrence, whose son,

22. Buadhach (lit. Victor, or Victorioi£s), of Ath-cr6, was the first person that ever bore the name of O'Sullivan. He was the father of

23. Aedh, or Hugh, O'Sullivan, the father of

24. Cathal, or Charles, O'Sullivan, who had a son,

25. Buadhach (or Victor) O'Sullivan, the father of

26. Mac-Raith (lit. "son of prosperity"), now written" Magrath,'' whose eldest son was 27. Domhnall Mor, or "Daniel the Great," O'Sullivan, of Carrig-Finvoy, in Carbury, county Cork, who was the common ancestor of the families. of 196 M'GILLYCUDDY

O'Sullivan l\fore, O'Sullivan Beare, Mac Gillacuddy, Mac Crohan, Mac Fineen Duff, and MacLawrence. His eldest son was 28. Gilla-Mochuda, or '' Servus Mochudii," from \Yhom is derived the name of Mac.Gilla-Mochada, or MacGillacuddy. Various absurd stories have been invented to account for the origin of the name, but the following seems the real origin. A distinguished member of the O'Sullivan family, Ailinn, ·or Allen O'Sullivan, who had been Bishop of Cloyne, was subsequently transferred to the See of Lismore, where he died in the year 1253. The founder of Lismore, St. Carthach, better known as St. Jfochada, who died in 653, was a native of the district (Kerry) to which Bishop O'Sullivan belonged; and thus, both as his countyman and su~cessor, the latter naturally regarded St. ntiochada with peculiar respect. To the bishop, consequently, may be ascribed the introduction of the practice about this time adopted in the O'Sullivan family, of pla~ing their children, at baptisn1, under the tutelage of St. Mochuda. Hence it is that the na1ne of Gilla-:Thiochuda is of such frequent occur­ rence in the pedigrees of the O'Sullivans. Thjs Gilla-Mochuda, had a son calied 29. Dunlaing, ,vhose eldest son was Muirchertach (the direct ancestor of Eoghan Ruadh O'Sullivan, ,vho died in Dublin, in the year 1687), and ,vhose second son was 30. Gilla-niochuda. caech, or" the one-eyed/' whose son

31. Conchobhnr. or Conor, ,vas the first 1nerson called Mac Gilla-Mochuda J ' or 11:'Gillicuddy, although his name is son1etimes written "Conor Mac Gillicuddy O'Sullivan.'~* He ,vas the father of another

* He appears to have been the MacGillicudc1y mentioned in tho Annals of the Four .1.lfasters, under the year 15G3, as having slain Donnell O'Sullivan Beare. Regarding the use of the name of Mac Gillicuddy, it is statccl in a i\IS. history of I{crry, in the Royal I11sh .Acadcn1y, written about the year 1750, that "most of said family, till Cromwell's time, called themselves O'Sulli\ans, but the head of the family was still called Mac Gillacoc1c1y; but since that time most of 'em eall themselves }l'Gillacoddys, but such as go abroad, as tho learn.eel Rev. Doctor Florence O'Sullivan, who made some few foundations in the Irish College, Louvaine, when there President, and predecessor to the Rev. D r. K en1.,..L" PAPERS. 197

32. Giolla-Mochuda iiacGillicuddy, alias O'Sullivan, who seems to be the "Lord of the Reeks," described in Angus O'Daly's satire (,vritten circ~ 1599), as hating mankind "as the daisy hates the night." (Tribes of Ireland, Dublin, O'Daly, 1852, p. 73. He ,vas the father of

33. Conchobhar, or Conor, M'Gillycuddy alias O'Sullivan, the father of another

34. Donnchadh, or Donough, M'Gillycuddy alias O'Sullivane, ,vl1ose eldest son was

35. Domhnall Geraltach, or "the Geraldine," MacGillicuddy, slain in rebellion, the grant of ,vhose estates forms the subject of the first docu1nent (page 1) in the M~Gillycuddy papers.

36. Conchobhar, or Conor, T\f 'Gillicuddy. He is the first M'Gillycuddy of Carhuebeg n1entioned in the follo-,ving genealogical table.

CXLI. The McGillycucldy Pecligree froni the seventee·nth ce·ntu-ry to the p1,esent ti1ne, compiled by the Editor, frorri Faniily PaJJers arid other Records. .

I. CoNOR or CoR~ELICS ]\fcGillycuddy, of Carhuebeg, co. Kerry, 1n. lstly, Joan, da·u. of John Crosbie, Bishop of Ardfert and Aghadoe, by whom he had issue-

!. DoNOUGH, 0f whom hereafter. rr. Donald or Daniel, the father of Colonel Dennis Jvir-Gillycuddy, ,vho married Margaret, eldest dau. and co-h. of Mynheer Derrick Von Dachelaer, of ,,r ageningen, in Guelderland. III. Conor or Cornelius. 1. Kathleen. 2. Ellin. She rti. 12 Sept., 1672, Charles Carthy, of Sughreany, co. Kerry, esq. 2D 198· M'GILLYCl'DDY

Conor lvicGillycuddy ·ni. 2ndly Sheelah, d(tU. of Daniel l\tI°Carthy, of .I)un · . guile, esq., and had by her- I. :Keil. I. Ellish or Elizabeth. Conor nicGillycudcly died 3 Nov., 1630. II. DoxoG n, of Carhue beg, a Colonel in the Army, ni. in 16 41, :1farie, the youngest dau. of Daniel O'Sullivane, alias the O'Sullivane ~fore, of Dun­ kieran, co. Kerry, and had issue, besides t,vo children, whos.e names are unkno,vn, 1. CoR~ELit:s, of whom hereafter. 11. Daniel, who died v£tct JJatris, leaving issue by his "~fe, Lucretia, second clan. of Mynheer Derrick Von Dachelaer (see Introductory Memoir), t\vTO sons :-1. DENNIS, of whom hereafter-2. Cornelius, who assumed the name of Rodrigo Von Dachelaer, and lived in Lisbon. This Cornelius or Rodrigo married, and had, i·nter alios, two sons, ,vho ,vere aged respectively 5 and 2 years in 1720. III. Dermod, who had a son, Dermocl. IV. Philip. v. Frank~ an officer in the Limerick Garrison, in 1691. VI. John. 1. Inez, ,,-i.fe to John Anketell, of Farrahy, esq. Colonel Donough iicGillycuddy made his ,v-ill on the 11th of April, 1695:­ and it was proved in the Consistorial Court of Ardfert on the 1st of October, 1702. The date of his death was the year 1695 or 1696.

III. CoRXELics, of Carhuebeg, ,vas the eldest son of Colonel Donough, and ,ni. in 1670, or·previously, Ellish or Elizabeth, sister to Charles iicCarthy, otherwise called the 11 °Carthy 1fore. Cornelius had no issue, ancl died in Nov., I 712. IV. DE~NIS, of Carhuebeg, eldest son of Captain Daniel and Lucretia McGilly­ cuddy, m. in 1717 [11.S. 26 F'eb.J, Anne, born 24 January, 1694, clau. of Capt.John Blennerhasset, of Killorglin, by Elizabeth, dctii. of Rev. Benja.min Crosse. She -ni,. 2ndly, in 1731, Thon1as, son of Arthur Herbert, esq., of Currens, co. Kerry, and had issue by him. · PAPERS .

.· The children of Dennis and· Anne M~Gillycuddy were- 1. D ESXIS, of ,vhom hereafter. II. CoR~ELius, of ,vho1n here.after. III. John, born 26 July, 1727. .Iv. Philip, born 10 Feb., 1729, ..· 1. A vis-Catherine . . 2. Elizabeth. 3. l\fary. Dennis nf CGillycudcly died in 1730.

V. DENNIS, eldest son of Dennis and Anne ~fcGillycuddy, ,vas born on 15 Nov., 1718, and died intestate and unmarried in 173{5.

VI. CoRNELics, second son of Dennis and Anne l\IcGillycuddy, ,vas born on the 15th January, 1720. Upon attaining his majority be proceeded to obtain an account from Mr. Herbert, his mother's second husband, of the assets of his father, and for that purpose took out administra­ tion to his elder brother Dennis. In 17 43 Cornelius had thoughts of 1narrying a Roman Catholic, as appears from a letter which he received from Redmond Keatinge, a lawyer, ,vho1n he consulted. In this letter, dated fron1 Dublin, January the 7th, 17 43, 1Ir. Keatinge thus advised the McGillycuddy :-" I am of opinn, yt you can't w'th safety marry a Papist. Such marriage is attended with very many legal disabilities, such as to be deemed a Papist, unless the lady shall conform ,vithin ye year and day after ye n1arriage. But I do not think yt such marriage, tho' she should not conform, could affect yr present estate. There is a bill brought in this session to annull all future marriages bet,veen Protestants and Papists, but v,hether it ,vill pass into a law, I know not as yet.'' The McGillycuddy see1ns to have adopted the advice of his counsellor. In the n1onth of April, 17 45 (as appears by his love letters still preserved), he ,vas engaged -to Catherine, dau. of Richard Chute, esq., of Tulligaron, co. Kerry, by Charity, dau. ·of Arthur Herbert, of Currens·, and Mary Bastable. 2D2 200 M'GILLYCUDDY The McGillycuddy's marriage with this lady was solemnized on the 16th of July, 1745. Corn3lius and Catherine l\:IcGillycuddy had issue:- I. Denis, born 31 Oct., 1747, died itnm. II. RICHARD, of whom hereafter. 111. Francis, born 17 August, 1751, 1n. 1788, Catherine, relict of Darby McGill, esq., and dau. of Denis 1Iahony, of Dromore, co. Kerry, esq. Francis died on the 6th of April, 1820, having had issue:- I. RICH.ARD, of whom hereafter. rr. Denis, born 8 January, 1791, died young. III. Daniel, born 28 Oct., 1794, died young. IV. Francis, born 21 May, 1796, died iln'ln. v. Denis, born 8 January, 1798. He ,vas a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy. Hem. ~Iary Kirwan, and died s. p. in 1848. 1. Mary, born 19 Dec., 1791, died it17/Jn. 2. Catherine, born 10 April, 1793, who ni. lviontgomery Agne,v Martin, esq., and had three sons and t,vo daughters. 1v. Daniel, born in February, 1753. He ni. lstly Elizabeth, dctu. of Con,vay Blennerhasset, by Elizabeth Lacy, and by her he had no issue. He rn. 2ndly, in 1811, Sophia, clau. of Sir Barry Denny, Bart., and by her, who died in 1832, had issue:-

I. Daniel De Courcy, whom. Lucinda Morp~1y, and has issue:­ r. Daniel-De Courcy, born 20 July, 1840. II. Richard-Edward, born 7th lviay, 1850. III. Henry-Arthur, born Oct., 1852. IV. Ed,vard-Arthur, born Nov., 1854. v. Arthur-Orpen, born 1856. VI. Francis-John, born June, 18 6 0. 1. Sarah-Lucinda. 2. Sophia-Elizabeth. 1. Arabella, wife of Edward Morphy, esq. 2. Sophia, wife of Rev. Henry Denny, a brother of Sir Edward Denny, Bart. PAPERS. 201

v. Eusebius, born in May, 1754.· Hem. Anne Fitzgerald, and left issue, inter alias :- I. Francis Chute, born 1794. He rri. circa 1816, Elizabeth, clait. of John Curry, esq., by Ursella Godfrey, of Miltown, co.

Kerry, and dying on the 24th of Nov., 18397 left issue sur­ viving:- I. Daniel, who rri. in 1842, Johanna Trant, of Caher­ civeen, and has issue two sons, Francis, born 25 Sept., 1843, and Valentine, born in 1846. · 11. Francis-Curry, born 2nd Tuiarch, 1831, no-\v (1866) a Cftptain in the Kerry Militia. Re -1n. in 1855 Kate-Glanville Thomas, ofCambourne, Corn,vall, and has issue :-1. Francis, born 8 Dec., 1857. 11. Richard, born 2nd .April, 1861. III. Willian1, born 28th Dec., 1862. 1. Christina-Lillias, born 27th August, 1856. 2. Elizabeth, born 19th April, 1859. 3. Mary­ Glanville, born 3rd Jviay, 1~65. 1. Ursella, who r,i. in August, 1840, to George Mayberry, esq., M.D., of Riversdale, Kenmare, and has issue three children.

1. }.Iargaret, born 1796, and died in July, 1849. She was married1 in 1817, to Alexander Eagar (,vho was born in 1786, and died 7 Sept., 1855), and bore to him (r.) Thomas, born in Noven1- ber, 1818, who died in June, 1847-(n.) Eusebius McGillycuddy, born in 1820-(111.) Francis-(1v.) Alexander-(v.) Jan1es­ (l) Anne-(2) Rosanna-Catherine-(3) 1Iargaret. v1. Cornelius, born in July, 1763. I. Charity, wife to Edward Collis, esq. 2. Mary Anne, died young. :3. Margaret, wife to Rev. James Day. 4. Ruth, died unrn. 5. A vis, died unni. CORNELIUS ~IcGillycuddy died in 1787. 202 1l'GILLYCUDDY

VII. RrcHARD, the second son of Cornelius 11cGillycuddy, by Catherin.e Chute, ,vas born 30 1fay, 1750. He ni. Arabella Mullins, daii.of Thomas, the first Lord Ventry. In the year 1793 he·was- appointed High Sheriff of the· county ·of Kerry, ·and was sworn into office on the 18th of February, with his brother, Eusebius, -as .Under Sheriff. In the same year, the 27th of April, he was made a Deputy Governor of the county 'Kerry. RICHARD MeGillycuddy died s. p.; on the 19th November, 1826.

VIII. RrcHARD, eldest son of ·Francis 1YlcGillycuddy, by Catherine Mahony, ,vas born ·on 1st ofJanuary, 1790. He 1n. lstly, on 9th Nov., 1814, 1\fargaret, -only clan. of James Bennett, M.D., of Cork, by Dorothea St. Leger. By her, who died on 2nd of Feb., 1849, he had issue-

!. Richard, born 11 April, 1816. Died same year. II. Francis, born 25 Dec., 1818. Died un1n. in 1841. III. James, born. 23 Feb., 1822. Died same year. 1v. Robert, born 29 Dec., 1823. Died itnm. the 14th of August, 1846. 1. Arabella, born .15 Nov., 18.17. Died unni. in 1844. 2. Martha l\'Iaria, born 23 Nov., 1819. Died itnni. in 1830. 3. Dorothea, born 30 March, 1826. She was married on 29th June, 184 7, to William Leader, of Rosnalie, esq., (brother to Nicholas Philpot Leader, esq., M.P. for the county of Cork,) and bore to him, ,vho died in 1861, two sons (William-Nicholas, born 1853, and Francis Henry 1'.Iowbray, born 24. July, .1855), and two daughters, D'ora-Margaret and Margaret. Richard 1\{cGillycuddy 1n. 2ndly, on 6th of Nov., 1849, Anna, youngest dciu. of John Johnstone,~ esq., J.P., of 1Iainstone Court, Herefordshire, (formerly of the 3rd Dragoon Guards), and by her had issue-

* This John Johnstone belonged to one of the leading branches of the Scotch " Johns~ one clan," which claims descent through the Marquis of .Annandale from King Robert Bruce. Mr. Johnstone's wif~ -was the only cbild of the Rev. John Hutton, who belonged to an ancient Saxon Jamily, ~ho claim a royal descent through the line of Plantagenet. P.A~P_ERS.-. 203

I.· RroHARD.:P .A.TRICK, of whom hereafter. n. Denis Charles, born 14 J\iay, 1852. III. John, .born 20 M·arch, 1855. rv. Charles, born 8 Nov., 1857. v .. Neill, born 22 July, 1860. 1. Agnes, born 3 Sept., 1853. 2. Anna-CatheTine, born 20 July, 1856. 3.·l\fa~y-Ruth, born 6 Feb., 1859. 4. Sylvia Emily, born 10 Dec., 1861 .. 5. Inez Eileen, born 10 Oct., "1864; died 12th Oct.,. 1864 .. Richard n1_cGillycuddy, of Banecluone or Whitefield} succeeded in 1826 to the fan1ily estates, which ,vere n1uch diminished by the carelessness of his ancestors.. He, however, devoted himself to the improvement of his property, and by judicious 1nanagement largely increased its value. He also made several extensive purchases of land, and acquired in this way a good deal of the ancient possessions of his forefathers. His influence as a resident proprietor ,vas largely felt in his imn1ediate neighbourhood, and he was respected and beloved by his tenantry, who regarded "the McGillycuddy" as their chieftain and la,vgiver. Many of the denominations of land ,vhich have been mentioned in the foregoing papers ,vill be found in the list of the to,vnlands possessed by the late ~1.cGillycuddy, in the county of Kerry. These to,vnlands are the follo-\ving, na1nely :-In the Killarney Division,-Ardlaghas East, Ardlaghas West, Ardra, 1\.lohart, Coolclun111isk, Carhoonr.,hone, Est1na­ crotty, Bunbennie, Droun1lusky, J\Ieanus East, 1Ieanus West, Coolgarrive, Aghalibeg, Knocknasartnet, Cleeny, Cahircrohane, Banecluone or \'Vhitefield, Upper "\Vhitefield, and Coolroe;-In the Cahirciveen Division-Ahane, Cock­ o,ve, Cappaghclarig, Cappaghn1ore, Cappantanavally, Cloon, Coolnagreena., Cloughfune, Curraghfl.ug11, Blackstones, Droun1dury, Droumstabula, Cou1nle­ tragh, Gortrelig, Gortnago,vn :Thlore, Gortnago,vn Beg, Goulnacappy, East Aulough, \\rest Aulough, Upper Shana.Ty, Lo-,ver Shanary, and Shanacashill; -In the Dingle Division-Ballinagro,vn, Ballycullane, CahircrutheTa, Cahjr­ pierce, East Glantanes, West Glantanes, Killenagh, and Rathduff. The ~I cGillycuddy at the tin1e of his death ,vas possessed of considerable personal property. He was also seized of the advo,vsons of the rectory of 204 1f'GILLYCUDDY P .A.PERS.

Sutton, S. Nicholas, in Herefordshire, and of the Perpetual Curacy of 11iltown,, in the county of Kerry. The !'IcGillycuddy was appointed a Justice of the Peace for the county of Kerry, on the 30th of November, 1815, and served the office of High Sheriff in 182.J:. On the -20th of February, 1832, he ,vas appointed by the Earl of Kenmare to be a Deputy Lieutenant for Kerry. He died on the 6th of January, 1866, and ,vas interred in the family vault at Knockane, on the 11th of January. His friends and tenantry after,vards placed a rich memorial ,vindow in Knockane Church, as a token of the respect and affection universally felt for him. A handson1e Medireval Tablet """as also placed in Knockane Church, by his wido,v, Madan1e iicGillycuddy.

IX. RrcHARD-PATRICK, eldest son of Richard M('Gillycuddy, by his second "rife, is the present JlcGillycuddy. He ,vas bqrn on the 15th of July, 1850. INDEX.

Allegiance, Oath of, 176. 1 Bancloghan, 17i. Brewster, Sir Francis, 161. Andrewes, David, 14. Banecloone, l, 2, 12, 14, 15. Bridgeman, S" Orlando, 91. .Anglesey, Arthur, Earle of, 91, 98. Banecluone, 79 . Brittace, Barron, 8. Anketell, John, 140, 175. Barekanigh, 1 o1. Brittas, Lord, x:xiii. Antrim, Randoll, Marquess of, 128, Barnewall, Sir Patrick, :xxiii. Browne, Thomas, 37, 5i, 58. 129. Barnes, Cadogan, 188. Browne, Vallentine. 90. Antrim, Rose, :Marchioness of, 89, Barrett, David, 149. Browne, Sir Valentine & Capt. 90, 175. Barrett, Edmund, xv. I, 4, 12, 13. Thomas, 181, 182. ..d.movcas 1Wanus, 101. Barrie, George, 5 7• Browne, ,vhitall, 59. Aquavite pott, 29. ! Barry, Benjamaine, 83. Brough, Lieatenant Walter, 135.. Archbald Christi, 33. ) Barry, C?pt. Benjamin, 146, 147 .... Buckingham, George, Duke of, 91. Ardbentuirke, 17 1 Barry, h1charc.l, 131, 132, 136, 13,, Buneneere, 81. ~f\rdelaghes, l, 2. I l4i, 14S. Bunn-Inyre Castle, i. Ardemore, 1, 2, 3. I Bastable, i\Iary, 199. Burges, Capn. 133. Ardenegieaghe, 1. 1 Bateman, Rowland, 130, 131. Burgesse. Daniel, 129, 130. Ardfert. ;1-L I Bathe, 98. Butler, Thomas, 13i. Ardfert; Bishop of, xvii., 36, 37. i Bea~heraghe, 3. Bysse, John, 82, 101. Ardfert Ab bey, xvii. l Beghechane Tleaghta Teig, 7. Bysse, Robert, 4. Ardfert and Aghacloe, Richard, · Behighane, 6. , n .,. I) Bishop of, 4 4. , .uel1rng, \,. 48. Cahaffy, John, 169. Ardis, Lj. , Bennett, Joseph, 132. I Caher-Donellierregh, 5.

Ardlages, 3. : Benr1ett, Margaret and James, 202. 1 Caherdonileragh, 12. ' 1•.)/>l'T";e G"'OT"(r, :;-, :;~ I Ardlaghas, 79. .} ...... , ..,J. ' '- •.:::,'-, V ' .J\.,• Caherebeggarres, 82. Ardlaghies, l ~­ ; Bishops, Committal oftheseven, 162. Caherunahoon. 53. Ardmore, 7, 12, 16. : Bhc.:k,,·ell, Capt.John, l4i. Cahidonellirogh, 15. Ardnegeighe, 43. Bland, Rev·. James, J i6. Cahir, 16. Ardne-greagh, 12. Blennerhassett, Capt. J olm, x:x:xi •. Cahir donnellmoore, 180. Ardra, 180. xxxii. 83. Cahir Parish, 109, 11 0. Ards, 85. ! Blennerhassett, Conway and Eliza­ Cahurrowmirieragh-Glanlogha, 9. - Ardsilane, 4, 5, 16. I beth, 200. Callaghane, Carthy, 33. Ardshillane, 9. j Blenner~ass:tt, Robert, ll 1. Callaghane, Danell mcOwen, 33. Arlington, Lord, xxii. · Bodesmme, -· Callanaferry, 20, 24. Arms, Certificate of, from 11.ster's ! Bodevisendan, 12. Caneh, 56. office. 162. 163. Bodevisenedan, 3. Capinrus, 15. Arms, Licen·se to keep :fire-arms, 79. Bodevismeane, 1, 2, 8. Capough, 1:2. Arms. License to wear, 179. Bo his all, Ii. Cappagh, 82. Articies of Limerick, see Limerick. Bolton, Richard, 14. Cappaghroo, 57. Ashley, Anthony, Lord, 91. Boorke, Theobald, Lorde, 8. Cappanscosse: 5i. Athlone, Viscounte, 13. Booth, Sir Robert, Knt. 123. Cappog or Cappook, l\ifr. 171. Aun.ygarrie, 6, 7. Bordoneen, 107. Carew, Honora, 88. Bordonnie, 75. Carhowleoforc.l, 24. :Babe, Bartholomew, 149. Boton, Peter, 119. Carhownehennewragh, 5. Ballecton, 3. Bourke, Lord, xvi. Carleton, Christopher, 158. BaUeneliagles. 57. Bracahuragh, 9. Carney, Sir Richard, 162, 163. J3allenprior, 107. Bracarigh, 15. Carr, John, 136. :Ballingamboone, 20. Bradlev, i:rr. 13~. Carrew begge, 3. Ballycarnahane, 180. Bragheragh, 2, 12. Carrigh, River, 116. ]3allymallis, 19. Braheraghe, 1. Carroll, :Maurice, 148. Bally 1le Gillynavla, 39. Bramston, ~fo : 98. Carrouanery eightragh, 3 :Bally me gullynivlane, 31. Brasier, Paul, 80. Carrow begg, 12. Bally me Gully-nyvlaune, 51. Brenagh, Garrett oge, 19. Carroweneerryeighterylanelagh, 3. :Ballynorigh, 19. Brenain, Terence, 6. Carrmv lougert, 12. Ban.bury, '\Valter, 128. Brenane, llorish M0 Daniel, 27. Carrowmeereghtera Glanlogh, l 2. 2E 206 INDEX.

Carrowmirreghteroghne Ciafelagh,5. Commissioners of the armie, 51. ! Dempsey, :Mrs. Anne, xxiii. Carruebegg, 85. Commissioners of the County of Dempsey, Colonel James, xxiii. Carteret, Sir George, xxiv. xxv. Kerry, fJ4. Denny, Sr Arthur, 88. xxviii. 122, Commissioners of .Judicature, 58. Denny, Sir Barry, & Sophia, & Henry Carthie, Daniell oge, 9, 20, 33, 36, Confederate Catholiq_ues, 44, 61. 200. 78. Connaught, 71. Dcrilecreg-hivaQ'hc. 1, 2. Carthie, Dermod mcDanic1, 11, 22. Connell, Geffery, 115. Derilctteconse,~ 16: C arth re,. S'm1y .. ny JD :tntl.·. 1 , •l O, :.') 1,I :.:J.') ~ Conne1 1 1, R.... 1car d , 1 l C:.), I,.. 1 • Dcrrcvarroe, J 3G. Carthy, Ch[l.,rles, 1 :2, .:22. Conner, Charles, 135. Dcrrevurro., 5,. Carthy, Chn.rfos a:.c D .. u!ie1, 97. Conner, Ricard, llG., i)7. Carthy, John, :39. Connernabauntoun, 133. Derrynaulife, 20. Carthye, Daniel m(" ffynine, 149. Connor, James, 130, 1:n. Dcrrr:arra, 137. Cartrett, Sr. George, IOI, 111, 121. Connor, John, 130, 136. Desmond, Earl of, 3. Carty, Callaghane, 33. Connor, Thomas, 17 2, 173, I, 4. Dingle, Delivery of timber in, 115. Carty, Donnogh, 31, 32, 33. Cook, "\Villiam, 143. Dirinauliffe, 16. Carubeg, 15. Coolcloher, 136. Dirinebrade, 57. Caruhihone.s, 4. Cooleageliher, i-t-3. Dirreylacca.baghe, 3. Carumire, l 5. Corh:1.1ly, i7. Dirrylenebaghe, 3. Carunihones, 15. Coshirhinie, 73. Dom vile, l 2t,. Castel, John, 160. Cottei-, Sir James, 166. Donlow. 13:}. Castle, Burning of J,fcGillycudcly's, : Councell, Supre~me, 43, 49. Do:noYa.n, J" e:rerniah, 100, 136, 130. 61. Coul:ro, 3. Doonah, ffynin oge an, 53. Castleconnel1, Lord, .xxiii. Cows, rescue of, 49. Doungil, 9. Castle Corry, 4. Craven, Lord, 119. Dowgoliogh, 2, 3. Castle currig, 19, 7(). Creagh, Willia.m, 11, 14, 22, :23. Do,Yn survey, 145, 146. Castle Lyons, 51, ;;2, 55. Cressy, Hugh, 36. Drimineiragh, 57. Castlemaine, 132. Croft, Philio, l 43. Driminie, 7 3. Cattleseizeclforuseof James II. 168. Crohon, O\;en, li6. Driminisse, 57. Cattret, Sir Gc0rge, 111. Cromwell, Henry, S l. Dromloskie, 136, 13i. Cesseinge, 50. Crooksli:::..:nk, Thonrn,s, xxv-. Dromcd-el, 1:32, 133. Chaherdonell.ve2.ragh8, 1, 2, 3. Crosbie, Bishop John, :xvii. Dromore, 136. Champante, John, 100. Crosbie, DaYit1, l+, 16, 44, 5:}, 54. Dromott, lo l. Champante, Sir ,John, 114. Crosbie, Sir Jfaurice, xx,~ii. xxxiii. Dtvmu.d Pa:::ish, 109. Chapell, Richard, 112, 128. Crosbie, :i\forish, xvi. 4. Droumekeare, 101. -9 r.- aR 69 ] '>:) C , . ~> • , • Char 1 es, R~- o , uo, vv, , ---· roso1e, 1 a.tric~, xvi. xxv. Drcumeragh, 101. CharoYrbeg, 1. Crosbie, Thoma.s, lo9. Droum:fieghnue, 101. Charowloughurt, l, 2, 3. Crosbie, '\Valter, 4, 5, 6. Drcurr.humper, 128. Charowmee:reyeaghterglaneloghe, l, , Crosby, Davic1, 12, 33. D roum.os.n:1e,1 1 • :;-7 . 2. l Crosby, John, 36. Duife, Daniel :::VJeDonogh, 23. Charowmeerieyghter, 1, 2, 12. Crosby, Thomas, , i3, 1 O,. Dunboyne, Lord, xxili. Chettwood, 14:3, 172. Crosse, Elizabeth & Rev. :Benjamin, Duncombe, W. 177. Chichley, Sir Tho. 9 I. 198. Dunekierane, 7. Chifferies, 56. Cudmore, P. 99, l 17. Dunguile, 20, 22. Chute, Catherine & Richard, 199. 1 Cuddy, 2. Dunloe, 39, 149. Clancartie, Earle of, 61, 62, 63, 65. I1 Cu~cl-~, ~?hn ,7:!cTeig oge, 41. Durrinefuile, o7. Clanricarde, 151. i Cuillii.1a5 ..11 e, .. , . Dynish Island, 1O I. 1 16. 1 0- 1 .f 1 :;1 :::9 ~:; Clarj_o-h, I Cully n",t~l' 6:,· o' -:,, .. , ..... ' v.-, ...,v. Clark, Denis, 148. \ Culeclohir, tr;. Egane, Carbry, 96, 98. 32. :J9. Cleane Silver, 1 Culemagort, Egane, Charles, 153. Cloghane-Keanuge, 73. i Cullen, Capt. 107. Eagar,Ale.xander, :Margaret, &c. :201. Clogherens, Emerus, 48. l Curowmireeghtrngh Glanlogh, 5. Eger, Ellexenuer, 135. Clounery, 101. \ Currines, 19. Ekenlenare, 82. Clueagh, 17. i Curry, Elizabeth & John, 201. Ekers1y, Roger, 148. ~ t' Cluon, 17. J..:.J-..,11· IS, J 0 1lll, l--=~,. J ;:;• -1 , I ~• 8 • Cnoghane Parish, 110. Dachelaer, Derrick Von, xx:x. 90. Ellis, W. 164.

Cockane Parish, 109. 1 Daly, John, 85, 86. Ely, Lorcl Yisct. Loftus of, 64. Coinegoe, 20. I Danyell, Teige me, 85, SG. .Essex, Arthur,Earl of, 120,121, 123. 30. 48. Collemagvite, Darcy, Patrick, Estreuement.... , 154. Collis, Edward & Charity, 201. Davis, Francis, 142. Eustace, ::.\Iaurice, 70, 7 I. Comleteragh, 133. Davis, Sir John, 7. Commission to enquire into the \ Davys, John, 151. Farrenegatt. J, 3. working of the Act of Settlement, Day, Rev. James & :Margaret, 201. Fearys, Daniell, 27, 28, 31. 91. Debentures concerning McGilly- Ferris, C. 162. Commission to be Captain in the cuddy 's pension, 112. ffaracoylenaven, 82. army, 163. I Deeve Staves, Ii 6. :ft'l.l'inygatt, 15. Commission to be Lt. Coll. 63. I De :Maline, Donil mac Donogb, 19. ff..irmoyle, 20. INDEX. 207

:ffarraboge, 50. Herbert, Edward, 17 4. Killnobounie, 56. :ffarrennagatt, 85. Herbert, Thomas, xxxiii. Killoh, 31, 32, 40. ffeares, Donald, 19. Hinsy, William ny, 18. Killohe, 51, 52, 55. ffearyn-noghtraghe, 7. Hirst, Will. 142. Killone, 20. ffearys, Daniel, Florence, & Francis, Hoare, Edmond, 19. Killsallaghe, 3. ] 60. Hoare, J\forish, 58. Kiloytran, 23. ffermoile, 9. Hobbs, ,villm. 132. Kinagh, 101. ffurunegatt, 82. Hogshead staves, 138. King, Sir J obn, xvii. ffyeld, John, 18. Hollis, Lu. Denziell, 91. Kingston, Lord, 64, 65. Fielde, John, 44. Holmes, Sir Robert, 165. Kippaghmore, 133. Fielding, Charles, 177. Huggett, Richard, 133, 134. Kirwan, i\iiary, 200. Firelocks, License to keep, 140. Hulcombe, Christopher, 81. Knowde, James, 27, 28, 30, 31. Fishing, l 54, 155. Humphreys, John, 148. Ku.ilenagh, 17. Fitton, A. 151. Huoulaghan, Edmond, 58. Kurig Castell, 6. Fitz Gerald, Jacobus, 20. Hussey, Colonel, 171. fitz Gerrald, John 16, 49. Hussey, Morris, 156. Lackeire, 57. FitzMorish, Juan, 17, 18, 39, 44, 54, Hussy, Edmond, xv. 27, 28, 31, 44, Lake, "'\Villiam, 132. 55. 54, 55. Lander, "\Villiam, 85, 86. Fiz Maurice, William, 169. Hutton, Rev. John, 202. Langane, Councillor, 160. Forrest, Daniel, 144, 145, 146. Lauderdale, John, Earle of, 91, J 19. Fowlows, 9. !lands, The, 16. Leader, Dorothea, William, Nicholas ftz Gerald, Gerard, 78, 87. \ Imil;y1:nore, 20. ' Philpot, Francis, & :Margaret, 202. Fz :Maurish, Capt. Robert, 169. Inchiquin, Lord, 50, 51, 62, 63. Leary, Cornelius, 78. Inshinagh, I 00. Leddy, Thomas, 129. Gallwey, Mic1rnell, 129. Insiquin, Earle of, 62, 66, 103. Lein, Dermott, 5, lS, 23, 27. Galmoye, Lord, 151. Irrelagh Abby, 17. Leseknogher, l, 2. Garreltaigh, Daniell, 49. · Iveagh, Viscount, xxiii. Letterree, 80, 99. Gibbon, H. xxx. Letters Patent, 122. Gillicody, nPTeige oge, 7. James II. Commission from, 167, Letternuill, 57. Gillycuddy, Cnoghor me Owen, 88. 168. Leveret, A.lbon, 37. Gillycuddy, Ellin, 95, 97 o James, Sir John, xvii. Leyne, Dermot, 6, 7, 31. Glancare, Earl of, 3. J e:ffryes, :Mr. 99. Licence to visit London, 98. Glancarra, 144, 145, 148. Johnstone, Anna & John, 202. Limerick, Articles of, 175, 177, 179. Glanlogy, 16. Jones, Robt. 112. Lindsey, Lord, 119. Glannisequeen, 86, 87. Joy, Colonel, 19. Lishcomoyger, 3. Glaunbeghy, 109. Joy, Thomas, 19. Lisknogher, 12. Glauster, Arthur, 6. Judges of Assize, 3b. Listiconnor, 9. Gleanmieky, 17. Lixnawe, 31. Gloucester, Duke of, 59, 60. Kahurdonnellerragh, 9. Loftus, Adam, LorJ Chancellor, 38. Godfrey, Ursella, 201. Kanig, 101. Logh-towne, I 16. Goffe, Edward, xxiii. Kappingantanavally, 133. Lone, Richard, 81. Goolde, Steephen, 85, 86. Karhubeg, 132. Longfield, Robt. 130. Gormanston, Lord, 151. Karrignimuck Castle, 32. Longfor<1, Earl of, 177. Gortecomagh, 57. Keapaghenruish, 9. Louth, Lord, xxiii. Gortegoune, 57. Kearewnahones, 79. Louthur, Robert, 98. Gortnagaune, 133. Keatinge, Redmund, 199. Lucett, Philep, 156. Gortnascarry, 19, 88, 180. Kelly, Anthony, 146. Lughercannon, 138. Gortnegean, 23. Kelly, Timothy, 83, 177. Lylesse. John, 156. Gortnessig, 23. Kenengton, ::\fr. 133. Lymerick, Lord, 151. Gou.lane, 15. Kennedy, Rich. 118. Lyran, 145. Gowlans, 20. Kennedy, Robert, 16. Grace. James, 34. Kennedy, Thomas, 74. 1\1:ac Connor, Owen l\:IeShane, 22. Grace: Oliver, 143. Kerlmbeg, 142. J\'.Iac Donnogh, Dermod, 7, 19, 20. Graham, George, 142. Kerry, K---night of, 49, 50. mac fynine Collonell, 84. Grienane, 57. Kieapira, 12. :Mac Gillacuddy, Cornelius, Donogh, Groome, :Marcus, 116. Kieapirash, 1, 2, 3. Ellane, Ellin, and Kathelyne, 25. Kilboy, 177. :Mac Gillycuddy, Donogh, xv. Hall, W. 59. Kildare, Earl of, 177. 1\iiacGilly cuddy, Donogh, Lt. Colon ell, Hallyman, David, l 38. Kilforglin Castle, 49. 61, 62, 64, 65, 70, 79, 80, 84, 86, 88, Hamilton, Robert, 151. Killalow, 133. 98, 118, 120, 123. Harman, Daniel, 155. Killgarvan, 1 Ol. l\Iac Gillycuddy Reeks: 77. Harrys, Edward, 36. Killemmelagh Parish, 11 O. 1\ilagaulen, 12. Harte, Henry, 19. Killennaine Parish, 109, llO. l\fagillycuddy, Cornelius, 179. Hassett, Capt. 17 5. KillenoGaha, 56. Mahonie, l\iiary, 88. Hely, John, 177. Killimmeglagh parish, 1OS. Mahony, Denis, 200. Hene, Henry, 143,144, 146. Killmac-Ie:ren, 101. Mahony,John, 136,137,173. 208 INDEX.

:Mahony, McTeige, 84. l\IcGillycuddy, 49. Oacke-boords. 115. l\Iahony, Terence, 84, 85. ~icGillycuddy, Cornelius, 25, 115, Oak Timber, '151, 152. malten-Skillaghig-Bryhig, 101. 128,129, 13:2, 136. Oath of Allegiance, 176. Marduque, 60. McGillycuddy, Denis, 90, 98. O'Brenane, :Morris, Si. :Marriage Article5, 95. :\1 cGillycuddy, Donntu5, 77. O'Bryen, 8i. :Marriage Bond, 97. McGillycuddy, Donogh, 50, 78, 95, O'Caghane, Cornelius, 48. 1Iarriage Settlement, 88. 97, 100, 11 i. O'Conno, Terr. 5:~, 55. Marshall, Robert, 83, 106, 150. l\1cGillycuddy, 11agi1alen, 91. O'Cormick, Cnoghor, D3. l\iartin, lVIontgomery Agnew, 200. l\:fcGillycuddy, Sily, 77. O' Da1y, Godfrie, 44. :Mayberry, George, 201. )IeGiollacuudy, Cnoghor: 9. O'Digain, Teige, 22. l\:F Andrew, David, 19. mcGullicoddy, Cnochor, 116. O'Dingne, Teige, 43. l\P Aulliffe, Donnogh, 85. l\fcGullicuddy, Shily, 78. O'Donogh, Tiege, 44. l\fc Boheligg, Cosnigb, 19. McGyllicuddy, Donnogh, 42. O'Galuone, Teig, 15. l\1c bryen, {ynie, 4-1. l\ifcGyllycuddy, Donogh, 41, 43. o Kealighir, Donogh, 88. l\fc Carthie, Daniel, 38, 39, 50. 1[cHue, Edmorn1, 18. O'Kiervic1"e~ Philippum, 22. 1\1 c Carthie, Owen, 11 , 22. n-P}Iorish, Donel, 5:2. O'Learie, Fargynemyn, 6. me Carthy, Charles, 89, 95, 96, 97, 98. :0-Fi\Iurtagh, Owen, :20. O'Leyn, nielaghlen, 18. me Carthv·, Daniel, 96, 9S. ~POwen, Donald, 20, 36. 0 lichlene, Donnogh, 33. me Carthy, Tiege, 96, 98. l\l~Owen, ffeare$, 19. Olum, Oilill, 189. ]\feCartby-ruore's bond, 128. l\IcSheane, Diormucl, 12, 22. o·Lyne, Dermod oge, 53. 1.fc Carty. Cormick }PDonogh, 33. l\IcSwiny, Edmond, 7. O'Lyne, DuneL 53. l!cCarty Reagh, xxiii. l\IcSwynny, Edmond~ 27, 28. O'}luroghowe, Donogh, 23. 1\1 cc Broige, Donill, 56. :McTilahir, Tei!!. 16. O'N' ede, mcCarthy Cormock,:9o. l\1ceGillicuddy, Donnogh, 55. 1Ieagbg-awlen, Y2. O'Xeile, Sir Henry, Knt. 89. Jl c-= iiorta~h, Roger, 56. ~Ie,11lc1., 7. Ormo11d, D-:..:ke of, 80. Mc Cnog, iiorogh, 6. ?\legaului, l, 2. Ormond, J,unr~, Duke of, 82, 84, 98. l\Ic Crossan, xvii. ~Iereuith. Sir Charles. Knt. 123. Ormor~de, l\lnrc1 utss of, 6 ! , 62, 64, l\I c Cnogher. owen ~,reshane, 12. :\fonefoel:~g-h, 1. , 6.:S, i !:1. J.\,f ce Owen, :?.Iorto , --·'.>'> ...,'7\1ot1·~1· u \.l....,,...~·•. .. ,'-~ , -• O'Sullevane, Aul1fe, 7. l\Ic Donnogh, Teig, 7, 39. lVIoun traith, 7 0, 71. O'Sullevnnc. Daniel. 170. l\Pc Donaugh, Dorrill, 56. :YI uelcaha: 88. o·sullevane~ Donnell and Owen, 39, l\ICC Donaugh, nforish, 57. l\1 uliins, Arebella & Thomas, 202. 41. l\Ic Donnell; Alexander, 48. n'.Iunifiugh, 16. O'Sullevane, Owen1POwen, 39, 41, me Egane, Daniell, 115. :Munster. Vice-President of, 86, 87. 51, 54. ];le Edmond, John, 57, 58. l\luntir-Barie, 73. O'Sullevane, Thadeus }Jcffynen, 6, 7. 1'1c Elligott, Colonel Roger, 159, 167. l\luschamp, \Ym. 129, 130. O'Sullh-an, Daniell oge: 54, 55. nlc ffi.nin, Dermod, 20, 89. ~Iuskree, Lord Viscount. 42. O'Sullivan, I~nsign Owen, 60. ~Ic Finyne, Donnogh, 44. . jluskry, 43, 48. · O'SulliYane, Cornelius, alias l\'fCGille- :McGill, Catherine & Darby, 200. cuddy, 6, 7, 44. ~f('Gillechedy, Cnogher, 4. Kagle, Bartholomew, 130, 131, 138. O'Sullivane, 1)anie11, als. O'Sullivane 1\IcGillecud, Donaldi Geraldagh, l, Nagle, John, 24. ~lore, li, 18, 19, ~7,31, 51,54. 3, 12. KaglE-,Richard, 16i. O'Sullivane, Dermott, Bough, Daniel, 1\IcGillecudi, Connor, Donogh, Ellen, Kaper~ Lt. Coll. James, 'i 4. and Conor, &c. XY. andKathleen,36. Napper, 107. o·sullivane, Owen, Commission for, 1i,1eGillecudi, Nell, 37. Napper, James, xviii. ;J9. 11('Gillecudie Daniel, 36. . K ecargy, Rich'us oge, 20, 24. O'SulliYane, Owen, l 7. 1vrcGillecuddy, Cnoghor :finine, 49. ! N'elsonn, John, 59. O'Sullivane More, Owen, 18, 26, 27, McGillecuddy, Connor, 8, 11, 12, 19, ! Nethercott, John, 151, 154. 29, 39, 40, 41, 42, 51, 54, 55, 57, 20. 33, 36. Netterville, Lord, xxiii. 78. :rvreGillecuddy, Donnogh, 54. Newman, Jacob, 2, 8. O'Sullyvane, Cnoghor oge, 11, 22. i1cGillicliody, Donogh, 5. Newcomen, 'Thomas, 8, 13. O'SullyYane, Daniel and Owen, 51. :rv1cGillicuddy, Cnogher, 147. Nicholas: Edward, 68, 69. O'Suollyvane, Diermod l\I0Daniell, 9, l\:l0 Gillicuddy, Capt. Daniel, 147. Noble, Richard, 156. 20, 30. .J.\l°Gillicuduy, Donnogh mcConogher, Normington, Hugh, 112. O'Swilevan, Donaugh iicdermott, 8 . 13, 36. Nottingham, Earl of, 165. O'Swillyvane, Owen, 31, 32, 43. INDEX. 209

Ousley, RicharL1, 59. Roche, ffrancis, 22. Sulyvane, Owen, 96. Owingarries, 7, 52. Rochester Earl of, 151, 152. Sulyvane, Syly, 57. Oxen for the use of King James II. Rosecousan, 57 169. Rossdoghen, 17. Taaffe, Lord, 60. Rowan, Archdeacon, 3. Taf, Viscount, 59. Page, Thoma:::, i9, 8+. Rupert, Priuce, 91. Talbot, Will. 15 l • Pa5se for ~-1cGillycwlt1y to ente~ Ire- Talbot. Sir W. xx.iii. land, 6S, 69. Salmon fishing, ] 50. Talebo'tt, Colonel Gilbert, 59. 1 P erc1va. 1 1, Ph···1npu~, -ii 9. S argennt, J ohn, l 12. Taulagh, 13~).

Perkins, Christopher, 131, J 32. Saunu2rs1 lfobe:rt, 1:3 l, J 32. Templenoe Parish, 110. Pettie, John, 70. Schon berg, Letter of ;ilarshal de, 166. Tenescartie, I, 2, 3, 12, 15. Petty, Sir "'\Villiam, :xix. xxii. xxi,:. Schuldharn, Edmund, 180. Thompson, John, 101. xx:v. xxyi. xxviii. 83, 80, 100, 106, Shaen, James, <,7, 70, 71. Thompson, Richard, 172, 139, 159. 111, ll2, 114, 115, 119, ]22, 139, Shanascossi.:11, 1:1:3. Thorp. Isaac, 151. 143, 144, 146, l 47, 148. Shanayaghe, L 2. Tineskarty, 82. Phalvy, Dermod, 6. Shanby als. Shaunbyge, 3. Tomson, l\lr. 132. Pickett, Shaen, 37. Shanderies, 150. Trant, Henry, 130. Pierce, Willm. 19. Shaniry, 15. Trant, Johanna, 201. Piery, J obn, 44. Shanneragh, 12. Trant, Patrick, 98. PistcHs, case of, 79. Shea., Daniel, 6. Traunt, Dominic, 20. Pleggerd, 49. Shehandury, 7~. Tr:1unte, Patricke, 18. Plunkett. Sir Nicholas. 80. Shellburne, La11y, 175. Trees, oak, 13~3. Pole money or Poll tax, 179. Shellburne, Lord, 173. Trevor, Sir John, Knight, 91. Porter, Charles, 142. Shicrly, Thoma.", 14. Trimlestom1e, Lord, xxiii. Porter, LorJ. Chancellor, 177. Skyduy, Thomas, 116. Trumball, '\rm. 67. Powell, Samuel, xxxL Slaght, l\l'llury, 2. Tuogh, 74. Pretty, Coll'. 8:3. Sla~:e, Lord, H):3. Tuosista parrish, I IO. Pretty, Colonel Henry, 1-1G, 147. Smile,.. J:1.n1es, 82. T,\-oghclanihe, 2. Pretty, Henry, 100, 101. Smit11, ·clrristrDas, 138. Tynaskarty, 85. Pretty, l\'Ir. ISO. Sorren, 2, 3. Tyrconnell, Earl of, 151, 156, 15'r, Prior parisb, 108. Sronashyrry, 40. 163. Prittie, Eliza & Baldi~, !77. Sro:1.rny-hirrie; 51. Protestants releeveJ. by },IcGilly- Sronnakirry, ;;:2, 55. .,.., ensy, Ld9->or , _o:.. cuddy, 62. 1 Sronohiry, 17. Volters. J oa.nna. xxx. Purcell, N. 151. Srughgraine, 9i. Vice-President of i\funster, 87. Pyne, I{obert, 177, 179. Srughgreany, 96. St. Alban, 98. W ageningen, Burgomaster of, 90. Q,,e.,.-e,,n""" .1..!. \.., .. , -,-> "0. Stephe:ason, H. 141. 1Valer, James, lt,O. Quitrent, Certificate of, I 17. St. Leger, Dorothea., 202. '\Valke:r, Edward, 60. Qucde, 5:2. Stopford, Cal)t. 83. \Va1ker, "V[. 103. Sughrue, Charles, 27, 28, 38. "\Valler, 17 2. Raboke, 24. Suievane, Tymothy, 129. "\Valler, Sir Hardre~s, 61. Rahinagh, 20. SuleYane, })ermod oge, 150. \Valler, James, 144, 145, 148. 1 1':-, "D -,- Rahurowmireogbteraghnykesallagh, SulleYane, Daniell and fflorence, S7, ' ~ a 11·1s, .1..").. -.J- 9. 96~ 9~ 13~ 136,137. '\Y andesford, Christopher, 38. ,:,7,1 ,.., 1 ... , -:: 13 Ram, Andrew, 128. Sul1evane, Giles, 2G, 27, 34. ; , •. r,;;, ti ,ln.e ... , . Ranelaugh, Lord Visct· 103, 107, 113. , Sullevane, :Mary, 26, 3-t, 42. '\Yarren, Henry, S, 13, 14. Rawlins. John. 155. SulleYane. Owen. 87. ,ventw-orth, 33, 34, 35, 36. Raymond, San1uel, 16. Sullivan, Capt. Dermod, 147. Yr elsh, John, 50. -rT~ . t V 1 .£' ••• Raymonts, nlr. 112. I SulE·,an, D,:niel, 141. \\ estmeat11, 0.1., xx111. Reekes, 1\IacGillycuddie~s, 'i 5. Sullivan, Florence, is. \Vestminster, City of, 98. Refractories, ll0, 111. Sullin1,n, John, l41. "\Yhite, l\faurice, 82. Rewgons!aine als. Regallin, 3. Su1livane, Danlell l\IcOwen, 78. '\Vhitehn.11, 64. Reynell, l{ichard, 177. Sulli vane, Ellen, 18, 26. ,rillin.m III. 164. R1ce,. E'aw. o-3 , D-4 , DD,-- '"',c-.1 11:i"\ · ane, J oane, ')i::-0, 9-_,. ,villiams, John, 155. Rice, Gregory, 115. Sullivane, Jlary, l i, 18. "\Villmott, Sir Charles, XYi. 3, 13. Rice, Robert, 138, ] 39. Sullivm~e~ ow-en fltz Dcrmcd, 19. "'\Vorcester, 98. Rice, Stephen, 150. Sulli.vane, Syly, 17, 18. 1Yinch, Cyrill, 177. Richard, Rev. John, 156. Sullyv-an, Giles, Ellen, :Mary, and Roch, Dfind, 14. Sheely, 34., Abraharn,.164. Roch, ffranci$, 11. Sully-vane, Syly, 58. Yorke, Duke of, 63, 71. Roch, Lord Viscount, xxiii.



Page 6, line 19; for '' Tragynemyn,'' read "Fargynennym," or recti·us "Fear-gan-ainm ;" i.e., " the man without a name . .Page 151, line 7; for "H. Pytton," read "A. Fytton." Page 177, line 9; for" Cyrill Wren,'' read" Cyrill Winch."