Office Sought: State Committee Man Address: 2070 Cooper Street #434, Missoula, MT 59808 Precinct: Hellgate 95 1. Briefly describe your previous experience and community involvement: Hellgate Democrat Precinct Committteman (2008-Present); DNC Rules Committee member for (Philadephia-2016); Missoula Democrats Technology Committee, Bylaws Committee (Chair); Williams Dinner Committee (Multiple years and Co-Chair); Library Precinct Committeeman (1998-2001) Past State Committeeman and Alternate (Late 90’s and 2008-2011). Volunteer and paid campaign experience for various candidates including , Gail Gutsche, , Bernie Sanders, Max Baucus (1996 western canvass director), TJ McDermott, numerous legislators, and Steve Bullock. Non-profit consultant for WORD, Center for Policy Analysis and Community Change, Forward MT, MT Women’s Vote, Take Back PAC, Center for Environmental Policy, Campfire USA, Grizzly Scholarship Association. Present Board Member, Montana Conservation Voters (Missoula); Past board member, Jeannette Rankin Peace Center, MT Democratic Party (Young Democrats); Lobbyist, ; Political Action Director (ASUM, 1997-1999). Fundraiser for Montana Food Bank Network and Montana Innocence Project. Organizer with Missoula United for , Brand New Congress, TN for Bernie, MT Progressive Dems. Attorney for the Office of Public Defender. 2. Which of your skills and abilities are you willing to volunteer as part of your service on the next Executive Board? Campaign organizing, technology, event planning, training, VAN, Website, fundraising, convention efforts, party-building, legal, strategic planning, coalition building, party expansion. 3. Please describe your specific qualifications for the specific position you are seeking. The State Committee positions attend state conventions and work on programs for the central committee. I have experience at multiple conventions, including many state conventions and the last Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. I want to continue the local party-building work and expand on this work statewide. I want to ensure that Montana’s delegates to the DNC support a 50 state strategy and the values that are inspiring so many to join the party. I have held this position before and I will seek to represent the CC at the state level to shape and accomplish the goals of the Party. 4. Please describe your philosophy on group decision-making and conflict resolution: I prefer consensus models but understand that we will at times have disagreements and use democratic voting to decide important issues. I believe that our group will benefit from evidence-based decisions, civil debate, and active listening. I am in favor of open and transparent approaches that allow all to participate however they can. 5. Do you have the time to dedicate to the job? Yes, I will make this a priority. 6. What are your top goals for the Missoula County Democrats in the future? How would propose achieving such goals? • Continue to fill the central committee and work on other committees with the 686 plan to energize the MT Democrats. • Fill the entire Missoula legislative delegation with Democrats with grassroots organizing. • Build a robust party with active fundraising. • Provide programs and events that help draw in newcomers and diversify our Party. • Elect true grassroots representatives to the State E-Board and to MT’s DNC positions. Please vote Ben Darrow for State Committee Man. I would be honored to serve the Democrats on the e-board and beyond!