First National Bank Sohanck —
Qpiy paper Sn Monmouth A D a ily R e c o r d o f tKe L o ca l ; County receiving regular daily Happenings is the ShoreD ii- Tc)cgmph News Service.' ‘ trictf?om Deal to Belmar. FOURTEENTH YEAR* NO. 293, ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, ■I'M PRICE ONE CENT : EL SC WOOD PARK LEASED SULLOCrS GONDITION TO SPECIAL AWARD1 • - 1.' • - . * . ■ ■«*»• Monmouth Brivi.-.i;: id 1'i^ld Cltili IUccir- SAID TO BE CRITICAL Three Flaliiuff ICods to ,bo Sont T , I j R e^..;E ^ate ^B afgain,! . - paruleB nml^\Vlll:flrcatiy-Im prove ~ Wiioox^by.J^edreatliggi Magrazino lor JDespatcli Recplved at':l?ro.sliolil Docs Not For sale and rent-r-our specialty ■ ssssd. Beautify the* (li-tiuiiUf Prize Pliotograiihs SuhmittecK . ■■ Say -SherlJV lir liis M iir - being, property at Asbuiy Paik; . Tho Monmouth County Driving one v Ail oxcolIon t photograph o f Fisheriniin, ■ One'of the best built and mod- .V ' ' ilorfir ?iortll %Vlth Him. FieliicJuljrecentlyfoririad In New York A; W . LtiFufgo of this clty>-'vvith hlB prize *Allenhurst and £)eal. Although his 'cpidltlbri Is jritlcal arid : era improved, qotteges a t; by .prbmjjneafc summer residents o f Lonp oitcJi, a 23-pound'bftsg, upon hisjjack, ,^vas ■ every, day that posses,without a>v operation Branch nnd yJoihity, with : Br. , II. H aubliiittwl In th o lnsfe yearly photograph io being performed leBSonB hls ohnricca of life, Art In^plMhtary Fqtitipn Filed by Kane, prominent is driving clrolea,: as it-i contest.of Recrcatiori by F. L; W ilcox of Alleged Scheme Probably Sounds i¥ s 5 1 a n c e - — D E A L - - William’,Bullock, tho riojgro desperado who prosldoht,.hag' tcon incorporated and"hat Asbufy Park.
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