Take inventory of your .printed sup- One word can tell the story otf con­ -pliea. If you-need anything:,: the tinued business activity in the com­ Times standB ready to give you .service. THE OCEAN GROVE TIMES munity— Advertising. ANT) THE BHOnfi TIMES VOL.LXI. No. 48 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1936 FOUR CENTS RETIRED PASTOR TO HAVE CHRISTMAS PARTY THURSDAY CLUB RUTGERS HAS NEW PLAN WARNS AGAINST Bible Class Hears Talks by Pastor MOTHERS’ CIRCLE BAZAAR Students Receive Advice From MOVES TO GROVE and Teacher HAS BIRTHDAY Electrical Engineers TURNING BACK Dr. Frederick II. Wright, teach­ TO BEHELD NEXT FRIDAY Cordie Wcart, son of Mr. and DR. AND MRS. R. W. II. WEECH er of the. class, and Dr. H. P. Fox, ORGANIZATION WAS FOUND­ Mrs. William II. Wcart, 129 Mt. KEEP HAND ON PLOW SAYS pastor of the church, were speak­ Tubor Way, is one of sevonteen HAVE COTTAGE HERE ED 25 YEARS AGO DR. FOX ers at tho November business students in the department of el­ meeting of the Assembly Bible Mrs. Marjorie MacWhinney Is General Chair­ ectrical engineering at Rutgers Veteran of -18 Years in Baltimore class, which was held last Friday.1 Mrs. E. N. 'Woolston is Hostess to University who will participate-in' Loneliness, Sorrow and Sin Should Conference Expects to Live evening in. the; Junior Room of St. Club; Five Charter, Members man of Committee— Other Department the “industrial advisor” plan es­ Not Persuade One to Give Up tablished by the department to Here Permanently in Home Pur­ Paul’s church. Attend; Review 25 Year Old Pic- Battle; “First Things Shall Be The class voted to send $5.00 to help Rutgers students gain a bet­ chased 22 Years Ago. tures. ..’■ Last” is Evening Theme. the West Side Mission and also Heads Named— Cafeteria Supper a Feature ter knowledge -; of the, ■ practical; Sunday morning at St. Paul’s made plans for the annual Christ­ The 25th anniversary of the applications of electrical engir Dr; II. ?• Fox’s sermon Sunday church, Dr. and Mrs. Robert W . mas party which w ill follow a Thursday Club was observed last .neering in ^the; industrial field. ; morning in St. Paul’s church was 3hort business meeting on Friday, Friday evening at the home of Seventeen electrical engineers II. Wccch were introduced to 'tho : • Next Friday, December 4, is the Elmer .Sm ith; . publicity, Mrs. a demonstration to those who December 18. Mrs. E. N. Woolston, 315 Bender- , engaged in ■ prominent New Jersey congregation and welcomed to the day/for the annual Bazaar, Spon­ A. B1 Knight; fancy booth, Mrs. It, was. announced that there is mere avenue, Interlaken. Five i and. .:New; York .industrial firms would turn back in the face of community by Dr. II. P. Fox, the sored by tlie Mothers’ Circle of St. Earl Height, Mrs. Joseph Porter. ., , . • .. , still $70.00 to be raised to cover charter members were present, difficulty.- His text was " He who pastor. : Dr. Weech has retired Paul’s church. Tlie Bazaar will be And, aprons, . Mrs. ' James Day,1h? ^ W < *d ,to act. as advisory and Mrs. Mary Flint, president; Mrs. putteth his hand on the plow and from the Baltimore M. E. Confer­ the coal fund pledged by. the class held all day at the church and Mrs. Henry: Smith j .doils, Mrs. H. j hold “ "fences with: their last year. Woolston, seretary; Mrs. W.; E. turneth back is not worthy of me.” ence and he and Mrs. Weech are Mrs. : Marjorie M ac. Wlnnney v is ■W.--’ '.Allen; fisli pond, Mrs, : Ira IPr?‘ ^ ; arrange, for, inspection A t the meeting the coming Sun­ Taylor, treasurer, and Mrs. Laura | tours of industrial plants, permit One reason why folks turn back, preparing .to make their perman­ general chairman. ; day afternoon, at 2.15 in . the Wilson and Mrs. Joseph Johnson. students to.:observe ■" the industrial: he said, is because of loneliness. ent home here at 8 Embury ave­ A cafeteria supper, under the Ruth Trimmer; second hand books, church,: the class will give atten­ Others attending the meeting routine in. their- own off ices and But,' the pastor went on, there nue, the cottage which they pur­ chairmanship of Mrs. L.. B. VMuK Mrs. Ira Ferris, Mrs.'.William Tay~; tion ..to. a lesson on “Christian were Mrs. Harry E. Shenton and hold discussions on the students’ never- was a loneliness like that chased in 1914. ford,; assisted by Mrs. Claude lor. :; . ‘ j; £■'v’v.C Brotherhood.” Read Philemon 1: Mrs. B. B. Shubert. ■ personal problems. which Jesus endured. Forty-eight years and three Richmond, Mrs. George Catley and The Mothers’ Circle is to have a 4-21. Gclden text, Galatians. 3: 28. A short sketch o f. the club, look­ L. A. Heath, of Upper Mont­ Secondly, some people give up- months in the ministry, I):;. Weech Mrs. John Syms, will be held from covered dish luncheon at the home ing over group pictures taken 25 clair, technical manager of the because of s o t t o w and disappoint­ had as his last charge Straw- 5 to 7 p. m., as one of the features of Mrs. Phineas Proctor, 29 New years, ago, was enjoyed. One of Morganite Brush Company,, will ment, but here again is the ax- bridge M. E. Church, Baltimore. of the Bazaar. York avenue, next Tuesday, in HUNTERS NOW the prime; movers in the organiza­ act as advisor to Weart. ample of the Nazarone, whose ag­ Among other pastorates which he Heads of other committees are preparation for the Bazaar. Mrs. tion Was Mrs. John E. Quinn, who onies surpassed those of anyone served were Fayette Street, Wal- as follows: dining* room, Mrs. Proctor will be assisted by Mrs. is now living in Symrna, Del. who ever lived, preached Dr. Fox. brook, Govnns, all in Boltimore, SEEKING FOWL Frank Mount; checker, Mrs. W ar­ Ira Ferris and Mrs. H. C. Erbach- Games and • a guessing contest,, REGRET DEATH Sin also causes humans to hesi­ and Calvary Church, Annapolis. He ren Hulskamper; decorations, Mrs. followed by a collation in keeping tate and slip back in the march of also served . junior pastorates at SEASON WAS OPENED YES­ St. Paul’s, Hagerstown;’ First with the Thanksgiving season, OF A MEMBER life,, he continued. B u t lie remin­ TERDAY MORNING furnished a delightful evening. ded that tho Master’s example of Church, Boltimore; and Madison ber of the Stokes Fire Company, a ; Tho club will have a luncheon purity and self-denial is one for Avenue Church, after his gradua­ WALTER CLAYTON life member of the Elks, a m e m - ROUND TABLE EULOGY OF meeting next Thursday at 1.30 p. all to follow. tion from Johns Hopkins univer­ Rules Outlined For Nimrods; Fish ber of Asbury Lodge, 142 F: an d ! MRS. ASCHENBACH in., at the St. Elmo Hotel here as When we put our hand to the sity and entrance into the. minis­ ahd Game Commission Reports A. M-, and treasurer for the past; , the’ guests of Mrs. Shubert. - DIED WEDNESDAY plow and then turn back, dosed try in 1877. He was serving his 30 years of the Bonnett Gunning Great Flights of Ducks and the preacher, we forfeit all. second pastorate at St’rawbridge Club, Surf City, N. J: He was a Organization Met Monday Even­ Geese. ' • . ' PIONEER MERCHANT WAS ILL A t this service, Dr. Fox baptized When he retired. member St. Paul’s M. E. ing; Solo And Recitation Are HETRICK CITED William Albert, the infant son of Dr. and Mrs. Weech have trav­ Wildfowl hunting along New ;■ FOR SOME TIME Church. He was also affiliated with Given; Next Meeting December Mr. and Mrs. Charles Canning, 48 eled abroad two times and hope Jersey’s coastal bays, rivers and Standard Chapter, Knight Temp­ FOR CONTEMPT 7. ■ . ■” - Olin street. to go again. They Tented their lakes- began yesterday and will'; end lars, Long Branch;; and Salaam Son of The Late C. C. Clayton The evening sermon by Dr. Fox cottage in 1935 and spent August Christmas Day. 'Great flights of Temple, Newark. : A resolution. of: sympathy for Was Director in Asbury Park concerned the assertion that “The and September in England. 'rV. ducks : and geese reported along the KNIGHT TAKES DRASTIC AC­ He is survived by his wife, Mrs. the president, Mrs. Charles Rake- first shall be last.” Their first trip to Ocean Grove Atlantic Flyway during the past and Ocean Grove Bank; Lived in Virginia Clayton. Their home is straw, whose mother passed away TION IN SULLIVAN CASE In making this statement, felt was in 1903, in which year . Dr. several weeks w illprovide much Ocean Grove All His Life; Was at 73 Main avenue. Also surviving recently, was read at Monday the preacher, Jesus was not an­ Weech purchased the property at sport for licensed hunters, the Postmaster For 9 Years. are two sisters, Mrs. Laura C. night’s meeting of the Ocean Asbury Park Mayor, City Mana­ nouncing a revolutionary program 9 Webb avenue. He sold that State Fish and Game Commission Hetrick, Neptune; and Mi-3 . Mar­ Grove Round Table, which was ger and Four Councilmen M ust but was voicing a great .spiritual home after buying 8 Embury. announced today. W alter F. Clayton, pioneer resi­ guerite Klinger, who lives in held at the home of Mias Judith Show Cause Why They Shouid dent of Ocean Grove and owner principle that the best things Concerning Ocean Grove, Dr. The waterfowl season opened Woodcliff, N,. J. Mr. Clayton had Ayers, 79 Cookman avenue.
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