List of participants selected for FDP0M04 Developing Instructional Material 29.06.2020-03.07.2020 S No Username/Email Name of Participant Gender Department Designation Name of the Institution Type of Institution Institution Address City & Pin code State Mobile 1
[email protected] Sk. Rehana bee Female Humanities and Science Lecturer Govt polytechnic, Parkal Polytechnic Colleges Govt. Polytechnic, Parkal Warangal, 506164 Telangana 9949658526 2
[email protected] S DURGA PRASAD Male Humanities and Science Lecturer Government Polytechnic Navipet Polytechnic Colleges Gpt Navipet(525) Nizamabad Telangana Navipet 503245 Telangana 9491314945 3
[email protected] Dr.K.MOHAN Male Humanities and Science H.O.D(U.G)/CHEMISTRY SAKTHI POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Polytechnic Colleges Sakthi polytechnic College,Sakthinagr ERODE(Dt) 638315 Tamil Nadu 9842638983 4
[email protected] V.EDDAIAH Male Humanities and Science Contract Lecturer in Mathematics KDR.Govt.Polytechnic.Wanaparty Polytechnic Colleges KDR.Govt Polytechnic college Wanaparty &509103 Telangana 9948990878 5
[email protected] Dr.K.MOHAN Male Humanities and Science H.O.D(U.G)/CHEMISTRY SAKTHI POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Polytechnic Colleges Sakthi pokytechnic college ERODE(Dt) 638315 Tamil Nadu 9842638983 6
[email protected] Manthri Swathi Female Humanities and Science Assistant professor MLR institute of pharmacy Pharmacy Dundigal, Medak Hyderabad,500043 Telangana 9603669406 7
[email protected] V.RAMALINGA MURTY Male Humanities and Science LECTURER IN PHYSICS GOVERNMENT