FEBRUARY 1999 GAME DEVELOPER MAGAZINE GAME PLAN 600 Harrison Street, San Francisco, CA 94107 t: 415.905.2200 f: 415.905.2228 w: www.gdmag.com Landing the da Vinci Deal Publisher Cynthia A. Blair cblair@mfi.com EDITORIAL Editorial Director ast fall, I had the fortune to Second, decide early whether the fea- Alex Dunne
[email protected] find myself in a little town tures or performance gained warrant Managing Editor in France called Amboise, the extra work. If what’s being asked of Tor D. Berg
[email protected] Departments Editor L located about two hours you won’t make your game better, the Wesley Hall
[email protected] outside of Paris by train. While wan- deal may be skewed substantially in Art Director dering around town one day, I came their favor. You’re lengthening your Laura Pool lpool@mfi.com upon an impressive estate which I development cycle and/or cutting out Editor-At-Large Chris Hecker
[email protected] quickly learned was Leonardo da the development of important features Contributing Editors Vinci’s final residence. Da Vinci was in order to implement irrelevant (or Jeff Lander
[email protected] given this residence (called Chateau du worse yet, harmful) “features” to the Mel Guymon
[email protected] Clos-Luce, or “house of light”) by King game. Remember that by far your most Omid Rahmat
[email protected] Advisory Board Francois I in 1516. In return, the king important customer is the player, and Hal Barwood LucasArts wanted da Vinci simply to continue his that all decisions should be made with Noah Falstein The Inspiracy artistic and scientific explorations.